In This Issue
Kiosk Through Mid January Laura Lockett Art Exhibit Juice and Java Mon.-Sat., 7 AM-6 PM Sun., 8 AM-6 PM Free, 373-8652 •
Fri. Jan. 4
Art Center Reception PG Art Center 568 Lighthouse Ave. 7-9 PM, Free 375-2208 •
Fri. Jan. 4
Music by Martin Shears Plaza Linda Cantina 7-9 PM, $10 659-4229 •
Bank Robber - Page 3
New face for tourists - Page 7
Pacific Grove’s
Sat., Jan. 5
First Saturday Book Sale Pacific Grove Public Library Noon-5 PM Benefits Library Book Fund
• Sat., Jan. 5
Wharf Historical Walk Old Fisherman’s Wharf For Ages 10 and Up Only $20 Adults, $15 Kids 10 AM-Noon 521-3304 •
Sun., Jan. 6
“Dearest Jane: the Reverend Henry Austen Recalls His Sister” By Howard Burnham The Works, 5:30 p.m. $10
• Jan. 7
Teen Gaming Night at the Library 5:30-7:30 PM For ages 12-18 831-648-5762
• Jan. 7-11
Start of DanceProject classes for Winter-Spring City of PG Rec Dept. and DiFranco Dance Ages 4-18, three levels or City Rec. office
• Wed. Jan. 9
Talk on Climate Change Science Tama Olver, Sustainable PG Museum of Natural History 7 PM, Free, 643-0707 •
Wed. Jan. 9
Gentrain Lecture Modern Baroque Performances MPC Lecture Forum 103 1:30-2:30 PM, Free 646-4224 •
Fri. Jan. 11
Book Launch Party & Music “The Inherited Heart” Bill Minor and Friends The Works, 667 Lighthouse 7:30 PM, $15, 372-2242
• Jan. 11 and 12
Healing Touch Program Class Mayflower Church, PG call Caroline 831 915 3410
• Sat. Jan. 12
Author/Artist Talk “Passion for Place” Nadine Annand Gallery
Inside Animal Tales & Random Thoughts.................. 10 Book Review............................. 15 Cop Log....................................... 3 Green Page................................ 12 Health & Wellness..................... 13 High Hats & Parasols............ (Dark) Homeless Chronicles................. 11 Money..................................... 4, 5 Opinion....................................... 8 Otter Views.................................. 8 Peeps........................................... 6 Seniors........................................ 9 Shelf Life..................................... 7 Up & Coming.......................... 5, 9 Year in Review......................13-17
Scallops! - Page 15
January 4-10, 2013
Your Community NEWSpaper
Legislate, don’t litigate says bankruptcy attorney
Citizen’s initiative will be more expensive than its proponents calculated
Vol. V, Issue 16
It wasn’t about bars
Pacific Grove’s reputation is intact
By Marge Ann Jameson
By Marge Ann Jameson
Noted municipal bankruptcy and conflict resolution attorney Karol K. Denniston, a partner in the Schiff Hardin LLP law firm, suggested to the City Council at the Jan. 2 meeting that they not dive into bankruptcy nor preempt the proponents of an initiative to void the 2002 Council action of agreeing to a 3 percent at age 50 retirement plan under CalPERS. The initiative seeks to void the 2002 Council action as illegal, but she said it does nothing to address the myriad problems related to the voiding of the agreement. It was pointed out that the City should “avoid citizens’ initiatives based on an incomplete understanding of these complex and interdependent issues.” The result of the initiative, she said, would spin a tangled financial web of related lawsuits about which the proponents of the initiative have made no consideration: Not only would the City face lawsuits from the affected employees, retirees, bargaining units and likely CalPERS itself, but there are a decade of related dealings and agreements such as intervening MOUs and the issuance of pension bonds and other bonds. Defending such lawsuits, which she points out the City would likely lose, would tie up any efforts the City might make to bring retirement costs under control, she said. And “Federal courts can’t impair contracts in bankruptcy,” so that’s not a solution either. CalPERS, by law, must enforce its agreements, she said. They cannot negotiate like other creditors and bondholders. She cautioned that litigation is never going to fix the problem. Instead, Ms. Denniston recommended a legislative solution at the state level. She told the Council that, even though Pacific Grove is small in comparison to other cities in the same boat, there is a chance for Pacific Grove to lead the way for these cities. “Build a constituency of other municipalities,” she suggested. She advised three steps: 1) to look at the cost of litigation over the 2002 decision
All the brouhaha over the past few days about allowing bars in Pacific Grove – television cameras, reporters sticking microphones in faces, citizens preparing speeches for the City Council – was much ado about nothing. The draft amendments to the Municipal Code, Zoning Map and Forest Hill Specific Plan did not include opening up the city to bars. After some 18 meetings and hours of public input, the Planning Commission has issued draft amendments which would allow some new commercial uses downtown, perhaps a wine tasting room or brew pub, but (depending on one’s outlooks) at worst only eases some restrictions on food-toalcohol ratios in restaurants. A full menu of food, served all day, will still be required of restaurants wishing to serve alcohol. The purpose of the meetings and the amendment is to update and clarify traditional permitted uses such as retail services and restaurants, and to reconcile inconsistencies in the code. An effort is being made, said Chief Planner Lynn Burgess, to move away from the anti-business reputa-
See ZONING Page 2
Salinas Valley to Cal-Am: Don’t stick your straw in our bucket
Four agencies voice reservations over Cal-Am plan to draft from Salinas Basin
By Marge Ann Jameson California American Water, water purveyor for a great part of the Peninsula, has submitted to the California Public Utilities Commission draft plans for a desalination plant in north Marina, which would include extracting feedwater for the plant from the Salinas Basin. As presented, Cal-Am’s plan (dubbed the Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project or MPWSP) would result in the lowering of groundwater levels within a radius of about two miles from the Marina plant, an area which is already experiencing
seawater intrusion. The “shallow aquifer,” they state, is their preferred source but they want to retain the right to use water from the deeper aquifer, referred to as the 180foot aquifer. The State Water Resources Control Board was asked to help the California PUC determine whether or not Cal Am has the legal right to do so, considering the requirement to “do no injury” to other users in the Salinas Basin, which Cal Am would have to prove it would not do before receiving PUC approvals. In a draft analysis submitted to the PUC on Dec. 21, the State Water Resources Control Board says it can’t come
to a conclusion yet because of too many assumptions that need to be proven by Cal Am. The Monterey Peninsula Water Management District board has examined the draft plans and in a unanimous vote on Dec. 17, declared that it is in the best interest of Monterey Peninsula water users to “develop a parallel process to advance or qualify an alternative water supply project whose water source is not within the Salinas Valley groundwater basin.” It is therefore apparent that Peninsula water regulators are also uncomfortable with the Cal Am project as drafted.
Times • January 4, 2013
pZONING From Page 1
tion Pacific Grove owns, by simplifying the permit process for traditional businesses to perhaps just an over-the-counter approval instead of a full use permit requirement. Some higher-impact uses may face more oversight, however, such as self-storage and restricted retail such as tattoo parlors. Bill Fredrickson, Chairman of the Planning Commission, pointed out that Pacific Grove is still more restrictive than neighboring communities in many areas, but that the new document “puts us in the mid range” as compared with Monterey and Carmel, for example. A complete list with changes in the level of permits needed is forthcoming, said Burgess, after Councilmember Robert Huitt pointed out that certain changes were really long overdue – such as the permit requirements for hatcheries in the downtown area. The current document has stood some 50 years with few changes, and can be expected to stand for another 50 years. The draft amendment will come up again in another two to four weeks, at which time Councilmembers and the public will have had the chance to pose questions of staff and to review the new document.
pLEGISLATE From Page 1 and consider the cost of appeals as well; 2) monitor what other cities are doing; and 3) build a group to make a presentation to Sacramento to get the Democratic-controlled Assembly, Senate, and Governor to do something. “There will have to be a balancing, and the legislature is going to have to take it on,” she said, or the State’s bond rating will dive and the pension problem will explode. Above all, she said, there needs to be discourse with the people backing the initiative to encourage them to put it on hold. If the initiative gains enough signatures, the City Council will be forced to do as it did with the previous initiative put forth by the same people as the current one and either enact the legislation or put the item on the ballot for the voters to decide. The City, tied up in a lawsuit with the police union as a result of the previous initiative, has found itself unable to take certain other actions or to disclose certain information as a result. Forced to limit contribution to employee retirement funds to 10 percent of the employees’ salary by the initiative, the City is also forced to con-
tribute more than 20 percent under state law and, as City Manager Tom Frutchey said, “there is no common ground.” The City questions the possibility of seeking legal solutions to these conflicting requirements, opting for a “friend of the court” decision by filing suit itself. The City has extended invitations to three separate law firms to project budgets to litigate the “3@50” benefit plan, budgets which Frutchey says will be made available to the public as soon as they are received. While initiative proponents allege that the obligation has risen to $45 million, Frutchey announced that the long-sought figures from CalPERS had arrived that afternoon and showed that the obligation is closer to $7 to $18 million – as of June, 2012 which is the most recent available. Denniston met with both City representatives and proponents of the initiative. In her field of expertise, Denniston has studied the more than 400 communities in California facing similar issues, including the notorious bankruptcies of Vallejo, Stockton and San Bernardino.
Hope for a changing planet: SPG hosts conference report
Reporting back from the 2012 Climate Reality Project conference attended by representatives from 58 countries, Pacific Grove’s Tama Olver will present the latest science on climate change and provide tools for fostering engagement and action at individual, regional and national levels. The talk is set for Wed., Jan. 9, at 7 p.m. at the Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History. The museum is on the corner of Central and Forest Avenues. The event is free and open to the public, and hosted by Sustainable Pacific Grove. Call 643-0707 for more information, or visit
Pacific Grove Weekend Forecast
Partly Cloudy
62° 40°
Chance of Rain
0% WIND: NNE at 7 mph
Mostly Sunny
60° 46°
Chance of Rain
10% WIND: SSE at 5 mph
53° 42°
Chance of Rain
50% WIND: E at 11 mph
Mostly Sunny
59° 44°
Chance of Rain
10% WIND NNW at 5 mph
Pacific Grove’s Rain Gauge Data reported by Jack Beigle at Canterbury Woods
Week ending 01-03-13.................................... .53 Total for the season....................................... 8.69 To date last year (01-06-12).......................... 3.64 Cumulative average to this date.................... 6.83 Wettest year............................................................. 47.15 during rain year 07-01-97 through 06-30-98 Driest year.................................................................. 9.87 during rain year 07-01-75 through 06-30-76
pDRAFTING From Page 1
Even more concerned are the Monterey County Farm Bureau and the Salinas Valley Water Coalition. “While it is likely the shallower wells ... will not adversely impact the basin, at this stage we simply do not know,” said Norm Groot and Nancy Isakson, representatives of the two organizations in a guest commentary (see page 8 this issue). They further state that significant and longer-term tests are needed to determine whether there would be an adverse effect on the deeper aquifer (at 180 feet) on which the $3 billion a year Salinas Valley agricultural industry depend. The tests will not be completed for two to three years. Unless, and until, these items are completed, the farm bureau and the coalition will not be able to “support” Cal Am’s proposed pumping in the shallow aquifer. Cal Am has stated in its plan that if the data gathered from the test well establishes the shallow aquifer is not a viable source for its proposed desalination plant, but the 180-foot aquifer is, it will then pump from the 180-foot aquifer. “We know that we cannot, and do not, support Cal Am pumping any water from the 180-foot aquifer of the Salinas Valley groundwater basin for use in Cal Am’s proposed project, because the utility does not have the water rights to do so and because of the potential to exacerbate the existing seawater intrusion problem,” say the two agriculture organizations in their commentary. And Salinas Valley water users would likely sue to get it straightened out, a process they point out that could take as long as 10 years. In light of the Cease and Desist Order looming in 2017, water users on the Peninsula do not have 10 years. Seawater intrusion as a result of pumping in Salinas Valley’s 180-foot aquifer was documented as long ago as the 1940s. Before that, groundwater flowed out into Monterey Bay to discharge zones in the submarine canyon. Seawater was prevented from flowing inland because of the higher pressure of the groundwater flowing out. But increased pumping has resulted in groundwater now flowing northeastward. The Monterey County Water Resources Agency estimates that seawater has intruded into the 180-foot aquifer as much as five miles inland, almost reaching North Davis Road in Salinas, resulting in serious degradation of groundwater supplies. Some urban and agricultural wells have even been abandoned or destroyed as a result of this seawater intrusion. Ten years ago, Salinas Valley voters established the Salinas Valley Water Project in order to stop seawater intrusion, balance the Basin and provide an adequate water supply to meet the Basin’s needs. They agreed to fund it with an assessment zone, which totals about $3 million a year. County Supervisors adopted an ordinance assuring water supply through the year 2030 in return for landowner support of assessments. “The communities and ratepayers of the Salinas Valley have spent
hundreds of millions of dollars to build two reservoirs, as well as the Castroville Seawater Intrusion Project, the Salinas Valley Reclamation Project and the Salinas Valley Water Project, to solve the basin’s water problems,” Isakson pointed out. The Castroville project (CSIP) distributes recycled water to agricultural users in the Salinas Valley area in an attempt to reduce the pressure to pump by providing groundwater recharge. Recycled water is a portion of the area-wide water solution, suggested by the Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency, which proposes a tertiary treatment plant be established to treat wastewater and inject in to the Seaside Aquifer to augment Peninsula water supply. In 2004, Cal-Am proposed the Coastal Water Project to replace existing water supplies which it will not be able to use after Jan. 1, 2017, due to a cease and desist order issued by the State Water Resources Control Board to end overpumping of the Carmel River and the Seaside Groundwater Basin to supply Peninsula water needs. Existing intakes at the Moss Landing power plant were to draw source water and a new desalination plant was to be built at Moss Landing. A draft EIR was issued in January 2009 was issued for the Coastal Water Project, the North Marina Project and the Monterey Regional Water Supply Project. The final EIR was certified in December 2009 and a year later the PUC approved implementation of the Regional Project. But in January 2012 Cal Am withdrew its support for the Regional Project after difficulties with Marina Coast Water District and the Monterey County Water Resources Agency, and began proceedings for its own project, the MPWSP. Cal Am seeks to sink eight 750-footlong slant wells, which would extend offshore some 200 feet into Monterey Bay, wells that would draw 22 million gallons of water per day and produce 9 million gallons of desalinated water per day. Any excess desalinated water, they say, would be returned to the aquifer to recharge it. Currently, 50 percent of groundwater recharge in the area occurs due to infiltration along the Salinas River and tributaries. Another 40 percent comes from irrigation return water and the remaining 10 percent is due to precipitation, subsurface inflow ... and seawater intrusion. Pacific Grove’s Small Water Projects (reference website here) may provide some rate relief for Pacific Grove only, but will not provide any new water for restaurants or second units. Given the time constraints of the Cease and Desist Order, needed tests to prove that Cal Am’s project will not injure the rights of water users in the Salinas Valley are not likely to provide answers in time to meet the “water fall” or “water cliff,” of January 1, 2017. Unless politicians and water purveyors can agree on an answer, water users on the Monterey Peninsula face rationing of 35 gallons per person per day.
Chautauqua Hall Clean-Up Day There will be a Chautauqua Hall Clean-Up Day on Sun., Jan. 13, from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. This community service event is sponsored by the DiFranco DanceProject and the City of Pacific Grove Recreation Department. Energetic middle-school and high-school students and community adults are invited to roll up their sleeves and join us in doing some basic clean-up chores at our much-used, much-loved historic Pacific Grove meeting hall. Please wear work clothes and sneakers and bring gloves, if you have them. All participants will need to sign a waiver (parental signature needed for all those under 18 years). We'll supply cleaning supplies, latex gloves and simple tools. We'll also provide a simple salad, pizza, juice and cupcake lunch buffet at around 1:00pm. Community service credit is available to students. Remember to bring your forms. Chautauqua Hall is located at 162 16th Street, between Lighthouse and Central Avenues, in Pacific Grove. For the waiver form and more details, go to our website:, News and Updates or contact Dianne Lyle at dianne164@
January 4, 2013 • CEDAR STREET
Armed robbery at Monterey Credit Union
On Dec. 31, 2012 at approximately 5:24 p.m. a Hispanic female estimated at 4050 years of age robbed the Monterey Credit Union, 161 Fountain Ave., Pacific Grove, with a handgun. The suspect entered the bank and engaged the teller in conversation. She then gave the teller a handwritten note demanding money. The suspect pulled out a black semiautomatic handgun and showed it to the teller. She also told the teller there were two men outside with shotguns if the teller did not comply. The teller did comply, giving the suspect money. The suspect then fled the bank and walked toward Central Ave. The suspect is still at large. The suspect is described as a Hispanic woman with heavy makeup wearing all black clothing, 5’3” in height and between 150-180 pounds. She was between 40-50 years old. The suspect was also wearing a brimmed type hat. Below is a photo from bank video surveillance. If the public has information please contact the Pacific Grove Police Department at 831-648-3143.
Times • Page 3
Marge Ann Jameson
Cop log Alarm activation
Garage door on 17th. Alarm was permitted, probably activated by bad weather.
False alarm on Pine
A motion alarm at the east perimeter door went off. It was a permitted alarm but also a false one. It was unpermitted.
False alarm, Forest Lodge
False alarm, Country Club Gate
Employee pressed it accidentally. Unpermitted alarm.
Parking complaint
Area businesses complained about a homeless woman parking for extended time in the area. She has a valid handicapped permit and can park there for up to 72 hours.
Getting aggressive with officer
An officer was making a vehicle check when a guy there started ranting about police brutality and trying police departments for war crimes. The contact ended with a “field interview.”
Theft from vehicle. Yup, it was unlocked.
On Morse Dr., several items were stolen from an unlocked vehicle.
Ransacked vehicle
On Miles Ave., a vehicle was ransacked and stuff was stolen from it. Items were recovered when the suspect ran from the officer and dropped a box.
A subject dropped a box and ran from the officer on Funston Ave. The box and other items were traced to their owners – they had been stolen from unlocked vehicles.
Highlands’ guest arrested for attempted murder
Suspicious woman in the front yard
Reporting party said there was a suspicious female in the front patio looking in the door. The woman was gone when the police arrived.
A guest of the Highlands Inn reported that a woman in the neighboring room was Walking juveniles home being choked. It was later determined that a guest became angry with his wife, who tried Two female juveniles were out after curfew. The officer took them to their residence to leave because he was drunk and angry. He allegedly grabbed her and covered her and released them to their mother. mouth and nose with his hand, preventing her from breathing, and threatened to kill her. Wild bag on the loose The wife said she attempted to struggle free and he knocked her to the ground, A guy turned in a bag that was across the street on Chestnut. He had waited to see wherein she begged him to think of their daughters. She told officers she thought she if someone picked it up and nobody did. It will be held for 60 days. was going to die. Fraudulent uses of credit cards, stolen IDs reported The guest next door said he inquired as to what was going on and was told everything was okay. The wife yelled for help. The neighboring guest called 911 and the Monterey Funston Ave. No suspect. Sheriff’s Department responded. Fountain Ave. The husband was arrested or attempted murder, spousal abuse, and criminal threats On Damian Way. of death. At one point during the struggle the wife bit him in the hand in an attempt to Lost and found: Person free herself from him. An outside agency asked PGPD to locate a missing person. The missing person was located and found to be in good health.
Hit and Run
A 4-door sedan hit a parked, unoccupied pickup.
DUI accident
Driver involved in collision was found to be under the influence of alcohol. Jesse Kelly Kincaid was booked and released on a cite to appear.
Wheelchair found with drunk guys
Five or six people were hanging out, yelling, in a park on Ocean View. When the officer shone a spotlight on them, they scattered down the steep, muddy hillside. A wheelchair was left behind. No identifying marks on the wheelchair, which was taken into property for safekeeping. One of the people was found by an officer and was found to be drunk,
Do not stiff the cabbie
A man refused to pay a $300 cab fare. He resisted arrest and attempted to assault the arresting officer, so he was tased and subdued, then transported to the hospital.
Tenant tells on tenant
Cedar Street Times was established September 1, 2008 and was adjudicated a legal newspaper for Pacific Grove, Monterey County, California on July 16, 2010. It is published weekly at 306 Grand Ave., Pacific Grove, CA 93950. Press deadline is Wednesday, noon. The paper is distributed on Fri. and is available at various locations throughout the county as well as by e-mail subscription. Editor/Publisher: Marge Ann Jameson Copy Editor: Michael Sizemore News: Marge Ann Jameson, Peter Mounteer, Al Saxe Graphics: Shelby Birch Regular Contributors: Ben Alexander • Jack Beigle • Jacquelyn Byrd • Laura Emerson • Rabia Erduman • Jon Guthrie • John C. Hantelman • Kyle Krasa • Travis Long • Amy Coale Solis • Rhonda Farrah • Dorothy Maras-Ildiz • Neil Jameson • Richard Oh • Jean Prock • Katie Shain • Dirrick Williams Advertising: Rebecca Barrymore Photography: Peter Mounteer, Al Saxe Distribution: Kellen Gibbs, Peter Mounteer, Duke Kelso • Website: Harrison Okins
831.324.4742 Voice 831.324.4745 Fax Calendar items to: website: Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter to receive calendar updates
A tenant on Pine Ave. told the landlord that another tenant was damaging the landlord’s property. When the landlord requested police accompany him to observe the damage and arrest the tenant, he was advised that he had to post notice that he was coming to inspect the property first. The landlord agreed to post the notice and get back to the police later.
Pay or else !Beep!
A victim on 9th St. said his computer was taken over by a virus purporting to the the Dept. of Justice and stating he must pay $300 to unlock his computer. He also said his credit card was hacked, probably because he’d used it at a gas station where an illegal electronic device stole data from customers.
Sasha on the loose again
A black lab female named Sasha was found at large for the second time in two days.
Trip and fall
A man said he was jogging back and forth in front of the Pacific Grove Library and accidentally stepped off the curb. He lay on the ground for about an hour before someone noticed him and called 9-1-1.
Moldy doings
A woman reported mold to her landlord and management company. Eventually she hired a contractor to proceed with mold abatement. She came to believe the contractor was a con artist and had several business names. Now she has hired a mediation company to continue her case regarding his serviced and her payments. She wanted the police advised in case something could be done criminally, but she was told the city had been trying to contact him regarding his business license renewal but that the mold complaint is a civil matter.
Megan’s Law report
There was an anonymous call to police stating that a subject seen on the Megan’s Law website was spotted, and that small children live on the block which is near an elementary school.
Times • January 4, 2013
Jon Guthrie
High Hats & Parasols Dear Readers: Jon Guthrie is hospitalized and was unable to research his column this week. He phoned to ask that we re-run a previous column, so we chose one from 2009, knowing that we have earned thousands of new readers since that time and most will not have read it. We wish Jon a speedy recovery.
• Alumaware is available at Culp Bros. • Newell Miller, who lives on Central, is the owner of eight Ring doves and two chipmunks.
Please bear in mind that historical articles such as “High Hats & Parasols” present our history — good and bad — in the language and terminology used at the time. The writings contained in are quoted from Pacific Grove/Monterey publications from
• Ink for automatic pens. $1.10 per dozen bottles. Copes. • Ladies single-fabric Macintosh with twenty-inch cape attached. $4.25. The Lace House. • Bread. 12 loaves for $1. The Grove Bakery. • Watch our window for latest sheet-music of “Rags” and “Popular” songs. Fifty cents each. C. J. Moyes ,224 Forest. 4
The News … from 100 years ago. Another score
The Frazz scored again! This time it was a fabulous banquet at the Pacific Grove Hotel in honor of Col. Bowen and the gallant men of the Twelfth Regiment. Also attending were about sixty local businessmen with their wives. It was a good-natured assembly with the tables arranged in the shape of a T. Minstrels from the White Theater made things merry. Jan Tryan, leader of the Frazz, served as toastmaster. Tryan kept the spirit of the night alive. 1
Bird is growing old
And your cost is…
1 2 3 4
Author’s Notes…
What was the Frazz? Anyone know? The author could not find out. The reception was called the “Little Light Bearers” celebration. This in spite of a mild recession. Parlor-music parties were very popular 100 years ago. “Sing-a-longs” comprised the television of yesterday.
It may not be known what the sign, “Parrot”, means. It hangs on the fence at 263 Lighthouse and honors Miss Polly Green, the oldest parrot in America. The bird can call out peoples’ names, whistle, trill, and sing (sort of). Polly is more than 25 years old. Here is to another 25 years.
Stop the “grab” game
Word is that San Francisco’s attempt to “gobble” up more land has spread to envy of Monterey Country. All counties which San Francisco hopes to annex have joined forces to oppose the grab. All have expressed themselves as preferring independence without mincing words. Adoption of the proposed constitutional amendment would doom that hope. The attitude toward annexation will be shown in the newspapers and discussed by the population-at-large. The Sacramento Bee has especially voiced opposition for the proposed amendment. The Bee has called this “a horrid act of piracy.” We in Monterey Country must be on the alert!
Hollister wins game
The Pacific Grove High school football team went over to Hollister to play a game and were badly beaten. The final score was 20 to 0. Leroy Sharp was kicked in the back and could not continue, but has recovered nicely. Billy Morgan injured his ankle and could not play during the second half. The next game is against Salinas, here.
$25,000 Needed
More than $7,000 has already been raised for the Portland Cement and Sand Company, Monterey County, so “fundraising is booming,” according to Chairman Madeira. The committee will continue working and there is little question that the balance will be raised. The money is to be placed on deposit in a Salinas bank and not released until the Portland Cement Company demonstrates a willingness to participate.
Taft may lose union card
President Taft may soon lose his union membership. His crime? He has agreed to lay the cornerstone of the Boston Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA ) building. Work on the YMCA is being done by non-union workers.
Racetrack doomed
Led by Eddie Wolfe, Attorney, the Monterey County Racetrack proposition seems doomed to failure. The people of the City of San Francisco have declared against the idea. They are issuing dire threats against anyone who votes in favor of the track. Most opposed are from a solid union of Republicans.
Balllot may be fixed
Rumors have it that the California ballot may be “fixed” in favor of the Republicans. Powerful Republican Penrose of Pennsylvania is claimed to be able to place favored names on the ballot of any state, including California. Democrats are discussing a protest.
Speeding auto mobiles fined
To protect the walking public, police officers are still fining speeding auto mobiles. Five drivers have been placed in custody for speeding on Lighthouse in the Grove. One of these is a man named Cleven who lives in Pacific Grove.
Wharf a fact
The Wharf at Watsonville is now a proven fact, having been fully approved. It will run out more than a quarter-of-a-mile in the Bay. It will be most substantially built and ships can be unloaded at the T. The wharf connects to an electric railroad. Nearly 2,000 people went over Sunday for the opening-of-work ceremony. 3
Reception held
On Friday afternoon, the parlor of the Methodist church was the scene of a gathering of more than a bevy of “bright” children carrying candles. After a prayer offered by Evelyn Rayburn, more than a dozen “foreign” children joined the candle-carrying youngsters and adults, wearing native costumes. The fete was sponsored by the Woman’s International Missionary Society. 2
Norton becomes Real Estate agent
Mr. Charles T. Norton, who has been in business selling insurance for a long while, is going to expand his operation by adding real estate to his line of products. Norton has already listed several cottages and a bungalow. All seem quite stylish. Norton is also a Notary Public.
Snippets from area
• All area grocery stores will close for a day Saturday to rest and restock after a booming Christmas. 3 • F. F. Morgan, painter, is operating. Inside finishing a specialty. 312 Elizabeth. • Exceptionally low-priced waists have just arrived at the Lace House. Beautiful. • J. C. Dog lives on 13th Street and is nicknamed “Golden.”
Forest Hill United Methodist Church 551 Gibson Ave., Services 9 AM Sundays Rev. Richard Bowman, 831-372-7956 Pacific Coast Church 522 Central Avenue, 831-372-1942 Peninsula Christian Center 520 Pine Avenue, 831-373-0431 First Baptist Church of Pacific Grove 246 Laurel Avenue, 831-373-0741 St. Mary’s-by-the-Sea Episcopal Church Central Avenue & 12 tsp.h Street, 831-373-4441 Community Baptist Church Monterey & Pine Avenues, 831-375-4311 Peninsula Baptist Church 1116 Funston Avenue, 831-394-5712 St. Angela Merici Catholic Church
146 8th Street, 831-655-4160
Christian Church Disciples of Christ of Pacific Grove 442 Central Avenue, 831-372-0363 First Church of God 1023 David Avenue, 831-372-5005 Jehovah’s Witnesses of Pacific Grove 1100 Sunset Drive, 831-375-2138 Church of Christ 176 Central Avenue, 831-375-3741 Lighthouse Fellowship of Pacific Grove PG Community Center, 515 Junipero Ave., 831-333-0636 Mayflower Presbyterian Church 141 14th Street, 831-373-4705 Central Presbyterian Church of Pacific Grove 325 Central Avenue, 831-375-7207 Seventh-Day Adventist Church of the Monterey Peninsula 375 Lighthouse Avenue, 831-372-7818 First United Methodist Church of Pacific Grove
915 Sunset @ 17-Mile Dr., Pacific Grove - (831) 372-5875 Worship: Sundays @ 10:00 a.m. Congregation Beth Israel 5716 Carmel Valley Rd., Carmel (831) 624-2015 Chabad of Monterey 2707 David Avenue, Pacific Grove (831) 643-2770
January 4, 2013 • CEDAR STREET
Times • Page 5
Arts and Events
Up and Coming Bill Minor to hold musical book release party The Works Bookstore will host a book launch party with live music at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, January 11. Bill Minor will play original music to accompany his new book, “The Inherited Heart: an American Memoir.” Vocalist Jacqui Hope and bassist Heath Proskin will appear with him. Admission is $15. Come enjoy the story, set to music, of a boy who grows up outside of Detroit, Michigan, and just wants to play jazz and ice hockey and maybe find a girlfriend, but is inundated with tales of illustrious ancestors, with the implication that he has much to “live up to.” The book tells the full story of meaningful adventures and discoveries on the way to maturity. It suggests that we are all linked to one another, to all that surrounds us, as members of an extended family we may eventually learn to love.
Rotary will hear retired General
The Pacific Grove Rotary Club will have as speaker on January 8, General Michael P.C. Carns, Retired. The meeting will be held at The Inn at Spanish Bay, in the Troon Room (downstairs) in Pebble Beach, at noon. Lunch is $20 and reservations may be made by calling Jane Roland at 649-0657.
Wharf Walks continue
Winter/Spring '13 Dance Classes for youth
Three levels of co-ed Afro-Latin Jazz dance classes (ages 8 -18 years) and three levels of Jazzamatazz For Kids classes (co-ed for ages 4- 7 years) are offered by Dianne Lyle, at Chautauqua Hall, 162 16th Street (between Lighthouse and Central Avenues). This is an after-school program, sponsored by the City of Pacific Grove Recreation Department. The '13 Winter/Spring DiFranco DanceProject classes begin during the week of Jan. 7 through Jan. 11. Detailed class information and registration forms are available at the website, www. or at the City of Pacific Grove Recreation office. Contact Dianne Lyle at with any questions.
Tango lessons scheduled at Pacific Grove Dance
Dance lessons scheduled at Pacific Grove Dance on Saturday, January 12 include Tango Workshops with guest instructor David Chiu. From 1-3 p.m. he will conduct a Partnering Tango Workshop. Tuition is $45. From 3:30-4:30 p.m. the Choreography Performance Tango Workshop will be given. The cost is $20.As a pre-requisite for this class students must pre-register and also be enrolled in the partnering workshop. From 5-6:30 p.m. Beginners Tango Workshop, Double Dose #1 will be held. The cost is $30 or $50 for the Saturday and Sunday version of the workshop. Private lessons are available on January 11-13. Pacific Grove Dance is located at 205 17th Street. Contact Nancy Hoeft at 915-7523 or by email at tangonance@gmail. com.
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The Monterey Old Fisherman’s Wharf Association continues to team up with noted Monterey Bay Fisheries historian and author, Tim Thomas, who is offering monthly walking tours at the Wharf in Monterey on the first Saturday of every month from 10 a.m. until noon. Wharf Walks continues on Saturday, January 5 with “Focus on the Japanese Fishermen of Monterey.” Tours meet at the head of Old Fisherman’s Wharf (near the pink “Harbor House” store). Advance reservations are required by calling Tim Thomas at 521-3304 or emailing The tour is for ages 10–adult only and the cost is $20 for adults and kids 10-15 are $15. Group Rates are also available. For thousands of years people have made their living fishing the Monterey Bay, beginning with the Rumsien Ohlone, the Native People of the Monterey area. From abalone to rock fish, everything was fished and utilized and the Monterey Bay was a multicultural stew, made up of whalers from the Azores, squid fishermen from China, salmon fishermen and abalone divers from Japan, and Sicilians fishing sardines in the “dark of the moon.” This entertaining tour of Old Fisherman’s Wharf and the waterfront will take walkers back in time to explore the history of the Monterey Wharf, early history of the Monterey waterfront, The Rumsien/Ohlone People — Monterey’s first fishermen — the abalone industry, whaling the bay and of course, the legendary sardine industry. Discover some of the people and cultures of Monterey’s colorful past and hear fascinating stories about the Wharf and those who worked and walked there. Tim Thomas, a fourth-generation native of the Monterey area, is a popular speaker and lively tour guide. For 16 years, he was historian and curator for the Monterey Maritime & History Museum and has worked with the Monterey Bay Aquarium, California State Parks and the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. He is author of “The Japanese on the Monterey Peninsula” and co-author of “Monterey’s Waterfront.” For more information, go to
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Times • January 4, 2013
MPC Music Department Fall Recital Classical music met pop on Dec. 16 when the Monterey Peninsula College Chorus and Jazz Ensemble put on its Fall Music Recital at the First Presbyterian Church of Monterey. The singers performed under the direction of Dr. Sal Ferrantelli, accompanied by Carol Kuzdenyi and members of the Monterey Peninsula College String Ensemble. The concert began with Vivaldi’s “Magnificat,” featuring talented soloists Gayle Smith, Amanda Cole and Rose Elgart-Fail, followed by “Carol of the Birds,” accompanied by outstanding young guest flutist, Hayoung Youn. Then Gretchen Taylor on violin and Marie Seavey on cello gave unusual and moving renditions of “Adam Lay Y Bounden” and
Mike Clancy
Performance Review “There Is No Rose.” The combination of many classically trained female and male voices with a strong orchestra made for a powerful performance with numerous goose-pimple evoking moments. Moving on to the second half of the show, the Jazz Ensemble performed an impressive original arrangement written by Dr. Ferrantelli, which clearly showed the depth and breadth of his musical abilities. In MPC tradition, the “Refreshmen,”
Peace of Mind Dog Rescue holds volunteer orientation
consisting of Ferrantelli, Jeb Morris, Mark Bergman and Scott Golden, accompanied by Don Roseff on bass and Ferrantelli on sax, crooned pop music of the Four Freshmen. Their voices blended beautifully in both unison and harmony to evoke pleasant memories from the carefree days of the 1950s. The concert concluded with two lively selections, the classical “Resonet In Laudibus” and a spiritual hymn, “He’ll Make a Way,” which included two wonderful solo
singers, Georgette Berry and Charles Tate. This recital gave strong testimony to the scope of musical talent and collaboration here on the Monterey Peninsula. Audience members were clearly carried away by the music and inspired by the talent and dedication of the performers, as they showed their appreciation with a rousing applause at the end of the recital. And rightly so. This was an extraordinarily memorable event. If you missed it, take heart. Dr. Ferrantelli and his I Cantori di Carmel chorus, featuring some of the same singers, plan to perform some of the same music at First Night Monterey on New Year’s Eve. And look forward to the MPC Music Department Spring Recital coming up in about six months. It’s guaranteed to knock your socks off!
York School Presents “Inside York”
York School will host its annual “Inside York” admissions event on Sunday, JanuPeace of Mind Dog Rescue will hold an orientation event on Wed., Jan. 23 for ary 13 from 2-4 p.m. This free admission event gives families an inside look at York Luminette Modern Draperies anyone interested in learning more about the organization and current volunteer school. The event kicks off with an information session in the Coburn Chapel on campus. openings. Opportunities available include fostering senior dogs, working at adopFollowing the information session, prospective students will have a chance to tion events, and transporting dogs to veterinary appointments. The event will also socialize with current York students over refreshments while parents can ask questions include foster training and will be held at the POMDR Bauer Center, 615 Forest Ave., Dual Panel and learn about York school from teachers, veteran parents, and York student ambasPacific Grove, from 5:30-7 p.m. For more information please visit www.peaceofmind- sadors. Prospective York families will learn about curriculum as well as opportunities Call 718-0122 RSVP or email for music, theatre, athletics, student government, clubs, community service, and art. Luminette to Modern Draperies ®
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Luminette® Modern Draperies
Students, parents, and other family members are welcome to attend. No RSVP is required for this free event. For more information about Inside York, contact Catha Smith, Director of Admissions and Financial Aid, York School, at 372.7338 x 115 or
Dual Panel
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Howard Burnham’s Jane Austen tribute at the Works
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Paul’s Drapery Luminette® Modern Draperies offer two revolutionary Closed design statements.
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© 2009 Hunter Douglas. ® Registered trademark of Hunter Douglas. 30799
Author to discuss “Passion for Place”
© 2009 Hunter Douglas. ® Registered trademark of Hunter Douglas. 30799
The Pacific Grove Art Center will host an artist talk and book signing with Paola Berthoin on Sat., Jan. 12 from 1-2 p.m. in the Nadine Annand Gallery. Paola will speak on the inspiring beauty of our land
and rivers. Her contemplative paintings will be on display and her book, “Passion for Place,” will be available for sale and signing. Admission is free. In the introduction to the book, Paola states: “Wherever we live, sharing our stories of our connection to rivers and land connects us to each other and reminds us of what is important in our lives. We are reminded of the beauty, wonder, spirit, and mystery of the natural world. Creativity, in its great depths of the human psyche and genetic coding, emerges from the wildness of the natural world. When we allow wildness, our own spirits, to flourish within, we can also respect and allow nature’s spirit, the world outside, to exist. We intrinsically understand we are part of the land and rivers—that the natural world supports us in body, mind, and soul.” The art exhibit is showing at the Art Center through Feb. 14. The PG Art Center is located at 568 Lighthouse Avenue. Call 375.2208 for more information or go to
Art class signups now open
Deborah Russell will offer abstract acrylic/collage classes on Wednesdays, Jan. 23 through Feb. 27, from 1-4 p.m. The cost is $160 for the six classes. She will offer watercolor classes on Tuesdays, Jan. 22 through Feb. 26 or Thursdays, Jan. 24 through Feb. 28, from 9:20 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. The cost is $125 for six classes. For more information contact Deborah at 920-8130 or
January 4, 2013 • CEDAR STREET
Times • Page 7
Your Achievements
Peeps Renee Crocker named Tourist Information Center manager
Resolve to volunteer as a literacy tutor
If you can read this, you are better off than 25 percent of Monterey County adults who are functionally illiterate and read below the fourth grade level. Imagine not being able to fill out a job application, read road signs, help your children with their homework, or understand the bills you receive. But the impact of illiteracy is not just on the individual. It is felt by the community at large. Businesses suffer because it limits the abilities of the workforce; health and safety become an issue when individuals cannot read their prescriptions or safety warnings; informed civic engagement is limited; and people are more likely to become victims of scams. Monterey County Free Libraries’ ReadMCFL program provides free tutoring to adults interested in improving their English literacy skills. Learners come to the program with many goals in mind: taking the GED, getting a driver’s license, becoming a citizen or getting a promotion at work. ReadMCFL has close to 100 learners on its waiting list who want to improve their lives by learning to read, write, speak and understand English better. Make a commitment of just two hours per week for at least six months. Volunteers are needed throughout the county. Volunteer tutors may join the ReadMCFL program at any point during the year by registering for our new tutor training. The next twopart “Orientation and New Tutor Training” will be held on the Peninsula. Attendance at both sessions is required. Part I on Tue., Jan. 15, 6-8:30 p.m. at the Marina Branch Part II on Wed., Jan. 16, 6-8:30 p.m. at the Seaside Branch For more info or to register, call 883-7597 or email
Renee Crocker Renee Crocker, a former downtown Pacific Grove business owner, has been named the new Manager of the Tourist Information Center at 100 Central Avenue, effective Jan. 2. From 1990 to 2006, she owned Furniture in the Raw, which sold unfinished and finished furniture and accessories. The Pacific Grove Chamber of Commerce operates the Tourist Information Center, which is located at the entrance to the city and open seven days a week from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tourist information is also dispensed at the Chamber’s downtown office.
The new Manager said her top priority would be to work closely with staff and volunteers using guidelines to ensure consistency in presenting visitor information. “It is important for all to be operating on the same page,” she said. Since moving here in 1972, Renee has been involved in retail businesses, publishing and hospitality events, including the AT&T National Pro-Am golf tournament and the Concours d’Elegance. She has been a volunteer at the Chamber office and Tourist Information Center. For more information:call 373-3304.
Public invited to join MPC gospel choir
Love to sing in a choir? Interested in learning about the history of gospel music and its rich heritage? Mark your calendar for Sat., Jan. 5 and Jan. 12 (noon to 3 p.m.) and join the Monterey Peninsula Gospel Community Choir as they rehearse at Monterey Peninsula College in the Choral Room. The choir is preparing for an annual spring concert and summer trip to Las Vegas for the Edwin Hawkins Love Arts Music Fellowship Conference. Founded in 2008, Monterey Peninsula Gospel Community Choir is a tax-exempt, non-profit 501(c) (3) corporation dedicated to promoting gospel music training, education and entertainment in the form of local events to expose community audiences to the diverse cultures of gospel music. John Nash Jr., the group’s founder and leader, has lived and breathed gospel music since his early days at Greater Victory Temple in Seaside. Nash has been involved in the Monterey Peninsula Gospel world since he was 9 years old and has gone on to work with many of the greats of contemporary gospel music, including Andraé and Sandra Crouch, Edwin and Tremaine Hawkins, James Cleveland, Richard Smallwood and many more. Both John and co-director David Wells of San Jose volunteer their time to train the choir. MPGCC rehearses every second and fourth Saturday at Monterey Peninsula College in the choral room. The choir accepts all adults (without audition) who are willing to train and sing. The combined voices of the multiethnic, multigenerational, multi-faith MPGCC family represent most Monterey Peninsula cities. Note that January2013 rehearsals will be held on first and second Saturdays of the month. You can follow upcoming MPGCC events or assist with tax-deductible sponsorship donations on the website www.mpgospelcc. org.
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Times • January 4, 2013
Your Letters
Opinion Marge Ann Jameson, Publisher
Nancy Isakson,
President Salinas Valley Water Coalition
Editorial Opinion
Happy New Year: Now let’s see some new solutions
Last night’s City Council meeting may have lasted too long, and it may have hosted the same people talking about the same old issues, but there was definitely a change in the air. There was a sense of willingness, on the part of Council members, staff and the public to roll up our collective sleeves and get on with things. We are aware that there are those who will never be willing to cooperate, but we noticed altered positions on the part of at least two Council members whose stances on certain long-discussed issues has become a little more centrist, if you will; or at least they seemed a little more willing to at least listen to the other side. We applaud the changes and the new air of cooperation. And we were glad to see a lot less flogging of staff. - Marge Ann Jameson
Reogranizing oversight of the Poet’s Perch Open letter to the City Council: Pacific Grove’s Poet in Residence (PIR) needs support to provide the poetry readings and poetry services as per the conditions of Ms. Latham-Lachish’s gift of the Poet’s Perch (PP). I am part of an informal group of volunteers that has provided this support since the Cultural Arts Commission was disbanded in 2009. Dr. Mossberg has been able to provide and publicize poetry events and workshops with no budget because of the volunteer assistance that she has cultivated. With Lisa Maddalena retiring from her position as Senior Librarian and City liaison for the PIR, and the possibility that Dr. Mossberg will be replaced with a new PIR when her one-year lease contract expires in July, this volunteer “team “ may cease to exist. Before this happens and there is no assistance for producing poetry events and/or the poets perch sits empty as it has in the past, there are issues that must be resolved to provide a sustainable Poet in Residence program. I request that the City Council create an ad hoc committee as advisors to the council regarding the Poet’s Perch. After a specified time period, the committee would make recommendations regarding the issues listed below, and any other issues regarding the PIR or PP that the Council may wish to be addressed. I recommend that the ad hoc committee include Lisa Maddalena, Dr. Mossberg, and PIR volunteers and former Cultural Arts Commissioners Marge Ann Jameson, Laura Emerson, myself, and recent volunteer, Cathy Gable. We have a history with the Poet’s Perch and know what has worked and what hasn’t worked. Questions regarding the Poet in Residence and Poet’s Perch: • How can the Poet’s Perch best be utilized to meet the terms of Ms. Latham-Lachish’s will and serve the community; • Can the refurbished building at Jewel Park be used for PIR readings and workshops since the City does not permit poetry activities to take place at the Poet’s Perch and after hours events at the library are limited by space and available staff time; • Is it feasible to reinstate the Cultural Arts Commission or create a committee under another commission to provide the formal volunteer support needed for planning events, publicity, finding locations for events, staffing events and the oversight of the terms of the Poet in Residence contract; • A decision must be made whether Dr. Mossberg will continue as the Poet in Residence when her contract ends in July of this year; • If Dr. Mossberg’s contract is not renewed, who will solicit applicants and select a new poet; • What will be expected of the Poet in terms of services provided and rent going forward; • What does the City need as income for the management and repairs and replacement fund for the Poet’s Perch; • What financial assistance can the City or the PP fund provide as a budget for PIR poetry events and/or a stipend for the PIR? Susie Joyce Pacific Grove
Norm Groot,
Executive Director of the Monterey County Farm Bureau
Guest Commentary Cal Am should move desired desal pumping site away from our aquifer The Monterey Peninsula Water Management District board voted unanimously Monday that it is in the Peninsula community’s interest to develop a parallel process to advance or qualify an alternative water supply project whose water source is not within the Salinas Valley groundwater basin. That decision was based, in part, on the concern the risk of litigation over Salinas Valley groundwater rights is very high and the data to support a shallow sand dune aquifer approach will not become available until early 2015, and possibly as late as early 2016. Also, even if data are available, it may not yield a solution that will avoid litigation. The Monterey County Farm Bureau and Salinas Valley Water Coalition applaud the MPWMD in its decision and leadership. It has been stated in news publications and at public meetings the agricultural community supports Cal Am’s proposal to pump from the so-called shallow aquifer. The farm bureau and the water coalition would, however, like to correct the record. As organizations representing the majority of the ag community, we do not have enough hydrological knowledge to determine if we can support Cal Am’s proposal to pump from the shallow aquifer. We know that we cannot, and do not, support Cal Am pumping any water from the 180-foot aquifer of the Salinas Valley groundwater basin for use in Cal Am’s proposed project, because the utility does not have the water rights to do so and because of the potential to exacerbate the existing seawater intrusion problem. While it is likely the shallower wells and/or Ranney collectors will not adversely impact the basin, at this stage we simply do not know. Therefore, there is great uncertainty regarding this option, which will require significant hydrologic investigations, along with construction of an adequate model. These tasks will not be completed for two to three years. Unless, and until, these items are completed, the farm bureau and the coalition will not be able to “support” Cal Am’s proposed pumping in the shallow aquifer. Cal Am has stated it has decided to incorporate installation of shallower wells into its project and that this is their preference for source water. However, they have made it clear that if the data gathered from the test well establishes the shallow aquifer is not a suitable source, but the 180-foot aquifer is, it will likely continue to draw source water from the 180-foot aquifer as proposed in its application. Utilization of the 180-foot aquifer as Cal Am’s source water will result in an adjudication of water rights for the Salinas Valley. While resolution in this manner will take several years, and more likely a decade, it will be the Peninsula community’s water supply that will be at greatest risk. We want the Peninsula to be successful in meeting its water needs. But the needs cannot be met at the expense of the groundwater basin. Those who steward the basin will diligently assert the basin’s resources are conserved. The communities and ratepayers of the Salinas Valley have spent hundreds of millions of dollars to build two reservoirs, as well as the Castroville Seawater Intrusion Project, the Salinas Valley Reclamation Project and the Salinas Valley Water Project, to solve the basin’s water problems. Stakeholders have worked as neighbors to resolve their differences so these projects could be successfully financed and implemented. Cal Am’s proposed project for the Peninsula puts a “straw” into the Salinas Valley basin in the 180-foot aquifer, which is the aquifer most vulnerable to seawater intrusion. We cannot allow the stability and security of these water resources and water rights to be put at risk. We ask the community to join us and to support our request that Cal Am move its pumping site out of the Salinas Valley Groundwater Basin.
January 4, 2013 • CEDAR STREET
Times • Page 9
Your Letters
Opinion Seeing that elephant seal reminds me... Dear Mayor Kampe (copied to the members of the City Council) I was pleased to see you Friday peering over the fence at the big elephant seal on the beach next to Hopkins Marine Station. That big fellow settled in on the beach earlier this month with several smaller elephant seals and all the harbor seals usually there, attracting the attention of many people. Watching all those people stream by the fence on Friday, and the dedicated Bay Net volunteers there nearly every day, reminded me once again what a huge asset the wildlife here is for Pacific Grove. There really is no other place like it anywhere, with the harbor seals. sea otters, elephant seals, occasional dolphins and whales, extraordinary intertidal life, monarchs, deer, and diversity of sea birds. Moreover, PG lies in one of the main birding areas in the country. The marine life is highlighted by the Aquarium and the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, as well as the California Islands National Monument; the monarchs by the Monarch Sanctuary; and all of it more and more by the Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History, which has one of the finest bird collections on the West Coast, among other treasures. All of this and our stunning scenic attractions are detailed in the “Natural Resource Areas and Associated Natural Resources” document, updated in 2010 by the Natural Resources Commission and posted on the city’s website. I have seen no indication, however, that this terrific document has been utilized in any way with respect to enhancing PG’s attraction to visitors. I do recall you dismissing the recreational trail, where so many of these wonders can be enjoyed, because it is not well connected to downtown PG, and saying that PG’s focus now needs to be on getting “feet on the street” downtown. But it seems to me that with all these assets going for PG, we need only focus on that *connection* to draw more visitors downtown — who would then eat at the many fine restaurants, stay in the really attractive B&Bs and other accommodations, and shop if we had the appropriate stores. Our natural setting is the key, in my opinion, to bringing more life and economic vitality to our town. Speaking of accommodations brings me to the Holman site. There must be a way to build a modest hotel there that would enhance the attractions we have here. The site is adjacent to the museum and the library, both with distinctive “natural history” styles. I can envision architecture that ties in with them, perhaps built around a courtyard below the Holman Building (or its replacement), with a stairway leading from Lighthouse through it to the courtyard and accommodations on both sides. But I am getting ahead of myself. My argument here, to you and the council members copied, is that the city could benefit enormously from a strategic plan focusing on our wonderful setting on this coast. I gather that you are projecting one or more town meetings for people to discuss the possibilities for enhancing the financial vitality of our town. I really hope that those meetings include serious discussions about taking full advantage of the extraordinary wildlife and scenery that can be experienced here like no where else. John Pearse Pacific Grove
Support at PUC meeting Jan. 9 needed for public ownership of water Editor: This is the best chance in 45 years for public ownership and public accountability for our water supply. Cal Am has held a complete monopoly since 1966, over all supplies and distribution. Cal Am’s proposal is the subject of CPUC’s only local public hearing Wed., January 9, 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m., at Monterey City Hall. The glimmer of hope is that the MP Water Management District has initiated steps to develop a back-up plan with public ownership of the desal plant, based on the two private venture projects at Moss Landing, or some mixture of attributes. My appeal is for large numbers to show up on Jan 9, and speak up. Make sure our numbers match our opportunity. Give voice against Cal Am’s risky plan, against Cal Am’s desire for ratepayers to give it $99 million, against Cal Am history of poor supply management and wasted costs. Give voice for lowest cost desal, for public ownership and cost containment, for community advocacy for the Water District plan for a publicly owned desal facility. Check for the petition, and more. Please attend, speak up and encourage others as well. Do not miss this opportunity to make a better vision possible. Thank you, George Riley Ratepayers First Monterey
Letters to the Editor
Cedar Street Times welcomes your letters on subjects of interest to the citizens of Pacific Grove as well as our readers elsewhere. We prefer that letters be on local topics. At present we have not set limits on length though we do reserve the right to edit letters for space constraints, so please be concise. We will contact you to verify authenticity so your email address and/or telephone number must be included as well as your name and city of residence. We will not publish unsigned letters or letters which defame or slander or libel. Cedar Street Times is an adjudicated newspaper published weekly at 306 Grand Ave., Pacific Grove, CA 93950. Press deadline is Wednesday, noon. The paper is printed on Friday and is available at 138 various locations throughout the city and on the Peninsula as well as by e-mail subscription and with home delivery to occupied homes in Pacific Grove.
Marge Ann Jameson, Editor/Publisher
Phone 831-324-4742 • Fax 831-324-4745 •
New Year Models Tom Stevens
Otter Views Otter views – Southern exposure Ever since relatives moved to the desert 30 years ago, Southern California trips have been a yuletide tradition. Sometimes I drive, usually with my bother Mike. Sometimes, like last week, I travel by air. Flying has proven quicker and less punishing, but the road trips have yielded better detours. One of those led on a January night years ago to the high desert town of Lone Pine, a five-block sprinkle of lights between Death Valley and Mammoth Mountain. The night there was as black as Lash La Rue’s hat; the air icy and clear. Like cowboys drawn up around a fire, the town’s cafes and motels huddled up to Highway 395 as if to warm themselves on passing traffic. It was a vain pursuit that night. In the 20 minutes needed to walk the town, just two cars and a semi hauling fuel passed through. As the big Peterbilt rumbled northward, Christmas lights strung over the street flickered from the silvery curve of its tanks. Bereft of traffic, Lone Pine became a black velvet canvas for the hot neon loops of 1950s-era motel signs: Pinky Lee pinks, electric blues, buttery yellows, reds smoldering like raked embers. The signs vaulted skyward in bold cantilevers as hopeful and audacious as America was back then. A short stroll revealed that, like the nation, Lone Pine’s neon had taken a few hits since the days of 25 cent gas and cream-white Coupe de Villes. The Motel Dow Villa had lost its beautifully scripted V, and the O in Motel Mt. Whitney had gone as dim as a donut dunked in the Whitney’s “in-room coffee.” After 800 miles on the road, my brother and I didn’t need the in-room coffee. We needed respite from the blurring, glary, ever-repeating desert diorama and the soulbuzzing whine of tires. Lone Pine provided it. Once out of the truck, we listened to the ringing stillness of the desert itself, the sound that no sound makes. Below the winter stars rose the sort of gray, wrinkled hills Georgia O’Keeffe called “a mile of elephants.” And over them loomed the steep eastern face of the Sierra Nevada, a craggy escarpment immortalized in black and white by Ansel Adams and in Technicolor by cowboy movie directors. The posters of those old westerns shared the knotty pine walls of The Sportsman Café with bull elk and buffalo heads, perhaps trophies from some bygone movie set. For in the 1940s and 1950s, countless directors used Lone Pine as a backdrop. All the matinee cowboys galloped through – Tyrone Power, Gene Autry, Ronald Reagan, William Boyd, Tex Ritter, Allan Ladd, Smiley Burnette, Roy Rogers and a hundred others. If you saw “Horsemen of the Sierras” or “Texans Never Cry,” you saw Lone Pine. And if not, you’ll just have to drive that stretch of Highway 395 yourself. You might discover how mysterious California’s high desert can be. Or maybe it just seems that way. Cleansed of barns, silos, water towers and other human references, the desert shimmers with optical trickery. That shiny patch on the left, for instance, could be water, salt, sand, or a mirage of all three. And way up ahead, is that steam rising through snow, or snow falling through steam? It turned out to be steam rising through snow, one of 395’s many winter surprises.
Parking the truck near some others, my brother and I set off down an unmarked road, fresh powder snow squeaking underfoot. The midday sky was robin’s egg blue; the air sharp and fine. We pursued the plume of steam for a mile, until the air grew slightly sulfurous. At length the trail descended to a narrow river flanked by bluffs. Deep, puffy snow reached to the sparkling water’s edge. But instead of ice, the banks showed unseasonable green reeds and river grass, the handiwork of hot springs. Hopping from foot to foot in the snow, we stripped down and joined laughing Europeans, old hippies, crew-cut servicemen and splashing children in the smoky, sulfurous water. Moving from hot to cool to hot again, everyone swam lazily around to keep from poaching. Bubbles of hot gas rose from the river bottom to hammer our ribs, prompting uneasy images of molten magma prodding the earth’s crust inches below our feet. Later, another desert detour led to an even stranger site, the Salton Sea. Man-made by error, this vast and shallow lake once drew vacationers and trailer parks to its sunlit shores. But by the time we saw it, the lake has soured and shrunk, leaving a rank stench of decay and a crackling carpet of fish bones along its banks. Long-dead palm trees, empty pools and the charred hulks of vandalized homes suggested an apocalypse at the oasis. It was time to head back north and into a new year.
Times • January 4, 2013 Jane Roland
Margery Preston
Obituary Marjorie Vaughan Preston December 5, 1920 ˜ December 21, 2012
Pacific Grove ˜ Marjorie V. Preston, a native of Kansas City, Missouri, passed away at Canterbury Woods, her home of 26 years. She was a graduate of Los Angeles High School and attended UCLA where she was a member of Alpha Gamma Delta Sorority. Marjorie was the secretary at the First United Methodist Church in Pacific Grove for ten years. In addition to her membership in the First United Methodist Church of Pacific Grove, Marjorie was a member of Cursillo, the Community Hospital Auxiliary and a former board member of the Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History. Marjorie is survived by her son, Gil (Barbara) Preston of Northridge and her daughter, Carol (Mark) Smith of Clovis; her grandchildren, David (Molly) Preston, Jill (David) Barbee, Amanda (Kevin) Berryhill and Sarah Smith and seven great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by Gil, her husband of 69 years, in 2011. Memorial services will take place at Canterbury Woods on Monday, January 14 at 2:00 PM. Memorial contributions are suggested to the First United Methodist Church, 915 Sunset, Pacific Grove, CA, 93950 or to the donor’s favorite charity. Please visit to sign Marjorie’s guest book and leave messages for her family.
Legal Notices FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.2012229 The following person is doing business as KIM LANGUAGE CONSULTING, P.O.Box 5902, Monterey, Monterey County, CA 93944. JESSIE JUNHYUN KIM, 1204 Patterson Ln. #3 Pacific Grove, CA 93950. This statement was filed with the Clerk of Monterey County on November 28, 2012 Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or name(s) listed above on n/a. Signed: Jessie JungHyun Kim. This business is conducted by an individual. Publication dates: 12/14, 12/21, 12/28/12, 01/04/13.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.2012285 The following person is doing business as HARDENSTEIN CONSULTANTS and PRODUCTIVE ELEMENTS, 574 Lighthouse Avenue, Pacific Grove, Monterey County, CA 93950. LINDA LEE HARDENSTEIN, 850 Marino Pines Road, Pacific Grove, CA 93950. This statement was filed with the Clerk of Monterey County on December 5, 2012 Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or name(s) listed above on 2008. Signed: Linda L. Hardenstein. This business is conducted by an individual. Publication dates: 12/14, 12/21, 12/28/12, 01/04/13.
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME: Petition of KATHLEEN ELA SUMAROWSKI Case No. M120989 Filed Decemner 7, 2012. To all interested persons: Petitioner Kathleen Ela Sumarowski filed a petition with this court for a decree changing name as follows: present name KATHLEEN ELA SUMAROWSKI to proposed name KATHLEEN ELA JOLLEY. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above myst file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. Notice of hearing date: January 18, 2012, Time: 9:00 a.m., Dept. 14. The address of the court is: Superior Court of California, County of Monterey, 1200 Aguajito Rd., Monterey, CA 93940. A copy of this Order To Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four consecutive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: CEDAR STREET TIMES. DATE: December 7, 2012 Judge of the Superior Court: Kay Kingsley. Publication dates: 12/14, 12/21, 12/28/12, 01/04/13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 20122369 The following person is doing business as KIMSON ROBOTICS, 1204 Patterson Ln #3, Pacific Grove, Monterey County, CA 93950/P.O. Box 5902, Monterey, Monterey County, CA 93944. JESSE JUNGHYUN KIM, 1204 Patterson Ln #3, Pacific Grove, CA 93950. This statement was filed with the Clerk of Monterey County on 12-21-12, File Number 20122369. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or name(s) listed above on n/a. Signed: Jesse Junghyun Kim. This business is conducted by an individual. Publication dates: 01-04, 01-11, 01-18, 01-25-13.
To place legal notices call 831-324-4742. We do the proof of publication. We accept credit cards.
Animal Tales and Other Random Thoughts
Am I the Queen of Rummage? I was asked how I felt about being “Queen of Rummage.” After considerable thought, I realized that it was, in part, my DNA. My mother came from the generation of women who did not work for money. She was a consummate volunteer and her projects involved rummage sales for those less fortunate. She loved bargains and haunted Filene’s basement in New York City. A good thrift shop was her Neiman Marcus. She got me started assisting those who needed help when I was nine, collecting scrap metal for the war effort. I read when I was 3 and started writing when I was 9. (I still have a story from that era.) I started my higher education as an English/journalism major with a minor in drama. I found philosophy stimulating and literature invigorating. My goal was to be a newspaper woman, until I found that this career in the 1950s was severely limited for novice journalists, especially females. After I landed in San Francisco I set my sights on advertising, and, after some hits and misses, found my niche in research departments, initially in television. Then I went to Foster and Kleiser, the largest outdoor advertising agency in the country. I thrived. There was a hiatus of about 15 years when I was married and moved away, first to Europe, then Florida. The marriage didn’t last but the union produced two wonderful children, Jay and Ellen. I did some writing during that period but not enough. I was an Episcopalian but converted to Roman Catholicism when I married Larry. After our divorce I went back to my roots, worked in the church office and started a benefit shop, which ultimately raised many dollars for the tiny congregation. I returned to California in 1971, remarried, and had another child, Jennie. When she was old enough I went to work at the Lyceum of the Monterey Peninsula as assistant to Nan Bomberger, Executive Director, a job I inherited in 1977. It was challenging. Initially I worked with no assistance other than dedicated board members. My husband John had been on the board as treasurer, but stepped down when I was hired, but he still tirelessly worked for the organization. The offices had been in what is now the Alzheimer’s facility behind the old hospital. We needed to move and John convinced his friends, Helen and Margaret Bruton, to allow us to rent Helen’s studio on El Dorado, between the medical facility and Presbyterian Church. Don’t look for the charming rustic pink building which had been there for almost 50 years; it has given place to a McMansion. I changed the program, increasing the sciences (the original base) but also the arts, asking my friends Gus Arriola, Eldin Dedini, Anita DeCarlo, Sandy Jordan, Lynn Larson, Alex Anderson and many other talents to teach classes. Nancy Morrow took the children down the rabbit hole and through the looking glass. Dave Shonman and Milos Radakvich explored the world of marine biology, Bill Cleary made veterinary medicine delightful for little children, and Mary Buskirk showed the kids how to weave. There were gardening classes and excursions to the observatory in Carmel Valley. Children went “out and about” during the summer. The instructors donated time for a few classes during the year and were paid a stipend during the summer for concentrated seminars. There was an astounding music program already in place. The Executive Director was responsible for it all, finding the classes and the parent supervisor, signing up the children, typing and mailing the bulletin. After awhile Helen wanted her studio back, so John went out and found a house. He approached our supporters and convinced them to contribute $1,000 each for a down payment. The realtor gave up his commission and we moved in. John was made a Friend of the Lyceum. Sandy Jordan had a class called “Let’s Paint a Wall,” so the kitchen became a classroom. It was an enormous job for me, and, when the board felt that I should take on the responsibility of the music program I couldn’t figure out how I could cram more time into my 10-hour days. In the spring of 1983 it became mutually agreeable that I should leave. My respite lasted three months. I was asked to be President of the Symphony Guild, one of the largest fund raising groups extant in the early days. We went from one event to another. There were previews for each concert, replete with a boutique. We did a Christmas ball, domino tournament, a marvelous fashion show, a French Bistro, the Pops Concert, and added the B Sharp Follies. After much negotiating, we opened the Hyatt Conference Center with the elegant April in Paris where the streets were achievements of set directors from San Francisco. It was our crowning achievement. The dinner and professional orchestra, the Eiffel Tower soaring over the rows of recreated shops on the Left Bank, were thrilling. The hotel paid all of the expenses and guaranteed a net of $10,000 to the Guild. One thing I must share is that, without the participation of my husband John, many of our achievements would not have happened. He is a genius at obtaining donations and untiring when there is a project. He started and directed the Guild’s domino tournament. In his former Rotary Club, he wrote the newsletter and obtained speakers for many years. These days he works on Rotary activities and volunteers at the shop. We are, and always have been, a team. If a group gets one they get the other. In 1986 a board member at the SPCA suggested I manage the benefit shop in Pacific Grove. I had been involved with the organization since my return to the Peninsula. My cousin Mary wanted to start an auxiliary for the animal group and asked me to work with her. Our shoestring group became highly successful, for many years. Working for the SPCA, and the animals, was a “no brainer.” What started as a small job in 1986, putting together a decent store and attracting donors and customers, became a career that lasted 20 years. The interest stemmed from many years of working on rummage sales. Who would have known? When that store moved, I was asked to open a similar venue for Animal Friends Rescue Project. The rest is history. Am I the Queen of Rummage? I doubt it. There are others more worthy of the title than I. I could have done nothing without a corps of dedicated volunteers. They make things happen and are the most valuable assets a non-profit organization can have. Now you have the rest of the story. Have a very Happy New Year. May 2013 bring happier tidings for our country than the chapter we have closed on 2012.
January 4, 2013 • CEDAR STREET
Times • Page 11
Arts and Events
Up and Coming Storyteller Mary Gay Ducey to speak at Monterey library
Money lecture at Monterey library
The Friends of the Monterey Public Library and the Monterey Public Library Endowment Committee present “Will My Money Last As Long As I Do?”, a wealth management lecture with Certified Financial Planners Kevin Mahoney and Gifford Lehman, on Thursday, January 17, 2 - 3 p.m., in the Library Community Room. Participants will gain a framework and actionable takeaways to help ensure financial security for life. Adults over age 50 are especially encouraged to attend. Admission is free, but reservations are required. Call 646-5632 or visit The Mon-
The Monterey Public Library presents Stories for Adults featuring Mary Gay Ducey on Tuesday, January 15, at 7 p.m. The awardwinning storyteller has made appearances on PBS, in colleges and libraries, and has headlined storytelling festivals across the country. Ages 16 and up are invited to attend. Tickets are $15 or receive one free with a valid Monterey or Pacific Grove Library card. Obtain tickets in advance at the Help Desk. The Monterey Public Library is located at 625 Pacific Street, Monterey. For information call 646-3949 or visit Mary Gay Ducey
TWOExperienced GIRLS FROM CARMEL • Professional Same Cleaner For A Personal Touch Bonded • 30 Year Track Record
Natural History Museum seeks donations for milestone anniversary
The Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History is soliciting donations to help it mark its 130th anniversary next year. The museum first opened its doors in 1883 and continues as a free community institution today. The museum is located at 165 Forest Avenue. Call 648-5716 for more information.
“Jade Beach” signing at Pilgrim’s Way
Author and multi-media artist, J.W. Winslow and special guests will celebrate her recently published book, “Jade Beach, Mystic Adventures in Big Sur, Volume II,” and sign copies of the book on Saturday, December 29 from 1 p.m.–3 p.m. at Pilgrim’s Way Bookstore in Carmel. “Jade Beach” is the sequel to the novel, “Jasmine Dogs, Mystic Adventures in Big Sur, Volume I.” Tom Ayres will perform music written for the book. Winslow is the daughter of character actor Dick Winslow and grew up among the production crews, screenwriters, and movie stars of Hollywood. The story of “Jasmine Dogs” depicts insider Hollywood scandals unfolding in Big Sur. Her books tell a love story with sensual scenes reminiscent of the acclaimed Big Sur author, Henry Miller. The mystic adventures of Dyanna Falconer reconvene on the first page of “Jade Beach,” with a wild ride full of surprises. Winslow’s scorching love story and twists of fate are played out on the coast of California. Theme music by Columbia recording artist Tom Ayres, and cover art by Big Sur’s own Erin Lee Gafill are part of the magical visit to the world’s most mysterious place: Jade Beach. Pilgrim’s Way is located at Dolores Street between 5th and 6th, in Carmel-by-theSea. Call 649-4955 for more information. J.W. Winslow is an artist, writer, poet and green publisher. Her imprint, Fresh Art, has produced four books made entirely of recycled materials. As a novelist, she has embraced new media. The first book in the “Mystic Adventures in Big Sur” series, “Jasmine Dogs,” is a multimedia story with its own musical score composed by Montereynative-turned-New Yorker Tom Ayres. Photographic images bring the beauty of Big Sur to the reader, and there are links to websites and web cameras. The original soft cover book, “Jasmine Dogs” produced through Winslow’s Fresh Art publishing company by Monterey’s Cypress Press, is composed entirely from recycled components, including the cover and page stock, soy ink, and linseed binding glue. Fresh Art’s first book entitled “Sensual Indigo: Memoir of a Renaissance Woman,” was released in 1998 and remains in print, while a collection of poetry called “Websongs” has been published monthly on her website for 15 years.
Art Center to host portrait workshop
The Pacific Grove Art Center will host the “Portrait and Clothed Figure Painting Workshop” by world-renowned realist painter Warren Chang. This is an opportunity to study in-depth, limited-palette techniques used by master oil painters for centuries, as taught by Warren Chang, a professional artist and art professor. The workshop will be held January 6-8, from 10-5 daily, with a one hour break for lunch. This threeday portrait and clothed figure painting workshop will emphasize working in an extended limited palette in oil for an emphasis on tone and value. Instructor demonstrations take place on the first two days. Lectures will include the construction of the human head, light and shadow and a brief covering of painting the figure and multiple figures in indoor and outdoor environments. The cost is $375. To register, send payment to Warren Chang, 824 Lottie Street, Monterey, 93940. For more information call 277-8474.
(831) 626-4426
Spiritual Training
by International Speaker Josh Niles, CS
Join our conversation and hearing and trusting divine intuition as well as combatting the distractions and mental ambushes that keep us from hearing God's direction.
Sun., Jan. 13, 2013 at 2 p.m.
Monterey Conference Center, 1 Portola Plaza, Monterey Josh Niles has been actively serving others for much of his life, in areas such as tutoring, coaching, and teaching Sunday School, as well as serving as an Officer in the Army and leading a platoon in Baghdad, Iraq. Since 2008, Niles has been dedicated to healing spiritually as a practitioner of Christian Science healing and sharing with others this scientific prayer-based system of healing. He is a member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship and speaks internationally, traveling from his home in Boise, ID.
This talk is sponsored by First Church of Christ, Scientist, Carmel, CA and First Church of Christ, Scientist, Monterey Childcare provided • There is no cost for this lecture For more information please call 831-624-0141
Times • January 4, 2013
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Hometown Bulletin BOARD
January 4, 2013 • CEDAR STREET
Times • Page 13
Out and About with Seniors
Make This a Golden Age
New law in 2013: ‘Silver Alert’ for missing adults By Peter Mounteer The AMBER (America’s Missing Broadcast Emergency Response) Alert program has been around for nearly a decade and has successfully provided law enforcement officials with the information necessary to locate missing children. The program has been and continues to be an invaluable asset to law enforcement agencies nationwide. But what about missing adults? Individuals ages 18 and older can go missing as well, and are particularly vulnerable to getting themselves lost if they suffer from cognitive disorders. What comes to mind most prevalently when discussing missing adults is, of course, seniors, individuals 65 years and older. At such an age it is not uncommon to start exhibiting signs of retarded cognition and for some these signs progress
into dementia, Alzheimer’s and other age related disorders as seniors advance in to their seventies, eighties, and nineties. Additionally, it is not unheard of for elderly individuals to simply wander off for reasons that don’t make sense or they cannot seem to recall, if they are lucky enough to be found alive. Some elderly persons who are prone to wandering may fall victim to such ills as inclement weather, exposure and dehydration that can seriously jeopardize their health if they are not located in sufficient time. The same holds true for individuals who suffer from cognitive disorders, but are not at such an advanced age. This includes adults with dementia who aren’t seniors, autistic and Downs syndromeaffected individuals as well. Because these individuals and the elderly are sometimes prone to going missing, advocates and lawmakers saw a need for services similar to AMBER Alert that enable law enforcement officers and
the community at large to swiftly track down missing elderly and other cognitively impaired individuals before they do significant damage to themselves or otherwise fall victim to health problems, crime and other dangers. The “Silver Alert” system was was recently enacted in California and has seen its first example of use by law enforcement in Sacramento in their attempts to locate Robert Grappi, a man from Elk Grove who went missing earlier in the week. Currently, some 34 states have protocols for locating missing adults using the “Silver Alert” or a similar service, according the the National Silver Alert website. The service operates similarly to the AMBER Alert service, by partnering news organizations with law enforcement to rapidly disseminate information about a missing person to that person’s community and neighboring law enforcement agencies, with the hope of shortening the amount of the time it
takes to locate such individuals. One key difference that distinguishes the Silver Alert from the AMBER Alert is that a Silver Alert will not use variable road signs as a means of presenting information about a missing adult, the way the AMBER Alerts do. AMBER Alerts are more centralized per the Department of Justice so that AMBER Alerts can be issued in every US State and territory, while Silver Alerts exist on a state-by-state basis. Some states have a missing adults program while other states simply do not. In the last decade several attempts have been made by Congress to enact federal legislation to recover missing seniors. Specifically, H.R. 632 was passed by the House of Representatives in early 2008 but did not receive sufficient Senate attention by the end the 110th Congress, and effectively died in between Houses. The bill was reintroduced into the 111th and 112th Congress and is currently pending in the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Healing Touch Program Class Jan. 11 and 12
Stressed, anxious? Want to be more in the flow of life? This energy therapy can make the difference for you and your loved ones. Healing Touch is an energy therapy in which the practitioner consciously, and in a heart-centered way, utilizes light or near-body touch to clear and balance the human energy system. This promotes healing for the mind, body and/or spirit. Available for anyone interested in the practice of energetic work. These scientifically supported techniques complement conventional medicine and are becoming increasing validated in the health care community and hospitals. Nurses/massage therapists/allied health care professionals can earn 18 Continuing Education contact hours. Cost includes all instructional material: $370, Students $270. For more info/flyer please call Caroline 831 915 3410 or email Member of the Board, Healing Touch California. Jan 11 and 12, Mayflower Church, PG.
Andrea Moore, OD
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Ph: 831-643-2457 • Fax: 831-643-2094
Times • January 4, 2013
Manifesting for the new year 1. Sit silently: in this moment there is nowhere to go and nothing to do except be with yourself... Be silent, sense what it right here and now. What I notice right here, right now... experiences of thoughts, feelings, body sensations, and experiences of seeing, hearing, sensing right now: (write in a journal or tell a partner)
Rabia Erduman
Rabia Erduman was born in Istanbul, Turkey and later spent 10 years in Germany before arriving in the United States in 1983. She has traveled extensively in Europe, India, and Bali and is fluent in English, German, and Turkish.
Self discovery
2. Answer this question: What do you 7. Now closing your eyes, focus for value most? Use a short answer (word or a a moment on your breath. Imagine a phrase). Repeat this question many times. peaceful garden. Invite now into the garden your Higher Self who is willing to carry your vision for the coming year Make a list of what you value. into the Great Oneness, the Collective 3. Do a mental and written review of the Mind. This Higher Self guide harmopast year. List and briefly describe your ac- nizes your values with your actions, accomplishments, what you created in your tivates others who can benefit from your life, i.e. what you manifested. Note how vision, and magnetizes to you all that is needed to manifest your vision for your your values informed your life. highest good. Feel the loving presence of My accomplishments; what I created, this guide. Sense that your guide deeply knows the tremendous abundance of the what I manifested: Great Oneness, the Collective Mind. En4. Also reviewing the past year and your trust to your Higher Self the creation and present circumstances, list what you are fulfillment of your vision. Entrust your process for manifesting for your highest grateful for. good and the good of others. Know that your guide receives the trust and is now I am grateful for the following: your messenger to the Collective as well as your guide in this process. Your 5. List: Higher Self loves you unconditionally. Now, notice your breath. When you are The uppers in my life: ready, open your eyes. The downers in my life: What makes me feel tense: What makes me feel relaxed and let 8. Now in your journal write the date for January of the following year (2014). go: Look back on 2013 as if it had already 6. List that which you want to bring into happened. your life, and that which you want to 9. List what you want to have attained eliminate from your life. by this time next year. You may want to consider a variety of areas of your life Hello to: such as your work or professional life, Goodbye to: relationship, your finances, health/your Take a break so that you can integrate body, your own process, your home or living situation, your spirituality. Using what you wrote so far. this list, write a few pages describing all
Pacific Grove Acupuncture
(831) 393-4876 150 15th St., downtown PG
Acupuncture • Herbal Medicine Winter Specials Free Consultation New Patients Winter Specials... • Lower Blood Pressure • Decrease Tinnitus • Resolve Insomnia • Relaxation & Stress Relief Jacquelyn Van Deusen-Byrd Acupuncturist, Herbalist
Transform your negative beliefs. . . transform your life. Rabia Erduman, CHT, CMP, RPP, CST Author of Veils of Separation
Transpersonal Hypnotherapy • Reiki Craniosacral Therapy • Polarity Therapy Nervous System Healing • Trauma Release CDs: Chakra Meditation, Relaxation, Meditation, Inner Guides
that you have manifested in 2013 as if it had already happened. Note the continuous thread of your values. 10. Now put each of the items in your list of what you would like to attain into a time frame. List each month of the coming year and describe in the present tense those items from your list as they happen, as you accomplish them. Some items on your list may require several months for completion. Describe the progress for such items in the present tense during each month. 11. Now sit quietly. Sense this moment. Notice your breath. Close your eyes. Now imagine January 1, 2014. Look back on the year and notice your vision manifesting in your life. Feel the sense of accomplishment and gratefulness for these new aspects of your life. Also, in your own way, thank your Higher Self guide for activating the Collective to fulfill your vision for 2013.
Rabia has a B.A. in Psychology, and uses the Clarity Process, Alchemical Hypnotherapy, Reiki, Craniosacral Therapy, Polarity Therapy, and Trauma Release to assist clients in their process of selfdiscovery. She teaches Chakra Balancing, Intuitive Touch, and Spiritual Awakening workshops. Rabia has been in private practice since 1983 and teaching since 1984. An inspiring lecturer, Rabia has given talks on chakras, hypnotherapy, past life regression, and living life in ecstasy, among other topics. She has also been interviewed on radio and television shows. Rabia is the author of Veils of Separation - Finding the Face of Oneness, and has four Guided Imagery CDs: Relaxation, Meditation, Chakra Meditation, and Inner Guides. To those wishing to understand her work, she says, “I have found working with the combination of mind, body, and energy to be highly effective in reaching optimum balance. My life and work are about being in the moment, free of fear and the feeling of separation. Deep joy is a natural expression of this process.”
Saying yes to life - A Tantric approach
Facilitator: Rabia Erduman
The ultimate goal of Tantra is the Divine Union between the Goddess Shakti and God Shiva. The tantric path is an all inclusive path, it is about saying yes to what is happening. Accepting what is happening brings us deeper to ourselves. The denial of it creates separation. Ecstasy is the substance of life. If we had eyes to see, we would perceive the very air that is all around us as a fine luminous web made of ecstasy. When we accept an emotion and feel it fully, it dissolves back into its original state which is ecstasy. Come and explore with Rabia as she guides us on a journey of mind, body, and energy work to assist in letting go of old emotions and limiting belief systems and obtain optimum balance - the dance of Shakti and Shiva, the Inner Masculine merging with the Inner Feminine. Tantra means expansion, and the merging of Shakti and Shiva allows us to expand into our true nature which is Oneness. An 8-week class, starts on Mon., Jan. 14, 6:30pm-8:30pm At Pacific Coast Church, 522 Central Ave., Pacific Grove Cost: $105 Call The Mindshop at 831-372-2971 to register.
January 4, 2013 • CEDAR STREET
Times • Page 15
Meet Chef Briana: Crema’s pastry chef The Chef:
Chef Briana Sammut grew up locally in the Salinas Valley. At age 21, she attended the Culinary Institute of America in New York. Chef Briana was fortunate to gain externships at several restaurants including Mario Batali’s Tarry Lodge in Greenwich CT and Jose Garce’s Tinto in Philadelphia. Currently, she is expanding her career as the pastry chef at Crema located in Pacific Grove on Lighthouse Ave. She definitely enjoys the culinary experience and it shows in all that she creates. I had the pleasure of having her pair a couple of dishes with my wine. Briana possesses the enthusiasm, creativity and drive to be successful. I for one am glad to have her on the Peninsula as she gains more experience in the culinary field. Please visit Crema and see for yourself.
Serves 8-10
Richard Oh
Oh, have a taste!
The Pairings:
The first pairing is seared scallops with the 2010 Otter Cove Chardonnay, Santa Lucia Highlands. The Chardonnay went through partial malolactic fermentation and started in stainless steel then moved over to neutral oak. It has a fruity nose, butter up front, tropical fruits, then finishes with a hint of vanilla and sufficient acid. This paired very nicely with the scallops. The rich texture and flavor of the scallop should be matched with a wine that is crisp and refreshing with bright acid base to cleanse the palate in preparation for another bite. The butter profile of the Chardonnay harmonized with the richness of the scallop and the olive oil.
Seared Scallop with Red Pepper Puree and Arugula/Oregano Olive Oil
½ c whole milk 8 tbsp butter 1 c flour 1 tsp cinnamon ½ tsp nutmeg 1 tsp paprika Procedure: Melt butter and whisk in flour over heat (roux) Gradually, whisk in cold milk and return to heat for 20 minutes stirring constantly. Add seasonings and salt and pepper to taste.
Above: Chef Briana’s Pastitsio - a blend of ground beef, sausage and lamb -- topped with a Béchamel. At right, Seared Scallops with Red Pepper Purée and Arugula/Oregano Olive Oil
Roasted Pepper Puree:
2 red bell peppers ¼ tsp paprika ½ tsp salt Juice of 1 lemon 1 tbsp unsalted butter Procedure: Toss Peppers in olive oil and char over open flame until no longer red or blacken in broiler. Cover in bowl for 20 minutes with plastic wrap and allow to steam. Peel. Puree all ingredients while still warm and incorporate butter in small pieces.
Arugula/Oregano Oil
1 c arugula 10 sprigs oregano Juice of 1 lemon 1 c olive oil Procedure: Puree all ingredients except oil and season to taste with salt and pepper. Slowly incorporate olive oil in slow stream. Set aside.
10 to 12 scallops 1 to 2 tbsp olive oil Juice of 4 lemons
Procedure: Remove foot of scallop and pat dry
Meat (Lamb) ½ lb ground beef ½ lb ground sausage 1 lb ground lamb 1 c chopped tomatoes (canned) 1 tbsp cinnamon 1 tsp nutmeg ½ tsp ground clove 1 tsp smoked paprika ½ c toasted pine nuts ¼ c oregano (hopped) 1 onion (chopped) 2 tbsp olive oil Procedure: Heat olive oil in a large stockpot. Add chopped onion and sauté to dark golden brown, 5-6 minutes Add and sear beef, sausage, and lamb Separately, combine spices, herbs, and tomatoes. Add into cooked meat mixture and simmer 10-15 minutes. Season with salt and pepper
with towel Heat olive oil in large skillet until smoking Season both sides of scallop with salt and pepper then sear in the olive oil until cooked to desired temperature. Add lemon juice to deglaze pan and set pan of scallops aside. Plating Swipe 1 Tbsp. red pepper puree across plate Center scallops in puree Spoon 1 tbsp. arugula oil across tops of scallops Top with arugula leaves for garnish if desired The second pairing is a Greek dish called Pastitsio. It is a little more complicated but well worth it. We paired it with the 2010 Otter Cove Syrah, SLH. It was aged in French oak for 22 months. You’ll get white pepper notes up front, smoky undertones, soft tannins, with a
hint of plum on the finish. The pastitsio is a blend of ground beef, sausage, and lamb. However, there are other variations from different countries. Chef Briana’s version has a bottom layer consisting of tubular pasta, with egg as a binder and a middle layer of meat and tomato spiced with cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and smoked paprika. And a top layer of a flour-based Béchamel, which is a combination of flour, milk, butter, cinnamon, nutmeg, and paprika. The three kinds of meat blended nicely together and was very pleaseing to the palette. The Syrah complimented the Pastitsio favorably. The spices matched appropriately with the wine.
4 tbsp unsalted butter 1 large yellow onion (julienne) 4 sprigs thyme (chopped) 1 # tube shaped pasta (penne, rigatoni, etc.) 2 eggs (lightly beaten) Procedure: Melt butter and add julienne onion. Sauté over medium heat until deep caramel color (9-10 minutes) Add thyme and remove from heat Cook pasta according to manufacturer’s directions in salted water and drain Combine with onions and season with salt and pepper Fold in eggs and set aside Finish Pastitsio Lightly grease the sides of a 13x9 inch rectangular baking pan. Spread the pasta/onion mix on the bottom. Spoon ¼ of the béchamel over the top. Next, layer the lamb mix over the pasta with béchamel. Last, spread the béchamel over the top, completing the pastitsio. Bake in a 400 degree oven for 1 ½ -2 hours or until browned on top. Béchamel will set on top once cooled. Enjoy the pairings with family and friends. If you have any comments or questions, please email me: Richard@ Cheers!
Times • January 4, 2013
Homeless again, but standing his ground Erika Fiske
Homeless Chronicles At 51 years of age, Kevin looks l i k e h e ’s b e e n through some hard times in life. He’s always managed to pick himself up and start over, and he has no doubt he’ll do it again. But in the meantime, Kevin lives in a tent on the hard ground, gathers with other homeless by Del Monte Shopping Center and hopes the old girlfriend doesn’t show up, wanting him back. “All she wants to do is use drugs,” he says, sitting down in a sunny spot overlooking a small gathering of homeless men and women on this New Year’s Eve. The group Kevin spends New Year's Eve among the homeless appears to be by Del Monte Shopping Center. having a feast brought by goodat the Cypress Point Club, while livhearted people in the area--with platters of veggies, ing with his father and then in a van. When he got tired of sitting for cheeses, cake and many containers of prepared food. Those partaking of this hours without money, as he awaited abundance are smiling and laughing. golfers, Kevin decided to drive a Yellow cab and made about $150 a day. The holidays are good. In fact, a steady stream of well- After that, things went sour. Kevin wishers have been bringing all kinds of left his job and drugs became a part of foods and gifts over the days, includ- his life. Finally, he entered the Oasis ing bags full of necessities, clothing Treatment Center in Los Angeles, and modest monetary gifts. A kind got off drugs, returned to this area, policeman took Kevin aside one day became homeless off and on, took and asked that the homeless try to pick care of his failing father in his home up after themselves and keep the area and managed to lose the house. Then, as neat as possible. Kevin smiles and the girlfriend came into his life. “She started doing drugs, and it turns toward the others, pointing to neat surroundings and a lack of trash. was no fun. She was disappearing for But the smiles hide lives of heart- days on end,” Kevin says, adding that ache and tragedy—from a fisherman be became so upset that he got drunk to a business owner, an engineer, a one day and wound up in jail for a few cook, heir to a donut shop and a taxi hours. “So now I’ve been in a tent in driver. “Ty over there is an awesome the woods for a couple of weeks. I chef,” Kevin notes, pointing toward can’t do this anymore. I’ll probably a young man with his dog, sitting brave out the winter though. If I can get rid of the love and jealousy perbeneath a tree. Wearing a warm, grey coat, blue son, I’ll do a lot better.” Kevin’s goal is the drive a cab jeans, jogging shoes and a wool cap, Kevin looks like someone you might again. “You pay $380 a week for a see on a boat, pulling in fish. But his dispatch fee, with $100 toward the life has never been that colorful. He car, but on a good day you can make hopes to return to taxi driving, if he $500,” he says. “Now you have to buy the car, but they’re old cop cars can find some better housing. “I’ve been professionally home- that are refurbished and cost $1,800 less in this town for a long time,” he to $2,000.” With his back injury, Kevin says, adding that he was born in South Carolina and moved here in the early hopes to be eligible for SSI. He al‘60s. Kevin was graduated from Car- ready has food stamps. “Now I need mel High School despite a major car to get centered. I’m not going back accident that left him with a massive there, to my girlfriend.” No, but he is going back to his concussion, broken bones and the postent in the woods to sleep each night, sibility of not walking again. “I rehabilitated myself with surf- in the rain and cold. “It’s all built up, ing, but my back hurts till this day,” with padding on the bottom. It’s all he says. When he was on his feet waterproof,” he says. “But I’ve lost again, Kevin studied music briefly at everything I’ve built up in my life.” Kevin struggles to stand from his Monterey Peninsula College, then quit and went to Hawaii to work in a deli seat near the ground and shakes his and surf. He lived with his brother, head. “What happens if the love of but in the ‘80s, when Kevin’s brother my life comes crawling up that hill, married and Kevin had to move out, wanting me back?” What if, indeed. he returned to Monterey and caddied
Pacific Grove and Seaside set to share more police services Woefully understaffed, PG needs more officers
By Marge Ann Jameson Hoping to expand shared services opportunities for the police departments of both cities, Pacific Grove and Seaside staff are looking for more capacity and efficiency in law enforcement and protection services. Police chief Vicki Myers made a presentation to the City Council on Jan. 2 which outlined advantages for both departments. Since 2004, Pacific Grove has had a shared services agreement with the city of Carmel, and since 2012 have shared a police chief with Seaside. The Monterey Peninsula Regional Special Response Unit shares resources and officers from Seaside, Pacific Grove, Monterey, Carmel, Sand City, Marina and CSUMB: Officers train monthly to be able to respond to high-risk criminal activity. At the Dec. 19 meeting, Chief Myers obtained approval for Pacific Grove to join the Monterey Peninsula Regional Violence and Narcotics Team (PRVNT), a regional effort to respond to the challenge of the sale, distribution, and use of illicit drugs. Grossly understaffed due to resignations and unsuccessful recruiting, Pacific Grove has struggled to provide services for its citizens. There are 22 officer positions and 17 of those are filled. But three
of those officers are on disability due to on-duty injuries and one is in the National Guard and is currently deployed to Afghanistan. He will not return until the spring of 2013. That leaves 13 officers, of which two are commanders with administrative duties. Result: 11 officers for patrol. There are no detectives, there is no funding for the school resource officer, and there is none for traffic control. There are no sergeants, either. The lobby of the Pacific Grove Police station will close during the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., saving the City an estimated $52,000 per year. “The financial consideration,” said Chief Myers in her report, “is to draw upon straight-time personnel instead of paying overtime.” Pacific Grove has already used this program to fill patrol vacancies with a Seaside patrol officer. In the past, with Carmel, Pacific Grove and Carmel have “traded hours” to fill needs. If a Pacific Grove officer goes to Carmel for three hours, for example, a “tab” is run and later, Carmel will lend an officer to Pacific Grove for three hours. No checks are traded. The proposal now goes before the Seaside City Council and then will come back to Pacific Grove if there are any changes. The respective negotiators (in our case, Tom Frutchey, City Manager) will then present the plan to the safety officer organizations.
January ‘White Sale’ on art: Carmel Art Association presents “Get the Picture”
January is the month of the “White Sale,” the traditional time to find bargains on sheets and linens and household items in general. Since 2005 the Carmel Art Association has designated January as the month for great deals on original fine art as well. The artist members present, “Get the Picture,” a special show where they offer their work at reduced prices from Jan. 3 through Feb. 5. According to Sales Manager Maureen McBride, “People look forward to
January when they might find a piece they admired earlier that’s now more affordable. It’s fun for people to come and see what their favorite artists have on the wall. So many great pieces are brought in for this show.” The Carmel Art Association is Carmel’s oldest gallery, established in 1927. Located on Dolores Street between 5th & 6th, it is open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, please visit www. or call 624-6176.
New 3-D screening for breast cancer at Carol Hatton Breast Care Center Three-dimensional automated ultrasounds designed to help detect tumors in dense breast tissue are now available at Community Hospital’s Carol Hatton Breast Care Center. The technology won approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in September, after a clinical trial in which Community Hospital was one of only 10 centers nationwide to take part. The ultrasounds are done in conjunction with a routine screening mammogram for women with dense breast tissue, which can make tumors harder to see. Women with dense breast tissue are four-to-six times more likely to get breast cancer. The center began offering the ultrasounds after the addition of a somo-v Automated Breast Ultrasound system, the only one in Monterey County. “This ultrasound and mammography pick up 30 percent more cancers than mammography alone in women with dense breasts,” says Dr. Susan Roux, medical director of the center. More than 40 percent of women have dense breasts, but most don’t even know it. That will change in April in California under a law signed by Gov. Jerry Brown. It requires that women be informed if they have dense tissue so they are aware that routine mammography alone may not effectively detect cancer. The law requires mammography
providers to include this language in the post-exam report sent to patients: “Your mammogram shows that your breast tissue is dense. Dense breast tissue is common and is not abnormal. However, dense breast tissue can make it harder to evaluate the results of your mammogram and may also be associated with an increased risk of breast cancer. This information about the results of your mammogram is given to you to raise your awareness and to inform your conversations with your doctor. Together, you can decide which screening options are right for you. A report of your results was sent to your physician. In addition to the written report, the new law requires doctors to inform women who have dense breast tissue that additional screening may be recommended and that a range of breast screening options, such as ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging, are available.” Similar laws have been enacted in four other states. The California legislation was prompted by Amy Colton of Santa Cruz, a registered nurse and cancer survivor. Colton was never informed of her breast density during years of routine mammograms and only discovered that she had dense breasts after completing treatment for breast cancer.
Decisions made in the past may no longer be what’s best for the future. To help keep everything up to date, Edward Jones offers a complimentary financial review.
January 4, 2013 • CEDAR STREET
A financial review is a great opportunity to sit face to face with an Edward Jones financial advisor and develop strategies to help keep your finances in line with your short- and long-term goals.
Times • Page 17
Personal Finances
In The Money
To find out how to get your financial goals on track, call or visit today.
Unpermitted dwellings may come before Planning Dept.
John C Hantelman
Financial Advisor . 650 Lighthouse Ave Suite 130 Pacific Grove, CA 93950 831-656-9767
John C. Hantelman
Financial Focus Once again, it’s time to make some New Year’s resolutions. This year, in addition to promising yourself that you’ll hit the gym more often, learn a new language or take up a musical instrument — all worthy goals, of course — why not set some financial resolutions? Consider these suggestions: Boost your retirement account contributions. If your income will rise this year, consider putting more money into your employer-sponsored retirement plan, such as a 401(k), 403(b) and 457(b). You typically contribute pre-tax dollars to your plan, so, the more you put in, the lower your taxable income. Plus, your money can have tax-deferred growth potential. Don’t over-react to the headlines. Lately, you’ve heard a lot about the “fiscal cliff,” political paralysis, the debt ceiling and other Really Scary Topics. These issues are not insignificant — but should they keep you from investing? After all, in any given year, you won’t have to look hard to find warnings and negative news events — and many people do use these ominous-sounding headlines as a reason to head to the investment “sidelines” for a while. But if you’re not investing, you’re unquestionably missing out on opportunities to make progress toward your financial goals. So, instead of focusing on the news of the day, make your investment decisions based on the fundamentals of those investments you may be considering, along with your goals, risk tolerance and time horizon. Keep whittling away your debt. Over the past few years, Americans have done a good job of lowering their debt burdens. Of course, the economy is still tough,
By Marge Ann Jameson and it can be challenging to avoid taking on new debts. But the less debt you have, the more you can invest for your retirement and other important objectives. Rebalance your portfolio to accommodate your risk tolerance. If you spend too much time worrying about the ups and downs of your investments, then your portfolio’s potential for volatility may be too great for your individual risk tolerance. On the other hand, if you continually see little growth in your holdings, even when the financial markets are going strong, you may be investing too conservatively — especially if you are willing to take on some calculated risk to potentially boost your returns. So review your portfolio at least once in 2013 to see if it needs to be “rebalanced” to fit your risk tolerance. Get some help — Navigating the investment world by yourself is not easy. For one thing, there’s a lot to know — different types of investments, changing tax laws, the effects of inflation, interest rate movements, and much more. Furthermore, when you’re making investment decisions on your own, you may have a hard time being objective — so you might end up investing with your heart, and not your head. The need for knowledge and objectivity point to the advantages of working with an experienced financial professional — someone who understands both the financial markets and your individual needs and goals. These aren’t the only financial resolutions you could make for 2013 — but if you follow through on them, you may well need to make fewer ones when 2014 rolls around. This article was written by Edward Jones.
When it comes to your to-do list,
put your future first.
Decisions made in the past may no longer be what’s best for the future. To help keep everything up to date, Edward Jones offers a complimentary financial review.
The City of Pacific Grove has filed a Notice of Intent to Adopt a Negative Declaration of environmental impact as it prepares amendments to the Pacific Grove Municipal Member SIPC Code to allow legalization of undocumented dwelling units in residential areas. Advance Planning Program Manager Lynn Burgess has made the documents available for review through Jan. 22, 2013. The project will be considered at a public hearing at a meeting of the Pacific Grove Planning Commission on Jan. 17. The City seeks to allow owners of dwellings with one or more preexisting secondary dwelling units, including kitchen facilities, which are undocumented through no fault of their own – e.g. purchased with the secondary dwelling already installed – to apply for a permit. But there are some hoops through which to jump. The owner must provide documentation that the unit existed prior to Jan. 1, 1987, the date the State Real Estate Disclosure Law went into effect. That law requires sellers to disclose certain problems about properties, including unpermitted additions. The By Jackincome Warrington, Ea & Mary lou tax McFaddEn, cFP®bills, documentaton could include tax records, property records,Ea, utility Enrolled to Practice representsales taxpayers Before the irSnotes the testimony from neighbors or past tenants,and or property information that separate unitoffers or units.How to fix Errors made on Your Tax return IrS The legalization process, however, does not apply to garage conversions and any unpermitted structures built after January saysyear the reason garage than one of taxthat returns, On July 16, the Irs website pre- 1, 1987. Burgess separate sented this are interesting article conversions not included is thewith perception thatprepare such unitsa would remove1040X muchfor each yeartheand them 10 tipsoffstreet on amending income taxinventory as well needed parking from the city’s as adding needmail for parking separately to the appropriate returns. for the tenants of the unit in question. service center “where There must then be an inspection and a sign-off. There must also(see be verification If you discover an error after you in theHistoric Form 1040 inof legal the main onFile” the City’s Resources file yourwater tax fixture return,units. you Ifcan cor- building isto structions). Inventory, there must be a Phase 2 Historic Assessment. And there must also be a deed rect it by amending your tax return. 6. The Form 1040X three Here are the 10 tips the Irs:of the dwelling restriction stating that from the occupants qualify as very low has income and column A shows that charges are lessshould than 30 file percent or below very low levels, or that 1. rent Generally, you an of very lowcolumns. the agree original figures from the no rentamended is charged return at all. The property to annual monitoring. if your filingowner must also original tax on return. column B A status, complete number copy of theofnegative declaration can be found the City’s website depenshows the changes you are at dents, total income or deducchanging. column c shows tions, or tax credits were rethe corrected figures. There ported incorrectly or omitted. is an area on the back of the Other reasons for amending form to explain the specific are listed in the instructions. changes and the reasons for 2. sometimes you do not need the changes. to file an amended return. 7. If the changes involve other Often times the Irs will corforms or schedules, attach rect math errors or request them to the Form 1040X. missing forms, such as Failure to do so will cause a Forms w-2, when processing delay in the processing of the an original return. In these inamended return. Maria Poroy stances, you may not need to 8. you are your reamend. For practical, objectiveIfadvice on amending health insurance, turn to receive an additional 3. Use the Form 1040X Medicare, and employee benefitswait until you have refund, (Amended received ca your original refund license #0776417 4. Us Individual Income Tax rebefore filing Form 1040X. You turn) to amend a previously may cash your original refund filed Form 1040, 1040A, check while for any additional Poroy: 831-641-9940 1040eZ 1040NrMaria or 1040Nrrefund. eZ. Make sure you831-521-0371(cell) check 9. If you owe additional tax, you the box for the year you should file the Form 1040X are amending on the Form and pay the tax as soon as 1040X. An amended tax repossible to limit the accrual of turn cannot be electronically interest and penalties. filed. 5. If you are amending more
We Speak Tax
See We SPeAk TAX Page 29
A financial review is a great opportunity to sit face to face with an Edward Jones financial advisor and develop strategies to help keep your finances in line with your short- and long-term goals.
If You Pay Taxes You Need To Know Us
To find out how to get your financial goals on track, call or visit today.
Or Call J.W. Warrington & Associates
John C Hantelman
Enrolled Agents Representing Tax Payers Before the IRS
Financial Advisor . 650 Lighthouse Ave Suite 130 Pacific Grove, CA 93950 831-656-9767
Year Round Income Tax Service Income Tax Audits & Appeals IRS & FTB Collections & Procedures IRS & FTB Offers in Compromise
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AuguST 1, 2012
The ci municipa Novemb offices: term offi (three fo candid tion form city cle enue, P (831) 64 must be office by Friday, A eligible i re-electio
On A will deb tional s niques the spa
Times • January 4, 2013
Pacific Grove
Sports and Leisure
GOAL ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Breaker of the Week Miles Cutchin Varsity Basketball
__ $200,000
Ben Alexander
Golf Tips Ben Alexander PGA PGA Teaching Professional, Pacific Grove Golf Links, Poppy Hills Golf Course PGA Teacher Of The Year, No Cal PGA 831-277-9001 www.benalexandergolf. com
Breaker of the Week sponsored by Central Coast Silkscreen & Embroidery 215 Forest Ave., Pacific Grove 831.372.1401
Breaker of the Week Luke Lowell
Each mark = $1,000
Varsity Basketball
Breaker of the Week sponsored by Pete’s Autobody & Glass 214 Fountain Ave., Pacific Grove 831.372.2755
Your source for High School, Middle School and other local sports photos
See something you like? Want to see more?
Monterey Bay Sports Photos 831.915.9578
Catching local sports in action
I’m leaving in a few weeks for Orlando Florida to Attend the National PGA Of America Coaching Summit and I’ll also be attending the PGA Golf Show. When we as PGA professionals attend these events we are learning how to teach better and to pass on our learned knowledge to you, to help you play golf better. We are in a new year, 2013. Hard to believe it but it’s here and this is a good time for you to start tuning up your golf game by getting a few lessons in with me and looking at the basics. I want you to remember the grip is the most important part of the golf swing. Put the club in your fingers, grip the club, and make sure you can see three knuckles on the back of your left hand. Keep it simple by seeing three knuckles. This will help most golfers avoid a slice. “Cya” on the first tee!
Pacific Grove Pony Baseball and Softball seek sponsorships for 2013 season
Spring 2013 Pacific Grove Pony baseball and softball is almost here. Given the success of the group’s sponsorship program last year, organizers are offering even more benefits to sponsors in 2013. Information is available on the Pony League’s redesigned website at All funds raiser through the program provide player scholarships, field improvements, and new equipment for the various teams. There are 42 teams from throughout the Peninsula. Sponsors may elect to sponsor one team for $300 or two teams for $500. By sponsoring a team, you will receive: Your company name and logo displayed on your team’s uniform Commemorative sponsorship plaque with team logo Business listing displayed on website A banner is offered New this year is the ability set up a table for vending at your team sponsored event. In past years, team sponsorships have sold in within a few weeks’ time. Information is available on the Pony League website or by emailing Fatima Silva-Gambello, PG Pony sponsorship director at
January 4, 2013 • CEDAR STREET
Times • Page 19
The Green Page Sea turtle arrives at Monterey Bay Aquarium
After a full day of travel on Thursday, December 20, a hatchling loggerhead sea turtle touched down in Monterey around 10 p.m. Husbandry Curator Steve Vogel, who accompanied the turtle on its journey, brought it immediately to the Monterey Bay Aquarium where it went straight to swimming behind the scenes. The next morning the aquarium’s veterinarian, Dr. Mike Murray, examined the hatchling. At just four months old, it weighs just under half a pound, and its shell measures about 4.4 inches long by 3.4 inches. The turtle passed the exam, but is being kept behind the scenes until after Christmas to acclimate it to a regular feeding routine. Since the turtle eventually will be released back into the wild, the aquarists will take a “hands-off” approach and not hand-feed it or spend more time with it than necessary. They’ll continue to keep track of its weight through routine exams. Later the little loggerhead will be introduced into the Open Sea exhibit gallery.
Dr. Mike Murray shows off the Aquarium’s new baby loggerhead turtle. The hatchling should be on display soon. Photo Courtesy Monterey Bay Aquarium.
Save Our Shores cleans Collins Cove Cave Save Our Shores, the leader in ocean awareness, advocacy and action on the Central Coast, began a new program called Extreme Cleanups on December 20 as the SOS staff of five geared up and cleaned up Collins Cove near Cowell Beach. The debris in the Cove was reported in a YouTube video a few weeks ago and some concerned community members took it on themselves to clean it up at that time. SOS staff contacted the City of Santa Cruz and asked permission to conduct their own cleanup so they could assess the situation. City staffer Mauro Garcia brought the staff to check out the area on Tuesday. Executive Director, Laura Kasa then went out Wednesday night to buy coveralls and face masks for the Extreme Cleanup. The staff brought heavy duty gloves, helmets and headlamps in order to be prepared. Santa Cruz police assisted by ensuring the area was clear before SOS staff arrived. Then from 11 a.m. till noon, the five staffers and City Councilmember Lynn Robinson scaled down the steep, muddy path, scrambled over the boulders and slid down into the cave, with buckets, burlap sacks and trash grabbers. They found 56 pounds of trash in just one hour. The trash included seven syringes, hundreds of pieces of broken glass, dozens of blue latex gloves, a dozen black trash bags, toothpaste, a deodorant cap, a couple of razors, two tampons, two condoms, a piece of a surfboard, 75 “Swisher” cigar wrappers, various clothing (shirt, socks, bra, underwear, shoes), glass plate-ware, tent pole, disposable cutlery and about five pounds of human feces. SOS is working with the City of Santa Cruz to keep this area clean. City staff will inspect the area weekly and when cleanups are needed they will contact SOS who will then deploy volunteers for an extreme cleanup. SOS is looking for volunteers who are willing to take ocean protection to the extreme by helping with these cleanups. The group has the equipment needed such as heavy duty gloves and sharps containers and will train volunteers. Please email the SOS Program Coordinator, Rachel Kippen, at if you are interested in signing up to volunteer. Core initiatives for Save Our Shores are clean boating, marine debris and ocean awareness. Over the last 30 years SOS has been responsible for key accomplishments locally, such as helping to establish the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, preventing offshore oil drilling and cruise ship pollution and bringing together diverse stakeholders to find common solutions to ocean issues. Today it focuses on educating youth about local watersheds, tackling marine debris on beaches and rivers, supporting habitat conservation efforts, implementing the nationally renowned DockWalker program and providing the community with educated and inspired Sanctuary Stewards. For more information visit the interactive website or call 462-5660.
Free local recycling available for polystyrene foam (styrofoam) through Jan. 31
The Monterey Regional Waste Management District, in partnership with Waste Management, Inc., is offering a special collection event to recycle polystyrene foam. Polystyrene foam is commonly used for packaging, cushioning and shipping products such as appliances and electronics. Commonly known by the brand name Styrofoam, it is lightweight, bulky and difficult to recycle. Working together, MRWMD and WMI have solved this challenge to offer this holiday recycling collection event. The MRWMD is collecting polystyrene foam at its recycling dropoff area through Thursday, Jan. 31. The drop-off area is located at 14201 Del Monte Blvd., two miles north of Marina. The polystyrene foam will be trucked to WMI’s recycling facility in Castroville, where it will be densified and shipped to a recycler who will convert it to architectural molding and other extruded products. Packing peanuts are not accepted in this recycling collection event as they are best reused and may be dropped off at local shipping stores. According to MRWMD General Manager William Merry, “Polystyrene foam is bulky and takes up space in the landfill. It also has the tendency
to break into small pieces and is a pervasive litter problem. Working cooperatively with Waste Management, the District is pleased to provide this recycling opportunity for local residents.” The collection box is located at the MRWMD Recycling Drop-off area, which also provides recycling for cardboard, wrapping paper, plastic containers, glass, and metal. More information is available by contacting Jeff Lindenthal, MRWMD Public Education and Recycling Manager, 384-5313, jlindenthal@, or Jay Ramos, WMI Material Recovery Facility Manager, 633-7878,
Did your Christmas presents arrive in some of this stuff?
Times • January 4, 2013
Real estate Bulletin 574 Lighthouse Ave. • Pacific Grove • (831) 372-7700 •
thiS WeekS preMier liSting
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Helen Bluhm (831) 277-2783
Offered at $435,000
Monterey Light, well maintained 2 bedroom, one bath end unit situated in the Tanglewood condominiums of Skyline Forest offers a great opportunity. Convenient location. Traditional sale!
Offered at $312,500
1111 Lincoln Ave.
Arleen Hardenstein (831) 915-8989
3051 Larkin Rd.
Monterey Secluded 3 bedroom, 2 bath hidden treasure located just a few blocks up the hill from downtown Monterey. Fireplaces in living room and master bedroom, plenty of decking and a low maintenance yard.
T.J. Bristol (831) 521-3131
open houSe liSting - Jan 4th - Jan 7th Monterey $312,500 2BR/1BA Open Sun 12-2 30 Tanglewood Ln. X Skyline Forest Arleen Hardenstein 831-915-8989
Pacific Grove $1,150,000 3BR/2BA Open Fri & Sun 1-3 197 Ocean View Blvd. X 1st St. Al Borges 831-236-4935
Pacific Grove $1,150,000 3BR/2BA Open Mon 1-4 197 Ocean View Blvd. X 1st St. Shawn Quinn 831-236-4318
Monterey $495,000 2BR/2BA Open Sat 2-4 875 Spencer St. X David Ave. Angela Alaimo 831-383-0630
Pacific Grove $1,150,000 3BR/2BA Open Sat 2-4 197 Ocean View Blvd. X 1st St. Arleen Hardenstein 831-915-8989
Pacific Grove $435,000 2BR/1BA Open Sat 2-4 1111 Lincoln Ave. X Buena Vista Ave. Marilyn Vassallo 831-372-8634
Monterey $495,000 2BR/2BA Open Sun 11-1 875 Spencer St. X David Ave. Ricardo Azucena 831-917-1849
Pacific Grove $1,150,000 3BR/2BA Open Sat 11-2 197 Ocean View Blvd. X 1st St. Joe Smith 831-238-1984
Pacific Grove $599,000 2BR/1BA Open Sat 1-3 128 4th St. X Central Ave. Deane Ramoni 831-917-6080
988 Madison St.
Pebble Beach Great chance to own a beautifully updated one level turnkey jewel. Spacious, light filled rooms with wood, tile and marble floors. Master suite oasis with dream closet and elegant bath. Sunset views from living room and front patio.
Offered at $805,000
Al Borges (831) 236-4935
30 Tanglewood Rd.
Y 2-4 RDA
Offered at $380,000
Ricardo Azucena (831) 917-1849
1001 Funston Ave., #5
Y 12 NDA
Se Habla Español
Offered at $495,000
Offered at $599,000 N SU
Pacific Grove Light and bright Mediterranean 2 bedroom, 2 bath home with 2 car garage in New Monterey. Great bay views from living room, dining room, bedroom and bath. Prime location for starter, second home or rental property.
Pacific Grove Wonderful 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 1,292 sq. ft. condo. Brand new kitchen with tile flooring, stainless steel appliances and granite counter top. Crown molding throughout. Plantation shutters in bedrooms.
Deane Ramoni (831) 917-6080
875 Spencer St.
Shawn Quinn (831) 236-4318
Pacific Grove Picture perfect, immaculate 1892 vintage beach cottage located in the P.G. Retreat. This 2 bedroom, 1 bath home features Carmel stone fireplace, wood floors, high ceilings, updated systems plus garage. Close to ocean, town and rec trail.
To find out more about area rentals or having your property professionally managed by Bratty and Bluhm Property Management, please visit or call our Property Managers at (831) 372-6400.
Bill Bluhm (831) 372-7700
Featured liStingS
Monthly $2,300
Offered at $630,000
Joe Smith (831) 238-1984
Market SnapShot (as of December 24, 2012) Pacific Grove Single Family
Number of Properties
Median Price
Current Inventory
$717,500 $1,429,615
Properties in Escrow
Closed Sales December 2012
Closed Sales Year to Date
Average Price
Days on Market