Project title:
Surf the web‌ using a life vest Subject: Computer Studies, Social Studies Goal: Students usually feel very safe in the web and see no harm in it. This project aims to make them aware that the web has its dangers and how to surf in a safe way. Target audience: Fifth graders and up. Technology required: tablets. Wifi is required at all times. We will be using the following : buddy poke or Tellagami, linoit, quizlet or infuselearning and glogster. Stakeholders: Parents, brothers, peers
Duration: 5/6 classes of 40 minutes each (could be more according to student’s enthusiasm.
Class nยบ1: Teacher shows some videos on a smartboard, which show different situations that may occur when the proper privacy settings are not present, ie facebook. Video examples: Teacher and students will exchange ideas and behaviors when surfing the web. Each one of these videos will be posted on a different linoit canvas, for which all students will be invited to share. Class nยบ2 and 3: The teacher will publish guide questions on the canvas to help students reflect on the videos seen. They will create an avatar using Buddy Poke and record one video with their thoughts for each one of the videos shown by the teacher. These reflections will be posted on the corresponding linoit canvas.
Class nº4 and 5: Learn some useful vocabulary like malware, sexting, grooming, cyber bullying, Spam, phishing using quizlet or infuselearning. Class nº6: Students will make posters with important advice for other students and parents with glogster to publish on the school’s website and on paper to post around the school.