POVEL - research results

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POVEL: PREVENTION OF VIOLENCE THROUGH EDUCATION TO LEGALITY Quantitative survey By: Giulia Bettoni - Scuola Centrale Formazione Lorena Sassi – Cefal (Person in charge of the Project) 1

Key activities of the project Communcation Coordination and management

1. Quantitative and qualitative research


2. Development and testing of didactic kits

3. Diffusion and dissemination of project outcomes


Questionnaire: objectives We investigate the quantity of the phenomenon of violence among young people. The objective is aimed at understanding the social and familiar characteristics of adolescents and their experience about violence, especially related to the here proposed macroareas (peer relationships, media, alcohol and drugs). The research phase wants to collect basic data to focus main elements to deepen in the training kits will be produced. These latter will be targeted to youths whose characteristics, knowledge and experience on the topic project staff already know through the survey .


Different framework of research French framework of questionnaire’s administration Italian framework of questionnaire’s administration Belgian framework of questionnaire’s administration Spanish framework of questionnaire’s administration 4

French framework of questionnaire’s administration Italian framework of questionnaire’s administration Belgian framework of questionnaire’s administration Spanish framework of questionnaire’s administration

ID Formation is a vocational training center. As regards young people, ID formation mainly works on their upgrading and (re) motivation along with building their professional project. The Local Insertion Institution [Mission locale d’insertion] is an office serving youth. Each young person benefits from an individual attention in his steps. The reception offices give answers to questions related to employment, training as well as housing or health. PAIO is a Reception, Information and Career guidance Office, it focuses first on school leavers or who are facing difficulties. Young people are mainly school leavers, aged between 16 and 20, without qualification. In Ajaccio and Bastia, they come from specific districts: policy areas focusing on local development and fights against social and urban exclusions. In Balagne, Porto Vecchio and Ghisonaccia, they are mostly young with immigrant background.

In France we administered 100 questionnaire


French framework of questionnaire’s administration Italian framework of questionnaire’s administration Belgian framework of questionnaire’s administration Spanish framework of questionnaire’s administration

In Italy, the questionnaire was administered mainly in vocational training centers of two Italian regions (Emilia Romagna and Friuli Venezia Giulia), some of these members of network of Scuola Centrale Formazione. In Emilia Romagna, in the Province of Ravenna, we also administered the questionnaire within 3 high schools (Ipsia Lugo, Itc Ginanni, Ipssar-Riolo Terme). The vocational training center in Emilia Romagna welcome boys and girls among 16 and 18 years old and it is composed of two year courses, with different sectors (restaurants, electrical, sales, secretary etc...) and it allow students to achieve a qualification. Unlike in FVG professional training centers accept boys and girls between 14-18 years and have three-year courses with professional qualifications (graphic, beautician, hairdresser, etc. ..). Often the students who attend these vocation training center in Emilia Romagna come from a first year high school with no success. In recent years, in both regions, there has been an increase in enrollment of foreign students, for which there is often a lack of knowledge of Italian.

In Italy we administered 425 questionnaire 6

French framework of questionnaire’s administration Italian framework of questionnaire’s administration Belgian framework of questionnaire’s administration Spanish framework of questionnaire’s administration

The Belgian partner, FISSAAJ, submitted the questionnaire to 3 services/schools for a sample of over 100 children between14 and 18. Below the description of these 3 institutions: Asbl la Mohinette 15 young people from 3 to 18 placed in a service by the SAJ (*) or SPJ (**) from Liège. These young people are placed because they know some difficulties with different problematic from their parents: alcoholism, drugs, abuse, maltreatment. Main activities of the school (of the service) and their objectives: host and mentor 15 young and work up with their parents or relatives. (*) SAJ = ‘Service de l’Aide à la Jeunesse’ is a public authority acting only under the protectionist. The SAJ moved, by his actions and advice, assisting young people in difficulty or danger and their pets. One objective of the SAJ is to find a solution to the problems to avoid judicial intervention. (**) SPJ = ‘Service de Protection Judiciaire’ is a specialist support service which occurs after the juvenile court has decided an aid measure. His role is to put it into practice. Institut la Sainte Union Institute “la sainte union” is a school of general and vocational services for children from diverse backgrounds. Main activities of the school (of the service) and their objectives: train students and young adults to become responsible citizens, able to complete their studies and their lives. Asbl Graine AMO The service's mission is to support social and preventive education for children and young people in their environment and their relationship to social and family environment. The service operates on a non-binding. Its main activities are: socio-educational support individual or family upon request ;community action. This action is the action of the wider service. It covers all areas of life of beneficiaries in the environment that affect them: school, family, neighborhood, culture. This action is intended, by improving the social environment of youth, to provide a comprehensive response to individual and collective problems and to develop a dynamic network.

In Belgium we administered 120 questionnaire


Franch framework of questionnaire’s administration Italian framework of questionnaire’s administration Belgian framework of questionnaire’s administration Spanish framework of questionnaire’s administration

Trinijove is located in a neighbourhood in which the unemployment is around the 20% and the population of the neighbourhoods in which we are acting and working with youngsters. They work with the people of the surrounding areas, that are conformed by the following neighbourhoods: Trinitat Vella, Baró de Viver, Bon Pastor and Santa Coloma, are places with a very high index of early abandon mandatory and regular school. Most of them remind inremain on the streets, why else end up in gangs or criminals. They are young people at risk of social exclusion. They come to Trinijove to assist to training in a professional specialty that can help them get a job and leave this situation of social risk. Moreover we have the youth of Santa Coloma involved in Schooling Shared external drive on which they can continue studying the mandatory training and get the graduate school of the Secondary Education (ESO. In the last 8 years the immigrant population coming in to these neighborhoods has being increased at a rate increasing dramatically. This is motivated by housing prices that are lower than in the rest of the city, on the one hand and on the other they are slums that had received earlier immigrants and make knock-on effect. People in here have more difficulties as foreigners to find a job and are most at risk of exclusion and many do not have professional training that enables them to enter the workforce. On the other hand others have difficulty with the language and this makes their employment.

In Spain we administered 51 questionnaires


Structure of the questionnaire We have planned a questionnaire composed of 71 questions divided into 4 areas: 1.Basic information and lifestyles 2.Relationship 3.Use e consume of alcohol and drugs 4.Use of media 9

Characteristics of the total sample Total : 696 questionnaires Age

The frequency is different in each country:

% 14






Belgium young people are mainly 16 years old





Italian young people are mainly 17 years old






Spanish young people are mainly 15 years old

French young people are mainly between 18 and 20 years old



Type of attending course Frequency Don't know / No answer

Rate 4

0,6 87 of France

Don't study





Formal education






Non-formal education


Families composition • 84% of interviewed has brothers or sisters (most of them has only a brother/sister). Families with both parents have an irregular distribution among Countries: 25% in Belgium and France, 45% in Spain and 69,5% in Italy. • Satisfied with the relationship with parents: 47% • Education level of parents is different in each country, overall the education level most frequent is the high school certification for both parents. • Most young people live in periphery (43%) rather than town center (32%).


Lifestyles • 80% of sample doesn’t work because they are attending a course as expected. Only 10% of them occasionally work. • More than 50% of young people describes “quite fine” or “fine” his/her health and doesn’t play any sport. • Most frequently selected sports: soccer, football (for male) and dance and swimming (for female). • 266 young people have at least the three main meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) (62,4% of the sample). Among them, 105 have also morning snack and afternoon snack (24,6%). 42 boys/girls say they eat only one meal a day (9,8%). • During the week more than half of young people goes to bed between 11 p.m and 1.am. 18% of the sample sleeps 6 hours or less every night, without relevant difference between Countries. • During the weekend, 43% of boys and girls go to bed after 2 a.m but, respect this rate, there are significant differences between Countries. In fact, in the Spanish sample, the rate is 78% and in the Belgian sample, it is 16%. • 54% of total says that he/she doesn’t smoke but there are differences between Countries.









Rate Not smoked (over 696 interviews)


Time for questions …doubts… suggestions…


Relationship and bullying acts Relationship with mates at school/vocational training centres in the totale sample: 45% “Fine”

Kind of bullying acts: 62,2% teasing and 38% jokes. Place : 41% classroom Authors: more than 2 people (42,4%) Reactions of mates: more common are: to have fun and root for him / her (33%) and pretend nothing happened (31%). About a quarter selected “try to help the victim”.

Satisfied with relationship with teachers/ trainers/ educators/ tutors: 58% “much”

When someone behaves like a bully, adults (teachers, trainers, educators, tutors, co-workers)...intervene to defend those who suffer (41%), are never present or are not aware of it (34%). 15

have you ever…. TOTAL SAMPLE


watched the bullying of others be bullied be a bully yourself I’ve never seen any bullying act FRANCE

Rate 354 170 100 229


50,9 24,4 14,4 32,9




watched the bullying of others


watched the bullying of others



be bullied


be bullied



be a bully yourself


be a bully yourself



I’ve never seen any bullying act


I’ve never seen any bullying act









watched the bullying of others



watched the bullying of others



be bullied



be bullied



be a bully yourself



be a bully yourself



I’ve never seen any bullying act



I’ve never seen any bullying act


29,4 16

Scales of Values Spain




1. friendship (45%)

1. friendship (69%)

1. honesty (64%)

2. love (37%)

2. honesty (66%

1. love (74% choose “much” as answer”

3. freedom to do what I want, respect for others (24%)

3. freedom of through and expression (58%)

2. Friendship (63%)

2. education 3. respect for success (70%) others, freedom to do what I 3. respect for want, love other (68%) (60%) 17

Time for questions …doubts… suggestions…


Use and consumption of alcohol and drugs Frequency of drinking alcoholic beverages: 39% “during the weekend when I go out with friends� 32% only on special occasions It is noted that between 20% of the total sample of boys/girls who never drink, there are important differences between Countries. In fact, in Spain 33% of boys/girls say they do not drink, 30% in France, 23% in Italy and 0% in Belgium. Most boys/girls drink during the night (69%) and they drink with peers (60%) 19

What do you drink when you go out? Frequency Rate Soft drinks Wine Beers Spirits

289 110 289 310

41,5 15,8 41,5 44,5

44,5% who drink spirits is an average between different values, in a range going from 27% (France) to 62% (Belgium) If you drink alcoholic beverages, how much do you drink?

31% More than 3 glasses

Regard this question there are many variations between Countries and 31% of the total sample who drink more than three glasses is supported by the Belgians who represent the highest value (43%).


Motivation for drinking For fun (50%) To feel better (17%) To feel less inhibited and overcome shyness (13%) Frequency appearance What do you like of alcoholic beverages?

Rate* 73





the state that raises



I don't drink/ nothing





Drink in company

Emotions linked to drink: happyness (46%), euphoria (38%) 21

Use of drugs TOTAL SAMPLE Frequency Rate Don't know/No answer 22 3,2 No 493 70,8 Yes* 181 26,0 Total 696 100

•Belgium 24% of its sample • Italy 25% of its sample • France 21% of its sample • Spain 47% of its sample

*in the total sample the drug more common is marijuana (almost for all) , then cocaine (especially widespread among Italian guys) and synthetic drugs.

The first time of using drugs No answer Before 13 years old 13-14 15-16 17-18 19-20 Total

Frequency Rate 492 26 61 83 28 6 696

70,7 3,7 8,8 11,9 4,0 0,9 100

Among French questionnaire respondents seem that boys and girls make very early use of drugs (many begin before age 13).


Currently consumption of drugs

Motivations to approach to drugs

Total sample Don't Know/No answer 1 or more times a day 1 or more times a week 1 or more times a month Occasionally Never Total


Total sample Don't know/ No answer Because friends push him/her to do so look for buzz because he/she is not happy with his/her life Other...

Rate 80 17 31 25 118 425 696

11,5 2,4 4,5 3,6 17,0 61,1 100

Frequency Rate* 26 3,7 416 59,8 389 55,9 342 23

49,1 3,3


Perception of using drugs among friends Total Sample Don't Know/ No answer None Less than half More than half Total

Rate 4,7 39,1 36,6 19,5 100

In this application the data is very uneven among countries. The highest rates in Italy, France and Belgium are in the answer "none of my friends use drugs" .Otherwise in Spain the most common choice was "more than half of my friends use drugs”

The knowledge about the harmful effects of drugs/alcohol Rate

Also on information or disinformation data are very different. For example, 70% of French people claim not to know the effects while only 4% of Belgians who chose this response.

Presence of serious consequences after taking alcohol and / or drugs: 21% of total sample said “YES”

I don't Know them None They can kill Mental illness Heart disease Respiratory Diseases Other diseases Among the countries we counted: - 12 hospitalizations - 5 ethyl coma - 2 withdrawal of driving license

23,7 2,7 60,3 46,3 49,0 42,8 18,0


Time for questions …doubts… suggestions…


Use of media : mobile phone The common media has been used is the mobile phone for messages, in fact 24% italians and 33% belgians claims to use it more than 7 hours a day.

Use of video with mobile phone

Frequency Rate

I don’t take pictures and videos with my phone



I watch them alone



Send them to friends




Use of media : television Italians and Frenchs watch more news (more than 20%) than other countries.

Total sample No answer Tv series News Entertainment programs Film video clips Cartoons Documentaries Reality shows Talent shows Other

Frequency Rate* 220 31,6 205 29,5 107 15,4 71 10,2 356 51 125 59 119 80 26

51,1 7,3 18,0 8,5 17,1 11,5 3,7


Reading books Frequency Rate * None 298 42,8 Comics 63 9,1 Novels 191 27,4 Fantasy 98 14,1 Science 65 9,3 Historical 79 11,4 Love Stories 130 18,7 Socio-political Novels 28 4,0 Critical 26 3,7 Policial 56 8,0 Other 40 5,7

Belgians read most than other countries and they read mainly novel and comics.


Kind of games with PCs and other consoles (playstation, wii, nintendo) In these responses, there are many difference among countries, for example, if Strategy we look at gambling's War games are a lot of diversity: Role Action •Italy 16% Simulation •Belgium 8% poker or gambling games •Spain 18% Other •France 14%

Frequency Rate* 212 30,5 229 32,9 140 20,1 268 38,5 163 23,4 96 13,8 136 19,5 29

Rate Profile on social network

No Yes No answer total

Ideas, thoughts Photos /videos of mine (alone) Photos/videos of me and other friends, together Photos/ videos of other people Games Other applications Events I don’t share anything, just read other people posts

14,3 81,7 4,0 100 Rate* 58,9 37,4 56,5 21,7 17,7 12,2 21,7 3,4

Modality of sharing on social network

Rate No Yes No answer

33,5 52,4 14,1

Use of restriction ( limits) of privacy on social network 30

Webpages more visited 1.





Google, messanger and wikipedia


Use of chat or instant messaging Frequency












No answer Total

326 young people (47%of sample) affirm that, through chat, they have met someone that they didn't know before. Moreover 115 boys / girls say they have had a bad experience (invasion of privacy and psychological violence) using this kind of communication. 32

Perception of violent event

The most common between all countries is the death of Osama Bin Laden and maltreatment of animals.


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