5 minute read
5. Summary Cost Estimates
Table A5.1: Project Components by Year—Base Costs ($ '000)
06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 Total
Support Community-Driven Development 2,628 7,589 5,469 1,815 17,501 Safeguard Core Areas 0 493 279 0 772 Build Skills and Awareness for Sustainable
Livelihoods 589 520 89 34 1,232
Total Baseline Costs 3,217 8,602 5,837 1,849 19,505
Physical Contingencies 62 61 30 21 176 Price Contingencies Inflation Local 67 213 162 87 529 Foreign 45 82 55 17 199 Subtotal Inflation 112 294 217 105 728 Devaluation (9) (29) (23) (13) (73) Subtotal Price Contingencies 104 266 195 92 656
Total Project Costs 3,384 8,929 6,062 1,962 20,337
Taxes 234 1,014 718 246 2,212 Foreign Exchange 1,604 2,982 1,927 389 6,901
Source: Asian Development Bank estimates.
Table A5.2: Expenditure Accounts by Components—Base Costs ($'000)
Support CommunityDriven Development Safeguard Core Areas
Build Skills and Awareness for Sustainable Livelihoods Total
Physical Contingencies
% Amount
A. Investment Costs
1. Civil Works 173 0 0 173 10.0 17 2. Vehicles a. Vehicles 293 36 86 415 0 0 b. Boats 15 0 0 15 0 0
Subtotal (2) 308 36 86 431 0 0 3. Equipment and Furniture 85 15 0 100 5.0 5 4. Consulting Services a. International Consultants 1,961 470 357 2,788 0 0 b. Domestic Consultants 1,366 115 155 1,636 0 0
Subtotal (4) 3,327 586 512 4,424 0 0 5. Training and Workshops a. Training 0 0 387 387 10.0 39 b. Workshops 102 20 132 255 10.0 25
Subtotal (5) 102 20 519 641 10.0 64 6. Field Expenses 0 36 86 121 5.0 6 7. Livelihood Grants a. Social Infrastructure 5,874 0 0 5,874 0 0 b. Income-Generating Grants 3,371 0 0 3,371 0 0 c. Community Fisheries 2,346 0 0 2,346 0 0
Subtotal (7) 11,591 0 0 11,591 0 0
Total Investment Costs 15,586 693 1,203 17,481 0.5 93 B. Recurrent Costs 1. Project Administration
a. International Consulting 49 0 0 49 0 0 b. Domestic Consulting 81 0 0 81 0 0 c. Administration Costs 187 15 30 231 0 0 d. Staff Costsa 1,034 56 0 1,090 5.0 54
Subtotal (1) 1,351 71 30 1,451 3.8 54
2. Operations and Maintenance
a. Building O&M 11 0 0 11 5.0 1 b. Vehicle and Boats 247 9 0 256 5.0 13
Subtotal (2) 259 9 0 267 5.0 13 3. Social Infrastructure O&M 305 0 0 305 5.0 15 Total Recurrent Costs 1,915 79 30 2,024 4.1 83 Total Baseline Costs 17,501 772 1,232 19,505 0.9 176 Physical Contingencies 112 8 56 176 0 0 Price Contingencies Inflation Local 463 18 48 529 0 0 Foreign 166 14 20 199 0 0 Subtotal Inflation 629 32 68 728 0 0 Devaluation (64) (2) (7) (73) 0 0 Subtotal Price Contingencies 565 30 61 656 1.9 12
Total Project Costs 18,178 810 1,349 20,337 0.9 188
Taxes 2,054 25 133 2,212 0.9 19 Foreign Exchange 5,859 498 544 6,901 0.5 37 a Includes all payments to Government staff assigned to the Project, and any other local staff recruited by the Project.
O&M = operation and maintenance.
Source: Asian Development Bank estimates.
Table A5.3: Expenditure Accounts by Financiers ($'000)
Local Duties Item
Government of Cambodia
Asian Development Bank
Government of Finland Total Foreign (Excluding and Amount % Amount % Amount % Amount % Exchange Taxes) Taxes A. Investment Costs
1. Civil Works 59 30.0 139 70.0 0 0 198 1.0 69 99 30 2. Vehicles a. Vehicles 8 1.8 426 98.2 0 0 433 2.1 217 61 156 b. Boats 0 0.0 16 100.0 0 0 16 0.1 5 8 3
Subtotal (2) 8 1.7 441 98.3 0 0 449 2.2 221 69 159 3. Equipment and Furniture 0 0 110 100.0 0 0 110 0.5 71 22 16 4. Consulting Services a. International Consultants 0 0 0 0 2,858 100.0 2,858 14.1 2,572 286 0 b. Domestic Consultants 0 0 0 0 1,677 100.0 1,677 8.2 168 1,510 0
Subtotal (4) 0 0 0 0 4,535 100.0 4,535 22.3 2,740 1,795 0 5. Training and Workshops a. Training 68 15.0 383 85.0 0 0 451 2.2 90 293 68 b. Workshops 45 15.0 256 85.0 0 0 302 1.5 60 196 45
Subtotal (5) 113 15.0 640 85.0 0 0 752 3.7 150 489 113 6. Field Expenses 14 9.4 123 90.6 0 0 135 0.7 41 81 14 7. Livelihood Grants a. Social Infrastructure 0 0 6,021 100.0 0 0 6,021 29.6 2,107 3,010 903 b. Income-Generating Grants 0 0 3,455 100.0 0 0 3,455 17.0 691 2,246 518 c. Community Fisheries 0 0 2,405 100.0 0 0 2,405 11.8 481 1,563 361
Subtotal (7) 0 0 11,881 100.0 0 0 11,881 58.4 3,279 6,819 1,782 Total (A) 193 1.1 13,333 73.8 4,535 25.1 18,061 88.8 6,572 9,375 2,114
B. Recurrent Costs
1. Project Administration a. International Consulting 0 0 0 0 52 100.0 52 0.3 52 0 0 b. Domestic Consulting 0 0 0 0 87 100.0 87 0.4 9 78 0 c. Administration Costs 5 2.1 245 97.9 0 0 250 1.2 25 225 0 d. Staff Costsa 2 0.2 1,165 94.6 64 5.2 1,231 6.1 0 1,231 0
Subtotal (1) 7 0.5 1,410 87.0 203 12.5 1,620 8.0 86 1,534 0 2. Operations and Maintenance a. Building O&M 2 15.0 11 85.0 0 0 13 0.1 4 7 2 b. Vehicle and Boats 42 15.0 247 85.0 0 0 290 1.4 116 131 44
Subtotal (2) 45 15.0 258 85.0 0 0 303 1.5 120 138 45 3. Social Infrastructure O&M 353 100.0 0 0 0 0 353 1.7 123 176 53 Total (B) 406 17.8 1,667 73.3 203 8.9 2,276 11.2 329 1,848 98
Total Project Costs 599 2.9 15,000 73.8 4,738 23.3 20,337 100.0 6,901 11,223 2,212
a Includes all payments to Government staff assigned to the Project and any other local staff recruited by the Project. O&M = operation and maintenance. Sources: Asian Development Bank estimates.