CECHR Symposium 2016 Advances in Research

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CECHR Symposium 2016 Advances in Research Prof Ioan Fazey i.fazey@dundee.ac.uk

Aims of CECHR • Undertake internationally significant research into environmental change and resilience; • Span traditional boundaries between science, policy and law;

• Build capacity through knowledge exchange; • Translate research to improve environmental, economic, health and social well-being.

Includes research with/about: Renewable Energy Centre

Plant Sciences

Geography & Env Science

BBSRC Sustainable Bioenergy

Environmental Hydraulics

Food Security Alliance (CROPS)

Water Law, Policy & Science

Energy, Petroleum & Mineral Law Geddes Urban Research Satellite Receiving Station Offshore Renewables Institute

Drug Discovery Rare Disease Research

Primary Care & Population Social Dimensions Health Resilience

Celebrating success! Period


2015-16 BBSRC



Frank Sargent

A Synthetic Approach to Bioconversion of Carbon Dioxide to Formic Acid

2015-16 Scottish £91K Government

John Rowan

Centre for Expertise on Climate Change

2015-17 CSO


Thilo Kroll

Community Pharmacy Services Used by Older People with sensory impairment



Deborah Peel

Home not Housing: Engaging with wellbeing outcomes

2015-18 EC Horizon 2020 2015-16 JRF


Megan O’Neill UNITY Project (Joint with 13 Other Partners)


Ioan Fazey

Resilient Communities Under Future Climates

2015-18 Leverhulme Trust 2015-17 EPSRC


Jonathan Knappett Nick Taylor

Influence of Plant Roots on Soil Resistance to Earthquake-Induced Liquefaction

2015-18 EPSRC

£341K £1M) £270K (7.4M)

Andrew Brennan Andrew Allan

Supergen Wind Challenge 2015: Screw Piles for Wind Energy Foundation Systems

2014-15 Univ of £129K Stanford 2014-16 TSB (KTP with £170K SSE)

Claire Halpin

Lignin Management Optimizing Yield in Lignin Modified

Ed Hall

Improving the response to energy disruption for vulnerable people in extreme weather events.

2014-15 CREW

Chris Spray

Methods to assess the role of catchment management to protect and improve water quality in a cost effective way.


2014-17 CARIAA





Hacking for Situated Civic Engagement

Deltas, vulnerability and climate change: migration and adaptation

events • CECHR Lunchtime Lunch - Coming Home Professionally: Place and Placemaking Transformative Perspectives on Planning and Design, Professor Ian Wight, Friday 26th February, 12.30-2.30pm, River Room 2, Tower Building. • CECHR Lunchtime Seminar – Transdisciplinarity, the future doesn’t fit into a single discipline’, Alfonso Montuori, Professor in Transformative Studies, California Institute of Integral Studies. Friday 18th March, 12.30-14.30, River Room 3, Tower Building. For more information and to register • CECHR Guest Lecture - ‘Melbourne, a city transformed’. Professor Ian Gilzean, Chief Architect from the Scottish Government, Tuesday 22nd March. Lecture and discussion 4-5.30 pm titled LT2 Dalhousie Building, University of Dundee

• Guest Lecture - Ecosystems, Governance and Coastal Management. Stephen Olsen. 11th March. Details to be confirmed • SAGES/CECHR Workshop - Social Media for early career researchers, Mark Reed (date to be arranged) • Kirsty Lewin, Head of the Climate Change Hub, Scottish Government. Details to be announced

CECHR: The next generation Generation #3

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Towards CECHR Gen 3 • Associate Directors • Future directions • Effective business models • Participation in shaping directions – Symposium – Workshops – Survey

Core delivery • Husam Al Waer - Associate Director • Chris Connolly - Associate Director • Mark Cutler - Associate Director • Kate Irvine - Associate Director • Matthias Klaes - Associate Director

• Jackie Malcolm - Associate Director • Roy Neilson - Associate Director • Mike Brown – Associate Director • Louise Henderson - Marketing &

Communications Officer • Tracey Dixon - Web Management • Alastair Dawson - Honorary Professor • Tony Hodgson - Transformative Facilitator in Residence • Jean Duncan – Artist in Residence

Programme 0930 Advances in Research 1015 Coffee and Posters 1045 Speed talks 1a & 1b 1145 Speed talks 2a & 2b 1245 Lunch 1330 Speed talks 3a & 3b 1430 Coffee 1450 Research Directions and Opportunities 1540 Advances through CECHR 1630 Close

Health Warning!! Engagement, Posters, Speed talks

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