5 minute read


• Support for students and staff affected by earthquakes in Turkey and Syria

• From the Provost: answers to your questions on strikes


• LGBT+ History Month at UCL

• Festival of Early Stage Researchers (FESR)

• Male school inspectors award more lenient grades than female inspectors

• Bringing down the cost of UK childcare

• Safeguarding students against racial abuse

• The distinct skillsets of good mentoring | ECF Staffroom S02, E03

• ARTICLE: What is the right way to learn to read?


Making a difference: Understanding the role of culture in education and society

8 March 2023, 2pm – 4pm, W4.01

Based at the IOE - Free to attend.

Come along to this hybrid event to hear a range of speakers discuss the role of culture in education and society.

Organiser: International Centre for Intercultural Studies- (ioe.icis@ucl.ac.uk)


Professor Adam Komisarof - President of the International Academy of Intercultural Research

Dr Jane Woodin - Intercultural Communication SIG co-coordinator, British Association for Applied Linguistics

Professor Jorge Diaz-Cintas - School of European Languages, Culture and Society, UCL

Dr Silvia Colaiacomo - UCL Arena Centre for Research-Based Education

Dr Leslie Bash - Intercultural Centre for International Studies, IOE, UCL

Dr Terri Kim - Intercultural Centre for International Studies, IOE, UCL

Professor Hugh Starkey - Department of Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment, IOE, UCL School leadership in the Anthropocene

15 March 2023, 4pm – 5pm Free to attend.

The Anthropocene is a geological epoch we are in now, initiated around 200 years ago by the activities of one species –homo sapiens.

In this seminar, the panel will discuss the implications of this for the practice of school leadership. They propose an agential approach that enables children and adults to respond knowledgeably, humanely and practically to multiple global challenges.

The aim for the session is to create a space for discussion about whether school leadership is fit for the urgent challenges faced by all humanity in the Anthropocene.

The presentation will be followed by a Q&A. Speakers:

Dr David Godfrey - Associate Professor in Education Leadership and Management, Centre for Educational Leadership (CEL)

Dr Rupert Higham - Associate Professor, Centre for Educational Leadership (CEL)

Dr Monica Mincu - Lecturer, Centre for Educational Leadership (CEL)

Dr Alison Kitson - Associate Professor in History Education, UCL IOE

Reflective teaching, evidence, and control of teacher education

23 March 2023, 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm W3.01 Based at the IOE - Free to attend.

Join this event to celebrate the newest editions of Bloomsbury’s Reflective Teaching series with the authors, Andrew Pollard, Dominic Wyse and Caroline Daly and their team of esteemed contributors.

Chair: Helen Hamlyn Centre for Pedagogy hhcp@ucl.ac.uk


Professor Andrew Pollard

Professor Dominic Wyse

Professor Caroline Daly

Professor Alison Fuller

Vivienne Baumfield

Rachel Boyle

Adventures in drama and digital animation

13 June 2023, 5pm – 6pm, 739. Based at the IOE - Free to attend.

In this seminar, Michelle and Sara will discuss the importance of affect in the children’s processes and performance and the availability of new roles in the multimodal play, which allowed vulnerable and disenfranchised children to exert agency.

Organiser: International Literacy Centre ioe.ilc@ucl.ac.uk


Dr Sara Hawley - Lecturer in Media at Department of Culture, Communication & Media, UCL IOE

Dr Michelle Cannon - Lecturer in Digital Arts and Media Education at Department of Culture, Communication & Media, UCL IOE

Day 3: Wednesday 29th March 10am -

11am Enjoying the Journey: Going for Gold - How will you know that your dissertation dance is any good?

“Are you struggling to think what your dissertation is about, or how to do it? Would you like to discover the joy of academic writing? If so, please join me, Professor Kathryn Riley, in this three-part Workshop: 150 minutes of your time in all!”

To make the most of this enjoyable learning opportunity, please attend Days 1 and 3, and find the space for the writing task on day 2. The sessions will also be made available online. The link will be distributed to all students.

Study with us

We have a range of in person and an online Post Graduate Taught selection.

MBA Educational Leadership (international)

Dissertation Support Sessions: Your MA Dissertation and YOU

Finding YOUR way through the Dissertation Maze: A Workshop in three Parts March 2023, delivered by Professor Kathryn Riley

Day 1: Monday 27th March 10am - 11am

Finding your Voice: What’s at the heart of your dissertation story? What are the rules of the dissertation dance?

Day 2: Tuesday 28th March - 30 minutes

Writing Brief in your own time Writing your Brief: What’s your dissertation story about? Who is it for? Why are you telling it?

The MBA Educational Leadership (International) is the premier postgraduate degree in educational leadership, offered at the world’s leading university education department (World #1 for last eight years). The programme focuses on the business of education (hence the ‘B’ in MBA) which is defined as the establishment, maintenance and enhancement of effective learning environments for the student body to be served.

The programme is suitable for a wide range of educators and we typically have students from across the age spectrum including pre-school, state and independent schools, further and higher education and education administrators. A prime audience is those who are or aspiring to be executive leaders in educational settings, who are accountable for multi-part or multi-site organisations. The degree is a taught programme requiring episodic attendance in London, with each module running for a total of four days, on Friday & Saturday with about a month between. We do have commuting students who fly in for the weekend and then home again. In recent times we have had many students based overseas as well as those in the UK. Successful completion of NPQEL and/or NPQH (within five years of start of programme) can be accredited on application to the degree.

Applied Educational Leadership MA

The Applied Educational Leadership MA is a world-class, fully online, flexible 3-year programme for middle or senior leaders in schools, colleges, universities, charities, edu-businesses and government around the world. It has received consistently excellent feedback and results since 2003, attesting to students’ significant personal and professional development.

AEL consists of four taught modules and a year-long practical research project. Students learn to integrate theory, evidence and experience, and to plan and implement change in their professional contexts. Throughout, they engage with expertly curated up-to-date materials, and high-quality dialogue with tutors, supervisors and a global network of peers.

Please visit our website, and contact the Programme Leader, Dr Rupert Higham, for any further information. You can also watch this short video to hear what people think about this programme.

MA Educational Leadership (in-service)

Within the Centre of Educational Leadership here at UCL IOE, the MA Educational Leadership is an excellent programme of study at postgraduate level. We focus on developing your understanding of leadership and management, analyse the policy landscape, and consider the process of change and improvement. Optional modules offer focus on leading and developing learning within a range of educational settings and an exploration of the contexts, purposes and practices of leadership within a global perspective.

These areas of study build on the leadership and management experience you will have already gained in an educational setting. One of the strengths of the course is bringing a wealth of experience together from wide ranging settings and contexts to create rich discussions in the taught sessions. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to work with a supervisor on an extended project, either a 10,000 word Report or 20,000 word Dissertation. This will be focused on a specific area of leadership research and represents the culmination of the programme. It is ideal preparation for future studies including the PhD or EdD within UCL or elsewhere.

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