National Report – Philippines 05.01.2021 Project number: 618649-EPP-1-2020-1-MK-EPPKA2-CBY-ACPALA This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Preface The main motivation behind this project is to foster the cooperation, exchange and upgrade of good practices between project countries with a final vision – new quality jobs through creation of entrepreneurship mindset and culture among economic actors in the societies. This report will help us to see what entrepreneurial and employment ecosystems look like around the country. This report can be used to discover insights and learn more about the entrepreneurial ecosystem, as well as to find recommendations on how to strengthen and network the ecosystem in the country. The report aims to contribute to understanding the context of support for youth entrepreneurship in the Philippines, and to assess the needs of entrepreneurship training and to build effective strategies for producing the next WPs and activities. The activity entails mapping and identifying key players in the Philippine ecosystem supporting the creation of new enterprises and employment schemes for the youth. The results of this research will be used in approaching main players in the ecosystem. The information will hopefully be useful for facilitating mutual cooperation in delivering the training programs based on the needs of target groups. The report is based on desk research. The researchers accessed the websites of organizations, both public and private, which advertise programs and services to develop the youth for entrepreneurship. The full research with detailed information is available here Prepared by: Angelita B. Resurreccion and Jose Israel B. Resurreccion Association of Development Facilitators and Enterprise Counselors
Contents PREFACE .......................................................................................................................... 2 POLICY CONTEXT ............................................................................................................. 2 DEVELOPING YOUTH ENTREPRENEURSHIP ....................................................................... 3 ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN SCHOOLS .................................................................................................... 3 An ongoing practice: Enterprise education (EE) from Kindergarten to High School.......... 4 GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS............................................................................................................ 5 Young Entrepreneurs Philippines (YEP) .............................................................................. 5 Youth Entrepreneurship Summit described ....................................................................... 7 Employment, Business, Livelihood (Trabaho Negosyo Kabuhayan-TNK) Program ........... 8 MyDev Lifeskills Project (Mindanao Youth for Development Project) .............................. 9 Skills for Prosperity Project ..............................................................................................13 PRIVATE SECTOR/PRIVATE-GOV’T PARTNERSHIP INITIATIVES................................................................ 1 Philippine Development Foundation (PhilDev) .................................................................. 1 IdeaSpace Foundation........................................................................................................ 4
Policy Context The Philippine ecosystem for youth entrepreneurship obtained a big boost with the enactment of Republic Act No. 10679 in 2015, entitled “Youth Entrepreneurship Act”. According to this law, It is hereby declared the policy of the State to promote the sustained development of young Filipinos whose aptitude and skill in the field of finance and entrepreneurship shall be encouraged and honed through education and specialized training programs. Towards this end, the State shall establish, maintain, and support a complete, adequate, and integrated system of education and training to encourage the entrepreneurial spirit among our youth as well as support and promote the growth of young entrepreneurs nationwide. The law recognizes a Learning organization as a “community association wherein the people and institutions, such as the family, the school, the church, and businesses are together continually learning how to co-create community enterprises with their children and the youth, in general, towards a sustainable life.” This notion applies to ADFEC as an advocate of youth entrepreneurship in the Philippines. Youth entrepreneurs defined. Programs consider “young entrepreneurs” as referring to individuals within the age of eighteen (18) and thirty (30) years old who are engaged in the design, creation, establishment, and/or management of a micro, small or medium enterprise.
The succeeding paragraphs will describe a number of Youth Entrepreneurship Programs in the country. Many are based in Metropolitan Manila, but also reach target groups in the provinces.
Developing Youth Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship in schools The Philippines promotes “Youth Entrepreneurship and Financial Literacy Programs” in all levels of education nationwide. State policy says, Consistent with Section 5 of Republic Act No. 10533, or the “Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013”, the Department of Education (DepED) ensures that the K to 12 curriculum shall be supported by programs on entrepreneurship and financial literacy, provided that at the elementary level, the programs referred to shall principally focus on the ideal values necessary to become successful entrepreneurs. Along with the DepEd which is in charge of basic education, both the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) ensure the promotion of programs on entrepreneurship and financial literacy. This means that all age levels in the country are to be reached by entrepreneurship development programs. The program is to be under by an Entrepreneurship Education Committee (EEC) chaired by the DepED Secretary or a duly authorized representative, with members composed of a representative each from the CHED, the TESDA, the DTI, and the National Youth Commission (NYC). On paper, the EEC is mandated to: ● Formulate a national plan of action to implement the Youth Entrepreneurship Act; ● Study and standardize current programs of schools and institutions; ● Research current government efforts in foreign countries for local application of relevant practices in our education system; ● Provide assistance, training, and support to ensure coherence and clear progression of the objectives of the Youth Entrepreneurship Act, by (1) providing information on available assistance and training programs; (2) developing mentoring and coaching programs for young entrepreneurs; (3) setting up enterprise incubation laboratories and creative spaces in schools and communities; and (4) coordinating with the Department of Agriculture and Land
Bank of the Philippines to develop lending and other support programs specifically for agriculture-related entrepreneurship activities;
An ongoing practice: Enterprise education (EE) from Kindergarten to High School One school that integrates entrepreneurship in the basic education curriculum (from Kindergarten to Grade 10 in High School, from age 5 to 12) is the Old Balara Christian Community School (OBCCS, with website at . In the school the mutual engagement of teachers is key to implementing EE, and this was enabled by a history of community, an explicit objective for producing knowledge from their teaching practice, recognizing the need for mutual engagement, regular reflection sessions, community maintenance processes, connecting with the outside world and the enabling policy regime for Mother Tongue Based Language Education. The teachers learned to reconcile conflicting interpretations of the meaning of enterprise education. Together with SERDEF, the funding organization, they took a broader perspective and considered teaching entrepreneurship as teaching ‘being enterprising’. They found their work meaningful and drew from their own life experiences and their spirituality as resources for teaching. Social systems were in place to help them align with the goals of the EE curriculum, such as open communication in weekly meetings, rubrics, and lesson calendars incorporating EE inputs in the official curriculum. The teachers learned to do EE practice in a series of six steps. These steps were preceded with a prior construction of an “EE curriculum”, which consisted of the meanings (or attributes, concepts, or values) that the teachers construed for ‘being enterprising’. As a first step, the teachers examined the prescribed DepEd curriculum to see where in the planned units and lessons the EE concept might be introduced. Once the concept was decided upon, the second step was to ‘reify’ and define it so that the concept can be made part of the students’ vocabulary. In the third step, the teacher arranged an experience or a series of activities for the students to participate in an experience of the meaning being constructed with them. The fourth step was for the teacher (and the students) to use language to label behaviors they see and experience. The essence was to “catch the good” in the little society comprising the school, and to recognize, reward, or reinforce those behaviors that will help students “get” the meanings. In the next step, the students were assisted in a reflection process, again using language for each one to see the value of being enterprising. Lastly, the students were helped to apply their insights on to other experiences, so that they ‘learn to learn from experience’. All experiences or planned activities are to have an enterprising element in them: this means choosing those that require excellence, creative solutions to obstacles, and a wise way to use resources so that each learning session is an invitation to a practice of entrepreneurship in the broad sense of the term. Here is the EE model embedded in the curriculum that is being implemented at the OBCCS.
Figure 1. Organization of Constructed Meanings for ‘Being Enterprising’ in the EE Curriculum at OBCCS
Government Programs
Young Entrepreneurs Philippines (YEP) This program is lodged in the government funded Negosyo Centers (Website: The Organizer A product of RA 10644 or the "The Go Negosyo Act", Go Negosyo supports the creation of more jobs for young people by boosting the growth of SMEs. Go Negosyo regularly organizes seminars to the general public, where participants learn about entrepreneurship. Go Negosyo itself has partner franchising companies who offer potential franchisees quick entries into entrepreneurship utilizing their tested business models.
The YEP program goes with an official tagline "Harnessing Our Own Resources for the Advancement of the Youth!". It supports the government’s growth agenda of doubling the number of entrepreneurs in the country by 2022 which, in turn, will broaden the gains of economic development, address inequality, and uplift the quality of life of Filipinos, particularly the youth. It targets a broad array of young people, from aspiring and existing entrepreneurs aged 18 to 35, to those Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET); in-school youth, youth organizations, and youth with disabilities. Since 2016, the YEP has offered 5 day programs on topics that address the needs of young people who want to start enterprises. Due to the COVID-19 lockdowns, webinars have lately covered digital issues in enterprise. Webinars on zoom (streamed live to FB) consist of a 12 session- serie, with an eight-session online class and a four-session open agenda discussion. Trainers and speakers are seasoned entrepreneurs in digital marketing. Here is a list of topics covered in online webinars in the past: • Knowing and Reaching Out to your Customers Online o Building your online presence o Online shopping craze: platforms and opportunities • Greening the enterprise o Stages in plastic recycling o Zero waste management o Green thumb: sustainability over profitability • Think local, act local o Business internetwork: cultivating the online community o Learning from lockdown (entrepreneurs perspectives) o Going Global: tapping the international market o Philippine export products and services o On trariff • Global consumer trends o New Innovation-centric bills: PIA RA No. 11293 o Philippine Startup Ecosystem o The true definition of competitiveness. o New breed of business o Content marketing: using content to promote your brand • Social media marketing o Facebook and Instagram marketing tips for MSMEs o Facebook ads for beginners to promote your products online o New digital marketing strategies to explore beyond 2020 To watch the webinar last November, click
Notable Stakeholders
The DTI implements the YEP in collaboration with the Department of Science & Technology, Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT), Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI), Island Philippines, Chambers, and Rotary
Youth Entrepreneurship Summit described This is an event that draws in participants from schools and youth organizations around the country. In 2019, Go Negosyo launched the YES event together with the US Embassy, with the theme “Achieving Inclusive Growth through Digital Transformation.” The theme focused on game-changing practices emerging in digital service platforms that have democratized marketplaces for services and products; enabling young Filipinos to become self-earning entrepreneurs. During the one-day summit, about 35 distinguished and practicing technopreneurs shared their real life business stories and business milestones, aiming to inspire the youth to capitalize on DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION to jump-start their business ventures. Notable Stakeholders: Department of Labour and Employment (DOLE) The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Both agencies are tasked by government as main economic catalysts to develop /enable innovative, competitive, job generating, inclusive business owners, and empower consumers. Comments/Recommendation: From the way Go Negosyo runs its Youth Entrepreneurship Summits in the past, one got the message that the public was encouraged to become “entrepreneurs” by becoming franchisees of established franchise brands. One of CEFE’s most important lessons is on the value of innovation. Rather than simply becoming sub-dealers of well-established corporations or wealthy individuals, or by simply copying off ad infinitum from perceived “success stories”, the common folk would do well to be able to identify opportunities that abound. The YES event can be a good eye opener, but participants can benefit most if CEFE was added to offer alternatives. Young entrepreneurs can gain much from actual training or experience in the following much needed skills and knowledge: ● ● ● ● ●
Identification of local opportunities Production and manufacturing Value Adding Marketing, Logistics, Inventory management Mutual support structures
Employment, Business, Livelihood (Trabaho Negosyo Kabuhayan-TNK) Program Website: Description: The TNK program translates to “Work, Business and Livelihood”. It is another government sponsored initiative which aims to provide employment opportunities and entrepreneurial options to all types of jobseekers, including the youth, ranging from Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs), K-12 school graduates, persons with disabilities, and even senior citizens. Other TNK features that may be availed are lectures/seminars conducted by Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), and other participating agencies, skills training opportunities from Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), and facilitation/issuance of government documentary services. In line with the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2017-2022, this partnership envisioned to reduce inequality by accelerating human capital development. Since its conception in 2017, TNK has been successfully conducted in the local setting in cooperation with the Public Employment Service Offices (PESOs) and other government agencies throughout the country. Relevant Programmes: DOLE FREEBIS ( – This is aimed at economically affected members of the population. After submission of required documents and an approved project proposal, applicants receive a free bicycle and project assistance worth Php 20,000 (for individuals) to Php 250,000 (for groups) in order to start a mobile vending or delivery business. The Programme also intends to create enterprises who may potentially be part of this bicycle economy by providing servicing, fabrication, parts supplies or repair of bicycles. CocaCola BalikPinas Project is aimed at repatriated OFWs (Overseas Filipino Workers). Coca Cola Company partnered with the DOLE through the TNK programme to provide OFWs entrepreneurship opportunities by becoming distributors, re-sellers or wholesalers or its softdrink products. Information can be accessed in this website address. ( Notable Stakeholders DTI – Department of Trade and Industry
DICT – The Department of Information and Communications Technology is the executive department of the Philippine government responsible for the planning, development and promotion of the country's information and communications technology (ICT) agenda in support of national development. DOST – The Department of Science and Technology is the executive department of the Philippine government responsible for the coordination of science and technology-related projects in the Philippines and to formulate policies and projects in the fields of science and technology in support of national development. Comments/Recommendation CEFE can probably make use of the DOLE’s FREEBIS program. The scope of the program with regard to entrepreneurship is mostly by using the free bicycle and funding to start a vending and delivery business. Most Filipinos understand “vending” to be a simple buyand-sell retailing operation. i.e., by buying manufactured goods in grocery stores or factory outlets and reselling in small “sari-sari stores” or on the streets. Other people make use of mobile vending business by selling home-made food such as cakes, bread and fruits. CEFE can enter this program by again introducing the concept of innovative practices and opportunity identification beyond simple food production and re-selling. The more interesting part of the FREEBIS program is the idea of introducing skills-based enterprises related to the bike economy in the form of manufacturing bikes, or perhaps parts, and bike repair services. It can spark interest among academically-inclined youth in careers in transportation engineering.
MyDev Lifeskills Project (Mindanao Youth for Development Project) Website: Description: The Mindanao Youth for Development (MYDev) is a five-year USAID program in the Philippines that addresses key constraints to peace and stability in selected conflict-affected areas in Mindanao. It promotes an enabling environment that diverts the attention of out-ofschool youth (OSY) away from unproductive social activities in their communities. Rolled out in 2019, MyDev Lifeskills Project is helpful for Alternative Learning System (ALS) learners who are interested not just in academics but in having work readiness skills as well. It is being implemented by Department of Education’s (DepEd) ALS Task Force, in partnership with the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) and the United States Agency for International Development-Education Development Center (USAID-EDC). The Out-ofSchool Youth Development Alliances (OSYDA) is the key local group that helps shape MYDev
programming. It provides critical training and post-training support to OSYs such as civic engagement activities, entrepreneurship, and job placements. TESDA’s livelihood skills training programs within MyDev also offers demand-driven skills training. MYDev programs are implemented closely with the local government agencies. Relevant Programmes: Most notable key activities related to MYDev are the following: ● Two types of life skills are embedded in the program.
● Equitable access to basic education and high school equivalency courses through the Department of Education’s Alternative Learning Systems (ALS). ● Work Ready Now! curriculum enables young people to think critically and act creatively while demonstrating effective work habits, communication skills and interaction, and disciplined personal conduct in the workplace. ● An overview of the program can be viewed at ● It is flexible. Programs can either be Life Skills Only or Skills Only
● Trainers are available nationwide. They have been trained in implementing learner selfdirected Life Skills modules for ALS learners. ● Self-directed modules are now delivered through remote learning modality. Originally, Life Skills learning resources were designed for facilitators to deliver through a face-toface setup in a classroom. According to the DepED Assistant Secretary Ambat, “With the self-directed modules, we expect that as we normalize, we will still have a number of our learners who are self-aware, good at communication, collaboration, have financial management skills, and continue to recognize their role in community building, especially post-pandemic.” Notable Stakeholders USAID - USAID is an independent agency of the United States federal government that is primarily responsible for administering civilian foreign aid and development assistance. TESDA - The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority serves as the Philippines' Technical Vocational Education and Training authority. As a government agency, TESDA is tasked to both manage and supervise the Philippines' Technical Education and Skills Development. SEAMEO - The Southeast Asia Ministers of Education Organization is an intergovernmental organization of the eleven Southeast Asian countries, which was formed on 30 November 1965 by Lao PDR, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and the then Republic of South Vietnam. SEAMEO aims to promote regional cooperation in the fields of education, science and culture.
Notre Dame University ZABIDA - Zamboanga-Basilan Integrated Development Alliance, Inc. MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology CEMILARDEF - Central Mindanao Integrated Livelihood Assistance and Resource Development Foundation, Inc. UNYPAD United Youth for Peace and Development, Inc. Comments/Recommendations The program is promising for immediate rollout of modules that GETYES might develop if we can connect our content with the modules of MyDev. Facilitators Manuals are available for public viewing and downloading. They may be reached through these links:
Go to for the links to the above manuals. Available trainers nationwide. A total of 108 ALS Master Trainers and ALS Regional Focal Persons have been trained in the DepEd and USAID-EDC project. One success testimonial. Omar Muktar Abdulla, an ALS learner from the Schools Division of Isabela City, shared his message on the impact of the Life Skills program on his education: “Ang magandang naidulot sa akin ng ALS, marami akong na-experience na first time namin tulad ng pagtutulungan. Nagamit ko rin itong Life Skills na malaki ang tulong na naidulot tulad ng interaction with others, communication with others, tsaka makakatulong din balang araw sa kinabukasan. Para sa mga kabataan na tulad kong huminto sa pag-aaral dahil sa mga hindi inaasahan na personal na dahilan, kunin ang opportunity na binigay sa atin na makapag-aral nang libre sa pamamagitan ng ALS.�
“One benefit ALS brought me was that I had a lot of first-time-experiences, such as helping others. I used the Life Skills I learned, which was a big help to me in my interaction with others, communication with others, which will also help me sometime in the future. Youth like me who stopped schooling due to unforeseen circumstances should take the opportunity given to us to study for free through ALS.”
Skills for Prosperity Project Website: Description: This ILO-led programme is funded by the United Kingdom and aims to contribute to increasing national capacity to achieve sustained and inclusive growth through skills development and technical vocational education and training systems. As part of the ILO Skills for Prosperity in South-East Asia Programme (SfP-SEA), the Philippine program aims to enhance national capacity to inclusive, mutually beneficial economic development. The assumption is that greater, more equitable employability and productivity can be achieved through enabling policies and practices that ensure equal access, and sustained quality, relevance and cost-effectiveness of technical and vocational education and training (TVET). The Project is structured around four pillars: ● Enhanced equity The program facilitates the partners’ effort to broaden access to skills development and the TVET system among marginalized groups – prioritizing youth and women – by incorporating gender and social inclusion as a key element in all activities, and by providing technical advice for the adoption of necessary changes in national, regional and sectoral policies, strategies, regulations and institutional arrangements. The program also develops and applies training approaches and pilots other skills development models that specifically meet the needs of marginalized groups in the Visayas Region, where development challenges still linger despite its brisk economic growth. ● Improved quality of skills development and TVET system As a response to increasing industry demand for higher level skills, the program assists the partners to upgrade competency standards for TVET and then incorporate the standards in TVET curricula and competency assessment and certification. Additionally, it aims to enhance TVET competency assessment and certification through wider use of digital technologies.
● Enhanced industry relevance The program contributes to the strengthening of the labor market information system, particularly in data collection and analysis of job market demand for skilled labor. Moreover, it promotes adoption of lifelong learning principles and, a learner-centered approach in TVET along with the Recognition of Prior Learning-- a process that gives formal qualifications for skills a worker acquired through informal or on-the-job learning. ● Improved cost-effectiveness of TVET financing The program reviews the country’s practices regarding the engagement of industry and other stakeholders in TVET financing, and then assists the partners in the development and implementation of a pilot joint public-private financing and delivery mechanism, aiming for greater private sector participation in TVET financing and delivery. Ultimately, this initiative will bring about greater affordability and effectiveness of the TVET system.. Notable Stakeholders: The United Kingdom ILO – The International Labour Organization is a United Nations agency whose mandate is to advance social and economic justice through setting international labor standards. Founded in October 1919 under the League of Nations, it is the first and oldest specialized agency of the UN. Comments/Recommendations Since this is a new initiative and has not gained much traction as far as we can gauge from the Internet, there is a good possibility of being useful and relevant for program design. Before the Christmas holidays I initiated contact with the project manager, offering to cooperate for targetting the youth in urban centers near Metro Manila, but we have not received a reply to date.
Private Sector/Private-Gov’t partnership Initiatives
Philippine Development Foundation Website: Description: The Philippine Development Foundation (PhilDev) is a private sector non-stock, non-profit organization started by Silicon Valley pioneer Mr. Dado Banatao. Phildev aims to contribute in developing the Philippine economy by targeting the development of science and technology. Phildev seeks to do this by bringing together government organizations, the academe and private industry and focusing investments into STEAM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, and Mathematics), innovation, and entrepreneurship. Notable Stakeholders: USAID – UNDP – The United Nation Development Programme is the United Nations' global development network. The UNDP provides expert advice, training and grants support to developing countries, with increasing emphasis on assistance to the least developed countries. CHED – The Philippine Commission on Higher Education is a government agency that covers both public and private higher education institutions as well as degree-granting programs in all post-secondary educational institutions in the country. DFAT – The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade is the department of the Australian federal government responsible for foreign policy and relations, international aid (through Australian Aid), consular services, and trade and investment (through Austrade). Relevant Programmes: PhilDev Labs Programmes – PhilDev Labs strengthen the ecosystem of technologybased enterprises by nurturing viable ideas, providing much needed support to help them scale up and be sustainable. PhilDev Labs is part of the entrepreneurship pillar of PhilDev and houses various programs that support startups. PhilDev partners with various local and international organizations that are aligned with its mission of eradicating poverty through STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, and Mathematics) education, innovation and entrepreneurship. The following are part of the PhilDev Labs Programmes. PhilDev Mentorship Programme - intends to provide expert guidance and counseling to enterprises on issues they face from the selection of an idea, validating market need, developing a prototype, creating business plans to commercialize a product or service, setting up an enterprise venture or pitching to investors to raise funds. The Mentorship Programme
also includes The Financial Management Plan, which intends to provide financial planning skills to enterprises. Technopreneurship Lecture Series - a one-day, semi-annual seminar in modular format that will be offered to enterprises who want to gain practical skills and advance knowledge on specific subject matters relevant to engaging in and managing technologybased enterprises. Technopreneurship 101 is a subject written and crafted by PhilDev to encourage science and engineering students to explore entrepreneurial and R&D career paths. The class is based on PhilDev’s entrepreneurship modules which cover topics such as introduction to entrepreneurship, idea creation, feasibility and differentiation, market validation, and business planning and execution. Technopreneurship 101 is implemented by CHED (Philippine Commission on Higher EDucation) across all 539 Higher Education Institutions that offer engineering programs in the Philippines.
Social Impact Accelerator – This involves a year of tailored support, six months of which is an intensive program to seek investments and scale their innovations. The accelerator helps lead companies with validated business models and at least a year of operations into growth through a dedicated program and guided mentorship to accelerate traction and revenue and secure financing. The Social Impact Accelerator was created together with the Innovation for Social Impact Partnership (ISIP), which co-implemented by PhilDev with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and with support from the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT-Australia). The project aims to eradicate poverty in the Philippines by developing more social enterprises and their innovative solutions to pressing societal challenges. It will provide technical support, business advice, and enhance their capability to access seed funding and attract investors. ISIP focuses on Education, Entrepreneurship, and Policy Agenda. The project helps build capabilities as well as promote collaboration among these areas, accelerating developments towards creating a more sustainable and robust entrepreneurship ecosystem in the Philippines. PhilDev Tech Hub. Together with various Philippine universities in strategic locations, and with support from the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), PhilDev established a network of Technopreneurship Hubs (TechHub) nationwide. TechHub universities serve as Centers for Technopreneurship Education Excellence where surrounding universities can benchmark with. At the end of three years, at least 15 highly-functional and self-sustaining TechHubs are expected to spur regional innovation and entrepreneurship. Specifically, the TechHubs aim to achieve the following objectives:
● Propagate the entrepreneurial thinking among the students, and in teaching methods of the professors in the TechHub and neighboring universities; ● Close the gap between the academe and industry linkage; ● Boost the local and regional startup industry that contributes to its community; ● Sustain the achievements of the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in fostering entrepreneurial attitude among students and faculty; ● Function as the hub HEI for the neighboring HEIs and be part of a national network of TechHubs to foster collaboration and to implement standards in developing technology-based innovations and enterprises that are globally scalable and responsive to local needs. All these objectives support the implementation of Technopreneurship 101 subject that was rolled out in all 539 HEIs in the Philippines that offer engineering programs beginning academic year 2018-2019. This is expected to create a new breed of engineers who will opt to productize and commercialize their innovation and invention thereby creating jobs and help drive inclusive economic growth in the Philippines. Comments/Recommendations: As can be understood from web descriptions of PhilDev’s programs, there is good potential for CEFE to partner with PhilDev. While PhilDev particularly targets Technologyrelated projects, the entrepreneurship training the youth will get from CEFE will ensure that they are able to steer those projects through to success using the effective marketingproduction strategies. Mentorship Program– CEFE offers good tools for mentors and mentees to achieve business success. Young people often have no skills or capabilities to make in depth market analyses, market feasibility studies, cost-benefit analyses, product development, project management necessary for successful startup. With CEFE’s extensive experience in providing training programs on exactly these skills, a partnership with PhilDev is possible. Technopreneurship 101 might look like a rigid curriculum that is taught like a course. It can benefit from use of experiential learning methods used in CEFE. The CEFE New Business Creation Course, for instance, enables young entrepreneurs to solidify their determination, motivation and desire to enter the entrepreneurial world by understanding what it takes to act in an enterprising way. Young entrepreneurs learn from experience how to quickly calculate the the cost-benefit and potential profitability and social impacts of comparable ventures . Social Impact Accelerator (SIA) – The PhilDev’s SIA program offers good potential for a collaborative project with CEFE. Its aims and objectives parallel those of CEFE, whose trainers can assist PhilDev through mentorship programs to improve marketing, financial and
operational management of young entrepreneurs, and securing investors. Because the SIA program lasts about a year, it also offers potential longer term sustainability for CEFE programs in GetYes2.
IdeaSpace Foundation Website: Description: IdeaSpace is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting innovation, technology development, and entrepreneurship as a path to nation building. IdeaSpaces help budding technology entrepreneurs develop ground breaking innovations and transform these into successful businesses. IdeaSpace believes that technopreneurship (i.e., entrepreneurial ventures involving high technology) is an important and critical factor to the progress of the Philippine economy. IdeaSpace programmes provides funding for startups and offers a program that combines incubation & acceleration needed at critical phases when ideas are being turned into actual commercial products. Relevant Programmes: IdeaSpace Acceleration Program – The program provides the acceleration support needed at critical phases when ideas are being turned into actual commercial products. The startups benefit from funding, education (through informal learning sessions and entrepreneurship development program), market runway and expert monitoring. The program runs for 20 weeks and is focused on lean product management. The mentoring approach addresses the different facets of the startup entrepreneur’s journey such as technology development, customer understanding, financial and team management. The IdeaSpace Acceleration Programme provides the following startup perks:
● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Equity-free GRANT for product and market development Up to P1,000,000 in equity FUNDING MENTORING by industry experts Access to exclusive LEARNING SESSIONS LINKAGE to corporate partners, investor network and strategic partner resources Free use of OFFICE SPACE HOUSING allowance for Non-Metro Manila teams
Notable Stakeholders: First Pacific Investments - First Pacific is a Hong Kong-based investment management and holding company with operations located in Asia-Pacific. First Pacific’s principal business investments relate to consumer food products, telecommunications, infrastructure and natural resources Meralco - The Company is the largest private sector electric distribution utility company in the Philippines covering 36 cities and 75 municipalities. Its franchise area of over 9,685 km2 includes the country’s industrial, commercial, and population centers. Metro Pacific Investments - a Philippine-based unit investment holding company of First Pacific Company Limited through Metro Pacific Holdings, Inc. MPIC through its subsidiaries, provides water, sanitation, and sewerage services and also operates in real estate, and infrastructure projects. PLDT - A telecommunications, internet, and digital service holdings company in the Philippines. It is one of the country's major telecommunications providers. Smart Communications - A wholly owned wireless communications and digital services subsidiary of PLDT, Inc. Maynilad – The water and wastewater services provider of cities and municipalities that form the West Zone of the Greater Manila Area in the Philippines. It is an agent and contractor of the Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System (MWSS) Philex Mining Corporation – A large and reputable mining corporation in the Philippines incorporated in 1955. Philex operates a large Copper and Gold mine in the Northern Philippines and also in Mindanao. Comments/Recommendations – IdeaSpace is practically a business incubator. CEFE can forge potential collaborative efforts with IdeaSpace in many ways. One such way could be holding seminars and entrepreneurship talks that will encourage young people to start their own feasible and socially relevant enterprises that IdeaSpace may then support. CEFE can also partner with IdeaSpace to train its startup companies in various skills relevant to growing their enterprises towards increased sustainability and profitability. Moreover, IdeaSpace not only incubates electronic or cyberspace startups but also startups with actual physical products, and CEFE can certainly assist in training these startups (if any) in providing seminars related to industrialization, manufacturing etc., which are all a different league of entrepreneurship than just cyber entrepreneurship.