Acronyms & abbreviations We use a LOT of acronyms here at the College of Environmental Design, so here’s a quick guide to the alphabet soup of CED: CED : College of Environmental Design ED (1, 4, etc.) : Environmental Design (the category of courses) DFL : digital fabrication lab, located in the second floor courtyard Fab Shop : the fabrication shop, located on the second floor “Arch” : (pronounced “arc” or “arch,” up to you) short for architecture Review : a presentation of design work, usually in the Wurster lobby Studio : short for a studio class, also refers to the studios where architecture students work and build models. LA : Landscape Architecture CP : City Planning DCRP : department of city and regional planning GIS : Geospatial Information Science, an important tool in the city planning field SED : Sustainable Environmental Design Cal : UC Berkeley GSI : Graduate Student Instructor, a grad student who leads discussion sections and labs Upper div : Upper division courses, numbered 100-199, usually taken in your junior and senior years Lower div : lower division courses, numbered 1-99, usually taken in your freshman and sophomore years DeCal: a student-led course that you can take for a couple of units, pass/no pass. DeCal course info goes up just before the semester starts-check them out at