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In This Issue

Kiosk Stillwell Children’s Pool Open!

@ Lovers Point Until September 1 Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays (+ Labor Day) Noon-4:30 PM Monday-Thursday (starting June 9) 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM Weekdays - $2.00 per person Weekends - $4.00 per person •

Sat. June 14

Howard Burnham as the 1st Earl of Halifax The Little House in Jewel Park $10 5:30 p.m. •

Graduation - Page 7

New Author - Page 10

Pacific Grove’s

Thurs. June 19

Meet The Author Peter Fischer PG Public Library Suggested donation $10 nonmembers •

Fri. June 20

Avoiding Mail & Phone Scams on the Elderly Paul Gregory of Merrill, Lynch Co-Sponsored by Madonna Manor at Sally Griffith Center 1:00 PM Free

Fri., June 20

Carmel Crafts Guild. Weavers, spinners, and dyers meet at Monterey Library, Community Room, 10:30 a.m. Free http://carmelcraftsguild.org •

Sat. June 21

Norwegian Rosemaling Monterey Public Library 625 Pacific Street, Monterey Community Room 2:00-4.00 p.m. No Charge and Open to the Public •

Sun. June 22

Feast of Lanterns Brunch the Beach House Only 100 tickets available PG Travel 373-0631 •

Mon, June 30 Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Intro McGowan House @ St. James Epis Church 381 High St., Monterey 7-9:30pm Free 408.823.4671 •

Fri. July 4

First Friday Downtown Pacific Grove

June 13-19, 2014

Sat. July 5 Postponed!

First Saturday Book Sale PG Library •

Inside 100 Years Ago in Pacific Grove............ 6 Animal Tales & Other Random Thoughts............... 14 Cartoon.............................................. 2 Cop Log.............................................. 5 Crossword............................................ Finance............................................ 15 Green Page....................................... 17 Marriage Can Be Funny.................... 16 Obituary........................................... 11 Otter Views....................................... 14 Peeps.................................................. 7 John Rapp: Press Release.................. 10


Your Community NEWSpaper

Bill Kampe Announces His Re-Election Bid

Pacific Grove Mayor Bill Kampe has announced that he intends to run for re-election. Kampe says “our city has made significant progress in several areas over the past two years and has achieved that with a civil and constructive dialog in our council chambers.” “Yet some challenging issues remain. We seek a vibrant community, both in the activities for our residents, and in the economic activities that support our quality of life. I’m committed to continuing the progress our city needs and deserves.” In addition to the role of Mayor, Kampe also serves as the City’s representative and Director at the Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments (AMBAG) and the Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority (MPRWA). A Navy veteran, Kampe worked for 35 years with Hewlett-Packard and Agilent Technologies, rising to senior management positions. He feels that his combined private industry and local government experience equip him well to continue as our mayor.

• Fri. July 4

City Fourth of July Celebration Caledonia Park 10:30 AM Optional Chicken BBQ •

Take That, Gulls! - Page 12

Vol. VI, Issue 40

Do You Know The Way...?

Directional signs are being installed at strategic points around downtown, with the aim of letting visitors know where major attractions and points of interest - including public rest rooms at City Hall — are located. Photo by Tony Campbell

School District passes 2014-15 budget Slight increases in enrollment, property taxes

By Michael Sizemore The Pacific Grove Unified School District held two discussions and public hearings on the 2014-2015 school district budget on Tuesday, June 3 and Thursday, June 5, finally passing the budget without fanfare at the June 5 meeting. No public comments were offered at either meeting. Highlights of the budget include an increase of eight students or 0.4 percent in the overall district enrollment, making total enrollment 2,059. Pacific Grove High School expects an enrollment of 586, which is a decrease of nine students. Pacific Grove Middle School expects to have 502 students, an increase of 18. Robert Down and Forest Grove schools expect to have 486 and 456 students respectively, a decrease of one for Robert Down and two for Forest Grove. Community High School expects enrollment to remain at 27.

Class size will remain roughly the same throughout the district: 9.6 at Community, 18.9 at PG High, 19.9 at the middle school, 24.3 at Robert Down and 24 at Forest Grove, well under the numbers required by the district’s contract with the teachers’ union. The number of Full Time Equivalent teachers is 2.8 for Community, 31.2 for PG High, 25.2 for PG Middle, 20.0 for Robert Down and 19.0 for Forest Grove. Property taxes have increased. Clerk of the School Board Rick Miller said the district expects to receive $21,325,105, an increase of 5 percent or $1,015,481. Deficit spending can be reduced this year due to higher income, but is still “quite high,” according to Miller. The budgeted amount is $667,155. Last year deficit spending was $1,059,701. The PG District’s unrestricted reserves have dropped from 21.7 percent in 20102011, to 8.3 percent in 2013-2014, and are

expected to drop to 5.7 percent in 2014-2015. The eend-of-year fund balance is expected to be $3,356,887. Another item of concern is the district’s unfunded liability for post employment benefits. Unlike many districts, the PG district has been putting $19,000 each year into a fund to cover retirees. The liability is estimated to become $800,000-$900,000. The fund will contain $156,681 at the end of this school year. After some discussion the consensus was that putting more into the fund right now is not practical. When deficit spending ends more can be set aside to cover future retirement li0ability. The Building Fund, which consists of funds from Measure D, is nearly spent up, which is as intended. At the end of this year those funds will have been completely used. The free or reduced meals participation is expected to rise slightly to 21 percent from 20.7 percent, or to 433 from 424.



• June 13, 2014

Joan Skillman

Shelter-in-Place Tips to be Offered

Earthquake, fire, tsunami, gas line explosion, chemical leak, airline disaster...We live in a community at risk for emergency and disaster scenarios. Are you and your family prepared? Community Emergency response volunteers will present a talk entitled “Shelter-inPlace and Evacuation: Building Community Resilience” on Saturday, June 14 from 9 a.m. to noon at the Pacific Grove Community Center, 515 Junipero Avenue in Pacific Grove. Mike Brassfield, Emergency Planner and Monterey CERT member, will present. The program is open to all. Attendees should be age 13 or older. What does it mean to shelter in place? How do you keep yourself and your family safe? What does it mean if you are told to evacuate? What do you take with you? Where do you go, and how do you get there? These are some of the topics Brassfield will cover. The event is sponsored by community Emergency Response Volunteers of the Monterey Peninsula and Pacific Grove CERT team. For more information email CERV501c3@gmail.com or call 831-649-3050.


Discouraging Native Western Gulls from Becoming Urban Gulls in Pacific Grove

At the Gull Summit the City held last year, one of the lessons for all participants was that we need to fully implement a three-pronged strategy to be successful in minimizing gull feces in the downtown and other areas. The three key prongs are: • Do not feed the gulls, either purposely or accidentally through open trash cans, etc. • Prevent the gulls from nesting on buildings, such that they hatch young on roofs, balconies, etc. • Continue to clean exteriors through regular maintenance. To implement this strategy, especially in the downtown area, we all need to work in collaboration. Please do not feed the birds, and make sure that all trash is properly disposed of and lids on dumpsters are tightly closed.

Sidewalk Cleaning has Begun Downtown

The City has entered into a contract with Superior Auto Detailing to perform the cleaning of downtown sidewalks. Superior Auto Detailing started Wednesday cleaning the sidewalks on Lighthouse Ave. in the mornings and then moving to the side streets in the afternoon as foot and vehicle traffic is not as heavy on the side streets in the afternoon. This first cycle will take a few weeks to complete. The City contracted with Superior for three complete cycles throughout the busy season. Superior couldn’t start working on this first cycle until the City was able to turn on the urban diversion, so that dry weather flows in storm drains are sent to the regional pollution control plant, rather than flowing to the ocean. The City turned on phases one and two of the diversion on Tuesday, June 3 and will turn on phase three as soon as the punch list for the Pump Station 11 project is completed, early next week. the Year Award PG Restaurant of Winner of the 2010

T he Fin est G o ur m e t Pi zza WE BAKE OR YOU BAKE

Try the Peninsula’s Best Gluten-Free Crust Must present current coupon to get discount. Not combinable with other offers.

EXPIRES 07/13/14

WE DELIVER! (831) 643-1111 1157 Forest Ave., #D (across from Trader Joe’s)

Talk: Advantages of Philanthropy

Peace of Mind Dog Rescue (POMDR) will host a free educational seminar on Saturday, June 28 at the POMDR Bauer Center at 615 Forest Avenue in Pacific Grove. The seminar will take place from 10:00 a.m. - noon and will be led by Henry Nigos of Nigos Investments. Nigos will share the many advantages of donating to a non-profit organization, including the tax advantages of setting up an estate plan. He will also discuss vehicles to use including wills, trusts, retirement accounts, and transfer-on-death arrangements. Find out how to defer money being taxed when you give to your favorite charity and other tax saving tips. RSVP to info@peaceofminddogrescue.org or 831-718-9122.

Mon-Thu 4-9:30PM • Fri-Sat 11-10PM • Sun 12-9:30PM


Pacific Grove Weekend Forecast

Times Cedar Street Times was established September 1, 2008 and was adjudicated a legal newspaper for Pacific Grove, Monterey County, California on July 16, 2010. It is published weekly at 306 Grand Ave., Pacific Grove, CA 93950. Press deadline is Wednesday, noon. The paper is distributed on Friday and is available at various locations throughout the county as well as by e-mail subscription. Editor/Publisher: Marge Ann Jameson Graphics: Shelby Birch • Advertising: Rebecca Barrymore Regular Contributors: Ben Alexander • Jack Beigle • Cameron Douglas • Rabia Erduman • Dana Goforth • Jon Guthrie • John C. Hantelman • Kyle Krasa • Dixie Layne • Travis Long • Dorothy Maras-Ildiz • Neil Jameson • Peter Nichols • Richard Oh • Jean Prock • Jane Roland • Katie Shain • Joan Skillman • Tom Stevens Distribution: Duke Kelso, Ken Olsen Cedar Street Irregulars

Anthony F, Anthony L, Ava, Bella G, Bella L, Ben, Cameron, Carter, Coleman, Connor, Coryn, Dezi, Dylan, Elena, Jesse, John, Kai, Kyle, Jacob, Josh, Meena, Nathan, Nolan, Ryan, Shayda

831.324.4742 Voice 831.324.4745 Fax

editor@cedarstreettimes.com Calendar items to: cedarstreettimes@gmail.com website: www.cedarstreetimes.com





AM Clouds

64° 51°

Chance of Rain

10% WIND: WNW at 13 mph

PM Sun

69° 52°

Chance of Rain

0% WIND: W at 11 mph



AM Clouds

68° 52°

Chance of Rain

0% WIND: WSW at 10 mph



PM Sun

66° 53°

Chance of Rain

0% WIND: WSW at 10 mph

Pacific Grove’s Rain Gauge Data reported by Jack Beigle at Canterbury Woods

Week ending 06-12-14........................ .01” Total for the season .......................... 8.56” To date last year (06-07-13) .............. 11.61” Historical average to this date ......... 18.82” Wettest year ....................................... 47.15”

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fairway bunkers give people fits

(during rain year 07-01-97 through 06-30-98)

Driest year ......................................... 9.87” (during rain year 07-01-75 through 06-30-76)

June 13, 2014 • CEDAR STREET

Diversity of Post-Graduation Plans for This Year’s Graduates Two- and Four-Year Schools, Service, Work

By Michael Sizemore One hundred twenty of 133 graduates from Pacific Grove High School this year are headed for college, according to the Class of 2014 Senior Survey. Two graduates are headed for the Naval Academy; 52 will attend civilian fouryear colleges; 66 will attend two-year colleges. Graduates chose a large array of colleges. Ten will attend California State University campuses: three at Monterey Bay, two at Chico, one at East Bay, three at Sacramento and one at San Marcos. University of California campuses will also welcome 10 PG graduates this year. Two will attend Berkeley; five will attend UC Davis; one will go to UCLA; two will attend Santa Barbara. The following colleges each were chosen by two PG students: California Maritime Academy; Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo; Notre Dame de Namur; Seattle Pacific University; Sonoma State University; and University of Idaho. Colleges which attracted one graduate each include: Boston College; Brigham Young University; Chapman University; Florida State University; Lewis and Clark College; Miami University at Ohio; Oregon State University; Pomona College; Pepperdine University; San Diego State University; Santa Clara University; Seattle University; Tulane University; University of Colorado, Colorado Springs; University of Florida; University of Hawaii, Hilo; University of Arizona; Western Oregon University; West Chester University; and Washington and Lee University. Fifty-eight of those heading for a two-year school will attend Monterey Peninsula College. Saddleback College was chosen by two students. Arapahoe Community College, Arizona Community College, Butte Community College, Edmonds Community College and Lake Tahoe Community College have each attracted one student. Nursing is a popular major choice, being chosen by four two-year and three four-year students. Biology attracted three four-year and two two-year students. Four students are planning to go into pre-med. Business is the choice of two four-year students and three twoyear students. Other majors at four-year schools include: biotechnology, accounting, animal biology, physics and kinesiology, athletic training, bio-chemical engineering, biochemistry, business administration, business finance, chemistry, cinematic arts and technology, civil engineering, communications, computer science, earth science, economics, engineering, English, exercise and sports science, graphic design, international business and logistics, journalism, marketing, mathematics, mechanical engineering, physics, political science, psychology, sociology, veterinary medicine, virtual technology and design. Seven four-year students are undecided on a major.

Previous editions of Cedar Street Times can be found at www. cedarstreettimes.com Back issues are located under the tab

“Back Issues”

Other two-year majors include: anthropology, auto mechanics, electrical engineering, engineering, finance, fire science, international business, kinesiology, law, mathematics, political science, pre med, sports anatomy, chemical engineering, computer science, criminology, graphic design, history, hospitality, mechanics, mechanical engineering, microbiology and veterinary medicine. Thirty are undecided on a major. Four graduates plan on military service. One plans to work full-time. One plans to travel to Spain to continue education there. One is headed for New Zealand. Five plan a gap year. Two are uncertain of their plans. Forty percent of 2014 graduates plan to go to a four-year college compared to 38 percent in 2013. Fifty percent this year are headed for a two-year college compared to 55 percent last year. Ten percent report other plans this year, compared to 7 percent last year. The senior survey is taken each year from PG High graduates by school administrators.

Times • Page 3

Parenting Experts Speak at Parents Place:

Friends of Parents Place is pleased to bring nationally recognized parenting experts to the Monterey Peninsula to speak to local families. The events are FREE and open to the public. Additional details are posted online at https://www.facebook.com/ friendsofparentsplace Questions: playandlearnclass@gmail.com / (831) 272-2078

Beyond Burnout - An Interactive Discussion for Working Parents

Katrina Alcorn, Author Maxed Out: American Moms on the Brink SUNDAY, JUNE 15 • 2:00PM - 4:00PM • MARINA LIBRARY We’ll discuss juggling work and family, why parents burn out, why businesses should care, why this is a public health issue, what’s wrong with work, and how to fix it. Katrina will relate her personal story while weaving in research about the dysfunction between our work and home lives and the consequences to our health, ultimately o ffering a vision for a healthier, happier, and more productive way to work and live. Star Parenting: Elizabeth Crary, Author Star Parenting SATURDAY, JUNE 21 • 6:00PM - 8:00PM • PG MIDDLE SCHOOL Elizabeth helps parents deal with trying behavior in a positive way that reflects their own values and their child’s temperament. Attendees will discover five points of healthy guidance, learn tools to guide children’s behavior, explore a process to make guidance easier, and understand the impact of a child’s age, temperament, and experience on his or her behavior.

Pacific Coast Church sponsors blood drive Pacific Coast Church is sponsoring blood drives for Community Hospital on Sunday, June 29 from 11:15 a.m. -2:15 p.m., helping ensure a blood supply during the summer months, when donations typically decline. Pacific Coast Church is at 522 Central Avenue, Pacific Grove. Blood may also be donated at Community Hospital’s Blood Center, 576 Hartnell Dr., Monterey. Appointments are recommended; call 625-4814. Donors must be 17 or older, (16 with parental permission), and weigh at least 110 pounds. More information on donating blood may be found on Community Hospital’s web site, at www.chomp. org/blood-center. Blood donated to Community Hospital stays in our community, so by donating, you may be helping a friend, neighbor, or even a member of your own family.

Pacific Grove Chamber of Commerce presents

Friday, July 4th • 10:30 am to 3:00 pm

Caledonia Park • Tommy Stillwell Court (behind the Post Office)

Pacific Grove Rotary Club presents

Reading of Declaration of Independence at 10:30 am

Hot Dog Lunch $5 Chicken Lunch $10 includes beans, garlic bread, salad and dessert served from 10:30 am to 3:00 pm

Mambo Wally Band & Firefly PG’s Classic Rock Band fun games for the kids Sponsored by: City of Pacific Grove, Grove Market, Earthbound Farms, PG Florist, Asilomar & SaveMart FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL:


• www.pacificg rove.org



• June 13, 2014

Lively Duo Coming to St. Mary’s

Paper Wing Hosts Local Playwrights Stage Reading Series at Fremont

Paper Wing announces its first ever play reading series with three exciting new plays in June at Paper Wing Theatre Fremont. The audience will be invited to share your opinions and feedback with the playwrights. Free Admission; playing this Sunday, and every Sunday through June 29. Doors open at 3:30 p.m. June 15, 4 p.m.: “Midnight Monster Horror” • Playwright: Elyse Schuler-Cruz A farce based on classic TV Creature Features, the Horror Hosts, and the movies they featured. June 22, 4 p.m.: “The Lurking Fear: An Adaptation” • Playwright: Mark Cunningham A new take on the H.P. Lovecraft Classic. June 29, 4 p.m.: “Coin of The Realm” • Playwright: Sam Salerno An existential parody of the language of psychology. Currently Playing at Paper Wing Theatre Hoffman: “Reservoir Dogs” An original stage adaptation by Lewis Rhames Reservoir Dogs follows a band of professional criminals as a simple diamond robbery turns into a bloodbath, and people are not who they seem to be... based on the movie by Quentin Tarantino. Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. Playing at Paper Wing’s Fremont Theater: “Nerve” A comedy by Adam Szymkowicz
 “Nerve” is a new comedy about falling into a relationship on the first date. Elliot has never had an online date before…at least not one that showed up. Susan has had far too many but would prefer not to discuss them. When they meet in a bar one night, all their personality flaws are revealed, along with a puppet, some modern dance and a desperation that may or may not be love....yeah, first dates suck.
Playing at Paper Wing Fremont, Fridays and Saturdays at 8PM through June 28!
2115 N. Fremont Ave, Monterey.


The fantastic fiddle and piano duo, The McKassons, are coming to Pacific Grove to St. Mary’s By-The-Sea, June 11 at 7 p.m. Advanced tickets are available at www.brownpapertickets.com, or call Jackie at 831-224-3819 for more information, or e-mail fiddlejamjp@gmail.com. Their sound is rhythmic, funky, and at the same time traditionally Scottish. Come support this terrific event. It is summer, and you deserve a great night out on a Wednesday evening! Snacks and wine will be available with sales benefitting St. Mary’s food pantry. As usual, it will be amazing music in a wonderfully warm and intimate setting.

Celebrate Janet Butler’s Retirement

Friends and former students of Janet Butler, dancer and dance teacher, are invited to help celebrate her retirement from Monterey Peninsula College when Grand Avenue Deli presents “Rhythm and Rouge” on Sat., June 14 from 6-8 p.m. Grand Avenue Deli is located at 229 Grand Ave., corner of Laurel.

Yes on O Improves But Likely not Enough The Yes on Measure O vote is improving, but it’s probably not enough to pass. Update as of Wed., June 11 with 8,160 votes left to be counted county-wide: Yes on O 10,011 or 44.84 percent No on O 12,311 or 55.15 percent The uncounted votes mostly consist of ballots which were not only turned in close to or on Election Day but which were “kicked out” by the mechanical counter and must be counted by human hand. the elections Office does not continue the count each day after the election, but does concentrated counts.The next one will be Friday, June 13, 2014. The deadline for completion and the

final certification is July 1, 2014. If 3,700 votes remain in the Water Management District (the likely percent of the 8,160 votes left to count) then about 64 percent of the remaining votes would have to go for Measure O to pass. It’s not likely at this juncture. Meanwhile, Sheriff Miller’s re-election bid has lost a couple of percentage points to Steve Bernal, falling from 42.48 percent at first reports to 40.93 percent on Wednesday, June 11. The current numbers will not affect the runoff in the fall election. We will continue to report as numbers are revised.

Monterey County’s Best Locals’ Menu!




$ 95 EVERY D


• Parmesan Crusted Chicken • • Fresh Catch of the Day • • Mile-High Meatloaf • • Grilled Calamari Steak • • Italian Sausage Pasta Saute • • Flame Broiled Pork Loin Chop •

Add a Glass of Draft Beer of House Wine —Just $2.99 Monday—Thursday, 2 Hours Free Parking Courtesy of the City of Monterey


57 Fisherman’s Wharf, Monterey Call (831) 373-1851 Friends of the Pacific Grove Library Meet the Author Series presents:

Peter Fischer, author of

Me and Murder, She Wrote

Democratic Women Report on Fact-Finding Trip to Cuba

Cuba is now in its 6th decade since the Revolution of 1959. Fifteen women participated in the Women to Women Delegation to Cuba by the Democratic Women of Monterey County. The purpose was to learn about the successes and the challenges that Cuba has experienced during the last 50 years since this revolution, specifically, about how women’s lives have changed in terms of major social and economic factors. On Thursday, June 26, they will discuss the role of Cuban women in education, healthcare, agriculture, the arts, government and foreign relations and how they have helped shape the current Cuban reality that exists today. "DW Women's Journey Through Cuba" will be moderated by Pris Walton at their June luncheon. The luncheon takes place from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Big Sur Room at Hilton Garden Inn. RSVP online at dw-mc.org, or mail $30 check to DWMC, Box 223003, Carmel, CA 93922.

Meet the co-creator and executive producer of the famed television series. Learn how Fischer got to work for Universal Studios, and what it was like to work with Angela Lansbury, Peter Falk, and others. Get an introduction to Fischer’s new Hollywood murder mysteries, and his memoir, “Me and Murder, She Wrote.”

7:30 p.m. Thurs., June 19! !

Rotary to Hear About Miniature Railroading

The Pacific Grove Rotary Club, which meets at noon on Tuesdays at The Inn at Spanish Bay in Pebble Beach, 2700 Seventeen Mile Drive,will have as the speaker on June 17 Ric Masten on “Weekend Railroading.” Lunch is $20 and reservations may be made by calling Jane Roland at 649-0657 or 333-0491.

Pacific Grove Public Library Suggested donation to benefit the library is $10 (non-members); refreshments are included. Books are available for purchase at the event. For more information email FriendsPGLibrary@yahoo.com.

June 13, 2014 • CEDAR STREET

Baby blanket lost: Sentimental value

A newly handmade baby blanket was lost recently, which has special value for the owner. “I dropped it while on a long stroller walk in which I covered distance from Hilltop Park to Asilomar, then up Lighthouse to Congress and along the length of Junipero St. I am hoping someone picked it up who reads your paper. I contacted the PG police dept and it was not turned in as of Friday, May 30,” writes the owner. If the blanket has been found, please call the grateful owner at 831-275-0011.

Avoiding Mail and Phone Scams on Seniors

An important talk on avoiding mail and phone scams perpetrated on senior citizens and the elderly will be presented on Fri., June 20 at 1:00 p.m. at Sally Griffith Center. The talk will be presented by Paul Gregory of Merrill, Lynch and is co-sponsored by Madonna Manor at Sally Griffith Center. The talk is free and open to the public.

Serial Killer Joseph Nissensohn Sentenced to Death

On June 5, 2014, convicted serial killer Joseph Michael Nissensohn was sentenced to death, in El Dorado County, for the 1981 Monterey County murders of 13 year-old Tammy Jarschke and 14 year-old Tanya Jones, and for the 1989 South Lake Tahoe murder of 15 year-old Kathy Graves. On October 31, 2013, a South Lake Tahoe jury found Defendant Nissensohn guilty of three first degree murders, and also found true additional special circumstances allegations – including the prior 1989 Washington murder of Sally Jo Tsaggaris. The guilt phase of the trial started with jury selection over 13 months ago on May 14, 2013. Defendant Nissensohn was convicted of the Washington murder in 1991 and was due to be released at the end of his sentence in 2008. At that time, in agreement with the Monterey County District Attorney’s Office, the El Dorado County District Attorney’s Office consolidated all three murders to be tried at the same time.

Housing on the Mend, Ever So Gradually By Kevin Stone Monterey County Association of Realtors® An important sign of health for the housing market is whether builders of new homes are selling more houses than banks do. Hanley Wood, a real estate research firm, calculated the extent to which housing is on the mend. While the gap is narrowing, overall banks are still selling more homes than builders. The volume of new-home sales turned up in 2011 and has been rising gradually since then, although it remains far below the boom levels that existed before the financial crisis. However, the volume of sales by banks has been declining for more than two years. Hanley Wood figures show that in eight major metropolitan areas, banks still sell more than 20 percent of homes that change hands. In only four of the 20 areas observed did builders outsell banks. In the first quarter, about 8 percent of home sales nationally were made by builders and 17 percent by banks. While there are concerns about home sales slowing down, Jonathan Smoke, the chief economist at Hanley Wood, commented, “You can fret all you want about the total volumes being up or down, but the reality is that the residential real estate market is getting healthier and healthier each month. The health is reflected in the share of non-distressed, normal transactions continuing to rise.” In addition, more homes are being bought by people who intend to live in them rather than by investors who plan to rent them out. Kevin Stone Monterey County Association of Realtors® 201-A Calle Del Oaks | Del Rey Oaks, CA 93940 (831) 393-8677 DIRECT

World Affairs Council Luncheon “India’s General Election 2014”

India’s recent national election was the largest in world history, representing a seismic shift in Indian politics. It unfolded in nine phases, with approximately 814 million eligible voters. It was led by a right-wing candidate, which overthrew the Congress Party that had controlled India for most of its postcolonial history. MIIS Professor Sharad Joshi will review the recent election in India….and the impact on the country and U.S.- India relations. Friday, June 27; 11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. Rancho Canada Golf Club, 4860 Carmel Valley Road, Carmel. Auditors (lecture only) free at 12:50 p.m. Luncheon $25 Members and $35. Non-members. MC/VISA($2 extra) or check; Vegetarian meal optional. RSVP (831) 643-1855. Registration: www.wacmb.org

World Affairs Council Discussion Group China: Coexistence or Confrontation?

How should we reconcile the differing views about China? Views range from China being America’s best customer to being a potential enemy. Free to the public. Monday, June 9, at 4 p.m., MPC Room 101, Social Science Building, 980 Fremont Street, Monterey. Parking $2 in Lot D, permits for attendees. www.wacmb.org

Times • Page 5

Marge Ann Jameson

Cop log Camera and Camera Bag Lost On Sunset.

Cell Phone Lost

Reported at the police station.

Cell Phone Found

On 12th St. Not the lost one mentioned above, apparently.

A Shirt Does not a Handicap Make

Fire Department Captain contacted a person who folded a shirt with a fire department emblem on it and placed it on the dash, then parked in a handicappedonly space and claimed it was okay. It wasn’t.

Hit and Run Collision with Minor Damage

A person advised she had been rearended the day before while on her way to work She said there was minor damage and did not want to pursue charges, just to make a report for the insurance company. The officer checked and yes, there is minor damage.

Bicycle Collision

A bicycle rider said he “tucked” the front wheel of his bicycle into the rear wheel of another rider in the group and fell off. He had abrasions and complained of pain in his hip. The bicycle was taken to the City yard for safekeeping.

All Over Some Plants

Apparently a neighbor has been going to the reporting party’s address and yelling obscenities at her about some plants which are near the property line. Reporting party also complained of the neighbor’s alcohol and marijuana use. The subject was advised not to contact the reporting party and not to walk on her property, and the reporting party was advised to prine the plants near the property line.

Bark Bark Bark on Film

An ongoing barking dog problem has been documented on film, with the star of the show barking for about three minutes.

Vehicle vs. Tree: Vehicle 1, Tree 0

A vehicle struct a tree on Sinex and caused a large branch to break off and block the roadway.

Robert M. Smith, Your Friend’s Bracelet was Found

A bracelet was turned in, having been foound on Lighthouse. The bracelet is engraved with “Robert M. Smith” on one side. Maybe it’s Robert’s.

Haz Mat Spill

A delivery drive spilled diesel fuel in the road on Lighthouse. The Fire Department cleaned up the mess.

Burglary of Tools

A property owner was working on his rental on Spruce. He locked his tools in the garage overnight, but when he returned the window was open and several of his tools were missing.

Sheriff’s Office Reminds Citizens of Scams The Monterey County Sheriff’s Office wants to remind the residents of Monterey County to be alert to the many different telephone and internet scams circulating. • Any time you receive a call where threats or fear are used to try to force you to send money, immediately report it to your local law enforcement agency. • Do not give out any personal information. • Be wary of a caller who uses threats in an attempt to get you to pay a “fine.” • Often the Caller ID on a telephone will show a name/number of a legitimate agency. This is known as “spoofing.” One recent reported scam to the Sheriffs Office involved the victim receiving a call from a male with a foreign accent advising he was calling from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The caller demanded personal information from the victim. Wisely, the victim did not give out any information and requested to speak to a supervisor. The caller became irate at which point the victim hung up on him. Three days later the victim received another call via a message on his answering machine. A male with a different foreign accent advising he was from the IRS again demanded personal information or the police would be dispatched to their residence. The victim did not return the call. This type of call is one of the Pervasive Telephone Scams the IRS warned about earlier this year, prior to tax season, when they put out their annual “Dirty Dozen Tax Scams for 2014.” Callers pretend to be from the IRS in hope of stealing money and/or identities

from victims. There are many variations of this scam where callers say the victims owe money. Some calls threaten arrest or driver license revocation if the money is not paid immediately via pre-loaded debit card or wire transfer. If you get a phone call from someone claiming to be from the IRS, this is what the IRS wants you to do: • If you know you owe taxes or you think you might owe taxes, call the IRS at 800-829-1040. The IRS employees at that line can help you with a payment. issue - if there really is such an issue. • If you know you don’t owe taxes or have no reason to think that you owe any taxes (for example, you’ve never received a bill or the caller made some bogus threats as described above), then call and report the incident to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration at 800-366-4484. • If you’ve been targeted by these scams, you should also contact the Federal Trade Commission and use their “FTC Complaint Assistant” at FTC.gov. Please add “IRS Telephone Scam” to the comments of your complaint. http://www.irs.gov/uaC/Newsroom/ IRS-Releases-the-’’Dirty-Dozen”-TaxScams-for-2014;- ldentity-Theft,-PhoneScams-Lead-List For more information on the various types of scams circulating www.usa.gov/topics/consumer/scamsfraud.shtml www.fbi.gov/scams-safety www.consumer.ftc .gov/articles/0076phone-scams www.irs.gov/uacrrax-Scams-ConsumerAlerts



• June 13, 2014

Jon Guthrie’s High Hats & Parasols

100 Years Ago in Pacific Grove

3 The Mazda Sunbeam lamps were actually light bulbs. One had to possess a pedestal or socket for screwing the bulb into for the bulb to be useful. In 1916, the Mazda Sunbeam company expanded into making lamps for automobiles. These were known as “drawn wire lamps” for vehicular use. Later Mazda and Sunbeam separated and both companies attempted manufacturing automobiles, Mazda more successfully.

Main line

Presidio troops may be ordered to border with Mexico Soldiers stationed at the Presidio of Monterey should be on the alert. The word is that these men may be ordered south to take up positions along the Mexican border. The international problem exacerbated when a United States soldier, Private Parks, disappeared while on guard duty at a site near Mexico. Parks’ horse was found peacefully grazing on the United States’ side of the guard site, but the soldier was nowhere to be discovered. Kidnapping is suspected. As a result of the incident, the Mexican delegation to Washington D. C. were notified by the Huerta government that the delegates were being recalled. The United States retaliated by marking the situation “borderline”1 and asking all Mexico’s delegates to depart as quickly as possible. Meanwhile, orders were sent out instructing certain US troops, those from the Presidio of Monterey among them, to prepare for dispatch toward Mexico. Secretary of War Garrison sent word to the Mexican government that these troops will be ready to go into immediate action. Garrison did add, however, that this step should not be viewed as an aggressive measure, but as a procedure to protect United States’ interests in case of additional disputes or conflict. Garrison said that a close watch was being kept on border activities. Huerta responded by ordering additional Mexican troops north from Vera Cruz. Belmont guilty as charged The court has found defendant Claud Belmont guilty as charged. The judge ruled that there was sufficient evidence to decide that Belmont had committed the crimes of which he had been accused, to wit: perjury, fraudulently concealing property with intent to defraud, and masking other assets in the attempt to hinder, and to deny his creditors their rights, claims, and demands. Sentencing will take place next week. The wrong-doing is considered a misdemeanor. Carranza and Villa split Grovians interested in following the melees in Mexico will be interested in learning that General Villa and General Carranza have parted ways. It was learned late last night that General Villa intended to move his troops south to confront General Natera’s forces. Natera had been appointed by Carranza the central district’s commander in chief. There would then be two separate governments in Mexico, one civil and one military. General Pancho Villa, however, seems determined to cut out the elements dominated by the Carranza-Natera coalition. It is not doubted that Generals Obregon (Eastern commander) and Gonzales (Western commander) will remain staunch supporters of Carranza. General Pancho Villa is reported to have already taken over some of the territory held by several petty generals within Carranza’s echelons. Your editor has but one question to pose. Does every soldier involved in the Mexican squabble, hold at least the rank of General? Firemen feted Members of the Pacific Grove community gathered at the Del Monte Hotel Saturday to greet our firefighters and hand out accolades for a job well done all around. A delicious banquet followed. The affair was planned by H. R. Warner, manager of the Hotel Del Monte as well as the Pacific Grove hotel, and details were arranged by Warner’s very efficient assistant, I. W. Foster. The banquet was served in the main dining room of the hotel, at one end of which was displayed a large American flag. Sprays of nasturtiums were placed on the full length of the long tables. Displays of various axes, ladders, hooks, fire extinguishers, and other fire-fighting equipment were on prominent display around the hall. Dinner began in a robust fashion. Two firemen, attired in fire-fighting gear, burst through a side door, carrying a length of hose, and shouting: “Fire! Fire!” The first impulse was to spring up and go to work, but then, with a laugh, the honored men saw that it was all a joke. The truly delicious dinner was made up of relish trays, black olive soup, bread and butter, roast beef, mashed potatoes, asparagus, coffee, and, for dessert, ice cream and cake. 2 Former mayor J. P. Pryor served as the Master of Ceremonies. Several dignitaries spoke and the event was wrapped up by Mayor A. E. Bunker. Conklin dies Mrs. Laura E. Conklin, a former resident of Pacific Grove living in Salinas, died in her Salinas home on Wednesday. Conklin had maintained her membership in the Mayflower Congregational church, and traveled here for services nearly every weekend. Side tracks … tidbits from here and there • Miss Rose Cochrane departed this morning by train to enjoy a visit with friends in Santa Rosa. Rose intends to expand her trip into several communities around the state to visit additional friends. • Monterey County is composed of 2,131,200 acres, of which 1,117,116 acres are dedicated to agriculture. • Christian church advocates enjoyed a picnic and games Sunday after services. The fete was held at the newly established picnic grounds outside Carmelo cemetery. • Mrs. Florence Davis came into town from the ranch on Friday. She intends to occupy the family cottage on Lighthouse for several weeks. • Curnow & Curnow “Cash or Credit” grocery offers one price for everything to all: the lowest. We’re at 21 Forest avenue. Phone Black 511. And the cost is … • Culp Bros. on Lighthouse offers lower prices on Mazda Sunbeam lamps of 60 watts, 100 watts, and 150 watts. Yours for 40¢, 70¢, or $1.10. Put a Sunbeam Mazda in every socket. * • The Hamilton coupon special offers 11 bars of Swift’s soap for 50¢. Receive $2.05 in Green Stamps for every half dollar spent. • Your Studebaker dealer has just received samples of the 1914 models starting at $450. Notes from the author … 1 Your writer is certain that no pun was intended 2 Black olive soup? Could this have been a typo, of which there were many during this hand set era. Perhaps it should have been … black olives and soup. Any ideas from the epicureans out there?

MST Summer Youth ‘Gopass’ on Sale

$38 pass saves 18-under $247

Monterey-Salinas Transit (MST) is again offering the Summer Youth GoPass, providing youth unlimited rides on all MST’s routes from June 1 through August 31 for only $38. The pass offers a savings of $247 as compared to the purchase of three 31 Day Super Discount GoPasses. It is the perfect way for individuals 18 years and under to get to all of their favorite places including the movies, the mall, the beach, their summer job, museums, and cultural and youth centers. The 2014 Summer Youth GoPass is available now and can only purchased at www. mst.org and MST customer service locations including the Bus Stop Shop in Monterey, Marina Transit Exchange, and Salinas Transit Center. For more information, visit www.mst.org or call Monterey-Salinas Transit toll free at 1-888-MST-BUS1.

St. Anselm’s Anglican Church Meets at 375 Lighthouse Ave. Sundays at 9:30 a.m. Fr. Michael Bowhay 831-920-1620 Forest Hill United Methodist Church 551 Gibson Ave., Services 9 AM Sundays Rev. Richard Bowman, 831-372-7956 Pacific Coast Church 522 Central Avenue, 831-372-1942 Peninsula Christian Center 520 Pine Avenue, 831-373-0431 First Baptist Church of Pacific Grove 246 Laurel Avenue, 831-373-0741 St. Mary’s-by-the-Sea Episcopal Church Central Avenue & 12 tsp.h Street, 831-373-4441 Community Baptist Church Monterey & Pine Avenues, 831-375-4311 Peninsula Baptist Church 1116 Funston Avenue, 831-394-5712 St. Angela Merici Catholic Church

146 8th Street, 831-655-4160

Christian Church Disciples of Christ of Pacific Grove 442 Central Avenue, 831-372-0363 First Church of God 1023 David Avenue, 831-372-5005 Jehovah’s Witnesses of Pacific Grove 1100 Sunset Drive, 831-375-2138 Church of Christ 176 Central Avenue, 831-375-3741 Lighthouse Fellowship of Pacific Grove PG Community Center, 515 Junipero Ave., 831-333-0636 Mayflower Presbyterian Church 141 14th Street, 831-373-4705 Central Presbyterian Church of Pacific Grove 325 Central Avenue, 831-375-7207 Seventh-Day Adventist Church of the Monterey Peninsula 375 Lighthouse Avenue, 831-372-7818 First United Methodist Church of Pacific Grove

915 Sunset @ 17-Mile Dr., Pacific Grove - (831) 372-5875 Worship: Sundays @ 10:00 a.m. Congregation Beth Israel 5716 Carmel Valley Rd., Carmel (831) 624-2015 Chabad of Monterey 2707 David Avenue, Pacific Grove (831) 643-2770

June 13, 2014 • CEDAR STREET

Times • Page 7

Your Achievements

Peeps Josh Cort Earns MBA

Pacific Grove Community High School Announces 2014 Graduates

Josh Cort, son of Dan and Beth Cort, has attained his MBA with a concentration on Real Estate and Construction Management from the University of Denver. He previously graduated with an BA in Hotel Management and minor in Spanish in 2013 from the University of Denver. His plan is to move back to the area and work on projects related to sustainability.

PGHS Class of 2014 Honors and Scholarships Earned

At the Pacific Grove High School Class of 2014 Scholarship and Awards Evening held on May 14, the following students received honors and scholarships. California School Employees Association, Pacific Grove Chapter 229.Mitchell Barr, John Diehl Courtney Lyon Quail Men’s Golf Association Scholarship...................... Julian Thompson, Lauren Molin Rotary Club of Pacific Grove Scholarship.................. Samantha Deems, Corina Kaufman John Baker Memorial Scholarship............................................ Joshua Lewis, Austin Lord New Millenium Scholarship Bailey Kato-Dutton Pacific Grove Masonic Lodge #331 Scholarship.Wylie Barnett, Bailey Kato-Dutton, Shanti Kumar, Martin San German First United Methodist Church of Pacific Grove Scholarship.........................Nicole Hage Kier Memorial Scholarship............................................................................ Mitchell Barr Congregation Beth Israel Scholarship........................................................... Tessa Shifflet Church of the Wayfarer Scholarship......................Kendra Bell, Nichole Hage, Jacob Loh Monterey First United Methodist Church Scholarship....................................... Jacob Loh Monterey Peninsula College Foundation Scholarship.Brianna Harris, Youchan Kim, Allison Naylor, Joshua Roman, Martin San German Pacific Grove High School Alumni Association Scholarships Ada Eleanor Smith Scholarship................................................................Kimberly Huynh Bob Hoag Scholarship.................................................................................... Luke Lowell Class of 1952 Remembers.................................................................... Savannah Mitchem Don Harlan Scholarship................................................................................. Joshua Lewis Maude Marian Smith Scholarship....................................................................Kendra Bell Richard Reynolds ‘57 Science and Technology Scholarship........................... Lizhi Cheng Olive Deal Hyler ‘40 Culinary Scholarships.................................................. Liam Posson Nelson William “Bill” Hyler ‘39 Educational Scholarship.........................Courtney Lyon PGHS Alumni Association Music Scholarship.............................................. Haley Walker PGHS Alumni Association Annual Scholarship Award........................... Reeve Grobecker PGHS Alumni Association Annual Scholarship Award...................................Nicole Hage PGHS Alumni Association Annual Scholarship Award....................... Bailey Kato-Dutton PGHS Alumni Association Annual Scholarship Award...................................... Jacob Loh PGHS Alumni Association Annual Scholarship Award................................... Carol Nader PGHS Alumni Association Annual Scholarship Award.................................... Ava Vucina Kiwanis Club of Pacific Grove Scholarship......................................................... Emily Sy Kiwanis Club Cory Heitz Memorial Scholarship.................................... Samantha Deems Feast of Lanterns Scholarship............... Kimberly Huynh, Courtney Lyon, Allison Naylor Monterey County Association of Realtors Scholarship................................ Jackson Wood United States Naval Academy Scholarship...............................Michelle Katz, Brian Long United States Naval Academ Scholarship – Marine Division............................ Kaitlin Alt Pacific Grove High P.T.A. PTA Rod Herndon Scholarship.................................................................Lucy Bernardino PTA Scholarship........ Kendra Bel, Brianna Harris, Joshua Lewis, Lauren Molin, Vanessa Villareal, Ava Vucina Morris Dill Tennis Scholarship...............................................Kristine Pak, Luke Schrader Let’s Get Weird Class of 2013 Scholarship....................... Makena Rakouska, Ava Vucina Mike Cook CSUMB Scholarship............................................................... Meriel Glysson Harriet Holland Scholarship...............................................................................Stella Park Doolittle 2 Scholarship............................................................................... Dylan Chesney Class of 1956 Scholarship..........................................................................Cayla Whiteside Yellow Brick Road Scholarship..........................Joshua Lewis, Kendra Bell, Nicole Hage Pacific Grove Teacher’s Association Scholarship.................Chris Clements, Jordan Jones PGTA Future Teacher Scholarship...............................................................Courtney Lyon James Bliss & Annette Sward Forestry and Nursing Scholarship..........Min Kang, Corina Kaufman Harles Sarment.........................................................................................Kumberly Huynh Ruth R. Young Scholarship............Samantha Deems, Peter Fernandez, Vanessa Villareal, Brendan Posson National Merit Scholarship Commended Student.....................................Cayla Whiteside Valedictorian.......................................................................................................Stella Park Salutatorian...................................................................................................... Carol Nader

On Friday, May 28, 2014 fifteen students graduated from Pacific Grove Community High School. They are, in alphabetical order: Arturo Acevedo Diaz, Eric Anthony Amorin, Timothy Edward Avila, Jasmine Erlinda Bixler, Edison Hiroto Cho, Zachary James Daubs, Ashley Morgan Dinkel, Molly Jean Hanson, Trina Corinna Mamaia, Johnathon Daniel Mares, Steven Jonathan Moore, Juan Daniel Morales Martinez, Alexander Dean Clark Paulsell, and Joseph Mario Sampaolo.

Times • June 13, 2014 Make This a Golden Age



Central Coast Senior Services, Inc. Announces New Team Member Virginia Carlos, RN, BSN Joins Home Care Provider

Central Coast Senior Services, Inc., is pleased to announce the addition of Virginia Carlos, RN, BSN, as a Home Care Coordinator helping clients and families navigate the challenges of aging. Ms. Carlos received her Associates Degree in Nursing at Hartnell College and her Bachelors of Science Nursing Degree from William Jewel College. She also holds certification as a Director of Nursing. With a nursing career that encompasses over 18 years, Virginia brings a wealth of experience that includes inpatient acute care, home health, Director of Hospice for VNA & Hospice and a strong history of building relationships in the community. Since 1996 Central Coast Senior Services, Inc. has been providing aging in place services for elder adults and their families.

Legal Services for Seniors (LSS) commemorates World Elder Abuse Awareness Day June 15, 2014

Each year an estimated 5 million, or 1 in 10, older Americans are victims of elder abuse, neglect, or exploitation. In addition, seniors throughout the United States lose an estimated $2.6 billion or more annually due to elder financial abuse and exploitation, funds that could have been used to pay for basic needs such as housing, food, and medical care. Unfortunately, no one is immune to abuse, neglect, and exploitation. It occurs in every demographic, and can happen to anyone—a family member, a neighbor, even you. World Elder Abuse Awareness Day serves as a call-to-action to raise awareness about abuse, neglect, and exploitation of elders. For more information on elder abuse call Legal Services for Seniors on the Monterey Peninsula at (831) 899-0492 and in Salinas at (831) 442-7700 and visit our website at www.LSSMC.net

‘Digital Stories’ Delight Viewers: Graduation Class at Carmel Foundation

(L-R) Jan Reimers, Pim Chavasant, Kathy Pryer, Roy Kominsky, Illia Thomppson (not shown). By Katie Shain Tom Nelson, Executive Director for Lyceum of Monterey County was inspired by learning about Carmel High kids tutoring seniors on computer, so he organized a “Digital Story” course at the Carmel Foundation. The outstanding, heart-rending results of four of the initial seven or so participants were shared at their graduation event on Wednesday June 4, 2014, enthralling viewers and other participants alike with the breadth of the stories and images presented. We hope to have them up on our website soon, but they can currently be found at www.lyceum.org Personal stories included up to 42 snap shots or digitally downloaded images, feature lengths not exceeding 5 minutes, personalized voice-overs and background music expressing their lifetime stories in black and white and color which graced the big screen at Carmel Foundation. Intimate historical topics ranged from leaving everyday lives behind and escaping Hitler’s Nazi Germany; revisiting China as a family survivor of World War II, reviewing the remains, and gracing the event with appreciation for the current statue of “Quan Yin,” representing loving and compassion standing over the River Qui; a

Time Magazine cover story on youth heart surgery and cancer survival, expanding forward to appreciation for the opportunity of being encouraged to recently teach a course at the Foundation; a story about “Friends”; and one on becoming a real-life Pan Am stewardess in the 50’s, complete with a shot of the original telegram inquiring about interviews for positions resulting in sponsorship of a family return trip for her mother and grandmother to their homeland; and finally a local story of early life and land purchase in Carmel Valley by Roy Kominsky, a youth of 92 years (and a fine chocolatier!). Team teachers for this successful, Arts Council of Monterey County sponsored event were: professional editor, Cindie Farley; Charlotte Carr and MIIS workstudy program assignee to the Lyceum, Amy Ross. None of this would have been possible without the foresight and organization of Carmel Foundation’s Beth Bates, bbates@ carmelfoundation.org The Lyceum of Monterey County’s mission statement reads, “to inspire a life-long love of learning through enrichment programs that: stimulate intellectual promise; awaken individual creativity; foster academic achievement.” Find their website at: www.lyceum.org.

Storytellers and Foundation sponsors (L-R) Beth Bates, Jan Reimers, Cindie Farley, Pim Chavasant, Tom Nelson, Kathy Pryer, Roy Kominsky, Amy Ross.


June 13, 2014 • CEDAR STREET

Festive Brunch Will Kick Off Feast of Lanterns Week

Preparations for the 2014 Feast of Lanterns will begin with a kick-off fundraiser at the Beach House at Lovers Point on Sunday, June 22, at 12:00 noon. This exclusive afternoon brunch at the iconic Beach House Restaurant will be the largest fund raiser for the 109th annual Feast of Lanterns. The Beach House at Lovers Point is located at 620 Ocean View Blvd., Pacific Grove. The restaurant, perched just above the event site, has generously donated their spectacular location for this exclusive special event. They have also prepared a delectable buffet with mimosas to benefit the cause. Attending this event is a unique way to contribute to the Feast of lanterns while enjoying the breathtaking views of the event site, and mingling with friends and neighbors. This fund raising event is hosted by the Beach House at Lovers Point, Feast of Lanterns’ all-volunteer Board of Directors, and the 2014 Royal Court families. Diners will have an opportunity to bid on a selection of live and silent auction items donated by these generous local businesses as well as many others: Beach House at Lovers Point —Special Feast of Lanterns Evening, July 27, 8 p.m. Dinner prime window seating (2) Giants vs Dodgers tickets with Club Seating

Tides $50 gift certificate Bookworks - child’s gift basket Tessutti Zoo - gift certificate Artisana Gallery - gift certificate Pacific Gardens Inn- 2 nights gift certificate Passionfish - $75 gift certificate Red House - $50 gift certificate Medusa’s Emporium - Feast of Lanterns cards Sandy Lake - A painting Chris’s Fishing Trips- 2 whale watching tickets Habitat— antique vase Carried away— gift certificate Nancy Attic— gift basket Miss Trawick’s— Living tree Clothing Optional - gift certificate Candlesticks of Carmel — large candle holder Pacific Thai - gift certificate Crackpot studio —art Ray Magsalay —art print Marina Patina— painting The 109th Feast of Lanterns will take place the week of July 23-27. This historical event is paid for by generous contributions from the public. For tickets visit : Pacific Grove Chamber of Commerce; Pacific Grove Resource Center; Pacific Grove Travel; or reserve on- line at: www.feast-of-lanterns.org ; email:president@feast-of-lanterns.org

Advertisers Note

Sales will close shortly for the Feast of Lanterns Program

Times • Page 9

The Beach House, overlooking the cove at Lovers Point, will hold a gala brunch to benefit The Feast of Lanterns. One of the auction items offered is special seating on the night of the pageant. Photo Riddell & Riddell

Care Management & Fiduciary Services

Each year, Cedar Street Times is proud to put together the official program of the Feast of Lanterns. Inside are stories about the Royal Court, the Feast of Lanterns past and present, photographs, schedules and more...everything you need to know to enjoy this iconic celebration in the City of Pacific Grove, set for July 26 at Lovers Point. It is advertising which allows us to make this gift to the Feast of Lanterns. Many merchants and others have already signed up. If you have not, and wish to be a part of the 10,000 distribution, please call 831-324-4742.

Jacquie DePetris, LCSW, CCM, LPF • Licensed Professional Fiduciary • Certified Care Manager • Conservatorships • Special Needs Trusts • Health Care Agent • Professional Organizing


2100 Garden Road, Suite C • Monterey jkd@ElderFocus.com

Ph: 831-643-2457 • Fax: 831-643-2094

Myles Mellor Crossword 1





















17 19













38 39




18 20




40 44








Across 1. Remote 5. Unoriginal one 8. Load 12. Well-known flower 13. Banker’s worry 14. Sidewalk spot 15. HS team that sounds like heavy waves 17. Black 18. Kubrick film: 1962 20. Corkscrew 24. Seabird 28. Beach house 29. Inexperienced person 30. Looked back on sadly 31. Picture 32. “Four Essays on Liberty” author Berlin 35. Toughens 37. Computer need 38. Brightly colored shell 39. Apartment dweller, probably 41. Buckeye’s home 44. Rational 49. Cask stopper 50. Neighbor of Ida. 51. Animal’s home 52. Black 53. Fathers 54. Patella’s place

See puzzle solution on Page 16

Down 1. Vatican vestment 2. Douglas __ 3. Potent potable 4. Swedish rug 5. Ocular ring 6. Basic knitting stitch 7. Banner 8. Pacific Grove’s coastal boulevard 9. Collar 10. Mysterious saucer 11. One of 100 in D.C. 16. “Mississippi Burning” hate group 19. Philosophical “way” 20. Upholstery linen 21. Remote button 22. Construction girder 23. It deals with X-rays 25. Friendlier 26. Intestinal bacteria 27. Not relaxed 33. “You ___ the apple of my eye” Stevie Wonder 34. Aromatic herb 35. Broadway segments 36. Pedicure digits 40. Word repeated after “Que,” in song 41. Star Wars Jedi, first name 42. Barbarian 43. Sign a contract for example 45. Sort 46. Embargo 47. Misinform 48. Before to Byron

Times • June 13, 2014 The Republic of Santo Paulo: Our First Election


‘Push Girl’ is Out

John Rapp Press Release; A Book of Fiction SANTO PAULO, SANTO PAULO. . . After one hundred and forty-three years of British colonial rule, the Republic of Santo Paulo yesterday became an independent island nation. Our first day of independence was highlighted by ceremonies transferring various functions of the government from resident British administrators to interim officials of the new republic. Also, for the first time in our history, the citizens of Santo Paulo yesterday voted in a free election. The purpose of the election was to choose the type of government that would rule Santo Paulo in the future . There were three choices on the ballot. The first was for complete independence and autonomy with no intervention from any foreign power. The second was independence, but with continuing benevolent British administration. The third choice was independence but with voters choosing a foreign power to provide administrative functions. The citizens of Santo Paulo were well aware of the importance of our first free election. A wrong deci sion would affect our island 's economy and result in a deterioration of our new found freedom and standard of living. Also, because we will become the newest member of the United Nations, we knew the attention of

the world was focused on the outcome of our election. The people of our beloved country have made their decision. Voters rejected both complete independence as well as continuation of British administrative rule. In what appears to be a massive write-in vote, the citizens of Santo Paulo approved a modified form of independence with the administrative functions of the government to be taken over by the Coca-Cola Company of the United States. After studying many forms of government throughout the world, we have decided that Coca-Cola Company is far more capable of handling our affairs than any government existing today. Accordingly, "We the People of Santo Paulo, I n Order to form a more perfect country, Establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, Promote the general welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish the Coca-Cola Company to rule the Republic Of Santo Paulo."

The Earl of Halifax Comes to Pacific Grove

Howard Burnham will enthrall us all with his characterization of ‘the Holy Fox’ - Edward Linley Wood, 1st Earl of Halifax. “He is one of the most fascinating forgotten politicians of the 20th century - the Viceroy of India who first had dealings with Gandhi, the only British cabinet minister to meet Hitler, the man who ‘stepped aside’ for Winston Churchill in 1940, British Minister and Ambassador to Washington 1941-6 (where, after an appalling start, he proved highly successful), a noted high churchman (hence his nickname of ‘the Holy Fox’) and a keen hunter-horseman (despite having no left hand!),” said Burnham. “I hope to reestablish him as an interesting and entertaining personality.” In Burnham’s program, ‘Lord Halifax’ says farewell to the Washington Press Corps in 1946, and reviews his extraordinary life and what Churchill called “Halifax’s grave and vital mission” to America during WWII. The event is set for Saturday, June 14, at The Little House in Jewel Park, at 5:30 p.m. Admission is $10.

Feast of Lanterns Seeks Volunteers

Volunteers are needed for all aspects and activities of the 2014 Feast of Lanterns, Opening Ceremonies, Feast of Dance, Feast of Flavors, Pageant Day, beach clean-up, and closing ceremonies, among others. There are needs for traffic direction, sign-in coordinators, vendor coordinators, ticket sales, stage assistants, merchandise sales and more. Feast Week is July 23-27 but the need extends to activities before and after that week. To volunteer, volunteers@feast-of-lanterns.org or phone chairperson Joni Birch at 206-225-6245

Following a standing-room-only book signing at The Bookwords, Chelsie Hill’s novel, Push Girl, is now available. The story is of a teen-aged girl whose life is turned upside down by a paralyzing auto accident. Cowritten with Jessica Love, the story mirrors Chelsie’s own life as she travels the United States, teaching dance and inspiring differently-abled people. PUSH GIRL: A Novel By Chelsie Hill and Jessica Love • St. Martin’s Griffin/Thomas Dunne Books, 978-1-250-04591-1 • E-book: 978-1-4668-4605-0. $18.99 at The Bookworks in Pacific Grove.

Library Programs Coming Up Wednesday, June 25 2:00 pm Pacific Grove Public Library, 550 Central Avenue, Pacific Grove 93950 "Zoom Room" presents Dogs at the Park: meet a variety of dogs and learn how to train dogs to do tricks! For more information call 648-5760.

Dog Show with Obedience and Rally Trials Coming to Carmel in July Del Monte Kennel Club Dog Show with Obedience and Rally Trials wil be held on Saturday and Sunday, July 1213 from 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. at Carmel Middle School, 4380 Carmel Valley Rd., Carmel. There is a $10 parking fee. See 3,000 dogs compete in conformation, obedience and rally! Pre-entered dogs only, including mixed-breeds in performance events. Also, Portuguese Water Dog, Rottweiler, Great Dane, and English Setter specialty shows on Friday. AFRP dogs will be available for adoption Saturday only. More information can be found at www.DMKC.org or 831-333-9032 Founded in 1924 by Samuel Morse, the developer of Pebble Beach, the Del Monte Kennel Club holds their classic dog show every year. Scout, Great Dane

Mistakes happen, and sometimes they find their way into your final draft. A small investment in proofreading can prevent embarrassing errors in your printed, website or brochure content. Editing services also available to sharpen up your manuscript. Call Cameron at (831) 238-7179.

June 13, 2014 • CEDAR STREET

Free Homebuyers’ Seminar Loans,Credit, Escrow and Warranties to be Covered

The public is invited to attend a Home Buyers’ Seminar on Wednesday, June 25 at the Keller Williams Realty office, located at 26435 Carmel Rancho Blvd, Carmel, CA. Speakers will included Christine Riise, a licensed loan originator from Blue Adobe Mortgage, presenting various loan products tailored to each individual’s needs entitled, “Something for Everyone”. Leah Rolen, a credit repair specialist from White Jacobs and Associates will teach you how your credit scores are calculated by the bureaus. She will also review how to repair your credit and change your FICA score even if you have foreclosures or short sales.” You don’t have to live with bad credit “. From Chicago Title Company, Kathy Anderson, Assistant Vice President of Sales and Kimberly Verania, Escrow Officer, will

Times • Page 11

Mary Louise Reynolds Obituary

be speaking on the “Life of an Escrow.” Reunite Osborne from Fidelity National Home Warranty will discuss the importance of a home warranty in purchasing a home. Participants who buy a home with the Keller Williams presenting Realtors will receive a free home warranty on their purchase. The Seminar is hosted by Keller Williams Realtors Young Seon Myong and Linda Michaels. The seminar will be held at the Keller Williams Realty office at 26435 Carmel Rancho Blvd. Carmel, CA on Wednesday, June 25, 2014 from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Refreshments will be served. The public is invited. Seating is limited. Please RSVP to Keller Williams Realty - Linda Michaels, Realtor 831717-7555.

Monterey Peninsula Chamber of Commerce

Brown Bag Lunch Seminar

Mary Louise Reynolds

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. August 1, 1926 ~ June 3, 2014 “How Much is Your “No Brand” Image Costing Your Business Success?” Presenter: Marion Gellatly, President, Powerful Presence Mary L. Reynolds, a native of Pacific Grove, passed away Tuesday Location: Bay Park Hotel, White Horse Meeting Room (off of Highway 1 near Del morning, June 3 at Community Hospital. Memorial and Celebration of Life Monte Center) at 1425 Munras Avenue, Monterey Lunch is available - Please call to services will be announced at a later date. Please visit http://www.dignitymepre-order or dine afterwards at the Crazy Horse Restaurant inside the Bay Park Hotel morial.com/the-paul-mortuary/en-us/index.page for the guest book and to (831-649-4771) leave messages for her family. Reservations are advised and appreciated. In this program, you will: · Learn why your “executive presence” is so important to your success · Uncover common blind spots that cause you not to be taken seriously and keep you missing out on opportunities · Find out how to transform the biggest drain on your energy, power and influence · Discover 5 keys to increasing your confidence, promotability, income, and business success Silly Saturdays Kids’ Art Classes at the Pacific Grove Art Center. Saturday May · Take simple steps right away 14th and August 9th - 3:30-5pm, ages 5-7. $10 members / $13 non-members. Please About Marion Gellatly, AICI, CIM call Emily Pachin (831) 521-0132 or PGAC at (831) 375-2208 to register. Don’t wait Since founding Powerful Presence in 1991, Marion Gellatly has consulted and trained thousands of people, helping them to achieve the optimal image for their per- as these classes fill up quickly! sonal and professional goals. She is an internationally-recognized leader in the field Open Acrylic Painting of image development and travels the nation to work with her clients. Marion’s true Afternoon of Pen & Ink Drawing 6 week session passion is guiding professional women find their full potential by using image and style Sat. July 12, 12:30 - 4:30 p.m. Wed. 6 - 9 p.m. - June 18 - July 23 as powerful business tools. Her clients frequently comment on her warm and tactful $40/member, $45/non-member $140/Member approach to their sensitive issues of image. She is an engaging and informative speaker Ages 13 - adult $150/non-member who is in demand with individuals, corporations, small businesses, professional associaRegister with Patti McHugh Ages 13 - adult tions and community organizations. Marion has been featured in national media such 408-761-2369 Register with Dick Crispo 831-373as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Wall Street Journal.com, USA 1664 or 831-920-7022 Today, and ABC News.com. Marion’s inside knowledge of the corporate world from 2-Day Portrait Painting Workshop her years at a Silicon Valley Fortune 100 company, understanding of the complexities with Warren Chang Colored Pencil Techniques of conducting business in today’s competitive market, mastery of image management, Sat. and Sun. August 2-3, 2014. Sat. June 21, 12:30 - 4:30 p.m. passion for well-designed and authentic style, and proven leadership skills give her a 10-5p.m. $40/member, $45/non-member unique insight and advantage in furthering the goals of her clients. $350.00; includes model fee Ages 13 - adult To RSVP, please call Wendy Brickman of Brickman Marketing at 831-633-4444 Register with Warren Chang Register with Judy Huddleston OR email brickman@brickmanmarketing.com 831-277-8474 949-870-2130

Summer Art Classes at Pacific Grove Art Center

Treasure Shop to Hold Father’s Day Sale The Animal Friends Rescue Project resale shop, The Treasure Shop, will hold a special Father’s Day sale through Sunday, June 15. The Treasure Shop is located at 160 Fountain in Pacific Grove and is open 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily.

Every Sunday in June and every Saturday in July (closed July 5), kids ages 5-12 are invited to sign up for a reading time with a friendly, furry reading therapy dog at Monterey Public Library. Call A free one Christian Science talk or visit the Youth Desk at hour the library to reserve a 15-minute session between 1:30by Laura Lapointe, C.S. 2:30pm. The program begins Sunday, June 15 and runs through Saturday, July 26, as part of the Summer Reading Program “Paws To Read.” Chapel Studies have Dodge shown that begin-Auditorium ning readers feelatpressure to “succeed” the Asilomar Conference grounds when telling stories to animals, since the Pacific Grove 800 Asilomar Avenue,

Angela Allen Makes Cornell University’s Dean’s List

Cornell University's Angela Allen of Pacific Grove has been placed on the Dean's List of the College of Arts and Sciences for Excellence in Scholarship for the Spring 2014 semester. The College of Arts and Sciences is Cornell University's largest undergraduate college. It provides a high-quality liberal arts education to its own students, and its courses are also accessible to all other students at Cornell. The college's faculty includes national and international leaders in their respective disciplines.

Soul Collage Sat. June 28, 12:30 - 4:30 p.m. $40/member, $45/non-member Register with Lisa Handley 831-512-9063

You: blessed, worthy, beloved June 23, Monday, 7:30 pm

Laura Lapointe, C.S.

This talk discusses the concept of self-worth through explorations of the creation story in Genesis and Jesus’ sinless view of the men and women he encountered and healed. The goal is for participants to leave feeling as if they have just experienced a Christly foot-washing.

Sponsored by

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Monterey and Bible Study Seminars • For more information, call 831-372-5076

Times • June 13, 2014 Federal scientist talks about trying to save the whales Page 12 • CEDAR STREET

Gull-Resistant Trash Containers

Dr. Karin Forney, research biologist with the Marine Mammal and Turtle Division of NOAA’s Southwest Fisheries Science Center in Santa Cruz, will discuss the latest attempts to reduce human impacts on whales, dolphins and porpoises On Thursday, June 26, when she speaks to the Monterey Bay Chapter of the American Cetacean Society. The program begins at 7:30 p.m. in The Boat Works building at Hopkins Marine Station, 120 Ocean View Blvd., Pacific Grove. It is free and open to the public. Federal scientists have surveyed marine mammals within the California Current ecosystem since 1991 to estimate populations and monitor trends. They have developed methods to assess localized impacts from naval activities, ships, fishing bycatch and energy development, and have provided models to the U.S. Navy and other ocean users to try to mitigate potential harm. Dr. Fourney has participated in that work with nearly 30 years of work researching more than 20 species of cetaceans and pinnipeds in the eastern and central northern Pacific Ocean. She has researched abundance, distribution, ecology, status of the species and fishery bycatch, as well as collaborating on studies of endangered leatherback turtles off California. One of her research interests is assessing and mitigating human caused mortality and injury of the protected species. More information is available at www.acsmb.org.

Searching the bay for blue whales

Experts from the Monterey Bay Chapter of the American Cetacean Society will serve as naturalists on a whale watching trip Saturday, June 28th, to help identify blue whales that may be in the bay along with humpback whales, killer whales, dolphins and other marine life. The trip, an annual fundraising event for the whale conservation organization, will leave from Monterey Bay Whale Watch at No. 84 Fisherman’s Wharf at 8:30 a.m. and return by 1 p.m. Blue whales, the largest animals in the world, have been seen in Monterey Bay the past several weeks as have the visiting humpback whales, killer whales and a variety of dolphins. This trip with the experts is $50, with reservations recommended by calling 831-901-7259. More information is available on the cetacean society’s Web site at www.acsmb.org.

Become A Lighthouse Museum Volunteer Docent

Your lighthouse needs you! Become a volunteer docent at the historial Lighthouse Museum at 80 Asilomar Blvd. Training is arranged during lighthouse hours, Thursday through Monday, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. If you are interested, please call 831-648-3176.

Arlen Moore in the Mechanical Shop at Public Works designed, manufactured, and welded gull-resistant trash can lids for use around the City. The lids are powder coated for weather resistance and to ease cleaning. After installing the first 22, Arlen will make the second batch for lower priority trash cans. More hints on discouraging gulls may be found on page 2 of this issue. Photo courtesy

City pf Pacific Grove

Military Appreciation at Monterey Museum of Art

Discover Pacific Grove... Keep it. Read it. Use it.

The Monterey Museum of Art–La Mirada is pleased to host a Military Community Appreciation Night on Thursday June 19, 2014 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. at MMA La Mirada, 720 Via Mirada, Monterey. This event is free to active duty military, veterans, and their spouses/partners/companions.

or visit DiscoverPacifcGrove.com

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Times • Page 13 Monterey Beer Festival Opens its 13th Year

June 13, 2014 • CEDAR STREET

Mind-Body Health & Awareness Series

Please join us for this free evening introduction to “MBSR:” A course in using mindfulness practices to improve wellness of body and mind. Medical science is increasingly linking stress with a wide range of health ailments. On June 30 from 7-9:30 pm, Rochelle Hall, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, and Corinne Collins, family nurse practitioner will introduce an 8-week course in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). Thirty years of peer-reviewed research have demonstrated the health benefits of MBSR, when used as an adjunct to medical treatment for those coping with heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, chronic pain, depression and anxiety. Through demonstration, discussion, and a short video, we’ll describe how age-old healing practices have been linked with medical benefits -- particularly for stress-related health problems. This MBSR course was originated by Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D. KabatZinn founded and developed the MBSR Stress Reduction Clinic from the University of Massachusetts Medical Center. Our introduction to this MBSR curriculum will be followed by 8 consecutive Monday night classes, from July 7 through August 25, 7-9:30pm. Location will be McGowan house at St. James Episcopal Church, 381 High St., Monterey. Cost for 8 sessions is $325, which includes a workbook and CD, plus a daylong retreat. Financial aid will be made available. Contact Rochelle @ 408.823.4671.

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Celebrating its thirteenth year on the Monterey Peninsula, The Monterey Beer Festival will be held on Saturday, June 14 at the Monterey County Fair & Event Center, 2004 Fairground Road, Monterey (enter Gate 5) (831) 372-5863 www.montereybeerfestival.com. (12:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. for general admission. The Monterey Beer Festival attracted 5,000 attendees last year who enjoyed tasting an array of incredible beer. In addition to many new beers to delight the senses this year, the Monterey Beer Festival will feature music from Wicked Garden, AC/DC Powerage, and Journey Revisited (for lineup and set times go to www.montereybeerfestival.com), a new Beer Pong tournament, special VIP ticket holder benefits, all in a totally fun, relaxed party atmosphere at the Monterey County Fair & Event Center. In addition, this year there will be special screenings of comedy film “Let’s Be Cops” on a mobile screen. Get your ticket onsite - first come, first served with 90 attendees during each screening. Show times are at 12:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. “Let’s Be Cops” is the ultimate buddy cop movie except for one thing: they’re not cops. When two struggling pals dress as police officers for a costume party, they become neighborhood sensations. But when these newly-minted “heroes” get tangled in a real life web of mobsters and dirty detectives, they must put their fake badges on the line. The film is directed by Luke Greenfield and stars Damon Wayans, Jr., Jake Johnson, Rob Riggle and Andy Garcia. Here’s the line-up of tasty craft beer you can enjoy during the 2014 Monterey Beer Festival:

2 Towns Ciderhouse 21st Amendment Brewery Alvarado Street Brewery Bang The Drum Brewery Black Market Brewing Co. Chang Beer / International Beverage CG Brewery Coronado Brewery Co Drake’s English Ales Firestone Walker Brewing Company Gordon Biersch Grand Teton Brewing Hangar 24 Ironfire Brewing Company Lagunitas Lumberyard Brewing Company Ninkasi Brewing Co Manzanita Brewing Co North Coast Brewing Company Pacific Libations (Big Sky & Artisanal Imports) Peter B’s Real Soda Riley’s Brewing Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. SLO Brewing Company St Killan Importing Belukus Imports Euro Brew Big Hurt Lost Coast Kona Ninkasi Golden Road

The Festival’s food vendors this year include: New Orleans Southern Kitchen Lugano Bistro San Jose Meatball Company Monterey Bay Calamari


Finding Forever Homes Bring home some love! Adopt a friend from AFRP Ari is an 11-month-old brindle and white pit bull mix looking for love. He’s a smart, silly and playful guy who gets along nicely with other dogs and cats. JoJo & Chandler are handsome 11-month-old brown tabbies who were rescued as kittens and were raised in foster care. They have sweet and gentle personalities Meep is an adorable 1-year-old, 10-pound Chihuahua/Dachshund mix looking for a warm lap! She’s a sweet and friendly girl who enjoys meeting new people and takes treats very gently.from your Santa Maria is a sweet and friendly 4-year-old tuxedo kitty with soft, medium-long fur. She has a fun and inquisitive personality and loves to rub against your leg.

Main Adoption Center 560 Lighthouse Ave. Pacific Grove Hours: Every day from 12:00 - 5:00 pm AFRP Treasure Shop 160 Fountain Ave. Pacific Grove Hours: Monday 10:00 - 6:00 pm

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TO SPONSOR THIS AD CALL REBECCA 831-324-4742 AFRP is a non-profit 501(c)(3) Corp. TAX ID NO. 77-0491141

Gentrain Announces Upcoming Lectures Wednesday, June 18 Gentrain Lecture: Life and Times of William Randolph Hearst Monterey Peninsula College Lecture Forum 103 1:30-2:30 pm Free; MPC Parking $2.00 Information: www.gentrain.org Carol Marquart, playwright, actor, Pacific Grove resident and former English teacher has created a one-hour historical drama, which will be presented in a series of dramatic monologues performed by six well-known local actors, against a backdrop of 35 historical photos. Wednesday, July 2 Gentrain Lecture: A Trip to Jordan and the Arab Spring Monterey Peninsula College Lecture Forum 103

1:30-2:30 pm Free; MPC Parking $2.00 Information: www.gentrain.org Tom Logan, MPC Gentrain lecturer in Art and History, led a tour to Jordan in March 2014. His lecture will encompass the sites visited by that tour, Jordan’s place in the “Arab Spring” political movement (which began in 2010 with uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and many other countries), and where the future of the movement might lead. Wednesday, July 16 Gentrain Lecture: Benjamin Franklin and the Art of Virtue Monterey Peninsula College Lecture Forum 103 1:30-2:30 pm Free; MPC Parking $2.00 Information: www.gentrain.org

Times • June 13, 2014 Take A Letter, Please


Rowing toward Poha Tom Stevens

Jane Roland

Animal Tales and Other Random Thoughts

Otter Views At 10 a.m. Monday just seaward of Cannery Row, a cannon blast signaled the start of the 2014 Great Pacific Race. As landlubbers cheered from shore and sailboats formed a picturesque marine escort, several intrepid crews leaned into their oars of their high-tech rowboats. Their destination: Hawaii. Their ETA: several weeks from now. Having just returned from Hawaii, I was deeply impressed. I had a window seat going over, and I spent a good part of the flight gazing down at the Pacific. It was windwhipped, foam-streaked and cobalt blue. It seemed to stretch on forever. “People are going to row across this?” I thought. “Seriously?” The boats had looked big and seaworthy on Memorial Day, when nine of them sat atop trailers parked along a Monterey Wharf fence line. Arrayed beside each boat were provisions for the voyage: cartons of freeze-dried spaghetti, macaroni, beef stew and chili con carne; packets of dried fruit, energy bars, and protein drinks; potable water in stackable jugs. The boats looked doubleended, as though they could be rowed in either direction. Amidships were benches and padded seats for the rowers. At bow and stern were watertight compartments where those not rowing could sleep, read, update trip logs and recharge. Communication and weather arrays poked up from the cabins, and some boats boasted solar panels and desalination units. Signage along the fence identified each boat, its country of origin, and the size of the crew planning to row it to Hawaii. The 2014 race offers trophies in three divisions: four-person; two-person and solo. As might be imagined, the four-person boats were biggest; the solo vessels smallest. Sitting up on chocks, the boats seemed as long as seagoing stretch limos. But Monday morning brought a change in perspective. The boats that had looked so sizeable along the fence now seemed toy-like against the vast backdrop of blue ocean, rolling swells and distant fog. After the gun sounded, two or three returned to Monterey for further fitting out. The rest rowed along Cannery Row for a few minutes, threaded carefully through the squid fleet, then turned seaward and vanished into the fog. Two miles down, 2400 to go. Opinion on shore was divided. “Rowing to Hawaii? They’re nuts,” was one refrain. Others spoke with more admiration. “What an amazing adventure! Think of the wonders they’ll see out there.” My own thoughts concerned poha jelly. I figured that if the boats reached Hawaii, the rowers could buy some poha jelly and ferry it back to the Mainland, something I was unable to do by air. I would pay the rowers handsomely to deliver a couple of jars on their return voyage. Like luscious lichee nuts and piquant pakalana leis, poha jelly is one of those Hawaiian cultural icons that rarely crosses the pond. Very little even reaches isle stores, because the golden poha berries grow only in the wilds of the Big Island’s loftiest volcanoes. Harvesting them involves more rigor than most jelly makers care to undertake. Thus I was happy to track down a jar of poha jelly in the Big Island town of Waimea, where I had traveled for a high school reunion. It was on a back shelf in what islanders call a “crack seed” store. “That’s the last jar I have” the proprietor said. “You’re in luck.” “Thanks!” I said, handing over $6. “I promised a friend in California I would bring some back.” I wrapped the jar in a t-shirt and nestled it tenderly into my roll-on travel case among the hula girl refrigerator magnets and teriyaki spice packets purchased for California friends. They were fine generic souvenirs, but the tart golden jelly was the handiwork of an actual “auntie.” I could hardly wait to present it. That happy fantasy lasted right up until the agricultural inspection at Kona airport. “I’m sorry,” the inspector said with what seemed like genuine sympathy. “This came from outside the security area, so you can’t take it on board.” In a funk of disappointment, I wandered into the little magazine and refreshment store that serviced the boarding area. And behold! There among the guava jellies and mango jellies approved for overseas flight stood a bottle of poha jelly. It was smaller, more expensive ($10) and more commercial than its predecessor, but it sailed through the Kona ag inspection with flying colors. My promise would be kept! This second happy fantasy sustained me until I reached my connecting flight at LAX. “Oh, your American Eagle flight to San Jose has been cancelled,” the attendant told me airily. “I’ve booked you on Delta. It’s only five hours later, but you’ll have to go back through security.” Unfamiliar with poha jelly, the LAX security man busted me immediately for trying to board an aircraft with more than four ounces of a gelled substance. Thank you, Osama bin Laden. “But it cleared TSA in Kona!” I protested. “It came from the airport store! It says right on the label!” The L.A. security man shook his head and dropped the jar into a bin. “Sorry,” he frowned. “That’s the rule.” Now it’s up to the Great Pacific Race rowers. To them I say, poha jelly or bust!

Sotheby’s Real Estate

When I graduated from The University of Arizona, I had no marketable skills. I had wanted to be a journalist but jobs for women in the newspaper world were slim. We moved to the Monterey Peninsula and I went to San Francisco, into Hilltop House (a guest house atop Nob Hill), on the corner of Jones and Sacramento, across from Grace Cathedral. It was a great experience; all of the 10 residents were college graduates starting out in life. We spent our evenings together. Fred and Roland, who owned the place, served good breakfasts and dinners and looked after us like mother hens.I attended Munson School for Private Secretaries on Sutter Street. I must be frank: While I was quite adequate as a typist and in business math, I detested shorthand and was very undisciplined. I had been told that the only way to break into advertising, my goal, was to go through the back door as a secretary. After about eight months I had enough. I set out to find a job. Almost at once I was hired as the “assistant” to the head of the credit department at Bigelow Sanford Carpet Company on the Embarcadero I liked my job; shorthand was minimal and, generally, involved the same communication to individuals about their billing. I loved my boss and co-workers. We would wander across the street and have lunch with fisherman in a little café. Unfortunately, the department was closed after I had been there a year and I was “walking the streets” again. One interview was with Mr. Weinstein at his department store; he quite liked me and offered me a job at once. I did not quite like him, a little too friendly if you get my drift. So I started out again and finally landed a job at Coldwell Banker as secretary to one of the partners. I didn’t enjoy this job or the company (although the policies were those of the norm). A friend of mine, a fellow secretary, was fired for having dinner with her boss. Nothing happened to him. Those who came to me for letters were brusque and rude, with the exception of a Mr. Stevens, and, guess what, Mr. Weinstein. The company was working with him on the installation of elevators. He always asked for me. There were a number of contributing factors which involved in my losing my job, and I must admit one was my deplorable and slow shorthand. After a hiatus on the Monterey Peninsula, about which I have regaled you, I returned to the city. Finally I got a job at Honig-Cooper Advertising Company, near the Wharf and steps away from The Buena Vista. I rented the ground floor of an old Victorian House on the corner of Fillmore and Washington. There were a number of friends who had relocated to San Francisco, including my closest friend, Maryann Odell, who was finishing her Master’s at Dominican College. We spent a number of weekends with our buddies, hitting the night spots in North Beach and the jazz clubs which abounded. We went to the theater, sitting in the “crows’ nest” and the opera a couple of times dressed in our finery, affording only standing room. Most of the time it was the Hungry i and Frank’s Place, a little dive across the street. We met and enjoyed many of the “beatniks” many of whom lived in ramshackle hotels in between popular night spots. I thoroughly enjoyed my work as Assistant to the Research Director, John Nelson. The advertising world was an anomaly in the business world. Women, no matter their jobs, were treated as equals. Of course, at lunch time we “serfs” brought our food while our bosses went to the Buena Vista, rarely returning on Fridays. Occasionally the other girls and I would also go there for a quick bite, stopping on the way back from the restaurant to see what Cost Plus, newly opened nearby, had to offer. I worked on setting up surveys, designed them, and hired the people to circulate. One such was for Italian Swiss Colony Wine which was competing with Gallo. Each company had a new product, more intoxicating they claimed than the regular grape beverage. Gallo’s was Thunderbird, ours Silver Satin; they were highly touted on television. The people who hired the individuals to do the appraisals were asked to give them money to take a cab to our building where they would receive a stipend and be asked to view the television ad. If I recall Gallo had Barry Fitzgerald and we his brother, Arthur Shields. In most cases these test people were middle class housewives. I was working with Hal Robinson, a research analyst and psychologist at Stanford Research. The cabs pulled up, out poured an assortment of the down-and-outs from the Fillmore District. Most had tried to clean up but were still pretty shabby and, let us say had imbibed in liquid courage. One woman had terrible ulcers on her legs. I tried to interview them, with little success; we showed them the competing commercials, in which they were not much interested. Too bad, Barry and Arthur. They were given tiny glasses of wine which were gulped down (a couple held out the little cups for more). It was certainly not a dignified wine tasting event. I noticed Hal was taking copious notes. Finally we gave up, presented them with some cash and a bottle of our wine and put them back into taxis for the ride home. Hal and I looked at each other. “Well, I guess we’ll scrap this one,” he said “but I got a lot of research material.” They all wanted to talk and we learned about these souls, some of whom had come from affluence, some had been in the war (World War II); others were very young, with compelling tales of how they ended on “skid row.” During this period I had the privilege of testing the first electric typewriter for the company and after a year or so moved on to a much better job, with Foster and Kleiser, the largest outdoor advertising company in the country. Jane Roland – gcr770@aol.com

A Proustian Stanley Cup Final Kyle A. Krasa, Esq.

What Are Your Chances of Being Audited? Part III - Red Flags

Travis on Taxes of them had probably never even heard of the New York Rangers. The following year, 1991-1992, the Sharks began their inaugural season and their games were televised. I remember watching my first Rangers game on television when they played the Sharks at Madison Square Garden in the fall. Adam Graves won the game for the Rangers with an overtime goal. In January of that year, I saw the Rangers in person for the first time when they played the Sharks at the Cow Palace in Daly City. With five-time Stanley Cup champion Mark Messier joining the team as its captain, the Rangers were favored to win the Stanley Cup that year. They had the best regular season record in the NHL but were eliminated in the second round of the playoffs by the eventual champion Pittsburgh Penguins. The next year, their second-best player, Brian Leetch, ironically injured himself while slipping on ice getting out of a taxi cab and they missed the playoffs. The curse was in full force and effect. In 1993-1994, the Rangers were hot again. With a new head coach and a more disciplined system, the Rangers once again finished the regular season with the best record in the NHL. In the first two rounds of the playoffs, they were unstoppable. They defeated their cross-town rivals, the New York Islanders in four games, and defeated the Washington Capitals in five games. In the third round, they faced trouble against the New Jersey Devils. Several games went into nail-biting overtimes. They were down 3 games to 2 with Game 6 in New Jersey. Facing elimination, Captain Mark Messier guaranteed a Rangers victory, causing the Big Apple media to compare the comment to Joe Namath’s Super Bowl III guarantee and Babe Ruth’s called shot in the 1932 World Series. The Rangers were losing 2-0. Some of my friends called to mock me claiming that the Rangers were going to be eliminated.

See KRASA Page 17

Estate Planning Living Trusts & Wills Elder Law Care Trust Administration Medi-Cal Planning Asset Protection

Kyle A. Krasa, Esq.

Kyle A. Krasa, Esq. is Certified as an Estate, Planning, Trust and Probate Specialist by the State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization

704-D Forest Avenue • Pacific Grove

Phone: 831-920-0205

Times • Page 15

Travis H. Long, CPA

Planning for Each Generation Marcel Proust’s protagonist in his epic work, Remembrances of Things Past, bites into a madeleine cake dipped in tea which instantly “reveals” volumes of childhood memories containing the “essence of the past.” I had a similar experience a few days ago at Staples Center in Los Angeles. Instead of a delicious treat, the trigger of my “involuntary memory” was watching the New York Rangers in an intense, close Stanley Cup Final game. I will never be as emotionally invested in any sports team as I was in the 1994 New York Rangers. Although I grew up in the temperate climate of the Monterey Peninsula, before the San Jose Sharks existed, and when there were no local television broadcasts of the sport, I was a hockey fanatic. My grandfather, Karel A. Krasa, was a prominent hockey player, coach, and manager in pre-WWII Europe and he would tell me stories about playing on outdoor frozen ponds in what is now the Czech Republic. Since we did not have a local NHL team, I picked the New York Rangers as I had loved the city when I first visited the metropolis as an impressionable 9-year-old boy. At the time, the Rangers had not won the Stanley Cup since 1940 – the longest Cup drought in the NHL. Most fans attributed the Cup drought to a curse that was placed on the Rangers, either because the team burned the mortgage to the old Madison Square Garden in the bowl of the Stanley Cup, thus desecrating a sacred object, or because Red Dutton, the former owner of the rival New York Americans, was furious that the Rangers essentially froze his team out of the league. Regardless of the curse’s origin, the Rangers were always taunted on the road with mocking jeers of “1940!” My mother ordered my first hockey sweater (real hockey fans refer to “jerseys” as “sweaters”) from a catalog when I was in 6th Grade. I wore my red, white, and blue Rangers sweater proudly to Pacific Grove Middle School. None of my fellow students were hockey fans and most

June 13, 2014 • CEDAR STREET

www.KrasaLaw.com • kyle@KrasaLaw.com

Four weeks ago I discussed some of the statistics regarding your chances of being audited by the IRS, and two weeks ago I discussed audit selection methodology. A few of the high points from the articles were: 1) on the average, audit rates for individuals are generally less than one percent each year, and increase as you make more money, 2) about 75 percent of audits are actually mail correspondence audits focused on a narrow request of information for specific items on your return rather than a full-blown in-person, field audit, 3) the IRS does not release its exact methods of selecting audits, and many people have incorrect notions about this process, 4) the IRS does tell us audit selection is aided by a computer scoring system to help find returns that will likely yield a change; it uses computer matching to ensure information reported on 1099s by third parties matches what you report; it uses publicly available information; and it uses statistical random sampling. The rest of this article will be devoted to "red flags." So what are these "red flags" everyone talks about? One fairly obvious assumption we can make from the audit statistics released by the IRS is that they follow the money! You are three times more likely to be audited if you make over $200,000 a year and over eleven times more likely to be audited if you make over $1,000,000 a year. C-corporations face a similar dynamic of increasing audit rates on larger corporations - for instance, one out of every three corporations with assets over $250 million are audited. Not reporting all your income even when it is reported to the IRS should not be a surprising red flag, but it happens frequently. I see this most commonly with stock sales reported on a 1099-B when people prepare their own returns - they either forget, or do not understand the form. I also see this with contract work where a 1099-Misc is issued and the individual

forgets to report it. There are a number of issues related to small businesses that raise eyebrows. Keep this in mind - anytime there is an easy path for someone to pass-off personal expenses as business expenses, you are going to have a higher level of scrutiny. For instance - relatively high amounts of: business automobile mileage (or claiming 100% business use on your vehicle - very rare in reality), home office deductions, meals and entertainment, or travel expenses. All of these can be easily abused, so they are highly scrutinized. If you are beyond the norms, you are a clearer target. Here is another golden nugget - if your job is one that millions of people do for fun as a hobby (although perhaps not nearly as well!), then you have a higher level of audit risk, particularly if you are losing money. Think of the arts - photography, video, music, drawing, painting, performing, etc. Also, think of horse racing and breeding for the wealthier set. That brings us to another "red flag," businesses that lose money every year. The IRS is trying to determine which of these three describes your nonprofitable business situation: 1) Are you really trying to make this successful and genuinely feel it will be profitable overall? 2) Are you trying to deduct your personal expenses, your hobby, or keep up appearances? or 3) Are you just plain nuts? By allowing people to continue businesses circumscribed in two and three, the rest of the country is having to foot the bill for the lost tax revenues. This is because the "losses" generated are offsetting the person's other income that would otherwise be taxable. With no realistic future expectation to recuperate the losses, the IRS is ready to pounce. Claiming rental losses in California is fairly common due to the high cost of

See LONG Page 17



• June 13, 2014

Scene 42: Alice Feels Inecure

neither the inclination, time, money nor energy, to chase after other women. In fact, my philosophy is the same as Paul Newman’s was.

West, and God knows who else?

Bernard Furman

A: They were before your time.

Marriage Can Be Funny

H: If you want to know whether I have a lust list, why not just ask me?

A: Which was what? H: When he was asked how come his marriage to Joanne Woodward lasted so many years despite the fact that he could have had virtually any woman he wanted, his answer was, “Why should I look for hamburger elsewhere, when I have steak at home?”

A: Do you have one? Harry and Alice Wilson are seated in the living room of their Pacific Grove home. Harry is doing something with his laptop computer. Alice: Harry, would you please put aside what you’re doing so I can talk to you? Harry: Sure, honey, what’s up? (He closes the laptop.) A: I have a question to ask and I want you to promise that you’ll answer it truthfully. H: Uh oh, if this relates to your weight again, I’m out of here. The last time we got into that it cost me a fortune for your new clothes. A: No, it’s nothing like that. H: That’s a relief! So what’s your question? A: There are actually two. You promise to be honest? H: Absolutely. A: The first one is: do you still love me? H: That’s an easy one. Yes, sweetheart, as much as ever, if not more. A: Despite the wrinkles and unwanted flab that I can’t seem to get rid of no matter how hard I try? H: Honey, I don’t even notice them. When I look at you I still see the beautiful girl

I fell in love with so many years ago. What’s the second question? A: Have you ever been unfaithful to me? H: Of course not! What in heaven’s name would prompt you to ask such a ridiculous question, anyway? We’ve had a great marriage, and I wouldn’t dream of straying. Has something happened to make you feel insecure? A: Well, not with us, but it so often happens with other couples that everything seems to be going fine, and then bam!— one of the partners starts cheating. H: Anyone particular you have in mind? A: Yes, as a matter of fact, but I’m not free to discuss it. H: Well, you don’t have to worry about me. You’re the only girl I ever wanted, and that’s how it always will be. A: So you would have turned down Marilyn Monroe if she approached you when in her prime? H: Only if Joe DiMaggio wasn’t within hailing distance, holding a bat. A: What about Raquel Welch? H: In my opinion, she hasn’t aged as well as you have. A: Rita Hayworth, Ginger Rogers? H: Now you’re being silly. Why not go back to Betty Boop, Jean Harlow, Mae

Legal Notices FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 20141156 The following person is doing business as SUKHMANDIE SPEAKS, 660 Pine Ave. #5, Pacific Grove, Monterey County, CA 93950. GERMAIN M. HATCHER, 660 Pine Ave. #5, Pacific Grove, CA 93950. This statement was filed with the Clerk of Monterey County on June 2, 2014. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or name(s) listed above on N/A. Signed: Germain Hatcher. This business is conducted by an individual. Publication dates: 6/6, 6/13, 6/20, 6/27/14

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 20140927 The following person is doing business as MONTEREY ANTIQUES, 980 Fremont St., Monterey, Monterey County, CA 93940. WARREN LEE ROSEN, 121 Red Hawk Lane, Aptos, CA 95003. This statement was filed with the Clerk of Monterey County on April 29, 2014. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or name(s) listed above on 04-29-14. Signed: Warren Rosen. This business is conducted by an individual. Publication dates: 5/23, 5/30, 6/6, 6/13/14

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME: Petition of ELIZABETH STEINEM Case No. M127964 Filed MAY 27, 2014. To all interested persons: Petitioner ELIZABETH STEINEM filed a petition with this court for a decree changing name as follows: present name ELIZABETH STEINEM to proposed name ELIZABETH DANIELS. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. Notice of hearing date: July 25, 2014 Time: 9:00 a.m., Dept. 15. The address of the court is: Superior Court of California, County of Monterey, 1200 Aguajito Road, Monterey, CA 93940. A copy of this Order To Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four consecutive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: CEDAR STREET TIMES. DATE: May 27, 2014 Judge of the Superior Court: Thomas W. Wills. Publication dates: 05/30, 06/06, 06/13, 06/20/14 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME: Petition of FRANCISCO DANIEL CORTEZ Case No. M127961 Filed MAY 27, 2014. To all interested persons: Petitioner FRANCISCO DANIEL CORTEZ filed a petition with this court for a decree changing name as follows: present name FRANCISCO DANIEL CORTEZ to proposed name FRANK DANIELS. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. Notice of hearing date: July 25, 2014 Time: 9:00 a.m., Dept. 15. The address of the court is: Superior Court of California, County of Monterey, 1200 Aguajito Road, Monterey, CA 93940. A copy of this Order To Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four consecutive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: CEDAR STREET TIMES. DATE: May 27, 2014 Judge of the Superior Court: Thomas W. Wills. Publication dates: 05/30, 06/06, 06/13, 06/20/14

H: Of course. So does every other man, whether he admits it or not, who doesn’t have at least one foot in the grave. A: So who’s on your list?

A: Are you saying you don’t admire a sexy woman?

H: Are you sure you want to know? A: Yes.

H: Of course I do. Why not? And on that precise point, let me remind you of something a very intelligent woman said on this subject many years ago.

H: Okay—you asked for it: Madeleine Albright, Joan Rivers, Hillary Clinton and Rosanne Barr.

A: What was that?

A: You’re fooling around and I’m being serious.

H: She said, “I don’t care where he gets his appetite, as long as he eats at home.”

H: Sweetheart, there’s no reason for you to be serious. You’ve got a bee in your bonnet and I don’t know why. Everything is good between us and I have

A: And who was it who said that? H: You.

Legal Notices File Number 20141150 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: (1) Advance America (2) Advance America, Cash Advance Centers (3) Advance America, Cash Advance, 977 North Main Street, Salinas, CA 93906, County of Monterey Full name of Registrant: Advance America, Cash Advance Centers ofCalifornia, LLC, Delaware, 135 North Church Street, Spartanburg, SC 29306 This business is conducted by a limited liability company Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 4/23/04. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions Code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000). Signature of Registrant: James A. Oveden, CFO / VP This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Monterey County on June 02, 2014.

Notice - In accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious Name Statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk. Except, as provided in subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to Section 17913 other than a change in the residence address of a registered owner. A New Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct copy of the original on file in my office. STEPHEN L. VAGNINI, MONTEREY COUNTY CLERK BY: Deputy Expires: June 02, 2019 New Filing - with Change(s) 6/13, 6/20, 6/27, 7/4/14

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 20141070 The following person is doing business as THE PINK ARTICHOKE, 361 Main Street, Salinas, Monterey County, CA 93901. YESENIA GARCIA NAVARRO, 1632 Cupertino Way, Salinas, CA 93901. This statement was filed with the Clerk of Monterey County on May 19, 2014. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or name(s) listed above on N/A. Signed: Yesenia Garcia Navarro. This business is conducted by an individual. Publication dates: 6/13, 6/20, 6/27, 7/4/14

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 20141084 The following person is doing business as ON THE SPOT, 1720 Escalona Dr., Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz County, CA 95060. THOAS EDWARD ROSSI, 1720 Escalona Dr., Santa Cruz, CA 95060. This statement was filed with the Clerk of Monterey County on May 21, 2014. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or name(s) listed above on N/A. Signed: Thomas Rossi. This business is conducted by an individual. Publication dates: 6/13, 6/20, 6/27, 7/4/14

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June 13, 2014 • CEDAR STREET

Times • Page 17

El Niño: How much can we count on it? By Cameron Douglas

Anyone who lives in California is all too aware of the need for rain. As the Golden State comes to grips with a bone-dry summer, a weather phenomenon called El Niño could bring plenty of rain this coming winter. Will it be a gradual influx that slowly fills reservoirs for the summer of 2015? Or a howling harridan of mudslides and flooding? The real question is intensity, because not all El Niños are the same. NOAA keeps records of the years broken down into three categories: weak, moderate and strong. Those records show there has not been a strong El Niño event since the winter of 1997-1998. El Niño is a band of warmer ocean water that develops off the Pacific coast of South America. It involves prolonged warming of Pacific sea surface temperatures in comparison to the average ranges. This anomaly usually happens every two to seven years, and can last from nine months to two years. It is part of a process that meteorologists refer to as El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), which refers to temperature variations of the surface of the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean, and air surface pressure in the tropical western Pacific. El niño is Spanish for “the boy,” and the capitalized term El Niño refers to the Christ child, Jesus, because the initial Pacific warming near South America usually happens around Christmas. The cooling that follows El Niño is called La Niña, “the girl.” Meteorologists observe several conditions leading to El Niño: • A rise in surface pressure over the Indian Ocean, Indonesia, and Australia. • A fall in air pressure over Tahiti and the rest of the central and eastern Pacific Ocean. • Weakened trade winds in the south Pacific. • Rising warm air near Peru, causing rain in the northern Peruvian deserts. Warm water spreading from the west Pacific and the Indian Ocean to the east Pacific. The rain shifts along that path, causing drought in the west Pacific and drenching the normally dry lower west coast of the U.S. El Niño brings a rush of nutrient-poor water in its eastern passage, replacing the rich upwelling of the Humboldt Current. This is hard on marine life, and fishing is

that we can predict when the bad years will be, ahead of the harvest.” The team studied the impact of ENSO on the yields of four major food crops: maize, rice, wheat, and soybean. These account for nearly 60 percent of the world’s food calories that are produced on croplands. The scientists suggested the forecasts could help mitigate crop impacts by influencing planting dates, crop choices, and considering other factors such as chemical treatments and irrigation. “An improved response to ENSO could reduce the risk of malnutrition; allow for an increase in agricultural investment in positively impacted years; and improve the adaptation capability to climate variability and change.”

North America

Winters affected by El Niño are warmer and drier than average in the Northwest, northern Midwest, and northern Mideast United States, where there is a reduction in snowfall. On the other hand, wetter-than-normal winters are had in northwest Mexico and the southwest United States, including central and southern California. While Californians could breathe a sigh of relief at the added rain, folks in the eastern U.S. may do the same for a different reason. Federal forecasters at NOAA NASA thermal imaging of the 1997 El Niño off the coast of South America. say the developing El Niño will suppress Image courtesy of Wikipedia. hurricanes and tropical storms in the coming summer and fall. NOAA predicts eight to 13 tropical storms will develop in the Atlantic this year, with three to six of those becoming hurricanes; one or two may intensify into “major” hurricanes. In a normal season, there are about a dozen named tropical storms—those with maximum wind speeds of at least 40 mph—and six or seven hurricanes. Hurricane season begins June 1, peaks in late August, and runs through November. Caution is still advised for those living in the hurricane paths, with recollections of the 1992 El Niño season when Hurricane Andrew barreled across Florida as the costliest hurricane on record at the time. Normal equatorial Pacific currents, with cool water off the coast of South America. Officials have now declared a four Image courtesy biophysics.sbg.ac.at/ in five chance of El Niño occurring this winter. That would be like a daily weather less productive. While El Niño may only Agriculture forecast calling for a 78 percent chance last less than a year, its impact on local These weather oscillations also have of rain. How it all unfolds in terms of fishing can have serious economic effects significant effects on crop yields. But a intensity, impact, and hurricanes, remains on the international market. team of researchers is now tracking data to to be seen. Because El Niño is more of a shift predict which crops are affected. Professor Send comments and sugthan a change, it has different effects in Andy Challinor of the University of Leeds gestions for future Green Pages to: different parts of the world. told BBC News, “This new work tells us c a m e ro n @ c e d a r s t re e t t i m e s . c o m /

PKRASA From Page 15 Mark Messier ended up scoring a hat trick to lead the Rangers to a 4-2 victory. In Game 7, the Rangers were nursing a 1-0 lead when the Devils tied the game with less than 8 seconds left. That sudden death overtime was one of the most intense games of any sport that I had ever watched. Each Devils shot was frightening and each Rangers shot was exhilarating. In double overtime, Stephane Matteau scored to send the Rangers to the Stanley Cup Final. In the Stanley Cup Final against the Vancouver Canucks, the Rangers were again pushed to a Game 7, after blowing a 3 games to 1 series lead. They were leading late in the game by only one goal. With 10 minutes to go in the game, I told myself that the Rangers might really be cursed, that the Canucks might come back, that they might never win the Stanley Cup, but the Rangers “version” of winning the Cup might be to see how close they can get. Then the Rangers were 5 minutes away! Then 3 minutes away! The last minute was torture. They took face-off after face-off in the Rangers zone. With less than 10 seconds to go in the game, they cleared the puck and players jumped off the bench in celebration. I thought they had won the Cup but with less than 2 seconds to go, play was stopped on an icing call. It seemed the anticipation would never end! Finally, Craig MacTavish took the final face-off and the wait was over! The Rangers had won the Stanley Cup, ending a 54-year drought and breaking the curse! This year the Rangers returned to the Stanley Cup Final for the first time since 1994. I drove down to Los Angeles to attend Game 2 against the Los Angeles Kings. I happened to sit with several other Rangers fans and we reminisced about 1994, cheered for every Rangers goal, and consoled each other for every Kings goal. The game went into double overtime. I hadn’t felt that level of intensity watching a hockey game in 20 years. Excitedly watching the Rangers in the Stanley Cup Final this year with fellow Rangers fans instantly brought me back to my 15-year-old self. Then I thought of my 4-year-old son who has become quite the hockey fanatic, both as a fan and a player, and who has thoroughly enjoyed the Stanley Cup Playoffs this year, especially the Sharks and Rangers games. The past, present, and future coalesced. KRASA LAW is located at 704-D Forest Avenue, Pacific Grove, and Kyle may be reached at 831-920-0205.

PLONG From Page 15

our real estate, but claiming a real estate professional designation in combination with these losses is an area of greater concern. If your main occupation is in the real estate related field, and you work at least 750 hours in this trade, you are allowed to deduct all of your rental losses in the year they are incurred. Everyone else get to deduct $25,000 at most, and are rapidly phased out to no deductions for the losses based on income levels. The losses get suspended until the property is disposed of or until there is passive gain to offset. There are a lot of challenges when it appears the person has substantial earned income from a trade or business unrelated to real estate or if there is very little income from real estate related trades. Refundable tax credits such as the Earned Income Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit, American Opportunity Credit (for education), and Health Care Tax Credit can also be a point of concern, particularly when the total refund on your return is higher than the tax paid in to the system! The IRS receives thousand of fraudulent returns each year that use refundable credits to steal money from the government. Although harder to catch, unreported foreign income is an area worth mentioning due to the extremely high penalties by the Treasury Department for failure to report foreign accounts, and it has been a hot-button issue that has raised billions in revenues. The above is not an exhaustive list, but it does describe many commonly seen areas of concern. Prior articles are republished on my website at www.tlongcpa.com/blog. IRS Circular 230 Notice: To the extent this article concerns tax matters, it is not intended to be used and cannot be used by a taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed by law. Travis H. Long, CPA is located at 706-B Forest Avenue, PG, 93950 and focuses on trust, estate, individual, and business taxation. He can be reached at 831-333-1041.



• June 13, 2014


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June 13, 2014 • CEDAR STREET


PACIFIC GROVE $1,521,450

PACIFIC GROVE $1,949,000

PACIFIC GROVE $1,215,000

Times • Page 19

J.R. ROUSE 831.277.3464

jr@jrrouse.com | www.jrrouse.com

OPEN SUN 11:30-2

OPEN SAT 12-3:30 SUN 2:30-4:30

SPRECKELS | 88 Nacional Avenue Charming Craftsman style home. 5 bedrooms, 3.5 bath. 2 story home with large living spaces, a downstairs bedroom with private bath. Lovely front and backyards. Stainless steel appliances, upgraded flooring. A must see home. $689,000

PACIFIC GROVE | 212 9th Street Walk into this sweet cottage and enjoy all the finishes which include hand distressed wide plank solid hickory floors througout. Custom kitchen with granite, vaulted ceilings. Just 2 blocks to the bike trail & Aquarium. $649,000

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• June 13, 2014


MONTEREY/SALINAS HWY | 11971 Saddle Rd. Incredible 180 degree ocean & mountain views from this 4BR/4.5BA with guest quarters. Gated and fenced for privacy. $2,200,000

PEBBLE BEACH | 3137 Stevenson Drive In the heart of Pebble Beach, offering 4BR plus office and 2.5BA, including 3 fireplaces, Jerusalem stone floors, & vaulted ceilings.$2,150,000

MONTEREY | $1,695,000 Gorgeous estate property on nearly 1/3 of an acre in Peters Gate. Gourmet kitchen, peek of the bay and terraced patio.

Sharon Swallow 831.241.8208

Paul Riddolls 831.293.4496

Gin Weathers, Charlotte Gannaway 831.594.4752

OPEN SAT 1-3, SUN 1-4



MONTEREY | 877 Via Mirada Located on a 3/4 acre lot with beautiful gardens, this 4BR/ 3BA features 2 fireplaces, 3-car garage & extensive deck. $1,250,000

PACIFIC GROVE | 217 Crocker Avenue Best value Asilomar area. Single level remodeled 4 bedrooms and 3 baths which includes separate guest cottage on 1/4 acre of lush landscaping. $1,050,000

MONTEREY | 1120 Roosevelt Street This warm and charming Spanish-style, remodeled 2BR/2BA home is located on President’s Hill. $765,000

Christina Danley 831.601.5355

Deane Ramoni 831.917.6080

Joan DeMers 831.277.0160

OPEN SAT 1-4, SUN 1-3

MONTEREY | $675,000 Unique post-adobe style 5BR/4BA ranch home. Wood plank floors, cellar style work room & laundry room.

PACIFIC GROVE | 224 19th Street from downtown PG. “Holly’s House” is a cute 2BR/1BA beach house with hardwood floors. $650,000

MONTEREY | $609,900 Located next to the golf course, this house offers 3BR/2BA with hardwood floors, lots of light & new paint.

Arleen Hardenstein 831.915.8989

Judy Midgley 831.596.0027

Bran Kovac 831.420.8000

MONTEREY PENINSULA BROKERAGE | sothebyshomes.com/monterey Pacific Grove 831.372.7700 | Carmel-by-theSea 831.624.9700 Carmel Rancho 831.624.9700 | Carmel Valley 831.659.2267 Sotheby’s International Realty and the Sotheby’s International Realty logo are registered (or unregistered) service marks used with permission. Operated by Sotheby’s International Realty, Inc.

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