preguntas juego Europa Civica english 2Lorena

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La Europa CĂ­vica: Preguntas

At what age is criminal responsibility applied in Spain?

At what age is criminal responsibility applied in Belgium?

- 18 years

At what age is criminal responsibility applied in Italy? - 14 years

- 18 years - 16 years

- 16 years - 16 years

- 16 years - 14 years

- 13 years - 18 years

- 14 years Correct answer: 14 years

- 18 years Correct answer: 14 years

Correct answer: 18 years I'll gang to fight with others.

At what age is criminal responsibility applied in France?

Correct answer: 13 years

I spent nights away from home without permission.

If someone verbally provoke or insult me ...

I listen to the advice of Elders.

- Never

- I also provoke and insult

- Never

- Sometimes

- Try to reason and not to get to their level

- Sometimes

- Always

- I fight

- Always

Correct answer: Never

Correct answer: I try to reason and not get to her level

Correct answer: Always

- Never - Sometimes - Always

Correct answer: Never

La Europa CĂ­vica: Preguntas I often loose control.

When I go out with my friends.

- Never

- Each time I have a fight.

- Sometimes

- We fight often.

- Always

- We go out and have fun without getting into fights.

Correct answer: Never I can be cruel without caring

Correct answer: We go out and have fun without getting into fights

I Threatened and caused others fear.

I don’t care about the suffering of others.

- Never

- Never

- Sometimes

- Sometimes

- Always

- Always

Correct answer: Never

Correct answer: Never

I purposely set fire - Never

- Never

If I have the age of criminal responsibility. Who pays for my mistakes?

I try not to hurt the feelings of others. - Never

- Sometimes - Sometimes

- Nobody

- Sometimes

- A friend

- Always

- Always - Always

- My parents or guardians Correct answer: Never

Correct answer: Never

Correct answer: Always Correct answer: My parents or guardians

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