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Spring Celebrations
Staff Members: Gracie Cheney
Position: Staff Writer
Withwinter over and spring beginning, so many awesome holidays are coming up! It seems like this really is the season of celebration. And for good reason! Spring is such a beautiful time of the year, with all its bright colors, birdsongs, and sunrays. It also brings some different holidays that students at SHS celebrate!
Easter is possibly the most popular holiday this time of the year. Through the nation and in our school! About every 4 in 5 students here at SHS celebrate Easter. A traditionally Christian holiday, with all the fun candy and spirited traditions, it’s hard not to join in on the fun! So what are some of the ways our students celebrate? Of course, there’s the typical dyeing eggs and having Easter egg hunts! A lot of people said they sometimes go to church with their family, hang out with their family and friends, eat an Easter meal, or do outdoor activities.
The second most popular holiday during spring is St. Patrick’s Day. The holiday where it looks like the color green threw up on everything is surprisingly popular. A little over half our students celebrate it, the ratio being around 14 in 25 students. Not surprisingly, the most popular way to celebrate is to wear green and avoid being pinched. Students also said they eat a lot of sugar, decorate the house, eat a feast, or watch a movie. Some more unique celebrations would be going to see ancestors, making soda bread and corned beef, and getting gold coins.
The third most popular spring holiday among students is Passover. It’s a Jewish holiday celebrating the Hebrews’ liberation from Egypt, and around every 1 in 5 students celebrate it here at SHS! These students said they usually celebrate by eating the Passover meal with their church on Good Friday, reading the Bible and watching movies about it, cleaning, and eating kosher.
Some notable holidays that students celebrate during the spring are birthdays, spring break, and Lent. Lent is another Christian spring holiday in which people fast and pray for 40 days and give alms from Ash Wednesday to Holy Thursday.
There are so many unique ways to celebrate these holidays and so many students at SHS have cool traditions of their own. Maybe consider trying something new for your preferred spring holiday this year! Or add onto the traditions you already have. You could even try celebrating a new holiday! Just know that there is no one right way to celebrate, and new traditions could be a lot of fun!