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Margaret Crenshaw

Margaret Crenshaw

Catherine Davies is quietly behind the scenes making our layouts pop with creativity and intention. Davies has been part of the “cut and paste crew” since joining the magazine in 2009. Occasionally she can be coaxed in front of the camera and has appeared in multiple ad campaigns for Palmettoes and fashion spreads. Her quirky sense of humor and general good nature has earned her the nickname of “Sunny,” and when not working in an Adobe Suite app, she can be found training for some ridiculous race. Her current goal is 100 miles…so get out the way!

Morgan O’Banion-Ambler was part of the team when the magazine started almost 20 years ago. After a brief hiatus, Ambler returned to be a CH2 girl in 2020. A bright, bubbly personality, she excels at making new friends and taking care of her clients. Her daughter Harper has been an honorary member of the CH2 crew since birth in 2010. When not raiding the fridge for snacks at the office, O’Banion-Ambler can be found entertaining her kids, running on the Cross Island Parkway or taking an impromptu trip to Lake Fontana, her favorite place in the whole world.

Hunter Kostylo came to the magazine as an intern, fresh from the College of Charleston, communications degree in hand. At first, she worked primarily behind the scenes as a graphic designer (and liaison to Crouch’s clients). But Kostylo’s job titles grew to include art director, videographer, website expert and general tech genius. Kostylo has the unenviable job of corralling salespeople and keeping them organized, while assisting Washo in her over-ambitious plans for monthly content. When not working, you can find Kostylo chilling with her besties, probably regaling them with the chaos she has to deal with on a daily basis.

Kaila Jeffcoat pulls double duty as sales rep and stylist for the team. She has an eye for fashion and an attention to detail that shines in every fashion spread produced by the CH2 crew. Originally from Washington State, Jeffcoat came for the summer, met a local boy, got married, and decided to stay forever. When not coordinating a fashion shoot or bonding with her clients, she can be found off on some adventure with her husband Rhett and her dog Asher.

Kandace Cunningham is the other former New Yorker on the team—a transplant who found her way south and decided to stay a spell. In 2013, when CH2 held its first Bachelorette of the Year contest, Cunningham was nominated. While she didn’t win the title, she did win a career and has been with the team as a caring client rep for over 10 years now. She recently got married at the Burnt Church Distillery and enjoys hanging out with her new hubby and canine kiddos while golf carting around Bluffton. She’s a social animal and can often be found supporting new businesses and attending business events after hours.

Although not everyone is pictured here, we cannot leave out the women who contribute to this magazine on a monthly basis. Linda Hopkins makes sure our i’s are dotted and our t’s are crossed; we are so grateful for her attention to detail when editing the pieces and parts along the way. She is also one hell of a writer when she has time.

We also want to give a shout-out to our regular contributors Cheryl Ricer, Amy Bartlett, Becca Edwards, Liz Mayhew, Courtney Hampson, Sheila Critchley and of course, Bluffton Mayor Lisa Sulka. Every single one of these ladies help us produce a magazine we are extremely proud of each month.

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