Features 2013 University of Malta
SoTo Project Study Visit in Barcelona Leonardo Programme SoTo Project 1st Study Visit in Barcelona, Spain The Institute for Tourism, Travel and Culture (ITTC) of the University of Malta, represented by Ms Marie Avellino and Mr Davide Corazzini, participated in the first study visit of the project Socializing Tourism (SoTo), held between 27 February and 1 March 2013. The study visit was organized by the Spanish partner OES Observatorio de Economia Solidaria; founded in 2004, OES is a nonprofit organisation whose purpose is to study, research and promote social economy with a developmental perspective for sustainable social and territorial cohesion. The SoTo Project is cofunded by the European Union and is led by CEFAL, a vocational training body based in Bologna, Italy. The project is in response to growing interest in social tourism, implementing the general principle of 'right to tourism for all'. During this time of economic crisis, regions and communities are experiencing a decrease in tourism income, along with strong economic and occupational losses. The Project also aims to differentiate the local tourism product, in order to attract a new kind of tourist. The project is developing a training model, which will be implemented through lectures together with “job shadowing” and project works, in order to create a package of personalized services for tourists with new needs. A certification system will also be developed in accordance with EU regulations, in order to attest these new professional skills. During the studyvisit, Ms Avellino presented the first outcomes of the research and the results of the focus groups. The Institute is the academic partner of the Project, responsible for drafting the document to be used as the scientific foundation for the rest of the project activities. The programme included an intervention by the Family Secretary of the Generalitat de Catalunya, who outlined the Vacances en Familia project, intended to allow low income families to experience tourism in Catalunya. The meeting ended with the intervention by the Lower Silesia Tourism Organization (the Polish Project Partner), outlining the communication strategy of the Partnership. The programme also included visits to the Girona Province, in the Pyrenees Region, in order to visit the Can Cruells Hotel and the Can Guetes Visitors Centre. Both are located near the village of Ripoll and are managed by the Fundaciò MAP, employing disabled people as a way of social promotion and inclusion. The next study visit, in May 2013, of the SoTo Project will be held in Malta and hosted by the Institute for Tourism, Travel and Culture of the University of Malta. For more information please contact: Ms Marie Avellino, ITTC Mr Davide Corazzini, ITTC Rebecca Minghetti, CEFAL
Features 2013 University of Malta
18 March 2013