You with us daily. Your spirit is
We know are
shining so bright.
Thank You for your gift of
In Memory of and in Honor of... Your tribute has brought comfort and happiness to countless homeless pets.
Thank You
Cedar Bend Humane Society May 8, 2017 - April 17, 2018
In Memory of Alex
Kenneth and Danita McCormick
Lance Vanderloo
B, the Cat Jennifer Bader
Dixie Clark Larry Cunningham
Bernice Babinat Barbara and Louis Hagarty
Karen Clayburg Janice Jefferson
Baby James Cory
Buddy Cloverdale Jennifer Hoelscher
Bailey Allen Stickfort
Cookie Paul and Karen Hanson
Debra Balrnat Kris and Jeff Byers Lucas Byers Fred Bankenship Cathie and Terry Kuchenberg
Vincent Cormaney Tamarra and James Byrd Samuel Gladden Youkon Cornelius Rebecca Bertch
Delpha Barron James and Ann Sage
Cubbie Danielle Wagner
Belle Loras and Mary Prier
Lenna Darland Toni Bernotas Diane Darland Terry Darland Mary Jo and Gordon Elbert Margo Layton Rocky and Mary Kay Peterson
Nancy Benton Anonymous Robert Benton Culligan William and Olivia Long Donald and Cindy Luther Delonna Rokes Mark and Lisa Rolinger John and Robin Windolf Butter Erwin and Kathy Jaeger Glori Ann Byrd Jon and Nina Jermann Phyllis Carlson Jack Carlson 1
Gwen Deibler Anonymous Roberta Cue Sandra Roberts Reva Smith Barbara Todd Gene Deitrick Sarah Kane Michael DeLaHunt Janet Slessor Jeananne Tharp
In Memory of Bruce DeLong Ray and Barb Jorgensen
Nora Glick Lance Vanderloo
Buddy Dirlam Carolyn Martin
Judy Grat Mary and Mark Napoletano
Jim Dunnwald Barbara and Louis Hagarty
Gypsy, Duke, and Duchess Virginia Perigo
Jay Dykstra Alexander Laura
Lois Hagen Ray and Barb Jorgensen
Sadie Marie Hagenow Dennis and Rosalee Hagenow
James Cory
Daria and Harley Cathie and Terry Kuchenberg
Hank Dwight Humke
Donald Frana Anonymous Garry Bockholt Melodie Cummings Ivanell and David Hagedorn Cheryl and Stephen Kennedy James Kleiner David and Denise Link Marlys Messingham Michelle Meyer Barbara and Michael Mostek Jeffrey and Joan Phillips Robert and Beverly Puls Greg Freshwater Carol Ishman
Nancy Harvey Marsha Aspinall Cheryl Bechthold Ron and Denise Flory Thomas and Joanne Harvey Gayle Hodgson Blake Hollis Deb Klingaman Kris Klingaman Barbara and Thomas Rice Louise Heckroth Donald Heckroth Matthew Heckroth Boe Heineman Mary Rundle
Ruth Frieberg Bill and Janet Kahler Gateway Susan Lund Michael Gayther Bob and Anita Bush Bette DeBerg Dennis and Renee DeBerg Gordon and Kathleen Loonan Robert and Karen McGinn
Henry (the Boxer) Harris Mary Roach Hudson Curtis and Janet Nielsen Jana Huebsch Glenda Salyer
In Memory of Michael Hunzeker Lauren, Alex, Neil, Reyenne, Cayden Elizabeth and Scott Anderson Jody Connor Greg and Ann Falada Heights Finance Richard and Mariam Mehman Linda Mills Matt Nielsen Stanley and Debra Nielsen Tim Raine Agency Terri and Rusty Roberts Zsavooz Restaurant Jeff Schlobohm Kelsey and Deb Thom
Jerry Leeper, Maggie, Erna Jochum, Princess, Belle and Reggie Leanne Leeper
Charles and Beverly and Jean Hyke Sharon Vieth
Jeffery “Touie� Lutgen Sara Kienbaum
Charles Hyke Deb Purdy Marilynn Stabenow
Maddie and Alex Danita and Ken McCormick
Kathleen Boyd
Tiffany Jaehrling Lowell Parker Jasmine Mardy Higgins Jett
Sharon Armfield-Penn
Frank Johnston Covenant Clinic Cardiology Roger Klemz Rodger and Melanie Smith Millie Kline Jennifer Hoelscher
Leyna Janette Nelson Libby Cathie and Terry Kuchenberg Julie Ann Lister Richard and Karla Nielsen Henry Lukens Pamela Galehouse
Craig W. Magee Kurt Magee Gary Marovets Cathie and Terry Kuchenberg Rose Masek Gary and Rebecca Bertch Marc and Shelly Cabalka Jennifer Mahan Mike Shannon Gaylen and Mitzi Tann Don Maxfield Lynn and Mark Gielau
In Memory of Bill McDermott Helene Beard Robert and Virginia Colby Roman and Penny Frackiewicz Kathleen Hahn Marlene King Shirley King Donna Kroeger Douglas Muirhead Rebecca Quistorff Kirby Sherman Vicki Turner Roy Moses Anonymous Brad and Renee Bartling Kent and Barb Kruse Cheri Steen Shirley Moses Joe Myers Wallace and Rebecca Dietz Cedar Valley Electric Joe and Sharon Myers James and Glenda Salyer Bonnie and Dennis Sommer Nellie Angeline Ormord
Randy Lee Peters Barbara and Louis Hagarty Tillie Petersen Kelly Anders Petey Avis Handorf Pippa Jan Thompson-Tenney Robert Phillips Nancy Wolf Marilyn Ralls Danelle Wagner Rand E. Renner Robin Gaines Jeni Riley M T S 2 LLC Buddy Robert Diane Robert Eunice Ryefield Forest and Jan Cornelius
Norman and Louise Ron and Sheryl Wilshusen
Sam Boy & Roscoe Kenneth Gardner
Brad Nielsen Anonymous Steven and Susan Bellmer Maggie Downs Charlene Fellmer David Fellmer Robert King Cece Novotyny David and Clare Palmer Dean and Janet Pedersen Mollie Stumma
Cindy Sanders Fischels Music P&K Properties Millie Schmidt Keith and Kay Lowe
Donald Oelmann Luanne Puhl
Rich Scobee Carissa and Ed Charboneau Dennis and Mary Juel Dianne and James Larson Penni Lilleskov Connie Rommel Carolyn Scobee
In Memory of Scooter Debra Auen
Sugar Wayne Van Halem
Scrapper, Tom, Buddy, and Thor Bonnie Smith-Davis
Sydney Verdis Feller
Steven Sorensen Anonymous Holly Beach Richard and Susan Curry Charles and Andrea Dostale Stanley Drewelow Andrew and Joan Gilpin Susan Hummel Anne Johnson Randy and Mary Kay Kane Sara Knott Lee Wealth Management Nolan and Brett Morris Emily Thode Ed Stanhope Mary Jo Scully Klatt
Teresa Standridge Anonymous Judy Baer Jean Hyde Robert King Diane Neuhaus Linda Valentine Taffy Emily Bonnstetter
Nick Stadler James Loukota Joe Stern Stephen and Janice Ephraim Mindy Stiner Elcina Buck Percy and Linda Slattenow Ken Stoner Randall Heiberger Daniel and Gretchen Nesteby William Niedert Ann Stoner Ervin Strottman Joseph and Sheryl Rojas Sully 5
Robert and Kathryn Baird
Warren Teisinger Grainger Inc. Amy Tewes Cindy and Steven Gerhard Tiger, Pepper, and Snoopy Theodore and Cheryl Ostrowski Timber William and Diane Freestate Bob Trettin Catherine Specht Tyson Marcia Rellihan Barbara Van Dorn Anonymous Amy Carlson Richard Hastings Michelle Kozak Brian Van Dorn Eric Van Dorn Genevieve Van Dorn
In Memory of Clinton Victoria Jan Bilsten Phillip and Charlotte Curry Eric and Karen Dowell Lorna Ericson Deborah Gallagher Mark and Stephanie Heiden Karen Kerkhove Sherri Lange Terrence and Lois Lindell Helen Mease Robert and Myrna Nelson Donald and Nancy Rasmussen Timothy Raymond Craig Schnathorst Robert Simmens Tim and Lisa Stotz Michael and Joan Trebon Don and Mary Prostine Kelli Willis Ralph Voogd Carol Voogd Lorna Ung Melynda and Michael Ursic Dr. William Waack Diane Lee Baum Lynn Countryman Dorothy Glascock Len and Gail Froyen Virginia Thulstrup Joanne Wolfe Jackie Waddell Cora Thompson-French
Angi Webb Anonymous Reed and Amanda Brenden Lisa and David Chizek Dennis and Sarah Gilroy Mindy Gordon Trent and Lori Hill Sarah Jordan Rick and Diane Kinzebach Judith Koopmeiners Ken and Shelley Lauritsen Joe Mercurio Robert Petersen Kelvin Schuchart Van Meter INC Sheila Woodley Patricia Werning Beebs Downing Craig Williams Carter and Michele Stevens Janice Wieckhorst Anonymous Judith Benson Sarah and Howard Conkey Gareth and Shari Downey Reno and Theresa Rodeghiero Neil Whitesell Linda and Kevin Gaul Susan Geisler Daniel and Sherry Kiskunas Thelma Meyerhoff Robert Neptune Viola Polk Michael and Karrie Ryherd Sandra Walden Deb Whitesell Wayne and Jane Whitesell Zoey Zbornik Tom and Jane Shea
In Honor of Buzz Anderson’s Birthday Lance Vanderloo
Ashley Eckenrod’s 30th Birthday Kristina Bergman
Melissa Anderson U of I Community Credit Union
Emma Carolyn Weber
Vicki Atkins and Buddy Katherine Krizek
Fursdays with Ned Thomas Peter
David Bardsley U of I Community Credit Union
Leon Galehouse’s Birthday Pamela Galehouse Jessica Lukens
Kathy Behrends Lindsey Behrends Cale and Allison Bierman Lisa Wagner Kristen Bossom U of I Community Credit Union Bandit and Ava Karen Steffes Carol Buckles Steven Buckles Dave and Ben Buckles Steven Buckles Lillian Buckles Steven Buckles Lisa, Jason, Braydon and Dylan, Sara, Annalissa and Dallas Bush Steven Buckles
Wesley Gardener Peg Mullan Doris Gifford Sharla Smith Abby Harris U of I Community Credit Union Scott Horan U of I Community Credit Union Jelka Michael and Sharon Winberg Brooke Kerkove U of I Community Credit Union Tess Kuhn Josh Hagen Lamya’s Birthday Kevin Hellman
Cedar Heights Elementary Staff Tiffany Ahrens
Larya’s Birthday Kevin Hellman
Jossalyn Chiara Pat Hemmert
Heather Lepa U of I Community Credit Union
Domino Kathleen Rice
Joey Lester Michelle Meier
Lucky’s Foster Family at Den Herder Veterinary Hospital Kelly Morgan Elaine Matthews Scott Reed Lizzie Matthias Emily Hamblen
Sarah Van Dee U of I Community Credit Union Kaitlin Vickery Daniel Vickery Kayla Wolter June and Michael Brammer
Jenni McCaughey Paul McCaughey Melody Dennis Ruppe Newlyweds Michele Martins and Eric Girton Ann Rathe Scout Kitty Jennifer Thomas Sadie’s 8th Birthday William Baumgardner Sara Schnieders U of I Iowa Community Credit Union Audrey Schultz’s Birthday Jeff and Stella Cumming Mallory Scott U of I Community Credit Union Anna Siebel U of I Community Credit Union Beth Sullivan Michelle Meier Sweetie Craig Clark Tuffy Barbara and Louis Hagarty 8
A Tribute to Tinkerbell
Adopted from Cedar Bend Humane Society December 2016
We lost our little Tinkerbell on May 8, 2018. She was diagnosed with Chronic Kidney disease about 14 months ago and we did everything within reason to keep her around since then. Special food for her, lots of medication, plus many visits and testing at several different vets to try and extend her life. We felt she still had a lot of life to live and love to give us. She had some very good days in the extra time given, but the last few weeks had been especially rough for her and then she lost her appetite and was very lethargic. She died and we put her in a little wooden coffin we built for her last year. She was buried with her favorite blanket, food dish and favorite toys in our backyard. We will miss her so very much.
Lyle Potter,Tinkerbell and Cynthia Ossenkop 9
HONOR or REMEMBER a loved one, a person, or pet. Your remembrance helps save lives and will be recognized in this publication annually.
____I would like to make an HONOR/MEMORIAL donation. Name: _________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ City: __________________________________State: ________ Zip Code: __________ Phone: ____________________ Email: _______________________________________
In HONOR of: (a person or pet presently in your life) Name: __________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________ City: _________________________________State: ________ Zip Code: _____ ___Please send an acknowledgement of this HONOR to the address listed.
In MEMORY of: (a person or pet who has passed) al Name: ___________________________________________________________ i r mo
Address: _________________________________________________________ City: ________________________________State: ________ Zip Code: _______ ___Please send an acknowledgement of this MEMORIAL to the address listed.
I would like to DONATE to save lives. _____$25 for Heartworm (dog) or FLK test (cat) _____$50 for Shots for Incoming Strays _____$75 to Spay or Neuter a Shelter Pet _____$150 to Feed the Shelter Animals for a day _____Other/ Life Saving Amount
Amount of enclosed check: __________ Please make check payable to Cedar Bend Humane Society. Credit Card, please circle one: Visa Discover Mastercard Card Number: ____________________________________________________________________ Name on Card: ___________________________________________________________________ Expiration Date: ___________ Please return this form, along with your payment to Cedar Bend Humane Society, 1166 West Airline Highway, Waterloo, IA 50703.
Thank you from the animals at the Cedar Bend Humane Society! Your support and friendship is vital to their happiness and care! 10
In Memory and in Honor of their father and grandfather
Michael Hunzeker Given by Lauren, Alex, Neil, Ryenne, Cayden, and Family
Michael’s love and compassion lives on through this amazing gesture. Helping hundreds of animals find the loving homes they deserve.