more burgers, yo

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Sometimes I’m amazed at the shit the spills out of my mouth.

that shit makes your spinalfluid run backwards

I never play ‘Burning Down the House’ on the jukebox

You really think I’m skinny? Wait anorexic skinny or bulimic skinny?

You really think I’m skinny? Wait anorexic skinny or bulimic skinny?

actually, you don’t have a pulse. i think you’re dead.

sometimes i’m amazed at the shit that spills out of my mouth.

It’s amazing how much weight you lose when you go off The Pill.

Which is nothing compared to the fifty pounds you gain when you get knocked up.

Can I interest you in a turn-on?

What’d he do, try to OD on Sudafed and wine coolers?

You look kind of skinny, actually.

Bulimic skinny passes for healthy.

i look at her and i am genuinely repulsed.

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