Grappling with complexity: introducing upcoming research on sustainable integrated land management CECHR Symposium 2016 Kerry Waylen & Kirsty Blackstock
Theme One
• How do Scotland’s natural assets function, how healthy are they, what are their trends, and what are ‘safe’ limits to their sustainable use? • How resilient are Scotland’s natural assets to climate change and other risks and what are the key interventions to make them more resilient or to protect them from further harm? • What are the key ecosystem benefits we derive from Scotland’s natural assets, how are they distributed, how are they related to one another, are our natural assets declining as socio-economic capital increases, and how do we manage trade-offs between them? • How can we improve the management of our natural assets to support sustainable land-based industries and vibrant communities, how can we improve existing instruments, and what other instruments could be applied to support social and economic entitlements and a just distribution of outcomes?
Theme One
Interesting thoughts and challenges Shift in terminology –semantics shift or more? • Natural capital natural assets • Ecosystem services ecosystem benefits
Coordinating and encouraging interdisciplinarity • Mostly natscis but 4th integrating work-package is predominately systems modellers, economists & social scientists • Cross-site cross-organisation working
Challenge of informing existing policies & practices • Land Use Strategy • Policies with more clout e.g. SRDP?
Interested to discuss connections with other CECHR researchers!
Theme One WP1.4 – the integrating WP Overall –
Please come and find me later to discuss!
Funded by
The James Hutton Institute is supported by the Scottish Government’s Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services Division (RESAS)