POVEL questionnaire: Belgian results summary

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POVEL – Prevention of Violence through Education to Legality JUST/2010/DAP3/AG/1349


Basic Information

1. City: Dour wasmes wiheries (Dour) Boussu Colfontaine Elouges crespin fayt le franc frameries hainin hensies honnelles hornu Jurbise Liège mons montignies sur roc onnezies pommeroeul quaregnan

Frequency Rate 53 44,2 2 1,7 1 0,8 9 7,5 3 2,5 7 5,8 1 0,8 2 1,7 1 0,8 1 0,8 3 2,5 1 0,8 2 1,7 1 0,8 2 1,7 1 0,8 1 0,8 1 0,8 1 0,8 1 0,8



Quievrin Raisin roisin saint-ghislain thulin angre antreppe athis Audregnies Autreppe Baisieux Blaugies Blougies Blougies (Dour)

1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1

0,8 0,8 0,8 1,7 1,7 1,7 0,8 0,8 1,7 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8

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boisieux Dolembreux

1 2


No answer


3,3 100




2. Name of the training centre or institution or school you are attending. Asbl la Mohinette-Liège Institut la Sainte Union-Mons Other (speficy) Total

Frequency rate 2 1,7 75 62,5 43 35,8 120 100

Other Athénée Léonie de Waha Athenée royal de Dour dour Saint-Union (Dour) Total

Frequency rate 1 0,8 27 22,5 1 0,8 14 11,6 120 100

3. Type of attended course Non-formal education Formal education Total

Frequency Rate 1 0,8 119 99,2 120 100,0

4. Which class do you attend? First Second Third Fourth Fifth Other\ No answer Total

Frequency Rate 9 7,5 78 65 1 0,8 2 1,7 12 10 8 6,7 1 0,8 120 100

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Other Frequency Rate No answer 112 93,3 Sixth 7 5,8 Bourgeoise 1 0,8 Total 120 100

5. How old are you? Age 15 16 17 18 19 20 Total

Frequency Rate 1 0,8 38 31,7 34 28,3 25 20,8 12 10 10 8,3 120 100

6. Are you a boy or a girl? Frequency Rate 49 40,8 71 59,2 120 100

A boy A girl Total

7. Do you have brothers or sisters? No answer No Yes, how many?............ Total

Frequency Rate 2 1,7 18 15 100 83,3 120 100

Yes, how many? 1 2 3 4

Frequency Rate 47 39,2 29 24,2 13 10,8 5 4,2

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5 6 7 No answer Total

3 1 2 20 120

2,5 0,8 1,7 16,7 100,0

8. With whom do you live? *1 Dad Brothers Sisters Educators Grandparents Mom Other (alone, animals...)

Frequency Rate 83 69,2 44 36,7 43 35,8 5 4,2 2 1,7 110 91,7 13 10,8

30 young people, i.d. only 25% of Belgian sample live with both mother and father.

9. Educational level of your mother Don't Know/No answer Primary School Junior high school diploma High School Certification Degree Other certification Total

Frequency Rate 2 1,7 0 0,0 0 0,0 41 34,2 60 50,0 17 14,2 120 100,0

10. Educational level of your father Don't Know/No answer Primary School Junior high school diploma High School Certification Degree 1

Frequency Rate 4 3,3 1 0,8 0 0,0 33 27,5 63 52,5

questions marked with * are multiple choice.

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Other Certification Total

19 120

15,8 100,0

11. In which part of the town do you live? Frequency Rate No answer 1 0,8 Towncentre 33 27,5 Periphery 65 54,2 Other common 21 17,5 Total 120 100,0


12. Do you have a job that gives you an income every month? Don't know/No answer Yes No Occasional work Other (stage) Total

Frequency Rate 3 2,5 4 3,3 72 60,0 40 33,3 1 0,8 120 100,0

13. How would you describe your health at the time on a scale from 1 to 5? Frequency Rate Don't know/No answer 3 2,5 1.Very bad 2 1,7 2.Bad 0 0,0 3.Medium 20 0,0 4.Quite fine 43 35,8 5.Fine 52 43,3 Total 120 83,3

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14. Do you play sport regularly? Don't Know/ No answer Yes No Total

Frequency Rate 3 2,5 33 27,5 84 70 120 100

Common sport: football, dance, swim

15. Which of the following meals do you have in a day? * breakfast Morning snack lunch afternoon snack dinner Other (specify) No answer

Frequency 74 63 96 56 114 6 3

Rate 63,2% 53,8% 82,1% 47,9% 97,4% 5,1%

63 young people (52,5% of the sample) use to have all the three main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner); 20 of them (i.d. 16,67% out of the research sample) have also morning snack and afternoon snack. Other boys and girls have different associations of meals. 4 boys/girls (3% of the sample) say they have only a meal per day.

16. How many hours do you usually sleep at night? Don't know/No answer More than 8 7-8 hours 6-7 hours 5-6 hours 4-5 hours Less than 4 Total

Frequency Rate 3 2,5 16 13,3 50 41,7 39 32,5 10 8,3 2 1,7 0 0,0 120 100,0

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17. What time do you go to bed during the week? Don't know/No answer Before 10 p.m. 10-11p.m 11.p.m-midnight 00.00 a.m - 1:00 a.m 1.00 a.m - 2:00 a.m 2.00 a.m - 3:00 a.m 3.00 a.m- 4.00am After 4:00 a.m Total

Frequency Rate 2 1,7 12 10 62 51,7 28 23,3 13 10,8 3 2,5 0 0,0 0 0,0 0 0,0 120 100,0

18. What time do you go to bed in the weekend? (tick only one answer) Frequency Rate Don't know/No answer 2 1,7 Before 10 p.m. 2 1,7 10-11p.m 12 10 11.p.m-midnight 38 31,7 00.00 a.m - 1:00 a.m 16 13,3 1.00 a.m - 2:00 a.m 31 25,8 2.00 a.m - 3:00 a.m 13 10,8 3.00 a.m- 4.00am 6 5 After 4:00 a.m 0 0 Total 120 100

19. Do you smoke? No answer Yes, daily Yes, sometimes Yes, in the weekend No Total

Frequency Rate 2 1,7 19 15,8 5 4,2 0 0 94 78,3 120 100

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20. How do you feel with your mates at school/vocational training centre ? Don't know/No answer Very bad Bad Medium Quite fine Fine Total

Frequency Rate 2 1,7 3 2,5 5 4,2 7 5,8 32 26,7 71 59,2 120 100

21. Are you satisfied with your relationship with teachers/ trainers/educators/tutors? Don't know/No answer Quite little Little Much Very much Total

Frequency Rate 2 1,7 5 4,2 15 12,5 82 68,3 16 13,3 120 100

22. Are you satisfied with the relationship with your parents? Don't know/No answer Quite little Little Much Very much Total

Frequency Rate 3 2,5 4 3,3 11 9,2 49 40,8 53 44,2 120 100

23. What's your favourite moment with your mates? Free Time School break Lessons The trip from home to school/traning centre and vice versa No moment No answer Total

Frequency Rate 80 66,7 30 25 4 3,3 3 2,5 1 0,8 2 1,7 120 100

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24. Does it happen that you are alone because none of your mates want to stay with you? Don't know/No answer Yes, during the break Yes, in the classroom Yes, the trip from home to school /training centre and vice versa Yes, I always stay alone Yes, but I have to isolate myself No, I'm always with other kids Total

Frequency Rate 3 2,5 0 0,0 2 1,7 5 4,2 1 0,8 8 6,7 101 84,2 120 100

25. Do you think there is at school someone who has a bullying behaviour? Frequency Rate No answer 2 1,7 No 36 30 Yes 36 30 Sometimes 46 38,3 Total 120 100

26. What kind of bullying is being done? * Physical aggression Teasing Jokes Offenses and insults Threats Petty theft (eg, objects of small value) Thefts (eg, mobile phones, wallets) Extortion of money (demand money with threats) Other (sexual abuse and discrimination)

Frequency Rate 19 15,8 79 65,8 77 64,2 32 26,7 12 10 15 12,5 6 5 2 1,7 2 1,7

27. Where do these actions take place more frequently? * Outside the school/training centre Corridors Classroom Bathrooms Playground of the school Other (gym pool)

Frequency Rate 39 32,5 52 43,3 63 52,5 14 11,7 41 34,2 4 3,3

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28. Who does these actions is usually alone or in groups? Alone Two people More than 2 people There are not people who do this actions No answer Total

Frequency Rate 40 33,3 52 43,3 28 23,3 0 0,0 0 0,0 120 100

29. Are they male or female? Don't know/ No answer Males Females Both male and female Nobody Total

Frequency Rate 16 13,3 34 28,3 9 7,6 61 50,8 0 0 120 100

30. When someone makes a "bully", my mates ... * have fun and root for him / her are scared pretend nothing happened try to help the weaker let alone the aggressor excluded from the group who is the victim Other (don’t happen)

Frequency rate 31 25,8 5 4,2 11 9,2 57 47,5 9 7,5 5 4,2 5 4,2

31. When someone behaves like a bully, adults (teachers, trainers, educators, tutors, co-workers) Don't know/no answer They are not aware of it They are never present intervene to defend those who suffer laugh and have fun Other pretend nothing happened Total

Frequency rate 10 8,3 24 20,0 28 23,3 37 30,8 7 5,8 7 5,8 7 5,8 120 100,0

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32. Have you ever ... * watched the bullying of others be bullied be a bully yourself I’ve never seen any bullying act

Frequency Rate 72 60 55 45,8 30 25,5 15 12,5

33. If acts of bullying happen at school, does it speak about? Don't Know/No answer Yes No No, they do not happen Total

Frequency Rate 3 2,5 55 45,8 53 44,2 9 7,5 120 100

34. If it happen to you to see or experience violence, whom do you speak with? * with a friend that I trust with classmates with the teacher I trust mostly with teachers / tutors With my parents and brother and sister With anyone Friends,Educator Other

Frequency Rate 88 73,3 29 24,2 20 16,7 9 7,5 20 16,7 2 1,7 6 5,0 28 23,3

35. Outside the school, do you talk about what happens to you and your friends? Don't Know/No answer No Yes Total

Frequency Rate 3 2,5 24 20 93 77,5 120 100

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36. If so, whom do you speak with? * No answer with my best friend with my parents with other family members (brothers, uncles ..) with other adults ( best friends or other family members) with other friends outside the school and with my best friend

Frequency Rate 19 15,8 55 45,8 15 12,5 4 3,3 9 7,5 18 15

37. Can your parents understand your feelings? Don't Know/ No answer Not at all not so much enough much Total

Frequency Rate 5 4,2 14 11,7 26 21,7 60 50 15 12,4 120 100

38. In your life, how important are these things? Education success Dont'know/ No answer Not at all Not so much Enough Much Total

Frequency Rate 4 3,3 0 0 2 1,7 30 25 84 70 120 100

Respect of the rules Dont'know/ No answer Not at all Not so much Enough Much Total

Frequency Rate 4 3,3 4 3,3 16 13,3 66 55 30 25 120 100

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Respect for others Dont'know/ No answer Not at all Not so much Enough Much Total

Frequency Rate 3 2,5 1 0,8 3 2,5 31 25,8 82 68,3 120 100

Freedom to do what i want Not at all Not so much Enough Much Dont'know/ No answer Total

Frequency Rate 1 0,8 11 9,2 46 38,3 59 49,2 3 2,5 120 100

Solidarity Not at all Not so much Enough Much Dont'know/ No answer Total

Frequency Rate 0 0 8 6,7 44 36,7 65 54,2 3 2,5 120 100

Tolerance of opinions and behaviors different from mine Not at all Not so much Enough Much Dont'know/ No answer Total

Frequency Rate 4 3,3 16 13,3 54 45 42 35 4 3,4 120 100

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Freedom of thought and expression Dont'know/ No answer Not at all Not so much Enough Much Total

Frequency Rate 3 2,5 1 0,8 3 2,5 42 35 71 59,2 120 100

Honesty Dont'know/ No answer Not at all Not so much Enough Much Total

Frequency Rate 3 2,5 2 1,7 2 1,7 49 40,8 64 53,3 120 100

Equality of opportunity for all Dont'know/ No answer Not at all Not so much Enough Much Total

Frequency Rate 3 2,5 1 0,8 13 10,8 48 40,0 55 45,8 120 100,0

Wealth Dont'know/ No answer Not at all Not so much Enough Much Total

Frequency Rate 4 3,3 14 11,7 42 35 40 33,3 20 16,7 120 100

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Friendship Dont'know/ No answer Not at all Not so much Enough Much Total

Frequency Rate 7 13,7 2 3,9 4 7,8 15 29,4 23 45,1 120 100

Love Dont'know/ No answer Not at all Not so much Enough Much Total

Frequency Rate 4 3,3 1 0,8 3 2,5 23 19,2 89 74,2 120 100

Other : sport and family Use and consumption of alcohol and drugs

39. How often do you drink alcoholic beverages? * Don't know/No answer Never During the weekend when I go out with friends Daily Only on special occasions Other (for birthday/wedding)

Frequency Rate 17 14,2 0 0,0 55 45,8 1 0,8 53 44,2 3 2,5

40. Whom you do usually drink alcoholic beverages with? * Don't know/No answer With my peers With boys/girls older than me With family I never drink alcoholic beverages Other (friends)

Frequency Rate 0 0,0 82 68,3 26 21,7 37 30,8 19 15,8 4 3,3

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41. When do you usually drink alcoholic beverages? * During the day During the evening / night I never drink alcoholic beverages

Frequency Rate 25 20,8 91 75,8 20 16,7

42. What do you drink when you go out? * Soft drinks Wine Beers Spirits

Frequency Rate 64 53,3 13 10,8 48 40,0 75 62,5

43. If you drink alcoholic beverages, how much do you drink? I don't Know/No answer 1 glass 2 glasses 3 glasses More than 3 glasses Total

Frequency Rate 19 15,8 12 10,0 16 13,3 21 17,5 52 43,3 120 100,0

44. What do like of the alcoholic beverages? appearance taste the state that raises

Frequency Rate 13 10,8 84 70,0 34 28,3

45. Why do you drink alcoholic beverages? For fun To feel better beacause all my friend drink To feel less inhibited and overcome shyness Other (fun, propost fo family)

Frequency Rate 82 68,3 8 6,7 8 6,7 22 18,3 4 3,3

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46. What emotions do you associate to drink? * Frequency Rate 63 52,5 6 5,0 2 1,7 54 45,0 1 0,8

Euphoria Sadness Anxiety Happyness Other (any emotions)

47. Have you ever used illegal drugs (marijuana, cocaine, ecstasy ...)? Don't know/No answer No Yes, which ones? ... Total

Frequency Rate 3 2,5 88 73,3 29 24,2 120 100

22 say they have used marijuana and 4 student other drugs 48. If yes, how old were you the first time? No answer Before 13 years old 13-14 15-16 17-18 19-20 Total

Frequency Rate 89 74,2 0 0 6 5 18 15 7 5,8 0 0 120 100

49. Currently, how often do you use drugs? Don't Know/No answer 1 or more times a day 1 or more times a week 1 or more times a month Occasionally Never Total

Frequency Rate 27 22,5 2 1,7 1 0,8 3 2,5 68 56,7 19 15,8 120 100

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50. Why do you think a young person approaches the drug? * Frequency Rate 0 0 58 48,3 67 55,8 52 43,3 0 0

Don't know/ No answer Because friends push him/her to do so look for buzz because he/she is not happy with his/her life Other...

51. How many of your friends use drugs? Frequency Don't Know/ No answer None Less than half More than half Total

Rate 3 40 60 17 120

2,5 33,3 50 14,2 100

52. In your opinion, what are the harmful effects of alcohol and drugs? * I don't Know them None They can kill Mental illness Heart disease Respiratory Diseases Other diseases

Frequency Rate 5 0 90 65 79 69 30

4,2 0 75 54,2 65,8 57,5 25

53. Did you ever get sick or have serious consequences after taking alcohol and / or drugs? I don't Know/ No answer Yes No Total

Frequency Rate 4 3,3 29 24,2 87 72,5 120 100

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54. If so, can you explain what happened? Vomit Coma No answer hallucinations and headaches Total

Frequency Rate 16 13 4 3 94 78 6 5 120 100

Use of media

55. In a day, how many hours do you usually use the following media? Television Don't Know/No answer none 1-2 hours 2-3 hours 4-5 hours 6-7 hours More than 7 hours Total

Frequency Rate 2 1,7 9 7,5 60 50,0 40 33,3 8 6,7 0 0,0 1 0,8 120 100

Searching on internet Don't Know/No answer none 1-2 hours 2-3 hours 4-5 hours 6-7 hours More than 7 hours Total

Frequency Rate 2 1,7 7 5,8 57 47,5 35 29,2 15 12,5 4 3,3 0 0,0 120 100

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Books Don't Know/No answer none 1-2 hours 2-3 hours 4-5 hours 6-7 hours More than 7 hours Total

Frequency Rate 3 2,5 46 38,3 57 47,1 10 8,3 3 2,5 0 0,0 1 0,8 120 100

Phone Don't Know/No answer none 1-2 hours 2-3 hours 4-5 hours 6-7 hours More than 7 hours Total

Frequency Rate 3 2,5 11 9,2 36 29,8 16 13,2 10 8,3 5 4,1 39 32,5 120 100

Radio Don't Know/No answer none 1-2 hours 2-3 hours 4-5 hours 6-7 hours More than 7 hours Total

Frequency Rate 5 4,2 46 38,3 46 38,0 10 8,3 7 5,8 1 0,8 5 4,2 120 100

Other media: facebook ad youtube

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56. Whom do you use media2 with? * Television Alone My parents Friends Brothers and sisters Other People I know

Frequency Rate 51 42,5 80 66,7 35 29,2 52 43,3 14 11,7

Searching on internet Alone My parents Friends Brothers and sisters Other People I know

Frequency Rate 105 87,5 1 0,8 31 25,8 5 4,2 3 2,5

Books Alone My parents Friends Brothers and sisters Other People I know

Frequency Rate 89 74,2 1 0,8 2 1,7 1 0,8 1 0,8

Phone Alone My parents Friends Brothers and sisters Other People I know

Frequency Rate 59 49,2 21 17,5 56 46,7 19 15,8 13 10,8


In this question, only in French and belgian version, we forgot to put some media (youtube, social network, blog, and chat).

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Radio Alone My parents Friends Brothers and sisters Other People I know

Frequency Rate 59 49,2 21 17,5 56 46,7 19 15,8 13 10,8

57. In which modality do you use your mobile phone? * Message Call Video Listening to music I surf the web Photos Other

Frequency Rate 119 99,2 97 80,8 31 25,8 73 60,8 38 31,7 73 60,8 1 0,8

58. How do you use pictures and videos taken from your phone? (tick one or more answers)* I don’t take pictures and videos with my phone I watch them alone Send them to friends

Frequency Rate 31 25,8 69 57,5 41 34,2

59. Which kind of movie do you prefer? * Frequency Rate Comedy Dramatic Action Science Thriller Horror War Other (love story)

95 37 76 32 27 48 29 7

79,2 30,8 63,3 26,7 22,5 40,0 56,9 13,7

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60. What do you watch mostly?* Tv series News Entertainment programs Film video clips Cartoons Documentaries Reality shows Talent shows Other (sport/redtube)

Frequency Rate 101 84,2 17 14,2 29 24,2 97 80,8 3 2,5 41 34,2 24 20,0 34 28,3 6 5,0 6 5,0

61. What kind of books do you read? * None Comics Novels Fantasy Science Historical Love Stories Socio-political Novels Critical Policial Other(magazine, school books)

Frequency Rate 21 17,5 39 32,5 73 60,8 23 19,2 12 10,0 14 11,7 36 30,0 5 4,2 5 4,2 5 4,2 4 3,3

62. What kind of games you play with PCs and other consoles (playstation, wii,

nintendo)? * strategy war role action simulation poker or gambling games Other (sport)

Frequency Rate 37 30,8 38 31,7 38 31,7 42 35,0 26 21,7 7 5,8 12 10,0

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63. Which are the webpages do you visit mostly? Please, list the first 3 1.facebook 2. youtube 3.google and Wikipedia

64. Do you have a profile on a social network (eg. facebook, twitter) or blog (my space)? No answer no yes total

Frequency Rate 4 3,3 12 9,9 104 86 120 100

65. If yes, what do you share? * Ideas, thoughts Photos /videos of mine (alone) Photos/videos of me and other friends, together Photos/ videos of other people Games Other applications Events I don’t share anything, just read other people posts

Frequency Rate 74 61,7 48 40,0 78 65,0 21 17,5 0,0 26 21,7 10 8,3 0 0,0

66. Have you set any limits so that not everyone can see what you publish? No Yes No answer Total

Frequency Rate 16 13,3 91 75,8 13 10,8 120 100

67. Do you use other forms of chat or instant messaging (eg skype, messenger, yahoo)? No Yes No answer Total

Frequency Rate 7 5,8 42 35,0 71 59,2 120 100

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68. If yes, have you ever met someone you didn't know before through this form of communication? Frequency Rate No answer 13 10,8 No 49 40,8 Yes 58 48,3 Total 120 100

69. Have you ever had a bad experience using this kind of communication? No Yes No answer Total

Frequency Rate 85 70,8 26 21,7 9 7,5 120 100

70. If yes, how? * Physical violence Psychological violence (insults, blackmail, humiliation) Stalking (harassment and threats through shadowing, sms, insistent phone calls) Invasion of privacy (dissemination without your approval of information, photos, videos that have damaged you) Pedophilia (sexual advances from adults) Bullying Other (hacking)

Frequency Rate 3 2,5 12 10,0 6


6 5 4 2

5,0 4,2 3,3 1,7

71. What is an event that you consider violent and you saw last month on Internet and on television? Death of Osama Bin Laden and horse savagely attacked with a stone in Dinét.

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