6 minute read
Towards Enhancing Eco-Expanse
Soft skills in supply chain management is like the blood that runs in a body, nourishing and keeping all organs working together. In business, soft skills keep all functions working together in a seamless manner with least disruptions, conflicts, and impact on morale.
inventory levels in the firm. Alternate input products or different specs products can be tried out to ride over input shortages or steep cost increases. It is also quite possible that breakthrough innovations which are long term and sustainable might come out under such opportunities. We have seen one such step change in cement manufacturing where a few years ago, one innovative firm used pet coke instead of coal as fuel to tide over coal supply led shortages and, in the process, started a manufacturing process innovation through alternate fuel option & at the same time, reducing supply risks and cost of solid fuels in the cement industry. But this was possible only due to the collaborative and active working between manufacturing and supply chain teams, supported by the top leadership of the company.
Similarly, marketing/sales can improve their demand forecasting and /or introduce push or pull back sales drives to handle production level changes/disruptions in the short term. Again, I can cite an example from the cement industry. One of the many cement products is PPC, a fly ash based cement. Many a times, supply of fly ash gets disrupted due to breakdowns of supplying power plants. At these times, due to quick communication from supply chain, the manufacturing plants change the product mix, and the sales managers respond with speed and flexibility and sell alternative products like OPC or slagbased cement or a composite cement, which have a similar value proposition and benefit to the consumer. This kind of working together with supply chain, have proved beneficial to all including the customer. This is the way rather than sales shouting at logistics for nonsupply of product and losing sales and customers and the business.
The above two might be routine examples, but nevertheless important as they speak of the need for a collaborative working in an organization that should be driven by supply chain function and its true spirit of collaborative working.
Before I attempt to highlight what I consider to be important soft skills for a supply chain, I would point out why these soft skills become important. Some of them could be a repetition from above but are worth repeating as it is important to know the problems and the reason for the problem before we suggest the solution. Some of the issues diluting the importance and due place for soft skill based on my experience are: Functional goals make managers look more inward than outward Most of the performance management systems in organizations lay more emphasis on achieving functional
KPIs, which are often contradictory to each other and to the business goals and strategy Lack of job rotation make managers less appreciative of challenges and contributions that other functions can offer An unexpressed feeling of insecurity in the functional managers that their role, function, and importance will be lost if they optimize a holistic solution in a collaborative way rather than maximize from their functional perspective. This kind of approach is fuelled more by the overall culture of an organization Pure ego games of an influential and strong manager in a function mostly in sales or manufacturing/ line function General culture of an organization – do they target the issue or the person when a problem comes up? If it is
the latter, then each function and manager try to safeguard their turf KPIs for employees/managers are mostly business linked (volume, cost, contribution, growth etc.). Sure, it is important but the soft skills and demonstrated abilities in that realm are rarely measured, rewarded, or spoken about The general attitude of societies that soft people are weak managers and belief that fear drives work and compliance. Undue /over emphasis on aggressive behaviour as a required trait of leaders also contributes to this malice Related to the above is the approach of many firms who do not understand that a different view is not disobedience and as such employees must be encouraged to challenge, ask, and work in a collaborative way. In spirit, they tend to follow a command and No questions please approach Lack of formal training in soft skills except cost/price negotiating skills in purchase and sales.
Other skills like active listening, empathy, assertiveness, timely communications, creativity, learning innovation management, being respectful to suppliers and vendors as partners, persuasion skills, flexibility, are usually quickly spoken about in Town Hall meetings but soon forgotten at workplace Lack of support from leadershipwho think that maximizing each functional goals and returns will maximize the business results is true only up to a point. If pushed too far would result in damaging the internal cohesion and business. Hence, the leadership need to manage a fine balance between functional and overall goals An incorrect belief of procurement
managers that suppliers are selfcentred and not trustworthy, and one must suck out maximum from them, hinders building partnerships with suppliers for innovation and cost reduction.
I am sure everyone has their own experience and reasons as to why we mostly do not hone soft skills or highlight them much, especially in supply chain. Supply chains are seen as delivery and cost reducing engines but what is lost is that the fuel for this engine is a good set of soft skills, which will work on collaboration and cohesion in business. We can ill afford not working on soft skills as supply chains face challenges often risking the business and can also deliver opportunities to the business, if we work in alignment. Logistics safety issues resulting in fatalities and injuries to people, demand and supply volatility, price and cost volatility, in-transit and storage hazards resulting in financial losses, changing customer expectations, competition and regulatory pressures and restrictions – all of them pose challenges to supply chains. So, the following soft skills become necessary to face these challenges: Collaboration Clarity while talking and active listening Persuasion Adaptability Flexibility Agility Ability to drive innovation Job mobility Cross-cultural outlook and nature Empathy and supportive nature Training each other Transparent feedback and communication Planning and working together
I am sure there are many such attributes that managers especially supply chain managers need to develop so that team members from other functions are brought on-board and end to end business is managed as a synchronized orchestra. Getting demand forecasting right and improving predictability will help reduce conflicts and stress, enabling a more trust-worthy atmosphere.
To sum up, it is to be remembered that soft skills in supply chain management is like the blood that runs in a body, nourishing and keeping all organs working together… in a business-keeping all functions work together in a seamless manner with least disruptions, conflicts, and impact on morale.
For that supply chains must take lead. But how??? I propose: Proactive communication within and outside organization Active listening and understanding Formal training on soft skills too Balanced KPIs covering both functional and soft skill result demonstration Transparent feedback sessions and rewarding managers demonstrating both strong functional and strong soft skills. Cross-functional teams’ approach to address special goals Encourage cross-functional innovation labs Job rotation and exposure to different work locations Accepting genuine failures and encouraging people to take risks Game-based assessments in addition to year end results achieved for deciding increments Use of AI tools in soft skill education and on-job training.
Supply chains have a great future, and they will be the lifelines for organizations.
My final message through this article is just this, “What happens if you try and remove S (soft) in Skills.” I am sure everyone must have got the hidden meaning and is poised to work towards making SOFT SKILLS an important criterion in their HR strategies.