July 27th, 2012 Issue

Page 1

In This Issue

Kiosk Feast of Lanterns Schedule of Events Fri. July 27 Pet Parade

Participants gather at 2:00 PM at Caledonia Park Parade begins at 2:30 p.m. Downtown Pacific Grove

Fri. July 27 Feast of Dancing

6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Chautauqua Hall - Free

Comings and goings - page 15

Let the Feast begin! - 11 and 13

Sat. July 28 Feast Day

Lovers Point Park and Pier Children’s Activities 11-5:30 PM Entertainment begins 12:30 PM Sand Castle Contest begins1 PM Sponsors Walk & Pageant 7:45 PM Fireworks at the conclusion

Sun. July 29 Closing Ceremonies

2:00 p.m. Chautauqua Hall - Free Entertainment by La Iku and Umi Refreshments and Opportunity Drawing (Sponsored by First United Methodist Church of Pacific Grove) Events, dates and times are subject to change

July 27-Aug. 2, 2012


Your Community NEWSpaper

Vol. IV, Issue 45

Sun. July 29

The Summertime Musical LoveFest 3:00-5:00 PM Pacific Grove Art Center, 569 Lighthouse Ave Tickets is $15 Something Cool Trio Richard and Norma Mayer

• Monday, July 30

Book Signing with: Wayne Moniz (from Maui) “Beyond the Reef, Stories Of Maui In the World” and “Under Maui Skies” 4:30 - 6:00 PM ~ FREE •

Friday, August 3

Janet Robin, singer/songwriter 8:00 - 10:00 PM ~ $12.00 cover •

Saturday, August 4

Houston Jones “High Octane Americana” 7:30 - 9:30 PM ~ $15.00 cover •

Sat. Aug. 4

2:00 and 7:00 PM

Sun. Aug. 5

2:00 PM FAME presented by Ragamuffin Teen Music Theatre Co. PG Performing Arts Center $10 general $5 Seniors and Children

Cedar Street Times has moved offices to 306 Grand Ave. Pacific Grove

Inside Cop Log.................................3 Green Page ..........................16 High Hats & Parasols .............4 The Homeless Stories.............8 Legal Notices.......................10 Opinion...............................10 Peeps .............................14, 15 Sports ....................................9 Up & Coming ..........5, 6, 7, 12

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Send your calendar items to: editor@cedarstreettimes.com

Queen Topaz, left (Allison Naylor) and Princess Pearl (Courney Lyon), along with other members of the Feast of Lanterns Royal Court, hosted the Chalk Fest and Family Fun Day at the Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History on Sat., July 21. There are more photos of the Chalk Fest on page 15 and photos of the Opening Ceremonies and City Birthday Party on page 11. Photo by Peter Mounteer.

Regional Water Authority will promote public ownership of desal plant before PUC By Marge Ann Jameson Though they still haven’t reached a consensus on which of the three desalination projects before them they will choose to endorse, the Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority – dubbed the Mayors’ JPA – announced July 25 that they support a portfolio approach to the region’s water supply project. A portfolio approach is what cal-Am is also proposing. Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) projects developed by the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (MPWMD) and a Groundwater Replenishment project by the Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency (MRWPCA) are two of the three parts to the portfolio, and would together reduce the size and cost of a desalination plant

by supplementing the water supply. “The most efficient and cost-effective way to meet the state’s deadline for providing a new source of water to residents of the Monterey Peninsula is by moving forward with projects already on the drawing board at existing agencies, and by building a smaller desalination plant,” said board President Chuck Della Sala, mayor of the city of Monterey. MPWMD has two ASR projects on the drawing board. They would take excess water from the Carmel River in the winter when levels are high, and treat, transport, and inject it into wells for storage and use in the dry season. The wells are in Seaside. The MRWPCA project would inject purified water from the Marina Treatment plant into the Seaside Basin for later recovery.

See JPA Page 2

Fall election heating up While not all who have taken out papers with the City Clerk have actually filed them, it appears there will be more candidates than seats in the November election. Mayor pro tempore Bill Kampe was the first to announce his candidacy for mayor, while Carmelita Garcia, having dropped out of the primary race for Assembly and missed out on the 5th District County Supervisor race, recently joined the fray. There are three seats on the City Council opening up. Casey Lucius was first to announce, a few months ago, while Councilmember Robert Huitt announced last week. Also running will likely be Councilmember Dan Miller and retired retailer Mary Norton. Councilmembers in Pacific Grove are elected “at large” so the top three vote-getters will be seated.


Times • July 27, 2012

pJPA From Page 1 According to the Monterey Peninsula Herald, the Water Authority, represented at hearings this week by Carmel mayor Jason Burnett, will propose to the California Public Utilities commission that they call for partial public ownership in California American Water’s proposed desalination plant and for greater public oversight of the company’s water supply project. Cal-Am has insisted that the PUC has authority to regulate public utilities and therefore the Monterey County rule requiring public ownership is therefore pre-empted. Among others who have studied the matter, the Water Authority believes that public ownership, even partial public ownership, will increase the odds of pubic financing and thus lower finance and bonding costs and eventually lower rates for the public, among other advantages to ratepayers. Burnett is quoted as saying that the Water Authority has rejected owning the desalination plant itself and has suggested the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District should assume that role. Pacific Grove City Council is pursuing at least partial ownership of a desalination plant proposed by Moss Landing Partners LLC, which is one of the three “finalist” projects under study by the Water Authority’s Technical Advisory Committee. On July 26 and 27 there will be a workshop before the PUC to cover the following topics: 1. Demand projections 2. Available water supply 3. Project sizing, costs and ratepayer impacts 4. Project governance 5. Contingency planning in light of possible impediments to project completion and to meeting the December 2016 deadline There will not, however, be “substantive discussion” of legal issues at the workshop.

Topics to be discussed in PUC workshop July 26-27

The following sub-issues, among others that undoubtedly will arise during the workshop discussion, should be addressed within the above topics.

Demand projections

• What are the current, short-term and long-term demand projections for the Monterey District? • What are the bases for those demand projections? • How do the demand projections compare with various filings at the Commission? • What assumptions concerning growth, conservation, infrastructure improvements and better management of non-revenue producing water underly the demand projections? • How might changes in demand projections affect the sizing of the Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project?

Available water supply

What possible impediments lie in the path of receiving water, on a dependable basis, from the following sources? o Recycled water o Aquifer Storage Recovery (ASR) Replenishment o Sand City Desalination Plant o Slant wells o California-American Water Company (Cal-Am) owned Desalination plant facilities.

Project Sizing, costs and ratepayer impacts

• Based on the net demand and available supply, what is the optimal size of the project and estimated cost of the total project and Cal-Am only facilities? • What is the cumulative impact on ratepayers if all current Cal-Am requested rate increases were approved by the Commission?

Project governance

• What are Cal-Am’s plans for governance related issues on the project? • What possible impediments face Cal-Am’s proposed governance structure?

Contingency planning in light of possible impediments to project completion and to meeting December 2016 deadline

What are potential issues that could delay or derail the project? What are Cal-Am’s contingency plans, and related cost and scheduling implications, if: o State Revolving Funds are not available or are significantly limited or delayed? o ASR replenishment water is significantly limited or not available? o Grey water is not available for recycling? o Slant wells do not meet project technical criteria? o Environmental issues require relocation of desalination facilities or slant wells? o Project delays occur due to water rights related issues; ownership related issues; permitting; acquisition of land for slant wells; acquisition of land for desalination facilities.


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Cedar Street Times was established September 1, 2008 and was adjudicated a legal newspaper for Pacific Grove, Monterey County, California on July 16, 2010. It is published weekly at 306 Grand Ave., Pacific Grove, CA 93950. Press deadline is Wednesday, noon. The paper is distributed on Fri. and is available at various locations throughout the county as well as by e-mail subscription. Editor/Publisher: Marge Ann Jameson News: Marge Ann Jameson, Peter Mounteer Regular Contributors: Ben Alexander • Mary Arnold • Guy Chaney • Rabia Erduman • Jon Guthrie • Amy Coale Solis • Rhonda Farrah • Neil Jameson • Richard Oh • Katie Shain • Michael Sizemore • Dirrick Williams Advertising: Michael Sizemore Photography: Peter Mounteer Distribution: Kellen Gibbs and Peter Mounteer Database Interns: Sam Goldman (Lead), Grace Sizemore, Rachel Sizemore • Website: Harrison Okins

831.324.4742 Voice 831.324.4745 Fax

editor@cedarstreettimes.com Email subscriptions: subscribe@cedarstreettimes.com Calendar items to: cedarstreettimes@gmail.com website: www.cedarstreetimes.com

July 27, 2012 • CEDAR STREET

Numbers up at the Library since hours have increased

On August 1, 2011, the Pacific Grove Library’s open hours increased from 24 to 34 hours a week, resulting in increases in every statistic the Library keeps. 116,320 people visited the Library during FY2011/12, an average of 9,693 visitors a month. As shown by the chart below, circulation of materials has increased by over 24,000 items from last year. Reference questions have increased by 27 percent, Children’s program attendance by 22 percent. Use of public Internet computers is up 25 percent over last year, thought still not as high as 2008-09.

Average Daily Visits Items Checked Out Internet Users

Children’s Program Attendance

Reference Questions Hours Open Weekly


An employee or the owner set off a registered alarm by accident on Lighthouse.


A parent found a pipe in the son’s backpack while cleaning his room. The parents requested the kid get a talking-to by the police, who eventually destroyed the pipe.

FY 10/11

FY 11/12














Harassment by coffee cup … or was it blatant littering?

A woman reported that someone was harassing her by leaving a broken coffee mug and a food wrapper near her front porch. She had no suspects, however.


FY 09/10


Cop log

A car alarm was sounding continuously on Laurel Ave. It was towed. No mention in the report as to whether or not they tried to open the hood and disconnect the battery. That works when a Harley-Davidson drives by and my neighbor’s alarm goes off .

FY 08/09


Marge Ann Jameson

Noisy tow job



Times • Page 3







Alarm of the building variety Pipe in backpack

Arrivaderci, Pacific Grove!

An Italian tourist reported she had lost her Italian drivers license and two credit cards somewhere in her travels across California. She did, however, still have her passport so it is assumed she was able to go back home.


WANTED • Asian Antiques • Jewelry,

Silver, Coins • Paintings • Clocks & Times Pieces • Furniture, Lighting & Carpets

Disgruntled or dishonest?

After an employee of a restaurant on Central was fired, it was discovered that $208 was missing as well as keys belonging to another employee.

DUI > .08%

Christopher Andres was contacted during a traffic stop and found to be under the influence. He was arrested, booked, and released on a cite to appear.

Yelling as well as driving while drunk

An officer on patrol on Central heard someone yell from a passing car. They attempted to make contact but the driver attempted to avoid the officer. When finally stopped, the officer could smell alcohol and eventually John Kiely was arrested for DUI and taken to jail.

Hmmm. What am I missing here?

A vehicle owner said he put water in the radiator instead of radiator fluid earlier in the day. He pulled over to take a nap on Ocean View Blvd, and when he awoke that car was engulfed in flames. The fire department put out the flames and the vehicle was towed. I’d better go check to see if there’s water in my radiator instead of radiator fluid. Also check to see if I have summer air in my tires and if the gonculator valve is working.

SOLD $50,000

A business reported that someone poured a grease-like substance all over the brick deck of his business on Grand Avenue. He suspects a nearby transient. End of report.

Chinese Pewter Teapot

An unknown substance, possibly pepper spray, was sprayed through the open doorway of a business on Lighthouse. The reporting party said they saw a vehicle driving away from the scene.

Greasy vandalism

Attack by pepper spray

Marijuana is everywhere

During a probation check, Jason Rutt was found to be in possession of unlawful paraphernalia and a small amount of marijuana resin. Another person was stopped for a moving violation and was found to be in possession of less than an ounce of suspected marijuana.


Whining, howling, and bark bark barking


Animal control was called about a dog barking on Laurel. She reports it barked, howled and whined for 20 minutes while she was there, though she could find no cause for distress other than loneliness. The owner called later in response to the ACO’s calling card, and said she had forgotten the dog’s antibark collar that morning. The owner said she was away from home for 15 hours at a time, and the ACO suggested she get a dog walker, day care, or give up the dog if she couldn’t commit more time to the animal’s welfare.

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Bark bark barking in the night

A dog was reported to be barking all night on Junipero. The reporting party was advised to document the problem and get the neighbors in on it to complain as well.

Broken sprinkler alert

A sprinkler was reported flooding the roadway on Cedar Street. Public Works was contacted.


On Laurel, a car was T-boned by a motorcycle as the car made a left turn. On Lighthouse, a non-injury collision on public property occurred, resulting in a tow. On Pine Ave., V-1 struck V-2 while crossing the intersection.




We don’t repeat reports of sexual violence or domestic violence, mental illness or dementia. We do not report on deaths by natural causes.


Times • July 27, 2012

Jon Guthrie

High Hats & Parasols Dear Readers: Please bear in mind that historical articles such as “High Hats & Parasols” present our history — good and bad — in the language and terminology used at the time. The writings contained in are quoted from Pacific Grove/Monterey publications from 100 years in the past. Please also note that any items listed for sale in “High Hats” are “done deals,” and while we would all love to see those prices again, people also worked for a dollar a day back then. Thanks for your understanding.

The News … from 1912. Vessel is sold

Another ship, which once served the U. S. Navy as a transport ship,1 now harbored in Monterey harbor, has been sold and stricken from the federal list of active vessels. The former U. S. S. Manila, captured by Americans from the Spanish during the SpanishAmerican conflict, has been renamed Pensacola in honor of the Florida hometown of the owner’s wife. After some repairs and changes are made, the Pensacola will be put into service transporting goods. The ship was purchased by Mr. A. Rogers of the Rogers Company, San Francisco, for the sum of $12,025.

• We’ve got ‘em again! Those big, 10¢ boxes of strike anywhere matches. Culp Bros. • Did you know that renting horse and carriage cost the same as paying for a seat on a carriage tour. See the 17 Mile Drive at your leisure! Check prices at J. M. Gardner’s Livery.

Author’s Notes

1 The writer erred. The Manila was used by the Navy, but as a training ship. 2 Litotes is a convoluted form of understatement. 3 Credit proved to be not the best of ideas. A local grocery that went bankrupt during the 1950s reported holding more than $60,000 in unpaid chits. References: Pacific Grove Review, Monterey Daily Cypress, Del Monte Weekly, Salinas Index, Monterey County Post, Bullions’ Grammar (1890).

Work available in King City

If you have been looking for a job, you might want to catch the next train that will take you to King City. The village is expanding and quite a bit of construction is going on. Carpenters, brick layers, and general laborers are all being sought. Also, the shift to ranching calls for hands to tend cattle and do field work. That comes as good news to the local unemployed as work has been on the scarce side around the Peninsula.

Mexican turmoil could move west

Sympathizers from Nuevo Laredo of the rebel Madero say friends of Emililano Vasquez have organized a junta in the city. They say, however, that Gomez played no active part in the forming of the rebellious body, and that he is committing no overt act in any revolutionary deed that may occur in the city. Military officers at the Presidio of Monterey stated that the garrison remains in a state of high alert.

Remember Leap Year!

Watch out, fellows. Once again a Leap Year is here and the ladies are preparing to do the courting. Sorority sisters of Rebecca, for instance, have announced themselves as sponsors of a Leap Year Dance and Celebration. Music is to be provided by J. D. Culgrin’s Orchestra. In addition to the dancing, games and contests fill the evening’s bill. Word is that the ladies are already working on filling their dance cards. Admission to the festivities, to be held at the Work hall, is 5¢ per couple and $5 per single.

Commander visiting the Grove

Commander G. A. Parker, Grand Army of the Republic for California and Nevada, arrived in the Grove on Sunday for the purpose of visiting Fairchild Post of this city. A hasty call was made this morning and many of the Comrades and their Ladies of the Grand Army were called together to meet with the Commander. The turnout faltered, however, and attendance was small because these telephone calls were not given to an operator in a timely manner. Nonetheless, J. E. Burns, Adjutant General for the Grove, accompanied Parker to the fest. Speeches were followed by a meal.

Bistolfi concert will be repeated

The Colonial Theater last night was filled to capacity, and to say that the audience was delighted is to use litotes, mildly spoken.2 The playing of Bistolfi’s Trio was nothing less than remarkable. The three artists held their audience spellbound throughout the event. Pacific Grove is noted as a critical place in matters musical and Grovians confirmed this presentation as superb. It has been decided that because of the packed house, the Bistolfi Trio will repeat their performance in one week. The entire program will be changed. Performances will start at 7:30. Admission cost is 25¢ per seat.

Horn making pictures

R. W. Horn, well-known photographer, has spent the past month making pictures around the Grove. Horn intends to include the best of these photographs in an album about the Peninsula. Asked about his superb work, Horn said that the only thing lacking are the beautiful colors of the Grove. The artist has been experimenting with methods of “painting” colors onto his pictures, but has found no satisfactory procedure to this point.

Auto mobiles to Del Monte

Mr. G. W. Price, owner of a local real estate agency, has proposed a motoring trip to the Del Monte Hotel. There, the group will enjoy lunch before touring Del Monte Heights. Price wants all participants to return home knowing how delightful the Heights are as living sites. To defray costs, the trip is priced at 75¢, refundable if a lot is purchased.

Street railway sold

United Railways has purchased their interests in the local street railway from the Monterey County Gas and Electric Company and the Pacific Grove Street Railway Company. The corporation already owns street railways of San Francisco. The sale was made on Friday and will take place at once. The new owners plan to add street railway service to Salinas. There is also the possibility of adding service to the more distant San Jose.

Snippets from the area

• The Pacific Grove Board of Trade meets Wednesday evening. Officers for the year will be chosen at that time. • Mr. E. A. Mann has departed the Grove to spend time with his family in San Luis Obispo where he plans to remain for several weeks. It is rumored that Mann is in failing health. • Your credit is good at F. J. Wyeth, Grocer. Stop by and let us set you up with a chit. 3

And your bill amounts to …

• This is the time of year for fresh strawberries. 20¢ per basket at Spoon & Hicks Groceries. Yes, there is also bottled cream on ice.

Forest Hill United Methodist Church 551 Gibson Ave., Services 9 AM Sundays Rev. Richard Bowman, 831-372-7956 Pacific Coast Church 522 Central Avenue, 831-372-1942 Peninsula Christian Center 520 Pine Avenue, 831-373-0431 First Baptist Church of Pacific Grove 246 Laurel Avenue, 831-373-0741 St. Mary’s-by-the-Sea Episcopal Church Central Avenue & 12th Street, 831-373-4441 Community Baptist Church Monterey & Pine Avenues, 831-375-4311 Peninsula Baptist Church 1116 Funston Avenue, 831-394-5712 St. Angela Merici Catholic Church

146 8th Street, 831-655-4160

Christian Church Disciples of Christ of Pacific Grove 442 Central Avenue, 831-372-0363 First Church of God 1023 David Avenue, 831-372-5005 Jehovah’s Witnesses of Pacific Grove 1100 Sunset Drive, 831-375-2138 Church of Christ 176 Central Avenue, 831-375-3741 Lighthouse Fellowship of Pacific Grove PG Community Center, 515 Junipero Ave., 831-333-0636 Mayflower Presbyterian Church 141 14th Street, 831-373-4705 Central Presbyterian Church of Pacific Grove 325 Central Avenue, 831-375-7207 Seventh-Day Adventist Church of the Monterey Peninsula 375 Lighthouse Avenue, 831-372-7818 First United Methodist Church of Pacific Grove

915 Sunset @ 17-Mile Dr., Pacific Grove - (831) 372-5875 Worship: Sundays @ 10:00 a.m. Congregation Beth Israel 5716 Carmel Valley Rd., Carmel (831) 624-2015 Chabad of Monterey 2707 David Avenue, Pacific Grove (831) 643-2770

July 27, 2012 • CEDAR STREET

Times• Page 5

Arts and Events

Up and Coming

Carmel Art Assoc. celebrates 85th Anniversary with events In Aug. of 1927, the Carmel Art Association was founded to fill the need for a permanent gallery where local professional artists could show their work. Upon its inauguration, the editor of the Carmel Pine Cone stated: “The new Carmel Art Association has plenty of spunk and pep, and if its vivacity can be directed properly, ought to be a good thing for Carmel ….To our thinking, the best reason for the Art Association is to answer the question heard in every hotel, restaurant and place where tourists gather, ‘Where can I see the work of the Carmel Artists?’ Eighty five years later the non-profit cooperative continues to thrive as a center for local art with over 16,000 visitors a year and a current roster of over one hundred artist members showing original art in rotating monthly shows. In celebration of the 85th Anniversary, the CAA board of directors has planned a number of special events throughout the month of August: An opening reception will be held on Sat., Aug. 4, from 6 to 8 p.m. for the Gerard Martin solo show, “Summer Color” as well as the special Miniatures Show and Raffle. Martin will show new oils of farm scenes and boats on Monterey Bay. For the Miniatures Show CAA artists have created over 120 four-inch mini paintings which are being offered by raffle. Raffle tickets will be placed in the boxes beneath each painting with a drawing after Aug. 31. Tickets are $5 each or six for $25. Thursday, Aug. 9, from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. the internationally popular Dr. Sketchy’s cabaret style figure drawing extravaganza comes to the CAA. The The New York Times describes it as “A cross between old-fashioned life drawing sessions and new-wave cabaret.” Bring your art supplies, $10 model fee and a sense of humor. Seating is limited and participants must be 18 years or older. Call the CAA for reservations (831)624-6176 Ext. 12 or email inquiry@carmelart.org. Thurs., Aug. 16, from 6 to 8 p.m. Dick Crispo hosts a special Movie Night

Rockin’ the house

On Friday, August 3, Janet Robin, singer/songwriter, has played with the likes of: Lindsey Buckingham, Michelle Shocked, and Melissa Ethridge Janet will "rock the house" at The Works, 667 Lighthouse Avenue, Pacific Grove. (831) 372-2242 from 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. $12 cover.

with two short films offering an historical perspective of local art and artists: E. Charlton Fortune and Time Captured in Paintings: The Monterey Legacy. The event is free, with popcorn and refreshments and no reservations necessary. Saturday, Aug. 25, from 1 to 5 p.m. t he CAA invites everyone to celebrate with birthday cake and refreshments. Many of the CAA artists will be present to meet and greet the public. In addition to the birthday-like celebration, a gift will be given on Friday, Aug. 31 with any purchase of artwork from the CAA gallery. From Aug. 2 through Sept. 4 a Historic Photo Exhibit will be displayed in the Entry which includes photographs from the CAA’s colorful past including portraits of early artist members.

The Carmel Art Association is located on Dolores Street between 5th and 6th and is open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information please call (831)624-6176 or visit carmelart.org online. Right: Gerard Martin is one of the featured Carmel artists


Times • July 27, 2012

Arts and Events

Up and Coming Monterey Jazz Festival and Monterey Bay Aquarium

“Evenings by the Bay” Summer Concert Series returns

The Monterey Jazz Festival is proud to announce the fifth year of the “Evenings by the Bay” concert series, produced in collaboration with the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Taking place Saturday and Sunday evenings from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. in the Aquarium’s Marine Mammal Gallery through Sept. 2, the 20-performance concert series features some of the Monterey Peninsula’s most talented professional musicians, as well as student musicians in the Monterey Jazz Festival’s Education Programs. The “Evenings by the Bay” series provides a much-needed outlet for live music, and enhanced value and entertainment for Aquarium visitors, already an internationally renowned destination for all ages. The concerts are included with regular admission to the Aquarium. Since its inauguration in 2008, Evenings by the Bay has brought live music to the Monterey Bay Aquarium each summer, transforming an already exciting visit into something special for both visitors and performers. The 2012 concert series will feature saxophonists Paul Contos, Roger Eddy, Gary Meek, and Stu Reynolds; pianist Bill Spencer; bassists Pete Lips and Dan Robbins; vocalists Lauri Hofer, Julie Capili, and Scotty Wright; flutist Kenny Stahl; as well as the bands Along Came Betty, Aporia, Monterey Bay Jazz Orchestra; and Bayside Jazz from Monterey Peninsula College. In addition, hand-selected students from the Monterey Jazz Festival’s Education Programs will also perform. All concerts will take place on the first floor in the Marine Mammal Galleries section of the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Evenings by the Bay schedule / All performances from 6:00-8:00 p.m. July 28: Gary Meek & Friends July 29: Kenny Stahl & Friends August 4: Two Bass Hit: Pete Lips, Dan Robbins & Friends August 5: Roger Eddy & Friends August 11: A Tribute to the Brecker Brothers August 12: Aporia featuring Julie Capili & Scotty Wright August 18: Along Came Betty August 19: Paul Contos & Friends August 25: Kenny Stahl & Friends August 26: Bill Spencer & Friends September 1: Monterey Jazz Festival Students September 2: Monterey Bay Jazz Orchestra About the Monterey Jazz Festival The Monterey Jazz Festival celebrates the legacy of jazz and expands the boundaries of and opportunities to experience jazz through the creative production of performances and educational programs. www.montereyjazzfestival.org

Houston Jones at the Works

Summertime is the time for Something Cool at Pacific Grove Art Center Joined by Richard and Norma Mayer

Come join in a Summertime Musical Love Fest! The Something Cool Trio (Bill Minor, piano and vocals; Jenn Schaaf, drums; Heath Proskin, bass) will offer a host of jazz standards to tunes by Radiohead and Tom Waits to love songs sung in four languages (Russian, Greek, Italian, Hawaiian). They will be joined for a tune or two by Richard Mayer on flute, and a full set will feature the glorious award-winning voice of soprano Norma Mayer, who has thrilled audiences from the Italian opera stage to the African-American church―presenting love songs and arias arranged and accompanied by her husband, Richard Mayer. The Summertime Musical Love-Fest will be held Sunday, July 29 from 3:00-5:00 p.m. Cost for tickets is $15, and all proceeds benefit the Pacific Grove Art Center, located at 568 Lighthouse Ave. in Pacific Grove.

Surrealist artist Kenji showing at the Peace Center through August

Internationally acclaimed surrealist artist Kenji presents her current collection of work at the Peace Resource Center at 1364 Fremont Blvd in Seaside during the month of July and until mid-August. The Peace Resource Center will host a reception for her on Sunday, August 5, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Suggested donation: $5.00. You can find her online at www.kenjiartdesign.com. For more information please contact Akin Miller at akinzopa@hotmail.com or at 831 2244980; or Deanne Gwinn at salistas11@hotmail.com or by phone at 831 444-2166.

Bike museum to open August 4-5

On Saturday, August 4 Houston Jones, purveyors of “High Octane Americana,” will perform at The Works, 667 Lighthouse Avenue, Pacific Grove. (831) 3722242 from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. There is a $15 cover

Discovery Shop holds it annual ‘Blast From the Past’ sale

On Saturday, Aug. 4 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday, Aug. 5 from 12:00 p.m.4:30 p.m. the American Cancer Society’s Discovery Shop will hold its “Blast from the Past” fundraiser event. For sale will be various antiques, vintage items and collectibles, with proceeds going towards cancer research, education, advocacy, and service. For more information, please contact Jeanie Gould at 831-372-0866.

Neil Jameson, whose motorcycle museum at 305 Forest Ave. has been the subject of much speculation, will be volunteering at Laguna Seca during Moto GP and so advises that the museum will open for weekend visits on the weekend of Aug. 4 and 5. A grand opening is planned. On display will be a number of vintage motorcycles, in as-is condition, from his collection. There is no cost to visit the museum. Other vintage motorcycle owners will display their machines from time to time in future months and years. Jameson will present photos, films and videos of general interest to motorcyclists and a comfortable space will be offered for riders to swap lies, kick tires and tell people how fast they went in their younger years.

July 27, 2012 • CEDAR STREET

Times • Page 7

Arts and Events

Up and Coming Improv comedy at the Alternative Cafe

PacRep Announces Free Screenings of the 2012 Olympics At the newly renovated Golden Bough Theatre Having completed the first phase of the Golden Bough Playhouse remodel, which included the addition of a state-of-the-art multimedia system, PacRep is inviting the community to view FREE of charge, streaming live and pre-recorded video of this year’s 2012 Olympic Games, on the newly installed ultra widescreen in the 300-seat Golden Bough Theatre. “We’ve wanted to bring movies and other screenings back to the Bough for a long time”, said Stephen Moorer, Executive Director of Pacific Repertory Theatre, “and the Olympics give us a great opportunity to test the new system in an informal community setting. We hope everyone enjoys the Olympics larger than life, on the new Golden Bough screen.” Free airings of the Olympics will run Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., from July 30 through August 10, at the Golden Bough Theatre, located on Monte Verde Street between 8th and 9th Avenues, Carmel-by-the-Sea. Call (831) 622-0100 or visit www.pacrep.org for more information. GO TEAM USA! PacRep is supported by ticket sales, individual donations, special events, and grants from The David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Monterey Peninsula Foundation, The Berkshire Foundation, The Shubert Foundation, The STAR Foundation, The Nancy Buck Ransom Foundation, The Chapman Foundation, and the Harden Foundation, among many others. (831-622-0100 or www.pacrep.org for info)

Science Saturdays: bugs and fossils

The Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History will host “Science Saturdays” between 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. A July 28 event will focus on insects, featuring live specimens, a build you own bug workshop, and a bug hunt. August events will focus on fossils. These events are free and are supported by the Community Foundation of Monterey County and the Monterey Peninsula Foundation.

Ragamuffin Teen Musical Theatre Company proudly presents

On Friday, July 27, 2012 at 8p.m. the Alternative Cafe, 1230 Fremont Blvd, will host the Women of Whimsy as they perform an improv comedy show. Admission is $12. The performers will ask the audience to suggest scenarios which the Women of Whimsy will turn into hilarious scenes on the spot. It promises to be an upbeat, fun, funny and family friendly show which will also include musical improv. The Alternative Cafe is open daily from 7a.m.-7p.m. and features a variety of sandwiches, coffees, fruit drinks, soft drinks, wines and beers. For more information on this event please contact 831-394-3031 or email montereyimprov@gmail.com.

Enjoy 3-part harmony and benefit English as a second language

The singing trio Rhythm & Rouge will perform a benefit concert at the Peace Resource Center on Sat., Aug. 25, starting at 6:30p.m. at 1364 Fremont Blvd, in Seaside. Funds raised will help support the Peace Resource Center’s English as a Second Language classes, which are offered free to anyone who attends. Suggested donation $20. The three women who make up Rhythm & Rouge – Stefani Mistretta, Trudy Davis Swift, and Janet Butler – have all been performing and teaching in various venues on the Monterey Peninsula for over 25 years. They have touched the lives of students, and music and dance lovers of all ages. Three-part harmony is the mainstay of the band – whether it’s in a close arrangement of “Mood Indigo” or “How High the Moon,” Boomer classics like “Helplessly Hoping” or “It’s in His Kiss,” or old-timers like Sons of Pioneers’ “Tumbling Tumbleweeds.” Random humorous songs with such unlikely titles as “Big Hair,” “Wanna Be Seduced,” and “Chocolate is Love” give you an idea of just how eclectic their repertoire is. Rhythm & Rouge has performed on the Monterey Peninsula since 1991, with original members, vocalists Trudy Davis Swift and Stefani Mistretta. Stefani does the arranging , and accompanies the trio on acoustic and jazz guitars. Trudy trades off on percussion with newest (1999) member, well-known local dancer and dance teacher Janet Butler – another fine vocalist, and an infectious entertainer. For more information please visit www.peacecentral.org or contact Deanne Gwinn by email at salistas11@hotmail.com or by phone at 831-444-2166.

Conceived and developed by David De Silva Book by José Fernandez Lyrics by Jacques Levy Music by Steve Margoshes

Saturday, August 4 at 2 PM & 7 PM Sunday, Aug. 5 at 2 PM Pacific Grove Middle School Performing Arts Center Tickets available at the door

General Seating $10

Seniors and Children (10 and under) $5 This program is sponsored by the City of Pacific Grove Recreation Department


Times • July 27, 2012

Trading a Harley for a Good Book

Finding each other and the Lord, they’re satisfied living in a van Riding Harleys, doing drugs, going to prison — Danny’s life wasn’t boring. But, maybe it was a little wasted. That’s what Danny says today, at the age of 62. He was sitting on a plastic crate by Del Monte Shopping Center on a Thursday afternoon, talking about his life and what went wrong. Unlike many of the homeless, he at least has a vehicle — a van. And he’s married. But he does miss those Harley motorcycles. He last sat on one of his own decades ago, in the late 1980s. As the homeless man spoke, his long beard bobbing with each word, he looked like someone out of the frontier days, one of those guys panning for gold in a rushing California stream. And then wife Katherine walked up in a long dress. She pointed out that the couple hasn’t had an argument in two years, even though Danny is her fourth husband. Why? For one thing, they’ve both found the Lord. That wasn’t the case with husbands in her past. The first just wanted someone to clean the house and got them both into crack. The second also was into crack, so Katherine finally left him after 15 years. She was recovering when she met husband three, a musician who then met someone else and “kicked me out,” she said. “Two weeks later I hooked up with Danny.” Despite the roller-coaster ride, the couple said they’ve been living happily ever after. And maybe reading has something to do with that. “We both have our noses in books a lot of the time,” Danny said. “I like fantasies and cowboy stories. It gets me out of this world. I’ve got a lot of Hobbit books in storage.” Katherine said she reads everything. She’s been reading The History of Chesapeake Bay, who-done-it books and many books written long ago--she likes the “big words” that fill their pages. Wearing a Harley T-shirt, black leather vest and jeans, and sporting long hair, Danny held the leash of his Shih Tzu named Sam— a rescue dog from an abusive home. The couple used to have four cats as well, but they’re down to one. “At first Sam wouldn’t come out from under the bed,” he said. “Now he loves everybody.” Danny grew up in an abusive home and was brought to this area at the age of six by his mother, who was running away from her abusive husband. The boy was thrown out of school by the 10th grade and things went downhill from there. “I was pretty much an outlaw,” he said. “I broke all the rules.” And that pretty much describes Danny’s life. During one court appearance, a judge gave him two choices, jail at age 17, or join the Marines. He chose the latter. But Danny managed to get thrown out of the Marines as well, and into military prison in New Hampshire. “I didn’t like being told what to do,” he said. “And I didn’t like saluting people.” From there Danny moved to L.A. and held many different jobs, from roofing and

Erika Fiske

Homeless on the Peninsula carpet laying to cooking at Kentucky Fried Chicken. He got into the drug culture and wound up in prison again. “I messed up my life,” he admitted. “Then, two years ago, I found God.” Danny attends church services down by Window on the Bay with other homeless men and women. He also cooks on Sundays at a Lutheran church in Monterey. “I never believed in any kind of religion. I was an atheist when I met this lady,” he said, looking up at his wife. “We’ve been together about six years.” Katherine is 46 and on disability. “This is the best marriage I’ve ever had,” she noted. While living in a van might not be her first choice, she’s okay with it. “I trust the Lord to take care of me,” she said. Danny’s also okay with life now, because he’s free. No more orders, no more salutes and no more prison bars. Just another good book from the local library.

We’re pleased at the response to Erika Fiske’s Homeless on the Peninsula series. There have been offers of homes and jobs for some of the people Erika has written about, and recently a dentist offered to provide false teeth for an elderly woman who had lost her teeth and was in failing health when Erika met her. Erica Fiske is a Pacific Grove resident and journalist. She tasted homelessness herself when, after being an in-home caregiver for years, her patient died and she found herself unable to secure another client. When her landlord raised her rent from $1,800 to $2,500, homelessness was a real spectre. With her background in journalism, Erica became interested in the stories of local homeless people and has written a series. Her stories will appear weekly for the foreseeable future, as there are many, many homeless out there. You can email her at erika@cedarstreettimes.com

AFRP offers Feast of Treasures through July 31

The AFRP Treasure Shop, located at 160 Fountain Avenue in Pacific Grove will celebrate Pacific Grove’s Feast of Lanterns with bountiful bargains to benefit the animals being fostered and nurtured by Animal Friends Rescue Project on Grand and Lighthouse. Feast of Treasures will be held from July 25 through July 31. Store hours Tue. - Sat., 10:00 - 4:30, Sun. 11:00 - 4:00, Mon. 10:00 - 7:00 For information please contact Jane Roland, 333-0491 or www. AnimalFriendsRescue.org.

Free bus service for ticket holders to Moto GP races

Monterey-Salinas Transit (MST) will offer free bus service on all MST routes July 27, 28 and 29, 2012 for Laguna Seca Raceway ticket holders to the 2012 Red Bull U.S. Grand Prix. Those holding race event tickets may ride the bus to and from the Laguna Seca Recreational Park at no charge. Non-ticket holders pay MST’s regular fares.

Vacation Bible School at the Mayflower Church Children from kindergarten through fifth grade are invited to take part in Fiesta!, a local Vacation Bible School (VBS) program taking place at Mayflower Presbyterian Church July 30 through August 3. Games, songs, crafts, Bible adventures and themed snacks are among the Fiesta festivities offered during the weeklong program at Mayflower. Volunteers from the church will lead the students through five fun-filled mornings from 9 a.m. to noon. Registration forms are available at Mayflower Church, located on the corner of Central Ave. and 14th Street, from 9:30 to 2:30, or by calling the church at 3734705. The cost is $10 per child or $20 maximum for a family with two or more children. For more information contact Julie Armstrong at 831-521-0704

July 27, 2012 • CEDAR STREET

Times • Page 9

Pacific Grove

Sports and Leisure Ben Alexander

Golf Tips

Ben Alexander PGA PGA Teaching Professional, Pacific Grove Golf Links, Poppy Hills Golf Course PGA Teacher Of The Year, No Cal PGA 831-277-9001 www.benalexandergolf.com

The British Open was held recently. As with all professional tournaments on local television, I hope you watched how the Pros will putt a lot off the green with their putters. They putt 20 yards off the green and this is what we should be doing here on our golf courses. Putt it more when you’re off the green. It will really feel uncomfortable for a while but you will see great results. British golf courses are built a lot different then we have here in the States but golf is golf no matter where you play it. The general rule is to keep the ball down when you’re near the green, not fly it in the air.

Men’s Softball League (Socko) signups open

Want to play City League Men’s Socko? Then register at City Hall, 300 Forest Avenue, by Wednesday, August 29. To qualify for registration as a team a minimum of 10 players per team is required. The fee for team registration is $500, while individual players can register for a $50 fee. Please make checks payable to the City of Pacific Grove. League play will be on weeknights, primarily on Tuesdays and Thursdays starting on September 11. Each team is guaranteed a total of nine games. All games are one hour and start at 6:15p.m., 7:20p.m., and 8:20 p.m. Warmups are scheduled at 5:45p.m. City League rules will be observed, namely no metal spikes or cleats are permitted, no alcoholic beverages are allowed in any public area with a zero tolerance policy enforced, no infield or outfield practice, no night practices, limit noise and no litter. There will be a required manager’s meeting on Tues, Sept. 12 at the Pacific Grove Community Center in the Kuwatani Room, 515 Junipero Ave., Pacific Grove. For more information please contact Don Mothershead at the Pacific Grove Recreation Department, (831) 648-3130.

Pacific Grove Concours Auto Rally set for Fri., Aug. 17

The eighteenth annual Pacific Grove Concours Auto Rally, which has raised more than $134,000 for youth programs on the Monterey Peninsula, will be held on Fri., Aug. 17. The event takes place on Friday of the Concours d’Elegance weekend at Pebble Beach and the Rolex Monterey Motorsports Reunion at Laguna Seca. The event is sponsored by Pacific Grove Youth Action, Inc., a non-profit organization started in 1993 by then-Mayor Jeanne Byrne, to support the Pacific Grove Youth Center. The Rally fundraiser was started in 1995. Through its 18-year history, rally beneficiaries have included the Pacific Grove Youth Center, the DARE programs for Pacific Grove and Carmel, Pacific Grove High School driver training scholarships and other youth programs. Pacific Grove Rotary joined PG Youth Action seven years ago as a 50 percent partner for the rally organization. PG Rotary provides volunteers and board member support. The Pacific Grove Concours Auto Rally is geared for people who own and drive their own classic and vintage cars. The rally draws over 200 participants and 8,000 spectators line the rally route. The featured marque for the 2012 Auto Rally is Volkswagen. We are pleased to have Rabobank as our 2011 Rally Sponsor; Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca as our Pit Crew Sponsor; and Union Bank and Hagerty Insurance as Patron Sponsors. The Pacific Grove Concours Auto Rally will begin with a line-up on Lighthouse Avenue in Pacific Grove at 1:00 p.m. The Rally Drive will start at 6:00 p.m. Vintage and classic vehicles will follow a scenic route along the magnificent Pacific Grove shoreline through Pebble Beach; up Carmel’s Ocean Avenue to Highway 1; returning to Pacific Grove for a 7:00 p.m. award BBQ dinner at historic Chautauqua Hall. The registration fee is $75 per driver, without the BBQ dinner, or $90 with dinner. Additional BBQ tickets are available for $20 per adult and $15 for children 12 and under. Rally driver’s shirt with the Volkswagen logo may be ordered for $40 in advance or when registering. Additional information about the rally may be obtained by calling 831-372-6585 or online at www.pgautorally.org. Registration forms may be downloaded from the web site. Hotel and other visitor information are available by contacting the Pacific Grove Chamber of Commerce at 373-3304.

Surf Forecast 07-27/12 - 08/18/12 From SwellInfo.com • Updated 07/12/12 at 6:00 AM

Protect your good name! Fictitious Business Name Statements expire after 5 years.

Deadline for publication of Legal Notices is noon Wednesday before publication. Call 831-324-4742 for details.

Friday 07/27/12

2-3+ ft

3-4+ ft

Saturday 07/28/12

2-4 ft

3-4+ ft

Sunday 07/29/12

4-5 ft

4-5 ft

Monday 07/30/12

4-5 ft

3-5 ft.

Tuesday 07/31/12

3-5 ft

3-5 ft

Wednesday 08/01/12

3-4+ ft

3-4+ ft

Green = Clean • Blue = Fair • Red = Choppy Check Swellinfo.com for the up to date forecast and more resources. Updated twice daily.


Times • July 27, 2012


Opinion Shannon Caldwell gave him a chance: So long after 42 years of service Editor:

I want to talk about the most influential person in my life so far. His name is Shannon Caldwell and he`s retiring as the PG Postmaster on July 31. I was a 41 year old father of three, with no job prospects, when I walked into the Post Office and saw an ad for work. The job being offered was for a “Temporary Casual” and consisted of being paid $7.00/hour, with long days, no benefits and only lasting one year. After having already taken the Postal exam three times (with a score of 90 or better) and not even being interviewed my expectations were very low while I filled out the form. A week later, after a 20-minute interview, Shannon gave me the job, pending a physical. But after having three knee operations in two years I told him that I would fail; his answer was to take it and see what happens. Two weeks later,even though I failed, he hired me with the understanding that if I couldn`t do the job I`s quit.A year later Shannon signed me up to take the carrier exam and this started a 16 year career (one at Pacific Grove and 15 years in Carmel) and it all started with someone giving a father of three (with bad knees) a chance. So Shannon – Happy Retirement and thanks for everything you did for me and my family. Gary L. Page Monterey

Letters to the Editor

Cedar Street Times welcomes your letters on subjects of interest to the citizens of Pacific Grove as well as our readers elsewhere. We prefer that letters be on local topics. At present we have not set limits on length though we do reserve the right to edit letters for space constraints, so please be concise. We will contact you to verify authenticity so your email address and/or telephone number must be included as well as your name and city of residence. We will not publish unsigned letters or letters which defame or slander or libel. Cedar Street Times is an adjudicated newspaper published weekly at 311A Forest Ave., Pacific Grove, CA 93950. Press deadline is Wednesday, noon. The paper is printed on Fri. and is available at various locations throughout the city as well as by e-mail subscription.

Marge Ann Jameson, Editor/Publisher Phone 831-324-4742 • Fax 831-324-4745 Email: editor@cedarstreettimes.com

Legal Notices FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 20121278 The following person is doing business as SOLAR TECHNOLOGIES, 1501 N. Broadway #200, Walnut Creek, Contra Costa County, CA 94596. SUNLOGIC INC., 1501 N. Broadway #200, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 This statement was filed with the Clerk of Monterey County on June 26, 2012. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or name(s) listed above on 4/9/12. Signed: Jeff Parr, President. This business is conducted by a corporation. Publication dates: 7/6, 7/13, 7/20, 7/27/12 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 20121251 The following person is doing business as TARA COLOR THERAPY, 311 Forest Ave., Suite B-4, Pacific Grove, Monterey County, CA 93950. VERLA HAMMON, 801 Spruce Ave., Pacific Grove, CA 93950. This statement was filed with the Clerk of Monterey County on June 21, 2012. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or name(s) listed above on n/a. Signed: Verla Hammon. This business is conducted by an individual. Publication dates: 07/13, 07/20, 07/27, 08/03/12.

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 20121522 The following person is doing business as UNIVERSAL SPORTS COUNSEL, 19619 Bavella Ct., Salinas, Monterey County, CA 93908 and RAYMUNDO SPORTS AGENCY, 19619 Bavella Ct., Salinas, Monterey County, CA 93908. Alfonso E. Raymindo, MBA, 1888 Santa Ana, Clovis, CA 93619. This statement was filed with the Clerk of Monterey County on 07/26/2012. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or name(s) listed above on 07/25/12. Signed: AJ Raymundo. This business is conducted by an individual. Publication dates: 7/27, 8/3, 8/10, 8/17/12 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 20121441 The following person is doing business as SITE 300, 300 Grand Ave., Pacific Grove, Monterey County, CA 93950. ERIK BRUCE NELSON, 133AGrand Ave., Pacific Grove, CA 93950. This statement was filed with the Clerk of Monterey County on July 17, 2012. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or name(s) listed above on n/a. Signed: Erik Bruce Nelson. This business is conducted by an individual. Publication dates: 07/20, 07/27, 08/03, 08/10/12

Monterey Peninsula Republican Women Federated Luncheon

The monthly luncheon of the Monterey Peninsula Republican Women Federated club will be held on Thursday, Aug. 9th, 2012, at Rancho Canada Golf Club, 4860 Carmel Valley Rd. The featured guest speaker is Steve Emerson, Candidate for Mayor of Marina, who will be speaking on “Marina as the Economic Engine of Monterey Peninsula”. The public is always welcome. Social time is at 11:30, and luncheon starts at noon. $22 per member and $25 for non-members. RSVP before Mon. Aug. 6th. Call Pat at 375-3573 or Diane via email at dlcare@sbcglobal.net.

Talk on Sudan, pot luck lunch offered at Peace Resource Center

On Sunday, Aug. 26, from 1-3:00 p.m. at the Peace Resource Center on 1364 Fremont Blvd in Seaside, CA there will be a cost free lunch open to the public and members of the Sudanese-American Society followed by a talk by Dr. Ali Alhedai, an active figure in the opposition movement to restore democracy in Sudan, on the culture, history and current situation of Sudan. Donations are appreciated, although the event is free. Attendees are encouraged to bring a dish, potluck style.

E-MAIL Subscriptions

The Green and Free Way To Get Your Local News Get the best of local news and great local photography each Thursday, at least 12 hours before everyone else. We’ll send you a link to the latest issue of Cedar Street Times online. It’s free and only costs the environment what an email costs. Read it at your leisure and you won’t have to go out and try to find it on the newsstands. But if picking up Cedar Street Times is your excuse for a walk, don’t let us stop you. You can find it at more than 130 locations across Pacific Grove, Carmel, Seaside, Monterey and Pebble Beach beginning Thursday nights.

In This Issue



March 3-13

“Funny Girl” the Concert MPC Theatre For Info call: 831 646-1213 www.mpctheatre.com •

ue In This Iss Kiosk y 7, 2011 Friday, Januar 7-9 pm n Opening Receptio Center Grove Art

Pacific • y 7, 2011 Friday, Januar 6-8 pm

PG FIRST FRIDAY be open! but we’ll No Art Walk, •

Sat., Jan.

Oops - Page


Whoa! - Page


2:00 pm Lecture has Why nature “Suicide Gene:for us to die, arranged about it” we can do and what Museum of Natural Pacific GroveHistory public $5 for general members free for Museum

• Mon. & Tues. 10-11, 2011



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By Cameron



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Fri., March 11

on your friend Make us ok to receive Facebo updates and calendar ers on your remind ok page! Facebo

Send your


Sat., March 12

items to:

March 4-11, 2011

Vol. III, Issue 24

By Marge Ann Jameson and Cameron Douglas

Sat., March 19

Sunday, March 13

1:30 PM Steve Palumbi presents his book: The Death & Life of Monterey Bay Canterbury Woods 651 Sinex Ave. Pacific Grove No Charge-Community Welcome RSVP 657-4193 or Canterburywoods-esc.org


Pacific Grove Community News

9 a.m. - 12 p.m. “Problem Solving through Poetry” Poet- in-Residence Poetry Workshop Dr. Barbara Mossberg PG Public Library $15 648-5760 LMaddale@pacificgrove.lib.ca.us

Above: Downstairs, water flows from under the floor after recent rains. Below, left: The flue of a wood stove is missing. At right, a rainwater catchment made of Zip-Loc bags the tenant rigged to keep his bedroom dry.

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Funny Girl - Page 17

City, tenants tag property owner over mold, leaks and more

10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Pet Trust Seminar Peace of Mind Dog Rescue 700 Jewel Ave., PG 831 718-9122 •

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Below, the Laurel Avenue side of the building. Would you rent it?

See RAZED Page 2

Complaints by tenants about the upkeep of a Pacific Grove mixeduse property have caught the attention of city and county officials. The property, located at 301 Grand Avenue on the corner of Laurel, is owned by Sam J. Matar. It has seen several businesses come and go over the past few years. Residential and commercial tenants state that they have seen no cooperation from the owner’s representative, Rose Marie Coleman. A large room on the ground floor facing Grand Avenue is currently marked “For Rent.” Examination of the rental space during recent rains showed a pool of water covering most of the floor. A tangle of exposed electrical wires runs beneath the eaves. Thick mold is visible on several interior surfaces. Joseph Berry, a Section 8 tenant, and Larry Zeller reside in units upstairs. Zeller had a business on the ground floor until last fall, when conditions drove his business, which is primarily making hair pieces for cancer patients, to another location, causing him financial loss and distress. Kurt Heisig Music is the most recent commercial renter. In Heisig's music store, an area on the ceiling has begun to discolor, exposing what was likely the owner/manager's effort to disguise water damage with mere paint. He states that he’s afraid to unpack all of his antique display equipment for fear it will be ruined. Two ground-floor suites on the Laurel Avenue side are also advertised for rent, one of the most recent tenants being a pre-school. Walls have caved in, wires are exposed, and there is a reek of mold in the air inside. A wood stove, likely too close to the walls to pass a fire inspection, sits without its flue. Black mold is crawling up the walls in the bathroom and spots the beams in the ceiling. In the residential units upstairs, water flows along beams in the tenants' bedrooms. They have rigged catchments to "keep from being rained on." Stairs are wobbly and the tenants have torn up carpeting which was soaked with rain water to keep the floor underneath from rotting. City Building Official John Kuehl examined the premises with another building inspector on Jan. 31. In a letter dated Feb. 3, 2011, Kuehl notified property owner Sam J. Matar that Kuehl’s office has received multiple calls with concerns about the building and that remediation was needed, setting deadlines. Some issues raised in Kuehl’s letter to the property owner are: Roof leaks, exterior dry rot, window leaks, no permanent heat source for residential units, various electrical hazards, no operable smoke detectors, appearance of interior mold and unsanitary conditions, plumbing leaks, fire hazard from a dislodged flue. “A letter like this is not common,” said Kuehl, adding that he has seen “maybe ten” such situations in the past 4 years. Kuehl indicated repairs had to be made by March 17, 2011 to avoid abatement by the city attorney, and that final approvals had to be obtained by that time. The property owner could be subject to fines determined by a hearing officer if they remain out of compliance. Should the building be red-tagged the tenants would likely be referred to Mediation of Monterey as it then becomes a civil matter. On February 25, an attorney for the property owner contacted John Kuehl with a request for a 30-day extension. Kuehl denied that request on behalf of the City, and set a new deadline of March 11 for securing of permits.Also on or by that date, there is to be a meeting on-site between Kuehl and a representative of the property owner. At

See MOLD Page 2

• Fri., May 6

5-7 PM Opening Reception Illustrating Nature PG Museum 165 Forest 2nd annual exhibit of work by CSUMB Science Illustration students •

Collaborating- Below

and Page 6-7

Model UN - Pages


Maintaining history

- Page 19

Sat., May 7

10-4 13th Annual May Faire Monterey Bay Charter School 1004 David Avenue mbayschool.org 831-655-4638 •

Sat., May 7

8 PM Al Stewart & Peter White in concert to benefit Tyler Heart Inst. CHOMP Tickets 831-620-2048 •

Sat., May 7

8 PM Battle of the Bands & Soloists Performing Arts Center Tickets $5 students, $10 adults •

May 6-12, 2011


Pacific Grove Commu

Sat., May 14

2-4:30 PM PG Library 103rd Birthday Party

Inside Cop Log .......................... Food .......................... ......3 .. (dark) Green Page ..................19, 20 Health & Well-Being .......... 16 High Hats & Parasols ...........4 Legal Notices ........................5 Now Showing............ ..........12 Up & Coming ................14, 15 Peeps .......................... Sports .......................... .........9 .........2 Writers’ Corner .....................6 Rainy season is over - no rain gauge until fall

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Vol. III, Issue 34

Photo by Cameron Douglas. More pictures on page 8.

Sun., May 15

2-4 PM Advance Health Care Planning St. Mary’s Episcopal Church 146 Twelfth St., Pacific Grove •

Sun., May 15


For the second year, students from York School knitted hats for newborns at Natividad Medical Center and delivered them just in time for Mothers Day. In 2009, students knitted about 450 hats; this year they made 350, 146 by York student Jesse alone. Said Pam Sanford, Blalock Service Learning coordinator, “We try to do projects where kids are learning, not just providing manpower.”

Sat. May 14

2-4 PM Walk of Remembrance: The Pacific Grove Chinese Fishing Village Meet at PG Museum 165 Forest Ave.

6-9 PM Pebble Beach Beach & Tennis Club Friends of Sean Muhl

nity Ne News

Happy [new] Mothers

Collaborating for

the Arts

By Marge Ann Jameson and whisk them home, it was as if they were waiting in front of Carnegia But there will be new Hall for limousines, not a middle school in their footsteps if the talents following in Pacific Grove. funding holds out. Last weekend a stellar And when Pacific Grove Next year, many of performance this group will be hears that there’s was given by a select gone, scattered going to be an encore, group they’d better get their ers, actors and musicians, of poets, danc- across the state to colleges and universities tickets early. all in the name of and the country. A few supporting the arts at are Pacific Grove High already poised to launch careers in School. In the line-up More photos: pages the arts. were 6 and 7 class: Kylie Batlin, Montereyfour best-inCounty Poetry Out Loud winner from 2009; Morgan Brown, California state winner from 2010; EnochPoetry Out Loud Matsumura, First Chair Clarinet for the state of California; and Robert Marchand, Poetry Out Loud winner California state for 2011. As parents, faculty and administrators filed in and took their seats, it was obvious from the electricity in the air that the audience was in for a rare opportunity. Where else, for a mere $7 could talent on one beautifully one see so much restored stage? They danced, they sang, they pulled beautiful glissandos out grand piano. The rafters of the well-worn parable harmonies and rang with incomimpeccable notes from the brass band. They recited poetry that went straight to the sternum and they gave dramatic performances worthy of a much larger hall. The crew -- Matthew Phillips on lighting, Chip Bell and Katie Emily Marien as stage Dorey on sound, manager -- never State Poetry Out missed a beat for two Loud winner Robert Martin Scanduto hours of Marchand chats via and advisor Larry Haggquist. Skype with the audience After the performance, magic. Marchand was still as people tion. Haggquist had in Washington, waited in the chill for their rides to drive up perform Coleridge’s challenged last winner’s winner, Morgan DC for the competiBrown, that he would Kublai Khan in drag the results. He made if she won. Well, she no such bet with Marchand. won. See page 7 for





Sat., March 12

7:30 - 9:30 p.m. 16The Black Brothers The Works $20 667 Lighthouse Ave., PG

831 - 372-2242 kindwww.theworkspg.com

t New Reprise: in a teapo ffic on TempestAdvocates files for t plan for tra , Foam Ratepayer Agreemen on Settlement Project se rehearing Water Lighthou rey for Regional in Monte


Off to a good start - Page 12

Thurs., March 10

Vol. III, Issue

not the good

Premiere - Page 7

7:30 p.m. Jack Nisbet Speaking on David Douglas Monterey Native Plant Society Meeting PG Museum of Natural History Free •


e Commun

Jan. 7-13,

10:00 Specialist Planning of Shary Farr-Lifethe complexities a Discussing and end-of-life in aging, illness,non-threatening way. comfortable, ry Woods Canterbu Grove Ave. Pacific 651 Sinex lic Welcome Free-Pub RSVP 657-4193 rywoods-esc.org or canterbu •

Wed. Jan.


7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Steve Gillette & Cindy Mangsen Classic American folk singers The Works $15

Jan. 7:30 PM Stage Words on by local actors Live readings Theater Indoor Forest Carmel ation Free/Don 0100 for info Call 831-662-• Tues., Jan. AM

Aah - Page


In This Issue

Fri., May 6

8 PM Mike Beck & the Bohemian Saints PG Art Center 568Lighthouse $10

Thurs, March 10

10:00 a.m. Registration Jack LaLanne Celebrity ‘GOLFREATION’ PG Golf Links 77 Asilomar Boulevard 1-916-922-3596 www.cahperd.org/jack.html º

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July 27, 2012 • CEDAR STREET

Times • Page 11

Opening ceremonies and City birthday party

Feast of Lanterns Opens

Opening ceremonies for the Feast of Lanterns traditionally include presentation of the Royal Court and a birthday cake for the City of Pacific Grove, which became a city on July 16 more than 100 years ago.

Entertainment at the event included Gordie Coleman on the accordion. . .

The ladies of the Royal Court give out calling cards which many fans keep as souvenirs for years.

. . . members of the cast of Fame, Jr. (coming up next week, Aug. 5) . . .

. . . and a solo dance performance by Katy Osiek, herself a former member of the Royal Court.

Above left: Board members and court parents oiffered souvenirs, which help fund the non-profit event. Above, right: The Royal Court and Mayor Carmelita Garcia prepare to cut and serve the cakes to the audience. At left, Don Mothershead not only set up the hall, but took pictures. Below, left, Thor Birch was one of many children who enjoyed the show. Bottom right, Chautauqua Hall festooned for the event as the sun poured in the windows.

Photos by Peter Mounteer


Times • July 27, 2012

Arts and Events

Up and Coming Regional Parks classes this week

Among its upcoming nature programs, the Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District (mprpd.org) is offering a special opportunity to understand cattle ranching. Also on tap is a three-day program for children on the sport of disc golf and an evening family kayaking adventure. To learn about all activities presented by the Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District, see its Let’s Go Outdoors! guide or go to mprpd.org.

Rancher for a Day (Cattle and Wildlife)

Come out to a working cattle ranch! Get to know bovine personalities as you learn about the iconic American legacy of cattle rearing and calving. Meet a genuine rancher and ranch horse in full working gear. Discover how thoughtful grazing allows for co-existence among endangered species, cattle and you! Feel the deep sense of reward that one gets from working closely with the land. Instructor: Laurie Petkus. All ages, minors must be accompanied by a paid adult, Saturday, July 28, 10 AM-12 noon, Palo Corona Regional Park (entrance is on east side of Highway 1, approximately 200 yards south of Carmel River Bridge, which is just south of Rio Road), $20 (district resident), $22 (nondistrict resident), or $60/$66 for group of four, children 6 and younger are free.

Freestyle Fliers: Disc Golf Camp (three-day program)

Put a new spin on the sport of golf! Instead of using clubs and golf balls, throw a disc into a metal basket while traversing a maze of trees and terrain. Introduce your child to this fast-growing sport that combines hiking and fun! Gain a new awareness of local lands on this great outdoor adventure. Equipment provided for use, free. Instructor: Anthony DeMers. Ages 8-12, Monday, July 30-Wednesday, August 1, 9AM-1 PM each day, Ryan Ranch Disc Golf Course, (Park Road off Ryan Ranch Road), Monterey, $80 (district resident), $88 (non-district resident) for three-day camp.

Full Moon Paddle for Families

Paddle under the light of the full moon, surrounded by the shimmering still water of Elkhorn Slough. Watch the sunset and the moonrise from the vantage point of a kayak. Enjoy a quiet paddle as the wildlife transitions from day to night. All skill levels welcome on this guided excursion. Instructor: Kayak Connection. Ages 8-adult, minors must be accompanied by a paid adult, Tuesday, July 31, 7 PM-9:30 PM, Moss Landing, North Harbor. Costs: child -- $40 (district resident), $44 (non-district resident); adult -- $50 (district resident), $55 (non-district resident). Plus $10 materials fee paid at site.

To register online, go to mprpd.org and register with Visa, MasterCard or Discover. Walk-in registrations are accepted Tuesday-Friday from 11 AM to 1 PM at the MPRPD office, 60 Garden Court, Suite 325, Monterey (checks, money orders and credit cards accepted). Pre-registration is strongly recommended. There will be an additional charge of $5 to register on the day of class (space permitting). On-site registration will begin 20 minutes prior to the start of class. All check-in and registration closes 5 minutes before the class begins. For more information, please call Joseph at 372-3196, ext. 102, or send an e-mail to narvaez@mprpd.org.

First Friday events Aug. 3 Sneak preview of Motorcycle Museum Haiku poetry, music at Artisana

Join us for a chorus of classic and contemporary poems in the haiku poetry tradition read by Adrianne Jonson, Donna Wobber, Taylor Rhyne, and Susie Joyce to a luscious backdrop of improvisational music created by musician and writer, Yoriko Hongo. In collaboration with 1st Friday Pacific Grove, the newly formed Pacific Grove Poetry Collective celebrates poets and writers in our community with monthly poetry events at Artisana Gallery at 1st Friday Pacific Grove on Aug. 3, Sept. 7, Oct. 5, November 2 and Dec. 7. The Sept. 7 poetry performance will feature PG’s insightful and wildly entertaining Poet in Residence, Dr. Barbara Mossberg, from 6:30 to 7:00 pm at Artisana Gallery for a combined Art Walk and 1st Friday event. Artisana Gallery is one of the participating businesses in Pacific Grove that host special events and refreshments from 5:00-8:00 pm on the 1stFriday of every month. Look for the green flags...Green for GO! Follow 1stNight PG and Artisana Gallery on Facebook for upcoming events. Visit the Pacific Grove Poetry Collective on Facebook to connect with other poets and writers, post local performances and workshops and participate in upcoming events, including poetry flash mobs, hosted by PG’s Poet in Residence, Dr. Barbara Mossberg. The Classic Motorcycle Museum at 305 Forest will offer a sneak preview on First Friday, with the official opening is set for Aug. 4-5. The Museum is a private collection belonging to Neil Jameson, but will also offer special exhibits from time to time. On hand are a number of British bikes including BSAs, Nortons and Triumphs and a few BMWs including one Jamesons rode to the Artctic Circle in 1972. One of four Harley-Davidsons he owns is in the initial exhibit -- a 1976 Sportster from the AMC era of Harley-Davidson’s history. Jameson said he looks forward to kibbitzing with other owners and riders and “talking about how fast they went.”

Give blood, get a T-shirt as summertime drive kicks off

It’s summertime and the giving is easy ― and much needed ― during the annual seasonal blood drive at the Blood Center of Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula. The campaign continues through Friday, August 3. Donors will receive a special T-shirt, while supplies last. “During the summer, people are busy with travel and vacations, but the need for blood is constant,” says Sharon Paddock, Blood Center supervisor. “We hope people will make the time to come to the Blood Center and donate, to ensure that our community has the blood that it needs.” Donors may give at the Blood Center at 576 Hartnell Street, Suite 100, across from the post office in Monterey. Appointments are recommended and may be made by calling 625-4814 or e-mailing bloodcenter@chomp.org, but drop-ins are welcome. The center is open from 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mondays and Thursdays, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and 8:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. Fridays. More information, including a schedule of mobile drives, is available at www.chomp.org . You can also find CHOMP on Facebook.

Hula’s Island Grill and Tiki Room Monterey Announces August Mahalo Mondays Recipient: Animal Friends Rescue Project Family owned and operated since 1998, Hula’s Island Grill and Tiki Room, at 622 Lighthouse Avenue in Monterey, offers Mahalo Mondays. This lively locals’ restaurant features an amazing tropical dining experience with a menu infused with Asian, Latin and Caribbean touches all with a Hawaiian inspiration in an island-style setting. Dine on any Monday in August and 10 percent of the total sales will go to Animal Friends Rescue Project. Animal Friends Rescue Project (AFRP) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization based in Pacific Grove. AFRP was founded in June 1998 by four individuals who were passionate about making a difference to companion animal overpopulation. They are dedicated to finding good permanent homes for abandoned, stray, and abused companion animals and ending the pet overpopulation crisis through focused spay/ neuter programs. AFRP is led by an active Board of Directors and a dedicated staff. They also rely on incredible volunteers, which now number over 300. Hula’s Island Grill and Tiki Room is located at 622 Lighthouse Avenue in Monterey. Hula’s is open from lunch Tuesday-Saturday from 11:30 a.m.-4:00p.m., dinner nightly from 4:00p.m.-close, and happy hour Tuesday-Saturday 2:00p.m.-6:00p.m. and Sunday and Monday 4:00p.m.-6:00p.m. For more information go to or call (831) 655-HULA. Hula’s gives back 10 percent of total sales every Monday in each month to help a local charity. Over the past four years Hula’s has raised over $50,000.00 for local charities. If you would like more information on this topic, or to schedule an interview with Hula’s Management, please contact Andria Cambridge at 619-888-5520 or email abcambridge@gmail.com.

Movies of 1967: ‘In Like Fint’ to screen at MoM

The Monterey County Film Commission, in collaboration with the Museum of Monterey (MOM), will bring the fun of “In Like Flint” to the monthly film series, “9 Films Marking 1967.” The series is held in conjunction with the Museum of Monterey’s 2012 exhibition, “Music, Love and Flowers: Youth & Culture Monterey 1967 & Now.” The screening of “In Like Flint” will be on Friday night, July 27, and Saturday afternoon at 2 p.m. at the Museum of Monterey Theatre at 5 Custom House Plaza in Monterey. On Friday night the museum will be open from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. for visitors to enjoy a no-host wine bar and all museum first floor exhibits. The film will be screened at 7 p.m. Admission to the movie is free with a $10 paid admission to MOM. REEL Friends of the Film Commission members and members of MOM receive a discounted admission of $5 plus a glass of wine. “In Like Flint” stars James Coburn and is a spoof of action and James Bond films of the era. In it, a super-agent must save the world from a secret organization of women who plan to seize power. Remaining screenings in the film series are: July 27 and 28 “In Like Flint”, Aug. 24 and 25 “In the Heat of the Night”, Sept. 28 and 29 “Riot on Sunset Strip” Oct. 26 and 27 “The Trip”, Nov. 23 and 24 “Valley of the Dolls”, Dec. 23 and 24 “Wait Until Dark” Jan. 25 and 26, 2013 “Easy Rider”. For more information on the series or memberships in MOM contact Lisa Coscino at 831-402-9141 or go to www. museumofmonterey.org. For film commission REEL Friends memberships, call 831-646-0910 or go to www.FilmMonterey.org. The Monterey County Film Commission was created by the Monterey County Board of Supervisors in 1987. It is a nonprofit organization proactively marketing Monterey County as a destination for the motion picture, television and related industries, for the purpose of stimulating economic development, creating jobs, providing and supporting educational opportunities in those areas.

Monterey Library presents talks on changes facing baby boomers

The Monterey Public Library presents Boomer Up! Boomer Education 101: A Two-part Series on Monday, July 30 and Wednesday, August 1, 5:30 - 7 p.m. Join Bob Petty, an advisor with Partners for Transitions, LLC, for this two-part program designed to help members of the Baby Boomer Generation prepare for some major changes that are just around the corner. Topics included Medicare benefits, Social Security and continued employment after age 65. Admission is free and no reservations are required. For more information call 831.646.5602 or see www. monterey.org/library. The Monterey Public Library is located at 625 Pacific Street, Monterey.

July 27, 2012 • CEDAR STREET

Photos by Peter Mounteer

Feast of Lanterns annual

Chalk Fest and Family Fun Day at the PG Museum

The annual Chalk Fest of the Feast of Lanterns and Family Fun Day drew both the Royal Court and lots of children with parents to the Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History for a one-day chance to draw on the sidewalk with chalk. Children made lanterns and kites and folded origami butterflies. The Royal Court drew on the sidewlak, too, and did some face-painting for the children.

Times • Page 13


Times • July 27, 2012

Your friends and neighbors

Peeps Save Our Shores fêtes volunteers as 2012 Ocean Heroes

Save Our Shores, the leader in ocean awareness, advocacy, and citizen action on the Central Coast, is pleased to announce the recipients of their annual Ocean Hero awards. The Save Our Shores 2012 Ocean Hero Award goes to Mark Stone, whose leadership authoring and passing Santa Cruz County’s single-use plastic bag ban led him to working with Save Our Shores on pollution prevention three years ago. An attorney at law since 1993, Mark was appointed, elected, and reelected as the Fifth District Supervisor for Santa Cruz County beginning in 2003. Mark represents Santa Cruz, Monterey, and San Mateo Counties on the California Coastal Commission. Save Our Shores is honored to award Supervisor Mark Stone as their Ocean Hero of 2012. The Save Our Shores 2012 Business of the Year Award goes to REI, whose environmental leadership on behalf of the ocean stamps them as an ocean champion for the Monterey Bay region. Save Our Shores chose REI for their continued support of SOS beach cleanups and Annual Coastal Cleanup Day, as well as their help expanding Save Our Shores’ advocacy efforts and Sanctuary Steward program into Monterey County. Because of REI Marina’s outreach to their customers, network, and readers regarding the work of SOS, SOS often sees twice as many volunteers at their Monterey Monthly Beach Cleanups. The 2012 Volunteer of the Year, Haig White, was announced and awarded at a previous Save Our Shores event in May. Haig is honored for his ongoing enthusiasm for ocean conservation and clean beaches, his many hours of service and excellence as a Save Our Shores Sanctuary Steward, and for almost always bringing his lovely wife Sienna along for the ride. Mark Stone and REI representatives will receive special recognition at Save Our Shores’ annual Toast to the Coast celebration at Seascape Beach Resort on Sunday, August 26, from 5-10pm. The Toast to the Coast features a sustainable clambake dinner, drinks, dancing, and the popular Summer Raffle. Grand Prizes in the Summer Raffle include a 3-day SCUBA trip with Worldwide Diving Adventures, a private sail for 48 people aboard the Chardonnay II, a getaway at Costanoa Lodge, and more. Need not need to be present to win. Information, Toast to the Coast admission tickets, and Summer Raffle tickets are available at saveourshores.org/Toast. About Save Our Shores: Save Our Shores is the Central Coast leader in caring for the marine environment through ocean awareness, advocacy and citizen action. Our core initiatives are Plastic Pollution, Clean Boating, and Ocean Awareness. Over the last 30 years, Save Our Shores helped to establish the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, prevent offshore oil drilling and cruise ship pollution, and today focuses on educating youth about our local watersheds, tackling pollution on our beaches and rivers, implementing our renowned DockWalker program, and providing our community with educated and inspired Sanctuary Stewards. For more information visit: www.saveourshores.org.

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Financial Advisor Thomas Karn earns Special Needs designation Merrill Lynch has announced that Financial Advisor Thomas Karn recently earned the Certified Special Needs Advisor (CSNA) designation administered by the Special Needs Financial Services division of the Merrill Lynch Wealth Management group. The designation is awarded to individuals who are trained in providing special needs advice for families of children with disabilities. This offering has an emphasis on the goal of preserving clients’ shortterm wealth while developing a long-term strategy for the financial security and the care of family members who have special needs. The topics a CSNA is trained to fully understand include special needs planning, special needs trusts and trustees, personal and legal concerns facing families of children with disabilities, and building partnerships with special needs attorneys and disability advocates that foster an integrated financial strategy.

Thomas Karn, Financial Advisor

Thomas has been in the financial services industry since 1996 and joined Merrill Lynch in 2011. Thomas is a six-year United States Army veteran who chose to return to civilian life and school after successful completion of Operation Desert Storm. In 1999, Thomas graduated from the University of Phoenix earning his M.B.A. He currently serves on the board of directors of the Pajaro Valley Chamber of Commerce and Basin Management Plan Committee of the Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency. He and his wife Sara live in Watsonville, California with their two children Kristopher and Joseph. In his spare time Thomas enjoys golf, cycling and spending time with his family.

Weddings, birthdays, promotions Have your peeps email our peeps! editor@ cedarstreettimes.com 831-324-4742

July 27, 2012 • CEDAR STREET

Times • Page 15

Your friends and neighbors Pacific Grove’s new police chief dons two patches, two badges

She had no intention of rising through the ranks, let alone becoming chief of police for two Monterey Peninsula cities when Vicki Myers became the dog catcher (“It wasn’t called ‘Animal Control Officer’ back then,” in 1986, she points out.) for Ingham County, Michigan. “I just love animals,” she said, speaking in an interview the morning she was sworn in as Pacific Grove’s police chief. Myers was raised by her grandparents on a farm in Ingham County. The population of that county is almost three times that of the Monterey Peninsula. She excelled in the position and the sheriff encouraged her to get the schooling and take the tests to become a deputy, which she did. “It’d didn’t take me long to realize that I wanted to be in administration,” she said, so she went back to school and got into the administration end of law enforcement. Eventually, she took a job in Mesa, AZ. Her husband was county controller in Michigan, however, so for a while they commuted to see each other. When he retired, he moved to Mesa as well. They were there for three years. Vicki served as interim chief for nine months there when George GascÓn left for San Francisco, where he is now District Attorney. And when she stepped back for Frank Milstead to become chief of police of Mesa, she realized she really wanted the office. “My husband and I firmly believe that everything, good or bad, happens for a reason,” she said. Avid golfers, they came to the Monterey Peninsula on a golfing vacation with friends, and

fell in love with the area. “Wouldn’t it be great,” her husband asked her at the time, “if you could become chief of police and I could go to work for Pebble Beach?” When the opening for chief of Seaside was advertised, Ed Myers was watching the paper and urged Vicki to apply. And he got a job as a starter marshal at Spanish Bay. They intend to retire here. On the morning she was sworn in as chief of police for Pacific Grove, she was already wearing a patch on her sleeve from Seaside, where she has served for more than a year, and one on the other sleeve from Pacific Grove. She will alternate badges now that she has them both. Vicki Myers gives great kudos to her predecessor, Darius Engles, for seeing through the idea of shared services. “He’s really a visionary,” she said. “He has left a great organization in place to enable this moment in time.” She also congratulates City Manager Tom Frutchey and the city councils of both cities for being willing to try it out. Seaside and Pacific Grove have entered into a shared services agreement to share a police chief, believing that administrative duties can be both performed more efficiently and that costs can be reduced by doing so. Myers believes that regionalizing law enforcement makes a lot of sense. “It’s smart for fiscal and personnel reasons,” she said. The records management system share by both cities is, to her, a huge reason for sharing services as keeping of records is labor-intensive as well as being vitally important to law enforcement. She says she knows there will be some leftover “territorial mind” on the part of citizens, but she hopes to overcome their fears and concerns as she settles into the job and learns “how we operate” in Pacific Grove and “why things are done the way they are” in Pacific Grove. Vicki Myers is eager to roll up her sleeves (with the patches on each one) and get to work. Open and frank, she wants to hear from citizens about what they want and expect from their police force. She looks forward to a long tenure.

Top: Chief Myers’ Pacific Grove side, Right, her Seaside patch. Below, Myers with outgoing Chief Darius Engles at the wearingin ceremony, by Cameron Douglas.

Peeps Postmaster Caldwell retires after 24 years

Closing the door: Shannon Caldwell serves his last day as Pacific Grove Postmaster on July 27.

By Peter Mounteer B o n Vo y a g e ! S h a n n o n Caldwell bid the position of Postmaster for the Pacific Grove Post Office adieu after 42 years in the postal service. He has been with the Pacific Grove Post Office since 1981, after being promoted as a superintendent from Carmel’s Postal Service operations, and has held various duties and details since then. Faced with a choice between getting drafted to Vietnam or getting a job, a month out of high school Caldwell started in the U.S. Postal Service in 1970, working as a rural carrier in Carmel, with a route running from the mouth of Carmel Valley to Scarlet Road. Over the next decade, he worked his way up in management at Carmel before his transfer to Pacific Grove. Since then his two daughters have graduated from Pacific Grove High and he has been graced with three grandkids. For a while he coached girls softball at the high school and has played Santa Claus at various places around the area (ssshhh! don’t tell your kids!). When he started Postmaster duties at the Pacific Grove Post Office he managed 50 employees in 1981, with changes in technology over the years he now keeps track

of some 30 employees. “Because of increases in automation we can do more with less,” he commented. “Jobs have become more efficient.” As Postmaster Caldwell oversees the Post Office’s entire delivery, collection and retail operations, day in and day out. Caldwell’s retirement from the Service comes at an interesting time, and he commented on the changing nature of the workforce. “[My retirement] is part of a special incentive offered to older Postal Service employees across the nation. It’s cheaper to hire younger people and part timers, they aren’t career employees and they don’t get benefits; that’s where the Postal Service is going.” Caldwell said that even after 42 years, it hasn’t really felt that long. Of his 31-year tenure in Pacific Grove he said, “It’s been my pleasure to serve the employees and community of Pacific Grove. I’ve enjoyed that a lot.” In his retirement he hopes to be doing some more community or city volunteer work. For example, he’s been giving away popsicles at the Feast of Lanterns Pet Parade every year since 1983. Caldwell serves his last day on the job on Friday, July 27th, 2012. He will be temporarily replaced by his supervisor Antonia Radous as Officer-in-Charge, until a new Postmaster can be selected.


Times • July 27, 2012

The Green Page Reminder of the past Waste Not, Want Not

SCRAMP and Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca form recycle team with The Offset Project

With 140,000 spectators expected over three days for the Red Bull U.S. Grand Prix, an extensive plan has been put in to place to offset their impact on the community. The Sports Car Racing Association of the Monterey Peninsula (SCRAMP), the not-for profit organization that manages the race events at Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca, has teamed up with The Offset Project, a local 501(c)3 dedicated to environmental stewardship at regional events and business. During the Red Bull U.S. Grand Prix the two organizations will work together to collect all food scraps and other compostables from various catering areas onsite. Roughly six tons is expected to be collected per day, diverting some 18 tons of CO2 equivalent from the atmosphere in addition to the tons diverted from the local landfill in Marina. Food waste will later be turned into compost and sold back to local farmers and vineyards. “Our mission has always been to give back to our community,” says Gill Campbell, CEO/general Manager of Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca. “With this new program we are helping to relieve the impact of our event and in the end, actually giving back compost that is usable for our farmers, ranchers and wine growers.” “ This is the first event The Offset Project will be utilized at Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca but an extended partnership is in the planning stages as both organizations continue to strive to improve the Monterey Peninsula.” said a spokesperson.

Your press releases are welcome, Email them to Editor@cedarstreettimes.com There’s a new addition to the Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History’s main hall. Brown bears were fairly common in early Monterey days, but this is likely the first sighting of one locally for awhile. California grizzlies were extinct in California by the 1920s.

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