Marketing Report

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(which will be created by me on Mr.Site), Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Tumblr account. These platforms will be used to create brand awareness, and start building relationships with the targeted customer. The social networks will also be used to keep up-to-date with the customers’ activities and interested to developed a tailored service which appeals to the particular niche market. Some platforms, such as Twitter will be particularly used to post “clues” about shop openings and promotions, just like companies such as Caro Cuore, Sofia de Grecia and Journelle do (see Appendix 8, 9 & 10) Other platforms such as Facebook and Instagram will be primarily utilised to post images of the events held in the pop-up shop, latest arrivals and shop images, in order to raise an interest in existing and potential new customers. Tumblr will be used in order to post and share random inspiration as if it was a personal Tumblr, communicating the brand’s identity to the public, from a non commercial aspect.

Screen-shot from Journelle’s Twitter account. See Appendix 9

The pop-up shop’s promotion will mainly be below the line, including Guerrilla advertising, social media and e-mail newsletters. The shop will be advertised only to a limited list of customers, which will hopefully increase via the word of mouth. Social Media and e-mail newsletters will be used to give customers a time and location in which the pop-up shop will be available last minute. Social Media will also be used in order to raise awareness of the shop to a certain extent and keep people interested and excited about the concept. The Guerrilla campaign will be organized and led by me, trying to keep costs minimal, while possible. It will consist of promotional stickers stuck around the streets of Buenos Aires where the targeted customers live (principally in the area where the pop-up shop will be located). Posters and small graffiti art/text will be placed around public areas where the target customers would potentially hang out: outside of other lingerie shops or trendy shopping areas, bars and clubs, gyms, travel agencies, etc. The pop-up shop will have a strong presence on the internet, with a website

IT and computers:

For the creation of the pop-up shop’s website, I considered looking at getting an Argentinian domain which costs AR$55 a year and paying a web-developer to design the page, which would cost AR$8,000-12,000. However, this would make my start-up costs very high, so my idea is to create my own website with a user friendly website such as MrSite, which helps anyone get online easily, quickly and at affordable prices. MrSite has several options, but if I wanted them to design the website, it would cost £500 pounds, which would include a year subscription, an average of 4-5 pages (20 products per page, each page from £99 pounds). This option would give me full access in case I wanted to modify the website, and if I wanted to keep the website, I’d have to pay a renewal fee of £50 every year. For this category, I have also considered the usage of a laptop, since I’ll mostly be working online. To work out the cost of my 15 inch MacBook Pro, I have calculated 1/3 of it’s original price 3 years ago, which works out to be £425. I have also included the third part of what the Microsoft Office software licenses cost, which works out to be £27. I thought it’d be important to include this detail, since I’ll be working with programs like Microsoft Word and Excel mainly as part of my daily running of the business.

Telephones and broadband:

In order to work this out, I spoke to some people I know in Buenos Aires who have shops, and they informed me that normally a land-line and broadband would probably cost around AR$289 per month.


In terms of equipment I’ve considered buying a till, which cost around AR$2,500 on Mercado Libre (Argentinian equivalent to Ebay) and a cash box in order to keep the shop’s money safe, which would cost AR$79. As part of the shop’s display units, I’ve looked at getting a foldable table, costing AR$490, three torso mannequins, priced AR$100 each, three double rails which are available on Mercado Libre for AR$500 each and two spiral rails, priced AR$369. I would also have to get some wooden hangers with metallic clips, in case the brands sold at the shop don’t provide them, which would cost AR$1,100 for a pack of 501. Finally, I have also included the price of temporary storage unit hire at Mas Metros Espacios, which would cost AR$1680 a month, with a minimum usage of one month.


I haven’t included a figure for the stock for my pop-up shop because I am hoping that the brands will be the ones that provide the lingerie, because if I bought all the stock myself, I’d have higher risks and costs in case any of it wasn’t sold.


I don’t know exactly what things I’d be doing myself in terms of setting up the shop, but I thought it’d be very important to have a standard tool box in case there are any repairs that have to be made or any last minute changes. I found a Stanley tool box with a variety of quality tools, which cost AR$355 in Easy.


I have considered hiring a vehicle to transport stock from the shop to the storage unit and vice-versa at the beginning and end of each limited pop-up shop appearance. I have rung a number that I found in an advert for removal vans, and found out that the price would be AR$145 per hour, plus AR$75 per hour for each person that helps out.


All previous prices were collected from Mercado Libre

Since the beginning, I’ve been determined not to ask friends or family for a loan to start up this business because I don’t think mixing business with pleasure is a good idea. However, after working out all the costs involved in the activation of my pop-up shop, I realized it would cost much more than I thought it would. The costings chart in the previous page shows that to start up my business I would have to invest at least £10,620. I’m counting on using some personal savings, which would cover about a fifth of the costs (£2000). That would leave me with another £8,620 Since I’ve got an account with Lloyds Bank, I went on their website and calculated how much a loan would cost me. Results showed me that the annual percentage rate would be 6.4%, which means that for a loan of £8.620, I would end up having to pay a total of £10,062.60 in 5 years, with a monthly repayment of £167.71. Realistically, it takes at least one or two years for a business to start making money and prospering, therefore it wouldn’t be realistic to think that I’ll be able to pay £167.71 a month straight away, especially considering that I’d be earning in Pesos (AR$1=0.0777075 GBP), which means that I’d have to pay AR$2,159.34 a month, which is a lot of money, particularly for a start-up business. Therefore, I will consider talking to family and friends in order to get a loan to start-up my pop-up store which would mean that the monthly repayments would be more flexible and not as costly.

This in-depth marketing report has explored ways in which I could execute the concept of a pop-up shop selling international lingerie for 18-28 year old women in Argentina. The report has concluded that there is a clear gap in the market, implying that my concept is indeed viable and it could easily flourish in Argentina if approached properly, changing not only people’s ideas but also the market itself. This report has allowed me to improve and finalise the ideas for my concept in a professional manner, teaching me about things that I had never dared exploring before, such as financial planning, loans and legal requirements involved with the start-up of any business. I believe this report has allowed me to realise my entrepreneurial and business skills, making me consider a new prospect for my future career for when I leave university. In terms of the market, I have learnt that although Argentina has gone through a lot economically, politically and socially, it is still a country that stands strong and is inhabited by people that always think outside of the box and are open to new opportunities and ideas. I have also confirmed the fact that Argentinian women are particularly vain and consumerists, implying that I have picked the correct market to such intimate products as lingerie. I have found particularly challenging obtaining certain information, given the fact that online databases in Argentina are not as developed as in England. However, this obliged me to consider alternative resources of data collection, which I think have been key for the development of this concept. I have conducted a survey, a few interviews and have spoken to a number of relatives and friends who have a direct insight into different industries in the country, who have provided me with very valuable information which I couldn’t have found myself online. I have also had to call a few businesses in Argentina in order to obtain further information. I believe this minor obstacle has pushed me personally and academically in order to find the information I required, allowing me to develop my research and communication skills even further. I have personally found it quite difficult finding out about numerous problematics involved with Argentina which I hadn’t even heard of, making me have to spend extra time doing background reading in order to understand the issues and the possible solutions to them. I have also found that due to choosing Argentina, all my research had to be translated into English, which meant that everything took twice as long. I believe that although from the beginning of the project I had a clear idea of what my concept was, the research I conducted and the different people I spoke about my project to shaped and refined my concept, changing it slightly. If it wasn’t for the high start-up and operational costs, I would definitely consider taking this concept forward and turning this into a real business in Argentina, after I finish university, because I believe that I have spotted a gap in the market, found a sector of the fashion industry that really interests me and created an important contact network while researching my concept. I have also learnt very valuable things that could be very useful in the setting-up and running of a business in the future. I still believe that if I wanted to do this after graduating, I could find alternative ways of starting the pop-up shop with lower costs. If I had to do anything differently, I would do a lot more background reading on the market and more focused primary research on the target market in order to really understand their attitudes and behaviours. I will definitely keep referring back to this marketing report and conducting more indepth research in order to keep developing my concept further. In conclusion, I have really enjoyed researching and writing this marketing report and exploring the lingerie industry from a business perspective. I have learnt a lot, and possibly found a direction for my professional future. forty-two



Primary Research

Ferreiro, C. Lingerie in Argentina, video interview conducted by author, 5th February 2014. King, M. (2013) Draft Marketing Report Session 1. FMP Concept Development. Northbrook College. King, M. (2013) Draft Marketing Report Session 2. FMP Concept Development. Northbrook College.

King, M. (2013) Creating an event/Pop-up Shop. FMP Concept Development. Northbrook College. Lenceria en Argentina (Lingerie in Argentina), survey conducted by the author, December 2013. Lopez Patterson, J. Graphic designer and MUA, interviewed by author (Skype), 17th December, 2014. Perez Lucuriaga, M. Lawyer, interviewed by author (E-mail), 5th February, 2014. Books Easy, M. (1995) Fashion Marketing (2nd edition, 1995). Cornwall: Blackwell Science Ltd Hines, T. and Bruce, M. (2001) Fashion Marketing: Contemporary Issues. (2nd Edition, 2002) Woburn: Butterworth-Heinemann Hoang, P. (2009) Business and Management (3rd Edition, 2009). Victoria: IBID Press. Meadows, T. (2009) How to Set up & Run a Fashion Label. (2nd edition, 2012). London: Laurence King Publishing Ltd.


Articles Lazar, A. (2011) ‘Pop-up Like it’s Hot’ The Argentina Independent. 22 Nov. Little, K. (2013) ‘Barely There Biz: Lingerie Fashion Week to Launch.’ CNBC, 22 February. Video Guillermo Oliveto: La nueva piramide social y el consumo (2012), Juan Turello, You Tube, 2 mins. 15 sec. World Wide Web Sites ‘Argentina Retail Report Q2 2012’. Report published by Business Monitor International. Companies & Markets. 28 Feb 2012. Last accessed 10 December 2013. ‘Loan Calculator’. Lloyds Bank. Last accessed 6 February, 2014 Mas Metros Espacios Temporales. Last accessed 5 February, 2014. Mercado Libre. Last accessed 4 February, 2014. ‘Municipal Services’ Givot-Laurant. Last accessed 5 February, 2014. Pinterest. ‘Research and Markets: Argentina Retail Report Q4 2010 Report Forecasts Consumer Spending Per Capita to Increase from US$5,017 in 2010 to US$8,130 In 2014’. Report published by Research and Markets. 28 September 2010. Last accessed 10 December 2013 Seguro Integral de Comercio e Industrias. Assurline. Last accessed 5 February, 2014. Solucion Integral. Last accessed 5 February, 2014. Tumblr. Twitter



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A forty-seven

APPENDIX 1 - survey template 1. How old are you? • 15-20 • 21-25 • 26-30 • 31-35 • 36-40 • 41-45 • 45+ 2. How often do you buy lingerie? • Weekly • Monthly • Annually • Almost never 3.

Where do you buy lingerie?.............................................................



5. • • • •

What kind of lingerie do you prefer? Basic, classic and comfortable Sexy with lace and transparencies Feminine and sophisticated silk sets Other:___________________________________________________

6. What things affect your decision the most at the time of buying lingerie? • Brand • Price • Quality • Design • Shop appearance • Shop assistance/Customer service • Who wears/endorses the brand • Advertising of the brand 7. Would you like to be able to buy international lingerie like Victoria’s Secret or Agent Provocateur in Argentina? • Yes • No 8. Would you be interested in a mobile pop-up shop selling exclusive international lingerie in Buenos Aires for limited periods of time? • Yes • No 9. How much would you be willing to pay for these products?........................................................................................


APPENDIX 3 - skype interview with joaquin lopez patterson On 17th January 2014 I had an hour long Skype conversation with Graphic Designer and Hair & Make up artist Joaquin Lopez Patterson from Argentina about my final major project. We discussed my ideas and how I can make my concept be as viable as possible. He helped me think laterally and see my project from a different perspective which will probably change and shape the way I go on about this project. Here are some notes I took while talking to him: Look at latest issue of V magazine, with a plastic over the cover which if removed reveals Kate Upton in her underwear. (See here) “Inside beauty is what counts” Think of adverts that go up and downone advert for many audiences. Guerrilla marketing is too aggressive for a premium market, but it gives you the freedom to decide what to do, how to approach the advert campaign. Don’t get too caught up with limitations of the project and Argentinian regulations- the most important thing is to find a solution to those limitations. Victoria’s Secret is probably at the same market level as Caro Cuore in Argentina. Marketing- Introduce a mass market brand into a premium Latin American market. Business point of view: can probably make a profit margin of 500% in Argentina selling Victoria’s Secret, whereas in Argentina the usual lingerie brand would probably have a profit margin of 25% (Ask grandma about this- who owns a shop and has previously sold lingerie) Within the premium market, focus on a more limited group: 17-35 years old? If we think of a premium market, you have to consider the shopping experience, the shop amenities, it has to be welcoming, and give customers some sort of continuity and stability- which a mobile pop-up shop wouldn’t do. One the customer starts becoming familiar with the shop, it’d move…doesn’t seem too personal. Premium customers want to go into a place where the staff knows them, they know their sizes, preferences, they want to have someone that really focuses on serving them and not many people at the same time, etc. Can ambient the pop-up shop as a boudoir, with a Moulin Rouge type of decoration/ atmosphere. Pop-up shops are more informal, they would be perfect for a younger market who is accustomed to this kind of shop, marketing..(guerrilla) Premium market=classic- payment, way of shopping, etc. Research Sofia de Grecia- a brand selling clothes and shoes set up by some girls from the San Andrews school in Buenos Aires- they must be doing something right. The other day Andrea Frigerio mentioned to him that outside of her shop (which is next door to Sofia de Grecia’s shop) there was a massive queue of girls wearing stripey clothes. They then found out that Sofia de Grecia was opening a new shop in the area and that they’d posted on a number of social networks that the first 10 girls that came to the shop wearing

stripey clothes would get 80% off their shop. Think of pens with women getting naked- Guerrilla advertisement Countdown banners are becoming very widespread in Argentina- think of something like that for my concept? Think of it from a Generational aspect: Mothers in their 40s are more austere, they don’t spend too much money on those kind of things, they’ve been through a lot of crisis (e.g. military époque in Argentina). On the other hand 18-26 year olds are very consumerist, they were born in a democracy time where consumerism was embedded in the culture. I could say that I wanted to focus on 20-45 year olds as my target audience, but actually, after doing some research on the market I decided that 18-28 year olds are more suitable. Because they are the ones that focus more on the appearance of their bodies, the ones that are more sexually liberated, younger people are the ones that really spend money. Premium market in Argentina is very closed off. Shopping experience is very important- focus on that as part of my marketing strategy/ business proposal. How much of a shopping experience for a luxury market can I offer in a pop-up shop? Think/research of profit margins. Size charts for my shop Maybe I should just focus on ONE brand? Victoria’s Secret and Agent Provocateur are at very different ends of the market- different target audiences. Maybe I could consider setting up a corsetry Maison in a Petit Hotel in the area that Tommy Hilfiger and Salvatore Ferragamo are. Offer a special space for wedding/bridal lingerie because that doesn’t really exist in Argentina. Women normally go abroad to get that. Think of the over-sharing culture of these days- Twitter, Instagram. People want to buy things to show it off online- more aimed at younger people. Think of incorporating QR codes, which could lead people around to find the shop (could use their phones to do this) Argentina is one of the places with most internet usage and connectivity. After doing an analysis of the Argentinian market I had to lower my expectations and re-think my concept- therefore I had to decide not to focus on Agent Provocateur, because to reach to that target audience, I have to think of actually open a shop and put ads on magazines- doesn’t allow me to be too creative. Premium shops don’t tend to be online, the customers rather go to the shop and get a tailored and personalised service. Victoria’s Secret on the other hand, is already very well-known by Argentinians (there’s a shop at the airport). The brand sells by itself. I don’t need to spend time positioning the time. I need to choose a market which I feel comfortable with and I know is going to come to my shop. Marketing rule #0: I won’t to make money- overcomplicating things isn’t a symbol of success. Although this is not a service that exists in Argentina, people are used to the “surprise factor” and that kind of marketing strategies. (Mention/look at brands that are doing this) The Argentinian market is very demanding and clever. They are prepared and understand thinks with double meaning, mega-metaphors, intelligent jokes, etc. Think of the new Premium generation: Research Jewish-American Princesses (for more information, click here)- A new niche market to attack Imports: Associate with a company that imports other things that can enter the country and give them a percentage of my profits. Argentina: 70s repression, 80s liberation, 90s dollar parity with Menem, 2000s chaos/improvement - how does this all affect society and buying patterns?

APPENDIX 4 - video interview with candela ferreiro

0:00Hello, my name is Candela Ferreiro, I'm 21 years old, I live in Buenos Aires Argentina 0:05and I study Fashion at the university of Buenos Aires. 0:07My opinion on Argentinian lingerie is that the most recurred and famous brands like Caro 0:12Cuore, Selu y Sweet Victorian have very high prices and not good quality. Furthermore, 0:18the designs are scarce and basic. There's not big differences in the designs in each season, 0:22therefore I buy in independent shops that perhaps are not too well known but they have 0:26affordable prices and more interesting and varied designs. 0:30I think it'd be interesting to open a pop-up shop in Buenos Aires for a limited time, selling 0:35international lingerie brands like Victoria's Secret, 0:39since the brand would offer something that 0:41people could finally experiment with the authentic 0:42lingerie design. 0:44If we compare the photographic campaigns of La Perla and Selu 0:47there's a massive difference in terms of designs. To me, it would cause 0:50a huge impact. For a lingerie set of high quality and from 0:54a foreign brand, I would pay up to AR$500, which would be between US$50-55. 0:59Considering, that lingerie national brands have prices starting from AR$360 and up. 1:04I think in this shop, people from upper classes or people older than 30 years old would be 1:09the main customers. fifty-four

APPENDIX 5 - Guillermo Oliveto: the new social pyramid and consumerism This is a translation of a You Tube video I watched on the social pyramid and consumerism of Argentina. Since 2010 we have been having in Argentina what we call an “compulsive opportunist” consumer, which is quite a rare mixture that mixes the opportunism Argentines learned as a vocation during the crisis of the 90s and the consumerism that raised in Argentina at this same time. What happened in 2009 generated that consumers returned to search for promotional offers and discounts but this time it was found in a very different position of money than of the one of the crisis. And that’s actually why opportunists took advantage of all the discounts and promotions that support companies not as if they wanted to save because of the crisis, but instead to keep buying. 2010 and 2011 were the two years of consumerism BOOM. This year we talk of a new consumer who also appears especially from the cooling of the first semester of changes of certain context situations that re-generated uncertainty on people. We call this the “Consumer O”. What’s the “Consumer O?” The consumer of middle class, with an average income of AR$8200 per family that is forced to constantly choose what to spend their money on. They either go on vacation OR buy a motorbike OR purchase the netbook, but they can’t do all at once. These behaviours have to do with the fact that their purchasing power not only does not grow, but it becomes stagnated because the wage increases or changes do not match to the inflation. Therefore, companies in 2013 will have to face a slightly more cautious consumer, a slightly more rational customer who still has a consumerism vocation; the markets are still attractive and powerful with lower growth rate than other years. In 2013, Argentina is expected to recover slightly and grow 3 to 4%.


Pop-Up Like It's Hot - The Argentina Independent | The Argentina Independent

For those who are not familiar with the concept, a pop-up restaurant is when a chef takes over another kitchen, be it in a restaurant, bar, church, museum, art gallery, telo, etc. for one or several nights, to cook up an original, standalone menu. The phenomenon quickly grew in popularity in the late 2000s, just as the economy was deep in its downward spiral, giving young chefs an outlet to display their cooking skills without the need for risky investment to open up a restaurant. With start up costs low, the pop-up model attracted both chefs, who had the freedom to experiment, and hungry food lovers, who wanted the one night only chance to test these unique creations. Spread by word of mouth via social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, the new trend gathered momentum, becoming a perfect draw for self-proclaimed foodies who have the constant desire to be ‘in the know’.

Poppin’ It In BA Comparable to the closed-door restaurant scene, expats have taken the lead to introduce the pop-up phenomenon to Argentina. Acclaimed artist and designer, Tony Hornecker, brought one of the first pop-up restaurants to Buenos Aires in March of 2010 with El Restorán Vagabundo. After massive success with The Pale Blue Door in England and Chile, Hornecker transformed a dilapidated San Telmo casona into a food and design lover’s heaven with his three-week long stint featuring a dinner (and décor) inspired by 1930’s gangster movies.

NOLAchef Working Hard at The Office (Photo by Lili Kocsis)

Following in his footsteps was the culinary wonder-duo Frankie Unsworth and Rachel Khoo, who brought Edible Tales to Buenos Aires in February of 2011 after organising similar events in Australia and the UK. Aiming to feed mouths and minds, this three-night event on a picturesque San Telmo terrace consisted of a fourcourse interactive meal where diners became participants in a food story. The theme of the night was based on the history of writing, papermaking and bookbinding. Guests took an active role eating courses that were displayed in creative ways, ranging from edible inks to palatable papers. Alan Epstein, the California native and co-owner of The Office Bar & Grill in Las Cañitas, has also incorporated pop-up events into his kitchen. His brainchild, Takeover Tuesdays, with the help of local Buenos Aires chefs, has transformed the burger bar into a hopping pop-up venue. Almost every Tuesday, a guest chef is invited into the kitchen to cook up a special menu from Mexican to Asian fusion to Southern home-style comfort food. NOLA night (which is short for New Orleans, Louisiana) is one of the more popular Takeover Tuesdays, with chef Liza Puglia, otherwise known as the NOLAchef, in the kitchen whipping up authentic New Orleans style



Pop-Up Like It's Hot - The Argentina Independent | The Argentina Independent

grub. Classically trained at the French Culinary Institute in New York, NOLAchef has recently made a name for herself in the Buenos Aires food scene as a personal chef for private events and dinner parties. Spreading her culinary love to the masses, NOLA night at The Office features popular house favorites like red beans and rice, fried fish and roast beef Po’ Boys, mini-Muffalettas, and a spicy Creole smothered fish plate.

POKE at Magdalena's Party (Photo by Alexandra Lazar)

Over at Magdalena’s Party in Palermo Soho, POKE makes a pop-up appearance every Wednesday night with a Pacific Rim street food inspired menu. Once a lunch and dinner delivery service, POKE has now shifted to the pop-up realm and has become a pioneer in the Buenos Aires restaurant scene as one of the first restaurants to go strictly pop-up. Chef Mychael Henry mixes his diverse culinary background to form an inventive yet affordable fusion menu, combining Peruvian, Hawaiian, California and Asian styles of cooking. The majority of the menu stays the same from week to week, with a few special plates making a brief appearance. The ceviche, made with white salmon, mango, cucumber, red onion and tiger’s milk makes a killing, as does the Carne Asada Bowl, which is loaded with marinated steak, black beans and served over a sushi rice patty. The winner of the night? The salmon Poke, true to its namesake, bursting with bright rich flavors: salmon, cucumber, mango and red onion in a ginger soy sesame dressing.

Chef Mun at the Oasis Clubhouse (Photo courtesy of:

A few blocks down the road in Palermo Soho, the Oasis Clubhouse has a history of incorporating pop-up events into their monthly social calendar. Well-known Buenos Aires powerhouse chefs, who are mostly recognized for their closed-door restaurants, serve a special menu for both Clubhouse members and nonmembers. Other puerta cerrada chefs from restaurants like Casa Mun, Casa Felix, Max’s Supperclub and Casa Jauretche branch out from their prix-fixe multiple course dinners to serve up delicious delights. Some of the highlights from this pop



Pop-Up Like It's Hot - The Argentina Independent | The Argentina Independent

up dream team include: Chef Mun’s Momofuku-style pork buns and a banging spicy tuna on pan-fried crispy rice; Peruvian-native chef Micha Mendoza of Casa Jauretche’s trio of ceviches and out of this world maracuyá mousse and suspiro shot desserts; and Diego Felix’s Latin American and vegetarian-friendly menu, featuring fresh and seasonal ingredients. With an overwhelming majority of foreign chefs participating in the pop-up scene, it’s only a matter of time for the concept to catch on with the locals. One of the most famous Argentine mega-chefs is Narda Lepes. She is the host of multiple cooking shows, the author of numerous cookbooks, including the holy bible food shopping book, Guia de Compras, and made her culinary debut after a long restaurant sabbatical at the Hotel Madero’s Rëd Resto & Lounge on 10th November. Invited by chef Steven Jung, Narda cooked up a special dinner and brunch menu for a two night, one-day event. Prediction 2012: The Year of the Pop-Ups You heard it here first: 2012 will be the year of the pop-ups in Buenos Aires. Under the influence of trendsetting locals and innovative expat chefs, pop-ups, cocinas rodantes (rotating kitchens), restaurantes móviles (mobile restaurants), restaurantes vanguardistas (avante-garde restaurants), or whatever you choose to call it, will increase in popularity and become an integral part in the culinary scene of Buenos Aires. As with the puertas cerradas, this will give adventurous eaters more chance to break away from typical Argentine dining and partake in the spontaneous and unique one-time-only eating experience.

Facebook comments 1 comments Add a comment... Comment Mary Rose · Queen's University different concept. the usual suspects :) Reply · Like · February 6, 2012 at 10:49am Facebook social plugin

9 Responses to “Pop-Up Like It’s Hot” 1.

Carly says: November 22, 2011 at 4:39 pm Power to the pop-up! Love it. In Australia pop up shops rather than restaurants are all the rage. Usually they are environmentally sustainable/focused and show some local design/fashion/architecture talent. Hope this trend catches on here too!


Allie says: November 22, 2011 at 6:31 pm I’d suggest reading this article while listening to this:


Paul Strobl says: November 23, 2011 at 2:59 am


APPENDIX 7 - e-mail interview with mariano perez lucuriaga, lawyer in argentina 1. How much would a legal advisor charge me if I wanted to open a shop? Generally any legal advisor that you talk to will give you an orientation about shop openings and the administration laws involved in this, which is indispensable to open a shop. Eventually, they would charge you for Generally, the Legal professional to whom you consult, will give you guidance on the ratings of administrative, tax and labour authorities which are essential to open a trade. Eventually they’ll charge fees for an interview that would range from $ 500 to anything they want. The advice could be a brief verbal opinion on basic stuff or a detailed written report. There are also organizations that are dedicated to providing these services, such as: 2. What kind of insurance would I need to get? You would probably have to consult an accountant for tax issues and details involved with the workforce you hire. For the city of Buenos Aires, I’m sending you the basic that the requirements that he body of trade openings of the government ask for. As for the types of insurance, you’d have to consider insurance in case of theft, fire in the shop and civil responsibilities. Anyway, it all depends on the activity, there are mandatory insurance enforcement dictated by authorities. On the other hand you need to hire labour risk insurance for the staff (ART). 3. What kind of licenses do I need to obtain? Regarding the licenses, if you were to sell a renowned clothing brand, you would have to purchase the franchise or do anything else that the brand imposed. Necessary documentation for the opening of a shop 1.- Registration at the A.F.I.P. (Which would provide you with a CUIT number). 2.- Registration to the gross income tax institution and provision of proof of the last payment made 3.- Proof of right to occupy the property a) title, b) lease c) loan contract d) cession e) of purchase with possession. The signatures of the parties must be certified by a notary public and his payment of stamp duty contract. You should be clear on the type of business that will be developed in-house. All documentation must be in the name of the same person whether physical or legal. 4.- Rules of ownership. (if applicable) 5.- Last proof of ABL payment. 6.- Should the shop be in a mall, provide a notarized copy certified by a public notary or a certified copy of the mall. Type Holder Sole: (Incumbent) National identification. For foreigners the same which was not available, Precarious Residence Permit valid until after the presentation of the process of empowerment. Company: National identity documentation of each partner and their CUIT number, plus the CUIT of the company and registration in gross income of the company and your last payment. sixty

Limited Liability Companies: CUIT registration and the partnership’s registration with gross income of the partnership and its last payment. Corporations: Social contract and its amendments and CUIT of the company and registration in gross income of the same with your last payment. Acts of Assembly, where authorities are appointed and charges are distributed. Act which enabled property is resolved. Limited partnerships: Social contract and its amendments and CUIT of the Company and registration in gross income the same and your last payment.


Sofia de Grecia Facebook account.

Sofia de Grecia giving clues for their latest shop-opening on their Twitter account. TRANSLATION: IneGarciaIturralde Nov 1 Latest preparations!!!!! Tomorrow Martinez is going to be crazy! Stripes, DJ @felipesuau, milkshakes, cupcakes, 40% off Sofia de Grecia Nov 1 Ready for tomorrow :D dress code: stripes.


APPENDIX 9 - journelle This luxury lingerie company has boarded the pop-up craze boat. They have created a beautiful mobile pop-up shop selling delicate lingerie around the US in an airstream. Setting up my lingerie pop-up store in a mobile location is an option I have considered to reduced the rent costs. This would be an expensive investment, but it would probably be the most convenient option in the long run in terms of costs- I wouldn’t have to pay the high costs of short-term rents (which is hard to find in Buenos Aires anyway) and I wouldn’t have to spend money on storage. The idea of creating a blog and a twitter account for news and updates on the mobile pop-up shop is a really good idea, which I have also considered for my concept. Journelle doesn’t only SELL lingerie in their pop-up airstream, they also host parties and meet + greets. If Journelle’s pop-up store existed in Argentina, it would definitely be a competitor of my concept.

Here are some images from Journelle’s mobile pop-up store. I like how classy, sophisticated and feminine they’ve made the airstream look, following their usual vintage style and translating it to their pop-up shop. sixty-five

On the previous page there are some screen-shots taken from the Journelle’s Road trip blog created with Tumblr, where they communicate to people what their next destination is and upload information and photos of the road trip and events organised by them. I like how plain and basic the blog is- it’s user-friendly, eye-catchy, yet mysterious to some extent. They give away the right amount of information which makes customers go and see the shop for themselves. On this page there are a couple of images from Journelle’s road trip twitter account. Their project is very similar to my FMP concept- the slowly give away more and more information, playing with the audience and keeping them on edge, and then, closer to the date they reveal a location and a date.


APPENDIX 10 - caro cuore Caro Cuore is a leading company in Argentina in the creation and design of lingerie with the highest quality international company. Caro Cuore is synonymous of sensuality and comfort. It is a brand and is an attitude that accompanies international fashion trends with best quality. Caro Cuore designs are intended for all those women who want to feel good inside and out. Caro Cuore is one of the most famous brands in Argentina in terms on lingerie, and I think that this video is a perfect example of what kind of underwear is mostly available in Argentina: Sexy but comfortable pieces that are quite plain and basic. Prices: AR$300-$600

Caro Cuore Twitter account

APPENDIX 11 - mr. site quote As part of my marketing report for the Final Major Project, I need to consider a number of elements that would contribute to the start-up costs of my business. One of the things I need to consider is IT and Computers, which include the development of my pop-up shop’s website. For the creation of the pop-up shop’s website, I considered looking at getting an Argentinian domain which costs AR$55 a year and paying a web-developer to design the page, which would cost AR$8,000-12,000. However, this would make my start-up costs very high, so my idea is to create my own website with a user friendly website such as MrSite, which helps anyone get online easily, quickly and at affordable prices. In order to get an estimated cost, I rang up the Kick-Start MrSite number on 17th January 2014, and spoke to Jonathan who told me that MrSite has several options. If I wanted them to design the website, it would cost £500 pounds, which would include a year subscription, an average of 4-5 pages (20 products per page, each page from £99 pounds). This option would give me full access in case I wanted to modify the website, and if I wanted to keep the website, I’d have to pay a renewal fee of £50 every year.


APPENDIX 13 - gantt chart TASK /ACTIVITY

Week Week Week Week Week Week Week 5 Week 9 1 2 Week 3 (2/12) 4 6 7 8 (16/12) (13/1) (18/11) (25/11) (9/12) (23/12) (30/12) (6/1)

Week 10 Week 11 (27/1) (20/1)

1- Set up Tumblr 2- Write up Abstracts 3. Abstract deadline 2- Customer profile/pen portrait

4/12 Resubmission deadline

3- Gantt Chart 4- Primary Research 5- Secondary Research 6- Write marketing report 7- Marketing report & Gantt Chart DRAFT deadline 7- Work on Complementary sketchbook

16/12 Draft deadline

8- Work on blog 9- Print and bind report & Gantt Chart 9- Marketing Report & Gantt Chart FINAL Deadline Send off Blurb book to Print 10- FMP Concept 1 FINAL deadline


22/1 Final deadline Beginning Beginning of week of week

29/1 Final deadline


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