Centre for Environmental Change and Human Resilience Brochure

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Centre for Environmental Change and Human Resilience


The global challenges we are addressing are not going to go away In fact they are getting more acute because of their wicked nature Accordingly, it is difficult for one discipline to make a difference


Professor John Rowan, CECHR Director

Centre for Environmental Change and Human Resilience (CECHR) University of Dundee Dundee Scotland, UK t: +44 (0) 1382 388692 e: cechr@dundee.ac.uk


Global Challenges The Earth is facing a period of unprecedented environmental change driven by climate, technology, population and globalisation forces. Providing secure food, water, health and energy futures which are sustainable and equitable are key challenges for all of humanity. Facing up to the complexity and scale of these issues require interdisciplinary approaches, balancing basic and applied policy-relevant research. By working together it will be possible to achieve a sustainable future for all.

Our Mission The Centre for Environmental Change and Human Resilience (CECHR) is a partnership between the University of Dundee and the James Hutton Institute (JHI). It lies at the heart of the University’s vision of Transformation – striving for excellence and impact and to transform lives - locally and globally through the creation, sharing and application of knowledge. CECHR provides a hub for interdisciplinary research addressing how societies can increase resilience to environmental change and promote sustainable futures. Food, Water, Energy and Health Security are key themes where CECHR aims to deliver world-class research and postgraduate teaching.

CECHR is about bringing people together and harnessing the creativity of academics and their partners seeking to make a difference. As our research is translated more widely into policy and practice, we can see the outcomes measured in improving people’s lives and well-being. But of course there is still much to be done! Professor John Rowan, CECHR Director

Research Framework CECHR’s focus is to promote more sustainable and equitable food, water, energy and heath futures within this period of unprecedented global environmental change.

CECHR was established in 2010 as a means to align UoD and JHI researchers supporting the transformation to a sustainable low carbon future. Championing the drive towards more resilient and sustainable livelihoods is a core unifying theme linking a wide range of new crosscutting projects on climate change, governance, adaptive engineering and social justice. There has been a step-change in the number and size of external grant applications and a proliferation of research activity across the globe involving our academic Schools providing disciplinary expertise, but also often adopting new interdisciplinary approaches. Critical mass can therefore be achieved by linking research excellence within the research themes of JHI with the academic Schools of the University – most notably within the Schools of the Environment; Engineering; Graduate School of Natural Resources Law, Policy and Management; the School of Law; DJCAD; and Plant Sciences. Our aim is to encourage and promote world class research and to use this research platform to inform and drive our taught postgraduate programmes. The new MSc suite of programmes in Sustainability - climate change, water security, low carbon and eco-innovation (green economy) provides evidence of this ambition.

Postgraduate Opportunities We have a growing and thriving PhD community working on a spectrum of interdisciplinary research projects on food and water security, biodiversity and landscape sensitivity; resilience of health systems to climate change; natural flood management; renewable energy policy and social justice. These students make up the XCECHR group who are a valuable part of the CECHR community, and have recently begun to assert their own identity through a self-organised conference and ‘change maker’ workshops. Scholarships and self-funding opportunities are available see the CECHR website for details www.dundee.ac.uk/cechr

MSc in Sustainability The MSc in Sustainability is a new and exciting interdisciplinary programme providing an overview of sustainability principles, developing skills in critical analysis and facilitating change and transformation for the low carbon future. The programme will be taught by established academics from the Graduate School of Natural Resources Law, Policy and Management and the School of the Environment collectively comprising energy specialists, lawyers, economists, planners, architects and geographers. The MSc in Sustainability includes four named pathway degrees:

MSc in Sustainability and Water Security MSc in Sustainability and Living with Climate Change MSc in Sustainability and Low Carbon Living MSc in Sustainability and the Green Economy

Career Prospects The programme provides opportunities for graduates from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds spanning the spectrum from natural through to social sciences and law. This is an ideal course for environmental graduates as well as offering ‘conversion’ opportunities for those wishing a change in career. Students with graduate sustainability qualifications take up a range of environmental careers in policy, practical management, training and research across a spectrum of organisations from local to international and within the public and private sectors.

Programme Aims Sustainability has emerged as one of the defining issues of the 21st century as illustrated by the global challenges of water, energy, food and health security – all of which are set to intensify as a consequence of climate change. Reversing patterns of natural resource depletion to promote enduring and fairer societies requires viable economies, good governance and sound science. They key features of the programme are to: • • • • •

Exploit Dundee’s strong traditions of inter-disciplinary research and teaching Offer ‘conversion’ opportunities for those with alternative backgrounds wishing to change career Provide a challenging and vibrant programme of study spanning theory and practice equipping students for professional life Develop practical skills for creating change and transformation to help individuals and society move towards more sustainable practices Equip sustainability graduates with technical and entrepreneurial skills to take up a range of careers in policy, practical management, training and research in the green economy

Register your interest and apply! Course details along with associated entry requirements and costs can be found at www.dundee.ac.uk/postgraduate/ with the information found under 'New Courses'.

Our Vision • • • •

To undertake internationally significant research into environmental change and resilience To span traditional boundaries between science, policy and law To build capacity through knowledge exchange To translate research to improve environmental, economic, health and social well-being

Contact Us We welcome collaboration with academic partners, policy makers, NGOs and local communities. Our interests and expertise span local, national and international research agendas seeking to build resilience and increase societal well-being. Professor John Rowan Director, CECHR j.s.rowan@dundee.ac.uk Professor Ioan Fazey Deputy Director, CECHR I.fazey@dundee.ac.uk Louise Henderson Communications and Marketing l.henderson@dundee.ac.uk

@CECHR_UoD Centre for Environmental Change and Human Resilience (CECHR) University of Dundee Dundee Scotland, UK t: +44 (0) 1382 388692 e: cechr@dundee.ac.uk

www.dundee.ac.uk/cechr www.dundee.ac.uk/cechr

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