Student Affairs Administration in Higher Education Brochure

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F inancial A id

F aculty

Any student who holds a graduate assistantship at Texas A&M University receives an out-of-state tuition waiver (qualifies for in-state tuition rates) and 9 credit hours of paid tuition each semester.

Fred Bonner

Student Affairs Administration; Higher Education Administration Law

College of Education & Human Development


The Department of Student Financial Aid offers assistance through grants, scholarships, fellowships, and loans. Students are encouraged to submit a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) application, available at most college and university financial aid departments, to find out what kind of assistance they are eligible to receive. For more information on student financial aid at Texas A&M, visit

A dmissions Admission to the SAAHE program is based upon the following requirements: • A bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university • An acceptable combination of grade point average and scores on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) • Three letters of recommendation • Two writing samples • Interviews with the SAAHE faculty Interviews and one writing sample are conducted during the SAAHE Graduate Student Interviewing Conference held in early spring on the Texas A&M University campus.

Bryan Cole, SAAHE Associate Director

Continuous Quality Improvement in Education

> Vicente Lechuga Higher Education Administration


Student A ffairs A dministration in H igher E ducation Department of Educational Administration & Human Resource Development

Yvonna Lincoln

Qualitative Research; History of Higher Education


Kelli Peck Parrott, SAAHE Director

Student Affairs Administration


Master ’ s D egree

Christine Stanley

Higher Education Administration; College Teaching; Faculty Development


Contact & Resources Department of Educational Administration & Human Resource Development Graduate Advising Office 511 Harrington Tower Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-4226 Joyce Nelson 979.847.9098 |

Office of Admission and Records Office of Financial Aid 979.845.3236 Office of Graduate Studies 979.845.3631 articles/saahe

Student A ffairs A dministration SAAHE


Texas A&M University

Students in the Student Affairs Administration in Higher Education (SAAHE) master level specialization at Texas A&M University discover an exciting curriculum that blends theory with practical experience. In addition to courses that deal with topics such as student development, counseling, administration, law, and budgeting, students are involved in two semesters of practica to apply what they have learned. A strength of the program is that virtually all students receive high quality graduate assistantships in the Division of Student Affairs and related departments within the university. The SAAHE program annually invites a cohort of approximately 15 students to begin their academic preparation for leadership in student affairs. SAAHE students come from around the nation and the world; represent many majors, ethnic backgrounds, cultures, and life-styles; and commit to the

holistic development of themselves and their classmates. This unique framework helps to quickly foster support, encouragement, and friendships within the cohort. Professors and student affairs administrators are eager to assist students and serve as mentors. The SAAHE program is part of the Department of Educational Administration and Human Resource Development in the College of Education and Human Development. Because of the strong, collaborative relationship between the Division of Student Affairs and the Department of Educational Administration and Human Resource Development, students graduate from the program well prepared to apply the theoretical and philosophical tenets of the profession to a variety of work settings. Our graduates hold professional positions across the country and the world.


Higher Education SAAHE P ractical Experience The SAAHE practicum is a real-time, real-life experience in a specific area of student affairs. Two semesters of comprehensive skill-building in student affairs administration (150 clock hours each for a total of 6 hours credit) are an integral part of the SAAHE curriculum. In addition to the practicum experience, graduate assistantships are available through the Division of Student Affairs and other oncampus departments, giving students a variety of work experiences. Both the practica and the assistantships offer students direct responsibility for administering and coordinating programs in student affairs, academic affairs, athletics, and other professional campus settings.

Graduate assistantships are assigned based on interviews conducted during the SAAHE Interviewing Conference in early spring. Preference for assistantships is given to those who attend the conference. Graduate assistantships carry a stipend and pay for up to nine credit hours of tuition expenses per semester. Additionally, graduate assistants receive benefits, a stipend and may also receive professional development funds to be used for conferences or other training opportunities.

SAAHE A cademic C urriculum FALL 1


• Student Affairs Functions

• Practicum I

• The College Student

• Elective I

• Educational Statistics



• Higher Education Law

• Educational Administration in Cross-Cultural Environments

• Practicum II

• Working with Adult Groups • Counseling Skills for Student Affairs Professionals • Assessment and Interventions in Student Affairs

“After 15 years in the profession, I can bear witness that the experiences and classes

Students may also have the opportunity to build organizational advising skills in support of one of the 800 Texas A&M University student organizations.

(total 45

hours )

• Advanced Student Development Theory

SPRING 2 • Higher Education Business and Finance • Elective II • Administration in Student Affairs

“SAAHE gave me real life experience, as well as theoretical knowledge, that was

at Texas A&M more than prepared me for my journey as an educator. Indeed, the

easily transferrable to any area of higher education. My SAAHE education has been

program challenged, pushed and supported me in ways that I will be forever thankful.”

well respected throughout the country.”

W. Wayne Young, Jr., Ph.D. Assistant Vice President for Student Learning, Creighton University

Heather Magalski Student Center Associate Program Director, Georgia Institute of Technology

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