Montrose Tsunami Tsunamis are mainly caused by large earthquakes near plate boundaries, but they can also be sourced by large underwater landslides, these landslide -tsunamis are far less frequent than those caused by earthquakes. However, it is these landslide-tsunamis that may represent a greater threat to the UK.
Site of Tsunami Sediment Deposits The Storegga Slide, a submarine mega-landslide that occurred 8,200 years ago offshore Norway, generated a tsunami that ran up to heights of three to six metres along northern parts of the UK coastline and is evidenced here at Maryton Farm near Montrose
Dr Sue Dawson University of Dundee is currently working with the ‘Landslide Tsunami Consortium’ The aim of their research is
To better understand trigger factors and assess whether the frequency of the slides is likely to increase as climate changes and oceans warm. To assess the magnitude necessary for landslide-tsunamis to flood parts of the UK coast. To quantify the likely cost to the UK of different types of inundation triggered by different types of landslide occurring in different locations
Making a plaster cast from the core to cast paper pulp and print from directly.