In This Issue
Good Old Days Parade and Street Fair Downtown Pacific Grove Free •
Sat., April 9
Support your local links - Page 11
Into the ground’ - Page 19-20
Ha Ha! - Page 14
11:00 AM & 1:00 PM
Sunday, April 10
11:00 AM The Good Old Days Heritage Building Walking Tour 1-hour docent-led tour Sign up at Good Old Days at the Heritage Society booth across from Bank of America
• Thurs. April 14
10:00 AM National Health Care Decisions Day: Jack Stanley will address Advance Planning for Health Care decisions including POLST, Health Care Directives and Medic Alert. Canterbury Woods 651 Sinex Ave. PG Community Welcome No Charge •
April 8-14, 2011
Pacific Grove Community News
Grim teacher
Vol. III, Issue 29
Sat., April 16
10AM-4PM Monterey Bay Master Gardeners Smart Gardening Fair Hwy 1 and Rio Rd. Carmel Crossroads All about sustainable and water-wise gardening 831-763-8007 •
Sat, April 16
9:00 a.m. – 12 noon Dr. Barbara Mossberg, PG Poet-in-Residence presents OPENING LINES THAT MADE HISTORY A hands-on workshop with an extraordinary poet and teacher who will inspire you to “be bold in your beginnings.” Pacific Grove Library Cost $15 per person Contact Lisa Maddalena at 649-5760 or
Ongoing Mondays
Certified Farmers Market 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Central and Grand Aves, Pacific Grove For Info: 831-384-6961 Free
Inside Cop Log.................................3 Food..............................(Dark) Green Page...................19, 20 Health & Well-Being........... 18 High Hats & Parasols............4 Legal Notices.........................5 Movies...................................9 Now Showing......................14 Opinion................................15 Peeps..................................17 Rain Gauge...........................2 Sports.............................10-11 Writers’ Corner......................3
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PGHS hosts Every 15 Minutes event Above, previously wreck vehicles are put in place. Ricght, top: A ‘victim” lies in the road, an empty liquor bottle nearby. Right, below: After a field sobriety test, Officer Eva Rasul will take a “driver” into custody on suspicion of drunk driving.Photos by Cameron Douglas.
By Cameron Douglas Fifteen minutes from now, a highway patrol officer will come upon the scene of an accident. What had once been a shiny new car on a dealer’s lot will lie twisted, smashed and smoking in the middle of the road. Debris and dark pools of blood will be on the pavement. Inside the car,
someone has lost their life because they—or someone else—chose to drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or both. In an attempt to avert this needless tragedy, the Every 15 Minutes program was created to educate teenaged drivers about the consequences of bad choices. Program tools include a very realistic crash simulation, tours of hospitals, police stations and jails, and a chance for classmates to experience some of the grief that comes from losing a friend.
PG High held its first Every 15 Minutes in May 2007. The school plans to stage an event every four years, so that every student who attends all four years will have the experience. Assistant Principal Barbara Martinez coordinated this year’s event, which took place last Thursday and Friday, March 31 and April 1.
See GRIM Page 2
Fire groups offer concessions and cuts Pacific Grove will save as a result
By Marge Ann Jameson Monterey Fire Department, which provides Pacific Grove’s fire protection, has offered nearly $1 million in wage and benefits concessions and to accept staffing reductions. The result will be lower costs to the City of Pacific Grove, according to City Manager Tom Frutchey, because costs and reductions are passed straight through to Pacific Grove. The exact amount of savings is not known yet. Under the renegotiated agreement with two labor organizations which rep-
resent Fire Department employees, a larger percentage will be contributed by employees to their retirement system and a two-tier retirement system will be instituted. Newly-hired firefighters and fire management will receive 2-at-50 benefits – two percent at age 50 retirement. Currently employed firefighters and fire management remain at 3-at-50. The previously negotiated 3 percent cost-of-living salary increases will now be contributed to CalPERS directly and will reduce the contribution by the City. This means that Monterey fire employee groups will now contribute 12 percent each year from the previous 3 percent.
Fire Chief Andrew Miller says that he is proud of the employee groups and the fire department employees. “They brought this solution unasked. This shows that they care about the cities and care about other city employees. They opened their contract and were the first to put something down on the table.” The labor organizations involved are The Monterey Firefighters Association and the Monterey Fire Management Association. In addition to the wage and benefit concessions, there will staffing reductions.
Times • April 8, 2011 pCONCESSIONS From Page 1
pGRIM From Page 1 Thursday
At 8:15 in the morning, two California Highway Patrol units rolled quietly down the Holman Highway into Pacific Grove to take part in the crash simulation. Fire engines and ambulances stood ready nearby. On Sunset Drive in front of the school, two junk cars, a white Ford Taurus and a red van, were being off-loaded from tow trucks. Both wrecks had sustained severe front-end damage; and they were positioned as they would be following a head-on collision. The van lay on its side. The actors, all PGHS students in blood makeup, took positions inside the cars. One of the actors, Lilia Lutz, lay on the pavement near a pair of Ugg boots and a liquor bottle. She remained motionless for the entire simulation. Bottles and cans were spread about on the ground near the van, supposedly occupied by drinking teenagers and driven by a drunk teenage driver. At 9 a.m. sharp, the entire student body was summoned to the front lawn. Some were visibly stunned at the wreckage. A machine poured smoke near the front of the Taurus. The actors inside the vehicles, wearing microphones, moaned loudly, and that sound was broadcast over loudspeakers. Principal Matt Bell scrambled to the scene, desperately calling information and instructions through his walkie-talkie. Police, fire and rescue units arrived. The first EMT to examine Lutz radioed in that she was “unsalvageable,” and that four more were badly hurt. Rescuers started pulling crash victims out, working the “jaws of life” on the van’s rear door. The Grim Reaper appeared, walked over and touched Lutz as she lay under a yellow tarp. Another of the crash victims, Michael Paxton, “expired” at the scene shortly after he was loaded into an ambulance. Present in the audience was Chelsie Hill, the PGHS Breaker Girls dance team member who was seriously injured in a crash last year. Alcohol was a factor in the accident; and the driver, Aaron Corn, is serving a prison sentence. Hill remains in a wheelchair. Surrounded by friends, Hill watched the demonstration, which mirrored much of what happened to her in Skyline Forest on Feb. 21, 2010. Her composure started to break down when she heard the wail of sirens coming up the street. It was hard on the responders as well. Although technically a drill, this procedure was clearly painful for all who have witnessed the real thing. At the end, after the hearse and the last ambulance had departed, the scene became eerily quiet for the last event: a field sobriety test given to the driver of the van, portrayed by Jessica Riphenburg. School Resource Officer Eva Rasul conducted the test as Bell and Patrol Commander John Miller looked on. Every word was audible. After the Breathalyzer test, Rasul took the driver into custody for suspicion of driving under the influence, put her in a patrol car and drove off. Had it been a real accident, that driver would have been held responsible for the deaths of two of her classmates. Before sending the students back to classes Martinez told the crowd, “This crash that you just witnessed took six months to plan. The actual crash you have may only take ten minutes to plan. On a Friday night. Think about the choices you make, every day.” That day, the Grim Reaper came through the campus every 15 minutes and took a student out of various classrooms. These students had been selected ahead of time. They returned to class as “living dead,” not speaking or interacting with other students for the rest of the day. They, along with the actors from the crash scene, were sequestered after school and taken on a field trip to Juvenile Hall. They later worked on assignments during an overnight retreat at Asilomar, to write a letter to their parents from the afterlife. The retreat kept them completely apart from their families and the outside world. During that time parents also wrote letters, expressing their feelings of loss.
The second day’s ceremony started with a hearse parked outside and flowers on a casket. The students came to the gymnasium for a series of pre-filmed videos that took them to the scene of a staged party with teenagers drinking; then the crash, the emergency room, the courtroom, and sentencing proceedings. Martinez credits producers Kenny Ottmar, Josh Johnson and Gabe Bileci for putting together “a powerful, believable story.” It wasn’t all make-believe. Kathy and Fred Forgnone lost their daughter Vanessa, a Salinas High student, in 2002. The driver of the car Vanessa died in had ingested methamphetamine and alcohol the night before. At the PG assembly, Mr. and Mrs. Forgnone recalled their dialogue with the coroner, and spoke of how fragile life is. During that talk, “you could hear a pin drop,” said PG Police Chief Darius Engles. At the end of the ceremony, students took part in a silent walk. Several area agencies took part in the event, including Carmel Township, Monterey/ Pacific Grove Fire, CHP, the Paul Mortuary, and PGPD. Pacific Grove Unified School District acted as the lead agency. Funding came from two $10,000 grants: one from Pebble Beach Community Services District, and one from the Office of Traffic Safety. Six students took part in the crash scene simulation. Ten more, plus teacher Todd Buller, portrayed the “living dead.” Every 15 minutes, someone dies from an alcohol-related collision. That’s the headline at, an organization that facilitates events designed to stop “an entirely preventable crime.” Their focus includes texting while driving, a new traffic hazard that has found its way into modern life. The Every 15 Minutes program began in 1992. It offers real-life experience without the real-life risks. This is accomplished by staging accidents where teenage drivers have been drinking, and then showing every aspect of the aftermath. It succeeds in presenting the events and consequences of impaired driving in a way that is realistic enough to act as a deterrent.
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Six firefighter positions will be frozen and unfunded, and two Division Chief positions will be eliminated. One of those was Miller’s own, which was left unfilled when he was promoted to Chief of the department. The other, he hopes, will be eliminated by attrition. Miller reiterates that staff reductions will not affect the safety of the public. Four of the six firefighter positions are already unfilled through attrition, he says, leaving only two more to go. “They were relief firefighter positions,” he pointed out. “Minimum staffing will remain the same. Nothing will change on the street.” And Pacific Grove’s engine company will remain as is. Monterey is facing a $5 million budget deficit. Monterey City Council approved the agreement Tues., April 5. Concessions have already been made by The Management Employees Association, but have not been approved by the City Council. Three other labor groups, including Monterey Police Association, Police Lieutenants’ Management Association and the General Employees of Monterey are still in talks. The total savings could reach $2.8 million for the City of Monterey.
Fur flies over cat trapping An “uninformed” citizen who thought he was doing a good deed for the City by not calling out the Animal Control Officer has caused a bit of a stir – and wound up costing the City a lot of money, according to ACO Elizabeth Yeo. The man, who had been feeding a feral colony of cats, decided to trap some and turn them in to the ASPCA in order to get the colony under control. He even made donations to the ASPCA to help feed and care for them. Trouble was, they weren’t all feral. It was probably neighbors complaining that brought the man’s actions to the attention of the Pacific Grove Police. It gets worse. Every time a member of the public takes an animal to the SPCA, whether a stray or to relinquish ownership, the City gets billed more than $25 per day for its care. And there’s a minimum stray period of five business days – that means weekends and holidays get billed extra. Donations, such as those made by the local kitty-napper, don’t get counted against those fees and charges, either. The City of Pacific Grove pays the SPCA anywhere from $1000 to $1500 per month, according to Yeo. If an owner reclaims a lost pet and pays the impound fees, a portion does come back to the City. But if a person adopts at the SPCA, nothing is returned to Pacific Grove.
Yeo says there are numerous citizens who maintain feral colonies of cats in Pacific Grove. Some of them even trap cats, have them neutered, and release them to the wild again. None of that is against the City’s “Trapping Ordinance,” #1014 of the Municipal Code, as long as the City is apprised first and the animals are released in the same area. “They must be released to the same area,” said Yeo. “They probably won’t survive if they’re dumped in an unfamiliar spot.” Mother cats and litters “dumped” miles from their territory often become prey to other animals and raptors. “Nuisance operators” also know the rules, and in fact the feral cats’ ears are often tipped after neutering so that they won’t be trapped a second time. Local animal welfare agencies such as AFRP are not equipped to handle feral cats and ask the public not to dump them on their doorsteps. The solution, says Yeo, is spay-and-neuter. Low-cost clinics are often held, and it’s a lot cheaper for the City if well-meaning citizens do it that way.
Caregiver Available Many years of Alzheimer’s and Dementia experience
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Pacific Grove’s Rain Gauge Data reported by Guy Chaney
Week ending 04/06/11..................................... .00 Total for the season..................................... 21.27 To date last year (2010)............................... 18.47
Wettest year............................................................. 47.15 during rain year 7/1/97-6/30/98* Driest year.................................................................. 9.87 during rain year 7/1/75-6/30/76* High this past week...................................................... 81° Low this past week....................................................... 46° *Data from
April 8, 2011 • CEDAR STREET
PGHS Young Writers’ Club
Young Writers’ Corner Rain by Skyler Lewis To the rain, Who dances on my windowsill: When I struggled, you pushed against me. Wind’s fists landed hard against my face, Icy fingers sent chills all down my spine, Battered, weakened, fatigued by your swift pace, Water soaked my hair as I sought the dry pine. You slicked my road, you drenched my home, Savagely you danced upon my windowsill. But when I sat alone, you cried with me. Water drops ran softly down my cheek, Your constant rhythm lulled me to sleep. Tenderly you danced upon my windowsill. And when I ran, you ran beside me. My feet splashed puddles up into the air, As your cold pushes kicked me into life – Your cool elixir washed away my strife. You refreshed me. You renewed me. I went home To watch you dance your dance upon my windowsill.
Times • Page 3
Marge Ann Jameson
Cop log Lost and Found. . . or not
A cell phone was reported lost on the Wharf in Monterey. The current, however, had not brought it to Pacific Grove. A woman lost her wallet, probably on Lighthouse near the cinema. The wind, however, had not brought it to the police station. It usually blows the other way, ma’am. A woman lost her Pennsylvania ID card and needed to get on a plane (which of course means she needed to show ID). She was able to prove who she was to police, but she was looking for a letter to show to the airline\who are apparently more stringent about such things. Items left behind when the reporting party was arrested were allegedly given to a homeless woman by the suspect two weeks ago. Maybe the suspect thought the reporting party would be behind bars a little longer. A wallet was found at Lovers Point and turned in. Probably not the wallet that was lost at the movies, though. The owner was contacted and picked it up. A woman reported that her husband lost approximately $500 cash in the 400 block of Pine Avenue. The police log doesn’t say whether it was in a poker game or fell out of his pocket. A purse and its contents were found on Lighthouse Ave. and turned in. The owner was identified and a message was left. A wallet was found on 8th Street. The police notified the credit card companies and are trying to reach the owner. A cell phone was found in the Butterfly Sanctuary. Police charged it up, identified the owner and found a home phone number. The owner’s father answered the home phone and said that the phone had been stolen from a “quick service restaurant” in Pacific Grove. He must have known better than to say “fast food” in Pacific Grove. A guest at Asilomar found a credit card on the beach and turned it in at the inn.
Breaking up or breaking up or both
A woman wanted to break up with her boyfriend. He became violent and threw her belongings around, breaking a glass picture frame.
Suddenly, 4-5 shots rang out
Three anonymous reporting parties reported hearing 4-5 shots near the high school, but officers could find nothing amiss.
Car key(ed)
A customer at the auction on Lighthouse parked her car near Pier One. When she returned, she found it had been keyed.
Not your father’s rowboat
PACIFIC GROVE MASONIC LODGE PACIFIC GROVE MASONIC ODGE L #331 #331 Established 1897 Established 1897
130 PacificGrove Grove 93950 130Congress CongressAve., Ave. Pacific CACA 93950 Telephone: 831-649-1834 Telephone: 831-649-1834
Cedar Street Times was established September 1, 2008 and was adjudicated a legal newspaper for Pacific Grove, Monterey County, California on July 16, 2010. It is published weekly at 311A Forest Ave., Pacific Grove, CA 93950. Press deadline is Wednesday, noon. The paper is distributed on Friday and is available at various locations throughout the city as well as by e-mail subscription. Editor/Publisher: Marge Ann Jameson News: Cameron Douglas, Marge Ann Jameson Contributors: Betsy Slinkard Alexander • Guy Chaney • Jon Guthrie Christelle Harris, Amy Coale Solis • Rhonda Farrah • Neil Jameson • Dorothy Maras • Richard Oh Stacy Loving (Sports) • Katie Shain • Dirrick Williams Photography: Cameron Douglas • Skyler Lewis • Nate Phillips Distribution: Kristi Portwood and Stacy Loving
831.324.4742 Voice 831.324.4745 Fax Email subscriptions: Calendar items to:
Custom made chairs and portable solar panel system were stolen from a boat parked on the driveway on Forest Avenue.
Bad art? Or an invitation to dinner?
A business owner received three drawings in the mail, signed with an illegible signature. One was a locomotive and the other two were motorcycles. Also enclosed was a grocery receipt from a store in Niagara Falls, signed with the same signature. She says she hasn’t been there for some 55 years.
Get him a thesaurus. There are lots of other adjectives, pal.
A 62 year-old man was arrested for using offensive language in front of parents and children.
4/3/11 on Forest Ave., female 46 years old 4/1/11 on Laurel Ave., female 46 years old 4/1/11 on David Ave., male 22 years old 3/28/11 on Eardley Ave., male 36 years old
Send your event information to
Times • April 8, 2011
Jon Guthrie
High Hats & Parasols Dear Readers: Please bear in mind that historical articles such as “High Hats & Parasols” present our history — good and bad — in the language and terminology used at the time. The writings contained in “High Hats” are not our words. They are quoted from Pacific Grove/Monterey publications from 100 years in the past. Our journalistic predecessors held to the highest possible standards for their day, as do we at Cedar Street Times. Please also note that any items listed for sale in “High Hats” are “done deals,” and while we would all love to see those prices again, people also worked for a dollar a day back then. Thanks for your understanding.
The News … from 1911.
Grove students present recital
The pupils of Mrs. C. L. Carrington presented a recital and entertainment at the Groves’ Parish House this Friday past. The hall was filled to standing only. Mrs. Carrington had been busy drilling her pupils for some weeks in preparation for this event and, according to all reports, a very interesting program was presented. Those participating included Lowie Lewis (violin solo); Katharine Bittle (vocal); Jeannette Hoagland and Virginia Comstock (flute duet); Josephine Garner (Cello solo); and Mary Long, Florence McMann, Irene Chivers, Josephine Garner, Esther Varies (a medley of Dutch songs). Marian Jenkins presented the major solo of the evening, a composition by Mendelssohn with group accompaniment.
Grovian dies in auto mobile accident
Arthur H. “Dixie” Dale, who spent part of his time in the Grove living in a cottage he owned on Park street just above Pine avenue, suffered a horrendous auto mobile accident that cost the 29 years old man his life. According to the Merced Sun, Dixie was proceeding to cross the Merced River, driving his newly-purchased Daimler Phoenix, on a country bridge when several spans gave out. The bridge had been weakened by the recent rains that had left the river a’swirl. Dixie’s vehicle was thrown from the bridge and Dixie was tossed out. He died later that evening from injuries sustained during the accident. I Dixie had become recently active in trying in Pacific Grove to establish a lodge of the BPOE, also known as the Elks, as a secret society. Members of Elks organizations from various lodges around the area including Salinas, Fresno, and San Francisco participated in the funeral in Merced, during which eleven tolls of a bell were heard, and then traveled with the casket by train to San Francisco where final burial occurred. The attending Elks were J. Egan, F. Nolan, E. Gundolfinger, J. McKay, E. Warner, W. Hardy, L. Neil, E. Rahill, P. Loinaz, J. Jones, F. Huntzicker, G. Burwell, G. Babcock, C. Staples, W. Ockenden, W. Boyd, R. Thrane, E. Speare, L. McPhetridge, L. Brackett, and A. Lines. II Dixie is survived by his mother, Mrs. F. H. Dale.
Furor over U. S. Post Office change
Public opinion still runs counter to government orders that mail not be delivered to homes on Sundays, in compliance with instructions from the United States Postmaster General. All postal offices must close one day weekly. The delivery of mail from carrier’s cases on Sunday will be discontinued. The exception to the ruling allows that the General Delivery window be open from 12:30 to 1:00 pm each Sunday for the exclusive accommodation of the traveling public whose mail is addressed to General Delivery. Also, people who desire their mail regularly on Sundays will be allowed to rent boxes for Sunday access, even though their mail is delivered to them by carriers on the other days of the week. James Harper, Pacific Grove Postmaster, said that he agrees with the decision that post office employees be given a day of rest. Many citizens, however, disagree. They state that when President Abraham Lincoln authorized delivery of mail to homes, the President would have indicated six days delivery if that was what was wanted. Petitions are being prepared supporting continuation of Sunday delivery. Supporters may sign these petitions at the Review office or at the front desk of the Pacific Grove Hotel. Similar discontent is reported in Monterey and Salinas. III
Notes from around the area… •
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Worthly and daughter, who have been visiting in the Grove for the past two months, left this morning for their home in Michigan City, Indiana. Mrs. Worthly is a niece of Miss S. E. Lowe of this city. The family plans stop-overs in Santa Barbara and Los Angeles.
Clarence Thorne, a budding musician, is seeking support for a new tax that would pay the expenses of a Pacific Grove band. Thorn believes that every community should have such a musical group.
The Lucius Fairchild Woman’s Relief Corps No. 95 meets at 2 pm on the second and forth Fridays of each month in the T. A. Work Hall. Posted by Miss Lucy Murray, secretary. Approved by Mrs. S. Wiley, president.
The cost of living… •
Snap this up! Twenty-two hundred acres of pasture land, all fenced and well watered. Eight miles from railroad and about forty miles from the Grove. Price is ten thousand dollars if sold within one month of this date. Call W. B. Fletcher, Red 327 in Pacific Grove.
The Fair market is offering some very pretty berry sets which will be worth your time to investigate. $1.25 per set. IV
Fourteen lots have come available in the Withers tract. Excellent view of the bay. $100 each lot. Take time to pay without interest. Payments just $5 a month.
Author’s Notes I Daimler had registered as an American subsidiary (USA Daimler, primarily making engines, and then automobiles) in 1895, becoming the world’s first multinational company. Phoenix referred to the engine type, so-called because the Daimler company had survived and risen from a 1903 fire in its original German plant. II 1911 was during the activities cusp of fraternities and sororities, collectively designated as “secret societies.” Tolling the bell eleven times symbolized the “mystic roll call of those who will come no more.” The Elks organization, which fell within one vote of being named the Buffalos, was established in 1868 and first called the “Jolly Corks”, a private club intended to avoid overly strict New York City laws governing the operation of public taverns. The Elks exclude atheists from membership. The word auto mobile was correctly presented as two words in 1911. III The shift to a six-day workweek was impacting many industries other than the post office, among which five days has now become the standard for working. Interestingly, exactly one-hundred years later, the post office is considering shifting to a five-day workweek by eliminating Saturday delivery. IV Berry sets of the era generally comprised tea pitcher, dish for berries, and a creamer and sugar bowl. Know some news or trivia from a century ago? Contact the author Jon Guthrie:
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April 8, 2011 • CEDAR STREET
Meet the Author Event
Cara Black at PG Library
On April 21, 2011 at 7 p.m. internationally known mystery writer Cara Black will appear at the Pacific Grove Library, 550 Central Avenue, as part of the Friends of the Pacific Grove Library’s “Meet the Author” Series. Ms. Black will discuss her latest book in the Aimee Leduc detective series, Murder in Passy. Each mystery is set in a different part of Paris so that, in the words of the Seattle Times: “[the cumulative result of reading this addictive series is a sort of mini-tour of the city, as seen through a filter of fictional murder.” Mystery fans and lovers of Paris alike will enjoy the adventures of Mlle. Leduc as she streaks on her Vespa scooter through Passy, a wealthy enclave across the river from the Eiffel Tower, to solve the murder. As the Library Journal stated in a recent review, readers will “feel the Seine-soaked cobblestones through [their] feet….” Following Ms. Black’s presentation, there will be a Question and Answer session and book signing. Refreshments will be served. For additional information, call the Pacific Grove library at 648-5762 or visit the website at There is a suggested donation of $10 to attend. The Works bookshop, 667 Lighthouse Avenue, in Pacific Grove (372-2242) will have Murder in Passy available for sale both before and at the event. A portion of the book sales will go to the Friends of the Pacific Grove Library for the benefit of the library. Ms. Black will sign copies of her book on the night of the event.
MST sets public hearings on rate structure
Monterey-Salinas Transit (MST) is proposing revisions to its ADA Paratransit Program (RIDES) fares in order to comply with federal requirements for setting paratransit fares. MST will hold a public hearing to receive comments on the proposed fare changes Monday, April 11 at 10 a.m. at MST’s administration offices at One Ryan Ranch Road Monterey, CA 93940. Proposed Fares effective April 25, 2011: Exact Fare Required One-way, 2.7 miles or less $2.00 One-way, more than 2.7 miles or less than 19.7 miles $4.00 One-way, more than 19.7 miles $6.00 On Sundays and holidays all RIDES ADA fares are discounted by 50 percent. For more information, visit or call Monterey-Salinas Transit toll free at 1-888-MST-BUS1.
Now is the time to service your furnace
Legal Notices FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 20110540 The following person is doing business as Creating Klarity, 1021 Forest Ave., Pacific Grove, Monterey County, CA. 93950; Kaye Colelman, 1021 Forest Ave., Pacific Grove, CA. 93950. This statement was filed with the Clerk of Monterey County on March 08, 2011. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or name(s) listed above on 03/01/2011. Signed: Kaye Coleman. This business is conducted by an individual. Publication dates: 03/18/11, 03/25/11, 4/1/11, 4/08/2011.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 20110517 The following person is doing business as Lima Realty Group, 1668 Soto St., Seaside, Monterey County, CA. 93955; Mario Lima Jr., 1668 Soto St., Seaside, CA. 93955. This statement was filed with the Clerk of Monterey County on March 04, 2011. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or name(s) listed above on 03/04/2011. Signed: Mario Lima Jr. This business is conducted by an individual. Publication dates: 03/18/11, 03/25/11, 4/1/11, 4/08/2011.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 20110567 The following person is doing business as Veridian Exchange and American Environmental & Agricultural, 472 Junipero Ave., Pacific Grove, Monterey County, CA. 93950; Max David Perelman, 472 Junipero Ave., Pacific Grove, CA. 93950. This statement was filed with the Clerk of Monterey County on March 11, 2011. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or name(s) listed above on 01/01/2011. Signed: Max Perelman. This business is conducted by an individual. Publication dates: 03/25/11, 4/1/11, 4/08, 4/15/2011.
Times• Page 5
Sneezy Squeak Christelle Harris
Squeak up! Spring has sprung (for the most part), and Squeak has the sneezes. Yes, Squeak is an allergic dog. She sneezes at one sniff of dust, grass, flowers and feathers. When I vacuum, she barks, and sneezes. When we walk, she sniffs, and sneezes. It’s getting bad. Her veterinarian said she had allergies when he caught her scratching her nose with both hands (a very squirrel like maneuver). She has itchy skin, itchy ears and an itchy nose, and I feel so bad for her. Recommendations for Squeak come from all angles: diet changes, a different exercise regimen and even acupuncture. I suppose every dog is different, and some may stay put for acupuncture, but Squeak would have a conniption. Squeak would eat just about anything (trash, dirt, squeaky toys), so a diet change is workable. Squeak and I get lots of exercise, so that’s not a major problem. Maybe she’s just a sneezing, itchy dog. The more intense treatments include steroid (cortisone) injections, antihistamines or a combination of the two. There are hypoallergenic shampoos that can be used for skin allergies, requiring you bathe your dog two to three times a week, which Squeak would also be very upset about. Hyposensitazation is a form of therapy in which the specific allergy is identified, and then small amounts are injected to “trick” the immune system. None of these therapies sound like something I want to subject Squeak too, and they all seem worse than her sneezing fits. Although Squeak has not experienced any respiratory problems, there are allergies which can cause wheezing, and of course you should consult your veterinarian for any condition that affects your animals’ quality of life. So, just like Squeak pulling on her leash, she is going to sneeze, at least for a while. Perhaps when spring stops with its springing, Squeak will quit her sneezing. Until the flowers are done reproducing, I am keeping my home as clean as possible, and trying to keep Squeak’s nose out of the plants around. I am interested in hearing your doggie allergy (or any) stories. Feel free to e-mail me at christellecedarst@ and Squeak up about what works for you and your furry friends!
To place legal advertising call 831-324-4742 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 20110726 The following person is doing business as Stitch Custom Uniforms, 1249 Fremont Blvd. Suite C, Seaside, Monterey County, CA. 93955; Michael Panlilio, 188 Pine Canyon Rd., Salinas, CA. 93955. This statement was filed with the Clerk of Monterey County on March 29, 2011. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or name(s) listed above on N/A. Signed: Michael Panlilio. This business is conducted by an individual. Publication dates: 04/08/11, 04/15/11, 04/22/11, 4/29/2011.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT CORRECTED FILE NUMBER File No. 2011527 The following person is doing business as Pro Service, Dolores & Fifth 3SE, Carmel, Monterey County, CA 93921; Armando t. Canales, 4088 Crest Rd., Pebble Beach, CA 93953. This statement was filed with the Clerk of Monterey County on March 7, 2011. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 01/11/07. Signed: Armando Canales. This business is conducted by an individual. Publication dates: 04/08, 4/15, 4/22, 4/29/11.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 20110770 The following persons are doing business as Express Mart, 836 N. Main St., Salinas, Monterey County, CA 93906; Evan Yousif, 3270 Del Monte Blvd. #10, Marina, CA 93933. This statement was filed with the Clerk of Monterey County on April 4, 2011. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on March, 2010. Signed: Evan Yousif. This business is conducted by an individual. Publication dates: 04/08, 04/15, 04/22/ 04/29/11
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 20110686 The following persons are doing business as Baseline Consulting, 13720 Monte Bello, Castroville, Monterey County, CA 95012 and Baseline Company, 13720 Monte Bello, Castroville, Monterey County, CA 95012; Michael Sutter, 13720 Monte Bello, Castroville, CA 95012. This statement was filed with the Clerk of Monterey County on March 24, 2011. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on n/a. Signed: Mike Sutter. This business is conducted by an individual. Publication dates: 04/08, 04/15, 04/22/ 04/29/11
Times • April 8, 2011
“What Music Means To Me” Essay contest winners Bookmark Music and Cedar Street Times recently co-sponsored an essay contest for musicians, who were asked to write about “What Music Means To Me.” From many outstanding entires, five were chosen as local prize winners and the top entry was submitted to the national level contest. While we await those results, we would like to share with you the essays of the four runners-up. Rachael Odom, the author of this week’s essay, is from San Luis Obispo.
By Rachael Odom Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, and life to everything.” -Plato On the morning of my eleventh birthday, I went to my grandmother’s house in Cambria. My great grandmother, Esther gave me some pieces of fabric and the above mentioned quote was printed on one of them. I read it and as soon as I finished reading this one, I realized that becoming a musician was what I was meant to do. I felt inspired to create such happiness, such bliss, for people I know and love, and for many others too. I keep this quote in my violin case so that every time I open it up, and read it to myself, I am reminded to never give up on my dream. Music has never let me down. Whenever I am angry or upset I go to my room and play my violin. When I start to play, the music takes me to another place, another time. By the time I am finished I feel so much better, and sometimes I even forget why I was upset in the first place. It has the power of drifting you away to another place or motivating you to do great things. Music impacts my appreciation of the arts, my learning, and my family. Before I started playing the violin, I never paid much attention to all of the work and all of the effort put into just one piece of music. I also never realized how difficult it is to write such incredible songs. Composers have to write parts that fit perfectly with each other for sometimes for over twenty instruments. Each instrument is it’s own piece of art and has their own unique sound. I never imagined how much time it takes to construct an instrument. A violin takes at least two hundred hours to create. I feel that it is my honor to play such masterpieces of design. Composers create beautiful music that gives “Life to everything.” Most people do not realize it but music does not only affect how you feel, it also affects how you learn. Music can “give wings to the mind,” through all ages, and all subjects. Have you ever noticed that almost every infant or younger children’s television program teaches with tunes or jingles? For example, the ABC song has a tune to go along with it and for older children in fifth or sixth grade, there is a song about the fifty states. Making up songs to tunes always helps me study for a test. Because most songs, like the ones I described, have rhyming words or a catchy beat or rhythm. Some have the ability to listen to songs while doing their homework. I am someone who cannot because I lose my concentration. I found it fascinating that researchers have found that reading and listening to music improves multiplication tables, writing, and reading skills. Studies have proven that after a certain amount of musical training your learning skill enhances. Music brings my family a lot closer to me; it has especially brought my grandmothers and me closer. Every month my grandma Sue and I go to the Performing Arts Center and see the dress rehearsal for the San Luis Obispo Symphony. My great grandmother, Esther usually comes too. Great grandma Esther loves music so very much and it is a huge part of her life. Her biggest passion is playing the piano. Music also brings my other grandmother and I together. She lives far away in Florida so I play for her over the internet. A few times a week I get to see her and play new songs that I have just learned how to play, or our old favorites. My concerts are another time our entire family gets to spend quality time together. We make it a special event. Almost all of my grandparents, my mom, dad, sister, and some friends come to support me. It makes playing in front of big crowds so much easier knowing that my family and friends are out in the audience rooting for you. By connecting people from all over the world, even if they can’t speak the same language, they can play the same music; Music gives “soul to the universe.” Music does all of these wonderful things, but when I feel the strongest connection to music is when I play. It is so amazing to think about how long a piece of music has been around, and how many eyes and ears have played and listened to it. You can never know why a composer would write a certain song, about love, about defeat, and maybe about desire. Some people think that they do not have the ability to play an instrument, or read music, but everyone has a beat inside of them just trying to get out. Music has opened up my eyes to see how amazing the arts can be, building special bonds within my family, and enhancing my learning abilities. Music is used all over the world in many different ways such as dance, celebrations, and just to listen to for fun. I will continue to work toward my dream of becoming a professional violinist because music has already brought me great things and giving me the opportunity to
March Poetry Worshop with Pacific Grove’s Poet-in-residence Dr. Barbara Mossberg The March poetry event, held at the Pacific Grove Public Library before opening time, gathered a group of poets and would-be poets to a workshop with Dr. Barbara Mossberg. Another will be held on Saturday, april 16 from 9:00 a.m. to noon ast the Library. Cost is $15 and space is limited. On the theory that a sonnet allows us (all right, forces us to — it's the bossiest form ever) take a topic which causes us stress, worry, and demoralized feelings, and turn it around into something positive, a new way to think about it, our group chose a topic on which to explore our sonnet-writing side: insomnia! We went from telling what was so awful about insomnia, in ways to categorize it in the form of rhyming quatrains with iambic pentameter rhythms, to working as teams on how to transform this exasperating experience! — Barbara
A workshop attendee submitted these two poems and gave permission to publish them: Sonnet parts: Sleep waits like a sad faced small child Who creeps /near the/ room but/ fears to/ enter. Open/ mind’s door/,for him/with smile/ so mild/ Awake /wait wait/sleep hovers/time is/mentor. First glimpse /of light /that starts /the bright /new day Washes/ away / horrors/of night’s/long play. Haiku: Morning’s cold dampness Cloudshrouded sun burned through Into new beauty Frances Shaffi
Workshop participants
We Deliver Monday through Saturday! Organic & Farm Fresh Produce Local Bakery Breads & Pastries Live Butchers • Prepared Deli Meats • Deli Salads
Voted Best Neighborhood Market Open Daily • Call 831-375-9581 242 Forest Avenue, Pacific Grove
April 8, 2011 • CEDAR STREET
National Poetry Month: April Dr. Barbara Mossberg, PG Poet-in-Residence presents OPENING LINES THAT MADE HISTORY
A hands-on workshop with an extraordinary poet and teacher who will inspire you to “be bold in your beginnings.” Saturday, April 16, 2011, 9:00 a.m. – 12 noon Pacific Grove Library ~ 550 Central Avenue Cost $15 per person Contact Lisa Maddalena at 649-5760 or to make your reservations. Seating is limited
Healthy Kids Day at Good Old Days
The YMCA of the Monterey Peninsula invites the public to join them at this year’s Healthy Kids Day event featuring free, fun and healthy activities for the whole family on Sat., April 9 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Jewell Park in Pacific Grove during Good Old Days. Healthy Kids Day is the Y’s national initiative to improve the health and wellbeing of kids and families and is the largest event of its kind in the nation. At nearly 1,600 events across the country, the Y will provide fun activities and educational demonstrations on how to be more active and incorporate healthier habits at home. “It’s not always easy to make healthy choices, and that’s why Healthy Kids Day is so important,” said a spokesperson. “Families who attend the event will learn that it doesn’t take extra money or resources to live healthier. All it takes is planning, commitment and spending time together. “We encourage the community to join us for Healthy Kids Day. By helping families get on track to healthier living, we can significantly improve the health and well-being of kids, one play date at a time.” For more information about the YMCA of the Monterey Peninsula’s Healthy Kids Day event, call Chris Harris at 373-4167 or send an email to charris@ The Y is one of the Central Coast’s leading nonprofits, strengthening local communities through youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. The YMCA of the Monterey Peninsula engages local men, women and children – regardless of age, income or background – to nurture the potential of children and teens, improve the Monterey Peninsula’s health and well-being, and provide opportunities to give back and support neighbors. Firmly anchored in Monterey, the Y has the long-standing relationships and physical presence not just to promise, but to deliver, lasting personal and social change. Awakening to Ecstasy, a two-day Tantra workshop for couples and singles, will be facilitated by Rabia Erduman, CHT, RPP, CMP, CST. The workshop is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, April 16 and 17 from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Fee is on a sliding scale from $285$385. Contact either Rabia Erduman at 831277-9029 or Carrie Ann Strub at 831-2381598 for more information and to make a reservation.
Tantra Workshop
Performances by PGHS Glee Club PGHS Dance Team PGHS Brass Ensemble PGHS Alumni Robert Marchand 2011 California Poetry Out Loud Champion Morgan Brown 2010 California Poetry Out Loud Champion Members of the PGHS Drama Program Members of the PGHS Orchestra and many more talented students of Pacific Grove High School Featuring former Poet-in-residence Garland Thompson Emceed by Larry Haggquist Friday, April 29 6:30-8:30 PM Pacific Grove Performing Arts Center at the Middle School
Times• Page 7
Sustainable PG will participate in Good Old Days Saturday & Sunday, April 9 & 10. Join us in the Parade: assemble at west end of Pine 9-10 a.m. Saturday. Parade starts at 10. Volunteer an hour or two at our table on Lighthouse, all day Saturday & Sunday. Or just stop by to say hello.
Times • April 8, 2011
Grim Teacher: Every 15 Minutes March 31, 2011 Story on page one
Photos by Cameron Douglas
April 8, 2011 • CEDAR STREET
Times• Page 9
Elizabeth Taylor’s first wedding: Father of the Bride (1950) Elizabeth Taylor was very big on weddings. She married for love eight times to seven men, but her first wedding, in 1950, was just for the camera. Taylor was just seventeen years old when she played the twenty-year-old Kay in Vincent Minnelli’s Father of the Bride, playing this week on the big screen at the Lighthouse Cinema’s Classic Film Series. She stars with Spencer Tracy in this highly entertaining comedy that hits you with just the right amount of sentiment as both father and daughter adjust to, first, the wedding, and second, their changed relationship. The film is a sweet story of a loving father forced to take a back seat during the planning and execution of his daughter’s wedding. It pokes fun at post-war middle-class preoccupations and the growing generation gap in a gentle, funny way, and Minnelli controls the pacing and the comedy so skillfully that you are surprised, during the wedding, just at the same moment that Spencer Tracy is surprised, at how moving the ceremony is. It is the father’s story, and old pro Spencer Tracy takes a comfortable and lighthearted approach to his role; his down to earth and naturalistic performance makes you feel you are in his living room sharing one of the many drinks he mixes throughout the film. Elizabeth Taylor has a trickier part to play: in one of her first adult roles, she is a young woman in love and about to be married, sure of herself and ready to take on the world. At the same time, because the story is told through the father’s eyes, we are asked to laugh at Kay’s immature, idealistic attitudes about life, love and marriage; at her overreaction to minor bumps in the road to wedded bliss that the wise old dad can smooth over. Taylor became a full-fledged adult actress in this, her 14th Hollywood film, and displays the depth and intensity she would soon make legendary in bigger roles and bigger films like A Place in the Sun, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and Cleopatra. Taylor’s passionate portrayal of Kay, who is fiercely in love and deeply committed to Buckley, the groom, carries much of the emotional force of the film (and is the biggest of a number of reasons this original film succeeds where the Steve Martin remake falls short.) Perhaps Taylor’s portrayal of a passionately committed but youthfully idealistic woman was not much of a stretch for her. As in so much of her life, Taylor’s role in this film was folded into her real life, or at least a version of it. Who knew what was real? In a February, 1949 issue of Life Magazine, fans read about Miss Taylor’s “real life” engagement to Glen Davis, Heisman Trophy winner and West Point grad. In her actual real life, Taylor had met and fallen in love with one Wil-
Mary Albert
Going to the Movies liam Pawley, Jr., of Miami Beach, and they were engaged to be married. She wrote about 60 heavily underlined love letters to Pawley that year, complaining about the trumped up engagement to Davis, and professing her passionate feelings for Pawley. “Remember at all times that your wife-to-be Miss Elizabeth Taylor loves you at all times and that nothing or no one could or would or should ever change that. You are mine, Darling, and nothing is going to take you away from me, nothing” As we know, Taylor lived her whole life in the public eye. In 1949, she was already a huge star. She and her violet eyes had charmed audiences in a dozen roles, most especially in National Velvet. But she had not yet been married, had not yet won any Oscars, had not yet stolen Eddie Fisher form Debbie Reynolds, had not yet played Cleopatra, had not yet married Richard Burton (twice), had not yet owned the world’s largest diamond, had not yet hired a yacht for her dogs, had not yet befriended James Dean, Montgomery Clift, or Michael Jackson, had yet not become a humanitarian and advocate for people suffering with HIV/AIDS. Who knows what really kept her from becoming Mrs. Pawley and settling down in Miami Beach, and what life would have held for her there. At age 90, Mr. Pawley says now that he still hasn’t got over her, and that he thinks things could have worked out between them, if the pressures of the studio hadn’t broken them apart. Who can blame him, when he has a letter from her saying, “I am only too ready to say farewell to my career and everything connected with it—for I won’t be giving anything up—but I will be gaining the greatest gift that God bestows on man—love, marriage, a family—and you my Darling.” Alas, she was still under contract to MGM, and went back to Hollywood to make Father of the Bride. Soon came the chance to work with director George Stevens on A Place in the Sun, and within a few months she was married to her first husband, Nicky Hilton. I suppose Mr. Pawley’s loss is the world’s gain. She may be gone but the films live on; don’t miss this chance to see the one and only Elizabeth Taylor, shining on the big screen, Thursday and Friday at noon and 7:30. See you there.
The Classic Film Series at the Lighthouse Cinema
Spring 2011
April 7-8 April 14-15 April 21-22 April 28-29
An American in Paris 1951 directed by Vincente Minelli, with Gene Kelly Father of the Bride 1950 directed by Vincente Minelli, with Spencer Tracy and Elizabeth Taylor The African Queen 1951 directed by John Huston. With Humphrey Bogart and Katherine Hepburn The Thin Man 1934 directed by WS Van Dyke, with William Powell and Myrna Loy
Films are currently scheduled to show Thursdays and Fridays, at noon and 7:30. Check with the theater at 643-1333 or to confirm show times.
Spencer Tracy had the lead role as Father of the Brise
Right: An AP photo of one of Elizabeth Taylor’s letters to William Pawley, to whom she was engaged at age 17. The letters are now up for auction.
Times • April 8, 2011
Track meet 3/31/2011 Pacific Grove High School
Girls 100 Meter Dash Finals 1, Madeleine Bairey, Stevenson School, 12.95. 3, Aubrie Odell, Pacific Grove, 13.50, 17, Katie Nuss, Pacific Grove, 15.25. 19, Tessa Castillo, Pacific Grove, 15.27. Girls 200 Meter Dash 1, Madeleine Bairey, Stevenson School, 26.51. 6, Aubrie Odell, Pacific Grove, 28.79. 9, Sydney Reckas, Pacific Grove, 29.72. 12, Stella Park, Pacific Grove, 30.20. Girls 400 Meter Dash 1, Ruth Talbot, Georgiana Bruce, 1:02.40. 2, Sydney Reckas, Pacific Grove, 1:06.37. 3, Lauren Weichert, Pacific Grove, 1:06.83. 5, Stella Park, Pacific Grove, 1:08.16. Girls 800 Meter Run 1, Lucy Scattini, Santa Catalina S, 2:30.78. 4, Paige Silkey, Pacific Grove, 2:32.37. 6, Isabella Fenstermaker, Pacific Grove, 2:42.90. Girls 1600 Meter Run 1, Vilma Laitinen, Stevenson School, 5:25.20. 2, Paige Silkey, Pacific Grove, 5:29.45. 5, Isabella Fenstermaker, Pacific Grove, 5:51.66. 6, Kaitlin Alt, Pacific Grove, 5:59.16. Girls 3200 Meter Run 1, Shannon White, Santa Catalina S, 12:28.62. 2, Kaitlin Alt, Pacific Grove, 13:09.03. Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 1, Mikaela Welton, Stevenson School, 17.97. 2, Becky Long, Pacific Grove, 18.81. 3, Katie Phillips, Pacific Grove, 19.11. 7, Jessica Bullington, Pacific Grove, 21.59. Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 1, Mikaela Welton, Stevenson School, 50.51. 4, Paige Book, Pacific Grove, 53.04. 5, Becky Long, Pacific Grove, 55.58. Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 1, The York School 53.48. 2, Santa Catalina School 54.09. 3, Pacific Grove High School 55.28. 4, Santa Catalina School ‘B’ x57.14. 5, Pacific Grove High School ‘B’ x59.65. Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 1, Santa Catalina School 4:22.77. 2, Pacific Grove High School 4:23.75. 3, The York School 4:31.69. 4, Stevenson School 4:33.06. Girls High Jump 1, Laila Joseph, Santa Catalina S, J4-08. 3, Dakota Penniman, Pacific Grove, J4-00. 5, Brianna Rakouska, Pacific Grove, 3-10. 5, Tori Lis, Pacific Grove, 3-10. Girls Pole Vault 1, Lauren Weichert, Pacific Grove, 6-06. 2, Kaitlin Alt, Pacific Grove, 6-01. --, Becky Long, Pacific Grove, NH. Girls Long Jump 1, Tierney Hightower, Santa Catalina S, 15-09.50. 2, Aubrie Odell, Pacific Grove, 15-04. 13, Hannah Chung, Pacific Grove, 11-07. Girls Triple Jump 1, Tori Lis, Pacific Grove, 30-04.50. 3, Paige Book, Pacific Grove, 29-09.50. 6, Carie Unger, Pacific Grove, 26-06.50. 8, Katie Nuss, Pacific Grove, 23-10. Girls Shot Put 1, Mele Hautau, Pacific Grove, 31-02.50. 2, Katelyn Peakes, Pacific Grove, 28-05.50. 3, Hannah Miller, Pacific Grove, 27-06. 5, Christina Taschner, Pacific Grove, 26-07.25. 8. Bushra Ahmad, Pacific Grove, 23-04. 9, Katelyn Gaines, Pacific Grove, 22-09.25. 14, Katherine Hudson, Pacific Grove, 19-03.50. Girls Discus Throw 1, Christina Taschner, Pacific Grove, 101-05. 2, Mele Hautau, Pacific Grove, 96-02. 3, Katelyn Peakes, Pacific Grove, 88-05. 4, Hannah Miller, Pacific Grove, 71-10. 5, Katelyn Gaines, Pacific Grove, 63-07. 9, Katherine Hudson, Pacific Grove, 59-10.50. 13, Bushra Ahmad, Pacific Grove, 55-09.50. Boys 100 Meter Dash 1, Taylor Odell, Pacific Grove, 11.42. 7, Alex Chung, Pacific Grove, 12.59. 8, Alonzo Perez, Pacific Grove, 12.81. 11, Cameron O’Hagan, Pacific Grove, 13.26. 12, Luis Pina, Pacific Grove, 13.52. 13, Kyle Lundquist, Pacific Grove, 13.59. Boys 200 Meter Dash 1, Taylor Odell, Pacific Grove, 23.01. 5, Alex Chung, Pacific Grove, 26.14 . 7,Youchan Kim, Pacific Grove, 27.17. 8, Ryan Waldman, Pacific Grove, 28.02. 9, Kyle Lundquist, Pacific Grove, 29.02 . Boys 400 Meter Dash 1, Drake Wilson, The York School, 53.08. 2, Casey Reeves, Pacific Grove, 53.63. 5, Luis Pina,
Breaker of the Week Miles Cutchin
Pacific Grove, 58.71. Boys 800 Meter Run 1, Will Shearer, The York School, 2:01.76. 3, Alex Schramm, Pacific Grove, 2:12.39. 4, Addison Miller, Pacific Grove, 2:14.75. Boys 1600 Meter Run 1, James Palaniuk, The York School, 4:28.20. 2, Alex Schramm, Pacific Grove, 4:42.04. 3, Addison Miller, Pacific Grove, 4:43.60. 6, Jacob Loh, Pacific Grove, 5:10.51. 7, Skyler Lewis, Pacific Grove, 5:11.95. 9, Victor Saucedo, Pacific Grove, 5:17.46. Boys 3200 Meter Run 1, Alex Farmer, Stevenson School, 10:45.75. 2, Jacob Loh, Pacific Grove, 11:25.71. 3, Skyler Lewis, Pacific Grove, 11:26.49. 5, Victor Saucedo, Pacific Grove, 11:30.96. Boys 110 Meter Hurdles (w: NWI) 1, Perry Choi, The York School, 16.59. 2, Cameron O’Hagan, Pacific Grove, 16.85. 3, Eric O’Hagan, Pacific Grove, 20.20. 4, Youchan Kim, Pacific Grove, 20.49. Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 1, Perry Choi, The York School, 43.71. 2, Youchan Kim, Pacific Grove, 46.55. 4, Eric O’Hagan, Pacific Grove, 50.93. Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 1, Pacific Grove High School 46.38. 2, Stevenson School 46.73. Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 1, The York School 3:38.57. 2, Pacific Grove High School 3:39.24. 3, Stevenson School 3:51.03. 4, Pacific Grove High School ‘B’ x4:18.02. Boys High Jump 1, Kristian Grobecker, Pacific Grove, 5-04. 2, Jacob Ellezy, Pacific Grove, 5-00. 3, Jack Giovinazzo, Pacific Grove, 4-08. 4, Luke Lowell, Pacific Grove, 4-06. --, Youchan Kim, Pacific Grove, NH. –. Boys Pole Vault 1, Addison Miller, Pacific Grove, 10-00. 2, Fred Chung, Pacific Grove, 9-00. Boys Long Jump 1, Andreas Spanos, Stevenson School, 20-03. 2, Kristian Grobecker,Pacific Grove, 18-05. 4, Alex Chung, Pacific Grove, 17-09. 6, Fred Chung, Pacific Grove, 16-07 . 8, Ryan Waldman, Pacific Grove, 16-04. 11, Alonzo Perez, Pacific Grove, 15-10. 12, Luke Lowell, Pacific Grove, 14-06.50. 13, Luis Pina, Pacific Grove, 14-05. 17, Kyle Lundquist, Pacific Grove, 11-04. Boys Triple Jump 1, Kristian Grobecker, Pacific Grove, 39-02 . 5, Luke Lowell, Pacific Grove, 35-00. 6, Fred Chung, Pacific Grove, 34-06.50. Boys Shot Put 1, Thomas Anderson, Pacific Grove, 36-05.50. 3, Alonzo Perez, Pacific Grove, 33-11. 8, Nick Borges, Pacific Grove, 30-02. 9, Luis Pina, Pacific Grove, 27-07. Boys Discus Throw 1, Thomas Anderson, Pacific Grove, 113-03. 5, Nick Borges, Pacific Grove, 73-03.
LaCrosse results
At Watsonville High P.G. 2 2 10 1 -- 14 Watsonville 1 1 1 5 – 8 Highlights -- P.G.: Ryan Walker four goals, 3 assists, Andrew Paxton 3 goals, assist, Michael Paxton 3 goals. Watsonville: Dominic Acosta 3 goals, 3 assists, Juan Jara 3 goals, David Torres 1, Hector Hernandez 1. Goalkeepers -- P.G.: Lucas Biggio 10 saves. Watsonville: Francisco Leon 10 saves. Records -- P.G. 7-0, 3-0; Watsonville 4-5, 1-2.
Breaker of the Week Paige Silkey Sport: Track Grade: Sophomore Paige also plays Volleyball and runs Cross Country
Sport: Swimming Grade: Sophomore Miles also plays football and basketball
Honorable Mentions: Maria Aiello Lilly Consiglio
Honorable Mentions: Wesley Carswell Conyal Cody
Winning Wheels 318 Grand Avenue Pacific Grove 375-4322
Breaker of the Week is sponsored by
April 8, 2011 • CEDAR STREET
Times• Page 11
Pacific Grove
Sports For a number of years, City employees have used their Cesar chavez holiday to support the City. . .by playing golf. A turnament is held, and this year there were seven teams representing many of the city departments -- plus the City Council. Winner of Closest to the Hole was Steve Gorman, representing the police department.
L-R: From the fire department: Tom Gunter and Jim Gunter and Mike Wallace. They placed 5th.
Paul Hughes, Martin Gonzalez, Dan Gho (greenskeepers), King Wayman: The winners!
Ray Proper (safety officer), Brian Gorman (police), Steve Gorman (reserve police officer), Al Borges (retired fire department).
Dan McKay (retired greenskeeper), Larry Esquivel (police reserve), Darian Houde (volunteer fire) and Walt Matteson (volunteer fire). Second place.
L-R: Butch Maloney, Ashley Hefner, Sara Hardgrave and Joe Headley, all from CDD.They placed 4th.
Carol Sims (retired), Ken Cuneo (council member), Audrey Summers, Kathy Krysyna (finance) and Don Mothershead (Recreation)
Times • April 8, 2011
Good Old Days Official Schedule Ongoing Events - All Day Saturday and Sunday, April 9 & 10
9:00am-5:00pm • Monterey County’s largest arts & crafts show – more than 200 vendors from 12 states. (On Lighthouse Ave. between 11th and Congress Ave.) • Carnival rides for entire family. (In front of Post Office) • Pet Extreme Pet Fair – Free pet supplies, dog shows, games and coloring contest (Jewell Park across from Pacific Grove Natural History Museum): • Inflatable jumpers, rock climbing wall & exhibits (In front of Post Office, Lighthouse Avenue and Congress.) • Pony rides (Jewell Park across from PG Museum of Natural History) • Pacific Grove High School Interact Club Book Sale - Proceeds benefit Pacific Grove charities (Monterey County Bank, Lighthouse and Fountain Ave.) • DJ Willi Entertainment is bringing the Latin Rhythm to PG. Special guests from throughout the county will be performing and instructing Latin Dances, Zumba and Latin Singers. And everyone is welcome to dance with us! (Corner of Grand and Lighthouse Ave.) • Wild Things exotic animals on display (542 Lighthouse Ave. in front of Favaloro’s) 10:00am-5:00pm • Kids games by Boy Scouts Troop 90 at Caledonia Park (behind Post Office) 11:00am & 1:00pm Saturday, 11:00am on Sunday • Complimentary Historic Walking Tours of Pacific Grove by The Heritage Society of downtown. (Sign up at the Heritage Society booth on Lighthouse Ave., across from the Bank of America.)
Saturday Special Events
8:00am-11:00am Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast - $5, Proceeds benefit Pacific Grove charities (Jewell Park across from the Museum) 9:00am-4:00pm • Pet Extreme Pet Fair – Free pet supplies, dog shows, and games (Jewell Park across from Pacific Grove Natural History Museum):
Each category winner will receive a $50 Gift Certificate!
*9am-10am - Pet With Best School “Breakers” Spirit *10am-11am - Cutest Puppy *11am-noon - Owner / Pet Look-A-Like *12pm-2pm - Pet Extreme Fashion Show: Dogs from your local SPCA fully dressed as runway models showing off apparel products sold in their store every day. *2pm-3pm - Pet / Tim Lincecum Look-A-Like *3pm-4pm - Pet that looks closest to Moe Ammar (we want the whole town there for this one! It is a must see!!) All winners will be posted at Pet Extreme Pacific Grove location on Tues., April 12th. 10:00am-11:00am • PG Rotary Good Old Days Parade - Over 100 entries! Sponsored by Union Bank of California (On Pine Ave. between Granite and Grand Ave.) 10:30am-2:00pm • Eleventh Annual Media Challenge Basketball Tournament Meet your favorite DJ, journalist, or TV star as they battle it out. Sponsored by the Monterey County Weekly. (Tommy Stillwell Basketball Court, Caledonia Park behind the Post Office Central Ave. and Caledonia Street) 10:30am-5:00pm • YMCA present Kids Fair. Free event with lots of prizes! Inflatable obstacle course, soccer, basketball, lacrosse, face painting, crafts and healthy snacks. (Jewell Park across from PG Museum of Natural History, Central and Forest) 11:00am-5:00pm • Classic Car Show presented by Gold Coast Hot Rods (Grand Avenue between Laurel and Lighthouse Ave.) 11:00am & 1:00pm • Complimentary Historic Walking Tour of Pacific Grove by The Heritage Society. Visit PG’s well preserved sites led by Heritage Society members and learn about each location. (Sign up at the Heritage Society booth on Lighthouse Ave., across from the Bank of America.) 7:15pm-8:45pm • FREE Family Movie Night featuring the Pixar film “Cars”.º (at Jewell Park across from the Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History)
Sunday Special Events
10:00am-1:00pm Pet Extreme Pet Fair – Free pet supplies, dog shows, and games (Jewell Park across from Pacific Grove Natural History Museum): *10am-11am - What To Feed My Pet *11am-noon - Free Biscuits For Those Who Can Chuck It Through Our Hoop *10am-1pm - Bobbing For Treats 11:00am Complimentary Historic Walking Tour of Pacific Grove by The Heritage Society. Visit PG’s well-preserved sites led by Heritage Society members and learn about each location. (Sign up at the Heritage Society booth on Lighthouse Ave., across from the Bank of America.) 1:00pm – 3:00pm Monterey Fire Department Fire Muster. A great competition of several Fire Department teams from the tri-county in drills and games. Enjoy and support your favorite Fire Department.
Entertainment Saturday, April 9th
Bank of America Stage: 16th and Lighthouse Avenue
10:30am – 11:15am 11:30am - 12:15pm
August Sky – Acoustic/Blues/Rock/Originals Cypressaires Barbershop Chorus - Barbershop Harmony
12:30pm - 1:15pm 1:30pm - 2:15pm 2:30pm - 3:15pm 3:30pm - 4:15pm 4:30pm - 5:15pm
Trusting Lucy – Pop Rock Culann’s Hounds – San Francisco’s #1 Irish Folk Matt Masih & the Messengers – Soul/Funk/R&B The Chicano All Stars Band – Latin Rock/R&B Sambahemians – Brazilian Percussion Group
17th St. Grille Stage: 17th and Lighthouse Avenue
10:00am - 10:45am 11:15am - 12:00pm 12:15pm - 1:00pm 1:15pm - 2:00pm 2:15pm - 3:00pm 3:15pm - 4:00pm 4:15pm - 5:15pm
Locksmith – Rock The Short Band - Jazz “Martin Chuzzlewitt, A Puppet Show” The Rayburn Brothers Band – Folk-Rock Groovy Judy –60’s and 70’s Music/Funk-Rock The Smoking Mirrors – Indie/Pop-Rock Wildhorse - Rock
Goodies Stage: Fountain and Lighthouse Avenue
9:45am - 10:30am Jim Fucillo - Guitarist 10:45am - 11:30am The Furry Chaps Bluegrass Band - Folk 11:45am - 12:30pm Sage & Goodell – Americana-Style Rock 12:45pm - 1:30pm Park Ave. Studio Belly Dancers 1:45pm – 2:30pm Breaker Girls – PG High School Varsity Dance Team 2:45pm - 3:30pm The Wharf Rats – Classic Rock 3:45pm - 4:30pm JM Barrie and The Lost Boys – Blues/R&B
Jewell Park Stage: Central and Grand Avenue
8:00am – 8:45am The Monterey Bay Maple Leaf Club – Ragtime 9:00am – 9:45am White Room – Classic Rock 10:00am - 11:30am Michael Martinez - Pianist 11:45am - 12:45pm Alex Ramirez – Acoustic Guitar/Folk 1:00pm - 1:45pm The Grand Silver Dollar – Rock/Blues, Folk, R&B Infusion 2:00pm - 3:00pm The Cronies – Rock Band 3:15pm – 5:00pm The Monterey Bay Maple Leaf Club – Ragtime
Chautauqua Hall: 16th Avenue and Central Avenue
11:15am - 11:50am Unicorn Theatre presents “Pacific Grove Postcards from the Past.” Histories are presented in the form of personal communications between characters who lived the events, with no piece of historical information longer than one might write on the back of a single “picture postcard.” These original performances were presented in a “revue” format with music, songs, short scenes, and “postcards” histories of Pacific Grove circa 1860 to 1906. 12:00pm - 12:30pm Monterey Flute Choir 12:45pm - 1:15pm Monterey Flute Choir 2:00pm - 2:30pm Unicorn Theatre Performances presents Kurt Vonnegut’s short romantic comedy “Who Am I This Time?” 3:00pm - 3:35pm Unicorn Theatre presents “Pacific Grove Postcards from the Past”
Entertainment Sunday, April 10th B of A Stage: 16th and Lighthouse Avenue
10:45am - 11:45am Firefly – Classic Rock 12:00pm - 1:00pm Nu-Horizon – Funk/R&B/Rock/Latin 1:15pm - 2:00pm Jamaica Sinclair and Belly Dancers 2:30pm - 4:30pm The Money Band – Renowned Rock Band Covering a Variety of #1 Hits From the 50’s to the Present 4:45pm – 5:30pm Matt Masih & The Messengers - Soul/Funk/R&B
17th St. Grille Stage: 17th and Lighthouse Avenue
10:00am - 11:00am 11:15am - 12:00pm 12:15pm - 1:00pm 1:15pm - 2:00pm 2:15pm - 3:00pm 3:15pm - 4:00pm 4:15pm - 5:00pm Covers
A Band of Ninjas – Acoustic Rock/Variety of Covers ASha-Med – 3-Piece Alternative/Garage/Punk Alli Clarke Haylings – Country Rock Blue Dog – Blues/Classic Rock Local Groove – R&B/Old School/Latin The Smoking Mirrors – Indie/Pop Rock Beso Negro – San Francisco’s top Gypsy Jazz Originals &
Goodies Stage: Fountain and Lighthouse Avenue
9:15am - 10:15am 10:30am - 11:30am 11:45am - 12:30pm 12:45pm - 1:30pm 1:45pm - 2:30pm 2:45pm - 3:30pm 3:45pm - 4:30pm
Sleepcycle - Rock The DiFranco DanceProject Sage & Goodell - Americana-Style Rock Monterey All Star Cheerleading Sweet Jam – Jazz/Rock Mozzo Kush – Rock The Skip Brown Band – Funk/Reggae
Jewell Park Stage: Central and Grand Avenue
10:00am - 10:45am Richard McLaughlin – Acoustic Folk 12:00pm - 1:00pm Kenny Chung – Acoustic Guitar and Harmonica 1:15pm - 2:15pm Bay Belles Barbershop – Barbershop Harmony 2:30pm – 3:15pm PGHS Glee Club – Covers Popular Music 3:30pm – 5:00pm The Monterey Bay Maple Leaf Club – Ragtime
Chautauqua Hall: 16th Avenue and Central Avenue
11:15am – 11:50am the Past” 12:45pm – 1:15pm the Past” 3:00pm – 3:35pm the Past”
Unicorn Theatre presents “Pacific Grove Postcards from Unicorn Theatre presents “Pacific Grove Postcards from Unicorn Theatre presents “Pacific Grove Postcards from
April 8, 2011 • CEDAR STREET
Times• Page 13
831.373.3304 | | 584 Central Avenue, PG
Pacific Grove Chamber of Commerce 54th Annual
PG Rotary Parade • Carnival Rides • Free Historic Walking Tours Dance Showcase • Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast • Boy Scouts Games YMCA Fair • Huge Pet Fair & Show • Classic Car Display Firemen Muster • Movie Night
SPONSORS: California American Water, Pet Extreme, Waste Management, JR Rouse Real Estate, DMC Construction, Central Avenue Pharmacy, Safeway, Forest Hill Manor, Monterey Bay Property Management
Times • April 8, 2011
The Arts
Now Showing Horsin’ Around at Redwing Photos by Claire Metzler at Artisana Gallery
Pacific Grove Hometown Bulletin, located at 620 Lighthouse Avenue, will be joining the Wine, Art & Music Walk on Friday, April 15, from 6:00-9:00 p.m. in downtown Pacific Grove. Participating venues also include the Monterey Bay Educational Center and Gallery – 153 Fountain Avenue, Glenn Gobel Custom Frames – 562 Lighthouse Avenue, Strouse and Strouse Studio Gallery – 178 Grand Avenue, Sprout Boutique – 210 ½ Forest Avenue, Sun Studios - 208 Forest Avenue, Tessuti Zoo - 171 Forest Avenue, and Artisana Gallery – 309-A Forest Avenue. The Pacific Grove Art Center- will open from 7:00-9:00 p.m. as well. The event is complimentary and open to the public. Art Walk maps are available at any of the above locations or the Chamber. For more information, contact the Chamber at (831) 373-3304.
Join us for an Art Walk & Artists Reception with Local Artist/Photographer: Claire Metzler Presenting her new show “Horsin’ Around At Redwings” with the Horses of Redwings Horse Sanctuary in Lockwood, CA Fri., April 15, 2011 6-9pm This very special art exhibit will delight you! Many of the images show horses laughing, smiling and “Horsin’ Around.” The best part is you can help Redwings with every purchase: 50 percent of the artist’s proceeds will be donated to Redwings Horse Sanctuary. Come on out and show your support for ending cruelty to Equines. Admission is free and refreshments are complimentary. Other artists will be present as well for an evening of conversation and story telling. This is an evening not to be missed. Redwings Horse Sanctuary began in May 1991 as a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization in Carmel, with a mission to end the abuse, neglect, and slaughter of horses, ponies, donkeys, mules, and burros through rescue and foster care. The mission of Redwings Horse Sanctuary is to eliminate the causes of equine suffering through education and community outreach programs, rescue abused and neglected equines, and provide permanent sanctuary or selected foster homes for those equines. Primarily devoted to the well-being of its rescued equines, Redwings operates with a small and dedicated staff. Delilah, the Redwings Equine Care Provider, works with Registered Veterinary Technician, Michelle Beagle, to handle the animals’ daily medical needs, and calls in veterinarians and farriers as needed. For more info about Redwings please visit:
Cheap fun and homegrown literature By Carol Marquart
Monterey Peninsula College Theater Calendar
MPC Theatre Company presents Grease directed by Gary Bolen and Michael Jacobs, April 7 - 17 at the New Carmel High School Performing Arts Center, 3600 Ocean Avenue, Carmel, CA 93921. Tickets $10-$25 831-646-4213 or MPC Storybook Theatre presents Pixies, Kings and Magical Things, featuring The Emperor’s New Clothes and The Ugly Duckling, directed by Carey Crockett, 7:00 p.m. Fri., 3:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m. Sat., and 3:00PM Sun., May 5- 22, in the Studio Theatre at Monterey Peninsula College, 980 Fremont Street, Monterey, CA 93940. Tickets $9-$15 831-646-4213 or MPC Theatre Company in association with The Forest Theatre Guild presents Once Upon a Mattress directed by Gary Bolen, June 30 - July 23 at the Outdoor Forest Theatre, Santa Rita and Mountain View, Carmel CA. Tickets $10-$25 831-646-4213 or
For a night of inexpensive, and locally-grown culture, here are two suggestions: 1.)A night of improvisational theater and 2.) Writers Open Mike Improvisational theatre is spontaneous comedy. Have you always been a bit leery of local comedy groups? A little too political perhaps or a bit too salty (or spicy) for your taste? Well, Monterey Improv may be just right for you. You can even bring the kids. Or better yet, your kid might already be part of it. What is improvisational theatre? It’s spontaneous theatre, a little bit like Charades, only the audience generates the ideas, and sometimes the players have no idea where a scene is going. That’s the fun of it. Even the audience gets into the act. Started initially by Gerry Orton in 2003, Monterey Improv began as Women of Whimsey (WOW) and then a mixed-gender group emerged called Mirth O Matics. which played recently at The Works in Pacific Grove. Mirth O Matics will be appearing again at Cafe 3.1.6. in Monterey on April 16. The Women of Whimsey (featuring some of the same performers) can be seen the last Friday of every month at the Alternative Cafe in Seaside. The troupe also gives improv classes at the YMCA in Monterey for all ages. They also offer a class just for seniors entitled “Tickle the Gray Matter” through the OLLIE Program at CSUMB. For more information on any of these programs, call 831-582-5500. Also, to savor the local writers’ scene, there is the Writer’s Open Mike at the Alternative Cafe at 1230 Fremont St. in Seaside. Host is Pat Hanson who was the featured writer at the March meeting. Pat is the former local chair of the National Writers Union and she read from her forthcoming e books “Invisible Grand parenting” and “Hopelessly Heterosexual.” Following this, came a variety of genres: selections from screenplays, domestic violence put to rhyme, a short story about an old house, another about a Jewish boy growing up in St. Lewis a journal about a harrowing camping experience, true confessions of an English teacher, A monologue of a mother of the bride making a wedding speech and a song writer or two. If you are a published writer or just have something to share, the Writer’s Open Mike is free and happens on the third Thursday of each month at the Alternative Cafe from 5:30-7;30 p.m. Same night sign ups (5-7 minutes) are welcome. For more information, call 601-9195.
April 8, 2011 • CEDAR STREET
Times• Page 15
Your letters
Big Oil foxes in the Alaska henhouse Editor: How naive can our President be, after all the lies and misrepresentations offered by BP regarding the Gulf of Mexico Oil spill last year, and now he is considering risking drilling in the frigid waters of the Chuckchi and Beaumont Seas, off the NW coast of Alaska? Any attempts to clean up even a small spill in these Arctic waters would be at least 100 times more difficult than trying to contain a small spill in the temperate Gulf of Mexico. The Native Americans who live there are dependent upon the Bowhead whales, the Beluga whales, walrus, bearded and ringed seals, as food staples when the caribou are not on the North Slope, and the beleaguered polar bears specifically need the seals which are their mainstay life source. Any Industrial activity in these icy waters would be highly aversive and catastrophic for the polar bears, as well as the marine mammals the Alaskan tribes depend upon. Sadly, the President’s Sec. of the Interior,( Mr. Salazar), has never placed the polar bears under the Endangered Species Act protections, which their current status deserves. Big Oil and Gas has presented a new and more insidious threat by getting their lackeys in the House and Senate to sponsor the Sen. Vitter (LA) and Rep. Bob Bishop (UT) Bill sneakily entitled the Domestic Jobs, Domestic Energy, and Deficit reduction bill of 2011. This effectively puts the Big Oil foxes in the henhouse to be in charge of and run The Dept. of The Interior and the Bureau of Land Management’s filthy oil shale programs. This bill would also eviscerate the Endangered Species Act, and allow polluters to continue dumping their greenhouse gases; which are a public health hazard for people, and without any oversight or restrictions from the Environmental Protection Agency. It would also diminish and prevent any public access to Federal Courts by citizens to abolish these abuses. It would mandate the destruction of the fragile Arctic Wildlife Refuge in Alaska. Even for those Americans not living in Alaska, this bill would be a major stepping stone to despoil and eliminate all national parks currently in existence in the lower 48, and turn them into industrial wastelands for Big Oil and Gas. Considering the hundreds of drill sites presently in Utah alone, that have not been exploited yet, (about 136 are in use) it is high time to rein in Big Oil/ Gas, and to expend our efforts to further renewable energy sources . Lastly, any oil recovered from Arctic waters would not be available for over several decades or more, and would not reduce current prices of gas and oil domestically at all. I recollect seeing and smelling the leaks and breakdowns of the Alaskan pipeline as it ran to Valdez, AK. It is time for Americans to not allow politicians to put us back into the 20th Century, but to live in a 21st Century with renewable non- fossil energy sources. Marvin J. Sheffield, DVM Wild Canid Research Group Pacific Grove
Both/And approach to tree management makes company an attractive choice Editor: My name is Georgia Booth. Today is National Tartan Day. Among my affiliations, I stand before you tonight as a proud member of Clan Buchanan. I am grateful to have been part of the interview panel for the final four firms chosen for consideration for their CEQA proposals as they relate to our current PGMC Tree Ordinance. Ms. Hardgrave wrote an excellent summary of the interview process, and our recommendation to accept RBF Consulting to provide planning and environmental service to prepare an Urban Forest Management Plan, complete the Tree Ordinance Update, and associated CEQA review. Each firm’s representatives commented on the unorthodox request for a CEQA review of an actual ordinance. Three firms stayed within the confines of Pacific Grove’s request for CEQA proposals. To paraphrase a Scottish proverb: The tree knows it is better to bend than break in the wind. RBF’s representatives, Bill Wiseman and James Allen, invited us to view the current ordinance and its effectiveness as a “plan” for urban forest management from a different perspective. They suggest that the fact our city’s lower and higher tree canopy coverage has decreased from 33 percent to 19 percent from 1986 to 2010 (a significant portion of which has occurred in the Asilomar dune area) demonstrates the ineffectiveness of our current ordinance. With all its random, restrictive and punitive application primarily on the shoulders of residential property owners, our tree ordinance is broken. RBF offers a proposal that is an objectives-based ordinance supported by the development of a responsible and comprehensive Urban Forest Management Plan. Residents for Responsible Change have advocated this concept for over two years. This is what all concerned groups want: an urban forest management plan that structures a deliberate and responsible tree canopy program in appropriate places, and ensures the safety of residents in their homes, parks, and the downtown business areas. As part of this both/ and approach, RBF is confident they can also construct a document and plan that will incorporate a CEQA review that is both defensible and cost effective. Our current ordinance is ineffective and hazardous to both residents and urban forest management. RBF’s estimated cost for services is no more expensive than those proposed by the three other firms; however, RBF’s proposal is a creative and inclusive solution for all of us. Through our rating process, RBF received the unanimous support of our participants. As our elected representatives and city employees, we encourage you to accept RBF’s win/win vision. Thank you for you responsible stewardship of Pacific Grove’s residents as well as our community’s flora and fauna. Georgia Booth Pacific Grove
Gallery owner says an open library is good for business
Editor: As the co-owner of an art gallery I am concerned the city council will not provide a workable budget for the Pacific Grove Public Library. There are nearly a dozen galleries in town, and I imagine they may feel as I do – that a city that doesn’t realize the importance of literature and libraries is not going to be a good place to do business in art. A closed library, or one with severely cut hours, will not produce an environment conducive to the appreciation, or buying, of art. In fact, it can’t be good for business in general, besides the much more important issue that it can’t be good for the community’s quality of life or the education of our children and grandchildren. It’s important to remember this is the town where John Steinbeck wrote ``Of Mice and Men’’ and began forming his ideas for ``The Grapes of Wrath,’’ the most influential American novel of its time. And for those who feel everything is computers now and books are unimportant, Pacific Grove is also the town where Gary Kildall created the operating system CP/M, which was the basis for so much of our computer language. We have it covered both ways. Steve Hauk Pacific Grove
Central Presbyterian Church of Pacific Grove 325 Central Avenue, 831-375-7207 Chabad of Monterey 2707 David Avenue, Pacific Grove, 831-643-2770 Christian Church Disciples of Christ of Pacific Grove 442 Central Avenue, 831-372-0363 Church of Christ 176 Central Avenue, 831-375-3741 Community Baptist Church Monterey & Pine Avenues, 831-375-4311 First Baptist Church of Pacific Grove 246 Laurel Avenue, 831-373-0741 First Church of God 1023 David Avenue, 831-372-5005 First United Methodist Church of Pacific Grove 915 Sunset @ 17-Mile Dr., Pacific Grove - (831) 372-5875 Worship: Sundays @ 10:00 a.m. Jehovah’s Witnesses of Pacific Grove 1100 Sunset Drive, 831-375-2138 Lighthouse Fellowship of Pacific Grove 804 Redwood Lane, 831-333-0636 Mayflower Presbyterian Church 141 14th Street, 831-373-4705 Pacific Coast Church 522 Central Avenue, 831-372-1942 Peninsula Christian Center 520 Pine Avenue, 831-373-0431 Peninsula Baptist Church 1116 Funston Avenue, 831-647-1610 St. Angela Merici Catholic Church 146 8th Street, 831-655-4160 St. Mary’s-by-the-Sea Episcopal Church Central Avenue & 12th Street, 831-373-4441 Seventh-Day Adventist Church of the Monterey Peninsula 375 Lighthouse Avenue, 831-372-7818
Times • April 8, 2011
Your achievements
Peeps Japanese government invites William Merry to appear on waste panel William Merry, the General Manager of the Monterey Regional Waste Management District (MRWMD), appeared on a panel in which he spoke about public-private partnerships in waste management at a recent international conference in Tokyo. Merry was among a group of some 160 experts in waste management issues from around the world who attended the United Nations conference in Japan prior to the devastating earthquake and tsunami. The program dealt with expanding waste management services in developing countries. Participants looked at the growing waste management challenges taking place due to ever-increasing urbanization as well as consumption trends in Third World nations. The Intersessional Conference on Building Partnerships for Moving Towards Zero Waste included representatives from cities, public waste utilities, the private sector, key research and policy institutes, community-managed waste management programs and international institutes. The Division for Sustainable Development of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs organized the conference in collaboration with the U.N. Centre for Regional Development and the Japanese Ministry of the Environment. Merry, General Manager of the MRWMD since 2005, is a board-certified environmental engineer. Other members of his panel were from France, Ghana, India and the Netherlands. Issues raised at the conference will be further examined when waste management is studied this May at the 19th session of the U.N. Commission on Sustainable Development. Merry’s transportation and expenses were paid by the Japanese government.
At Your
PG Poet recognized Our local poet, Neal Whitman, was recognized again… no, not by the U.S. Post Office, but by Amy Kitchener’s Angels without Wings Foundation, when he was given the Chief’s Choice Award for the poem, “The Secret of the Esselen, “ in the 2011 White Buffalo Poetry Contest. The Kitchener Foundation is a non-profit organization based in Monterey with a national mission to promote the reading and writing of poetry. They sponsor the National Senior Poet Laureate Competition for poets over age 50 as well as the White Buffalo Poetry Contest for which poets do not have to be Native American, but honor Native American traditions. Neal wrote his winning poem in Lucia on a ridge overlooking the Big Sur coast line.
Welcome beginners. Find the artist in you! Easy, fun, materials included $35. You'll love it! Carmel 831 333-6377
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Joyce Meuse CHT • (831) 236-6572
When you sit long enough the low-lying scrub begin to sway not with the wind but of their own volition. It takes time for them to trust you. When you sit long enough the tree top branches welcome waves of fog and gently push the mist inland. It takes time for the cloud-tide to rise. When you sit long enough you become aware you are under cloud, in cloud, breathing cloud and licking your lips taste sea salt. It takes time to keep a secret.
Jerry’s Plumbing
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Small Business Websites
Ellen Gannon of Bratty & Bluhm Real Estate, Heidi Niggemeyer and Rick: Foolish Hats for First Friday, which fell on April Fool’s Day. The next First Friday will be May 6, downtown Pacific Grove.
The Secret of the Esselen
Art Classes, Painting-Collage
What fools these mortals be!
Citizen of the Year
Chamber names librarian Linda Pagnella
By Cameron Douglas Linda Pagnella seems to always be smiling. Patrons of the Pacific Grove Public Library are used to seeing her beaming face at the front desk as books are checked in and out. Many others in the community have benefitted from her cheerful attitude through her volunteer work. In recognition of this, the Pacific Grove Chamber of Commerce has named her Citizen of the Year for 2011, and given her the Hughes Award. The James R. Hughes Award is given annually to someone who stands out for his or her community service. Awardees are chosen by past recipients. The award is named for the late Dr. Hughes, a longtime Pacific Grove resident who had extensive involvement in the community. Pagnella’s record is impressive. She has worked closely with Richard Stilwell to put on Stilwell’s Linda Pagnella Snow in the Park; helps Grove Market owner Charlie Higuera with all his charity barbecues, such as the Shoe Dance and the PG Auto Rally; has worked at the high school snack bar; middle school dance committees; served on the PG Library Advisory Board; Good Old Days; PG PRIDE; the U.S. Open Golf Tournament; scholarship committees; and PTA. Pagnella has worked at the PG library for nearly 10 years now. Her current duties as Circulation Supervisor keep her busy there, working the front desk and handling special requests for books. Previously, she served as the librarian at Robert Down School for 7 years. “I’m very humbled to be on the list [of awardees],” says Pagnella, who attends St. Angela’s Church with last year’s recipient, Ron Schenk. She knows or has known nearly all previous Hughes Award winners. Pagnella will be honored at the PG Chamber of Commerce Special Awards Dinner on June 3. Contact the Chamber for more details at (831) 373-3304.
April 8, 2011 • CEDAR STREET
Times• Page 17
New exhibit opening at PG Art Center Pacific Grove Art Center Upcoming Exhibits April 15th - May 26th, 2011
Opening Reception Friday, April 15th, 7 - 9 p.m. “Out of Our Minds: Creativity from the Central Coast” The Central Coast Art Association presents their 64th Semi - annual Juried Show “Evoking Images” Abstract acrylics by Charles Pifer “Memory Place” Collage and assemblage by Marianne Lettieri “Vistas and Valleys en plein air” Oil paintings by Laura Williams
Laura Williams, “Big Clouds over Mt. Tam,” Oil
Children’s Art The work of Julie Heilman’s after school art program. “Out of Our Minds: Creativity From the Central Coast.”
The Central Coast Art Association’s 64th Semi-annual Juried Show. This longtime local art association seeks to promote interest in the arts in Monterey County through lectures, demonstrations and shows that educate and inspire. This show will be a range of art, from subtle watercolors to avant-garde abstracts and everything in between. For more information about the Central Coast Art Association, including how to become a member, contact “Evocative Images,” Abstract Acrylics by Charles Pifer.
Retired physician Charles Pifer has come to his artistic talent after a lifelong interest in art and painting - but with little time to devote to creativity. Stepping away from his successful practice, he immersed himself in painting beginning with a study of plein air with Mark Farina. His playful abstractions are complex with creative desire and deep with life experience. He finds himself drawn to paint abstract art where he can “thoroughly enjoy whatever happens on the canvas.” “Memory Palace,” Collage and Assemblage by Marianne Lettieri.
Marianne Lettieri, “Declaration,” Mixed Media
Marianne says, “ My mixed media constructions quietly protest a culture that rushes and clashes so much it often misses the enchantment of everyday life. I work with found objects and the insignificant castoffs of our fast-paced society to create art that is about grace, gratitude and introspection.” Marianne uses vintage objects – architectural elements, documents, furniture – to tell her visual stories. The phrase, ‘Memory Palace,’ comes from the ancient Roman practice of oratory, where imagined items were memorized as a mnemonic technique to help an orator recall the separate parts of his speech. Marianne Lettieri is currently working towards a MFA in spatial arts at San Jose University and is the founder of Arts of the Covenant, an organization for visual artists of faith in the San Francisco Bay Area. “Vistas and Valleys en plein air,” Oil paintings by Laura Williams.
Former “city kid” turned avid nature lover, Laura Williams explains her love for plein air. “…I find that being outside, observing the ever changing dance of light, is to be a true witness to the face of God.” Laura came upon this epiphany during an extended time of cross-country travel, living simply after the stress of a grueling art degree program. Laura’s passion with the magic of mountains, streams, oceans and trees shows in her serene paintings. She has won many awards for her work and holds an MFA from the Academy of Art University in San Francisco.
Upcoming Events
May 6th, Friday, 8 p.m. Mike Beck and the Bohemian Saints. May 21, Saturday, 8 p.m. Rollin’ and Tumblin’ Blues Review with John “Broadway” Tucker. Both fundraising concerts at the PG Art Center. Tickets are $10 at the door. All ages. Beer and wine will be served to those over 21.
Charles Pifer, “South Side Chicago,” Acrylic.
Times • April 8, 2011
New You
Health & Well-Being
Relationships in the healing process Relationships can be very rewarding and helpful in your search for healing, or they can be just the opposite. We constantly put a lot of energy into relationships and have probably done so since the beginning of mankind. You are relating to people all the time, and in this sense you are always in a relationship, even if you don’t have a love relationship. Even if you run away from relationships, that is your way of relating to them. You avoid them. What is normally called love is just a mind trip because it keeps you in the mind, regressed, frustrated and in a state of turmoil. You have to let go of what you normally think of as love if you ever want to become clear. And paradoxically, the moment you can let go of it, you will then probably enter a state of love.
Rabia Erduman
Self discovery
The Need for the Other
Right from the beginning, you looked outside yourself for fulfillment and for completeness. That’s why almost everyone carries the deep feeling: “In order to be fulfilled, to be complete, I need the other.” The other, of course, is mother, or father, or grandmother, or older sister, or whomever. This is nothing more than an expression of a helpless infant with survival needs. But because this belief is so deep-seated and because we have lived with it for such a long time, we go through life believing that our survival depends on the other. This creates an almost constant state of anguish. If you don’t have the “other,” your subconscious thinks you’re in danger of dying at any moment. You frantically look around, struggle and manipulate, all the time in a state of anxiety, until you finally get the other. But of course, once you have the other, you worry endlessly about keeping him or her. And so it goes, on and on and on. We have a deep though artificial need for the other. However, it really doesn’t have much to do with the other at all and it has more to do with our survival. Because of that we are usually selfish, and willing to manipulate and compromise in order to keep the other there so they won’t leave us.
Falling and Staying In Love
When you fall in love, you fall into regression. Something inside of you says, “Ah, mommy is here at last,” or “Ah, daddy is here at last.” The moment that happens, you don’t even see the other because you project onto him or her only what you want to see and whatever you want to have for yourself.
Transform your negative beliefs. . . transform your life. Rabia Erduman, CHT, CMP, RPP, CST Author of Veils of Separation
Transpersonal Hypnotherapy • Reiki Craniosacral Therapy • Polarity Therapy Nervous System Healing • Trauma Release CDs: Chakra Meditation, Relaxation, Meditation, Inner Guides
That wouldn’t be possible, of course, unless the other had certain attributes which allowed you to project onto him or her. The other person has to be something like your ideal, has to seem like something you want. Once you decide that this could be the one and you fall in love, your project all sorts of things onto this other. Meanwhile, of course, the other is doing more or less the same thing to you. After a while, you start to get the uneasy feeling that this other isnít all he or she is cracked up to be. You start to feel that the other is not living up to the advertising. Once this little crack appears, you start having doubts. The doubts grow stronger over time. After a while, you accuse the other of lying to you. “If I had known you were like this, I never would have gotten involved with you in the first place.” Or, “You led me on. You made me believe this about you.” Nobody led you on. It was your own projection that fooled you. You promised yourself that this person was going to be a certain way; it wasn’t the other who made false promises. (Of course, they were doing the same thing by projecting their needs onto you and then becoming angry when you couldn’t fulfill them all.) You then go through a period where you see that the other is not what you were expecting him or her to be. You accuse the other of lying to you, of being dishonest and your love turns to hate and disappointment. But it is all self-induced. It’s a game, it’s a drama, it’s a movie you wrote and produced. It is what you wanted to believe in, and when it doesn’t work you don’t take responsibility for it. Instead, you blame the other. Then you look for someone new, someone to do the exact same thing to. So very often, what we call a relationship is just neediness. But it is not even genuine need. It is an artificial need of the mind, which says, “I need this person, or someone like this person, to be fulfilled.” This thought comes from emptiness and from regression. It does not come from love. What might happen is that the internal infant in one person relaxes, because it feels safe with the presence
of the other, and visa versa. One can think, “Ah, I have a mommy”, while the other thinks, “Ah, I have a daddy.” And because they both relax, something beautiful can happen. But remember, it’s the relaxation that causes the beautiful space to be there, not the presence of the other. We can achieve the same kind of thing by learning to relax ourselves, by learning to see that we are already complete as we are.
The Adult Relationship
An adult type of relationship can develop when two adults recognize their own completion, recognize their own fulfillment in being alone, and recognize their relationship to Existence. Then if by chance they happen to be together, they both can give the other total freedom, respect the other, accept responsibility for their own feelings, and have an adult relationship.
Rabia Erduman was born in Istanbul, Turkey and later spent 10 years in Germany before arriving in the United States in 1983. Rabia is an Alchemical Hypnotherapist, Craniosacral Therapist, Polarity Therapist and a Reiki Master. She assists her clients and students in their process o self-discovery. Rabia also teaches tantric and spirituallyoriented workshops. Rabia is the author of Veils of Separation - Finding the Face of Oneness, and has four Guided Imagery CDs: Relaxation, Meditation, Chakra Meditation and Inner Guides. She has also bee interviewed on radio and television shows and has lectured extensively throughout the years. To those wishing to understand her work, she says, “I have found working with the combination of mind, body, emotions and energy to be highly effective in reaching optimum balance. My life and work are about being in the moment, free of fear and the feeling of separation. Deep joy is a natural expression of this process.”
April 8, 2011 • CEDAR STREET
Times• Page 19
The Green Page Digging in
City staff, volunteers plant new trees By Cameron Douglas Volunteers from California Polytechnic University in San Luis Obispo joined Pacific Grove city workers
on the last day of March at the Monarch Sanctuary to get new trees planted. Dr. Francis Villablanca, a professor at Cal Poly, brought several students and graduate students, including Jaime George and Jessica Griffiths, who have participated since volunteer/benefactor Helen Johnson launched her campaign to save the monarchs. In the fall of 2009, tree-trimming crews removed limbs from the sanctuary trees to make sure visitors would be safe. Afterwards, the butterfly count was disconcertingly low. Those concerned maintained the trimming had gone too far, decreasing the windbreak and reducing the number of still places where butterflies could land and rest in winter weather. The new trees’ purpose is to shore up the wind-
break. Pacelli organized the initial effort and gathered 36 young trees from several different sources. Deputy City Manager Jim Becklenberg and city arborist Rick Katen had already chosen spots for the new trees. John Goss from Public Works moved the heavy planters with a Bobcat. Once actual digging got underway, the team encountered large roots and an unexpected storm water pipe. They were able to plant around the roots, but one tree will have to be relocated away from the pipe. “All in all, things went well,” Becklenberg said later. The team planted 11 blue gum eucalyptus and one oak. Becklenberg hopes to locate a few more of the eucalyptus trees to plant.
Photos this page by Cameron Douglas Francis Villablanca (left) and his team dig in.
Tree planting volunteers from San Luis Obispo: (L-R) Dr. Francis Villablanca; Grace Davis; Michael Maples; Jillian Cosgrove; Ron Jeffries; Jaime George; Jessica Griffiths.
Rick Katen discusses another planting spot after a storm water pipe is found.
Bob Pacelli (left) and Deputy City Manager Jim Becklenberg.
City arborist Rick Katen (center) directs Bobcat driver John Goss as Jim Becklenberg looks on.
April 8, 2011 • CEDAR STREET
The Green Page More diggin’ in
Rick Katen supervises placement of a tree - the easy way, with a bobcat.
pFrom Page 19
Photo by Ron Jeffries
L-R: Museum Board Chair Sue Renz, Docent Jack Beigle, and Deputy City Manager Jim Becklenberg. Photo by Ron Jeffries
L-R: Deputy City Manager Jim Becklenberg and Bob Pacelli get a tree lined up. Video frame grab by
In slack times, and while waiting for better photo ops, the photographers photograph each other. Videographer Chip Scheuer and Clemencia Macias, Photo by Ron
Chip Scheuer
Everyone’s best side. In the orange is City Arborist Rick Katen. Video frame
grab by Chip Scheuer
Dr. Francis Villablanca and Bob Pacelli ask Helen Johnson’s advice: Is it straight? Video frame grab by Chip Scheuer
L-R: City Arborist Rick Katen, Jim Becklenberg, Bob Pacelli. Video frame
grab by Chip Scheuer
Dr. Francis Villablanca poses Helen Johnson in a Cal poly t-shirt. She funds the program Monarch Alert. Video frame grab by Chip Scheuer
Volunteers from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo gave up their Cesar Chavez holiday to help dig the trees in. Video frame grab by
Chip Scheuer
Monarch Alert’s Dr. Francis Villablanca of Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Video
frame grab by Chip Scheuer
Pacelli takes a break. But we can tell by his hands he’s still talking.
Photo by Ron Jeffries
Times• Page 20