7 26 13

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In This Issue

Kiosk Sat. July 27

Identification Day Natural History Museum 11 AM-3 PM, Free 648-5716

Sat., July 27

Men in Grief Wkshp. Westland House 9 AM-Noon, Free 649-7758 •

Sat., July 27

“Les Misérables” Grand Opening Gala 5:30 PM, $125 646-4213

New postmaster - Page 7

PG PONY - Page 12

Weenie Roast - Page 17

Pacific Grove’s

Fri., Aug. 2


Art Reception Sally Griffin Ctr. 5-7 PM, Free 372-2841 •

Sat., Aug. 3

Author Theresa Levitt Museum of Monterey 1 PM, Free 212-790-4325 •

Sat., Aug. 3

Stuart Mason & John Weed Carl Cherry Center 7:30 PM, $20 624-7491 •

Thu., Aug. 8

Author Cecile Pineda Peace Resource Center 7 PM, Free 375-2016 •

Sat., Aug. 10

Grief Writing Wkshp. 9 AM-Noon, Free 649-7758 •

Sun., Aug. 11

“Doors Live” Film Golden Bough Theatre 7 PM, $15/$10/$7.50 622-0100 •

Wed., Aug. 14

Tony Seton Double Nickels + Lunch Good Shepherd Church Noon-1:30 PM, $5 484-2153 •

Fri., Aug. 16

Piano Concert Local Favorite Michael Martinez & Steinway Artist Louis Landon Canterbury Woods Auditorium 651 Sinex Ave. Pacific Grove No charge to join us for this special evening 6:30 PM RSVP: 657-4193 or rsvpcw@jtm-est.org •

July 26-Aug. 1, 2013

Your Community NEWSpaper

The Royal Court has Decreed...

Sun., Aug. 18

Rolling Stones Film Golden Bough Theatre 7 PM, $15/$10/$7.50 622-0100 •

Sun., Aug. 25

Above: The Royal Court tells the story of the Blue Willow to fascinated children at the Museum of Natural History. Children are invited to decorate lanterns (right) and draw on the sidewalk as well as enjoying face painting by the Court. Below, at the Opening Ceremony on Wednesday, the Court helps Mayor Bill Kampe cut the City’s birthday cake. The Pet Parade takes place on Friday and the Pageant and fireworks are Saturday. Closing Ceremonies are Sunday, July 28. Photos by Peter Mounteer.

Mary Chamberlin Dinner Beach & Tennis Club 6:30 PM, $150/$195 596-4629 •

Inside Animal Tales & Random Thoughts..... 14 Arts & Events.................................. 8, 9 Diggin’ It.......................................... 22 Finances........................................... 16 Food................................................. 20 Green Page....................................... 23 Health.............................................. 19 High Hats & Parasols.......................... 4 Legal Notices.................................... 10 Otter Views....................................... 11 Peeps.................................................. 7 Poetry............................................... 11 Seniors............................................. 18 Shelf Life.......................................... 15 Sports......................................... 12, 13

The Feast of Lanterns is Open

Choices have been made from the lovely Feast of Lanterns Art Work The entire city is decked out for the Feast of Lanterns, and the favorites each year always include artwork prepared on the Feast of Lanterns theme. This year, the pieces are on display at The Works, 667 Lighthouse Ave. in Pacific Grove. At the reception for the Royal Court held on Fri., July 19, Queen Topaz and her Princesses made their choices. The Royal Court’s Choice for first place was an untitled piece by Wendy Ashby, shown below. the piece also was the Queen’s Choice for third place and the People’s Choice for third place.

Second place choice of the Royal Court was a piece entitled “Girls Are Gems Lighting The Way” by N.J. Taylor. The piece was the Queen’s first choice and was also first place in People’s Choice.

See ART Page 10

Vol. V, Issue 45


Times • July 26, 2013


Fiery Decorations

From Page 16 The Royal Court chose “Queen Topaz” by Sheree Greek as third place. It was Queen Topaz’s second place choice. People’s Choice for second place is entitled “Feast of Lanterns” and is by Thaleia Widemon. The Host’s Choice, chosen by Leela Marcum of The Works, was a collage/multimedia piece by Anita Kaplan. All the works are on display for a few more days and are for sale. Half the proceeds go to the Feast of Lanterns. Right: “Queen Topaz” by Sheree Greek Below: Aided by Board member Shelby Birch, host Leela Marcum, designates her favorite as the court looks on.


4079 Los Altos Drive Pebble Beach

House + guest house on over 1/3 acre! Main house: Single level, 3 beds/2.5 baths, 2,113 sq.ft., 2-car garage.Guest house is large studio w/full kitchen and laundry, 709 sq. ft. Gorgeous backyard w/deck and tiered brick patios.

List Price: $1,495,000


On Fri., July 19 a small electrical fire started in one of the city’s decorated trees at the corner of Lighthouse and Fountain. The fire was extinguished by a Pacific Grove Police Department Officer, but Monterey Fire personnel remained on the scene until Public Works shut off the power to the tree, which was strung with fairy lights and lanterns. Photo by Cindy Angeli.


142 Monterey Avenue Pacific Grove

Your friendly local real estate professional born & raised on the Monterey Peninsula.

Adorable PG cottage. 2 beds, 1 bath, 851 sq. ft. Just 1.5 blocks to the beach. Easy walk to town, Cannery Row, Aquarium, etc. Bamboo floors, double pane windows, 3 year roof.

List Price: $575,000

Lic. #01147233

Pacific Grove Weekend Forecast




Mostly Sunny

67° 54°

Chance of Rain

10% WIND: WNW at 10 mph

65° 53°

Chance of Rain

0% WIND: W at 10 mph



Partly Cloudy

64° 53°

Chance of Rain

0% WIND: SW at 11 mph



Mostly Sunny

63° 53°

Chance of Rain

0% WIND SSW at 11 mph

Mayflower Church Offers Vacation Bible Fun School

Children entering first through fifth grades are invited to take part in HayDay!, a local Vacation Bible Fun School program taking place at Mayflower Presbyterian Church the weekend of August 2 through 4. Games, songs, projects, Bible adventures and snacks are among the HayDay! festivities offered amidst a barnyard theme. Volunteers from the church will lead the children on Friday 6:30 to 8:30 pm, Saturday 9:00 am to 12:00 noon, and Sunday 10:15 to 11:45 am. Immediate registration is recommended, as spots are limited. Forms are available at www.mayflowerpres.org or may be picked up and dropped off at Mayflower Presbyterian Church, located on the corner of Central Ave. and 14th Street (outside the church office on the 14th St. side.) Suggested donation to defray cost is $10 per child or $20 maximum for a family with two or more children. For more information email ChildrensMinistry@mayflowerpres.org or call the church at 373-4705. August 2-4 Weekend Vacation Bible Fun School at Mayflower Presbyterian Church Fri. 6:30-8:30 pm, Sat. 9-12 noon and Sun. 10:00-11:45 Register kids entering grades 1-5 www.mayflowerpres.org or 373-4705

Pacific Grove’s Rain Gauge Data reported by Jack Beigle at Canterbury Woods

Week ending 07-25-13................................... .05 Total for the season......................................... .08 To date last year (04-20-12)........................ 10.86 Cumulative average to this date...................... .05 Wettest year............................................................. 47.15 during rain year 07-01-97 through 06-30-98 Driest year.................................................................. 9.87 during rain year 07-01-75 through 06-30-76 Feel a Fish Fun

April 26,2013 2013 • CEDAR STREET July 26,


Times • Page 3

Laura Emerson

On page 14 of last week’s issue, for July 19-25 (Vol. V, Issue 44) under “New You” we ran a story titled “Does Your Home Need Physical Therapy Too?” on Pacific Grove Physical Therapist Tim Doyle, who seeks to offer home modification services to elderly persons and other interested customers. The goal of such modifications are to reduce the risk of falling and injury and possibly extend the time a person has to live in their home. We regret to say that we accidentally omitted the name of Doyle’s business venture. He will be providing home modification services as part of a new business he calls “AccessAbility.” According to Doyle AccessAbility will be up and running in August or September of 2013. Check for an ad in future issues. Contact tdoylept@yahoo.com.

Concerns About Wildlife Safety, Concerns About Human and Pet Safety

Police say a resident on Union St. reported finding peanut shells on the roadway as evidence of her neighbor feeding the wildlife. Remember, it’s against the law to feed wildlife as it makes them dependent on human kindness and encourages interaction. According to Pacific Grove Police, a reporting party was driving along Ocean Ave. and slowed when a young mountain lion walked across the road into the dunes area. Another person called to report a sighting of a young mountain lion walking along Pico Ave. and heading towards Calle Corte. Keep your pets indoors at night and be aware of your surroundings when walking after dusk.

Disaster Response Training with CERT Begins September 5

Community Emergency Response Team is a Federal Emergency Management Agency program that teaches basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization and disaster medical operations. Using the training learned in the classroom and during exercises, CERT members can assist their family and others in their neighborhood or workplace following an event when professional responders are not immediately available to help. The next Monterey CERT training runs consecutive Thursdays, September 5-October 24, from 6:30 p.m. until 9 p.m. Pre-registration is required. To register, call 646-3416 or email montereycert@hotmail.com. This training is offered free of charge, and family participation is encouraged. For more information, see www.montereycert.org.

Joy Welch

Cop log Naked car

Reporting party states their car cover was removed sometime during the night on Lighthouse Ave.

Naked car owner?

Vehicle parked in covered garage on Ocean View Blvd,, had window smashed and garment bag filled with clothes was stolen. Vehicle traveling westbound on Sinex Ave. struck two parked cars, no injuries. Window smashed on parked vehicle on Ocean View Blvd., nothing taken. Vehicle rear-ended another vehicle on Forest Ave., resulting in the need for a tow. Hit-and-run on Lighthouse Ave., no suspects or leads. A vehicle on Pine Ave was towed for expired registration. A note on the dash said not to turn the engine over, that there was no timing belt.


Subject fell onto the rocks while taking pictures and sustained an injury to the left side of his head, transported to hospital for treatment. Subject was walking his dog on 17th St. when he encountered another subject walking two dogs who warned that one of the dogs was aggressive and mean. Not heading the warning, the subject walking the one dog allowed that animal to get too close and his dog was attacked.

Altered Checks

Subject approached by two male juveniles who claimed that proceeds from their magazine sales would go to wounded veterans, deployed troops and the local youth baseball team. Subject issued a check for $34 that was subsequently altered and cashed for $212.

Lost & Found...or Not

Subject reported losing a blank check and her driver license which were later found and returned to her. Subject turned in a wallet he’d found outside a sandwich shop at a shopping center. Owner was located and retrieved his wallet. Subject came to the station to report the loss of a small black thumb drive while walking between City Hall and Union Bank Pacific Grove. Several unsuccessful attempts were made to locate the drive, meaning that the party to whom it had been entrusted walked back and forth along the route many times. Subject called to report a lost driver license and debit card. Subject came to the station to report losing his cell phone [which was found by owner two days later]. An employee of a local grocery store brought in several pieces of found property, including debit cards. Attempts will be made to contact the owners. Party reports losing wedding ring at Lover’s Point. Wallet lost on Forest Ave. [Another] wallet lost on Forest Ave.


419 Forest Avenue, Pacific Grove 12 units Very close to town Price: $1,825,000

Lic. #: 00902236


“Joy’s quiet strength, persistence and care for her clients is legendary on the Monterey Peninsula.”

831-214-0105 joywelch@redshift.com

Cedar Street Times was established September 1, 2008 and was adjudicated a legal newspaper for Pacific Grove, Monterey County, California on July 16, 2010. It is published weekly at 306 Grand Ave., Pacific Grove, CA 93950. Press deadline is Wednesday, noon. The paper is distributed on Friday and is available at various locations throughout the county as well as by e-mail subscription. Editor/Publisher: Marge Ann Jameson Copy Editor: Michael Sizemore News: Marge Ann Jameson, Peter Mounteer, Kacie Clark, Cameron Douglas Graphics: Shelby Birch Regular Contributors: Ben Alexander • Jack Beigle • Mike Clancy • Laura Emerson • Rabia Erduman • Jon Guthrie • John C. Hantelman • Kyle Krasa • Travis Long • Rhonda Farrah • Dorothy Maras-Ildiz • Neil Jameson • Richard Oh • Jean Prock • Al Saxe • Katie Shain • Joan Skillman • Dirrick Williams Advertising: Rebecca Barrymore Photography: Peter Mounteer, Skyler Lewis Distribution: Peter Mounteer, Duke Kelso • Website: Skyler Lewis, Duke Kelso

831.324.4742 Voice 831.324.4745 Fax

editor@cedarstreettimes.com Calendar items to: cedarstreettimes@gmail.com website: www.cedarstreetimes.com Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter to receive calendar updates

A business owner heard from an employee that a customer wanted to come to his house and shoot him.

Police Play Solomon: It’s Mine, No, It’s Not

A disturbance between a customer and business owner erupted when the customer attempted to retrieve stolen property that the business owner was unwilling to relinquish without the customer reimbursing them the $900 he’d paid for it. Theft of item was confirmed and item was taken for safekeeping as evidence in police case. Party reported that the plum tree in her backyard on Gibson Ave. was stripped bare of all its fruit. With no signs of a trespasser, it is not possible to determine if the offender was human or beast.

No place is safe

After leaving a church function on Sunset Dr., reporting party discovered the passenger window on her vehicle had been broken and her purse stolen.

Next time, come home alone

Reporting party claims that his wallet was stolen by three “new friends” whom he invited back to his residence. All had been drinking alcohol; RP does not recall their names or descriptions.


Victim discovered several charges on her statement from a credit card that had been stolen. Four checks written to pay bills and placed in the reporting party’s mailbox on Syida Dr. were stolen, altered and unfortunately cashed.


Subject came to station to leave a copy of a letter he had written to his neighbor regarding the parking situation.


Party reported an ongoing barking dog problem on Fungston Ave. that she has tried to resolve by speaking to the neighbor and leaving them notes. Party reported ongoing barking dog problem at her residence on Forest Ave. where she works from home. Party reported trying to resolve barking dog problem on Shafter Ave. by contacting neighbor numerous times whose response was said to be rude and discourteous. A follow-up visit to the residence indicated that the dog does indeed bark a lot. Report forwarded to Animal Control. Ongoing barking dog problem on Junipero Ave.

Suspicious Activity

Upon returning to her deceased brother’s recently-emptied and locked RV, stored in a business facility, the reporting party was startled to find someone else’s belongings inside.

We don’t repeat reports of sexual violence or domestic violence where the name of the victim could be discerned. We do not report on mental illness or dementia. We do not report on deaths by natural causes.


Times • July 26, 2013

Jon Guthrie

High Hats & Parasols Please bear in mind that historical articles such as “High Hats & Parasols” present our history — good and bad — in the language and terminology used at the time. The writings contained in are quoted from Pacific Grove/Monterey publications from 100 years in the past. Please also note that any items listed for sale in “High Hats” are “done deals,” and while we would all love to see those prices again, people also worked for a dollar a day back then. Thanks for your understanding.

Book Sale to benefit Library

Friends of the Harrison Memorial Library 41st Book Sale is being held August 8-9-10 at the Carmel Mission’ Junipero Serra School Gym Carmel. Members Presale is Thursday August 8th from 11am - 4pm (join at the door $10.00). Friday and Saturday August 9th and 10th will be open to the Public 10:00am - 4:00pm. The sale features a “vast and varied collection of donated and well sorted hard covers and paperbacks as well as CDs, DVDs, audio tapes and video tapes.

Boat to launch

Manager Foster of the Pacific Improvement Company has announced that his company will celebrate the finished construction of a new boat. The celebration and launching will take place Thursday afternoon near the point of the lover at the time of high tide. The president of the company will be on hand to syllogize and praise P.I.C.’s progress. Company employees will attend and the public from the Grove-Monterey area are invited. Several speeches, additional to the discourse by the company president, will be offered. Group games will be enjoyed. The name of the newly-finished watercraft is be revealed at the launching.

Salinas man brags of “Big” week

Forget your Chautauqua and Feast of Lanterns and whatnot. Of these, Pacific Grove should be rightfully proud. There is one man from Salinas, however, who is really proud of the big week in Salinas, which focuses on cows, cowhands, animals, and adjunct events, as things in Salinas should. The editor of the Review encourages you to attend. Grab a bull and ride on over. Perhaps, then, visitors from Salinas will wend their ways here for our plethora of less violent, more esoteric events

Spell Chick doesn’t cache ever thing. That was supposed to read, “Spell Check doesn’t catch everything.” How many mistakes do you see? You can rely on Spell Check to find your mistakes, but it didn’t find any in that headline. Let me help you polish up your written content. Call Cameron at (831) 238-7179.

Editing/proofreading starting at $25/hour.

Through the Santa Clara Valley

Mr. J. K. Paul, one of the Grove’s trustees, took a train to Watsonville then drove in a borrowed auto mobile to Morgan Hill where Paul stayed the night. The next day he rose bright and early to begin touring the width and breadth of the Santa Clara valley where he is considering investing in new railroads. Paul’s only comment concerned how hot the weather was. Paul misses the climate of the Grove and plans to hurry home.

Trustees meet

The board of trustees met this week as scheduled. The principal discussion focused on the direction that should be taken to ensure a prosperous 1914. 1 There is some concern over easy credit and high interest rates. None, however, wish a return to the hard times and piquiuny interest-rates of the 1880s. Money problems at the Pacific Grove high school also entered the discussion, but no action was taken on either matter.

Forest Hill United Methodist Church 551 Gibson Ave., Services 9 AM Sundays Rev. Richard Bowman, 831-372-7956

Speaking (loudly) of Chautauqua

Peninsula Christian Center 520 Pine Avenue, 831-373-0431

It was ten years ago, more or less, that my wife and I first attended Chautauqua assembly. The Chautauqua was then a relatively new event. Only one well existed from which to draw drinking water. Food was sparse and high-priced. There was a bounty of nothing save fog. There were only a few tiny cottages for rent and even fewer plots on which to pitch a tent. Still they came, including the two of us, from Monterey, Watsonville, San Jose, and far beyond. A professor Anderson gave a rousing speech one year and said we should all learn to love each other and the Chautauqua. The audience roared its approval. They may prefer roping calves in Salinas, but to my way of thinking you can’t beat a good, old Chautauqua.

Notes from here and there…

Mister Jacob L. Neighborly, with wife and son are visiting here from Centerville, staying with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neighborly of the Grove. The Pacific Improvement Company is offering a special fire inspection with low estimates for any and all work needed. Floyd Taylor and Eaton Stevens drove down from Woodland to play a little golf.

And the cost is…

Wall paper is guaranteed to improve your home’s interior appearance when purchased from A. A. Phillips at 174 Forest. $1.25 per rol, embossed. Fresh strawberries from Curnow & Curnow, grocers, where prices are always rock bottom. $1.00 per flat, cleaned. Beautiful patterns are on hand for spring and winter suits. Hand wrought by A. A. Pullman, tailor. From $24 to $50 with vest. The Hotel Benefit of the pacific is the place for your next holiday. Entertainments during weekends. $2.50 and up per night. Come by and inspect the house.

Notes by the author…

Early signs of depression were being seen, but for that moment these were indeed boom times.

Pacific Coast Church 522 Central Avenue, 831-372-1942

First Baptist Church of Pacific Grove 246 Laurel Avenue, 831-373-0741 St. Mary’s-by-the-Sea Episcopal Church Central Avenue & 12 tsp.h Street, 831-373-4441 Community Baptist Church Monterey & Pine Avenues, 831-375-4311 Peninsula Baptist Church 1116 Funston Avenue, 831-394-5712 St. Angela Merici Catholic Church

146 8th Street, 831-655-4160

Christian Church Disciples of Christ of Pacific Grove 442 Central Avenue, 831-372-0363 First Church of God 1023 David Avenue, 831-372-5005 Jehovah’s Witnesses of Pacific Grove 1100 Sunset Drive, 831-375-2138 Church of Christ 176 Central Avenue, 831-375-3741 Lighthouse Fellowship of Pacific Grove PG Community Center, 515 Junipero Ave., 831-333-0636 Mayflower Presbyterian Church 141 14th Street, 831-373-4705 Central Presbyterian Church of Pacific Grove 325 Central Avenue, 831-375-7207

New distribution time begins:

Cedar Street Times, which has been available on Thursdays, will now be on the street on Friday afternoons. Subscribers will continue to receive their electronic link earlier than the print version. There will be NO adjustment in deadlines. We appreciate your ad reservations by Mondays and your press releases by Wednesdays.

Seventh-Day Adventist Church of the Monterey Peninsula 375 Lighthouse Avenue, 831-372-7818 First United Methodist Church of Pacific Grove

915 Sunset @ 17-Mile Dr., Pacific Grove - (831) 372-5875 Worship: Sundays @ 10:00 a.m. Congregation Beth Israel 5716 Carmel Valley Rd., Carmel (831) 624-2015 Chabad of Monterey 2707 David Avenue, Pacific Grove (831) 643-2770

July 26, 2013 • CEDAR STREET

Times • Page 5

Stuff the Bus to Make a Difference for Homeless Students Homelessness Holds Students Back

Stuff the Bus—an annual school supply drive spearheaded by the United Way Monterey County—strives to equip children who are homeless, or from low-income families, with the supplies they need as they head back to school. For those of us lucky enough to live in, say, Pacific Grove or Carmel this cause might seem remote, something needed in cities like Los Angeles or New York but not in our hometowns. We couldn’t be more wrong. There’s a need here and you can do something about it. There are 5,144 kindergarten to 12th

garage, or a backyard tent. In addition to the challenge of finding stable housing, Monterey County families also suffer from hunger more than ever before. Out of all 58 counties in California, ours has the highest levels of food insecurity—that is the inability to afford food or the necessity of foregoing other basic needs in order to eat. Despite the fact that Salinas Valley has famously been called “The Salad Bowl of the World,” a study by the Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems has actually identified the city of Salinas and other parts of Monterey County as “food deserts” – areas where nutritious,

grade students who are currently homeless in Monterey County. You read that correctly — more than 5,000 students in our county alone. More than half of that number is concentrated in the Salinas school districts and, in one district — the Salinas City Elementary schools — 24 percent of kindergartern to 6th grade students are currently homeless. That’s one in four students. While the prevalence of homelessness in our community may surprise you, it shouldn’t come as a shock that these children will not be able to afford basic school supplies such as paper, pencils, crayons or calculators. Success in school is critical if these students are to beat the odds that are stacked against them. But from the first day of school, they will be at a disadvantage. They won’t be as well prepared as other children in the classroom and a simple lack of supplies can lead to low self-esteem and increased absenteeism. Homeless students are more likely to miss class, which often results in failing grades and dropping out. In fact, one quarter of homeless children will not graduate from high school. This is the bleak reality that Stuff the Bus strives to change with your help. Although parents recognize that school supplies are important for a young student, the cost is beyond their means as they struggle to provide shelter and food for their families. Most students become homeless when their parents suffer a job loss, have unforeseen medical expenses or simply don’t earn enough to afford adequate housing. They could end up in a shelter, a motel, a

affordable food is difficult or impossible to obtain. To add insult to injury, those who suffer most from hunger in Monterey County are usually families of field-workers themselves. This is the sort of suffering that people in our own communities deal with day to day. And while school supplies can’t solve every problem, ensuring the academic success of every child in Monterey County is our best chance at breaking the cycles of homelessness, hunger and under-education. Currently, 25 percent of adults in this county never graduated from high school. If we could decrease this by just 5 percent, we could expect nearly 300 fewer people unemployed and about 1000 fewer people living in poverty ... not to mention an increase in life expectancy and a drop in murder rates (see for yourself using the Common Good Forecaster at http://apps. unitedway.org/forecaster/). Education can make all the difference for Monterey County and you, holding this paper, have the power to make that change for a child and our community right now. With a donation of just $25, Stuff the Bus can furnish a fully-stocked backpack to a student. One backpack will change a child’s future. Enough backpacks will change the future of our whole community. Visit www.unitedwaymcca,org/stuff-bus to make a donation now. Or you can put yourself to work August 1 and 2 to help sort the donated supplies. Gabriela Chavez is a life-long resident of Pacific Grove, a student at New York University and an intern for United Way Monterey County.

By Gabriela Chavez



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Times • July 26, 2013

SPCA Renovations Completed

Blach Construction Company, a commercial building contractor and construction manager serving Northern California, the Central Coast and Sacramento, recently completed a full campus renovation for the SPCA for Monterey County on its 200-acre site on Highway 68. Over the past six years, Blach and its architect partner, Animal Arts of Boulder, Colorado have conducted a multi-phase transformation of the campus, which was built in 1968. The comprehensive renovation included a new adoption pavilion, a new wildlife center, an equine facility, a rebuilt veterinary hospital, a new barn, a caretaker’s cottage, veterinary clinic and site infrastructure improvements and modernization to the administration and shelter buildings. Blach and its design partner also upgraded site utilities, installed a new water system and demolished several outdated buildings. The project incorporated sustainable materials such as certified lumber, recycled paving and demolition materials and bio-swales. “Blach Construction was both creative and accommodating in meeting the SPCA’s need to continue operating its programs at full capacity during the multiyear construction project while still meeting all budget and timing milestones,” said Gary Tiscornia, executive director of the SPCA. “It was a pleasure working with their professional team.” The new Adoption Pavilion, opened in January 2012, features flexible accommodation for dogs and cats, natural light and efficient air circulation systems that complement piano music aimed at keeping the center’s residents calm. Gone are the days of cramped cages and noisy hallways; instead, the center’s furry guests are housed behind glass along spacious corridors, making the area bright, comfortable and quiet. A new separate lobby provides privacy for families undergoing the distressing process of giving up pets, and counseling rooms provide space for prospective adopters to get acquainted with their future companions. Many dogs are housed in private rooms and several kennels have outdoor access to a synthetic grass play area via rolling doors. In addition, the new Wildlife Rescue and Rehabili-

SPCA Advocates for Injured Wildlife By Laura Emerson

Above and below: Renovations at the SPCA facility

tation Center is the only one of its kind in Monterey County that offers veterinary treatment to a large array of wild animals, from great horned owls to raccoons, from deer to coyotes. These new facilities are enabling the SPCA for Monterey County to continue providing cost-effective programs through education, partnerships and outreach to the community. In addition, the project will enhance existing treatment facilities and allow for the care of large animals. “Partnering with the SPCA for Monterey County has been a highly rewarding experience. We are thrilled to have been involved in improving the facilities of such an important community organization,” said John Haupt, Blach’s Monterey region manager. “The new facility ensures that the SPCA will continue to serve the Monterey Bay community for years to come.”

Global Imports on the Edge of America By Peter Mounteer We caught up with importers Don Kyle and Manny Mandapat as they were stocking in some new products. The team of owner and manager, respectively, of Global Imports Village in Pacific Grove have just set up shop in a 125 square foot space on 220 17th Street. The scant space is packed wall to wall with various curiosities from around the globe. Currently, a large portion of their displayed inventory has a distinctly Central and South American flavor. Available pieces range from Thai handbags to Mexican handcrafted items designed for the Day of the Dead festival, and much more. The store has been open for roughly two weeks. Part of the goal of the Pacific Grove storefront is to bring in capital to establish a fund for a nonprofit arm of Global Imports Village. The organization would supply small amounts of money in the form of donations to local artists and those with whom Ktle ad Mandaoat collaborate with to bring in inventory from around the world. “It would be a way to give back to the people who create these things,” Kyle said. As it turns outs, the acronym for Mandapat’s business, GIV, becomes fitting in that respect. Kyle has been in the importing business since 2000. Until recently, the pair ran a store in Las Vegas that focused solely on Southwestern folk art. They made the move across the California-Nevada border simply seeking a change in culture and lifestyles. Additionally, with the new store Kyle and Mandapat seek to offer a broader range of items than those offered in the Las Vegas location. Incoming inventory includes decorative handbags from Norway and miscellaneous Russian handicrafts. Other pieces soon to be had at Global Imports Village include African drums produced by hand in Guinea, on the Western edge of Africa. Mandepat is also trying to establish an ambassador program whereby individuals affiliated with Global Imports Village would contact somebody in another country and inquire if any artists local to the area want to be represented. Mandapat says he seeks to educate others about different cultures using the material in the store. The tiny shop, with its colors and many nooks and crannies invites browsing through inventory different from any other found in Pacific Grove.

Pacific Grove residents and visitors love their pets. Dogs of every size, shape and color regularly accompany their owners who walk or run on our sidewalks, streets and the Rec Trail. Cats can be seen observing the world from windowsills – or dashing across a yard or street in quick pursuit or escape. At last count, there were five veterinary facilities in Pacific Grove ready and willing to care for your sick or injured pets. But who takes care of the injured wildlife? My favorite route home is cruising along Asilomar Beach on Sunset Drive, traveling at approximately 20 mph to gaze at the sand dunes, the rocky coastline, the beautiful ocean and the seagulls who dive and swoop above it all. You can imagine my surprise early one evening last month when I came upon one of those beautiful birds lying on its back in the road, wings and feet flailing as it struggled to stand up. I stopped my SUV in the road and turned on the hazard lights before getting out to inspect the injured bird. There was fresh blood on the top of its head and a peculiar bend in its neck; but otherwise the beautiful creature was intact. With no previous experience in helping injured wildlife, the only phone number I could think to call was 9-1-1. The dispatcher assured me it was not silly to call about injured wildlife, that she would relay my information to the proper source who would be contacting me. About an hour later the confused seagull was resting comfortably inside a specially constructed carrier inside the specially equipped van on its way to The SPCA Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Center in Salinas on Highway 68. I recall feeling assured that the bird had a good chance of surviving when Jan, the wildlife specialist, quickly but carefully placed the injured bird into the carrier and practically ran with it back to the van whose tires spun for a second on the sandy pavement as she drove away. The SPCA Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Center is the only full service wildlife rehabilitation center serving Monterey County. They operate under permits from the California Department of Fish and Game and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. They rely solely on donations as they do not receive funding from any federal, state or local government agency. Each year, The SPCA Wildlife Center admits over 2,000 animals for treatment and care. The species of animals received ranges from large animals such as bobcats, deer, opossums, hawks, owls, and pelicans, to small animals, including squirrels, turtles, hummingbirds, swallows, and more. Serving the entire Monterey County area, the Wildlife Center provides a resource for people who encounter wildlife in need while also providing care for exotic pet animals that are lost or surrendered to The SPCA. In addition to receiving animals brought in by the public, Wildlife Center staff members are on call 24 hours a day, every day of the year, to respond to wildlife emergencies and provide transport and care to animals in distress. The SPCA wildlife emergency number during the day is 831-264-5427. For after-hour wildlife emergencies call 831-646-5534. Tell them the seagull with the injured neck asked you to call. For more information about the SPCA Wildlife Center visit http://www.spcamc.org/wildlife-center.html

Author to speak at Peace Resource Center

Author Cecile Pineda will discuss “Fukushima and Its Consequences to the Planet” on Thursday, August 8 at 7 p.m. at the Peace Resource Center. Pineda, critically acclaimed award-winning writer, author of several works of fiction, and long-time antiwar activist, will discuss her recent book, “Devil’s Tango: How I Learned the Fukushima Step by Step,” a dissection of the nuclear industry seen through the lens of the ongoing disaster at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear complex in Japan. It is also a personal journal with reflections upon Fukushima’s scope and consequences. Pineda’s appearance at the Peace Resource Center is part of a tour of Central California cities. Her talk coincides with the 68th anniversary of the bombings of Hiroshima & Nagasaki. Her book will be available for sale, along with materials on what Fukushima means and what can be done about it. The public is welcome; donations are appreciated. The evening is sponsored by Womens’ International League for Peace and Freedom. For information call 375-2016. the Peace Center is located at 1364 Fremont Boulevard, Seaside.

July 26, 2013 • CEDAR STREET

Times • Page 7

Your achievements


Rick Swette Receives Degree from Georgia Tech

New Postmaster Sworn In

Rick Swette of Carmel has earned a master’s degree in Human-Computer Interaction from the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta. He was among approximately 2,700 undergraduate and graduate students who received degrees during the school’s 245th commencement exercises. The institute is one of the nation’s leading research universities, providing a technologically based education to more than 21,000 undergraduate and graduate students. It has more than 100 interdisciplinary research centers operating through the colleges of architecture, computing, business, engineering, sciences and the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts that consistently contribute research and innovation to American government, industry and business. For more information, visit Georgia Tech’s website at www.gatech.edu.

Matthew Ryan earns Honors at Tufts University On Friday, July 19 Omar Norzagaray (left) was sworn in as postmaster at the Pacific Grove Post Office by Aron Jones, Manager of Post Office Operations. Norzagaray started his postal career as a distribution clerk at the Pacific Grove Post Office in April 2001. In 2004, he was promoted to supervisor of customer services at the Seaside Post Office, later serving as the acting postmaster there. Said Norzagaray. “To become a postmaster is a dream come true. I would like to inspire other kids currently living in the same conditions I grew up in [East Salinas] to seek their own path to success, and to never give up on a dream.” Norzagaray, 36, has two children, Emmanuel, 16, and Isabella, 12. He resides in Seaside. He said he enjoys crosscountry skiing, Iaido (Japanese Sword) classes and travelling. As Pacific Grove postmaster, Norzagaray oversees 27 employees who process and deliver a daily mail volume of more than 34,000 pieces to 8,682 addresses on 14 city routes and 1,549 post office boxes. Photo by Peter Mounteer

Businesses Invited to Decorate for Feast of Lanterns

Businesses located in Pacific Grove are invited to decorate their windows or their business in the theme of the Feast of Lanterns. “It’s so much fun to see the whole city get involved in the Feast of Lanterns,” said Board member Joni Birch. Board members will tour Pacific Grove and photograph outstanding displays, perhaps with the members of the Royal Court. A number of businesses in Pacific Grove and New Monterey have lanterns for sale. If you wish to be certain your business will be noticed, please email s.birc@feastof-lanterns.org

Tufts University recently announced the dean’s list for the spring, 2013 semester, which included Matthew Ryan of Pacific Grove. Ryan is a member of the class of 2015. Dean’s list honors at Tufts University require a semester grade point average of 3.4 or greater. Tufts University, located on three Massachusetts campuses in Boston, Medford/Somerville, and Grafton, and in Talloires, France, is recognized to be among the premier research universities in the United States.

Miles Cutchin to Enroll at Melissa Woolpert Hampden-Sydney College Named to Dean’s List Miles Taylor C. Cutchin has been accepted by Hampden-Sydney College and will enroll with an Alumni Award in August. Miles is a graduate of Pacific Grove High School and is the son of Chief Petty Officer and Mrs. Wally T. Cutchin of Pacific Grove. According to Dean of Admissions Anita Garland, “This year’s freshman class is among the most selective ever enrolled. The academic and extracurricular talents of these young men are outstanding. All of us at HampdenSydney College are looking forward to the matriculation of the Class of 2017.” A college for men, Hampden-Sydney is known for its rhetoric program that stresses excellence in writing and speaking, the Honor Code that stresses individual and collective responsibility, and a focus on the education and development of young men.

Melissa E. Woolpert, of Carmel Valley has been named to the dean’s list for the spring 2013 semester at the University of Vermont. Woolpert is a senior animal sciences major in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. To be named to the dean’s lists, students must have a grade-point average of 3.0 or better and rank in the top 20 percent of their class in their respective college or school. Chartered in 1791, UVM was the first college or university in the United States that did not give preference to a religious sect in its charter. The school now has nearly 10,459 undergraduates in seven schools and colleges, 1,540 graduate students and 449 medical students. As a small, comprehensive university, it blends the academic heritage of a private university with service missions in the land-grant tradition.

Skillshots By Joan Skillman

CALL FOR DELIVERY 899-0101 880 Broadway Seaside


Times • July 26, 2013

Arts and Events

Up and Coming ‘Les Misérables’ Offered by MPC

Campus Theater Reopens with Central Coast Premiere of Play about Student Uprising

Monterey Peninsula College’s Grand Re-Opening production will feature the Central Coast premiere of “Les Misérables.” MPC will celebrate the reopening of its campus theater after an extensive 21-month renovation, while at the same time bringing to stage one of its biggest productions to date. A cast of more than three dozen brings the characters of Victor Hugo’s classic novel to life in a saga that spans decades. The play is set in France during the student uprising of 1832. The flawed but noble Jean Valjean (Sean Boulware), relentless Inspector Javert (Rob Devlin) and the achingly tragic Eponine (Megan Root) and Fantine (Michelle Boulware) all pursue love, honor and valor amidst the pageantry, strife, humor and lust of this epic musical, accompanied by a 15-piece orchestra. This production runs July 26 through August 18, with a preview performance Thursday, July 25 at 7:30 p.m. “I am extremely pleased to bring this musical theater masterpiece to the Central Coast,” said MPC Theatre Arts Chairman Gary Bolen. “With musical direction by Dr. John Anderson and choreography by Susan Cable, audiences will experience ‘Les Misérables’ as they never have before.” The Grand Opening Gala will be Sat., July 27 at 5:30 p.m. The $125 per person ticket price includes a pre-show reception catered by Michael’s Catering, wine from Scheid Vineyards, a silent auction, and the official dedication of the modernized theater arts building and lobby.

About “Les Misérables”

“Les Misérables,” an operetta style musical based on the novel of the same name, had its world premiere in September of 1980 at the Palais des Sports in Paris. The production was directed by filmmaker Robert Hossein and ran for over 100 performances. Following the world premiere run of the original French version, Herbert Kretzmer and James Fenton were given the task of adapting the material into English. This new version, produced by Cameron Mackintosh and directed by Trevor Nunn and John Caird, opened on October 8, 1985 at the Barbican Arts Centre in London. The original cast included such notables as Colm Wilkinson, Michael Ball, and Patti LuPone. On December 4, 1985, the world premiere production of the English version transferred to the Palace Theatre in London. It eventually moved once more on April 3, 2004, to the Queen’s Theatre. It has become the second longest-running musical in the world and the second longest-running show on the West End. The original North American tour ran for seventeen years and over 7,000 performances.

About the director

Gary Bolen joined the MPC faculty in fall 1999, and now serves as the Chairman of the Theatre Arts Department. He received his B.A. and M.A. in Theater from Cal State University Fullerton and an M.F.A. in Acting from UCLA where he was the winner of the Jack Nicholson Graduate Award in Acting and a University Grant Award recipient. A working professional actor since 1979, Gary has appeared on stages from L.A. to Houston in addition to dozens of television prime time dramas, movies of the week and sit-coms. In 1995 he was nominated and elected to the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences and has served as an Emmy Blue Ribbon Peer Panel judge.

About the principles

Sean Boulware (Valjean) has played roles in “Once Upon a Matress,” “The Producers,” and “Company” for MPC. He is a choral conductor and conducts

several choirs, including the Monterey Peninsula Voices, Aria Women’s Choir, Urban Renewal Vocal Jazz and Pacific Voices. He conducts choirs and orchestras regularly at Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center. Rob Devlin (Javert) has played Cliff in last year’s “Cabaret” and Sky in “Guys and Dolls’ in 2007. Last year, he also appeared in “Fiddler on the Roof,” in “Spamalot” and in “Disney’s Beauty and the Beast” for PacRep. Lori Schulman’s (Cosette) credits include Papagana in “Manga Flute,” Ilia in” Idomeneo,” Pamina in “Die Zauberflöte,” Amore in “La Didone” and Lizzie in “BABY.” Concert soloist credits include David Del Tredici’s “Dracula” and “Handel’s Messiah.” She holds a bachelor’s degree in vocal performance from SJSU. Hadley Sprague (Young Cosette) is making her theatrical debut. Chris Beem (Thenardier), previously seen at MPC in “Urinetown,” has

also appeared in “Assassins,” “Crazy for You,” “Damn Yankees” and “Grease.” Michelle Boulware (Fantine) has appeared in several MPC productions including “Kiss Me Kate,” “Company,” “Once Upon a Mattress,” “Anything Goes” and “Caberet.” She has also been featured in productions of “Evita” and several Broadway reviews at the Wharf Theater. When not performing, Michelle is in demand as a choral conductor and voice teacher/coach all over the central coast. She is an associate conductor for Aria Women’s Choir and will be teaching at Pacific Grove Middle and High School this coming school year. John Daniel (Enjolras, Bamatabois) is teaches French at York School. Jennifer L. Newman (Madame Thenardier) is a teacher by day. One of her favorite roles is the Queen in “Once Upon a Mattress.” Megan Root (Eponine) is returning to the stage after a four-year absence. Some former roles include Hope Cladwell in “Urinetown,” Beth March in “Little Women” and Emma Carew in “Jekyll and Hyde.”

About the design team

The creative team includes Gary Bolen, director; D. Thomas Beck, technical director and scenic design; Charles Houghton, lighting design; David Rigmaiden, sound design; Constance Gamiere, costume design; Kirsten Clapp, props design; Susan Cable, choreography; Barney Hulse, vocal direction; John Anderson, musical direction. Tickets are on sale at the MPC Box Office and online at https://secure3. TicketGuys.com/mpc. A preview performance will be Thursday, July 25 at 7:30 p.m. The Grand Opening Gala will be Saturday, July 27, beginning at 5:30 p.m. Regular performances are Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. on the Morgan Stock Stage. Tickets are $25 for adults, $22 for seniors, $15 for young adults (16-21) and military and $10 for children 15 and under. Tickets bought 24 hours in advance are $20. Online tickets are $18 for adults and seniors. Tickets may be purchased from the MPC Box Office Wednesdays 3-7 p.m., Thursdays and Fridays from 3-5 p.m., or beginning 90 minutes prior to any performance, or online at www.TicketGuys. com or www.mpctheatre.com. MPC is located at 980 Fremont Street in Monterey. Parking is plentiful on the college campus. However, there is a $2 fee to park on campus on Thursday evenings. From 5 p.m. Friday, through 7 a.m. Monday there is no charge to park. Call 646-4213 after 3 p.m. for more information.

July 26, 2013 • CEDAR STREET

Times • Page 9

Arts and Events

Up and Coming Automobilia Monterey: A Candy Store for Auto Affecionados

Automobilia Monterey kicks off its 11th year on Tues., Aug. 13 and wraps up the following day, Wed., Aug. 14. Only at Automobilia Monterey will you find the finest pre- and post-war memorabilia, the world’s most extensive inventory of vintage auto posters, a wide range of original classic car accoutrements, vintage books and documents, original art and photography. Forty vendors have been selected. Automobilia has been described as a veritable “candy store” for the serious collector by Track Thoughts, a journal about historical racing. The event is great fun for families and individuals with even the slightest interest in cars. The event benefits the Monterey Rape Crisis Center and costs $15 per person for one day or $20 for both days. Vendors donate items for a benefit silent auction, as well. This is the only opportunity to see these selected 40 plus top international dealers in a single venue and kicks off Car Week on the Peninsula. The event takes place at the Embassy Suites in the Main Ballroom at Highways 1 and 218. WHAT: Automobilia Monterey WHEN: Tuesday & Wednesday August 13 & 14 WHERE: Embassy Suites, Seaside, CA COST TO PUBLIC: $15 for one day $20 for both days facebook.com/mtryrapecrisis twitter.com/mtyrapecrisis

Artists in Chautauqua Seeks Artists

Artists in Chautauqua, the annual arts and crafts show held in conjuntion with Chautauqua Days, is set for Sun., Oct. 6 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The event, which is sponsored by the Heritage Society of Pacific Grove and Artisana Gallery, seeks local artists and craftspeople for both indoor and outdoor table sales. There will also be a silent auction and live music. The event is a fund-raiser for the Heritage Society. Application deadline is Aug. 31, 2013. We will continue to accept applications received after this date for consideration to fill the show or add to wait list on a first come, first served basis INDOOR SPACE & FEES: 6’X6’ space with one 6’ table (provided unadorned) $65.00 6’x9’ (corner) space with two 6’ tables (provided unadorned) $120.00 OUTDOOR SPACE FEES: 10x10 (*no tables or canopy will be provided) $100.00 Please reply to ArtisanaGallery@yahoo.com and we will send you a copy of the application for this event. Thank you!

“Evenings by the Bay” Summer Concert Series

The Monterey Jazz Festival will produce the “Evenings by the Bay” concert series in collaboration with the Monterey Bay Aquarium from June 29 until September 1. The concerts will be from 6-8 p.m. The series will feature professional jazz musicians from the Monterey area. Admission to the concerts are included with regular admission to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Since 2008, the concert series has brought live music to the aquarium each summer, transforming an already exciting visit into something special for both visitors and performers. The 2013 concert series will feature saxophonists Paul Contos, Roger Eddy, Gary Meek and Stu Reynolds; pianist Bill Spencer; bassist Pete Lips; vocalists Nicolas Bearde and Omega Rae; and flutist Kenny Stahl, as well as the bands Que Caliente Latin Jazz, Along Came Betty and the Monterey Bay Jazz Orchestra. All concerts will take place on the first floor in the Marine Mammal Galleries section of the aquarium, located at 886 Cannery Row in Monterey. All performances are on Saturdays and Sundays from 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. Performances include: July 27, Pete Lips and Friends; July 28, Kenny Stahl and Friends; August 3, Gary Meek and Friends; August 4, Roger Eddy and Friends; August 10, Stu Reynolds and Que Caliente Latin Jazz; August 11, Real Time; August 17, Gary Meek and Friends; August 18, Kenny Stahl and Friends; August 24, Along Came Betty; August 25, Bill Spencer with Omega Rae; August 31, Paul Contos and Friends; September 1, Monterey Bay Jazz Orchestra. For more information please contact:Timothy Orr at 373.3366 or by email at timorr@montereyjazzfestival.org.

Lighthouse Author Speaks at MoM

On Sat., Aug. 3 at 1:00 p.m., the Museum of Monterey will host Theresa Levitt, author of A Short Bright Flash: Augustin Fresnel and the Birth of the Modern Lighthouse, for a talk on the fascinating history of the Fresnel lens and how the modern lighthouse came to be, followed by a question and answer session and signing of her new book. The Fresnel lens played an important role in the history of nearby Point Pinos and Point Sur Lighthouses. In A Short Bright Flash, Levitt delves into the life of Augustin Fresnel (1788–1827), who shocked the scientific elite with his ingenious breakthrough in the physics of light. The lens he invented was a brilliant feat of engineering that would make lighthouses blaze many times brighter, farther and more efficiently and would save countless lives from death by shipwreck. But Fresnel had to battle the establishment, his own poor health and the limited technology of the time to achieve his goal of illuminating the entire French coast. The British sought to outdo the new Fresnel equipped lighthouses as a matter of national pride, while Americans resisted abandoning their primitive lamps and put off acquiring the new technology for years. But the superiority of the Fresnel lens could not be denied for long and soon, from Dunkirk to Saigon, shores were brightened with it. The Fresnel legacy played an important role in geopolitical events, including the American Civil War. No sooner were Fresnel lenses finally installed along U.S. shores than they were drafted: the Union blockaded the Confederate coast; the Confederacy set about thwarting it by dismantling and hiding or destroying the new lights. Levitt’s scientific and historical account, rich in anecdote and personality, brings to life the untold story of Augustin Fresnel and his powerful invention that would change the world and shape history. Theresa Levitt is an associate professor of history at the University of Mississippi. A graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, she has a master’s degree in history from Iowa State University and a doctorate from Harvard University. Levitt is the recipient of the Fulbright and National Science Foundation Awards. Call 212-7904325 for more information.

Cherry Center Hosts a Night of Traditional Music

John Weed and Stuart Mason will present a performance of traditional fiddle tunes and songs that explore the musical connections between Ireland and America, with tastes of Scotland, Canada, and more on Sat., Aug. 3 at the Carl Cherry Center for the Arts. On fiddle, guitar, mandola, and banjo they bridge the Atlantic to recreate a lost magic that resonates with the listener of today. Both are members of the well-known Celtic powerhouse Molly’s Revenge, the old-time bluegrass group Little Black Train, and the Irish trio Story Road. With Molly’s Revenge, Stuart Mason and John Weed have appeared on festival stages from Glasgow, Scotland to Shanghai, China. Fiddler John Weed has lived in Ireland and immersed himself in the traditional styles of Clare and Donegal. The result is an old-time Irish fiddling style that compliments his forays into bluegrass, swing, and other American music. A classically trained violinist, John leverages his understanding of the instrument to coax emotion from every tune. He has returned to Ireland many times to hone his skills and collect tunes at their source. Stuart Mason was born in the hills of West Virginia and has been playing traditional music on stage for over 35 years. He is known for his authentic vocals and driving backing on guitar and mandola in alternate tunings. On banjo he plays in the older clawhammer and two-finger styles. Stuart has won awards for traditional singing (Goleta Old-Time Fiddler’s Convention), mandola (Topanga Banjo and Fiddle Contest), and songwriting (West Coast Songwriter’s Association). Deeply rooted in Americana, Stuart’s original songs are the inevitable result of the years he spent immersed in traditional music. Tickets are $20. The Carl Cherry Center is located at Fourth and Guadalupe streets. For reservations and more information, please call 624-7491 or email cherry_ center@yahoo.com.

No Audition Required to Join MPGCC Gospel Choir

The Monterey Peninsula Gospel Community Choir is seeking new members. Interested singers are invited to attend the group’s next rehearsal on Sat., July 27 at Monterey Peninsula College in the Choral Room from noon to 3 p.m. No audition is required to join the group. Founded in 2008, the choir is a non-profit corporation dedicated to promoting gospel training, education and entertainment in the form of local events. The choir rehearses every second and fourth Saturday at MPC and accepts all adults willing to train and sing. The choir consists of members from the Monterey area as well as from as far away as San Jose. John Nash Jr. and David Wells co-direct the choir, which is now preparing for its annual concert culminating National Gospel Heritage Month in September and its Christmas Concert. The choir will also sing at Carmel Mission’s annual Thanksgiving service and participate in a KSBW-TV telethon. The choir will be featured in a gospel concert on September 28 at First Presbyterian Church of Salinas, along with the Edwin Hawkins’ Community Choir and Terrance Kelly’s Oakland Interfaith Community Choir. For more information see www.mpgospelcc.org.


Times • July 26, 2013

New Funds Support Investment in Local Communities, Expand Impact of CAC

The California Arts Council is a proud recipient of $2 million in savings from the 2013 State Assembly operating budget. The funds, directed to support arts and arts education programs in California communities, will help enhance local creative economies, fund effective arts learning programs, and support the growth of the state’s creative workforce. “This investment in the arts shows that Speaker John Pérez and a supportive Governor recognize the importance of the arts to our State’s economy and the needs of our creative workforce,” said Wylie Aitken, Chair of the California Arts Council. “This is a positive first step to gain support for measures that will increase California’s arts funding and investment in future budgets.” The California Arts Council is a state agency whose mission is to advance California through the arts and creativity. These one-time Assembly-provided funds will support projects designed to stimulate economic and social benefits in very specific ways for local communities and schools statewide.

“The Arts Council will leverage these one-time funds to produce the greatest possible impact for Californians ... by supporting a variety of innovative collaborations designed to advance areas such as improved student achievement, reductions in dropout rates, as well as spur local investment,” Aitken remarked. The funding will not be used for administrative costs at the agency, but to direct services for local communities in California and will be leveraged with other funds to prove that the arts is one of California’s premier investments.

Legal Notices ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME: Petition of VERGEN CELESTE LEON Case No. M124118 Filed July 23, 2013. To all interested persons: Petitioner VIRGEN CELESTE LEON filed a petition with this court for a decree changing name as follows: present name EVERARDO RAFAEL BUSTAMANTE to proposed name EVERETT LEON. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. Notice of hearing date: September 20, 2013 Time: 9:00 a.m., Dept. 15. The address of the court is: Superior Court of California, County of Monterey, 1200 Aguajito Road, Monterey, CA 93940. A copy of this Order To Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four consecutive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: CEDAR STREET TIMES. DATE: July 23, 2013 Judge of the Superior Court: Kay T. Kingsley. Publication dates: 07/26, 08/02, 08/09, 08/16/13 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME: Petition of LEANN ADLER Case No. M123928 Filed July 10, 2013. To all interested persons: Petitioner LEANN ADLER filed a petition with this court for a decree changing name as follows: present name LEANN MARJORIE ADLER to proposed name DEVIN ADLER. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. Notice of hearing date: August 30, 2013 Time: 9:00 a.m., Dept. 15. The address of the court is: Superior Court of California, County of Monterey, 1200 Aguajito Road, Monterey, CA 93940. A copy of this Order To Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four consecutive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: CEDAR STREET TIMES. DATE: July 10, 2013 Judge of the Superior Court: Kay T. Kingsley. Publication dates: 07/12, 07/19, 07/26, 08/02/13 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME: Petition of MELANIE ROSE ROGERS Case No. M123878 Filed July 9, 2013. To all interested persons: Petitioner MELANE ROSE ROGERS filed a petition with this court for a decree changing name as follows: present name MELANIE ROSE ROGERS to proposed name MELANIE ROSE KUNOA. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. Notice of hearing date: September 13, 2013 Time: 9:00 a.m., Dept. 15. The address of the court is: Superior Court of California, County of Monterey, 1200 Aguajito Road, Monterey, CA 93940. A copy of this Order To Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four consecutive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: CEDAR STREET TIMES. DATE: July 9, 2013 Judge of the Superior Court: Kay T. Kingsley. Publication dates: 07/12, 07/19, 07/26, 08/02/13

Letters to the Editor Cedar Street Times welcomes your letters on subjects of interest to the citizens of Pacific Grove as well as our readers elsewhere. We prefer that letters be on local topics. At present we have not set limits on length though we do reserve the right to edit letters for space constraints, so please be concise. We will contact you to verify authenticity so your email address and/or telephone number must be included as well as your name and city of residence. We will not publish unsigned letters or letters which defame or slander or libel. Cedar Street Times is an adjudicated newspaper published weekly at 306 Grand Ave., Pacific Grove, CA 93950. Press deadline is Wednesday, noon. The paper is printed on Friday and is available at 138 various locations throughout the city and on the Peninsula as well as by e-mail subscription and with home delivery to occupied homes in Pacific Grove. Marge Ann Jameson, Editor/Publisher

Phone 831-324-4742 • Fax 831-324-4745 • editor@cedarstreettimes.com

Printmaking Class Offered

Curious about how prints are made? Barbara Furbush will lead a block printing workshop for beginners at the Pacific Grove Art Center on Saturday, August 3 from 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. Create a linocut block and print your own edition of small prints or greeting cards. Simple techniques for designing, cutting, and printing will be demonstrated to launch you comfortably into creating your own image. No previous art making experience is necessary. Learn by doing! Class size is limited, the registration fee for this session is $25 with a varied materials fee. Contact Barbara at 310-562-3155 or send an email to bfurbush@att.net to register or for further information. This session is the second of the Printmaking Sampler workshops. On the first Saturday of each month a hands-on workshop will be offered for print processes including Intaglio printing on September 7 and Monotypes on October 5. Workshop fees will vary. Barbara Furbush received an MFA in printmaking at CSULB in 1985. Her works have been exhibited regularly in Los Angeles. She opened her print studio at the Pacific Grove Art Center in 2012. She offers workshops, and individual session on an appointment basis.

Legal Notices ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME: Petition of RICHARD HERNANDEZ III, HAILEY HERNANDEZ Case No. M123945 Filed July 9, 2013. To all interested persons: Petitioner RICHARD HERNANDEZ filed a petition with this court for a decree changing name as follows: present name RICHARD HERNANDEZ III, HAILEY LYNN HERNANDEZ, BENTLEY JAY HERNANDEZ, DRAKE KAY HERNANDEZ to proposed name RICHARD BYRON, HAILEY LYNN BYRON, BENTLEY JAY BYRON, DRAKE KAY BYRON. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. Notice of hearing date: August 30, 2013 Time: 9:00 a.m., Dept. 14. The address of the court is: Superior Court of California, County of Monterey, 1200 Aguajito Road, Monterey, CA 93940. A copy of this Order To Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four consecutive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: CEDAR STREET TIMES. DATE: July 09, 2013 Judge of the Superior Court: Kay T. Kingsley. Publication dates: 07/26, 08/02, 08/09, 08/16/13 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME: Petition of JANET MARIE CROWLEY Case No. M123939 Filed July 9, 2013. To all interested persons: Petitioner JANET MARIE CROWLEY filed a petition with this court for a decree changing name as follows: present name JANET MARIE CROWLEY to proposed name JANET MARIE KUNOA. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. Notice of hearing date: September 13, 2013 Time: 9:00 a.m., Dept. 15. The address of the court is: Superior Court of California, County of Monterey, 1200 Aguajito Road, Monterey, CA 93940. A copy of this Order To Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four consecutive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: CEDAR STREET TIMES. DATE: July 9, 2013 Judge of the Superior Court: Kay T. Kingsley. Publication dates: 07/12, 07/19, 07/26, 08/02/13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number 20131294 The following person is doing business as: MONARCH FILM FESTIVAL, 427 Asilomar Blvd., P.O. Box 51803, Pacific Grove, Monterey County, CA 93950 and EMBERLIGHT PRODUCTIONS, 427 Asilomar Blvd., P.O. Box 51803, Pacific Grove, Monterey County, CA 93950. MATTHEW STEVEN KILPATRICK, 427 Asilomar Blvd., P.O. Box 51803, Pacific Grove, CA 93950 and CRISTIANA LEE DiPIETRO, 427 Asilomar Blvd., P.O. Box 51803, Pacific Grove, CA 93950. This statement was filed with the Clerk of Monterey County on July 3, 2013. This business is conducted by a married couple. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on N/A. Signed Cristiana DePietro. Publication dates 7/5, 7/12, 7/19, 7/26/13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 20131364 The following person is doing business as SHARED NOTES, 3354-A Coffey Lane, Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, CA 95403 and RAVE VINES & WINES, 3354-A Coffey Lane, Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, CA 95403. SONS OF BACCHUS, LLC. 28275 N. Alta Street, Gonzales, CA 93926-0908. This statement was filed with the Clerk of Monterey County on 07/16/2013 . Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or name(s) listed above on 07/15/2013. Signed: Mark Pisoni, Secretary, Partner for Sons of Bacchus, LLC. This business is conducted by a limited liability company. Publication dates: 7/19, 7/26, 8/2, 8/9/2013. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 20131266 The following person is doing business as BACCHANT WINES, 28275 North Alta, Gonzales, Monterey County, CA 93926: FLOYD-PISONI WINE COMPANY, 28275 North Alta, Gonzales, CA 93926 This statement was filed with the Clerk of Monterey County on July 1, 2013. Registrants commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or name(s) listed above on October 1, 2007. Signed: Mark Pisoni, Secretary. This business is conducted by a corporation. Publication dates: 7/12, 7/19, 7/26, 8/2/13

File Number 20131243 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Bud of California, 2959 Monterey Salinas Hwy., Monterey, CA 93940, County of Monterey Full name of Registrant: Bud Antle, Inc., California, One Dole Drive, Westlake Village, CA 91362 This business is conducted by a corporation Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on January 1, 1961 (approx.). I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Signature of Registrant: Bud Antle, Inc. By: Jeffrey B. Conner Title: Vice Pres. & Secretary, This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Monterey County on June 25, 2013. Notice - In accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious Name Statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk. Except, as provided in subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to Section 17913 other than a change in the residence address of a registered owner. A New Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct copy of the original on file in my office. STEPHEN L. VAGNINI, MONTEREY COUNTY CLERK BY: Deputy Expires: June 25, 2018 07/05, 07/12, 07/19, 7/26/13

July 26, 2013 • CEDAR STREET

Seagulls and Art Thefts Tom Stevens

Otter Views Is it just me, or have the seagulls gotten rowdier and more numerous lately? Night and day, hundreds suddenly form great bickering cyclones in mid-air, screeching, clattering and barking like dogs, pelting the town with artful splashes of guano. They ransack curbside cans and stalk the picnic tables at Lover’s Point, darting in to snatch hot dogs from the unwary. Beachgoers now scan the air nervously as they eat. Their heads swivel like radar arrays lest some swooping gull dive-bomb a sandwich right out of their grasp. Granted, I’ve only been here a brief time in seagull years, but even in that short span, things seem to have thickened up. Walking to church the other morning, I saw a gull on every light post, and several more on every roof top. Is this some kind of invasion? The San Jose Mercury News suggests something weird may be on the wing. The Bay Area reportedly is experiencing a sea gull population boom that has seen counts soar 40 percent in the past two years. An estimated 53,000 of the big white and gray California Gulls now wheel and squawk where only 24 were counted in 1980. Wazzup? The Mercury News would only say that scientists are scrambling to find an explanation. The report was more forthcoming about the boom’s effects. Apparently the Bay Area gulls have grown so numerous airports are reporting more frequent gull-plane collisions. Landfills, malls, schools and ballparks are under siege. Smaller sea birds and their eggs are vanishing into the gulls’ voracious maws. Because California Gulls are protected under migratory bird laws, addressing the population boom is a complex process. Simply sending Dick Cheney out with a shotgun won’t get it. And the biological clock is ticking. California Gulls reportedly can lay up to three eggs a year, and each can live to be 25 years old. If 53,000 gulls now reside in the South Bay alone, the math is not encouraging. If PG is seeing more gull activity than usual, I figure it could be a spillover from the boom up north. And befitting their bohemian big city origins, these invading gulls are highly artistic. PG surfaces beneath popular gull roosts have become sidewalk Jackson Pollocks of inestimable worth. All of which leads, in a very roundabout way, to the past week’s second riveting report. This one was in Friday’s New York Times, and it was a strange tale indeed. Back in October, a crack team of art thieves broke into Rotterdam’s Kunsthal Museum, disabled the security system, and sped away with seven canvases valued at hundreds of millions of dollars. The entire operation took 96 seconds. Months of painstaking detective work finally traced one suspect to a small village in Romania, the Times reported. There a middle-aged woman told investigators that her son, fearing arrest, had asked her in November to hide something for him. It was a suitcase containing seven “strangely beautiful” paintings. Transferring the paintings to a plastic bag, the mother reportedly hid them at her sister’s house, then in a garden. Finally, as investigators arrived and started combing the village, she reportedly buried the bag in the town cemetery. By this point her son had indeed been arrested on suspicion of theft, so the pressure mounted. But then, one freezing night in February, the mother reportedly told Romanian police, “an idea sprang into my mind.” In its way, it was as strangely beautiful as the pictures: without the evidence, her son could not be convicted. Stoking a big fire in her wood-burning stove, she retrieved the picture sack from the cemetery. “I put the whole package with the seven paintings, without even opening it, into the stove, and then placed over them some wood and my plastic slippers and waited for them to fully burn,” the mother reportedly told investigators. “The next day I cleaned the stove, took out the ash, and placed it in the garden, in a wheelbarrow.” Naturally, the police smelled a red herring. International art thieves sophisticated enough to swipe from a major museum seven priceless paintings in 96 seconds wouldn’t consign them to a simple village matron. Would they? Alas, scrupulous forensic analysis of ashes retrieved from the mother’s garden suggests that pictures by Picasso, Monet, Matisse, Gauguin, Lucien Freud and Meyer de Haan might indeed have gone up in smoke. The Picasso and Matisse were done on paper, so left no trace. But the older paintings left residues of pigment, canvas and framing hardware consonant with what the 19th century European masters used. It could still be a ruse, of course. The thieves could have gotten old pigments, canvas and framing hardware elsewhere. But the detail about the plastic slippers is troubling. Sic transit gloria mundi.

Times • Page 11

Larry Haggquist


The Psychologist By Lawrence Haggquist

The social experimenter cogitates over lurking variables that threaten to slip like shadows past the fortress of his experimental design. Outside the walls of his intellect, rain soaks sidewalks where students, having escaped random selection, scurry along brick walkways, past the ivy beards of buildings, to their classes. Below, in the cool basements of Psychology, teams of rats huddle in cages, like prisoners at Auschwitz, awaiting their assigned torture by electric shock, or brain lesioning, or perhaps starvation. Sad to say, but maybe they have it better than Zimbardo’s human prisoners, who cower in cells on cold cement floors – dehumanized, naked, and shackled to one man’s wild hypothesis – or Seligman’s puppy, shivering alone in his corner cage, having lost his will to even move. It’s no wonder that Harlow’s chimp doesn’t think his wire mother loves him. Still, the experimenter cogitates over hidden variables, the ones that sneak up from beyond consciousness and attack the black mystery of ink blots, stifling all the troubled screams that reach out from inner-darkness – from beneath layers of hidden pain. Today, the scientist cannot even be certain that puddles of rain will not, in some unknowable way, smear the contours of sadness.


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Times • July 26, 2013

PONY’s Bronco Super Regional Hosted by Pacific Grove Team

Photos by Skyler Lewis

The Pacific Grove PONY Baseball and Softball League hosted the Bronco Super Regional Tournament at the Pacific Grove Municipal Ball Park last weekend. This is an eight-team, double elimination, PONY-sanctioned tournament, with 11 to 12-year-old players in teams from the East Bay Region, Central Region (Sacramento Area), Central Valley Region, and our Coastal Region. The Pacific Grove Red Team opened Wednesday against Los Altos / Mountain View, losing 11 to 4. Our team then won 7 to 5 against Bel Passi on Friday night (pictured here), then lost on Saturday morning to Sierra Valley, 11 to 3. Sierra Valley took silver medals, losing to the winner Vacaville 11-1 in the Championship game on Sunday. Vacaville has advanced to the Western Zone Tournament in Whittier, California, where they will compete for a spot in the Bronco World Series, now held in Los Alamitos, California. Nightly meals included fare from local restaurants and barbecue by volunteers, and proceeds went to support PG PONY’s baseball and softball program — stressing “honoring the game” through respect and sportsmanship — and its efforts in improving local ball parks like the Muni field. Tournament director and PG PONY vice president Staci Consiglio thanked the City of Pacific Grove for their support in improving this park. PG PONY is also looking forward to hosting next summer’s Mustang 9 World Series. They agreed to host this year’s tournament as an “audition” for this position, and the audition was a success. 00 1 3 5 6 7 10 23 24 25

Pacific Grove Red Team

Evan Clark Hunter Hanes Joshua Cryns Nathaniel Lominario Easton Lanclos Kyle Manuian Lukas Wujcik Nicole Machado Trevor Heyn Joshua Mares

27 55

Colby Burnell Connor Marshall

Manager: James Machado Coach: Ed Mares Business Manager: Mark Hanes

July 26, 2013 • CEDAR STREET

Times • Page 13

Pacific Grove

Sports and Leisure Royal Endorsement: May it Spur the Giants to Victory

Feeding him dust

Feast of Lanterns Princess Ruby, Caroline Gruber, found a Chalk Fest entry she liked a lot: “Go Giants!” and a list of someone’s favorite players on the ill-starred team. Maybe Caroline could teach the Giants a thing or two: She played Pacific Grove PONY Softball for five years and, this past school year, was on the JV Softball team at Pacific Grove High School. She is starting catcher. This is Caroline’s second year on the Royal Court, a repeat achievement that the Giants don’t appear to be able to do. Photo by Peter Mounteer

In a deciding moment on his way to victory, Marc Marquez swings wide and then cuts across the shoulder to pass Valentino Rossi at the top of the corkscrew in the Moto

gateway center asks your help!

GP championship on July 21. Rossi put the same move on Casey Stoner five years ago.

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Times • July 26, 2013

Hands Across The Ocean Jane Roland

Animal Tales and Other Random Thoughts This month is an anniversary for me. Seven years ago I left the SPCA Benefit Shop on Forest Avenue after 20 years; I started writing for Lee Yarborough at the Pacific Grove Hometown Bulletin; and was asked to consider opening a benefit shop for Animal Friends Rescue Project. I am still a scribe, now weekly for Marge Jameson and her Cedar Street Times. The Treasure Shop has expanded year after year until we were ensconced in our current location on Fountain Avenue. I am heavily involved in the Pacific Grove Rotary Club and enjoy my involvement with the newspaper. Above all, I love my job, the cause and the people with whom I work, the volunteers, the staff, the donors and customers. It is a win, win situation. Over the years I have had the pleasure to meet wonderful people and their spectacular animals and, over those same years, have penned tales about them. Here is another. I met Jerome a few weeks ago, when his parents, George and Mary Bergman, from San Francisco stopped by the shop for the first time. I was quite taken with this cheerful fellow. I asked his age and his background and was treated to a heart warming story: “Jerome is a wonderful, former Taiwanese street dog, with a checkered past, who is enjoying a serene and good life in San Francisco. Almost eight years ago, the five month old dog was found in a cardboard box with a broken leg. He had been left starving and thirsty to die alone, probably a casualty of dog hunters who did not return for their captured prey. Fortunately, he was seen, rescued and taken to a shelter where a veterinarian successfully mended his damaged limb. Another, unknown, kind soul made arrangements for Jerome’s passage to San Francisco and placement with Wonder Dog Rescue in the Mission District. Although he had, amazingly, become a happy, smart and house-trained seven month young dog, no one would adopt him because he was no longer considered a puppy. Then George and Mary saw him, fell in love at their first meeting and have nurtured and protected him ever since. He became a devoted brother to a feral Maine Coon Cat, Kittner. Jerome suffered a set back when he was between two and three years old. He was playing with another dog and received a small bite on the previously broken limb. It manifested into a severe infection that was resistant to antibiotics. After reaching the end of the line with a series of local vets, George and Mary took Jerome to U.C. Davis, where a team of professors and students undertook a multiple step strategy to conquer the problem and save Jerome’s leg. He survived yet again and has been completely healthy, romping on all four legs.” They told me that Jerome is extremely sensitive, intelligent, highly spirited and loyal. He adores his “parents” but is very cautious and wary of strangers (he allowed me to pet him graciously and made friends with one of our doggie volunteers, Bootsie) Boots, if you recall, is a local pup who was found on a road with two broken legs, she was a few months old. AFRP had the legs repaired, Dave Winter walked her, the rest is history, and she became his forever friend and one of our dog greeters. If Jerome is shy and hesitant, he cannot be blamed, somewhere in the back of his mind lingers the memory of the broken limb and being alone with no sustenance. Little did he know that there was hope in sight and his remaining days would be spent in a country across the sea in San Francisco with Mary, George and Kittner. There are many stories of animal rescues and committed nurturers, we see and hear about them all of the time. Even on a much smaller scale those involved with AFRP give their all to save and protect those in need, those that cannot help themselves. We all wish that abusers would be smote with an iron fist or burned for eternity, that being out of our control we do what is possible to repair the damage and bring peace to the beasts that have been abused. There are groups around the world whose mission is to save animals, all animals, all sizes, domestic and wild. They do it with no wish for acclaim, but simply success. Taiwan was known for its abuse of street dogs. The rescue group in the area has gone to all ends to end the practice and offer succor to those whom they are able to save. When Jerome was rescued it was determined that he should be “put down” as his leg was so badly broken. A foster mom took him in; although her house already exploded with cats and dogs. She made certain he received treatment for the limb. He didn’t seem to remember the terrible experience of being hurt and left alone with no sustenance. There are many stories such as this and those of us who are able should do all we can to help. Animals feel the same pain as humans. We don’t know how they think, it is said that dogs have no sense of time. That may be true, but I am sure that the hours suffering in a box seemed like eternity to Jerome. If you have room in your home, ability to transport animals, volunteer at a facility, goods or pennies to give. Search your heart and do what you can. We want to save as many Jeromes and Bootsies as possible. Jane Roland lives in Monterey with her husband, John, and their four rescued animal friends, two dogs and two cats. She manages the AFRP Treasure Shop and is an active member of Pacific Grove Rotary Club…gcr770@aol.com, 649-0657 L-R: Jerome, Jerome, and Boots

Celtic Trio to Play at St. Mary’s

The acoustic trio of guitarist William Coulter, cellist Aria DiSalvio, and fiddler John Weed will perform at 3 p.m. Sunday, July 28 at St. Mary’s By-The-Sea. The trio offers arrangements of traditional and contemporary tunes, fusing folk styles from Ireland, Scotland, Sweden and Spain with modern influences. John Weed, fiddler for Molly’s Revenge, Story Road, and Little Black Train, is a classically trained violinist who’s spent the last 20 years immersed in various fiddle styles. John lived in Ireland in 2000 and taught fiddle workshops at the Flowing Tide International Music School in Doonbeg, County Clare. He has honed his skills by attending the Frankie Kennedy Winter School in Dunlewey, County Donegal where he studied with Ciaran O’Maonaigh and Dermot Mcloughlin. Having an affinity for American fiddle styles, John explores the connection between Irish, Scottish, and old time fiddle. Aria DiSalvio grew up playing her cello in the vibrant musical community of Ann Arbor, Michigan. After receiving her BMA in cello performance from the University of Michigan, she moved to Santa Cruz seeking change and adventure. She found both as she discovered the wonderful world of Celtic music and joined the growing number of cellists seeking to stretch the limits of traditional cello technique and style. She has performed with musicians such as Cape Breton fiddler Andrea Beaton, master Scottish fiddler Alasdair Fraser, folk/pop singer and fiddler Laura Cortese, Grammy Award winning trumpeter Roy Hargrove and Roy Malan, concertmaster of the San Francisco Ballet. William Coulter has been performing and recording traditional music for over 20 years. His most recent recording, “The Road Home,” is a critically acclaimed solo project on the Gourd Music label. In 2005 he was awarded a Grammy for his contribution to “The Pink Guitar,” a collection of solo guitar arrangements of the music of Henry Mancini. Musical collaborations have been a mainstay of his career and have included many tours and recordings. “Song for Our Ancestors,” with the great classical guitar virtuoso Benjamin Verdery, “Time to Sail” and “One Sweet Kiss,” with Kerry-born Irish singer Eilis Kennedy, “Simple Gifts - Music of the Shakers,” with cellist Barry Phillips and others. Since 1997, he has acted as musical director and toured nationally with A Celtic Christmas, a popular holiday show featuring the native Irish storytelling of Limerick-born Tomaseen Foley. St. Mary’s regularly hosts Celtic music concerts to promote traditional artists, and to benefit the church’s community food pantry and Celtic music program for kids and teens. Food, soft drinks, beer and wine will be available for sale. Tickets are available through brownpapertickets, http://www.brownpapertickets. com/event/426883 at $20 for adults and $8 for kids under 12, or by calling 818-5021. For more information about the artists and their music see www.williamcoulter. com/ariadisalvio.com. St. Mary’s church is located at 146 12th Street.

Celtic musicians will play at St. Mary’s Aug. 3

Tea•Coffee•Books Gifts•Art Gallery 667 Lighthouse Ave., Pacific Grove • 831-372-2242

Sponsors of the 2013 Feast of Lanterns Art Competition

July 26, 2013 • CEDAR STREET

Times • Page 15

Visit to the Bodleian Sparks Thoughts of Pacific Grove Library Linnet C. Harlan

Shelf Life The Bodleian

In Pacific Grove, we consider our library, a presence for over one hundred years, to be an important part of the community, the community living room, if you will. As a student at Oxford University (Merton College) for a short course this summer, I realize our library is only one of the great chain of libraries that, among other things, hold the wisdom of the past in readiness for use by the present and the future.

History of the Bodleian

The roots of the great Oxford library, the Bodleian, stem from a library founded in the fourteenth century (aka the 1300s—insofar as we know, Pacific Grove didn’t have a library then) and included a collection of chained books— books that were chained to the bookshelves so they wouldn’t be stolen. Between 1435 and 1437, the Duke of Gloucester (brother of King Henry V) donated a large collection of manuscripts. Since Guttenberg’s discovery of moveable type was in approximately 1450, all the manuscripts were hand-written and precious. During the extended upheaval surrounding King Henry VIII, the struggles with Rome and the separation of the Church of England from papal authority, the manuscripts were taken from the library, or, as a Bodleian librarian said, “Lost.” In the late 16th century, Sir Thomas Bodley undertook to personally bear the cost of supporting a library, even donating a portion of his personal library. Brilliantly, Bodley also forged a relationship with the Stationers’ Company (the publishers of the day) to put a copy of every book registered with them in the library. By the estimate of one Bodleian librarian, the holdings now exceed eleven million books.

A Reference Library

The Bodleian is not a circulating library; it is a reference library. The books do not leave the library. Bodleian librarians delight in telling the story of King Charles I who, due to political pressures, had abandoned London and set up in Oxford. A servant appeared at the Bodleian with a request from Charles that the king be lent a book. Sir Thomas Bodley responded that Charles was welcome to come along and read it where it would remain, in the library. I’ve run across no further mentions of requests to check out a book.

The Oath

Mindful of the earlier loss of the library at Oxford, Bodley had strict ideas about what should and should not happen in a library. So, more than 400 years later, if you want access to the library, in addition to meeting certain other requirements, you must either sign a declaration, or, if you are an “external” reader (not attached to the University, e.g. a summer student), orally recite the following oath: I hereby undertake not to remove from the Library, nor to mark, deface, or injure in any way, any volume, document or other object belonging to it or in its custody; not to bring into the Library, or kindle therein, any fire or flame, and not to smoke in the Library; and I promise to obey all rules of the Library.

Bodliean vs. PGPL

In Pacific Grove, no such oral undertaking is required, all you need are a

library card and a willingness to follow the library’s rules. If you have these, you discover the way in which the PGPL is greater than even the great Bodleian. At the PGPL, you have more privileges than King Charles I had at the Bodleian. While a few books at the PGPL are available only for use at the library, for most of the books, you can check them out, take them home, and read them at your leisure.

New Hours

The library is now open at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday. Some of you have been anxiously awaiting these longer hours. Celebrate, and put them to good use.

Need a Dictionary?

Alpha Stationers is now selling gently used dictionaries, thesauruses, and encyclopedias to benefit the Pacific Grove Library Book Fund. Most hardcover reference books are priced at $2.00, while the collectible reference books are $10.00 - $40.00. 100% of the proceeds from each reference book sale are slated for the Pacific Grove Library Book Fund. Pop into Alpha Stationers and see what’s available.


Since so many people are on vacation in August, the StoryTime schedule is a little different for the first two weeks in August. The schedule is: No StoryTimes August 7 & 8, 14 & 15. Weekly StoryTimes and activities resume August 21: Pre-School StoryTime (Ages 2-5) Wednesdays at 11:00 am Baby StoryTime (Birth - 2) Thursdays at 11:00 a.m. Wacky Wednesday! (Stories, games, science & more for Grades K-2) Wednesdays 3:45 - 4:30 (except on school holidays)

Wish List

If you’re looking for a way to express your appreciation to the library for all it does, or if you’re looking for a memorial for someone or to honor someone, please consider donating to the library. Cold, hard cash or cool, flexible checks are always welcome, but if you’d rather give something specific, take a look at the library’s wish list on Amazon. com http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/ wishlist/16VG0KOOLIWIP This url will take you to the default section of the wish list, the wished-for DVDs, but there are also sections listed along the left hand side of the page for audio books, children’s books, fiction and non-fiction. There are probably many items you want to read or view once or twice and are then content to know you have access to them when you need them. Please take a look at the Wish List and see if there is something you’d like to donate so you and the rest of the PGPL community can benefit from it.

First Saturday Book Sale

You continue to be generous with your donations of books, CDs, etc. with, the First Saturday Book Sale and, thus, the library, other readers and bibliophiles as the beneficiaries. Thank you for your continued support. The First Saturday Book Sale is held on the first Saturday of every month. For August, it will be Saturday, August 3. Since the library now officially opens at 10:00 a.m., volunteers are happy to sell to early birds beginning at 9:30.

PacRep Announces ‘Buddy Holly and Friends… in Concert’ Pacific Repertory Theatre will present “Buddy Holly and Friends…in Concert,” Aug. 1-Sept. 1 at the Golden Bough Theatre, featuring Travis Poelle as the iconic Buddy Holly in a new tribute concert featuring classic hits of Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, Little Richard and other ’50s artists, and expanding into the 1960s with the music of Simon & Garfunkle, Roy Orbison, Bob Dylan, Cher, the Rolling Stones, and more. PacRep favorites, with performers from the company’s award-winning version of The Buddy Holly Story, will include vocalists Davitt Felder (Ritchie Valens, Elvis, Bob Dylan), Lydia Lyons (Peggy Lee, Cher), and Daniel Simpson (Little Richard, Sam Cooke), and the PacRep Band, led by local legend Don Dally on lead guitar, with Steve Tosh on keyboard. “Buddy Holly and Friends…” starts with two discounted previews Thurs. and Fri., Aug 1 and 2 at 7:30 p.m., and opens Sat., Aug 3, at 7:30 p.m. followed by a matinee on Sun., Aug 4 at 2:00 p.m. Performances continue in August Thursdays through Saturdays, Aug 8 through 31 at 7:30pm with Sunday matinees on Aug 11, 18, 25, and Sept 1, at 2:00 p.m.. During the month of August, PacRep is offering a “Sweet Thursday” 2-for-1 special on adult general admission tickets. Inquire at the box office for details. All performances are at the Golden Bough Theatre, located on Monte Verde Street between 8th and 9th Avenues, Carmel-by-the-Sea. Ticket Information General admission single ticket prices range from $20 to $39, with additional discounts available for seniors over 65, students, children, teachers, and active military. 2013 Season FlexPasses are available with plans ranging from 3-play to 10-play ticket packages, and savings of up to 35 percent over single ticket prices. The Pacific Repertory Theatre Box Office is located at the Golden Bough Playhouse on Monte Verde Street between 8th and 9th Avenues, Carmel-by-the-Sea. Business hours are Tuesdays through Saturdays; 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Phone (831) 622-0100 or visit www.pacrep.org for more information. PacRep is supported by ticket sales, individual donations, special events, and grants from The David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Monterey Peninsula Founda-

Buddy Holly and Friends… in Concert PERFORMANCE CALENDAR THU Aug 1 7:30pm GB Buddy Tribute (preview) FRI Aug 2 7:30pm GB Buddy Tribute (preview) SAT Aug 3 7:30pm GB Buddy Tribute (open) SUN Aug 4 2:00pm GB Buddy Tribute (matinee) THU Aug 8 7:30pm GB Buddy Tribute FRI Aug 9 7:30pm GB Buddy Tribute SAT Aug 10 7:30pm GB Buddy Tribute SUN Aug 11 2:00pm GB Buddy Tribute (matinee) THU Aug 15 7:30pm GB Buddy Tribute FRI Aug 16 7:30pm GB Buddy Tribute SAT Aug 17 7:30pm GB Buddy Tribute SUN Aug 18 2:00pm GB Buddy Tribute (matinee) THU Aug 22 7:30pm GB Buddy Tribute FRI Aug 23 7:30pm GB Buddy Tribute SAT Aug 24 7:30pm GB Buddy Tribute SUN Aug 25 2:00pm GB Buddy Tribute (matinee) THU Aug 29 7:30pm GB Buddy Tribute FRI Aug 30 7:30pm GB Buddy Tribute SAT Aug 31 7:30pm GB Buddy Tribute SUN Sep 1 2:00pm GB Buddy Tribute (matinee/close) tion, The Berkshire Foundation, The Shubert Foundation, The S.T.A.R. Foundation, The Nancy Buck Ransom Foundation, The Chapman Foundation, the Harden Foundation, and PG&E Company, among many others.


Times • July 26, 2013

Home Office ‘Safe Harbor’ Deduction: Is It for You?

In January, the IRS issued Revenue Procedure 2013-13 which discusses a new option for calculating the home office deduction. (You may want to clip this article and put it in your tax file as a reminder.) Instead of tracking the actual expenses of operating your home office such as water, utilities, garbage, repairs and maintenance, depreciation, etc., you can now elect a safe harbor $5 per square foot of qualified office space, up to 300 square feet ($1,500). It is kind of like taking a standard mileage deduction on your car instead of tracking gas and repair receipts, and calculating depreciation expense. Unlike vehicles, however, you can switch methods back and forth from one year to the next.

Kyle A. Krasa Named as ‘Rising Star’ by Super Lawyers Local attorney Kyle A. Krasa was recently named by Super Lawyers as a “Rising Star.” From the Super Lawyers website (www.superlawyers.com): “Super Lawyers is a rating service of outstanding lawyers from more than 70 practice areas who have attained a high-degree of peer recognition and professional achievement. The selection process is multi-phased and includes independent research, peer nominations and peer evaluations. Super Lawyers Magazine features the list and profiles of selected attorneys and

Travis H. Long, CPA

Kyle A. Krasa, Esq.

Travis on Taxes

Planning for Each Generation

There are a few interesting provisions that will make it a good option for some people, and a bad option for others. In other words, when preparing your return you will need to analyze the short and long term impacts, and determine which method is best each year. Since the $5 per square foot figure is not adjusted by region or for inflation, individuals living in high cost states like California are at a disadvantage. If there is more than one person in the house, such as a spouse or roommate, they can each use the safe harbor as long as they are not counting the same space. If one person has more than one office in the home for more than one business, the person can either use actual expenses for all the businesses, or the person must use the safe harbor for all the businesses. However, the maximum deduction allowed is still $1,500 for all the businesses in the home combined, which may have to be allocated pro rata to the businesses based on square footage used by each. If one person has qualified home offices in more than one home, the person can use the safe harbor for one home, but must use actual expenses for the other home. When claiming the safe harbor deduction, you are allowed to take your property taxes and mortgage interest in full as itemized deductions on Schedule A as well as claiming the safe harbor deduction. On the surface this sounds like a plus, but for self-employed individuals you are effectively converting expenses that used to be on your Schedule C reducing self-employment taxes to itemized deductions which do not reduce self-employment taxes, and perhaps do not even reduce income taxes if you do not itemize. Another big difference when claiming the safe harbor deduction is that no depreciation expense is allowed to be taken. Traditionally, any depreciation expense taken on your home is required to be recaptured at the time you sell your house, and you must pay tax on it. Even the section 121 exclusion ($250,000 tax-free gain for single/$500,000 for married couples) when living in the house for two out of the last five years will not exempt you from recapture taxes. Occasionally that can produce negative results, but it is usually helpful because it often helps people avoid income AND self-employment tax which are typically higher than recapture rates. Nonetheless, I regularly see tax returns where no depreciation was taken on a home office, to "avoid recapture." This is incorrect as recapture rules require you to recapture any depreciation "allowed or allowable." It does not matter whether you took the deduction or not, you are technically still on the hook for the recapture. One other notable exception in the 15 pages of new rules explaining the safe harbor is that carryover expenses are not allowed for safe harbor years. Ordinarily, if your business produces a loss, you are not allowed to create a bigger loss from business


is distributed to attorneys in the state or region and the ABA-accredited law school libraries.” The selection process for Super Lawyers is rigorous and is typically a year-long endeavor. Once again, from the Super Lawyers website: “Super Lawyers selects attorneys using a patented multiphase selection process. Peer nominations and evaluations are combined with third party research. Each candidate is evaluated on 12 indicators of peer recognition and professional achievement. Selections are made on an annual, state-by-state basis. The objective is to create a credible, comprehensive and diverse listing of outstanding attorneys that can be used as a resource for attorneys and consumers searching for legal counsel. Since Super Lawyers is intended to be used as an aid in selecting a lawyer, we limit the lawyer ratings to those who can be hired and retained by the public, i.e., lawyers in private practice and Legal Aid attorneys. The Super Lawyers patented selection process involves three basic steps: creation of the candidate pool; evaluation of candidates by the research department; and peer evaluation by practice area.” The final published list of Super Lawyers represents no more than 5 percent of the lawyers in each state. With regard to the “Rising Star” designation, the selection process is the same except that a “Rising Star” must be either 40 years or younger or in practice 10 years or less. No more than 2.5% of the lawyers in each state are selected as “Rising Stars.” Mr. Krasa is very appreciative of his selection by Super Lawyers. “I am very honored and humbled by this prestigious recognition,” said Mr. Krasa. “Even before I passed the Bar and became an attorney, I remember seeing Super Lawyers Magazine each year and thinking that it would be an incredible achievement to be selected. Now that it has happened, it is quite surreal.” He quipped, “Now that I am part of the Super Lawyers community, perhaps I need to go shopping for a cape!” In addition to being selected by Super Lawyers as a “Rising Star,” Mr. Krasa is certified by the State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization as a Legal Specialist in Estate Planning, Trust, and Probate Law. Mr. Krasa believes that his accessible, comprehensive, and friendly approach sets him apart and aided in his selection as a “Rising Star.” “I believe that it is important for attorneys to first remember that ultimately the goal is to address the needs of our clients and to solve their problems,” said Mr. Krasa. “We are not academics in ivory towers discussing legal theories. Our clients have real needs and our task is to help them in a comfortable and understandable manner.”

See KRASA Page 17

See LONG Page 17

Estate Planning Living Trusts & Wills Elder Law Care Trust Administration Medi-Cal Planning Asset Protection

192746759830103284765038163854040281636483921091827436473829191827364738 219192173274654733219283746587382910294384756473920102846592649574632729 495748309282726728394985747291921837467583928367464874387282183949483721 819828374758392982871872119274675983010328476503816385404028163648392109 18274364738291918273647382191921732746547332192837465873829102943847564 73920102846592649574632729495748309282726728394985747291921837467583928 367464874387282183949483721819828374758392982871872119274675983010328476 503816385404028163648392109182743647382919182736473821919217327465473321 928374658738291029438475647392010284659264957463272949574830928272672839 498574729192183746758392836746487438728218394948372181982837475839298287 187211927467598301032847650381638540402816364839210918274364738291918273 64738219192173274654733219283746587382910294384756473920102846592649574 63272949574830928272672839498574729192183746758392836746487438728218394 948372181982837475839298287187211927467598301032847650381638540408163648 39210918274364738291918273647382191921732746547332192837465873829102943 84756473920102846592649574632729495748309282726728394985747291921837467 583928367464874387282183949483721819828374758392982871872119274675983010 328476503816385404028163648392109182743647382919182736473821919217327465 473321928374658738291029438475647392010284659264957463272949574830928272 672839498574729192183746758392836746487438728218394948372181982837475839 298287187211927467598301032847650381638540402816364839210918274364738291 91827364738219192173274654733219283746587382910294384756473920102846592 64957463272949574830928272672839498574729192183746758392836746487438728 218394948372181982837475839298287187211927467598301032847650381638540402 816364839210918274364738291918273647382191921732746547332192837465873829 102943847564739201028465926495746327294957483092827267283949857472919218 372304298174109812034982130921830219832109382103982103982103982130998158 392836746487438728218394948372181983721819828374758392982871872187187211 927467598301032847650381638540402816364839210918274364738291918273647382 191921732746547332192837465873829102943847564739201028465926495746327294 957483092827267283949857472919218374675839283674648743872821839494837218 198283747583929828718721192746759830103284765038163854040281636483921091 827436473829191827364738219192173274654733219283746587382910294384756473 920102846592649574632729495748309282726728394985747291921837230429817410 981203498213092183021983210938210398210398210398213099815839283674648743 872821839494837218198372181982837475839298287187218718721192746759830103 284765038163854040281636483921091827436473829191827364738219192173274654 733219283746587382910294384756473920102846592649574632729495748309282726




T: F:

831.333.1041 831.785.0328

W: w w w.tlongcpa.com E: travis@tlongcpa.com


Kyle A. Krasa, Esq.

Kyle A. Krasa, Esq. is Certified as an Estate, Planning, Trust and Probate Specialist by the State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization

704-D Forest Avenue • Pacific Grove

Phone: 831-920-0205

www.KrasaLaw.com • kyle@KrasaLaw.com

July 26, 2013 • CEDAR STREET

Times • Page 17

Weiner Dog/Weenie Roast: Hot Dogs! Carmel Dachshund Club held their 10th Annual Wiener Roast on Sun., July 21. Dachshund owners and their dogs enjoyed a pot luck and ate a lot of hot dogs (the variety sold by Bruno’s Market. Photos by Peter Mounteer

pLONG From Page 16

use of home expenses with the exception of the portion of mortgage interest, property taxes, or casualty losses which would have been allowed as itemized deductions even if you had no business. The rest of the expenses get carried over to future years until you make a profit and can use the losses. Using the safe harbor, any loss generated by the safe harbor disappears forever. You would be better off in these years using actual expenses in order to preserve the losses for the future. At the end of the day, you might as well just continue to track the actual expenses, and let your tax professional figure out which method will give you the best benefit each year. In two weeks, we will go over the basic requirements in order to claim a home office deduction. Prior articles are republished on my website at www.tlongcpa.com/blog. IRS Circular 230 Notice: To the extent this article concerns tax matters, it is not intended to be used and cannot be used by a taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed by law. Travis H. Long, CPA is located at 706-B Forest Avenue, PG, 93950 and focuses on trust, estate, individual, and business taxation. He can be reached at 831-333-1041.

pKRASA From Page 16 Mr. Krasa expressed his gratitude to his family (in particular his wife Amanda, his three-year-old son, Jonah Bing, and his father Peter Krasa), his staff (Marilyn Beans, Caroline McMillin, and Rachel Hunter), his professional colleagues, his friends, and most of all his clients for their support. “This is certainly a joint effort and although I am a solo attorney, this honor would not have been possible without scores of other individuals,” said Mr. Krasa. KRASA LAW is located at 704-D Forest Avenue, PG, and Kyle can be reached at 831-2240-0594.

Did you do something outstanding? Have your peeps email our peeps! editor@ cedarstreettimes.com


Times • July 26, 2013

Make This a Golden Age


The Perils Of Joint Ownership Susan L. Alexander, Esq. (J.D., M.P.A., LL.M. - Taxation)

Symphony needs volunteers

The Monterey Symphony is seeking volunteers. Please call 646-8511 or visit www. montereysymphony.org for more information.

We do more than provide superior funeral and cremation services. . .

Spotlight on Seniors

I often see older people with other peoples’ names on their property as coowners. There are many reasons why an individual would add others’ names to the title of his or her property. Except between spouses, joint ownership can be a bad idea, as illustrated by the following real-life examples. (1) Joint tenancy of a bank or financial account facilitates embezzlement. Each joint tenant to a bank account has full right to make withdrawals from the account. In one case, after an elderly woman added her son’s name as a joint tenant to her bank account, mysterious withdrawals of $300-$400 each began appearing in the account every couple of weeks. As the son was a legal co-owner of the funds, he did nothing illegal in making withdrawals. If the son was only on the account as a “convenience” to the mother, then she should have properly added him only as a “signatory” and not as an account owner. (2) Once a person’s name is added to the title of property, it can be undone only with his or her consent. In another case, after a woman’s husband died, she added her two sons’ names to the title of her house. When the woman was dying, and getting her affairs in order, she concluded that one son did not need the house, and attempted to remove his name from it. He balked and court later held that placing the sons’ names on the title to the property was a completed gift to each of them, and their names could be removeddisease. from the property only with ns have Alzheimer’s their consent. zheimer’s has more than doubled (3) Property held in joint tenancy is immediately subject to claims of each joint tenant’s creditors. In yet another case, a man a house and rented it zheimer’s disease willbought continue to his mother. Their names were on the of individualstitle with Alzheimer’s to the house as joint tenants. Later 6 million. the woman attempted to quit claim her interest in the house to the son. It turned out that the woman have Alzheimer’s disease orhad long-standing, substantial Federal tax liabilities of

How To Get Home.”

which the son was not aware when he allowed her name to be placed on the title to the house. In attempting to collect the woman’s tax liabilities, the IRS found the recorded quit claim deed. The IRS asserted that the quit claim deed was avoidable as a fraudulent conveyance, and asserted a nominee lien in the house. The matter was litigated, and the U.S. District Court held, that the mother owned a one-half interest in the house, and that the Federal tax lien against her attached to her interest in the house. (4) Joint tenancy can produce unintended results. In yet another case, a brother and sister each inherited several million dollars from their mother. Each of them established a joint bank account in joint tenancy with right of survivorship with the other, and deposited their inheritance into the account. The years went by. The brother and sister became estranged, and developed hostility toward one another. On his death bed, the brother executed a will bequeathing all of his property to his wife. But the bank account was not part of the brother’s estate. By reason of the survivorship provision, the bank account passed to the sister by operation of law.

Our NEW reception room, café and catering options mean one less thing our families need to think about.



These scenarios illustrate the possible unintended consequences of creating joint tenancy ownership interests without consulting an attorney. It is natural and often desirable to have our loved ones assist us with our finances as we age, but we need to do so in a prudent way that ensures that we still have control over our assets during our lifetime and can leave assets to our chosen beneficiaries under a valid Will or Trust. Susan L. Alexander is a local estate planning and elder law attorney with offices in Pacific Grove. She is a passionate advocate for seniors and their families and is a member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys. Susan can be reached at 644-0300.

e will live an average of eight r more from the onset of symptoms.

e care is over $50,000 per year

oncentrating on legal counseling, assistance and advocacy for seniors.

(Source for all statistics: Alzheimer’s Association, www.alz.org)

er’s disease ractice is

your home,


Susan Alexander

Attorney at Law Susan Alexander, Attorney at Law

Elder Law practice areas: Long-Term Care Issues Special Needs Planning Powers Of Attorney Medi-Cal Planning For Skilled Nursing Benefits Guardianships and Conservatorships Healthcare Decision Making Elder Abuse and Neglect Wills and Trusts Probate and Trust Litigation

199 17th Street, Suite L • Pacific Grove, California 93950 831-644-0300 • Fax: 831-644-0330 • www.AlexanderEstateLaw.com

Early 20th Century Handpainted European Console, excellent condition 50”W x 20” D x 38 1/˝ H 19th Century French Urn, artist signed, 221/˝ H

Fine Antiques from the 18th, 19th & 20th Centuries 590 Lighthouse Ave. Pacific Grove, CA 831.373.3505

July 26, 2013 • CEDAR STREET

Times • Page 19

New You

Health and Wellness Can You Learn From Your Mistakes? Have you made any mistakes in your life? Are you still judging yourself for the mistake you made last year, two years ago, five years ago, 10 years ago? Are you also judging others for the mistakes they have made last year, two years ago, five years ago, 10 years ago? We are raised in a very judgmental culture: “Once a mistake, always a mistake.” Growing up, you have learned very young that mistakes are bad, that you should not be making any mistakes, and you will be punished if you make a mistake. Imagine the tension that this conditioning has created in you, your mind, your body, your nervous system as the innocent child that you were back then. As that child you didn’t have choice but to believe what you were told by the grown ups, the “authorities” in your life. Remember going home from school after an important test, not knowing whether you are going to get a good grade or a bad grade? You knew your mom, your dad were going to ask how the test went. The tension in your body, the fear, insecurity, doubt you had to repress and couldn’t share with them. And at times, when you did get a bad grade, going home with the fear of getting judged, getting punished for it. Having to hold back your true feelings, pretend to be okay. How sad... You are raised in a culture that believes in “You are what you do. You do something bad, you are bad. You do something good, you are good,” which is a lie.

ize now that it is natural for you to make mistakes. Give yourself permission to love yourself and to learn from your mistakes.

Rabia Erduman

Self discovery All our lives we have been told this lie, which has created deep tension about making a mistake. The truth is that mistakes are natural. As human beings, we very likely will make mistakes when learning something new. Imagine you are raised in the United States, and as a teenager have learned how to drive. Then, one day, you find yourself in a car in London, England. Obviously you don’t know how to drive on the opposite side of the road. It is natural that it will take you some time to learn this new skill, and that you will make some mistakes along the way. When we realize we made a mistake, apologizing is the key. A simple and clear “I’m sorry” clears the air between you and the person or people involved. Look at your life, find any mistakes you have made that included other people in your life. Chose one situation, imagine that person in front of you. Then, simply apologize for the mistake you have made. For example: “I was 30 minutes late to our appointment and didn’t let you know. I’m sorry.” No excuses needed. This simple apology is an acknowledgment that you both are equal adults, having equal rights, and you made a mistake.



August 3, 2013 4-6 PM The Little House


Grand & Forest Bring something to read share your thoughts or just come to listen as we celebrate. There will be a reading in the poet’s native Farsi and a presentation by our Poet In Residence, Dr. Barbara Mossberg. As space is limited please reserve at 831-658-0663. The event will kick off Pacific Grove’s monthly interactive poetry forum set for the first Saturday of each month. The second event is set for September 7 when we will explore the works of Gary Snyder. Free/donation.


Dance, when you're broken open. Dance, if you've torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance when you're perfectly free.

Jewel Park, Central between

How about the other way - when your friend was late and didn’t contact you? Same procedure. Imagine looking at your friend and say, “You were late to our appointment, and didn’t contact me. This was a mistake. I forgive you.” As a child we were trained to take things personally. When someone made a mistake that affected us, we learned to believe that we aren’t good enough, we don’t deserve good things. As an adult today, step into the knowing that you are lovable, good enough, you have equal rights with all adults, and mistakes happen. That your friend in our example was late had nothing to do with you. She/he got stuck in his/her trauma pattern from childhood conditioning and made a mistake by not letting you know. You both are equally good enough and lovable. You are not supposed to be perfect. Perfection does not exist, is not a natural state. Mistakes do happen. Real-

Transform your negative beliefs. . . transform your life. Rabia Erduman, CHT, CMP, RPP, CST

Pacific Grove Poetry Collective celebrates



Rabia Erduman was born in Istanbul, Turkey and later spent 10 years in Germany before arriving in the United States in 1983. Rabia is an Alchemical Hypnotherapist, Craniosacral Therapist, Polarity Therapist, and a Reiki Master. She assists her clients and students in their process of self-discovery. Rabia also teaches Tantric and spiritually oriented workshops. Rabia is the author of Veils of Separation - Finding the Face of Oneness, and has four guided imagery CDs: “Relaxation,” “Meditation,” “Chakra Meditation,” and “Inner Guides.” She has also been interviewed on radio and television shows and has lectured extensively throughout the years. To those wishing to understand her work, she says, “I have found working with the combination of mind, body, emotions, and energy to be highly effective in reaching optimum balance. My life and work are about being in the moment, free of fear and the feeling of separation. Deep joy is a natural expression of this process.”

- Rumi

Author of Veils of Separation

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Transpersonal Hypnotherapy • Reiki Craniosacral Therapy • Polarity Therapy Nervous System Healing • Trauma Release CDs: Chakra Meditation, Relaxation, Meditation, Inner Guides


Times • July 26, 2013

Summer’s Bounty May Mean Summer Surplus Refrigerator Dill Pickles and Chow Chow From Your Garden (Or the Neighbor’s)

In the old days, the City of San Jose purchased an entire city block in each of various neighborhoods and built a firehouse on the corner (for easy egress) and then a police substation, and on the other corner a library. So most of the fire stations and libraries happened, but the police substations never did. The fire fighters then made vegetable gardens out of the police substation lots. Eventually, they were turned into community gardens where everyone got a small plot and could grow fresh, organic vegetables for their home use. I saw them as more of a social gathering and a place to exchange ideas and produce, a great “modern” version of the World War II “victory gardens.” Everyone got a plot and could grow whatever they wanted, within reason. The barter system thrived. And of course, there was always an overabundance of zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, and peppers.

Neil Jameson

The Retired Firehouse Cook The flavor of a vine-ripened, organic tomato is unbeatable by anything a grocery store can offer. But what do you do with all of this excess produce? Pickling and canning is the solution of course. The common ingredients of these gardens always led to salsa or dill pickles, which leads into the subject of this column. Most all fresh produce can be pickled – green beans (“dilly beans”), green tomatoes, either in the traditional canning process or my favorite – refrigerator

Central Coast Artists exhibit

Central Coast Art Association artists Lynn Ackerman, Rhett Owings and Peter Parker will host a reception to exhibit and offer their work from 5 to 7 p.m. on Friday, August 2 at the Sally Griffin Center at 700 Jewell Avenue near Lovers Point. Refreshments will be served. Admission is free and open to the public. Together, these three artists present

a wide array of vivid images in various media including watercolor, acrylic, oil, pastel and ink. The exhibit is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday at the center through September 6, and is sponsored by the Central Coast Art Association. For further information, contact Harry Wareham at harrywareham@comcast.net or 372-2841.

“Old Potato Boat” – ink by Lynn Ackerman

“Yellow Roses I” – acrylic by Peter Parker

style. Here is a recipe for refrigerator dill veggies:

Refrigerator dill veggies

For the firehouse I would use a one gallon jar Ingredients: 3 lbs. cucumbers (approx.) 1 head of garlic, peeled and smooshed large handful of fresh dill (available in the produce department if you didn’t grow any) 1 white or yellow onion, cut into eighths 10 jalapenos (optional) (amount to be determined by your personal taste) 4 Tbsp. coriander seeds 4 Tbsp. peppercorns 4 Tbsp. sugar 5 Tbsp. kosher (sea) salt 4 cups white vinegar 4 c. distilled water (Pacific Grove water has too much chlorine in it to make good pickles) Directions: Sterilize the jar and lid and let them air dry. Add all the veggies to the gallon jar as you go along. Quarter the cucumbers lengthwise. Peel and smoosh the garlic cloves. Add the dill to the jar. Slice the peppers in half lengthwise and add to the jar. In a pan or a bowl, combine coriander seeds, peppercorns, sugar, salt, vinegar and water. Stir until the salt dissolves. Pour the brine mixture over the veggies in the jar and tap or shake to make sure the cucumbers are covered with liquid. Put the lid on the jar tightly and place it in the refrigerator for 48 hours, shaking occasionally or at least turning it upside down a few times. Voila! The pickles are probably ready after two days and should last for a month, refrigerated, if you don’t eat them all right away.

You can do this same recipe with string beans, green tomatoes, zucchini and a few other vegetables with the same degree of success. Cut or quarter whatever vegetable you’ve chosen so that the brine/ pickling solution will act on them in the two days. Using red onions or red peppers will add color to the jar. If you want to break it down into quart jars or smaller, it’s easy to do by just proportioning out the vegetables and brine. Do you ever get up the morning after a barbecue and wonder what to do with the leftover corn on the cob? Reheated it’s not very good, if you ask me. My mom used to make picalilli and serve it as a relish, sometimes with fish instead of tartar sauce (a biggie in the 50’s). Stand your leftover corn on the cob on end and cut it from the cob. Leftover grilled corn on the cob is great. In the absence of corn, use the canned variety. You can vary the “heat” by removing the seeds from the jalapeño or leaving it out entirely.

Picalilli (Chow Chow)

Ingredients 1 cup white wine vinegar 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup water 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt 1/4 teaspoon black peppercorns, crushed 1 bay leaf 1 1/2 cups fresh corn kernels (about 2 ears) 1 cup diced red bell pepper 1/2 cup diced green tomato 1/2 cup diced tomatillo 1/2 c. shredded cabbage 3 tablespoons minced green onions 2 tablespoons minced jalapeño pepper Directions 1. Place the spices, vinegar, sugar and water (all but the vegetables) in a medium saucepan; bring to a boil. Add corn and the remaining ingredients; simmer 15 minutes. Remove and discard bay leaf. Serve chow chow chilled or at room temperature. You can also do the quickest pickles ever by saving the juice from the last jar of Vlasics and filling it with cucumber or zucchini spears. My new favorite brand: Mt. Olive at Safeway. There’s the added attraction of the jar being ready to go, too.

“By the Wharf” – oil by Rhett Owings

If I hadn’t given them all away as hostess gifts and barbecue contributions, this is what my refrigerator dills would look like, only in a larger jar.

July 26, 2013 • CEDAR STREET

Film at Peace Center The Carmel Valley Kiwanis Club proudly hosts the

24th annual Carmel Valley Fiesta July 26 “Golf Tournament for Champions” Carmel Valley Ranch Golf Club Proceeds benefit Kiwanis Youth Scholarship Fund

Friday, August 2 Hoopla BBQ

Carmel Valley Trail & Saddle Club

Music: John Michael from 6:00 – 7:30 pm John Sherry & Laura Price Band (RUST & ROSEWOOD) from 7:30 – 9:30 pm

Proceeds benefit CHS Scholarships Tickets available through the CV Kiwanis Members CV Business Service, Meg’s Chevron, and Do Re Mi Music.

Saturday August 3 Carmel Valley Fiesta

Community Park – Carmel Valley Rd just past Ford Rd

Pancake Breakfast • 8:00 am Rave Reviewed Fiesta Classic Car Show, Kid’s Games, Art & Crafts, Food Booths, and the Carmel Valley Kiwanis Train Music: Bryon Diamond Solo 10:00 – 11:30 am Inbetween 12:00 – 2:00 pm The John Michael Band 2:30 – 6:00 pm

Sunday, August 4 Fiesta Continues

Ever Popular Dog Show • Registration 10:30 Begins 12:00! Continuing with music and all the featured activities Music: Vibe Tribe 10:00 – 12:00 Ike & Martin 12:30 – 2:30 Casey Frazer Band 3:00 – 5:00 The Fiesta concludes with the raffle grand prize drawing for a week’s vacation in Hawaii on the island of Molokai or $1,500 in cash, winner’s choice. All proceeds are returned to the Community in a variety of ways through the CV Kiwanis Foundation. For more information and event forms please visit www.cvkclub.org or call 644-6180

Come enjoy some fun in the sun!

Based on the 1976 novel by Manuel Puig, The Kiss of the Spider Woman (El Beso de la Mujer Arana) is a drama directed by Hector Babenco, written in Spanish. Jailed for immoral behavior in Brazil, Molina — a flamboyant homosexual played by William Hurt — passes his time be detailing scenes of favorite romantic films for his cellmate, a serious political activst. The cellmate, Arregui, is played by Raul Julia, the famous Puerto Rican actor. He is at first disgusted with Molina but slowly the two form a bond based on mutual understanding and respect. The film ends dramatically, at a time when Brazil was in political uproar. The film will be shown at the Peace Center 1364 Fremont, Seaside from 7-9 p.m. (doors open at 6:30). Admission free/ donations welcome. Gratis/Donaciones apreciados. For more information call 899-7322 or 375-7754.

Tony Seton to speak at Double Nickels lunch

Award-winning journalist Tony Seton will be guest speaker at Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd’s “Double Nickels Plus” lunch and lecture from noon to 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, August 14 , at 301 Corral de Tierra Road, Salinas. Seton has conducted more than 2,500 interviews over his 40-year career and currently writes profiles for the Carmel Pine Cone in his regular column “Great Lives.” “Double Nickel Plus” is a regularlyscheduled activity for those 55 and older. Suggested donation is $5 but not required. For information call 484-2153 or visit goodshepherdcorral.org.

Times • Page 21

WACMB Discussion Group on ‘Arab Spring’

World Affairs Council of Monterey Bay will discuss "Revisiting the Arab Spring…Egypt, Syria, and Beyond." The discussion group is free to the public. It will be held Mon., Aug. 12 at 4 p.m., MPC Room 102, Social Science Building, 980 Fremont St., Monterey. Lead by moderator Larry Johnson. Parking $2 in Lot D. www.wacmb.org

WACMB Luncheon Lecture: ‘Egypt’

"Egypt Against Itself: Officers, Islamists, and ‘Liberals’ in an Unstable Menage à Trois" is the subject of a lecture at World Affairs Council of Monterey Bay on Wed., Aug. 21 at 11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. The event will be held at Rancho Canada Golf Club, 4860 Carmel Valley Road, Carmel. The Egyptian army has deposed the elected president, Mohamed Morsi, Muslim Brotherhood leaders have been arrested, and an interim technocrat government is being formed. NPS Professor Robert Springborg, Department of National Security Affairs, will highlight the roles of the military and the Muslim Brotherhood. The Professor was formerly the Director of the Middle East Institute in London, Director of the American Research Center in Egypt, and a Middle East consultant to USAID and the United Nations. RSVP by August 16. Auditors (lecture only) free at 12:50 p.m. Luncheon $25 Members and $35 Non-members. MC/VISA($2 extra) or Check; vegetarian meal optional. RSVP (831) 6431855. Registration: www.wacmb.org

International Film Festival to Feature Documentary Films The 14th Annual International Film Festival, presented by the Monterey Bay Chapter of the United Nations Association, will be held Friday through Sunday, November 1 – 3. As in past years, the festival will screen diverse international documentary films, all designed to raise awareness and to educate and mobilize the community about critical global issues. All sessions will take place in the Golden State Theatre at 417 Alvarado in downtown Monterey. More information about the festival will be made available at: www.unamontereybay.org under “Future Events.” The Monterey Bay Chapter of UNA is an all-volunteer organization of more than 700 members and is one of the largest and most active UNA chapters in the

country. In addition to the film festival and other community events, it has held two successful Adopt-a-Minefield Campaigns for Bosnia and Afghanistan and works with student groups at various local high schools, colleges and graduate schools. UNA-USA is one of the country’s largest grassroots foreign policy organizations, and a leading center of policy research on the United Nations. It is a nonprofit, nonpartisan group designed to educate Americans of every age about critical issues tackled by the U.N. With a national membership of thousands and more than 100 affiliated organizations, UNA-USA sponsors programs and events designed to encourage participation in global issues. For more information please visit www. unamontereybay.org.

Abandoned Musical Instruments Requested to Loan to Students

Dixieland Monterey is introducing a new program, the Instrument Rescue Project, to collect, repair and recondition donated instruments to benefit aspiring music students in the Monterey area. Music teachers in Monterey Peninsula schools have been asked to identify aspiring, worthy junior and senior high music students who can only participate in music programs if there is an instrument to borrow.
Persons with an instrument to donate may send an email to info@dixieland-monterey.com with a description and photo if possible, or call 659-0436. Once the donation has been confirmed, pick-up will be arranged and documentation provided. Instrument donations are tax-deductible, as allowed by law.
President Doug Pinkham stresses “Music lovers who don’t have an instrument to donate but love the idea, may make a donation to help pay for the instrument rehab.” Call 659-0436 for more information.
Dazzling, young, internationally acclaimed jazz bassist and vocalist Esperanza Spalding got her musical start at a very young age with an instrument loaned to her through such a program.
The goal is to refurbish instruments for the start of the 2013-2014 school year.


Times • July 26, 2013

The Green Page Healthy Plants + Beneficial Bugs = Happy Gardeners Pesky Business : Part 1

The butterfly, a cabbage-white, (His honest idiocy of flight) Will never now, it is too late, Master the art of flying straight.

Dana Goforth

Diggin’ It

- - - Robert Graves I’m a passionate advocate of the least harmful methods to control plantmunching pests in the garden. Least harmful means not killing them either by a search-and-destroy method or by the use of toxic chemicals. A really, really good garden can be balanced with healthy plants and happy bugs that provide beneficial services. It takes diligence and patience to make it all come together. . . and an understanding of what the little buggers actually to.

Little White Cabbage Moth

My 85 year-young friend, Alice, has an amazing, organic garden. Nothing, I mean, nothing, in a spray bottle gets near her veggies. When she recently had a problem with little white cabbage moths, she whipped out her trusty butterfly net and chased them through the cabbage patch. When she caught one, she squished it -- vicious, but effective. The white cabbage moth itself is not the problem; it’s their caterpillar offspring that munch through young leaves. The white cabbage moth, Pieris rapae, is actually a butterfly that was introduced to the United States in the mid-1800s from Europe. Now, it is common throughout the states. While nasturtium is a common host plant, the cabbage moth, as its name says, prefers the members of the brassica family. These include many common greens such as cabbage, broccoli, kale, and Brussels sprouts, which are abundant in Alice’s garden. I’ve also had several buddleja (or buddleia) plants become infested with the cabbage-white’s caterpillars, almost to the point of complete decimation. Identification: The cabbage moth worm chews on plant leaves causing large, irregular holes. It also bores into the heads of vegetables and leaves dark, fecal pellets. It’s about 1 1/4” long, fuzzy, and light green with a faint yellow stripe down the back and sides. (Not to be confused with the inch-worm [Trichoplusia ni], which is smaller and has a distinctive looping movement. Its feeding habits are similar to the pieris and may be controlled in a similar fashion.) Deterrents: Most strong aromatic herbs planted throughout the garden will deter the white cabbage moth. Try the

artemisia family, including wormwood or southernwood, or any of the thyme or mint families. For a more localized protection, soak cotton balls in lavender oil or tie lavender flowers in a bundle and suspend them from sticks placed near the infected plant. Natural Predators: The chalcid wasp (Pteromalus puparum) on the pupa and trichogramma, or stingless wasps, on eggs; both are available online. Or, like Alice, try a butterfly net!


Honestly, I’ve met more people scared of these little suckers than of most any other common garden bug. Perhaps it’s the old wives tale that earwigs will crawl into your ear and bore into your brain. Despite their ferocious appearance, there has never been a report of an earwig attack on a human.

Earwigs get their name from an old Anglo Saxon word earwicga, which means “ear creature.” When people actually slept on the floor or on straw mattresses, this may have contributed to the myth. Despite common belief, earwigs (Forficula auricularia) are actually beneficial to the garden. As night foragers, they eat aphids, mites, and eggs of other insect larva as well as tender plants. They are scavengers who feast on decaying organic matter but are also known to eat flower petals. Similar to earthworms, earwigs add nutrients to the soil during their lifecycle. Identification: Unless you believe that migrant crustaceans have emerged from the bay, earwigs are pretty distinctive with their forceps-like pinchers at the rear of their small, brown bodies. They may chew around the edges of delicate leaves or leave irregular holes between the veins. Controls: First, be certain that any damage is indeed caused by an earwig; they often are blamed for other insect damage. By making sure to mulch with a nutrientrich compost, earwigs will forage on this rather than on the young seedlings. Their preferred habitat is any cool, dark, moist

place such as under garden debris or dense foliage. If that doesn’t work, a shallow dish filled with about ¼” vegetable oil and left over night might catch them. Another old standby is a damp, loosely rolled newspaper left close to where you’ve seen them. Toss it into the recycle bin every couple of days and replace it with another one. Natural Predators: There has been some success with a parasitic fly, but it’s not a reliable means to control earwigs.

Sowbugs and Pillbugs

“Roly-Polies” were fun to play with as a kid. Pester them until they roll into a perfect ball (they stun easily), then flick them through a goal post made of twigs. Bobby Travis’s pet hamster was the goalie. It was great fun until the rolypoly unfurled its armadillo-like body and disappeared into the grass. The hamster was fairly useless as a goalie, too. Not only are pillbugs entertaining, but they are also beneficial to the garden in much the same way as earwigs. Sowbugs, (porcellio laevis / p. scaber), and pillbugs, (Armadillidium vulgare), are not insects but are the only crustaceans that live outside the water. Similar to their aquatic brethren -- crabs, shrimps, and crayfish -- they are bottom-feeders of the garden and important in breaking down organic matter. They will, however, eat fruit or vegetables that rest on the ground, such as strawberries, pumpkins, and zucchinis. During heavy watering or rains, the bugs will move from debris to fruit in a heartbeat. In cool, moist, and foggy weather, they will thrive in any type of garden. Identification: Pillbugs and sowbugs are fairly indistinguishable from one another, unless of course you are one. Pillbugs will roll into a tiny ball when

messed with, as seen in the childhood soccer match. Sowbugs, however, will not. When a sowbug molts, their shell will turn a lovely shade of purple blue. Like earwigs, they will chew around the edge of a young leaf or munch through fruit on the ground. Control: Make sure it is actually one of these scaly creatures that is causing the damage. Often times, they will begin feeding on fruit that a snail or slug has taken the first bite out of. As with controlling the earwigs, clean debris from the garden and raise all vegetables off the ground. Because they need moisture to survive, water early in the day to avoid damp soil overnight. Spreading food grade diatomaceous earth around seedlings, especially peas and beans, may also prevent destruction. Natural Predators: Precocious and creative seven-year-olds.


As I was writing this column and wondering if I should include a section on flies, a notice popped up on Face-

book: a Natural Fly Deterrent method with numerous testimonials was shared by a friend. Place four pennies in a clear, zip lock bag and partially fill with water. Hang this near a window or door that the flies prefer and they will not come inside. Sounds interesting. Let me know if it works…. Pesky Business, Part 2 will discuss snail and slug control. Dana Goforth lives in Pacific Grove with 5 long haired cats and an awesome vacuum cleaner. She is a writer, artist, and gardener. Her latest book, Hollow Reed Reiki I, was published last year. You can find out more about Dana at www.danagoforth.com.

July 26, 2013 • CEDAR STREET

Times • Page 23

Hopkins Marine Publishes Study on Great White Shark Feeding Habits

Great white sharks rely on food from coastal California to fuel long migrations By Skyler Lewis Great white sharks spend the warm months along the coast of California, feeding on elephant seals and other prey. Come winter, they migrate out to the subtropical ocean waters between Baja California and Hawaii in journeys reaching 2,500 miles each way. We once assumed that these sharks, formidable predators as they are, feed throughout their migratory journey through the open Pacific Ocean. But a team at Pacific Grove’s Hopkins Marine Station, including lead author Gen Del Raye who began studying great white swim patterns as an undergraduate summer intern, just proved that this is not the case. To fuel their journey, great white sharks rely instead on fats and oils stored in their livers. Fats and oils are dense in energy and can be made in the body from any food. While tagging migrating great white sharks to measure their swim pattern over time, the researchers determined that the sharks sink faster in the water later on over their migration course. (As sharks travel, they periodically stop actively swimming and glide through the water, sinking slightly as they go.) Because fats and oils are less dense than water and help sharks stay afloat, these results indicate that the sharks deplete their liver oil stores over the course of the migration, burning it as fuel instead of relying on feeding and foraging during their journey. The linear path taken by the sharks once away from shore also suggests that they do not take time to search for food during their travels. Del Raye also looked at the movements of a captive young great white who lived at the Monterey Bay Aquarium for four-and-a-half months in 2006 to 2007. The regulated feeding conditions in the tank allowed him to calculate how the shark’s buoyancy changed as it fed, and showed that buoyancy can indeed be used to

Gen Del Raye studied the swimming patterns of this young great white shark, which stayed in the Monterey Bay Aquarium for 4 and a half months before being released back into the ocean. Photo by Alan Moore,

Creative Commons

determine fat and oil stores in the liver. The study, entitled “Travelling Light” and published in the London journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B, not only furthers our understanding of the physiology of the great white shark, but also emphasizes the importance of our coastal region to the shark’s survival.

Great whites rely on intact ecoystems in Monterey Bay in order to find the food necessary to fuel their winter migration journey. Thanks to this new research, we now understand the great extent that local harbor seals, sea lions, and elephant seals — and the environment in which they live — are key to the survival of the great white shark.

Save Our Shores Seeks Beach Captains for September Cleanup

Save Our Shores is seeking beach and river cleanup captains for the largest cleanup of the year, Annual Coastal Cleanup Day.in Santa Cruz and Monterey counties, to help expand this effort to over 80 local beach, river and inland sites. Annual Coastal Cleanup Day is one of the biggest volunteer events in the world, and site captains play a very important role. Site captains maximize the volunteer efforts of thousands of people. They guide volunteers in safely participating in the cleanup while collecting valuable data. Captains arrive early to their

site on Coastal Cleanup Day to set up, sign-in volunteers and hand out materials. SOS will host a brief training Thursday, August 29 from 6-8 p.m. at Simpkins Swim Center in Santa Cruz and a soon-to-be announced location in Monterey to go over logistics, hand out materials and talk about the significance of the event. Contact Marina Maze by Aug. 1 at marina@ saveourshores.org with a first and second beach or river site choices and contact information. For a refresher on Monterey or Santa Cruz County cleanup sites, check

out http://saveourshores.org/acc. Over the last 30 years, SOS has been locally responsible for key accomplishments such as helping to establish the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, preventing offshore oil drilling and cruise ship pollution and bringing together diverse stakeholders to find common solutions to ocean issues. Today the group’s focus is on educating youth about local watersheds, tackling marine debris on our beaches and rivers and supporting habitat conservation efforts. For more information visit www.saveourshores.org or call 462-5660.

The Green Page is sponsored this week by: SELF SERVICE • FLUFF & FOLD

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July 26, 2013 • CEDAR STREET

Times • Page 20

Real estate Bulletin 574 Lighthouse Ave. • Pacific Grove • (831) 372-7700 • www.BrattyandBluhm.com

thiS WeekS preMier liSting T 1-4 N SA

For more detailed information on market conditions or for information on other areas of the Monterey Peninsula please call...

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522 Beaumont Avenue

Pacific Grove So much space! This Candy Cane Lane home has 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, fireplace in living room, large family room, two car garage with RV parking and basement on a street to street lot. Outdoor fireplace, decks and patios. Needs updating, but livable the way it is.

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120 Caledonia Avenue

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Offered at $474,000

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Market SnapShot (as of July 23, 2013) Pacific Grove Single Family

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Current Inventory


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Properties in Escrow





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