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D. Cost Estimates

areas by communities, upgrade basinwide research and database development, or encourage extension services in place of regulation. Infrastructure for waste management, water supply and sanitation, multipurpose landing sites, ecotourism, and expanded rural credit and microfinance may also be appropriate.

36. Cofinancing. The Project will leverage grant funding from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the United Nations Development Programme’s (UNDP’s) Capacity 21 program to promote complementarity of operations and sharing of experience (Appendix 8). GEF aims to meet the incremental cost of achieving global benefits, or the cost of an alternative project to that which a country would have undertaken in its own interest. Its contribution to the Project will build management capacity for biodiversity conservation in the TSBR.48 UNDP's Capacity 21 program aims to build capacity for sustainable development. Its contribution to the Project will strengthen the ability of staff of CFDO and provincial line agencies to engage communities in natural resource management.


37. Social Participation. The Project will promote community organization for natural resource management. Using a process approach, trained provincial staff of the DAFF; DOE; and contracted NGOs will select communities willing to participate in project activities. The communities will be trained in group activities. The poorer sections of the communities and women, particularly those who head households, will be encouraged to take part.

38. Specific Targeting of Beneficiaries. The Project will provide full opportunities for women, especially those who head households, to participate in community organization, representation, training, training of trainers, and decision-making. The target is to allocate 40% of seats in community organizations to women depending on specific local situations and needs. Subgroups of women will be organized at village level for training and capacity building for participation and leadership.

39. Surveys on Livelihood Attributes. Community information collected in the process of prioritizing targets will serve for project monitoring and evaluation. The information will define the communities in terms of natural resource base, social stratification, poverty, livelihood systems, conflict, agricultural production, food insecurity, indebtedness, organization, gender issues, and access to economic resources. After 2 years, an external research institute will be contracted to carry out an evaluation. Using participatory techniques and the baseline information, the institute will assess progress in community organization.

D. Cost Estimates

40. The total project cost, including contingencies, taxes, and duties, is estimated at $19.4 million equivalent, consisting of foreign exchange of $8.8 million (about 45%) and local currency of $10.6 million equivalent (about 55%). GEF will cofinance the Project in the amount of about $3.9 million through a grant to be implemented by UNDP. In addition, UNDP's Capacity 21 program will provide about $623,000 as grant.49 The Government will finance about $3.9 million equivalent in local currency (Appendix 9).

48 The World Conservation Society wishes to cofinance, in the amount of $200,000, project activities to develop systems for monitoring and management. 49 Cofinancing by UNDP is contingent on approval of the loan by ADB and cofinancing by GEF.

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