6 minute read
William Brownlee SR
"Dont allow your past to handcuff your future!"
Brownlee SR
Q. Thanks for interviewing with us. Tell everyone who you are and what you do.
A. I am the Overseer William Brownlee of Emmanuel Christian Center I am a husband to Lady Talia Brownlee a father with three sons, William A. Brownlee, Jr., Ty A. Brownlee, Takai Whiting-Scott and one daughter Trinity Grace Brownlee who are also known as my legacies. I was born and raised in Philadelphia, PA., first in the projects of Philadelphia, then down the bottom of west philly. My spiritual journey began at The Church of New Hope and Faith located in the heart of West Philadelphia, under the leadership and tutelage of Bishop James McNeal Jr. I earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology, on a full athletic scholarship from Central State University in Wilberforce, Ohio. I later went on to pursue his Master of Divinity at Palmer Theological Seminary in King of Prussia, PA. I began serving as a motivational speaker for the Youth Empowerment Program as a keynote speaker for the Men of Excellence Foundation, both in Philadelphia and at preaching engagements across the country. The presence of God has always been with me even throughout my childhood. The impartation and cultivation that I received in my younger years under Bishop James McNeal Jr. prepared me for the call and mandate that God placed upon my life.
In 2016 God gave me a vision and name for a church that would be the spiritual foundation for the non- believers and would cultivate the millennial generation. This led to a full sacrifice of my NFL football career and an opportunity of a lifetime. During this time of sacrifice; with the grace, mercy, and favor of God, I founded the Emmanuel Christian Center (ECC) of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in January of 2017. Since then, the ministry has been growing and thriving making an impact in our community. I am also an entrepreneur and under the leading of the Holy Spirit, I have established Divine Enterprises.

It consists of Divine Chosen Realty LLC, Divine Financial Services LLC, DB Divine Encounter LLC, Divine Entertainment, J&W Investments LLC, W/E investment Group LLC, Trinity Investment LLC, T&W Investment Group LLC, William Brownlee Credit Repair, Brownlee Scholarship Fund, Emmanuel Christian Center Inc., Emmanuel Christian Center of Los Angeles, and Emmanuel Christian Center Leadership Academy. In addition to being the CEO of these organizations, Pastor Brownlee has written his first book “Quotes 4 Life” and is now an author.
Q. Tell us a little about your journey and how you got to where you are today?
A. In a nutshell, just say this journey wasn’t my plan, lol it was the plan of God, my plan was NFL, and while pursuing, his instructions was going home and help in ministry, never knew I’d give up my dreams, to follow his plan for my life, from the field to his field, from helping in ministry from the church that I grew up in, to pastoring my own church, and business fell in my lap after burying my grandmother, seeing she had a business but did not leave it for anyone, I begin to open up something she once had, a salon, and then acquiring real estate, and tapping into industries that was inspired by my banking career, helping other business flourish, as a business banker, and branch manager pushed me into becoming a serialprenuer.
Q. How do you define your purpose in life?
A. I am a purpose pusher that is my purpose. I desire to push the best out of people to see them get to their greatest potential in life. I am a life changer. I love making an impact and seeing change and growth in those in my community. I strive to be an example of change and in the will of God to lead his people.
Q. How has your experience been being a senior pastor of Emmanuel Christian Center?
A. Being the pastor Of Emmanuel Christian Center has been a life changing experience, not just for me but for others as well. Seeing lives that were at one under destruction, misguided, abandoned, lost, rejected, no understanding of purpose, not come into the knowledge of not only who God is but who they are, is a joy to see, and an impact to make. I live by the quote “impact will always be greater than income”. Emmanuel becoming a part of my life purpose, gives me a daily dose of gratitude for life. Coming from afamily where I could have been a drug pusher, I decided to be a purpose pusher, and a life changer.
Q. Let’s talk about “Divine Enterprises” and how it got started?
A. Divine was started by divinely being led by God himself. God showed me each entity at the divine time and how birth each of them. Divine Enterprises LLC is a family of companies which offers a spectrum of diverse services with the same goal, helping the community achieve their goals. The company is designed to produce maximum impact for our customers and the
broader community. Divine Enterprises consists of Divine Chosen Realty LLC, Divine Financial Services LLC, DB Divine Encounter LLC, Divine Entertainment, William Brownlee Credit Repair, Brownlee Scholarship Fund, WAB Ministry, Divine styles salon and Divine beauty supply store. We are expanding and growing to make sure the purpose of impact is complete.
Q. Can you give us more details on your mentorship programs and what you offer?
A. Under the umbrella of many things, William A. Brownlee Sr. Mentorship Program is a sector which supports influencers, and business owners. I have a passion for seeing others strive in their creativity without hindrances and setbacks. The WAB Mentorship Program understands that the art of becoming the best version of yourself, starts with being seen from a different perspective. The program uses a holistic approach that allows multiple facets of your life to be simultaneously RESET which will produce life changing experiences and a state of evolution to your mindset. The program was set to be intense. It’s designed to ignite purpose and build a tenacity within each mentee that will help to deliver the greatness that lives inside of each of them.
The Program offers:
• Virtual & In Person Mentor Sessions • Content Building & Branding • Mental and Spiritual Wellness
Classes • Bible Guidance & Impartation • Business Consultations And much more!
Q. Let’s talk about your book “Quotes 4 Life” and the motivation behind the book?
A. My quotes for life book weren’t something I just decided to do for fun, it was an opportunity for me to allow others to think heal and reflect through all they’ve been through and all they could poten-
Q. How do you keep up with the trend in fashion?
A. I love fashion and I love to shop. I love going to the mall and purchasing the newest releases. I als have a stylist that finds the hottest items so that I set the trend.
Q. Are you working on any new events or projects?
A. Yes, Saturday we are giving 1,000 toys to families in the community. I am also currently prepared to close on 3 properties in another state, a New Building purchase for a day care here in Philadelphia, and lastly, the purchase of our New church building.
Q. Where can the readers follow you?
A. You can Find me on : Instagram @williambrowleesr Twitter @iamwillbrownlee My website williamabrownleesr.com My book can be purchased on both my website and Amazon.com.