Cedarstreettimes01 03 14

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In This Issue


Sat. Jan. 4, 3:00 PM

Lecture: The Devil’s Cormorant Pacific Grove Museum $5 (Free to Members) •

Sat., Jan. 4

MST Job Fair 1 Ryan Ranch Rd., Mtry. 9 AM-1 PM, 393-8114

• Sat., Jan. 4

New Exhibit Opens - Page 10


Sat., Jan. 4

Sat.-Sun., Jan. 4-5

Musical Auditions Golden Bough Playhouse Appt. Only, 622-0100, x 100 •

Mon,, Jan. 6

Non-Musical Auditions Golden Bough Playhouse Appt. Only, 622-0100, x 100 •

Tue., Jan. 7

Volunteer Training Save Our Shores Office 5:30-9 PM, Free 462-5660 •

Thu., Jan. 9

Repub. Women Lunch Rancho Canada 11:30 AM. $22/$25 375-3573 •

Thu., Jan. 9-Mar. 13

Beginning Drawing Class Carmel Visual Arts 6-9 PM, $450 620-2955 •

Fri., Jan. 10

Art Opening Reception PG Art Center 7-9 PM, Free 372-2208 •

Fri., Jan. 10

Art Reception Sally Griffin Ctr. 9 AM-5 PM, Free 372-2841 •

Sat. January 11

PGHS Pool Reopening Ceremony 1:00 •

Sat., Jan. 11

Audubon Field Trip Moonglow Dairy 7:30 AM-Noon, Free 262-0782 •

Mon., Jan. 13

Diabetes Lecture Monterey Library 6-7:30 PM, Free 646-5632 •

Thu., Jan. 16 Intro to Tai Chi PG Art Center 2-3 PM, $10 278-6062 •

Inside 100 Years Ago in Pacific Grove........... 6 Animal Tales & Other Random Thoughts............... 17 Finance............................................ 15 Green Page....................................... 19 Legal notices.................................... 16 Marriage Can Be Funny.................... 16 Otter Views....................................... 17

Green Resolutions - Page 19

Pacific Grove’s

“Luminous Color” Opening Art Reception\ Carmel Art Association 5-7 PM, Free 624-6176 • History Walk Old Fisherman’s Wharf 10 AM-Noon, $20/$15 521-3304 •

Year in Review Part 4- Page 13

Jan. 3-9 2014

Your Community NEWSpaper

Brown Act Violation Charges hit Supervisors

Vol. VI, Issue 17

Asilomar on New Year’s Day

By Marge Ann Jameson The County Board of Supervisors has been accused of violating the Brown Act in its closed-door meetings concerning performance evaluations of David Chardavoyne, general manager of the Monterey County Water Resource Agency. It would appear that, after seven closed-door sessions on the matter, employee evaluation is not at all what they were talking about. It was water. Specifically, it was about the sale of water from the Salinas River Watershed to California

See BROWN ACT Page 5

A shorebird contemplates its resolutions. Photo by Craig Riddell.

Part III: Pacelli at the UNHRC

Refugees often have nothing but hope

By Marge Ann Jameson

There have probably always been refugees of one sort or another. War and revolution; famine; floods and droughts; ethnic cleansing and religious zeal have all played their parts. Civilian populations have sought to escape imperialism, random conflict and civil war. To this day, huge populations ebb and flow across borders and even oceans, seeking safety and sometimes just hoping for a better life. They probably always will. In modern times, television and the open exchange of information have for example brought down the Berlin Wall, and, along with economic crises, also helped in the tearing down of the Iron Curtain. Despots and dictators are falling. The United Nations High Commission for Refugees is as old as the United Nations itself and was first established to confront the crisis of “displaced persons” after the end of World War II. If anything, its job has become more difficult. Refugees aware of television and news reports hope and expect continuing international coverage of their plight, even after it is “solved” and they are repatriated. They want a world spotlight on their situation. They see safety in the presence of the news media. The UNHRC is very mindful of this.

This video was shot from the inside of a car as a UNHRC employee and driver sat in the front seat and Pacelli filmed from the back seat as they made their way through the crowd of hungry, angry Somalis.

h t t p s : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m / watch?v=_nfTqVlzo7g&feature=youtu. be The agency may also be seeking to, at a minimum, gain support from neighboring countries for supporting refugees and if not, to embarass them into taking action. In the 1990s, there were huge populations on every continent, with the possible exception of South America, which were either awaiting repatriation or seeking to leave their homes, made untenable, for an uncertain future in a foreign country. To underscore and broadcast the urgent need the UNHRC hired camera people to

record the situations wherever they occurred. This would not only provide that safety net that the refugees believed would be theirs, but would enable the UN to seek assistance from countries with resources – Japan, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States among others. Pacific Grove’s Bob Pacelli had taken a job with the UNHRC and had moved to Geneva with his wife, Clemencia. His first assignment was to cover the repatriation of thousands of South Africans who had been living in Kenya and Tanzania but who, with the dissolution of the apartheid government, were finally going home. It was a home some of them had never even seen. He met, separately, Winnie and then Nelson Mandela. Later, he filmed refugees in Afghanistan and some of the more than 360,000 Cambodians repatriated to their country in 1992-93. There were some 1.3 million Kurds who fled to Iran, and more than 450,000 who went to Turkey. Somalis fleeing internal conflict and famine were crossing the border into Ethiopia along with 200,000 Ethiopians who had fled their own country and were repatriating. The biggest problem the UN faced was feeding and sheltering these people in places where



Times • January 3, 2014


food was scarce to begin with and relief supplies were hijacked and sold. Pacelli was sent to Kenya to record the plight of the Somali refugees, frantic for food and water and frightened to be returned to their homeland. He relates, “So I am in Tanzania filming for the first earth conference when I get a call from Geneva to fly to Nairobi, Kenya. There was some kind of problem, it was very vague. But as I got near to the UNHCR office in Nairobi, there were hundreds of very angry men were pounding on the gate. And press was everywhere. The government had troops standing by. And by chance I am the highest ranking officer from UN HQ. “So I go back to the hotel and stash the camera and return, only now the mob is bigger. I push and make my way to the front of the gate and get close to the entrance which was blocked by the Somalians who were yelling about how ‘the UN was letting their people die.’ About a foot away from armed guards with their

weapons drawn, I was right behind the Somalians when the crowd surged and pushed me and I fell right on top of a few protesters and ended up at the feet of the armed guards with the clicking sounds coming from the their guns that were now pointed at me. . .As I started to get up I put my hand into my pocket and pulled out my Blue UN passport and held it out like I was using a crucifix to push a vampire away and proclaimed in my deepest voice UN OFFICIAL GENEVA! It worked. I made it the last two feet and got inside the gate.” Pacelli was lucky. It could have gone either way. UNHRC representatives have been killed, including a driver in Bosnia while Pacelli was in Yugoslavia. The conflict in the Balkans proved to be the straw that broke the camel’s back for Pacelli, and he resigned soon after and returned to Pacific Grove. The UNHRC was charged with repatriating more than a million refugees and displaced persons after the supposed demilitarization of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

He rode with convoys of refugees and supplies through a land torn by civil war and suffering from an attempted ethnic cleansing of Muslim citizens. He still has a dog-eared map that he carried then and which guided the convoys safely through mine fields and past checkpoints and militia. He has a transcription of an interview he recorded with some refugees. In the middle, the refugee is asked what his plans are, and he responds: “Plans. I couldn’t tell you what I plan. But there is that old proverb, ‘A rabbit prefers to die on the same spot where it is born.’ And it usually does. So, I would like to do the same. But if the situation is as it is right now, I will never go back. Never. For we lived 40 and some years and nobody ever said a bad word to anybody.”

Pacelli says, “What started with the simple question from Clemencia, ‘Remember the time you met him in Geneva?’ after the news of Nelson Mandela’s death... to finding, on New Year’s Eve, a map I used on convoys in Yugoslavia. . . I was taken back to a time and place that I think a lot of people in Pacific Grove have, in one way or another been to, be it a solider or a Red Cross worker/UN translator, Peace Corps worker or the many refugees who live in our community, and families who came here for a better life. I think it’s time to hear those voices because the horrors that we shared still exist and are still growing worldwide. The stories about hope and despair along with doing one’s duty for humanity all have a common goal. We need to just keep trying in our own small way and someday. . .well, we can hope.”

Refugees are old, young, and of every color and ethnic group


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Partly Cloudy

68° 43°

Chance of Rain

0% WIND: NW at 5 mph

Partly Cloudy

68° 43°

Chance of Rain

0% WIND: WNW at 4 mph



Mostly Sunny

67° 42°

Chance of Rain

0% WIND: SW at 4 mph




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Pacelli’s dog-eared map shows “safe” routes through war-torn Yugoslavia



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Partly Cloudy


Chance of Rain


Pacific Grove’s Rain Gauge Data reported by Jack Beigle at Canterbury Woods

Week ending 12-26-13.................................. .00 Total for the season..................................... 1.34 To date last year (04-20-12)....................... 10.86 Historical average to this date................... 5.67 Wettest year............................................................ 47.15 during rain year 07-01-97 through 06-30-98 Driest year................................................................. 9.87 during rain year 07-01-75 through 06-30-76

0% WIND: NW at 4 mph

Cedar Street Times was established September 1, 2008 and was adjudicated a legal newspaper for Pacific Grove, Monterey County, California on July 16, 2010. It is published weekly at 306 Grand Ave., Pacific Grove, CA 93950. Press deadline is Wednesday, noon. The paper is distributed on Friday and is available at various locations throughout the county as well as by e-mail subscription. Editor/Publisher: Marge Ann Jameson Copy Editor: Michael Sizemore News: Marge Ann Jameson Graphics: Shelby Birch Regular Contributors: Ben Alexander • Jack Beigle • Cameron Douglas • Rabia Erduman Rhonda Farrah • Dana Goforth • Jon Guthrie • John C. Hantelman • Kyle Krasa • Dixie Layne • Travis Long • Dorothy Maras-Ildiz • Neil Jameson • Peter Nichols • Richard Oh • Jean Prock • • Katie Shain • Joan Skillman Distribution: Duke Kelso, Ken Olsen

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January 3, 2014 • CEDAR STREET


Joan Skillman

Times • Page 3

Rotary will hear USAF General

The Pacific Grove Rotary Club, which meets at noon on Tuesdays,will have as the speaker on January 7, Gen. Michael Carns, Ret., USAF. The meeting will take place in The Troon Room at The Inn at Spanish Bay. Lunch is $20, reservations may be made by calling Jane Roland at 649-0657

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Times • January 3, 2014

Exhibit to open at Sally Griffin Center

Central Coast Art Association artists Sarah Leonard, Heidi McGurrin and Julie Heilman will host a reception to open an exhibit of their work from 5-7 p.m. on Friday, January 10 at the Sally Griffin Center. These three artists present a wide

array of vivid images in two dimensional media. Sarah Leonard has worked and taught youth in graphic design, stained glass and printing, but now specializes in a humorous eye toward animals, gardens and food using acrylic paints. A professional photographer, Heidi McGurrin

emphasizes energetic human contact through strong, colorful images in mixed media. Julie Heilman is known locally as a teacher of art to children through the Pacific Grove Art Center. The exhibit is open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday at the Sally

Griffin Center through March 7, and is sponsored by the Central Coast Art Association. The center is located at 700 Jewell Avenue, near Lovers Point. Refreshments will be served. Admission is free and the event is open to the public. Call 372-2841 for more information.

Left: “Big Wet Yellow Dog” – acrylic by Sarah Leonard

Above: “She Phoenix” – mixed media by Heidi McGurrin

Tai Chi offered at PG Art Center

Introduction to Tai Chi will be presented at the Pacific Grove Art Center on Thursday, January 16 from 2-3 p.m., and will continue on following Thursdays. The cost is $10 per session or $30 per month. Call instructor Jack Dodson at 278-6062 for more information or to register. Walk-ins accepted. The art center is located at 568 Lighthouse Avenue

Hootenanny celebrates Candlestick

This community sing-along and open jam will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of the last Beatles concert at Candlestick Park. Songbooks with words and chords are provided at: HOOTENANNY XCVIII, Sat., Jan. 18. from 7-9:30 P.M. P.G. Art Center, 568 Lighthouse Ave. P.G. Free with pot-luck snacks appreciated. For info. contact Vic Selby, 375-6141.

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January 3, 2014 • CEDAR STREET

PBROWN ACT From Page 1 American Water, among others. Ron Chesshire, a union official, obtained an agenda of the Nov 5, 2013 closed session meeting which was agendized to the public as a “performance evaluation” once again. The agenda, however, concerned the water sale. Chesshire, in his remarks at oral communication at the recent Board of Supervisors meeting, stated that the County in fact has made itself a partner with Cal Am rather than an overseer by reaching a settlement on Dec. 5, 2012 among the County, the water resources agency and Cal Am to forgive the County's obligations to regulate any water project proposed by Cal Am and now has made a serious violation of the Brown Act by conducting further negotiations behind closed doors. He also accused the County and Cal Am of asking the Public Utilities Commission administrative law judge to keep secret the reasons, documentation and costs leading to the Dec. 4, 2012 agreement a secret but also to destroy documents that had been inadvertently sent to the PUC. Norm Groot, general manager of the Monterey County Farm Bureau, and Nancy Isakson, executive director of the Salinas Vakley Water coalition, also spoke at the meeting, stating in strong terms their displeasure with the Board’s discussion of water matters being conducted without public participation. The Brown Act, which applies only to California city and county government agencies, boards, and councils, requires that those agencies hold deliberations in public. Exceptions include real estate negotiations, pending litigation, public

security, labor negotiations. A closed session, under the law, cannot include any discussion that is not noticed for discussion on the agenda. County Counsel Charles McKee has apparently told the Board that giving direction to Charavoyne on how it wishes negotiations to be handled is allowable under the Brown Act, but that's a stretch according to other legal opinion. The First Amendment Coalition opines that “The closed session cannot include a discussion of other matters, even if they are closely related to the employee's evaluation.” Pacific Grove City Attorney David Laredo told Cedar Street Times that he could see how an employee evaluation could be postponed, then appear on the next agenda time after time as it might be of lesser importance than other items on the closed session agenda. To the public, it would appear that the employee was “being called on the carpet” again and again. But he pointed out that other items discussed at the closed session must still be agendized. Chesshire's comments amount to a demand that the Board of Supervisors “cure” the action taken behind closed doors. The demand is the first part of the legal procedure to correct the violation. After the notice, and within 90 days, the agency (in this case, the Board of Supervisors) must bring the item to an open public meeting, hold deliberations in public and take public input, and vote to ratify the action. Penalties for violation are not much more than a slap on the wrist and a promise not to do it again.

20-Day Crackdown Results in Eight Percent Rise in Arrests No one killed in holiday period ending Jan. 1

DUI suspects killed no one over the 20-day Avoid the 20 crackdown on the crime in Monterey and San Benito counties. The enhanced enforcement ended at midnight on New Year's Day. Officers and deputies arrested 120 DUI suspects since the enforcement event began on Dec. 13, up eight percent from last year's total of 111. This brings the DUI arrest total to 2,089 since Avoid the 20 began eight years ago. CHP officers pulled in 67 DUI suspects, accounting for 56 percent of all arrests during the period. Salinas police arrested 17 and Monterey police arrested 13. All other jurisdictions came in with zero to four arrests. Avoid the 20 will hit the road again for Super Bowl Sunday. The California Office of Traffic Safety funds Avoid the 20 through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Two-Car Collision Results in Airlift of Injured Driver

On Jan. 1 at approximately 12:21 p.m. Pacific Grove Police Department, Monterey Fire Department, and AMR Ambulance personnel responded to the area of First St. and Oceanview Blvd. regarding a multiple injury automobile collision. An initial assessment indicates the driver of a Ford Escort station wagon was driving southbound on First St. and rear-ended a Ford Taurus being driven southbound on First St. The Ford Escort then struck a parked vehicle and stop sign before coming to a complete stop. The driver of the Escort and two passengers in the Taurus were transported via ground ambulance to Community Hosptal of the Monterey Peninsula with complaints of pain. The driver of the Taurus was transported via air ambulance (helicopter) to San Jose Regional Hospital due to complaints of abdominal and chest pain from blunt force trauma caused by striking the steering wheel of his vehicle. The matter remains under investigation by the Pacific Grove Police Department. If you have any information regarding this incident, please contact the Pacific Grove Police Department at 831-648-3143.

Times • Page; 5

Marge Ann Jameson

Cop log

12/21/13 to 12/27/13

Um, Was This Erratic Driving?

Steve Wilson committed several traffic violations. The officer who pulled him over found he was driving under the influence. He was arrested, cited and released.

Hit and Run with DUI

Oliver Levingston was contacted in his driveway about a hit and run collision and was found to be intoxicated. He was arrested, booked, and released on bail

Who Am I Today?

A vehicle check turned up four different fake ID cards. Individual was arreted, transported and booked.

Look for a Suspect Dressed as Joe Montana

Reporting party ordered a Joe Montana 49er jersey, a San Francisco 49er bag, a cap, and a pair of slippers. They were shipped, apparently, bit the reporting party didn't get them. Fed-Ex said they left the items on her doorstep. Fed-Ex and the shipper are looking into it and said they would resend the items if they had been returned. The reporting party doesn't know whether they were stolen or not

A Big, Striped Kitty Wearing a Mask

Someone on Presidio reported their neighbor was feeding raccoons. The officer found six white paper plates under a table on the porch, mounded with food. The Animal Control Officer got a hold of the owner. They said they were feeding a feral cat, but the ACO reminded them that they should only leave enough out for the cat because six full paper plates would attract raccoons.

Moving Stop Sign

A moving truck moved a stop sign while making a turn, No injuries, sign was replaced by Public Works.

Lost in the Crowd, But Saved by Scouting Skills

A 7-year-old got forgotten when a family of 10 went to the beach and left for home without him. A nose count revealed the boy was missing and the family returned to get him. Meanwhile, an adult noticed the boy looking scared and reported it. The boy used his scouting skills and remained where he was until the family came to the rescue.

That'll Show Him!

A woman smashed a window pane in the back door with her fist and cut her hand. The reporting party said she had poured a bottle of water over his head.

That'll REALLY Show Him!

A woman threw a cup of hot water at the father of her child. Investigation revealed it was only a verbal dispute, however, and no arrests were made.

Lost and Found

A wallet was reported lost near 18th and Lighthouse. Another wallet was reported lost at Country Club Gate. Some money was found and turned in and the reporting party wants it if no one claims it. There were lots of lost tempers, too, but many were found by the time officers arrived.

Must Have Gone Out of Their Way

A woman on Forest reported her car had been hit while parked in her car port. There are two scratches on the left front bumper. A person took a turn too fast on Congress, which made him jump the sidewalk and damage his own vehicle.


Two vehicle struck each other and two subjects sustained injuries which required transport to CHOMP. A secondary collision also occurred but there were no injuries. A woman reported her car had been struck while parked. She took it in to have an estimate done and was advised to make a police report even though the other driver had admitted it and there was a witness. A DUI driver rearended another vehicle on Lighthouse. Two vehicles were parked side-by-side at Otter Point. The rear passenger door of Vehicle #1 opened into the passenger door of Vehicle 31 and damaged the paint.

Shades of Alice's Restaurant

A person saw someone dump approximately 11 bags of trash into a dumpster on Forest. He confronted the dumper at the dumpster but the dumper escaped. Officers unable to identify him. Apparently there was no envelope at the bottom of the pile. You have to be an Arlo Guthrie fan to get this one.

Ayurvedic practitioner diabetes talk Ayurvedic practitioner Jeff Turner will present “Diabetes Treatment: Insights” on Monday, January 13 from 6-7:30 p.m., in the Monterey Public Library Community Room. Turner will discuss his clinical approach to the treatment of this almost epidemic health problem. The lecture is part of The Next Chapter: Designing Your Ideal Life lecture series. Adults are invited to attend and admission is free. Reservations are required and may be made by calling 646-5632 or e-mailing thongchu@monterey.org. The Monterey Public Library is located at 625 Pacific Street, Monterey. For more information visit www.monterey.org/library. This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Monterey Public Library and the Monterey Public Library Endowment Committee.

Missing At-Risk Person Found

Vicky Martinez was reported missing on Dec. 28. She was reported as a stroke victim, subject to occasional bouts of confusion. A “Be On The Lookout” was issued by Pacific Grove Police and the search was joined by not only her neighbors, but various media outlets. Martinez had been seen getting into a cab and was reported to have gone to Salinas. She later returned home and is reported safe.


Times • January 3, 2014

Jon Guthrie’s High Hats & Parasols

Joy Welch

100 Years Ago in Pacific Grove Please bear in mind that historical articles such as “High Hats & Parasols” present our history — good and bad — in the language and terminology used at the time. The writings contained in are quoted from Pacific Grove/Monterey publications from 100 years in the past. Please also note that any items listed for sale in “High Hats” are “done deals,” and while we would all love to see those prices again, people also worked for a dollar a day back then. Thanks for your understanding.

950 Balboa Ave., Pacific Grove Stunning Bay Views Quality construction Awesome location Price: $850,000

Main line

New Year’s prayer God grant me love of mind and heart / that when I enter the new year / I’ll clasp my brother’s hand and say / Godspeed, and help him on his way / God grant me strength of mind and heart / that when I enter the new year / I’ll see good in every mother’s child and not one upstart / God grant me love of mind and heart / that when I enter the new year / I will look beyond the simple clay and hope for immortality. God grant me faith of mind and heart / that when I enter the new year / I will fear no task that You may give to me / God grant me peace of mind and heart / that when I enter the new year / to struggling souls my life will be a beacon, reflecting Thee. Poem contributed anonymously. Gilroy inundated The flood which covered Gilroy’s business district after a levee break-through reached a depth of more than one foot, but has now begun to recede. This was the heaviest flood Gilroy has suffered in years, but the citizens feel that with prayer the out-of-season water has done 100 times as much good as damage. Practically all of the store basements in the deluged area, and all buildings south of Fifth street along Monterey street were flooded and contained goods were water-soaked and spoiled. Much was given to charity for immediate use, and that is the extent of damage except for the loss of several sheep, goats, and other domestic animals. John Freshnow, who lives just outside the city limits, warned that the new levee was broken in several places and many feet of Southern Pacific track washed out. Southern Pacific made immediate plans to re-route trains while repairs were made. 1 Fremont place adjoins Watsonville junction As indicated in a previous issue of the Review, development of the Watsonville junction - Fremont Place is coming along nicely and is about 75% complete. The Pajaro Trading Post reports that the surrounding area has now been surveyed and is ready for construction. The subdivision already has a main passage some 40 feet wide which will extend from the Salinas-Monterey road to the Southern Pacific track. The cross street will be called Holt street. McAllister avenue is viewed as the principal business district, and work has already begun on a fine hostelry. Many quality building lots have been surveyed and are ready for purchase. Those interested should contact the real estate agent at Wells, Fargo, and Company. More trouble in Soledad In Soledad, trouble is again afoot. Unknown men have thrown bottles through the windows of the store owned by F. E. Bailey. This morning, Bail came up to Salinas and swore out a complaint charging one Katechis, a restaurant man, with disturbing the peace. According to the story told by Bail to District Attorney Sargent and Justice Wallace, Katechis and accomplices threw several bottles against the building owed by Bail, then he approached and tried to shove the door open with his shoulder. Failing, Katechis then discharged a pistol and made himself offensive in other ways. These acts were said to have been witnessed and reported by several parties. There upon, Justice Wallace issued a warrant for Katechis’ arrest and placed it in the hands of an officer, for service. Booze was at the center of the problem. Whether or not to permit a drink in Soledad remains the question. Katechis is openly opposed to saloons, and is not afraid to say so. Bail is a liquor man, as are most men from Soledad as indicated by the results of a recent election authorizing the sale of liquor. Bail has indicated that he will see the matter through to the end. The attack upon Bail’s store has alerted everyone to the fact that they must be alert to riotous conduct. Pacific Grove, of course, remains peacefully dry, as it should forever. Here and there… • Mrs. Grant, the Grove’s most noted dancing teacher, has returned home after a visit to San Francisco. • Byron’s Troubadours, for years the headline attraction of the Chautauqua, have signed up for another stint. The troop will give a preview performance of their music on February 11, 1914, at St. Mary’s by the Sea. • Mrs. F. H. Holmshaw, from Colfax, and her two children are in the Grove visiting Mrs. H. M. Snapp. The Holmshaw family will be joined by Mr. Holmshaw in two weeks. • McCoy’s Transfer moves the world, or so they say. Trunks and suit cases, our specialty. Stop by 573 Lighthouse to get a deal on your entire home. Telephone, Main 283. • The factory made a mistake and duplicated the “pillows” order for the Lace house. These pillows will now be sold at cost rather than returned. They are stuffed with real, sanitized feathers and come in various sizes. This is your chance to get new goods at a price you cannot duplicate elsewhere. Posted by L. M. Nix, manager. On the corner of 18th at Lighthouse. 3 And the cost is... • Get your young man in the game. Culp’s on Lighthouse has everything needed for Knuckles Down, whether playing for funzies or for keepsies. Bags containing 2 solid taws and 12 beautiful marbles, 95₵ per set, bag included. 2 • Our spring stock of colorful wall paper has just arrived and is priced starting at 50₵ a roll when three rolls or more are purchased. A. A. Phillips, contractor, 171 Forest, PG. • Two jars of freshly canned vegetables cost you just 25₵ at Curnow &Curnow, grocers. Author’s notes… 1 1914 may have been an El Niño year, but why only in Gilroy? No reports have been discovered reporting flooding elsewhere. 2 “Knuckles Down” was a game played by children with marbles. In “funzies” all marbles were returned after the game. In “keepsies”, each player gained ownership of all marbles taken during play. 3 Factory “mistakes” were a frequent ploy to attract customers.

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St. Anselm’s Anglican Church Meets at 375 Lighthouse Ave. Sundays at 9:30 a.m. Fr. Michael Bowhay 831-920-1620 Forest Hill United Methodist Church 551 Gibson Ave., Services 9 AM Sundays Rev. Richard Bowman, 831-372-7956 Pacific Coast Church 522 Central Avenue, 831-372-1942 Peninsula Christian Center 520 Pine Avenue, 831-373-0431 First Baptist Church of Pacific Grove 246 Laurel Avenue, 831-373-0741 St. Mary’s-by-the-Sea Episcopal Church Central Avenue & 12 tsp.h Street, 831-373-4441 Community Baptist Church Monterey & Pine Avenues, 831-375-4311 Peninsula Baptist Church 1116 Funston Avenue, 831-394-5712 St. Angela Merici Catholic Church

146 8th Street, 831-655-4160

Christian Church Disciples of Christ of Pacific Grove 442 Central Avenue, 831-372-0363 First Church of God 1023 David Avenue, 831-372-5005 Jehovah’s Witnesses of Pacific Grove 1100 Sunset Drive, 831-375-2138 Church of Christ 176 Central Avenue, 831-375-3741 Lighthouse Fellowship of Pacific Grove PG Community Center, 515 Junipero Ave., 831-333-0636 Mayflower Presbyterian Church 141 14th Street, 831-373-4705 Central Presbyterian Church of Pacific Grove 325 Central Avenue, 831-375-7207 Seventh-Day Adventist Church of the Monterey Peninsula 375 Lighthouse Avenue, 831-372-7818 First United Methodist Church of Pacific Grove

915 Sunset @ 17-Mile Dr., Pacific Grove - (831) 372-5875 Worship: Sundays @ 10:00 a.m. Congregation Beth Israel 5716 Carmel Valley Rd., Carmel (831) 624-2015 Chabad of Monterey 2707 David Avenue, Pacific Grove (831) 643-2770

January 3, 2014 • CEDAR STREET

Times • Page 7

WhaleFest Monterey #4 at Fisherman’s Wharf WhaleFest will celebrate its fourth year in Monterey on Saturday and Sunday, January 25-26, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., building awareness of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary and helping to protect it. The festival is a free family event that celebrates the Monterey Bay, Old Fisherman’s Wharf and whales, while benefiting many local and national marine organizations. Among the highlights will be lectures related to ocean and marine life conservation presented at the Museum of Monterey Theater, documentary films sponsored by BLUE Ocean Festival organizers and book signings by some of the participating authors. There will be musical and theatrical performances with a maritime theme, and educational displays by non-profit organizations. The event will also feature a science credit program for students from university level to schoolchildren. The merchants on the Wharf will be serving a variety of small bites. The two days will feature a wide array of fun and informative activities including: • A 60-foot model gray whale • Live musical performances, including Nick Fettis and the Whales, Thom Cuneo’s Jazz Band, Monterey High School Jazz Band, Kuumbwa Jazz Band, and Michael Martinez • An appearance by Peggy Stap of Marine Life Studies with Whiskie the Whale Spotter • Whale watching trips on Monterey Bay, weather permitting, featuring an American Cetacean Society Benefit Whale Watching Cruise at 8 a.m. on Sunday, January 26 • A remote-controlled model sailing regatta by the Monterey Yacht Club • Lectures by world renowned scientists including Dr. Steve Palumbi , director

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of Hopkins Marine Station, Dr. Carol Reeb, research scientist at Hopkins Marine Station, William Douros of the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries and Dr. Michael Vincent McGinnis of the Monterey Institute of International Studies Expert panelists including scientists and business leaders “Sea creatures” from Save the Whales interacting with attendees and providing marine and event information Beach and street cleanups by the Wahine Project on Saturday, and Marine Life Studies and Save Our Shores on Sunday Historic walking tours A water display by Monterey’s Fire Boat Dissecting and other displays

The event is sponsored by the Old Fisherman’s Wharf Association and BLUE, a Global Oceans Film and Conservation Summit, Monterey Academy of Oceanographic Science and California State Parks. The following non-profit organizations will participate: American Cetacean Society, BLUE Ocean Film Festival and Conservation Summit, California Coastal Commission, California State Parks, Camp SEA Lab, the City of Monterey Environmental Program, Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University, Marine Life Studies, the Marine Mammal Center, Monterey Academy of Oceanographic Science, Monterey Green Action, the Monterey History and Art Association, the Monterey Public Library, the Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority, the Monterey Peninsula Yacht Club, the Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, the National Marine

Discover Pacific Grove... Keep it. Read it. Use it. or visit DiscoverPacifcGrove.com

Sanctuary Foundation, the Pacific Grove Museum , the Pacific Shark Research Center , PUACF, Save Our Shores, Save the Whales, the Surfrider FoundationMonterey Chapter, the Marine Mammal Center, the Otter Project, the U.S. Coast

Guard Auxiliary and the Wahine Project. For more information, to volunteer or to become a sponsor, call Bob Massaro at 649-6544 or email Bob at bmassaro@ bostrommanagement.com or visit www. montereywharf.com.

Marine photography fundraiser for Whalefest and Museum of Monterey

Whalefest Monterey and Museum of Monterey are hosting an exhibit of local marine life photos at the Museum of Monterey through Jan. 26. Dozens of unique marine-themed photos were taken by Santa Cruz and Monterey County amateurs and some professional photographers and donated for a drawing to benefit the two non-profits. Tickets are $5 each or five for $20 and are available at the Museum of Monterey during their opening hours, Wed.-Sat., 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sunday, noon to 5 p.m. Tickets are placed into boxes next to photos to enter to win each photo. Winning tickets will be drawn on Sun., Jan. 26 during Whalefest Monterey. Winners do not need to be present to win. On Fri., Jan. 17 from 5-8 p.m., Museum of Monterey will host a “Fins, Funds and Photos!” reception to benefit Whalefest Monterey and the Museum of Monterey. All exhibits will be open and tickets for the photo drawing will be available for purchase. Admission to the reception is free, although donations at the door are always welcome. There will be live music and a complimentary appetizer will be served. Award-winning wines from Hahn Estates, Chock Rock, Hess Collection, Joullian, Scheid and others will be available for purchase by the glass. The museum is located at 5 Custom House Plaza in Monterey. Call 372-2608 for more information.

Home For The Holidays! Bring home some love for the holidays...and for ever! Adopt a friend from AFRP

Clara Bell is a 2-year-old spayed female who was found living in an abandoned school bus in a wrecking yard; sweet and shy. Hope is a blind 1-year-old spayed female who came to us from Vietnam after being used for eye-removal practice by vet students.

Mercy is a blind 1-year-old neutered male who came from Vietnam with his friend Hope, they’d like to be adopted together. Princess is a 4-year-old spayed female calico with green eyes and a colorful coat; perfect match for a calm and quiet household.

Main Adoption Center 560 Lighthouse Ave. Pacific Grove Hours: Every day from 12:00 - 5:00 pm AFRP Treasure Shop 160 Fountain Ave. Pacific Grove Hours: Monday 10:00 - 6:00 pm

Tuesday - Saturday 10:00 - 4:30 pm Sunday 1:00 - 4:30 pm (831)-333-0491

P.O. Box 51083 Pacific Grove, CA 93950 Phone: (831) 333-0722 Fax: (831) 333-1956 info@animalfriendsrescue.org

TO SPONSOR THIS AD CALL REBECCA 831-324-4742 AFRP is a non-profit 501(c)(3) Corp. TAX ID NO. 77-0491141


Times • January 3, 2014

Rising International fundraiser to be held at Cibo

Rising International and Cibo Ristorante Italiano will hold a “Kick Off the New Year Celebration, Reception, Dinner and Global Marketplace Event Fundraiser” to benefit Rising International’s programs that help women locally and globally The event will be held at Cibo at 301 Alvarado in downtown Monterey on Thursday, January 23 from 5-10 p.m. The event kicks off with a happy hour reception and complimentary light appetizers served from 5-7 p.m. Ample parking is available in the adjacent parking garage. Throughout the evening, there will be shopping at the Rising International Global Marketplace that features handmade products made by international artisans. Attendees are encouraged to stay and enjoy dinner and cocktails from 7-10 p.m., as well as live jazz by the David Holodiloff Gypsy Jazz Trio. Cibo will donate 20 percent of the proceeds from the dinner for those who mention they are there to support Rising International. Rising International is a non-profit organization. Please call 6498151 for reservations and mention Rising International. January is also Human Trafficking Awareness Month and the event will feature products made by human trafficking survivors in the Global Marketplace. Human Trafficking is defined as “the recruitment, transport, transfer, harboring

or receipt of a person by such means as threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud or deception for the purpose of exploitation.” A conservative estimate of the crime puts the number of victims at any one time at 2.5 million. It affects every region of the world and generates tens of billions of dollars in profits for criminals each year. In the U.S., human trafficking tends to occur around international travel-hubs with large immigrant populations, notably California and Texas. The U.S. Justice Department estimates that 17,500 people are trafficked into the country every year, but the true figure could be higher, because of the large numbers of undocumented immigrants. Rising International and the trafficking survivors empowerment non-profit, Made By Survivors, have joined forces to produce a line of jewelry and other handmade items made by trafficking survivors. Made by Survivors is an international nonprofit organization which employs and educates survivors of slavery and other human rights abuses. Life changing works of art are made by the survivors in the organization’s after-care centers and will be available at the special global market place at Cibo Ristorante Italiano in honor of Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Proceeds assist with the survivors’ educational, nutritional and housing costs. Human trafficking is tragically preva-

Monterey Symphony Friends present their fourth annual mystery dinner

The Monterey Symphony’s fourth annual mystery dinner, “A Flight to Nowhere,” an original mystery play by Tony Seaton, will take place on Sunday, March 10 at The Clement Monterey, 750 Cannery Row. Cocktails will be served at 5 p.m.; dinner will be served at 6 p.m. Proceeds will benefit the Monterey Symphony. The play, a mystery in two acts, focuses our attention on the aftermath of Stone Shale’s plane crash where suspicion about the loss of this esteemed public citizen is immediately cast upon his lawyer, his accountant, his secretary and his wife. It’s up to Francie LeVillard, the world’s finest consulting detective since Sherlock Holmes, to get to the truth in this spellbinding tale of greed, lust and sabotage. Marcia Hayes.will serve as program host. The cast includes Georgia Nevarez as the stage manager; Tony Seaton as the narrator; Betty Carpenter as the narrator’s wife, Elmira Gulch Shale; Michelle Lange as the narrator’s secretary, Alyce Toking; Stancil Johnson as Boynton Chubbs, the narrator’s law partner; Martin Needler as Kurt Kruncher, the narrator’s accountant; Amy Treadwell as Francie LeVillard, the consulting detective; Fred Lawson as Telford “Bogie” Spivac, the county sheriff and Jean Hurd as Francesca, the waitress. The play is directed by Marti Myszak. Restaurateurs with cameo roles are Greg Profeta of The Forge; Tobias Peach of 1833; Christian Pepe of Vesuvio; Jonathan Bagley of The Cypress Inn and Ted Balestreri, Jr. of The Sardine Factory. Ticket prices range from general seating to VIP opportunities. Valet parking is included with all sponsorships and tickets. Overnight packages are available at The Clement. To purchase your tickets please call 645-1127 or order online at www.montereysymphony.org/special-events.

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lent worldwide, with devastating statistics. Slavery is the fastest growing criminal industry; there are more slaves today worldwide than ever, over 27 million. It’s estimated that over a million people are being sold every year. Eighty percent are women and girls, and up to 50 percent are minors. Victims work against their will in brothels, night clubs, massage parlors and nail salons, and in the process must face constant assaults on their physical and emotional well-being. Based in Santa Cruz, Rising International recently celebrated its 10th Anniversary. It is dedicated to reducing poverty, trafficking and other horrific conditions for women locally and globally. Through purchases of hand-crafted products made by Rising International artisans from 20 of the world’s poorest countries using the popular “home party” model, these women make enough money to improve their living conditions and leave what were previously hopeless situations. It is a simple and effective approach that has

changed thousands of lives. The organization empowers women to earn money themselves. Significantly, these local women entrepreneurs in America also acquire important career-building skills, including leadership, business, sales and presentation skills that help them obtain better jobs, in addition to earning life-changing supplemental income. For example, former East Salinas resident Susana Camberos, who had lost a brother to a driveby shooting, used her earnings to move her family to a safer neighborhood. Santa Cruz native Paula Smith earns an average of $30 per hour running her own business. A domestic violence and cancer survivor, Smith never imagined herself as self-assured public speaker. Today, she is often found on stage at Rising International events sharing her triumphs and inspiring other women to believe in themselves. For more information, to host a home party, volunteer or donate, go to www. risinginternational.org.

January 3, 2014 • CEDAR STREET

Pacific Grove Breakers vs. Everett Alvarez Eagles Monday, Dec. 30, 2013

Pacific Grove

Sports & Leisure

By Andrew Chyo

Ben Alexander

HALFTIME: After falling to the Eagles, 10-0, early in the first quarter, the Breakers battled back to even the score out at 10 to end the quarter.

Golf Tips

The Breakers started the second quarter strong, leading over the Eagles by as much as 8. The Eagles fought back during the second quarter to be within 1 point of the Breakers, but the Breakers broke away for the rest of the half to leave the score at 25-22, Pacific Grove. Lowell has 6 in the half, Buttrey has 5. Pacific Grove to inbound the ball to start the half.

Times • Page 9

Ben Alexander PGA PGA Teaching Professional, Pacific Grove Golf Links, Bayonet Golf Course PGA Teacher Of The Year, No Cal PGA 831-277-9001 www.benalexandergolf.com

AFTER-GAME RECAP: After leading at the half, the Breakers kept strong for a couple of minutes into the third quarter. The Eagles then pushed hard to pass the Breakers through the third quarter to make it 40-33, Eagles. Even though the Breakers fought strong and hard to find their way past the Eagles, the Breakers were unable to navigate past the Eagles’ roadblock. Final score, Everett Alvarez Eagles 51, Pacific Grove Breakers 41. The leading scorer this evening, Luke Lowell, had 16. Second to Lowell, Chip Wagner had 6. The Breakers next face Harbor in Santa Cruz on Thursday.


Have you ever watched a golf tournament on the weekend on TV and seen the pro stop the ball when their golf ball hits the green? That's called back spin. Many of my customers ask me during golf lessons, “How do I get the ball to stop when it hits the green?” Well, here is the magic answer. When you are hinging or cocking the hands on the club, hinge the golf club up on the back swing; and on the down swing unhinge the hands. This lets you hit down on the ball. Second, make sure you transfer your weight to the left side or left foot about 75 percent at impact. This will create back spin on the ball. Many of you who don't transfer your weight and hinge your hands have trouble stopping the ball. Happy holidays. Congratulations Ben Alexander, named Monterey Bay Chapter PGA Teacher of the Year 2013!

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Thank you to our Advertisers! Here’s to a GREAT Year in 2014


Times • January 3, 2014

New year, new exhibits at PG Art Center

On Friday January 10 from 7-9 p.m. the Pacific Grove Art Center will host an opening reception for January’s exhibits. Studies of the feminine form, investigations of nature and inspiration from dreams are themes that weave together for these diverse exhibits. In the main galleries, we feature artwork from four talented artists whose styles vary greatly but have underlying common threads of nature, meditation and dedicated practice.

Also featured are drawings from Pacific Grove Community High School students, whose images reflect greater meaning of what matters; and the community outreach education program ArtSmart showcases collage work created by third graders. In the Elmarie Dyke Gallery Sevilla Granger’s “Painted Forest” will be exhibited, while Marie-Christine Safford’s “Botanical Symphony” will show in the Nadine Annand Gallery. Susan Reith’s “Life Studies”

and ArtSmart’s collagewwworks will show in the Louise Cardeiro Foyer. In the David Henry Gill Gallery, “Dreaming Woman” by Lee Lawson will be exhibited. Pacific Grove Community High School students’ “What Matters” is also showing. Last day to see the shows is Thursday, February 13. Gallery hours are Wednesday-Saturday from noon-5, and Sunday 1-4 p.m. Call 372-2208 for more information.

Central Coast painter Lee Lawson creates soft, approachable dreamscapes that echo a deep knowing of the heart’s inner landscape. Thoughtful figures gaze out while encouraging the viewer to join their magical, other-worldly experience.

In San Francisco painter Sevilla Granger’s work we find a meditative symbolic repetition of form in archetypal, yet simplified tree imagery. The trees’ beauty invites the viewer to ask what ancient wisdom is to be gleaned from pondering their existence…

Local artist Susan Reith’s figure studies portray the feminine figure in domestic repose. With a nod to Matisse, the work conveys loose, free line with the traditional use of pen and ink and charcoal.

French artist Marie-Christine Safford’s interest, love and respect of nature imbues her creative process. Tactile lumen prints and sensual stylized sculpture honor her desired expression of harmony and balance.

January 3, 2014 • CEDAR STREET

Two legendary photographers featured at new Monterey Museum of Art exhibit

The Monterey Museum of Art La Mirada will present “Extraordinary People: Portraits by Yousuf Karsh and Ansel Adams: Visions of Grandeur.” Exhibition dates will be January 16-March 31. The museum will be open on Thursday, January 16 from 2-8 p.m., with a special musical program that evening. Museum members will enter free; non-members will pay $10. An exhibition reception will be given Friday, February 7 from 6-8 p.m. The exhibit is curated and programmed by Karen Crews Hendon, the museum’s chief curator. Armenian-Canadian photographer Yousuf Karsh (1908–2002) is celebrated for photographing the most influential people of the 20th Century. Photographing more than 17,000 heroes and over 150,000 negatives in six decades, this exhibition encompasses over 50 international icons ranging from artists, writers, musicians; politicians, thinkers, scientists and celebrities on the silver screen and the sports arena. These photographs were generously donated to the museum by Estrellita Karsh and as a promised gift of Jerry Fielder and Daniel Campbell. Ansel Adams (1902-1984), one of the most legendary California photographers and conservationists, captured the rugged western landscape with intense sharp focus, harmony, and balance, championing black and white photography with a new modernist style. The photographs exhibited were generously donated to the museum by Virginia Adams in honor of Margaret W. Weston, and come from the Museum Set, a project Adams initiated in his last five years with the help of Maggi Weston and the Weston Gallery in Carmel, California. New hours for the museum are Thursdays, 2-8 p.m. and Fridays-Mondays, 11-5 p.m. the museum is closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays. On Thursday, January 16 at 6:30 p.m., guest musicologist Todd Samra will present “The Musical Figures of Yousuf Karsh,” weaving together works by Johann Sebastian Bach, Pablo Casals, Albert Schweitzer, Albert Einstein, Robert Frost, W.H. Audin, Joan Baez and Jean Sibelius. A musical performance by Aleksey Klyushnik of Youth Music Monterey County will also be offered

Wharf Walk will focus on history of Monterey fishing industry

The Sat., Jan. 4 Wharf Walk with historian Tim Thomas will focus on the history of the fishing industry in Monterey Bay. Walkers will meet at 10 a.m. at the head of the Monterey Wharf near the pink Harbor House store at #1 Old Fisherman’s Wharf. Advance reservations are required by calling Tim Thomas at 521-3304 or via email at timsardine@yahoo.com. The two-hour tour is for ages 10-adult only and the cost is $20 for adults and $15 for kids 10-15 years. Group rates are also available. For thousands of years people have made their living fishing the Monterey Bay, beginning with the Rumsien Ohlone, the native people of the Monterey area. From abalone to rockfish, everything was fished and utilized and the Monterey Bay was a multi-cultural stew, made up of whalers from the Azores, squid fishermen from China, salmon fishermen and abalone divers from Japan, and Sicilians fishing sardines in the “dark of the moon.” This tour of the Wharf and the waterfront will explore the history of the Monterey Wharf and waterfront, the native peoples, the abalone industry, whaling the bay and, of course, the legendary sardine industry.

Republican Women anounce monthly luncheon speaker

The monthly luncheon of the Monterey Peninsula Republican Women Federated will be held on Thursday, January 9 at Rancho Canada.The topic will be “Obamacare: Is it the Titanic or is it the Tip of the Iceberg?” The speakers are Randy and Cyndy Pierson, who own Pierson and Associates Insurance and have received numerous industry awards. The public is always welcome. Social time is at 11:30 a.m., and luncheon starts at noon. The cost is $22 for members and $25 for non-members. RSVP before Monday, January 6. Call Pat at 375-3573 or email Kelly Ann Foy at kaf61@hotmail.com. Rancho Canada is located at 4860 Carmel Valley Road.

Times • Page 11

Audubon Society planning field trips

The Audubon Society has announced several upcoming birding field trips. All trips are free and times are approximate. On Saturday, January 11 from 7:30 a.m. until noon, birders will observe shorebirds in the Jetty Road/ Moonglow Dairy area in Moss Landing In the event of rain the event will be canceled. If the entry to Moonglow is too muddy the event will re-locate to Zmudowski Beach. Everyone will meet at Wild Bird Haven. RSVP to Paul Fenwick at 262-0782. Andrew Molera State Park will be the birding site for Saturday, January 18. From 7:30 a.m. until 3 p.m. birders will hike approximately two miles through the park and may also visit Condor Overlook to look for California Condors. It is suggested that hikers bring lunches. The meeting place is Starbucks Coffee at Crossroads Center at Rio Road in Carmel. RSVP to Paul Fenwick at 262-0782. On Saturday, January 25 birders will meet at Wild Bird Haven to visit the mouth of the Carmel River to see songbirds, shorebirds and raptors like Osprey and

Peregrine Falcons. Times will be 8 a.m. until noon. RSVP to Bill Hill at 624-3300. On Saturday, February 1 from 9 a.m. until noon, an Ebirding workshop will be held using Bird Log at Laguna Grande Park. Participants should have an Ebird account and have downloaded the Bird Log app. The event will begin with meeting at th Russian Orthodox Church parking lot. RSVP to Rita Cabratello at 375-0794. On Sunday, February 2 the outing will be in Panoche Valley for bird and nature photography. There is a group limit of four cars and carpooling is required. Times will be from 7:30 a.m. until late afternoon. An RSVP to Chris Hartzell is required to get the meeting location. Call or 375-9533 or email c.hartzell@gmail.com. On Saturday, February 15 an all day trip will cover the Los Baňos National Wildlife Complex seeking wintering birds such as Sandhill Cranes and arctic nesting geese and other animals. RSVP to Nanci Adams at 728-5803 to get times and location.

Save Our Shores seeks new sanctuary stewards Save Our Shores will give their next volunteer training on Tuesday, January 7. The Sanctuary Steward Program gives the community an opportunity to become guardians of the California coastline. The training will be held at the Save Our Shores Office by the Santa Cruz Harbor. Volunteers will be trained how to lead beach and river cleanups and tabling events, and learn about the threats facing oceans today. “The Steward Program brings people together who all share a common interest and passion in our beautiful blue backyard. As a former Steward of 2010, I can assure you it brings amazing people into your life. People you wouldn’t normally connect with in the grocery store or at a gas station.” said Marina Maze, program coordinator at Save Our Shores. Any interested individuals are encouraged to come to 345 Lake Avenue, Suite A, in Santa Cruz, from 5:30-9 p.m. on January 7. Snacks and beverages will be provided. Interested individuals should fill out the Sanctuary Steward Application on the SOS website, www.saveourshores/stewards. For more information, please contact Marina Maze at 462-5660, extension 2 or email marina@saveourshores.org.

Drawing class for beginners scheduled for Thursdays

A beginning drawing class will be held on Thursdays for 10 weeks beginning January 9 from 6-9 p.m. The $450 cost for the 10-week class includes a textbook, a sketchbook, pencils, a kneaded eraser and a pencil holder. The class will meet at Carmel Visual Arts at the Barnyard Shopping Village. Developing the art of observation will be the principal aspect of the class. The way we perceive the world shapes our worldview and our approach to life. The ability to “see” is one of the most important aspects of creating a drawing. Participants in the class will be learning to gaze at a subject, discovering relationships between shapes, looking for subtle shifts in light and shadow, composition and perspective. The goal is an accurate rendering of any subject. Students will be working on classroom projects and will also be required to follow up each week in sketch journals. Instructor demonstrations are an important part of any session and take place often and when necessary. Attention will be given to different skill levels within the class. Contact Instructor Rich Brimer at 620-2955 or visit carmelvisualarts.com for more information.


Times • January 3, 2014

Year in Review

Sept. 27- Oct. 3, 2013 The SPCA for Monterey County will hold its 20th annual Wild Celebration on Sunday, October 6 from 2 to 5:30 p.m. at Holman Ranch located at 60 Holman Road just east of Carmel Valley Village. Gourmet food, fine wine and a wide variety of silent and live auction items will be featured, all to support The SPCA’s Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Center, the only center of its kind in Monterey County.

Over two mornings, volunteer interviewers from the community participated in mock employment interviews with seniors at Pacific Grove High School. The students prepared resumes stating a real or imagined job objective and were interviewed and then advised on interview techniques. The exercise is an annual event for Karinne Gordon’s English class. The Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History announces six place-based awards to be given to artists juried into the exhibition “Central Coast Landscapes: Celebrating Nature in Painting.” The exhibition opens Nov 9, 2013 and closes April 5, 2014. October 12-13 is Monterey’s History Fest or annual “history open house.” The weekend is full of activities to explore local history. Visit historic buildings and sites, join the “treasure a hunt for history” by following the path of clever clues, take one of the guided tours to some of California’s most historic places, attend the Constitutional Convention reenactment, visit a Civil War encampment with cannon musket firing demonstrations and a horse drawn ambulance.

Luminary female pioneer of the music world, award winning, historically iconic “Jazzwoman,” as featured in Jazzwoman magazine, recent recipient of San Francisco’s Yoshi Heritage Jazz Society award, Dottie Dodgion plays every Thursday night to audiences’ delight at the Inn at Spanish Bay. And she’s been playing there for seven years. Katie Shain and Mike Clancy interviewed this energetic senior citizen. Oct. 4-10, 2013 Two controversial voter initiatives are vying for support on the Nov. 5, 2013 ballot: Measures K and M. Each seeks to address future land use on the former Fort Ord Lands. A comprehensive Fort Ord

Reuse Plan was developed in 1995-96 and included input from stakeholders including the County of Monterey; the cities of Del Rey Oaks, Marina, Monterey and Seaside; the Fort Ord Reuse Authority (FORA) and the Local Agency Formation Commission, as prescribed by state law. Many individuals and groups also participated in the process of establishing the plan, including a veterans’ cemetery which already has gained two grants. Officer Eva Rasul likely will soon return to duty as School Resource Officer, serving the schools of the Pacific Grove Unified School District. Pacific Grove City Council approved funding of half the cost, and the other half will likely be approved by the school board when it meets Oct. 3. A group of downtown stakeholders -- property owners, business owners, City leaders, the Business Improvement District (a tax district downtown to which all downtown businesses belong) and the Chamber of Commerce -- and interested citizens have been meeting with Economic Development manager Kurt Overmeyer over a period of months to discuss various issues and potential solutions to the questions around bringing back a vital prosperous downtown area.

Forest Hill Manor’s Luau began with decoration of the dining room and lobby and leis, each with the Hawaiian parallel to our own names on them, and then the Luau dinner. Wow! There was whole roast pig, Mochico chicken, Kalua pork, gingered sweet potatoes, pineapple upside down cake, macadamia nut cream pie and assorted other salads and vegetables. The meal was followed by Ray Paul and Lee Durley, singing Hawaiian songs. LeeAnn and Brianna, a mother and daughter team did a variety of Hawaiian dances and demonstrated Hula dance moves. Oct. 11-17 2013 The US Department of Veterans Affairs has announced its intention to award the state of California $6.7 million to build the California Coast State Veterans Cemetery at Fort Ord. The funds will cover all construction costs associated with building Phase One of the cemetery. The project is estimated to cost $9.4 million. There are not only monarch butterflies in the Monarch Sanctuary, they were on parade last weekend, along with other insects, farmers, clowns, patriots, otters, moon jellies, and more. There were a few wannabe butterflies who will all too soon head off to grade school and their kindergarten year. Brave Middle School and High School band members donned their uniforms in the 80-degree weather and kept the little marchers in time as parents, townspeople and tourists dived for the shade. After five years of being printed at the Watsonville Register-Pajaronian, Cedar Street Times will now be printed by SF Newspapers. The venerable old press at the R-P is being retired. All customers and the Watsonville newspaper itself will be printed at other sites in the future.

mount on the list of improvements to be made downtown – and at the top of the “60-Day or Sooner” list – is extending the time limits of downtown parking to allow customers more time to shop and to patronize downtown merchants. Pacific Grove’s volunteer Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) experienced a banner year in 2013, adding to its cadre of trained first responders and building its supply of emergency resources. Volunteer numbers burgeoned from 35 to 48, with 3 more enrolled in the Golfers are supposed to replace their fall training program. turf divots in the divot holes – and many do, especially those who feel a sense of pride in their golf course. However, PG Golf Course gets lots of visitors who love to play our beautiful course; and many aren’t quite as conscientious as local golfers in the task of divot replacement. The result is that, if we want our course to look as beautiful as it can, the task of divot repair falls upon us locals. “Jerry's Kids is a group of older golfers who have taken it upon themselves to repair divots and replant with seed if necessary.

Oct. 18-24, 2013 A ribbon cutting was held this past Monday at Lighthouse Preschool, a parent cooperative preschool under the umbrella of Pacific Grove Adult school. A beautiful new play structure has been installed on the site to enhance the play experience of all of the children. Kim Biggio, lead teacher of Lighthouse Preschool, wrote a grant proposal to the Monterey Peninsula Foundation and the school was awarded $10,000 towards the purchase of the structure. Pacific Grove Unified School District contributed the additional $15,000 necessary to make this dream come true. The recent resignation of Mariphil Romanow-Cole, former principal of Forest Grove Elementary School, who accepted a position at the Monterey County Office of Education, set off a quick shuffle of administrators in Pacific Grove Unified School District, sending former Forest Grove principal Craig Beller back to Forest Grove from his position as principal at the Adult School and Community High School; moving Barbara Martinez away from the position of vice principal of Pacific Grove High into the breach to fill the principal’s position at the Adult and Community High schools, and moving Sean Keller from his English teacher position to become assistant principal at the high school.

Carnivorous plants number in the hundreds, if not thousands. Contrary to popular belief, these plants live not only in steamy, humid jungles but also in arid, desert environments. Dana Goforth wrote about ghoulish plants in her Diggin’ It column. The original copyright production of “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” opened at Santa Catalina School Theatre last weekend, and it’s overflowing with tricks and treats for the whole family. Nov. 1-7, 2013

During the Downtown Business Trickor-Treat event held Sat., Oct. 26, a family that included a kitty cat, an otter and a very small tiger met with Officer Mark Young at Rabobank. Business decorated and distributed treats. Pacific Grove Police Officers dispensed junior officer badges, too. After a nationwide recruitment, which stimulated much interest and many highly qualified applicants, the City is pleased to announce the selection of Steven Silveria as the new librarian. The second annual trick or treating event will be held in downtown Pacific Grove on Saturday, October 26 from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. Oct. 25-31, 2013 At recent Business Vitality Working Group meetings, one of the items para-

Pacific Grove’s mayor, Bill Kampe, and four other mayors (Chuck Reed of San Jose, Pat Morris of San Bernardino, Miguel Pulido of Santa Ana and Tom Tait of Anaheim) have submitted a ballot initiative for statewide pension reform to the Attorney General of the State of California and asked that she consider it as soon as possible. The recent leadership vacancy at Forest Grove Elementary School provided District Superintendent Ralph Gómez Porras the opportunity to promote well-qualified district employees into new leadership roles. Barbara Martinez, previous assistant principal at Pacific Grove High School is

January 3, 2014 • CEDAR STREET

2013 year in review now principal at the Pacific Grove Adult Education Center (AEC).

More than 1400 children and adults attended the recent Science Saturday at the Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History: Spiders & Snakes. Pat Stadille, a Carmel Middle School teacher, brought his collection of spiders -- including tarantulas -- which the children handled. Wally Brode from Stone’s Pet Shop is a terrarium specialist and he brought his pythons and boas. This young lady doesn’t appear to be impressed, however.

say that there was no more than one person -- the victim -- involved. Toxicology and autopsy results were returned in December, 2013 and proved inconclusive. Stuart Elder, 31, of Pacific Grove, on 11/8/13 will be formally charged with two counts of gross vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated, one each for the death of Pebble Beach residents Sharon Daly and Linda Larone plus a special enhancement of causing great bodily injury to a third person, Selvia Gattas. The charges are the result of an April 7, 2013 collision that left the two Pebble Beach women dead and Elder's companion, Gattas, seriously injured. Families of Daly and Larone have recently filed a civil suit in the matter. Nov 15-21, 2013 The City Council, at its recent meeting, approved the first reading of a new sign ordinance it hopes will not only streamline the permit process – a longterm goal – but will also result in a downtown with signage that's heavy on graphics and more attractive to customers.

Winning entries from the Hospice Foundation’s children’s art contest will be featured in Monterey Peninsula Airport’s new exhibition, “Youth Tributes: Honoring and Remembering,” with a free public opening on Fri., Nov. 1 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Nov 8-14, 2013 Measure G, the unique “tech bond” which would have provided money for Pacific Grove schools to purchase muchneeded technology for students, gained a simple majority from the outset of votecounting on Election Night, Tues., Nov. 5. The City Manager's suggestion that the Council issue a Request For Proposals for a number of jobs to be outsourced was aimed at more than one department and certainly more than one classification of job. A number of people spoke at the meeting and the bulk of individuals who addressed the Council were against any sort of outsourcing, but alternate suggestions were not forthcoming.

Signs which sprouted near City Hall in time for the Nov. 6 City Council meeting were also carried by protestors outside the meeting. They are aimed at the city’s aim to request proposals for outsourcing more city services, though no firm decision was made on whether or not to actually carry out the outsourcing. At 7:20 a.m. on Sun., Nov. 3, emergency personnel responded to several calls from the area of the Pacific Grove Golf Links and discovered a burned body at the scene of a fire at the men's restroom at Crespi Pond at the Golf Links. The building, which has since been repaired, was cordoned off with police tape. The fire appeared to have occurred outside the men's bathroom side and the fence was been virtually destroyed. I0nitial reports

There’s a lot of flap at the Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History about a new native butterfly habitat to be sited in the Native Plant Garden on the museum grounds. An exhibitions designer has been hired and a request for proposals for an architect went out last week. Staying true to the museum’s mission, it will only house native butterflies and plants. And staying true to the overwintering population of monarchs, it will only be open from May to August to avoid contamination of the visiting population with the captive one. But monarchs won’t be the only winged guests. The Friends of the Pacific Grove Public Library is one of the local charitable organizations chosen this year to participate in Monterey Gives! Monterey Gives! is an annual event sponsored by The Monterey County Weekly, in collaboration with the Community Foundation. Organizations are chosen based on the quality of their“big idea.” Robert Down Elementary School on Pine Avenue honored veterans and active military personnel on Friday, November 8. In the school “Ottertorium,” the students heard inspirational words from United States Army Sergeant First Class Timothy Keesecker. Sergeant First Class Keesecker and his sons, Carter and Jack, were the Masters of Ceremony for the event. Sergeant First Class Keesecker explained the history behind Veterans Day. Carter

“We call it the Shoe Strings concert. We emphasize collaboration instead of competition,” says Pacific Grove director Dave Hoffman of the third collaborative concert with Pacific Grove and Carmel High School orchestras. Carmel director is Brian Handley. The concert is an alternative to the annual grudge football game, the Shoe Game.

and Jack Keesecker led the students in the Pledge of Allegiance and in singing a patriotic song. A moment of silence was held in honor of deceased military members for their service in protection of our country. Nov 22-28, 2013

Is there anyone over the age of, say, 60 who doesn’t know all the words to “Hang Down Your Head, Tom Dooley?” The Kingston Trio performed Thursday, Nov. 21 at the Performing Arts Center in Pacific Grove (PG Middle School Auditorium) to a full house. Reiko K. Koo lived a quiet life in Pacific Grove. She married Bonok Koo,a Chinese immigrant who taught at the Defense Language Institute, in 1961 and they lived on Bishop Avenue. Mrs. Koo purchased a home on Jewell and an apartment on David in Monterey. After her husband of 25 years died in 1986, she lived out her life in Pacific Grove. She died in 2012. The apartment house and the home were sold, along with her furnishings and other personal belongings. Let the Monterey Bay Aquarium treat you this holiday season. Monterey County residents receive free aquarium admission between Sat., Dec. 7 and Sun., Dec. 15 during its annual community open house. Free admission for Monterey County residents is an annual thank you to the community for its support of the nonprofit aquarium. It’s a great time of year to experience the wonders of the aquarium. Admission is good for all aquarium exhibits and programs, including the far-out world of the Jellies Experience.

An early morning blaze at Peppers Mexicali Cafe at 170 Forest Ave. caused rerouting of pedestrians but did not disrupt the running of the Big Sur Half Marathon. Div. Chief Jim Brown told reporters that it was likely caused by a buildup of grease inside a flue. He estimated damage to the restaurant at $5,000 to $10,000. Responders had the fire under control before the 8:00 a.m. race. In an effort to curb motor vehicle fatalities and injuries caused by aggressive driving and speeding, California’s number one contributor to collisions, the California Highway Patrol has launched an enforcement and public education campaign to “help prevent unsafe driving and deadly collisions.” Nov 29-Dec. 6, 2013 Questions and accusations continue to swirl around now-retired Police Commander John Nyunt, whose estranged wife, Kristen Nyunt, has been ordered to stand trial on 43 charges including identify theft, forgery, credit card fraud and burglary. Pacific Grove Police Department

Times • Page 13

Chief Vickie Myers has confirmed that an internal investigation has been ordered, using an outside investigator, to determine Cdr. Nyunt's culpability in the case, if any. The Pacific Grove City Council at its Nov. 20 meeting tackled the issue of Pebble Beach Company’s proposed inclusionary housing in the Del Monte Forest . Council members Ken Cuneo and Dan Miller, along with Mayor Bill Kampe, cited the concerns raised by a number of Pacific Grove and Pebble Beach residents about the location of the proposed housing in "Area D" next to the Del Monte Park neighborhood.

Service dogs can provide a safety net for families living with Autism Spectrum Disorder, assisting with autistic behaviors as well as protecting from dangers such asbolting and wandering. Service dogs can also provide affection and communication outlets for children with autism. Pawsitive Service Dog Solutions is now available on the Monterey Peninsula. Get in the spirit this holiday season at the Arthritis Foundation’s 4th Annual Jingle Bell Run/ Walk for Arthritis®. Be one of the thousands of runners and walkers who hit the nation’s pavements, pathways and parks this winter to fight arthritis, the nation’s most common cause of disability, or just come out and cheer the teams on. Dec. 7-12 2013 The November 21 meeting of the Pacific Grove United School District Board was Mike Niccum’s last as a member of the board. After 10 years as a school board member, of which four (2007-2011) were served as chairman, Niccum felt it was time for him to step down now that he no longer has a child in the system.. Ronald Franklin Dillon of Salinas was arrested by Monterey County Sheriffs on charges of burglary, possession of burglary tools, possession of stolen property, possession of controlled substance,

In 1994, Fort Ord closed, leaving behind 28,000 acres...”Extraordinary Ord” explores the fort’s storied history, takes viewers deep into the 18,000 acres of epic wilderness, and examines the various proposals, successes and challenges faced on its behalf by the Monterey Bay community. This shot is of a prescribed burn undertaken by BLM to clear the area of unexploded ordnance. Film by Eric Palmer features interviews with local officials and others and was a featured selection at the Monarch Film Festival.


Times • January 3, 2014

2013 year in review possession of drug paraphernalia, illegal use of a police scanner, illegal U-turn, and probation violation. Evidence was found which linked him to burglaries on San Benancio Rd., Toro Park, and incidents in the Carmel Valley area.

The CCS Div. IV Championship game between the Pacific Grove Breakers and the Sacred Heart Prep Gators was an exciting one. The Dec. 7 game, played under the lights at Independence High School in San Jose, saw a number of fans make the trek to support the team, and even more watching a live stream on the Internet and following our play-by-play on Facebook and Twitter. It was a good one, but the Breakers went down to a powerhouse Sacred Heart team 56-21. Their ground-pounding style of play was more than our high-flying style could conquer. The long-anticipated second annual Monarch Film Festival will return on Wed., Dec. 11 and Thurs., Dec. 12 beginning at 4:15 p.m. at Lighthouse Cinemas in Pacific Grove. This two-day event features works from nine local film professionals and students as well as documentaries, features and shorts from all over the world. The awards ceremony and second screening featuring the winning selections will be the following day, Dec. 12 at 6:00 p.m. Join us in celebrating cinematic achievements from independent film makers, and enjoy the “Locals’ Corner” – films made exclusively by local film makers and students showing on the big screen, giving our home town a chance to support the local film making community. Dec. 13-19, 2013

A lone, large elephant seal climbed onto a Pacific Grove beach during the weekend and joined the hundreds of smaller harbor seals that frequent the place. The visiting elephant seal is an adult male, believed to be about 5 years old and weighs an estimated 1,600 pounds or more. The big guy shimmied to the top of the beach and slept there peacefully for the next few days. This is believed to be the sixth bull elephant to visit the Hopkins Marine Beach which has become a harbor seal rookery. It is hoped he will move on, but as of New Year’s Eve, he was still hanging out on the beach with his smaller cousins. Another water bond proposal has been put forth, and on Tues., Dec. 17 a hearing has been set which will focus on the looming water crisis and what the proposed water bond could do about it. Besides the

legislators scheduled to give opening remarks, including Assemblymember Mark Stone which represents our area, there will be testimony from: John Ricker, Director, Santa Cruz County Water Resources Division; Dave Stoldt, General Manager, Monterey Peninsula Water Management District; and Richard LeWarne, Assistant Director, Environmental Health Bureau, Monterey Department of Health Children and Christmas were everywhere on Caledonia Ave. on Sat., Dec. 7. At Caledonia Park, there was the 20th Annual Stillwell’s Fun in the Park with rides, bounce houses, a petting zoo and entertainment – including the Snowman and Snow Queen and of course Mr. & Mrs. Claus. Walking just a short distance to the other end of Caledonia Ave., families enjoyed indoor fun at the Pacific Grove Adult School’s Co-Op Preschool 33rd Annual Winterfest. The Children’s Store and General Store offered affordable presents that were gift-wrapped for free. There was plenty of delicious food at the Snow Café and the Bake Sale offered a variety of festive desserts. Prizes were won at the Ice Fishing game and children stood in line to have their faces painted. Many generous Pacific Grove businesses contributed prizes to the raffle.

John Koza, long-time director of the Camerata Singers, was profiled in our Dec. 13 issue. The singers made an appearance at the First United Methodist Church. El Dorado County District Attorney Vern Pierson has announced that the jury in the penalty phase trial of convicted serial murderer Joseph Michael Nissensohn has concluded. After deliberating for approximately 90 minutes, the jury returned with a verdict in favor of the death penalty. Dec. 20-26, 2013 Cristina Padilla, also known locally as “The Central Coast Bandit,” stands accused of robbing the Monterey Credit Union at 161 Fountain Avenue in Pacific Grove on New Year’s Eve 2011. If she is convicted of that charge, as well as 13 other charges she faces in San Luis Obispo County, she could be eligible for a “third strike,” making a life sentence a possibility.

An uncertain future: Young refugees boarded a plane in Tanzania bound for repatriation in an unsettled South Africa. Photo is a still from footage shot by Bob Pacelli on behalf of the UN. the death of Nelson Mandela brought back a flood of memories for the local cameraman, who chronicled the refugee crises of the 1990s for the United Nations and met Nelson Mandela and his then-wife, Winnie Mandela, on separate occasions.

Not just birders will want to hear this talk on Sat., Jan. 4 at 3:00 p.m. about the natural history of cormorants. Evolution has crafted the only creature on Earth that can migrate the length of a continent, dive and hunt deep underwater, perch comfortably on a branch of a wire, walk on land, climb up cliff-faces, feed on thousands of different species, and live beside both fresh and salt water in a vast global range of temperatures and altitudes, often in close proximity to humans.

The Pfeiffer Fire in Big Sur: An SPCA vehicle containing evacuee animals heads down the road into an eerie sunset. The SPCA rescued and relocated alpacas, goats, sheep, llamas, chickens and more. As of 6:00 pm. Wed., Dec. 18, officials advised that all but the chickens had been moved to other shelter. The evacuation watch was issued Dec. 17 at 3:00 p.m. the Red Cross set up an evacuation center at Fernwood Resort, but by 5:00 p.m. Dec. 18 closed it down as not many people were coming in for help. Most, said a Red Cross spokeswoman, were sheltering with family and friends elsewhere. Accommodations were also offered by nearby hotels and restaurants. The Big Sur “Pfeiffer Fire” sparked Sun., Dec. 15 or early morning Mon., Dec. 16 and by press time Thurs., Dec. 19 was at 79 percent containment, with 917 acres burned. Estimates are that 22 structures were destroyed, though hundreds of firefighters from various jurisdictions fought the blaze in rough terrain, aided by four air tankers and four helicopters. Officials declared 100 percent containment Friday. No figures are available yet on numbers left homeless -- those and damage estimate costs will come later when the fire is out and the investigators move in. Air quality advisories were issue on Tues. and Wed. as smoke was carried by the wind to inland areas as well as coastal cities. Enhanced DUI enforcement is in store for Monterey and San Benito counties as local police begin the eighth annual holiday crackdown. With this campaign a new year of special funding begins with a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The Salinas Police Department has received a $212,787 grant to coordinate Avoid the 20. Other police agencies in the county receive funds for the DUI saturation patrols.

Local merchants reported successful Black Fridays, though none opened on Thanksgiving, bucking a national phenomenon. Shop Small Saturdays and Cyber Mondays also brought smiles to the faces of local shops which have been suffering during the economic downturn of the past few years.

Dec. 27, 2013-Jan. 2, 2014 The Pacific Grove Peace Officers Association, suffering morale issues and job security uncertainty, has agreed to a new contract with the City of Pacific Grove. There is no change in salary, but other provisions from the previous agreement saw big changes. Howard Burnham will present several live performances at the Little House in Jewell Park in the near future, including “Charles Dickens” performing his “A Christmas Carol” on Saturday, December 28 at two showings, 3:30 and 5:30 p.m. On Saturday, January 18, he will present “Rats, Riots and Romantics: a guide to 19th century Paris with the poet, Theophile Gautier” at 5:30 p.m. On Saturday, February 15, he will perform a Valentine’s Day program, “And the bride wore: a humorous look at wedding fashions and customs through the ages” at 5:30 p.m.

A simple, elegant window graced the Fountain Avenue location of the AFRP Treasure Shop for the holiday season.

The Associates of Cedar Street Times wish you a

Happy New Year! You can look forward to more of the same local news in the coming year. We invite you to read the rest of these stories and more photos on our website at www.cedarstreettimes.com in the “Back Issues” section.

January 3, 2014 • CEDAR STREET


Program seeks local reps for international students Nacel Open Door is looking for local representatives to work with their academic year program. Each year the program places about 500 students with volunteer American host families for an academic year or semester. Local representatives act as the primary link for exchange students, host families and local high schools. They serve as the exchange students’ advocate and support system while they are in the United States. They are required to maintain monthly contact with each student and family and to address any problems. Duties of a local representative include recruiting new host families and helping them through the completion of their host family application, matching students as well as possible with recruited host families, obtaining school acceptance for students, conducting home interviews with potential host families and orientations for students and host families.

A qualified candidate should be interested in cross-culture education, be outgoing, and have a flexible and positive attitude. Local representatives must feel comfortable approaching schools, churches, organizations, and individuals to identify hosts. The ideal candidate is highly organized, resourceful, is a good judge of character, is connected to the community and has experience working with students. Local Representatives receive a stipend. For more information, please call Carol Berger, local coordinator at 209-863-2094 or visit www.nacelopendoor.org. Nacel Open Door is a non-profit high school student exchange organization headquartered in St. Paul, Minn. It is a J-1 exchange program sponsor under the designation of the U.S. Department of State and has a full listing with the Council on Standards for International Educational Travel.

Times • Page 15

Opinion Typhoon Relief Bake Sale Sends Help to Philipines Editor:

Last December 11, 2013, several staff from the Front Office department of the Monterey Marriott held a “1 Day Bake Sale” in front of the Pacific Grove Post Office from noon to 4:00 pm. The main goal of the activity was to raise donations for the 5th grade students of Tarong Elementary School in Carles, a remote town in Iloilo Philippines which was badly hit by the Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda). The staff brought their freshly baked homemade goodies that were sold for $1 per piece (the gingerbread man and the carrot cupcakes were bestsellers!). A total of $311 was raised in a span of four hours. All proceeds provided school supplies and educational toys for the students and allowed them to enjoy a decent Christmas celebration in their school despite 0the tragedy that struck them. On behalf of the students of Tarong Elementary School and Front Office Staff of Monterey Marriott, I would like to say thank you to the people of Pacific Grove for your generosity. You made a big difference in the lives of these students and they will forever be grateful. May 2014 bring you peace and more blessings. Issandra Stefan Pacific Grove

Join Pacif ic Grove Poetry Collective in

Celebrating Robert Burns Jan. 25, 1759 - July 21, 1796



Did you do something outstanding? Have your peeps email our peeps! editor@ cedarstreettimes.com


Sat. Jan. 4, 2014 p 4-6 PM Little House in Jewell Park

Our Poet In Residence, Dr. Barbara Mossberg, will be on hand

Be there, bring a piece to read (or not)


“tak a cup o’ kindness yet for auld lang syne” The event is part of the ongoing Poetry in the Grove discussions about poets held on the first Saturday of each month at Jewell Park, 578 Central Ave, in PG. Poetry in the Grove is a production of the PG Poetry Collective/Poet in Residence Program www.facebook.com/PacificGrovePoetryCollective

Letters to the Editor Cedar Street Times welcomes your letters on subjects of interest to the citizens of Pacific Grove as well as our readers elsewhere. We prefer that letters be on local topics. At present we have not set limits on length though we do reserve the right to edit letters for space constraints, so please be concise. We will contact you to verify authenticity so your email address and/or telephone number must be included as well as your name and city of residence. We will not publish unsigned letters or letters which defame or slander or libel. Cedar Street Times is an adjudicated newspaper published weekly at 306 Grand Ave., Pacific Grove, CA 93950. Press deadline is Wednesday, noon. The paper is printed on Friday and is available at 138 locations throughout the city and on the Peninsula as well as by e-mail subscription and with monthly home delivery to occupied homes in Pacific Grove. Marge Ann Jameson, Editor/Publisher

Phone 831-324-4742 • Fax 831-324-4745 • editor@cedarstreettimes.com

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Times • January 3, 2014

Scene 19: Harry and Alice Make Their New Year Resolutions

Bernard Furman

H: What are those?

Marriage Can Be Funny

A: It must be something you know you should do, but haven’t done. H: (After more thinking) Okay, I have one! A: Terrific. What is it?

It’s the morning of New Year’s Day and the Wilsons are having breakfast in their Pacific Grove home. Harry: I said it when we went to bed last night, but it deserves my saying it again: our New Year’s Eve party was outstanding and you were a superb hostess and chef. Alice: Thanks, sweetheart; and you were a great sous-chef and sommelier. H: Our guests really got into the time zone gimmick, didn’t they? A: They did, and went along completely with the notion that we were on the east coast and waiting for midnight accordingly.

H: I’ll start beating my wife. A: That’s another silly resolution. H: Why? It meets your criteria. A: How so? H: It’s something I haven’t done, but should do. A: But why would you want to do that? H: To show how macho I am. A: For your own continued good health, I would advise you to reconsider.

H: Karen said that it was a little like being part of an old “Twilight Zone” episode.

H: Why?

A: Wasn’t that the series made by Rod Serling?

A: Because if you ever tried something like that, I would emulate the woman in Alabama who retaliated after her new husband got drunk and beat her.

H: It was. Poor guy — he was a pioneer in science fiction on TV in the 1950s and passed away at a very young age. His shows won all kinds of awards and are still shown now and then.

H: What did she do?

A: Well, it’s the first day of the New Year, and time for the next step.

A: She waited until he fell asleep, and then bashed him on the head with a heavy cast iron skillet, sending him to the hospital with a concussion.

H: What’s that?

H: Did that cure him of his maltreatment of his better half?

A: Making New Year resolutions.

A: No, some time later he got drunk and beat her again.

H: Must we? We never keep them.

H: And she….?

A: Well, it’s time we did — or at least gave it a try. And it will give each of us a target to strive for.

A: Once again waited until he was asleep, and this time hit him even harder. He barely survived, but was permanently cured of his little hobby.

H: Okay, you start.

H: I’m going to take your advice and reconsider.

A: I’m going to lose 10 pounds.

A: I think that’s very wise of you. Now tell me something that’s for real.

H: That’s the same resolution you made last year, and each of the two years before that if I recall correctly.

H: Okay — no more fooling around. I’ve got a serious resolution I’ve been thinking about for some time.

A: You’re right, and each time I did lose that amount of weight or more, but my resolution was defective.

A: And that is….?

H: How so? A: I didn’t include the second half. H: Which is? A: To keep it off permanently! Losing 10 pounds is not difficult for me and I’ve done it many times. But having attained that goal, my discipline lapses and I gain it all back in short order. This time, I’m not. That’s my resolution. Now what’s yours? H: (After he thinks for a while) I’m not going to kick or otherwise mistreat Max the Cat and Gracie the Puppy. A: That’s a ridiculous resolution, because you’ve never kicked or mistreated either one. H: So I’m not going to start. A: Be serious, Harry. To be a real resolution, it must satisfy two criteria.

H: To have only one martini when we go out to dinner, instead of my usual two or three. Considering how often we go out and the outrageous prices they’re charging nowadays for martinis, it will save me a ton of money and at the same time help keep my weight down. A: Now you’re talking! But talk is cheap. I’d like to see you do it.

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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 20132251 The following person is doing business as RIGHT AGE PUBLICATIONS, 1141 Lighthouse Ave., Pacific Grove, Monterey County, CA 93950. SALHAN SIDDIQUE, 1141 Lighthouse Ave., Pacific Grove, CA 93950. This statement was filed with the Clerk of Monterey County on Dec. 3, 2013. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or name(s) listed above on December 7, 2013. Signed: Salhan Siddique This business is conducted by an individual. Publication dates: 12/20, 12/27, 1/3, 1/10/14.

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME: Petition of BARBARA JANE FUSEK Case No. M125863 Filed December 20, 2013. To all interested persons: Petitioner BARBARA JANE FUSEK filed a petition with this court for a decree changing name as follows: present name BARBARA JANE FUSEK to proposed name JANE FUSEK. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. Notice of hearing date: JANUARY 24, 2014 Time: 9:00 a.m., Dept. 15. The address of the court is: Superior Court of California, County of Monterey, 1200 Aguajito Road, Monterey, CA 93940. A copy of this Order To Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four consecutive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: CEDAR STREET TIMES. DATE: December 20, 2013 Judge of the Superior Court: Thomas W. Wills. Publication dates: 12/13, 12/20, 12/27, 1/3/14

January 3, 2014 • CEDAR STREET

Times • Page 17

A Grand Old Lady Central Coasting Tom Stevens

Jane Roland

Animal Tales and Other Random Thoughts Yesterday we may have seen the last of Candlestick Park. There is a remote possibility that there will be a playoff game, and, knowing the mercurial 49ers it is not to be ruled out. I may have seen the team at Kezar but I don’t recall as football was not an interest when I lived in San Francisco in the fifties. John, on the other hand, went to the events always. When the team played the Los Angeles Rams, he took the 49er train down south. In 1955 he purchased six season tickets at $3.75 a seat per game. I have told you about the first time my children and I were invited by John, prior to our marriage, in January 1972. The stadium was designed for baseball and the section of seats where we sat for years wasn’t included until 1972. With marriage came a ticket to the games. It was love me, love my game so I learned. It didn’t come easily. I sat through high school, college and a few Miami Dolphin games, because it seemed to be a requisite of the men I dated. I didn’t understand and was bored to death. Once, though, when I was in school in Texas, University of Arizona was playing Texas A & M. My beau of the season was a student of the latter, his team was ahead and he gloated until UofA kicked a game winning field goal in the last seconds. We went to every game, pre season, night, rain; even sleet did not deter us. Little by little I came to understand the plays and know the players; suddenly it became interesting, even fun. We had four box seats in the upper section. The powers that be saw fit to increase seating so took out the rail which cordoned our area but they did (it seems) make amends by installing a ladies’ room right outside the breezeway. There were times when things got quite hostile when opposing fans were in our area. There were not many because most of our neighbors were long time ticket holders. We got to know their stories, or, if we did not, made them up. A man in the next row came with his bag of peanuts; the first couple to sit in front of us was Asian and read the newspaper all afternoon. There was a family a few rows down whom we got to know and found that the wife’s aunt was our friend, Eileen Butler, they were Lewis Volkswagen owners and once helped our son when his vehicle broke down in San Jose. There were altercations, some very serious when Raider fans were present, who shouted, drank and once burned a truck. Initially we tailgated with a large group at pole 13. Our guests were either from the Monterey Peninsula or friends from the Bay Area. It was necessary to arrive early as parking close was impossible after 10:00 AM, so we arose at the crack of dawn (for me). Once in awhile we were across from the parking lot, if we didn’t make it on time to get in the gates. In the pre-Montana/Young days when the team was losing so badly we were virtually alone in the lot. We were truly the Faithful; we missed games only if away or ill. In 1979 Joe Montana arrived and the wandering sheep returned. In 1982 the parking lot was overflowing and we arose even earlier. Pat and John Totten were very good friends and went to a number of games. Lou Gold, our neighbor, had a motor home which he was perfectly happy to let us use. Our daughter, Ellen, was attending the University of Puget Sound, son Jay had driven her to San Jose for her flight back to Seattle, we met him at the airport on our way back from the game, and John disembarked from the “9er bus” and rode home with Jay. The following week we were playing Dallas and, needless to say, everyone was psyched about it. John T. came over on Saturday and the boys got the motor home ready for our trip the next day. On Sunday those who rode with us arrived, I got in and sat down, suddenly there was Jay. “What are you doing here?” I asked. “I told John I wished I could see the game, and he gave me his ticket.” I can’t even begin to say what a selfless act that was by a man who had loved the game most of his life. We watched our foes from Texas walk all over us and were sure that we were going to leave in disgrace. Then it happened, the much heralded catch from Joe to Dwight. John saw it on television, but I had bet for him in our pool and he won $44.00. In 2004 I tore a tendon in my foot which has never really healed. I was able to get a handicap card and for the remainder of our tenure at Candlestick we parked in the second row from the front, made new friends with whom we hob-knobbed before and after the games. Four years ago we turned our tickets over to a friend and have watched in our family room. Do we miss it? Of course, John more than I, but I loved the energy. The friend who has our tickets is Suzanne Mattmiller, whose parents were close friends of ours. Suzie was brought up on the Forty Niners and Giants, in fact was at the game the night that the “grand old lady” survived after the Loma Prieta earthquake. Candlestick was for the people and we loved her, warts and all, broken escalators, poor sound system notwithstanding. The new stadium is for the corperate entities and those who can afford up to $550 per ticket, per game, (to say nothing of the buy-in fee of thousands). We were there during the glory days of Joe, Steve, Dwight, Jerry, Roger, Hacksaw and more. As we drove away that last time I looked back and saw as I always did, a space ship from “Close Encounters of the Third Kind.” Jane Roland gcr770@aol.com

Otter Views Like UPS and FedEx, I was late this year in delivering Christmas gifts to my Bay Area brother. So Sunday morning I tossed a sleeping bag, an overnight kit and the two gifts into the truck and drove north to present them in person. The gifts were humble even for me – a small black velvet painting from the St. Vincent de Paul resale shop and a “book seat” bought new from a local book seller. The painting shows a rustic Kona fishing shack at night. Bars of golden light spill from the windows, suggesting fisher folk laughing and playing guitars inside. A beached canoe sits amid tropical foliage ablaze with flowers. The dark sea shimmers beneath the improbably bright moonlight only black velvet masters can convey. The painting cost only $5, but a faded “certificate of authenticity” signed by the artist guarantees its provenance. Being new, the “book seat” was costlier, but it seemed equally amusing. Made in Australia, the seat is a fig-shaped cloth bag plumped with foam pellets. The bag perches on lap, chest or countertop. Its plastic ledge can prop up a book or Ipad, freeing the owner’s hands for other work. As my brother rolls his own cigarettes and clocks many hours reading in his recliner every day, I envision the book seat enabling him to do these things simultaneously. Or, he could lean over while reading and adjust the black velvet painting. The possibilities are limitless. Buoyed by the hope my tardy gifts would reciprocate for his on-time mailing of Harry and David pears, I chose the scenic route to San Francisco. After a stop in Santa Cruz to offload some old vinyl records, I drove happily up that stretch of the Central Coast I think of as “Someday Land.” Someday I’ll stop for pie at that weathered pie shed outside Davenport. Someday I’ll pick a bucket of blueberries at the “you-pick” berry farm. Someday I’ll revisit the huge and scary elephant seals of Ano Nuevo. And someday I’ll actually stop, park and explore the majestic Pigeon Point lighthouse. Someday Land has other beckoners besides. Every time I drive that coast, I consider pulling over at Bean Hollow state beach to ask how it got its name. Other tempting pullover options include nameless wildfowl marshes and windswept, driftwood-strewn state beaches whose names fly past too swiftly to recall. Equally alluring are mysterious inland destinations indicated only by roadside signs. Where is Pescadero, and how does it feel to be there? North of Santa Cruz, steep-looking turnoffs lead to faraway hamlets called Ben Lomond and Bonny Doon. I imagine bearded Scots highlanders drinking usquebagh in peat-smoky pubs there, conversing loudly and unintelligibly. Those places definitely make the Someday list. For me, the hidden emerald of Someday Land is a storybook valley the Highway One motorist glimpses while zooming down one long, roller coaster hill and up another. Opposite one of those wild, surf-swept beaches, a stream and a quiet country road meander off into hill country as pretty as a patchwork quilt. My steering wheel always pulls in that direction as I pass, but I have yet to take the Oz-like road to San Gregorio. Someday. As on previous transits, I was racing no deadline Sunday and could have pulled over anywhere at any time. Why didn’t I? I can only surmise that the pleasure of driving that coast unimpeded by stop lights or cross traffic has its own internal dynamic. The views are so bountiful, the terrain so traveler-friendly, it’s almost impossible to stop. Granted, you may not see fabled towns like Pescadero and Bonny Doon, but what you can see from the highway is so engaging the Someday sites fly past unvisited yet again. Gulls riding thermals along the bluffs keep pace with traffic. Distant whales blow sunlit spouts. Long north swells wrap around rocky points to explode like cannon fire on steep beaches. Inland, beautiful meadows, forests, mountains, farms and pastures wheel past in a mesmeric diorama. The quasi-urban sprawl of Half Moon Bay ends most of this reverie, but even it offers teasers. How epic would it be to see Maverick’s go off on a big day? Which road leads there? Why does Sam’s seafood place create its own metropolis of parked cars? What does Half Moon Bay’s boat harbor look like? Mysteries abound. Zipping through the European-style tunnel that now prevents drivers like me from plunging over Devil’s Slide, I fly past Pacifica’s various beckoners and then creep along 19th Avenue through the Sunset district. At length the Golden Gate Bridge appears. I cross it and reach my brother’s place. “Merry belated Christmas,” I say, proffering the gifts. He happily sets the black velvet painting onto the ledge of the book seat and sits back to admire them. Someday I’ll explain why this is wrong.

The Castle in Ben Lomond. Locals have another name for it. Below, the new tunnel at Devil’s Slide.

Ben Lomond ‘s vintage sign still works. Below, the beach at Bean Hollow. Really.

Times • January 3, 2014


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January 3, 2014 • CEDAR STREET

Times • Page 19

Resolutions for a Green Year Now that the third day of the New Year is here, most of us have already found an excuse to stop using that new gym membership, forget about that spending freeze we place on ourselves, and give up learning a new language. So, Pacific Grove, which New Year’s resolutions can you switch to that you are more likely to follow through with? How about you make a few “Green Resolutions” to help us all out a bit. What’s that? You can’t figure out where to start? Well good news for you! Taking a little inspiration from Earth911, the Mother Nature Network, and Goodnet we present a little list for you. So go ahead and pick one, then add another next month. Next thing you know, you’ll be so green that trees will be singing Kumbaya to you. 1. Eat and shop local There are so many benefits to eating local; you’re helping your local economy, food is fresher and stays fresh longer and fewer chemicals are needed to prolong life. Studies have found that food could travel 1,500 miles before it reaches your plate. That’s a lot of pollution. Eating and shopping closer to home helps cut down on that pollution. 2. Start a compost pile Compost is magical. It improves soil quality physically, chemically and biologically. It also reduces the estimated 1.3 pounds of food scraps that Americans throw away daily. The best part is you can compost no matter where you live and make huge, but simple strides to be more green in 2014. Bonus: Use the nutrient-rich soil to grow herbs and vegetables, and you keep your eating local resolution, too. 3. Reduce your carbon footprint Almost everything we do contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, but there are a lot of little things you can do to reduce your footprint. An added benefit is that these things will also save you money. In the winter, try to keep your thermostat at 68 degrees or lower and during summer months, try for 78 degrees or higher. For each degree you vary from these recommended settings, you can increase your energy bill by four percent. Make every Friday carpool day to work or school. This simple act will this bring you closer with

your neighbors and help cut down on pollution. 4. Start recycling Recycling is not only one of the greenest things you can do, it’s also one of the easiest. Try storing recyclables in plastic tub with a lid and handles. This will make carrying everything to the center much easier. Bonus: Consolidate your trips, and you can also keep the reducing your footprint resolution. 5. Throw monthly reuse parties How often have you cleaned out the garage and just thrown out what you don’t want or can’t use anymore? Remember, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Set up clothing and item swaps with your friends once a month. Invite everyone over for an afternoon and have them bring usable items and clothes to trade or give away. 6. Simply use less It’s so easy and convenient to use paper plates, paper

towels and single-use mops, but think about all the waste you have to throw away. This year try to avoid single-use products and excessive packaging. Invest in plates, mops and towels that you can reuse over and over, instead of ones you throw away after only a few uses. 7. Never buy bottled water again Trade your bottled water habit for an at-home filtering pitcher and you can help make a dent in the 1.5 million barrels of oil used to make plastic water bottles each year; pair it with a reusable bottle (like one made of glass, aluminum, or recycled plastic), and you’ll always be prepared to tackle your thirst. Bonus: With bottled water no longer on your shopping list, you could save as much as $1,400 this year. 8. Brew your own Fair Trade coffee Carrying your own coffee in an insulated travel mug helps you reduce waste from cardboard cups and carrying sleeves — which are thrown away at a staggering rate of 58 billion each year. For greener at-home brewing, choose a Fair Trade blend that supports farmers; add organic milk instead of artificial creamers; and try a French press (instead of a traditional brewer) to save electricity. 9. Remember your reusable bags With more than 1 million plastic bags ending up in the trash every minute, taking reusable to the store is one of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce your carbon footprint — but the hardest part about using them is simply remembering to take them with you. A set like this one from Blue Avocado is almost impossible to forget: It comes with six different bags, sized for everything from frozen goods to fresh fruit, and the entire collection folds down into a slim packet for easy transport. 10. Cut back on paper towels If you’re grabbing a paper towel for everything from wiping up spills and cleaning your counter to scrubbing the bathroom and keeping your hands clean at dinner, it’s time to make a change. Instead, invest in a few cotton cloths and some fabric napkins; then drop them in the wash when you run a load of laundry. Using the cloth alternatives is just as easy as using the paper versions, and you only need to buy them once — plus you can help eliminate the 3,000 tons of paper towels that end up landfills every day.

11. Use a bike for short trips Ride your bike for trips shorter than two miles and you could cut your carbon footprint significantly, save money on gasoline and car maintenance, and increase your fitness level — all at the same time.

12. Order from your local CSA Going to the farmer’s market always sounds like such a great idea — until Saturday morning rolls around and you realize you have to get up early, have enough cash, and fight other customers for the best strawberries. Instead, have your local CSA program do the hard part for you by putting together a box of their best produce each week — and, if you’re really feeling lazy, have it delivered right to your door so you get fresh, local fruits and vegetables without giving up your lazy coffee-andcrossword mornings. 13. Become a weekend vegetarian Cutting meat out of your diet just two days a week can decrease your carbon footprint by about 1/3 of a ton — and coming up with meat-free meals for Saturday and Sunday isn’t as hard as it sounds. Try pancakes and fruit for breakfast; fresh salads or roasted vegetable sandwiches for lunch; and veggie pizza, bean soups, and creamy risottos for dinner. And since doubling a recipe rarely adds any time to your prep work, you can make extras to eat throughout the week (and trim your carbon footprint even more). 14. Eliminate phantom power It takes approximately one second to unplug the charger for your cell phone, mp3 player, e-reader, or iPad — but if you really can’t be bothered, then let nifty, energy-efficient gadgets do the work for you. Use power strips to turn off all your appliances at once; put your television, DVD player, game system, and stereo on a timer so they automatically shut off overnight; and invest in chargers that stop drawing current when the device’s battery is full. You could cut your energy bill by as much

as 10 percent annually — without lifting a finger. 15. Switch to green power Switching your home to run on green power sounds like a big job — installing solar panels, geothermal energy, or a tankless hot water heater is not a job for the construction-impaired. But you can also make this happen without getting out of your chair: Call your local energy company and see if they offer renewable options (most do). You might see a small jump in your bill, but it’s an easy way to make a big change. 16. Replace your light bulbs Replacing your light bulbs with compact fluorescent lights may be the ultimate change for the eco-slacker. Despite all the jokes, it takes only one person to change a light bulb — and since CFLs last longer than traditional bulbs, you’ll be saving time for years down the road while cutting your energy use by as much as 80 percent.

Times • January 3, 2014


OPEN SAT 11-2 & SUN 12-2


MONTEREY | 957 Fountain Avenue This modest 2BR/1BA home has been owned by the same family since the 1940’s. Large lot. Peek of the bay. $569,000

PACIFIC GROVE | 608 Walnut Street Located near Washington Park on a corner lot is this single-level 3BR/2BA home. Fenced yard with lemon trees. $599,000

PACIFIC GROVE | $559,000 Beautifully fully furnished 2BR/1BA town home with possible seller financing. Ocean view balcony and top of the line kitchen.

Arleen Hardenstein 831.915.8989

Christina Danley 831.601.5355

Linda Guy 831.277.4899

MONTEREY | $965,000 Beautiful Skyline Forest 5BR/2.5BA home. Chef’s kitchen, formal dining, two fireplaces and double pane windows throughout.

PACIFIC GROVE | $725,000 Charming, historic home features two 1BR/1BA units, one 2BR/1BA unit and a 2BR/1.5BA unit. Situated on a street to street lot.

Joan DeMers 831.277.0160

PACIFIC GROVE | $469,000 Incredibly cute 1BR/1BA cottage just blocks to the ocean. Nice patio backyard and a one car garage. New interior paint and plumbing. Mark Trapin & Robin Anderson 831.601.4934

PACIFIC GROVE | $450,000 Contemporary 2BR/1BA condo, just step’s from the ocean’s edge. Hardwood floors, granite counters & in-unit laundry. Close to everything.

PACIFIC GROVE | $1,788,000 Located on a large, level lot is this ocean, lighthouse and golf course view property. Rebuild existing structure or design a new home.

Kyle Morrison 831.236.8909

Leilani & Dave Randall 831.241.8871

OPEN SUNDAY 2:00-4:30

Bill Bluhm 831.277.2782

PACIFIC GROVE | 360 Melrose Ave Located just blocks from the beach, this 3BR/3BA home features 2,700 sq.ft. of living space with a 2-car garage and RV parking. $889,000 Kristy Cosmero & Trisha Hanson 831.595.7633

MONTEREY PENINSULA BROKERAGE | sothebyshomes.com/monterey Pacific Grove 831.372.7700 | Carmel-by-theSea 831.624.9700 Carmel Rancho 831.624.9700 | Carmel Valley 831.659.2267 Sotheby’s International Realty and the Sotheby’s International Realty logo are registered (or unregistered) service marks used with permission. Operated by Sotheby’s International Realty, Inc.

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