Delivering technical and social innovations that support sustainable and resilient communities A James Hutton Institute Science Challenge Gary Polhill
James Hutton Institute Science Challenges Develop new crops and production methods that help deliver food security while better protecting the environment Glenn Bryan
Protect and enhance resilience of ecosystems for multiple benefits Alison Hester
Deliver technical and social innovations that support sustainable and resilient communities Gary Polhill
Contact Points
Science for sustainability and resilience We know the environment is in trouble Solutions require transdisciplinary approach Interdisciplinary science working with non-academics on shared problems Co-constructed knowledge/solutions
Various researchers at Hutton working in relevant areas with internal and external partners
Tag cloud of words in papers with Hutton co-authors mentioning transdisciplinarity
Pillar Edge
Pillar Edge
Pillar Edge
Pillar Edge
Social-Ecological Systems Understanding complexity Visualization Semantic integration Formalizing social theories Hybrid Agent-Based Social Simulation Social / big data; interactions (…to be co-constructed…)
Pillar Edge
Pillar Edge
Fundamental underpinning science
Adapted from ideas in Voinov & Shugart (2013) EMS 39, 149-158
Other collaboration points Case studies, end-user communities Who will say, “Science is helping us be more resilient and/or sustainable”?
Designing science to achieve these ends Workshops, conference sessions, position papers…
Overcoming institutional obstacles to undertaking this kind of research