Black mambo jungle book

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Once upon a time there was a crazy monkey. One day he arrived into the “quiet part of the jungle” dancing and laughing non-stop. All the animals looked at the strange creature and could not belive their eyes, as they were very peacefull and nobody really knew what was going on in the “crazy part of the jungle”. The animals gathered by the eldest tree to

discuss the situation... and the jolly Parrot said: “No one else should cross that bridge, it’s

mistiriously dangerous on the other side... everyone knows it! There is a crazy jungle beyond that bridge, way beyond than wild...� But because the crazy

monkey was so rare and funny everybody got interested about him and his story. and the crowd said: “Yes men! could be! but he’s very funny!! We are bloody bored over here! we are courious! and we want some action, men!” So the blue bird, as a living oracle, said: “Daaangerous... daaaangerousss... everything will change...! after you’ll regrrret!

and it will be to late!!!” and the crowd awnsered: “But he looks harmless men! what can a crazy monkey change?”

The wise elephant also had something to say: “All the animals in this jungle shoud stay away from that crazy monkey, he comes from the other side of the jungle, and he’s bloody wicked...” but, of course, nobody listen... never anything wxtra-ordinary happened in the quiet part of the jungle, and they were very bored. The thing was... as he couldn’t stop laughing, nobody could understand what

the heck he was trying to say, and even if at the begining the situation was funny, after a couple of days it began to feel very anoying. So the animals didn’t pay atention to him anymore. Days past by, with nobody knowing his trouth... and as he lost everyone’s atention he began to feel bored and lonely, and his nature finaly kicked in: “What a tricky situation” the monky said, and then he gave a poisoned red berry to

the blue bird, who flu away changing colors and turning brown, purple and red as he desapeard into the sky.

The End

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