4 minute read
Regina Sunshine Robinson
Q. Thanks for interviewing with us. Tell everyone who you are and what you do?
A. My name is Regina Sunshine Robinson. I am an Author, Talk Show Host, Motivational Speaker, Empowerment Coach and Educator. In every area of business, my goal is to leave people better than I found them. I provide empowerment and inspiration through positive content, events, community projects and one on one coaching.
Q. Let’s talk about “Regina sunshine global network and how it got started?
A. Regina Sunshine Global Network is the business that houses all things, Regina Sunshine. We provide positive content through publishing, education, media, and community initiatives. RSGN was created as an umbrella to house all the many projects I was already involved in and to unify my efforts to create more positive changes.
Q. What or who inspired you to be the woman you are today?
A. My mother and my grandmother were my biggest influences. My mother is the original Sunshine. The way she loves and serves people is the model for how I approach my purpose to leave people better than I found them. She always told me that I was beautiful and smart, and I could do anything I set my mind to. She said that God had a great purpose for my life, and I was going to do great things. People wonder why I’m so confident and quick to try new things. My mother’s words still ring true in my head and because of her, I truly believe in myself. My
grandmother was love personified. Her example of loving people to the point they each felt like they were the most special person on Earth, still inspires me. Her faith in God laid the foundation for me on what a life of worship looked like. My earliest memories of her are being on my knees praying with her. She would pray for everyone we ever met. LOL. I would often fall asleep while she prayed. Her faith sustained our family, and we all know that although she is no longer here in the physical, her prayers still cover us.
Q. Can you tell us about your two books and the motivation behind the books?
A. My first book was Regina Sunshine State of Mind: 7 Keys to Help You Get Your Mind Right. It is my personal coaching on a practical everyday approach to renewing your mind. I tell people all the time that this Sunshine personality is not by accident. I work for it. I build myself up and guard my mind in a deliberate effort to create the positive outcomes for my life. My second book was a collaboration, Lessons from My Grandmother’s Lap. In this book, I invited 11 other women to join me in sharing the wisdom and life lessons passed on to them from their grandmothers.
Q. Let’s talk about “Awesome Girl Project”?
A. The Awesome Girl Project started as a simple all-girl award show to recognize girls who were excelling in their individual gift or purpose. This led to publishing our first all-girl collaboration book in 2019, I Am an Awesome Girl. In this book, 25 girls shared what they thought made them an Awesome Girl. In 2020 we published the second book in the Awesome Girl Book series, When Girls Dream. In 2020, we also launched the Awesome Girl Academy, a girls empowerment platform for regular engagement and workshops. These sessions meet every 1st and 3rd Saturday morning at 10 am EST. In 2021, we launched book number 3, Beautiful Just Like Me. We are currently working on book 4, You’re All That Girl, the first art book that will be released early December 2021. It is my goal to one day open a brick-and-mortar Awesome Girl Academy where the focus is assisting girls to discover their purpose while completing academic requirements.

Q. What are some of your other hobbies?
A. I love playing Scrabble and watching competition shows.
Q. If you can go anywhere in the world where would you go?
A. I would love to go to Italy. Between the beautiful architecture and great food, I feel like it would be a wonderful experience.
Q. What advice can you give to the next generation of female leaders?
A. Take care of yourself. There is so much information on working hard, setting goals, staying motivated, making it happen, etc. So many women get so caught up in being superwomen that we forget to take care of ourselves. I was one of those women. Now I deliberately take as much time to take care of myself as I do chasing achievement. And what I found is that I am better overall, and I am achieving more in less time because I am operating from a place of peace and rest.
Q. Are you working on any new projects or upcoming events?
A. The Awesome Girl Project is the one thing that has taken my major focus. I am also working on some pilots to pitch to some major networks.
Q. Where can the readers follow you?
A. My website is, www.ReginaSunshine.com. You can find my social media links there as well.