huang ce portfolio

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Huang Ce for M. Arch Rice University

The Beginning of the Story

When I was young, I came across a sapling


Landscape design in 1912 commercial street

Leaf Vein

Landscape design in anhui institute of physical education

Primitive Tribe

Kindergarten construction aid design

Rotary Airing Clothes Landscape structural design

Nov.2012 Academic, individual work

May.2013 Academic, group work(leader)

Apr.2012 Academic, individual work

Jul.2013 Academic, individual work

Other Works

Classical garden design&Ancient building survey photograph&painting

The sapling is growing up during the undergraduate.

from Jun.2011 to Jan.2013 Academic, individual&group work

Continuation Project: Landscape Design In 1912 Commercial Street Theme: Post-Industrial Design Location: 1912 commercial street, Hefei City, P.R.China Category: Academic, individual work Time: Nov.2012

This project locates in the city Hefei, in the middle of China, which has achieved amazing success in recent years, catching investor’s eyes for consturcting a bright life in this old city once called Luzhou, however, such achievement seems flawed, at the cost of valuable culture and healthy living habit, that we should pay attention to. Furthermore, no more space could undertake community activities since estate interests is above everything. For the sake of helping public to find their original custom back , we consider to trace the old times of this city and find the lost memory back. The particular site of this project is located in a block, being a large factory and transportation region decades ago. So we could discover abundant old industial element or the discarded source around the project site, such as dumped I-steel in old factory or steel sheet. We could use these source to generate a energetic space for public to enjoy various activities. This region are now a commercial street, containing drink bars, saloons, restaurants, meanwhile, citizens living around here have no plaza to entertain themselves, so diversified space could be introduced into here to satisfy public demand. At last, we make certain about what kind of place we need to generate and what methodology could we use to renovate such place.

A major crossroad is near the site of our project which plays an important role in traďŹƒc amongst western urban area, signifying there are many people pass by this region everyday.All the conditions oer a chance for us to make full use of since we can guide stream of pedestrain to walk to the direction of our site for taking rest.

A famous commercial complex is located near the site of our project which we call it crown plaza, containing hotel, shopping mall and restaurant.We should consider its service function for public and aviod putting the same element in our project.

This place is a discarded freight station, children are keen on this place and spend lot of their time in this site and there are many interesting source in the site, however, security here is not as positive as its recreational nature.Also, we can make full use of source or material in this place, such as I-steel and iron sheet which is discarded

A railway in the service is seated in the west of our project site, considering the element in discarded freight station could we draw a conclusion that we can use the post-industial vocabulary to generate our design and combine it with traditional culture in this region. Furthermore, we could use the image of railway to create a memoriable atmosphere for residents living in this region to remember a special history.

There is a residential area behind our project site. The same problem with the area across the road is the lacking of public entertained space and people in this region have weak mind to paticipate or generate public activities.

A hotel in our site can act as a symbol to attract residents nearby to participate in the activities in our site. We should combine it with our design

A high-rise residential area is across our project’s site. In this block, lack of square for public to entertain themselves is a serious problem. So we tend to design a project to promote energetic activities made by residents and promote their communication.

1912 Street

This project makes full use of source from discarded freight station,including I-steels,sheet iron,etc, which are all scrap material.We just reform them by adding some other necessary materials to protect people from hurting by these sharp industrial production.Then a design with abundant kinds of space and recreational facility is generated by us without wasting any other exorbitant material.

6 8

















This project contains many small size points with fantastic and creative reformation and people can choose their own way to explore the region for there are many dierent route can be selected.So,people can expirence totally dierent psychological suggestions due to their particular selection.


Type A:This type acts as a evacuation square, connecting construction and major road in 1912 street, which help people to pass by this place without any obstacle.

Type B:

Type C: This type offers people a comparatively small space for communication and interaction in a group, they can maintain their discussion in three or four people.

Type D: This type is suitable for comparatively large group to gather and communicate.The size of this type can offer thirty to forty people have dinner or have meeting together.

This type serves as a stage for performance in small sizeC, such as family celebration or class party and this type of rotation can offer a aggregated psychological hint.

plank I-steel pulley


grass layer

soil layer

This site provide public various scale or kinds of activities.People can study,chart, meet or perform in this place and we achieve our goal from a discarded material. The I-steel is picked from displaced plant and we transform it into a kind of movable seat , improving flexibility in communication style and activity form.

People on a higher layer can see abandunt space in a different perspective,stimulating their inspiration.


Exploration People under the gallery and people on the gallary can generate a relationship which could be explained as a interactive sight.People will find it interesting since they have experience both two situation

Communication People in some area on this gallery can also experience exploration due to the connection between the doors of second floor construction and gallery. People on the gallery can communicate with the nearby building and its space,even the people on its platform


People can also experience the interexchangable eyesight from looking into the windows in second floor and it may create human’s curiosity.


wood handrail joint connection A handrail I-steel













joint connection B supporting I-steel A joint connection C

supporting I-steel B



9 10 11 12




6 3 2 1


A nice place to take a rest or to think about life

? The sqaure is comfortable for public to observe!

Hum,this palce are uesd for various activities!

Wow!This sinking square is so large for skating!I like this square!


I can not only look the children playing,but also enjoy my cigarette

Aha,we discuss issue here in alive atmosphere!

It is a funny place for me to explore!

Wow,the performance is fantastic!



Haw-haw, we can see the performance on a higher layer

A nice place to chart with each other.

Hurry up, man!

Stand high and see far!


(Dialogue)Ah ya ya ya ya ya !Who is coming here?

(Dialogue)Major general, Guanyu is here!

Leaf Vein Project: Theme: Location: Category:


Landscape Design In Anhui Institute Of Physical Education Paradoxical Spatial and Environmental Design Anhui institute of sport, Hefei City, P.R.China Academic, group work(leader) May.2013

This project talks about how to create a paradoxical landscape experience, not only does it require peaceful atmosphere in somewhere, but also ask for energetic space for people to gather and doing activities since it is a comprehensive site oering students and residents from nearby an interesting place to explore or enjoy. The particular site of this project is independent, being around by countryside and industrial factory. As we can imagine, the environment around this site is paradoxical since countryside area has peaceful environment but less energy, however, factory area has noisy environment but more energy.So we can conclude that this institute demands a landscape to help it to express both theme of it spirit and environment around it. We choose leaf vein to express the paradoxical nature in this region since vein has characters of growing tendency, vigour representation, at the same time, it is also able to accommodate complex spatial demand, there can be the space for residents around here doing public activities, the space for students in institution entertaining, the space for oďŹƒcer taking a rest, the space for teachers communicating with students.



Down town Hefei R=6.5km

Wormhole: Due to its complex structure and bioreaction, it act as a place carrying various kinds of activities or entertainment, just like the wormhole on the leaves.It plays an energetic role in this whole design, and in this project, it corresponds to wormhole park and open-air performing art center.


Rural Rural Industry

Entire Route

Main Road

Bus Line


Industry Rural R=2km Rural

Chloroplast: According to its special function as information delivering, with the help of this


idea, we generate a kind of structure and put them in every corner of this program in order to provide a media for people to exchange their information,just like the role chloroplast act as in leaves.


Rural Rural

Residential District

Industry District



This project is located in a region far from down town, around by countryside and factory.In the north of the site, there are many factory, on the contrary, in the south of the site, there is only countryside or farmland.So we hope to create a environmental-friendly and energetic design for defending the expanding of industrial influence. 3

Major vein: Since it play the most important role in the structure

of whole site.We observe it as the principal axis, it represents the spirit of this institution and it also serves as major traffic arteries to connect the south and north part of the college.

The Third Vein: We have a desire to create a spatial experience in elusive way and this kind of form from leaves

A spontaneous man-made road manifest a paradox that the design or facility can hardly fit the demand of people


stimulate our inspiration.Then, we hope to generate a space with various nature by third vein. For instance, one piece of leaf divided by the third vein can be defined as one kind of space, such as private or public, then another piece of leaf can be defined as any other kind of space.

There are two empty parts of this site having problem with weeds growing without any defense.This phenomenon influence the beauty.

The Second Vein: We use this kind of vein to control the structure of whole site, we

There are many unexploited place with potential.

In the south-west of the site,we can see a polluted stream with foul smell and large amount of hydrophyte.



call it control line. Almost every second vein manifest as parallel line on leaf, so in some part of program, we use this kind of vein to guide our design and control the space dividing for we can make the space more precise but the bounds more elusive.

The existing hard landscape emerge its roughness and thoughtless details, furthermore, it manifests immature space understanding by former designer The existing structure can hardly mix together with landscape.

The First Vein: It corresponds to the loop circuit of the college since it plays the similar role in leaf, comparing to function of the loop circuit in college.They both serve as the major traffic arteries connecting west, east and south part of the college.So we decide to generate different spatial experience and combine them in this linear site for offering people a chance to experience different space style, private or public, positive or negative.



1 3

4 5






The detail is not very satisfactory. 6

Different environment cause different psychological feelings,according to this result,we desire to create a diversified spatial experience.

fitness road





7 4

wooden trestle



18 1



landscape cores Construct

Finally, we sum up a basic rule to guide us generating space.

principal axis

Horizontal level

connective band

Vertical level

We overlay different kinds of vein to find the most appropriate form to be the basic road network and consultant of spatial division.

1.Teaching Building 2.Playground 3.Refectory 4.Dormitory 5.Gymnasium 6.Swimming Pool 7.Teachers Apartment 8.Office 9.Bathhouse 10.Conference Center

3 17


peripheral landscape

11.Entrance Square 12.The Wormhole Park 13.Open-air Performing Arts Center 14.Connective Band 15.Principal Axis Square 16.Tree Battle Formation Square 17.Wetland Park 18.Fitness Rotary Road



9 2







13 5










Connected Belt





The level of Sptial Nature

This region act as connection between wormhole and wetland park, it also offers people a place to experience abundant kinds of space.There are many different space with different privacy.People can pass by quickly here, they also be able to gather or stay for time in square with small size, they have the chance to doing private activites in avenue part, they also can do physical exercise by riding bike on fitness road without any disturbance, they are able to organize different scales of activities here as well.This is a multifunctional and charmful place for people to explore. 5

Level 1


Level 2


fitness road


Wooden trestle

Level 3

Level 4

1.avenue 2.valley 3.private road 4.small square road 6.wooden trestle 7.trees square




6 1










Level 5




This site act as a connection between wormhole park and open-air performing art center, then, it stretchs to wetland park, so it is important to deďŹ ne this site.We try to generate a gallery with abundant spatial experience and variational spatial nature. As a result, we hope people are able to change their mood into a delightful direction when they enter this site since there are various and changable possibility in it.

grass f-road

bush trestle


bush avenue

main road


trees square

trees square

A-A section D







B-B section


avenuegrass A





f-road bush









C-C section B


D-D section



f-road trestle


bush trestle













Wetland Park

Since this place connects college and street outside, so it is possible for resident around here entering this park to take a rest or entertain themselves.Another important factor we should consider is the original environment in this site, ample kinds of water plant and a water tower have existed here for long time. According to this factor, we decide to generate a wetland park with the function of offering people place to aggregate and providing people place to take linear view.

Control Line

fitness road

Waterfront Area

Water Area

tre Wooden


Forest Area







Wetland Area


C 7



10 C 9 8

Trestle Flow

Fitness Flow

Waterfront Flow

Sight Level 4 B




A 2


Waterfront Trestle

Fitness Road

Wetland Route

Rest Point

1.Wetland Trestle 2.Fitness Road 3.Waterfront Trestle 4.Forest 5.Wetland 6.Fend Structure 7.Waterfront Square 8.Recreation Platform 9.Observation Trestle 10.Birdwatching Recess

A-A section


Observation trestle gives people an opportunity to overlook whole wetland park and view outside college. Birdwatching recess provide public a secluded structure for doing private things or enjoying the landscape here on wetland floor. Fitness road offer students a place to exercise by bike or their legs in a peaceful and independent atmosphere without any disturbance from outside. Waterfront square offer people outside college a site to experience the view in wetland park and they can also enter the park from this place. There is a water tower in original site, we decide to remain it for viewing it as a symbol of the park.

Our trestle also goes down near the tower for offering people a chance to experience the old time of this site in a close perspective. Birdwatching recess gives people a chance to get close to the nature, watching bird, observing water plant in wetland,etc.

A-A section

water layer

water layer

rock layer sand layer

rock layer

filter plank


Our design ensure the connection and consistency of the fitness road and trestle in two place dividing by public street. accumulate Fend structure is designed for sheltering the nosiy and view on public road outside college.


Abundant altitude difference generate an delightful experience.







evaporate wetland water


B-B section


wetland water

wetland water


filter purify


river outside

Primitive Tribe Project: Kindergarten Construction Aid Design Theme: Local Cultural Design Location: Kisumu, Kenya, East Africa Category: Academic, individual work Time: April.2012

This is an Africa aid project, located in sunny East Africa. Because of poverty and war happened all the year round, there is no formal kindergarten buildings, children do not get enough attention here, so here are in urgent need of similar formal architecture, providing children with a stable, healthy environment. This is the original purpose of design. Then, in such a special cultural environment, quite dierent from the mainstream culture, kindergarten design may not be copied from internationalism form, so I'm looking for particular architectural vocabulary and organizational form belonging to here. This design is aimed to ďŹ nd a breakthrough from the most primitive Africa indigenous tribal courtyard structure and local building materials, showing people a modern architecture with regional characteristics. This constructure not only acts as common building with normal program, but also serves as the carrier of local culture, children could play traditional games or hold particular activities in this special constructure, appearing as a basic blueprint for other aid project.

Group Evolution

Primitive 1

Primitive 2

Primitive 3

Reform 1

Reform 2

Reform 3

Unit Evolution

Initial Structure

Initial Form

Later Form

Final Structure

Final Form

Space Reform

This is an Africa aid project, located in sunny East Africa. Because of poverty and war happened all the year round, there is no formal kindergarten buildings, children do not get enough attention here, so here are in urgent need of similar formal architecture, providing children with a stable, healthy environment. This is the original purpose of design. Then, in such a special cultural environment, quite different from the mainstream culture, kindergarten design may not be copied from internationalism form, so I'm looking for particular architectural vocabulary and organizational form belonging to here. This design is aimed to find a breakthrough from the most primitive Africa indigenous tribal courtyard structure and local building materials, showing people a modern architecture with regional characteristics. This constructure not only acts as common building with normal program, but also serves as the carrier of local culture, children could play traditional games or hold particular activities in this special constructure, appearing as a basic blueprint for other aid project. The element I borrow from the local culture is thatch, form of building, form of structure and form of countryyard. With the help of these feature, I could generate a primitive atmosphere and friendly environment when local children take activities in this constructure. They will never feel unfamiliar ot uncomfortable during the time in this kindergarten since every conner are designed in local form. Furthermore, local residents or children could have a mixed spatial experience not only in sense of tradition but also in sense of modern. Note that the material thatch could help generate a mysterious radial diversity and experience, I utilize several other material to stimulate this effect, glass, shape of roof, pendant lamp and suspended ceiling, which is similar with the condition of traditional constructure located at prairie.


Space Factor

Form Factor

Entrance Space

Indoor Space

Roof Space

Social Organization

Activity(open space)

Activity(narrow space)

Surface Material

Indoor Effect

Ultimate Aim

+ Cultural Factor

Unit Form

Material Factor

Roof Form




1 9

















13 ...




... ?

Zzz Zzz Zzz


? ?





? ?




Zzz Zzz






10 10


? ?

10 10

Ground Floor Plan

1.entrance 2.janitors room room 4.washroom 5.water room 6.sterilization 7.sub-room 10.classroom 11.dormitory 12.musicroom 14.restroom 15.balcony 17.conference room



move/run talk/entertain observe sleep wonder think smoke(adult) teach(adult) take care(adult)

Zzz Zzz Zzz





Second Floor Plan

The unit make full use of shadow to create a fantastic indoor space for stimulating children inspiration. We could predict several kind of shadow’s form from the diagram on the right side. Some single shadow shapes could be recognized as a phenomena generating by particular material, at the same time, some composite forms could be discovered, interesting, inspired, creative. I am desire to create a kind of space with local characteristic not only in cultural aspect but also in physical aspect.

shadow of thatch shadow of pendant lamp shadow of wooden girder shadow of suspended ceiling


Rotary Airing Clothes Project: Theme: Location: Category: Time:

Landscape Structural Design Structural and Cultural Design Anywhere Lack of Communal Space Academic, individual work July.2013

The original goal of this project is to generate a communal space for residents drying their clothes and communicate with each other. As a result, I discover derivative kinds of this design could make a better life or to offer people more convenient life-style. Chinese residents are accustomed to dry their clothes by rope and rod, however, they usually take this action in private balcony, narrow and less-efficient due to lack of communal space for doing these things. Therefore, I decide to generate a space with basic drying function, furthermore, it can also change its appearance through different physical or contrived condition. Then, I take rotary rod into consideration since the weight of clothes change all the time and this condition can be utilized to help generate a dynamic space with diversified spatial expirience. I suppose four kinds of the park could act as different role in communal space. First kind of park located in old narrow street provides obstacle to local residents for prohibiting cars driving into street which could disturb common life in the old street, the second kind of park located in uptown serves as a public space for drying clothes, the third kind of park located in CBD takes responsibility to offer workers a rest place after their work time, the forth kind of park located in street greenbelt serves as a communal space for pedestrains to take a rest or enjoy the interest of this site. So different kind play different role in different region, finally, it serves public as a convenient platform. That is my destination.

There is a particular phenomenon, Chinese residents are accustomed to air their clothes in open-air, compared to those use machine to dry clothes, occured in China which inspire me to make this design. And also a problem, lack of particular communal space, obstacle people to ustilize solar heat efficiently. As a result, people often hang their clothes in private balcony, narrow and less-efficient. I usually suppose a special park offering residents a complete space to dry their clothes, at the same time, they can communicate with neighbour which could enhance relationship among residents.

This is my original target to make this design. I am desire to generate a park not only serves as basical function, helping residents dry their clothes, but also takes responsibility to offer people a communal space to hold public activities or provide people a park with diversified spatial experience. First of all, the park should have ability to catch people’s eyes and attract people to enter into this region. Then, I hope people in this park have ability to generate their own activities or entertainment, at the same time , the diversified space experience and changable character could stimulate people’s inspiration and initiate people’s deep thought. Finally, I decide to generate such park by rotary rod.

This is my further goal to consummate this design.

Narrow Street

Narrow Street

Site 1



Site 2

Public Space for Airing



Site 3

Open Air Ground

Site 4

Communicating Greenbelt

Street Greenbelt

Street Greenbelt

Walking Street

no force

no force







The rotary rod not only can be changed its angle by the weight of clothes, but also can be leaned by the tight rope, so there are two forces making eort on the movable rod.

movable rod The goal of this project shows people a structural rotary rod which could rotate in all direction in order to generate a diversiďŹ ed space experience, at the same time, it serves as a communal place for residents to dry their clothes.

original site


weight of clothes

I generate several kinds of positional style, every style have its own method to keep balance, also presenting various dierent kind of balance style to public. Users do not need to spend their energy to regulate this structure, on the contrary, what they should do is hanging their clothes and observe or enjoy the variation of this interesting structure.

Structure of Universal Hinge Joint

I take a experiment to observe the result of this system. As we can see, even though some situation we have already predicted successfully, in most cases, the direction of clothesline pole could lean to every direction we could hardly predict.

Shuguang Ancestral Hall

Other works Shuguang Ancestral Hall



Project: Ancient Building Survey Location: Huangshan City, Anhui Province, P.R.China Category: Academic, group work Time: Aug.2012


General Plan

Bridge River Home Project: Classical Garden Design Location: Feicui Prak, Hefei City, Anhui Province, P.R.China Category: Academic, individual work Time: Sep.2012

Photograph Project: Photography Experience Location: Shanghai, Guangzhou, Suzhou, Hong Village Category: Academic, individual work Time: from Jun.2011 to Jan.2013

Painting Project: Painting From Life Location: Hong Village, Huangshan City, Anhui Province, P.R.China Category: Academic, individual work Time: Jun.2012

Personal Painting

Content:south elevation Instrument: pencils Duration:160 min Location: Pingshan Village

Shuguang Ancestral Hall Project: Ancient Building Survey Location: Huangshan City, Anhui Province, P.R.China Category: Academic, group work Time: Aug.2012

South Elevation

B-B Section

Ground Plan

C-C Section

Second Floor Plan

A-A Section

structure of roof

Dougong on the Top of Pillar


View from interior space, ground oor View from interior space, second oor

View from front door, south elevation

View from interior space, atriums


Dougong between the Pillar

Dougong on the Corner





蟠 山腰,或穷水际,通花渡壑

,蜿 蜒无尽。


Design Description:

登斯楼也则有心旷神怡 ,



The artistic conception of garden could hardly describe in words. My design, Bridge River Home, combines the silent atmosphere and the vigorous enegy. I try to formulate ways to bring order to the disorder of construction and plants in this garden. Then, you could observe two kiosks located at two sites oppositing with each other, connected by several tortuous alleys. Finally, a whole paradoxical nature appear towards your eyes, possibly, sometimes you could feel the scene is far from you, on the contrary, in other condition, you may experience a close sight.

Brigde River Home

A-A Section

Project: Location: Category: Time:

Classical Garden Design Feicui Prak, Hefei City, Anhui Province, P.R.China Academic, individual work Sep.2012

A 别梦依依到谢家,小廊回合曲阑斜。

凉阴一鸟下,落日乱蝉分。 此夜芭蕉雨,何人枕上闻。

庭下如积水空明,水中藻 荇 交横,盖竹柏影也

众鸟高飞尽,孤云独去闲。 相看两不厌,只有敬亭山。

静遶 绿阴行,闻听雨声卧。 还有感秋诗,窗前书叶破。

道 也,天下莫不贵者。

温 润 而 泽 , 仁 也 。缜 密 从 栗 , 知 也 。 廉 而 不刿 , 义 也 。 垂 之 如 坠 , 礼 也 。 叩 之其声,清越以长,其终然,乐也。 瑜 不 掩瑕 , 忠 也 。孚 尹 旁 达 , 信 也 。

也 , 圭璋 特 达 。


德 温 润 而 泽 , 仁 也 。缜 密 从 栗 , 知 也 。 廉 而 不刿 , 义 也 。 垂 之 如 坠 , 礼 也 。 叩 之其声,清越以长,其终然,乐也。 瑜 不 掩瑕 , 忠 也 。孚 尹 旁 达 , 信也。气如白虹,天也。精神贯于山川, 地也。

General Plan A B-B Section


Photograph Project: Photography Experience Location: Shanghai, Guangzhou, Suzhou, Hong Village Category: Academic, individual work Time: from Jun.2011 to Jan.2013

Theme: Content: Site: Date:

Village&Life experiencing farm life Hong Village July.2012

Theme: Content: Site: Date:

Light&Fog observing light on the glass Dormitory Jan.2013

Theme: Content: Site: Date:

Animal&Wild coming across frog by the river Guangzhou Jan.2012

Theme: Content: Site: Date:

People&Life portrait photograph Hong Village July.2012

Theme: Content: Site: Date:

Spirit&Life civil construction Hong Village July.2012

Painting Project: Location: Category: Time:

Theme: Content: Site: Date:

Painting From Life constructure and landscape Hong Village July.2012

Theme: Content: Site: Date:

Painting From Life constructure and landscape Hong Village July.2012

Theme: Content: Site: Date:

Translate Photograph The Louvre pyramid University Apr.2012

Painting From Life Hong Village, Huangshan City, Anhui Province, P.R.China Academic, individual work Jun.2012

Education Background Hefei University of Technology (HFUT) Bachelor of Engineering in Landscape Architecture General GPA: 3.61 Major GPA: 3.86 Rank: 1st out of 36


The End of the Story

Highlights Won the Grand Prize in Swan Nest Design Competition Interned at Guangzhou Turen Landscape Planning Co, Ltd

05.2011 08.2012



Project: Lanshi Visitor Center / Wangniudun Park / Luosikeng Reservoir Schematic Design, Pre-Planning, Design Development and Drafting

Resume 黄策 Huang Ce Birth date: Nov 15th, 1991 E-mail: Phone: +86-186 5505 1991 Current Address:Emerald Lake Campus, HeFei University of Technology, Hefei City, Anhui Province, P.R. China, 230601

Honors and Leadership National Scholarship for Undergraduates 1st Prize of University Scholarship “Triple A” Outstanding Student Excellent Student Leader Minister of Organization Department in Student Union Class Monitor

2011;2012 2011;2012 2011;2012 2011 2011-2012 2010-now

Survey & Research Study on Spatial Structures in “Commercial-Residential” Hybrid Blocks Landscape Design Analysis 1912 Commercial District Survey of Spatial Behavior Distribution and Sensitivity Evaluation Research into Urban Green Space in Northern Part of Hefei City Mapping and Sketch Practice at a Historic Village in the South of Anhui Field Trip in Shanghai Emphasizing on Introduction to Urban Design Landscape Style Study in Anhui based on Analysis of Regional Visual Factors

Activity Preside in Evening Variety Shows in School of Architecture Launch and Host Class Journal Design Contest in University Lead Class Basketball Team into Final Round in School Games Won the 4th Prize in Weiqi (the game of go) in Ma An Shan Won the 1st Prize in National Painting Contest Achieved 5th grade certificate for Callingraphy

2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011

Where can I find the nutrition for my tree... I expecting

To Be Continued... Current Address: Emerald Lake Campus, HeFei University of Technology, Hefei City, Anhui Province, P.R. China, 230601 E-mail: Tel:+86-18655051991

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