IBCT Certified Class Summer News 2010

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Summer 2010 Volume 4.

Foundation International Board of Certified Trainers - PO Box 51, 3620 AB, Breukelen, The Netherlands - © 2010 www.ibct-global.com info@ibct-global.com˜˜ The quality standard in training since 1988 ˜˜ Phone +31 (0)10 5192150

Communication; the Crown-Jewel of Soft Skills. By Nashwa E. Waly BVSc. (Hons), Ph.D., CT

In Academia, transfer of knowledge is the ultimate goal; knowledge communication is therefore crucial to achieving this goal. Most academic environments are also offering services to the public. Academics must therefore be able to communicate their knowledge to other members of the public who may not be familiar with all the technical terms the academics use which puts more testing pressure on academics’ communication skills. I was asked by a colleague to co-train undergraduates as part of a soft-skill training program aimed to equip the students with skills needed to appeal to potential employers. It included how to write a good CV and how to go through a successful interview. Needless to say, both need one’s communication skills to be effective. My colleague who was an IBCT certified trainer (CT) suggested I join the program and get certified as he thought I would polish my training skills and use the science behind it. The one skill that is needed in all professions by all people is that of effective communication. It is defined by Wikipedia as a process of transferring information from one entity to another. Its processes are also said to constitute sign-mediated interactions between at least two agents which share a repertoire of signs and semiotic rules. On the same website, communication is said to be commonly defined as "the imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs". Continued on page 2

Further in this issue: - Winning start with conquering yourself... - I have a dream - Trainers Philips Medical Academy Singapore recertified - Certification... A remarkable milestone in my career - From the bookshelf: The new Asian hemisphere - Change - 10 tips making training highly effective - Value of personal training and certification - The hero with a thousand faces - and many more interesting articles.

IBCT’s educational standards used by Ministry of Health. According to the signed protocol, the IBCT Middle East Board will certify the training system, training materials and trainers to the Egyptian Medical Fellowship Board, Ministry of Health in several medical specialties. Professor Dr. Samir R. Helal CT, Director of the The Middle East & North African Board of the IBCT, signed a protocol with the High Committee of Medical specialties of the Ministry of Health in Egypt. All th tifi ti d ill b

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Academics must be able to communicate their knowledge to other members of the public who may not be familiar with all the technical terms the academics use which puts more testing pressure on academics’ communication skills. Often we speak of the “process” of communication (Fig. 1). This is because it is not a single item or act; it involves two parties, a sender and a receiver, and a message that is to be delivered for a “purpose” or aim. It also involves the way we convey our message, be it verbal (spoken, written, etc.) or non-verbal (body language, tone of voice, etc.). Value of Communication in Teaching and Learning In an academic environment, the ability or lack thereof, of effective communication between teachers and students is a defining factor for the rise or fall of the institute since the aim of the teaching or training process is to deliver a message. A continuous conscious effort must be made to assess and later on enhance effective communication between all involved. This is one of the skills that need persistent practice to improve. Therefore, it would be worth-while to examine one’s institute regularly for effectiveness of both formal and informal communication between employees and students, and implement measures to improve or rectify the identified pitfalls. A recent online

“The identified barriers included failure of knowledge communication due to fear…” review article discussed the potential and available strategies of the National University of Educational Planning and Administration and the National Council of Educational Research and Training in knowledge communication,1 the author discussed the significant approaches that the institute has adopted in knowledge communication. Following documentation of all the available strategies at the institute, the author concluded that knowledge communication network of the educational organizations should be equipped with the next generation of tools, perspectives, e-knowledge, skilled manpower and practices of knowledge sharing.










Figure 1. The model of communication process. Communication is a two-way process and involved sending a message from a sender to a receiver through a channel or a mean. The context in which the message is being sent affects the message deliver and achievement of the aim (e.g., culture, gender, etc,.).

Barriers of Knowledge Communication in Academic environments Another study has defined problems in communicating knowledge among experts and decision makers.2 The identified barriers included failure of knowledge communication due to fear of exposure and hesitation between experts and decision makers, hostility and politics among decision makers, information overload, and jealousy and support of management to a certain person. The above mentioned barriers are continuous, repetitive and often encountered in most academic environments. Academic organizations must, therefore, adopt a consistent training strategy which is aimed at the network of people who need to communicate their expertise, knowledge and experiences to different receivers (colleagues, students and employees).

Dr. Nashwa Waly is associate professor of Veterinary Internal Medicine at Assiut University. Dr. Nashwa is an IBCT Certified Trainer and a frequently asked international speaker, trainer and consultant in the Middle East region. References National University of Educational Planning and Administration, 17-B, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi – 110016, INDIA, . dsthakur@hotmail.com. Martin J. Eppler, Knowledge Communication, In: David G. Schwartz, Encyclopedia of Knowledge


Management, Hershey: IDEA Group Reference, 2006, 317-325

Winning starts with conquering yourself What associations do you get reading this title? Do you think about heavy pep talks, a hyper motivating mental coach, or a trainer making you run over fire? Here it actually is about a mental self-coaching method described in a book with that title by Dutch author, mental coach and founder of Effeqtgroup. Mental airbag self-coaching The fundamental approach in this method is the socalled mental airbag. You can compare the mental airbag with the airbag in your car. It is there in case of emergency, which also makes your driving more confident. So it has a double effect. The mental airbag starts with your personal power. You can trust on that and there is no need to act because you already are... Sometimes you get into the mental noise zone. Mental noise consists of thoughts, feelings and ideas that disturb you in doing your task at hand. Mental noise is distraction. Mental noise is about worrying, making mistakes, not living up to expectations, perfectionism and so on. Mental noise deals with the future or comes from projection out of the past. Both we cannot influence 100%. We can only influence the here and now… When you recognise mental noise you have to learn to make a STOP. You cut down the process of mental noise. After that you start to focus. Focus is exploring and observing into the task without judgement on the spot. You see, you listen and you feel what is really going on without jumping to conclusions instantly. Then your attention is 100% “into” the task and you are completely in the here and now where your influence is maximal. In focus there is physically no room for mental noise. And not only you get rid of the mental noise but also you start the natural learning process of body feedback.

Learning and performing are not separated processes. They go together. In a later article we will go deeper into the phenomenon of natural learning. As a result of focus you will get back into your power zone. Sometimes you might even get into flow and then you perform, enjoy and learn as you have never experienced before. Developing the mental airbag is a continuous and personal process and thereby a simple and effective selfcoaching tool. Transfer The customer is introduced with the concept in a sport situation in which trust into the concept is built up by experiencing how it really works in learning and performing. After that the transfer is made towards work, personal life or top sports. Leadership, cooperation in teams, influencing others, presentation skills, project- and change management can be dealt with starting from individual mental airbags and ending with collective team mental airbags. Drs. Geo van Dam CT is founder of effeqtgroup together with Jason Kook. See www.effeqt.com and www.effeqtgroup.com

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I have a dream... By Dr. Heba Ali Mohtady, CT

I have a great dream of developing educational organizations in my beloved country "Egypt", however, a change in an organization never occurs without a change in its people. So, I was eager to develop my personal and professional skills then I joined train the trainer program of the National Center for Faculty and Leadership. Actually, I didn't expect the great achievements. I got through this training program I have been trained to conduct training from A to Z. Moreover, I developed my coaching skills as bringing out the best in others by guiding and motivating peers toward higher levels of performance, and giving and receiving constructive feedback. I'm really pleased for being able to pass on the knowledge and skills I gained to others. Meanwhile I acquired skills of building trust and inspiring teamwork, dealing with change constructively and expressing myself by presenting my thoughts and ideas. I developed my basic principles of personal leadership: by learning how to focus on the situation not on the person and maintain self-confidence and self-esteem of others and take initiative to make things better.

Moreover, the training program sharpened my focus on key goals and strategies and that provided me with framework for methods, processes, monitoring and change control and both enabled me to participate actively in the development of my faculty’s strategic plan and to evaluate a number of strategic plans developed by other faculties. Being a Certified Trainer / HRD consultant helped me also in my career, as it allowed me to be a member in NCFLD centre where I am enjoying the cooperation with all ‘family members’. We share the same values, the same enthusiasm and the same dreams for our beloved country. "Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress and working together is success. "(Henry Ford)

In my opinion my great achievement in this program was to learn "Handling Emotions Under Pressure". This helped me take charge in difficult circumstances and it has a great impact on my personal and professional life.

Dr. Heba is an Assistant Professor of Microbiology & Immunology, Faculty of Medicine at Zagazig University.Egypt. She is a Master of Medical Education (Maastricht & FOMSCU) and IBCT Certified Trainer possess insight in TQM. E‐mail: hebamohtady@hotmail.com

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Try out with new IBCT advertising campaign. After a successful campaign with radio commercials the Board has started with several try outs of a new advertisement style. The new style has to replace the old ‘Barbie box’ campaign.


uality Assurance in Training and Education

Acknowledgement & international certification of

    

Teachers and corporate trainers Facilities & administration Training materials Courses & training programs Professional development of trainers

Foundation International Board of Certified Trainers ∞ Europe ∞ United States of America ∞ Australia & New Zealand ∞ Asia ∞ Middle East & North Africa ∞

Surf now to www.ibct-global.com for free newsletters and information

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All trainers of Singapore Learning Center recertified. The team of highly specialized educational trainers of engineers met the highest standards in training and coaching. Herewith the Singapore learning Center combines again a team of top notch trainers with a – state of the art - 37,000 sq ft training center. The IBCT credentialing and certification board congratulates the SLC team with this long-lasting success in providing quality in training. Singapore Learning Center is the largest dedicated facility of its kind for advanced medical equipment training in the Asia Pacific region. The centre is equipped with the most sophisticated medical diagnostics equipment, including cardio vascular X-ray, general X-ray, computer tomography (CT) scanner, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Ultrasound systems and Patient Monitoring.

The lounge at Philips Singapore Learning Centre The Singapore Learning Centre is designed around the needs of healthcare pro fessionals and customers and offer service engineers, sales engineers and application persons in depth knowledge of cutting edge medical technology. The Centre also provide medical communities across the region access to the most advanced medical diagnostics equipment and their operation thus accelerating the delivery of quality healthcare.

Workshop for new career counsellors A special workshop for new career counsellors is expected to be planned in Cairo in June this year. This could expand the existing team (right next to this article) from three to nine. The core of the value that the IBCT career counsellors are providing is to reflect as an external expert and reveal potential interesting development areas. All of the IBCT counsellors are experts in: - personality development, - have multiple years of professional training experience and possess a broad and deep understanding of the development areas of the profession and the market. Visit their websites to learn more about them.

Marga Oude Maatman www.ontmaskering.com Marga likes to work out of righteousness, mutual respect, unify and harmony. Life is movement according to Marga. Recertification with Marga could be a journey along your Enneagram type, the logical levels of Dilts or the core talent of Daniel Offman.

Jan den Breejen

(Re)certifications in 2010 Until 1-6-2010 the Certification Board has (re)certified this year the following trainers/HRD Consultants: Brian Cummings CT (USA), Ming Kwei Cheng CT (SING), Chee Peng Hoong CT (SING), Yuji Kuroiwa CT (SING), Chew Yon Lim CT (SING), Soh Eng San CT (SING), Kazunori Yoshida CT (SING), Jacky and Kam Lung Yu CT (SING) and Mrs. Tina Spena CT (US). From the Asean and East European region the Board reused dozens of applications. Often the level of professional education and the proof of customer satisfactions was the reason for decline.

www.personae.nl Jan likes to challenge people to unleash their potential and connect them to future goals. Designing performance learning paths with concrete yield is what he strive for.

Sandor Lemstra


www.discnederland.nl Meeting Sandor is almost sure getting acquainted with DISC. The DISC personality profile will provide with new insights were you could grow.

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Certification, a remarkable milestone in my career By Professor Dr. Hala Fouad Ismael CT

Throughout our career lives, certain stages carry significant importance; marking our career path with flags of distinction. Those stages are what we call milestones. For me, one of the most remarkable milestones was my certification as an internationally certified trainer and HRD Consultant. I started my teaching career more than 20 years ago and precisely in 1988 when I gave my first lecture to undergraduate medical students. I pursued the academic teaching career for both undergraduate and post graduate students till I was appointed as a professor of Medical Microbiology & Immunology in the Faculty of Medicine, Tanta University, Egypt in July 2003. Reaching the top of the academic hierarchy, I decided to explore a new area of development which is training in 2006. It was only till October 2007, when I made my first step towards international certification by completing TOT-1. A month later, I successfully completed TOT-2 and by Feb 2008 I was officially declared among the first Egyptian group as an International Certified Trainer and HRD Consultant. Certification had a profound effect on my professional life in many aspects. Training had become more interesting, interactive, motivating and above all effective.

Currently, I do train in the Scientific Research Academy, local training center in Tanta University, and other universities through NCFLD. I also carry out a training entitled “Infection Control Measures” for nurses in the university hospitals. It is a great pleasure when you go through a training program to end successfully and you touch the tangible results from your trainees. Not only did certification affect my professional training career, but my teaching one as well. I witnessed a great improvement in my teaching skills to undergraduate and post graduate students. I started to apply more interactive teaching methods that had a direct successful effect on students. Such fact strengthened my belief that all academic staff members should receive at least one if not the three levels; this would be a leap in Egypt’s higher education enhancement. Finally, in recognition for my academic and training achievements, I have been appointed as Vice Dean of the Faculty of Nursing for Postgraduates and Research since December 2008. And now after 24 months of being an HRD Consultant, I realized how true the following quote is “It is this Golden proud pin that reflects the high quality of the trainer.”

Professor Dr. Hala is a professor of Medical Microbiology & Immunology in the Faculty of Medicine, Tanta University. Dr. Hala wears the golden IBCT with pride.

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Try out with new IBCT advertising campaign. After a successful campaign with radio commercials the Board has started with several try outs of a new advertisement style. The new style has to replace the old ‘Barbie box’ campaign.


uality Assurance in Training and Education

Acknowledgement & international certification of

    

Teachers and corporate trainers Facilities & administration Training materials Courses & training programs Professional development of trainers

Foundation International Board of Certified Trainers ∞ Europe ∞ United States of America ∞ Australia & New Zealand ∞ Asia ∞ Middle East & North Africa ∞

Surf now to www.ibct-global.com for free newsletters and information

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10 tips for making training highly effective

By Prof. Hany El-Sawah Ph.D., PMP, CPMC, CT.

In many cases, employees return to work from their training without applying what they have learned to their jobs or performing differently. But the impact of training can be improved. Training ineffectiveness may be attributed to the fact that training is either irrelevant to the organization’s real needs or there is little or no connection between training and the workplace. In those instances, training is considered to be waste of time and money as well as a cause of frustration. Therefore, the question about the effectiveness of training is raised; and managers and trainers are concerned with insuring that training provided to employees is effective. The following are the top ten tips for trainers to make their training highly effective. 1. Start with conducting an assessment of the training and developmental needs focusing on what trainees will be required to do differently back in the workplace, what business benefits are expected, and what costs and ROI (Return on Investment) will be of the program. The results from the needs analysis will describe the gap between the current and the desired performance. The more specific the training needs analysis is, the more successful the training will be. Always remember that training built on shallow or no needs analysis is bound to have little impact back at work for participants. 2. Keep in mind that training goals are usually expressed in terms of knowledge, skills, .

and attitudes. Design the training content and exercises should focus on the participants’ desired performance. The determination of the training content should not only depend on the desired knowledge and skills but also on the characteristics of the targeted trainees. The choice of the training methods and approaches should take into account the training goals, the concepts of adult learning, and the characteristics of the targeted trainees. 3. Always remember, the objective is for trainees to behave differently in the work place. With possibly years spent working the old way, the new way will not come easy. Trainees will need generous amounts of time to discuss and practice the new skills and will need lots of encouragement. 4. Ensure that the trainees’ managers and supervisors actively support the program, either through their attending the program themselves and/or introducing the trainer at the start of each training program. 5. Make the training very interactive and engage the participants as the first process in memory is attention. Training which includes no interaction between the trainer and the trainees or does not include engage the participants is likely to fail. If the participant is not paying attention, the probability of remembering anything from training is very low.

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6. Ensure that the start of each training session alerts trainees of the behavioral objectives of the program – what the trainees expected to be able to do at the completion of the training. 7. Make the training very practical and bring the training room into the workplace through developing and installing on-the-job-aids. These include checklists, reminder cards, process and diagnostic flow charts and software templates. 8. Assess the participants during or at the end of the program. Make sure the assessments are not factitious and genuinely test for the skills being taught. Nothing concentrates participants’ minds more than them knowing that there are definite expectations around their level of performance following the training. 9. Ensure that you build back-in-the-workplace coaching into the training program and give employees the workplace support they need to practice the new skills. A cost-effective means of doing this is to resource and train internal employees as coaches. 10. It is also valuable to conduct a post-course evaluation three to six months after the training to review how the outcomes are being put into practice and to determine the extent to which participants are using the new skills.

Page 9 Page 10 This reinforces the value put on the training and helps assess how well a particular method has worked and judge whether to use it again to meet similar need elsewhere. This could be done using an expert to observe the participants or survey the participants’ managers on the application of each new skill and let every participant know that this evaluation will be performed from the start. It helps to engage supervisors and managers and avoid surprises down the track.

Dr. Hany El-Sawah is a professor of Construction Management in the Faculty of Engineering, Helwan University in Egypt. He is also a Project Management Professional (PMP) and Construction Project Management Consultant (CPMC). Besides his main job of teaching and research, he has 24 years of experience as a professional trainer in the field of construction project management. Dr. ElSawah is an IBCT Certified Trainer and HRD Consultant.

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From the bookshelf

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The irresistible shift from global power to the East By Cees Vingerling CT

The New Asian Hemisphere Author: Kishore Mahbubani $7.00 www.amazon.com

One of Asia's leading intellectuals illuminates what will be on the agenda as Western domination ends and the Asian renaissance impacts world politics, markets, and history. A friend of my in Thailand recommended the book to me. I enjoyed reading this remarked book! The author, Professor Kishore Mahbubani, of the National University of Singapore, has had a distinguished career in diplomacy and writing. He is the author of Can Asians Think? and Beyond the Age of Innocence. In 2005, Foreign Policy magazine ranked him as one of the top 100 public intellectuals in the world. For centuries, the Asians (Chinese, Indians, Muslims, and others) have been bystanders in world history. Now they are ready to become co-drivers. Asians have finally understood, absorbed, and implemented Western best practices in many areas: from free-market economics to modern science and technology, from meritocracy to rule of law. They have also become innovative in their own way, creating new patterns of cooperation not seen in the West. Will the West resist the rise of Asia? The good news is that Asia wants to replicate, not dominate, the West. For a happy outcome to emerge, the West must gracefully give up its domination of global institutions, from the IMF to the World Bank, from the G7 to the UN Security Council. History teaches that tensions and conflicts are more likely when new powers emerge. This, too, may happen.

But they can be avoided if the world accepts the key principles for a new global partnership spelled out in Tehran to Tokyo. The majority of the population is busy to transform itself from a direct object towards a subject in history. This will make the world a more complex place. Mahbubani is clear in his expressions about western development aids that tighten western power over the poor developing countries. The book will give you a deeper comprehension in the world of development aid and subsidies. The European Union spends yearly 67.5 billion dollar at agricultural subsidies. The US more spends 20 billion dollars. This clearly need some change. Four out of seven countries are from the G7 are originating from the European Union. The purpose of the G7 is to represent the most powerful countries in the word. A global government is not the solution but there is a need for global governance. In short: it is time to restructure of the word organization. Would you like to know more? Then I recommend you to read further in this book.

Cees Vingerling is a commercial director at the Rabobank in The Netherlands, specialized in corporate banking. Cees is a Master of Strategic Corporate Education, a Certified Trainer and a frequently asked speaker and chair of TV panel discussions. www.ceesvingerling.nl

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Change The "learning by doing", the team work and the shared values seeded gave the harvest of "Self-confidence", time management and change in the attitude as a professor, supervisor, colleague, friend husband and father. "Today after I came back home I stayed on the internet searching for materials and tips about effective presentation, I do not why but I get so much interested in the topic you tutor us during the workshop, and that usually do not happen with me in the other days with the other trainers, I kept thinking what makes you so effective on the trainees, and I believe also on your students and people around, I concluded that it is your own personality. I wish someday I'll become effective on my students and make them get interesting in what I teach them" Nader Hanna – assistant lecturer faculty of computer science after attending one day training on effective presentation with me. Start point: Two years ago I was mastering "ineffective presentation". When the TOT program organized by the NCFLD/IBCT started in Egypt I hesitated but finally registered myself in the preparatory TOT program. My trainers were the first batch of CTs in Egypt. From the first day I said this is different. After the second day I asked myself "Could I be like those people" after completing the preparatory course I realized that it is a new beginning for me. In the last day I made a presentation that surprised me and my colleagues. How could those people build such a change in this short period? The change was not limited to knowledge or even skills acquired but also to the attitude. One of my students who attended my first lecture after training sent me his comment "This is totally different from the last week lecture". The students started to re-attend my lectures. In the complementary course I started to understand what

his comment "This is totally different from the last week lecture". The students started to re-attend my lectures. In the complementary course I started to understand what makes such a change. It became clear after completing the international level. Change: The "Learning by doing", the team work and the shared values seeded gave the harvest of "Self confidence", time management and change in the attitude as a professor, supervisor, colleague, friend husband and father. My wife noticing these changes supported me a lot to complete the international level approved by the IBCT. The most important changes for her were: patience, good communication increase income carrier better relation and understanding with my children. She added we have now more trust in you. It is worth to note that the change reached also promotion and increase income (of course much important to my wife). Now I became classified as the number one university staff members' trainer in my university. Without exaggeration trainees try to select the programs taught by me. I am participating now in the first national program to train young researchers and scientists. Instead of boring classes I am now receiving comments such as "We are really proud of you doctor", "You have unique ability of simplifying the subject for the trainees", "Your stories are always in the right time and support subject"

“But I also have to confess…” Confess: One of the university staff members who tries to be registered in my training days sent me this testimonial… Continued on page 14

Certified Class Continuation of page 13 One of the university staff members who tries to be registered in my training days sent me this testimonial… "I learned something else from you today, I confess that today I came to see what are you going to do in this workshop (international research publishing), the other workshops I attended before relayed somewhat on your attractive character, This workshop contains a lot of information like usual classes and labs I teach at faculty with information and practice. I never thought that a 3 hours class with so many pieces of information can be that enjoying. I will try to make my classes and labs as funny as yours". But I also have to confess that it was not the personality, but the training. Thank you NCFLD!

Dr. Elamir M. Amir CT is an Associate Professor in Medical Parasiticology Menoufyia University / National Lever Institute in Egypt.

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Telling Ain't Training and more... Conference If you liked the book, you love the conference!

Based on the hot-selling book of the same name, this conference offers an experiential approach to transforming “telling” into activities that result in longterm retention and behavior change. Despite the irreverent title, this conference tackles universal and persistent questions: How do learners learn? Why do learners learn? How do you make sure that learning sticks? The Telling Ain’t Training Conference shows you interactive, practical techniques that can be implemented immediately to improve your training programs. You'll come away with solid answers, backed by research and real-world experience. This year's conference is being held in several locations. Choose the one that works best for you

Harold D. Stolovitch, conference facilitator Dr. Stolovitch has been a teacher, researcher and consultant in the areas of learning and performance for over 40 years. Stolovitch is Emeritus Professor, University of Montreal. Stolovitch is an experienced workshop leader and a keynote speaker at major conferences and organizations throughout the world. He is a prolific writer with over 200 publications. Most importantly, Stolovitch is co-author of the best-selling, award-winning series of books, Telling Ain't Training, Training Ain’t Performance, Beyond Telling Ain’t Training Fieldbook and Beyond Training Ain’t Performance Fieldbook (in press) published by ASTD.

Emeritus Professor Dr. Harold Stolovitch

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IBCT Certification, what’s in it for me? What’s in it for me as a trainer?

As a training organization?

The benefits of IBCT personal certification at glance

The advantages of certification of programmes


International distinction and recognition of the person quality as a trainer thru a: Official Certificate. Recognized CT degree. Gold plated proud pin. Right to use the IBCT hallmark. Promoted global directory. Guarantee of customer satisfaction prior to the training fir the client and participant Listed in the global online directory with expertise and contact details Assistance with professional development thru Personal Development Activity Planning, self assessments and career counsellors. Global network (activities) Multi Media Promotion Quality radiation that supports during: Acquisition & selling. Apply for new jobs. Building confidence prior to a training. Discernment during competition.




International distinction and recognition of the programme quality thru a: International accreditation. Official Certificate. Promoted via global website. Right to use the IBCT hallmark. Opportunity to maintain and increase the quality of a training programme Guarantee of customer satisfaction prior to the programme Recognized transparent international standards and procedures. Broad quality check on:  Relation to professional competence  Balance knowledge & skills  Learning goals  Evaluation & examination  Quality of instructors Honest and objective feedback Respectful involvement of your staff Focus on fact-finding & learning



As a training centre? The yield of the certification of training centres at glance




International distinction and recognition of the programme quality thru a: Right to use the IBCT hallmark Official Certificate Promoted via global website International accreditation Attracts more (international) students and/or clients Opportunity to maintain and increase the quality of a training programme Broad quality check on:  Space, safety, accessibility & hygiene.  Educational vision & policies.  Administration & quality system.  Training equipment.  Organisational structure and M.I.S. Focus on fact-finding & learning Honest and objective feedback Respectful involvement of the staff, management and trainers.

As an educational institute? The value of the certification of training materials




International distinction and recognition of the programme quality thru a: Official Certificate International accreditation Right to use the IBCT hallmark Promoted via global website Opportunity to maintain and increase the quality of a training materials Broad quality check on:  Quantity, balance theory and practice.  Structure, lesson plan & organization.  Presentation and illustration.  Serving program objectives.  Authorship and copyrights.  Materials production style. Focus on fact-finding & learning Respectful involvement of the staff, management and trainers. Honest and objective feedback.

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From the bookshelf

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A revolutionary program to find and develop unique talents! By Erik Boshuizen, CT

The book is not focused so much on the application of talents as it is on the discovery of talents. But in here lays the challenge for the professional trainer! Can you handle this beautiful concept? Can you build a bridge towards practical application in the work environment? If so, you will have an awesome tool to develop people in your training. My first contact with the book was during my interim work at the Rabobank in The Netherlands. During a merger process with two other banks the bank used this methodology in a workshop to discover the talents of our new management team. It was interesting to participate in these sessions because we learned in a fast lane the strengths our new colleagues. Now, Discover Your Strengths is a provocative and extremely practical book with a gem of an on-line survey instrument. Do you want to know your strengths? This is a book + survey instrument that will help you. Well worth the investment. One of the big nuggets of value in this book is the amount of research that Gallup conducted to back up the on-line strength surveying mechanism. The survey is uniquely focused on identifying your strengths. This is not a test like Myers Briggs (that focuses more on personality traits). The test takes 30-40 minutes on-line and the results are tabulated instantly with summary and full-text interpretation reports. Your customized report is printable or viewable (at a later date) on-line. (You must purchase the book to get the secret password to take the test.) I imagine that the survey will be available without the book at some point, but for trainers the book is a must. It adds important information that helps to work with the concept in workshops and in training sessions.

The authors are credible and the Gallup organization adds deep practical underpinning. This book will appeal to the pragmatic reader. Educators, trainers and theorists will appreciate the inclusion of the appendix/technical report describing the testing theory and apparatus. The book is not focused so much on the application of talents as it is on the discovery of talents. But in here lays the challenge for the professional trainer! Can you use this beautiful concept and build a bridge towards practical application in the work environment? If so, you will have great an awesome content to develop people in your training. The author chose not to draw a stronger correlation between strengths and possible career fit. Richard Bolles however does a great job with career matching in his books: What Color is Your Parachute and The Three Boxes of Life. The two books are great tools for trainers who sometimes need to step in the role of the career counselor to. The survey very accurately identified and articulated my key strengths. It probably will help you, too. Good luck with this gem and let it work for you in your training. Now, Discover your strengths. Author: Marcus Buckingham & Donald O. Clifton $ 18.49 www.amazon.com

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“A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man.” Joseph Campbell By Dr. Samar Abd Elsalam, CT

I don’t know why I couldn’t help thinking of Campbell’s hero when I traced back my journey from ToT1 to CT. In his famous book, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Joseph Campbell traces the hero’s journey towards success, explaining that the concept of heroism is shared by humanity through ancient myths. In Campbell’s world the hero moves in a cycle that changes his world, shapes his soul, and takes him back to the point of departure, transformed into a better person. Heroic stories - and Campbell’s in particular - have always fascinated me. I had never thought of myself as being part of a heroic journey until last year, upon delving into the fascinating world of training with all the possibilities it has to offer. The short form of Campbell’s journey begins with 1) the hero being introduced in his ordinary world, where he receives a call to enter an unusual world of strange powers and events (the call to adventure). 2) If he accepts the call, he must face tasks and trials, either alone, or with assistance from wise helpers. 3) The hero reaches the most intense part of his journey, where he endures the ultimate ordeal or the severest challenge. 4) The hero seizes the sword or the treasure and is pursued on the road back to his world. 5) He is resurrected and transformed by his experience. 6) He returns to his ordinary world with a treasure, boon, or elixir to benefit his world.

I don’t know why I couldn’t help thinking of Campbell’s hero when I traced back my journey from ToT1 to CT. My first call for adventure was an announcement at my faculty informing staff of the availability of a 5day training of trainers course. I responded to my call to adventure and registered, but with minimal enthusiasm as my previous experience with training could be anything but encouraging. NOT THIS ONE. I was introduced to a new world where people actually struggle to help you turn your potential into reality. Having succeeded in ToT1 and ToT2, with the help of “wise” trainers, it was time for step three in the heroic journey, which is when the hero faces the utmost challenge. In my case it was the CT training with its hectic days and sleepless nights. My challenge was struggling against the clock to fulfill assignments on time, attending sessions with experienced trainers who encourage and demand nothing less than excellence, submitting a project that should help improve my institution, and making an impressive presentation.

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Continuation of page 22 Like Campbell’s hero, I had a life changing experience, defeated the dragons of mediocrity, and seized my treasure at the end: my CT certificate and a great sense of achievement. I realized that Hellen Keller was right when she said that “character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved”. Standing there, shaking hands with the Minister of Higher Education as he hands me the certificate, I suddenly realized that this was just the beginning. Emerging from the world of training and returning to my usual life, it would have been easy to be absorbed by everyday nuisances. Yet, like Campbell’s hero, I too was resurrected and transformed by my experience. My treasure was no longer mine alone; it was an experience to be shared with all the people in my life. I do believe that each one of us is a hero in his field. As long as we get up in the morning, resolved to do the best we can to make things better, we are heroes. Dr. Samar Abd Elsalam is an Assistant Professor at the department of English at the Faculty of Al-Alsun (Languages) Ain Shams University and an IBCT Certified Trainer.

ASTD Sales training drivers ONLINE conference - JULY 21-22, 2010 Developing High Performing Sales Teams A professional experience that rejuvenates your thinking, provides access to thought leaders, and helps you improve sales performance at every interaction. That’s the ASTD Sales Training Drivers Online Conference. With 10+ educational sessions, and world-class thought leaders accessible with a click of your mouse, ASTD helps you overcome sales complexity and bridge sales management and talent management together to form a truly unforgettable experience. The live keynote presentation, entitled the Processes of World-Class Sales Teams: Critical Steps to Improve Your Sales Results will be delivered by Howard Stevens of HR Chally. Source www.astd.org download now the free report!

Certified Class

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Try out with new IBCT advertising campaign. After a successful campaign with radio commercials the Board has started with several try outs of a new advertisement style. The new style has to replace the old ‘Barbie box’ campaign.


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Certified Class

New horizons. By Professor Dr. Esaam M. Zidan, CT

As a human being, I see people and things from an ordinary perspective, and as a psychologist, I can see people and things from another perspective, but as a "Certified Trainer" I now see the whole life from all perspectives even those one could never imagine before. Training is an art and a science altogether at the same time. This means that the trainer is an artist and a scientist as well, and this gives training its distinction and uniqueness and supremacy over other professions and careers. The art and science of training changed the world in my eyes and the way I look at every behavior comes out from all creatures from "Ants" up to "Human Beings". Training made my eyes bigger and sharper, my mind broader and smarter, my competencies larger and wider, even my ears became stronger, my senses became smoother, my performance now is greater, and my feelings are warmer. Now I enjoy good temper … I've got this all after I became a certified trainer. New horizons are raised and new doors are opened for more promotion and development in both my personal and vocational life. In fact I discovered that learning and education could never become true or realized without training. I've learned that training has a joy and the joy of training equals the efforts in working. I always say that counseling is lighting, also I can certainly say training is lighting as well. The two letters "CT" which stand for "certified trainer" are interpreted in my life into other additional meanings and implications. They equal Concrete/Competency Treasure" and "Complete/ Compound Tact" and "Clear/Class Title".

Dr. Esaam Mohammed Zidan CT is an associated professor in Education at Mansoura University.

The word "TRAINING" for me is full of meanings and connotations. It is the secret of professionalism and success. It reflects variety of values and significance in each one of its letters as follows:

T = Talent / Trust / Team R = Responsibility / Reward A = Ability / Action I = Innovation / Insight N = Norms / Nobility I = Intimacy / Integrity / Investment N = Networking / Necessity G = Global / Glory

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