CECHR Symposium 2014 David Sanchez

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Symbi ot i cDesi gn:

Foundat i onsf orani nt er speci esdesi gnpr act i ce Abst r act Thi sr esear chi sconcer nedwi t ht hel i nksbet weenbi omi mi cr y,bi ophi l i aandr esi l i ence, t hei rappl i cat i ont odesi gneducat i onandf i nal l yt hei rpot ent i ali mpactondesi gnf or al i vi ngpl anet .I nt er connect i ngt hesepr act i cessyner gi st i cal l yi sexpect edt opr oduce al t er nat i vemeansoff or mi ngdesi gner sasf aci l i t at or sofi nt ui t i ve,sensi bl e,and cooper at i veways,t ocr eat eaf ut ur ewher ehumani nt ent i onandspeci esi nt ent i on conver gei nt heactofdesi gnf oraf l our i shi ngpl anet .

New Ecot echni cI nput s 1

Bi omi mi cr y

Bi ophi l i a


3 ( t heunc ons c i ousi nc l i nat i ont oaf f i l i at ewi t ht henat ur al wor l d)

( t hec ons c i usemul at i onofnat ur e’ swi s dom)

Bi omi mi cr yasamet hodol ogycangi ver i set o newmodel sf orf ut ur ei nf r ast r uct ur es,ser vi ces andcommuni cat i onsbutonl ybyunder st andi ng hol i st i cal l yt her i ghtanal ogi eswi t hi nnat ur e’ s pat t er nsandhumandesi gns.

Resi l i ence

4 ( t henat ur al abi l i t yofas y s t em t oc ope,c hangeandr ec ov er )

Recogni zi ngbi ophi l i cval uescanhel pt oact i vat e ourecol ogi calconci oussnesbondi ngi ndi vi dual i nt ent i onswi t hpl anet ar yet hi cs.Bei ngawar eof ourpl anetasal i vi ngent i t ybecomesvi t al .

Resi l i encet hi nki nghasbecomeanevol ved pr act i ceofsust ai nabi l i t y.Thi snot i oncan hel pt or econci l ehumancul t ur ewi t hnat ur al pat t er ns.Bycont r ast i ngf ut ur eandt r adi t i onal desi gnscenar i osopnepat hst oactt owar dsa cocr eat i veci vi l i zat i on.

E’ t er r aSamar a/ Far r owAr q Ladybug/ JefHomer

Bi omat r i x/ Gal enFul f or d

r esi l i encef or ecast i ng

pl anet ar yet hi cs

ecosomat i cs

bi omi met i cpr ot ot ypi ng

ecos y s t em s er v i cesbl uepr i nt

Symbi ot i cDesi gn mul t i s peci eset hnogr aphy

bi omi met i cpr ot ot y pi ng deepecol ogy

Shanghai ii n2100/ LucSchui t en

BugHot el / ARUP

Att hebot ani cs/ DSR

Bi omi met i cPr ot ot ypi ng

Bi ophi l i cExper i ence

Lear ni ngf r om nat ur ebyest abl i si hi ngbi omi met i c pr ot ot ypi ngasecot echni c,wi l lcr af tourpr esent per cept i onsabouti nnovat i vet echnol ogi esi nt o l i f emeani ngcr eat i ver esponses.Theneedt o “ desi gnwi t hnat ur e”becomescr uci al .

Ref r ami ngourwor l dv i ewandv al ues y s t ems t hr oughbi ophi l i cpr ac t i c eswi l l s hapet heway weex per i enc enat ur eandt hei nt er c onnec t i ons wi t ht her es toft hec ommuni t yofl i f e.“ Bei ngwi t h nat ur e”bec omesaf undament al et hi c al need.

Resi l i entcoevol ut i on I mpl ement i ngex er c i s esbas edonmul t i s pec i es et hnogr aphy ,s er v i c edes i gnbl uepr i nt sf orbi odi v er s i t yandr es i l i enc ef or ec as t i ng,wi l l br i ng t hei deaofani nt er s pec i ess oc i et y ,t owar ds newbehav i or st o“ c hangeal ongwi t hnat ur e” .

Fut ur eEcol i t er acyOut comes Lat estconcl usi ons

Thei deasout l i nedher ear ef r ami ngt hebegi ni ngofanewphi l osophywher eecol ogi cal t hi nki nganddesi gnt hi nki ngcancr eat eaneducat i onalpl at f or mi nwhi chwecancr af t 5 symbi ot i cal l ywi t hnat ur e.Theset hr eebi osyner gi st i cpr act i cest est edt hr oughwor kshops, acqui r edbyt hest udent sandt her ef or ei nher i t edbyt heacademyar emygener alappr oach i nhow t oeducat eanddesi gnf oral i vi ngpl anet .

Ref er ences 1.GREER,J. M.TheEcot echni cFut ur e:Envi si oni ngaPost peakWor l d,NewSoci et yPubl i sher s,2009. 2.BENYUS,J,Bi omi mi cr y:I nnovat i onI nspi r edbyNat ur e,Har per Col l i ns,2002. 3.KELLERT,S. R.andWI LSON,E. O. TheBi ophi l i aHypot hesi s.I sl andPr ess,1993. 4.HOPKI NS,R. TheTr ansi t i onHandbook:Fr om Oi lDependencyt oLocalResi l i ence.Gr eenBooks,2008. 5.MATHEWS,F. ‘ Towar dsaDeeperPhi l osophyofBi omi mi cr y’ ,Or gani zat i onandEnvi r onment , vol . 24,no. 4,pp.364–387,2011.

Cont act

Davi dSanchezRuano,PhDResear cher Cent r ef ort heSt udyofNat ur alDesi gn DJCAD/Uni ver si t yofDundee d. sanchezr uano@dundee. ac. uk bi omi met i cdesi gn. wor dpr ess. com

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