2 minute read
Tavin Cummings
Giovonni Thompson
Q. Thanks for interviewing with us tell everyone who you are and where you’re from?
A. My name is Giovonni, I’m a mother and CEO. I was born in France and grew up mostly in NJ.
Q. Who is your favorite sports hero?
A. My favorite hero would have to be Michael Jordan. I think he is the greatest to ever to do it; however, when I was young, I loved Flo Jo and Wilma Rudolph...both track and field phenoms.
Q. What inspired you to want to own your own professional basketball team?
A. I was inspired by the challenge. When presented with the idea from my then partner, I immediately saw the version for it...So I went for it.
Q. Tell us about “Camden Monarchs” and the motivation behind it?
A. The Camden Monarchs is a men’s pro basketball team in Camden, NJ. I was presented with the idea from my partner at the time to get the franchise. The motivation of taking it to Camden was because it is a huge basketball town and I have deep roots there with my family. I thought it would be a great addition to the current revitalization of the city.
Q. Congratulations on being the youngest African American woman to own a professional basketball team how does it feel?
A. To be honest, I don’t even think about it, or the title. I still have so much more work to do for the city and the organization. I’m just grateful to God for allowing me to achieve it.
Q. Being in the entertainment industry for so many years how did that prepare you for this new role?
A. The entertainment industry prepared me because like sports, it’s a male dominated industry. It taught me how to deal with men and how to navigate in different circles of influence.
Q. Are there any new skills or hobbies you picked up since the start of the pandemic?
A. I really spent a lot of my time researching and reading.
Q. Tell us about the Gio Global Sports Agency and how it got started?
A. I decided to start the Sports Agency when I made the transition from music to sports. It’s very much still a work in progress.
Q. Is there any advice you can give to others that want to be into entertainment and sports?
A. Do your research and get a mentor!
Q. What is one fun fact about yourself?
A. Fun fact is I love to cook and have aspirations of owning a restaurant or food truck.
Q. Where can the readers follow you?
A. The readers can follow me at @ giosoglobal on IG and follow my team page at @camdenmonarchs.