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Karla Ramos

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Margaret Crenshaw

Margaret Crenshaw

What drives you/makes you excited to start the day?

I am genuinely passionate about helping others achieve the dream of homeownership. There’s an incredible sense of fulfillment that comes from guiding my clients through the process and witnessing the joy they experience when they find their perfect home.

The combination of helping others achieve homeownership and assisting them in building their wealth through real estate investment is what truly drives me. It’s a privilege to be a part of such a significant journey in people’s lives and to contribute to their long-term happiness and financial well-being.

Did you have a mentor—someone who really helped you along the path to entrepreneurship?

Yes, my dad has been a significant mentor in my journey as a Realtor and entrepreneur. He has always been an inspiration for me to grow both professionally and personally. His guidance and hard work have shaped my approach to business, emphasizing the importance of helping others and working with strong ethics.

Tell us something you wish you had known when you started on your career path—a bit of advice for other women in business. I wish I had known earlier to prioritize balancing family and work life while making my health a priority. Striving for a healthy worklife balance allows us to be more present, focused, and effective in both our personal and professional lives. By finding this equilibrium, we can maintain our energy, resilience, and passion for what we do.

Mountains or ocean?

Ocean! I love the way the ocean evokes a profound sense of peace and freedom within me.

Guilty pleasure?

Peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Give us three qualities a leader must have.

Adaptability: Leaders must be flexible and adaptable in the face of change; effective communication with empathy; and the ability to inspire others.

What podcast do you listen to for inspiration or to learn from?

Tom Bilyeu and Ed Mylett.

What is one thing you are looking forward to doing when you retire? To travel more and spend more time at the beach.

If you could learn any skill, what would it be?

If I could learn any skill, one area I would love to explore is playing a musical instrument.

What is your favorite tech toy (for work or play) that you can’t live without?

My cell phone and laptop that allow me to work remotely.

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