The School of Spiritual Psychology Center of Earthosophy -
Crystals, Minerals, and Metals – A Way of Earth-Healing
All the amethysts pictured in this article are offered for purchase in the Shop. Each stone is pictured with a complete description of size, quality, location where found, price, and what comes with the purchase of the stone – the spiritual-earth description, instructions on contemplative practices with the stone, and an earth-healing essence. With this posting, we begin a new, ongoing work with the Earth. The School of Spiritual Psychology is deeply engaged in developing contemplative presence with Earth – What we have termed “Earthosophy” – the spiritual-‐ soul presence of the Wisdom of Earth, and Earth-‐healing
“New Age” interest in stones focuses primarily on what crystals, gemstones, and minerals can do for a human being. We at the School have been working for years now with crystals, minerals, and metals as a central way of working to heal the Earth. The two are not exclusive of each other, but shifting attention from ourselves to Earth – well, nothing is more important than this, as is so slowly dawning on us. The project
We are working at the School, through our Goldenstone Press, on publishing several important books on crystals and minerals, books written from a perspective that brings a spiritual work that can be freer from our own egotism than is currently available. Through an ongoing posting of sections of these books, with commentary, we invite you into this work. Each posting will be accompanied by the presence of a particular mineral or crystal, presented as the cover of the writing. At the end of the article and commentary a short ‘spiritual-‐earth” description of the stone is given, contrasting it with a typical ‘new age’ description, to help orient this unique orientation. A selection of the featured stone is made available for
purchase. Each stone has been worked with spiritually. It comes with full instructions on being with and working with the stone in such a way that the presences of the stone can fulfill its own spiritual longing – to heal the Earth, as well as our longing to be Earth-‐healers. Earth-‐healing can only occur through this kind of unified presence of the spirit of the stone in union with the spirit-‐awareness of the human. This may all seem very far-‐fetched. The purpose of posting writings from as yet unavailable books is to establish that indeed this view is not far-‐fetched at all, and if it seems so, it is only because our cultural imagination, and thus our individual imagination, has for …. well, for centuries, been taken into self-‐centeredness, which is now our ‘base of operations.’ There is no better way to shift this imagination, which may have been a necessary imagination, but is now completely outmoded, than coming up against the impeccable truth and beauty of the mineral realm, holders of the highest of spiritual presences.
Reading Selection – from: Stars, The Human Being, and Precious Stones, by Siegfried Heinz-Jurgen Ahlborn, pgs. 1-5. ( A Goldenstone Press publication: in preparation, permissions granted.)
1. The Stones’ Memory. A Little Story Once upon a time there was a little angel. He sat swathed in warm love on God’s lap. He gazed transfixed into God’s countenance; he saw every one of God’s stirrings and feelings and felt them within himself, inside the deepest
chamber of his heart. But one time his attention was diverted, and he turned his gaze aside. He lost his balance and fell down off of God’s lap into the infinity of the universe. His plunge was so overwhelming that his consciousness left him and he fell into a deep faint. And he must have fallen for a long time — after all, heaven is big and endlessly wide — until suddenly he was woken up by a powerful jolt and by a brightness in his face. When he opened his eyes he was blinded by the light of the sun. But gradually, a wondrous world appeared before his awakening senses. Birds sang, flowers bloomed, clouds soared by, and mountains towered up before him. A world as beautiful as this was something he had never seen before, and filled with happiness he resolved to get to know it. He followed the course of the sun, sang with the birds, drank from the rivers’ pure sources, climbed the highest of the mountains’ peaks. He wandered through blossoming meadows, took pleasure in the fruits of the earth, and swayed in the treetops. He climbed down into the dark earth, too. But there he had a surprise. The sun’s light could be found there also. But it was frozen in the glistening, translucent crystals of the hard earth. Suddenly, a reminiscence began to stir in the angel’s heart, and an infinite sadness came over him. The wondrous light of the world lay enchanted and lifeless at his feet. But there was more: yet another light from a time long, long past. They were so beautiful, these crystals glowing in all colors and shapes, and yet they made him so sad. His memory stirred once more, and it seemed to him as if he had seen these colors and shapes of the stones once before, in a completely different way. But when and how might that have been? He wandered further along through the crevices of the earth and found many, many precious stones, one more beautiful than the other. But what he could not find was his memory of them. He wandered ever deeper into the earth’s night, and the glowing stones became for him nothing but glittering stars gathering around him. He beheld their images, which he had seen once before, and which now spoke through the stones to him. And then suddenly his memory lit up: “My god!” he cried, “Oh my God, how could I forget you? You carried me next to your heart, I sat on your lap, and from your eyes’ gaze I have drunk the light. My whole being lived in you once. And now, now you lie at my feet crumbled and deceased. In the form
of precious stones. When you were still alive, I lived within you, knew and beheld you — but now…” The pain made him cold and stiff and threatened to close off his heart. But then he felt wonderment at the way he was able to sense. If formerly he had lived before in utter devotion to the soul of God, now he was able to have thoughts about this God. In and through the pain of the separation, his spirit had awakened. He closed his eyes and listened into himself, and there he found his memories of the world’s birds, flowers, and mountains, of all the many and beautiful experiences and impressions the earth had given him. Not only he had memories, though; his creator, his god had them as well, and they lay in the precious stones at his feet. His pain became unbearable. Did his god consist of nothing more than dead recollections of His creation? Then he heard a voice within him: “I am not in the stones where you seek me. How could I be, when you can break them to bits, carry them off and alter them the same as you do your own memories? Your memories are your help not to lose me. My memories are my help not to lose you, so that you can find your way back to me. If you behold my memories in the stones, then I awaken within you. I perceive them through you when you have found me through them. For only the one who made the memories can also see them in you once again.” The voice paused, and the angel was profoundly shaken and taken aback. But then the voice went on: “I could only stop your fall by hurling myself toward you. And you could only find me again by beholding this barrier, this border which is the precious stones. But beyond it I was waiting for you. And now, now remember me.” The angel’s eyes lit up then, because he had found the living God again. Within himself he had heard His voice. When he re-‐emerged from the earth’s tombs into the light of day, his spirit and his figure had become more solid, and when he looked down himself, he recognized himself as human. In his hands he carried many shining precious stones, which he lovingly looked at again and again. Through them he had awakened, awakened in God. Full of joy he strode now through the sunlit world and brought the light of God to meet each one of its creatures, the birds and the clouds, the flowers and the mountains alike. For now he realized that all, all of them were creatures from the soul life of God and had helped to break his fall. And all of them wanted through him to return to God. The precious stones showed him the way and he took them along when he reunited with his Creator once and for all. Full of joy, the Creator took him in His
arms, because human knowledge had increased over the long journey, and God Himself could know and behold Himself in him. Only now was His creation consummated an able in humanity to become the new Creator.
Commentary This brief story completely re-‐orients our connection with the mineral world, and thus with Earth. Here, we can enter into the living imagination of the very spiritual origin of ‘precious stones’. ‘Precious’ here, is not limited to stones that are beautiful and expensive, but rather is an outlook, a way of being present to the world of stones. If we are to have a spiritual work with stones, then the work has to begin, right at the outset with an understanding of the spiritual nature of stones. Only chaos, confusion, and a patchwork of half-‐truths can result from the imagination of the mineral world as evolving as geology describes it. That is, if we take the mineral world to be, in essence ‘dead’, but somehow, in a quite contradictory way, saying that these ‘dead’ things of the material world can do spiritual wonders, is the prime example of confusion. Such confusion is not without consequence. Because the current ‘spiritual view’ of the stone world, the mineral world, is materialistic, any spirituality derived from such a view is at base materialistic. That view bleeds through everywhere in the use of crystals and minerals for ‘spiritual’ purposes. Because of the not-‐so-‐hidden materialism, greed lies at the center of any ‘spiritual work’ one might attempt. Taking in the imagination of this story, living with it, awakens something quite new and different. The mineral world originates together, in the spiritual world, with angelic beings, who, in mythic time (that is time beyond time, but still real and actual) joined themselves with the very Earth-‐Creation – as a way of assuring that in our very sensing, our very bodily being, there would be a sensing, though without contemplative effort, an unconscious sensing of Earth as a being of body-‐soul-‐and spirit – a spiritual presence embodied. The story further indicates that Earth is unfinished – that it is still spiritually evolving, but can do so only with the united help and presence of the unified “human-‐spiritual stone” working as one, for the sake of the spiritual Earth. When stones are simply removed from the earth -‐ just imagine how much this is done – for industrial purposes, but also the literally millions
of people who collect minerals and put them on the shelf for display, and the additional millions who use the crystals and minerals for what they are told can give them as spiritual powers and abilities – Earth is not only left bereft, spiritually abandoned – but also left with open spiritual wounds – that are not left to heal, but rather are invaded by harmful spiritual presences connected with the greed of those thoughtlessly extracting the stones. For an amazing, amazing picture of this process, see the film “The Hobbit”, and read the book!
Stone of the Month – Amethyst
To begin, let’s place a typical ‘new age’ way of speaking about amethyst alongside a spiritual-‐earth way of being with amethyst. This will help enter this new orientation. As you then read the book selection, keep a sense of the beings of amethyst within your heart. Amethyst (New Age Description); a stone of spiritual protection and purification. It can be an aid to curbing overindulgence and giving up bad habits. It can be used to assist one in quitting smoking, drinking, and drug use. It stimulates the crown chakra and is an aid to meditation, helping one to still oneʼs thoughts and to move into higher states of consciousness. It can clear oneʼs energy field of negative influences and attachments, and can thereby facilitate a field of spiritual light around the body that wards off negativity in oneʼs environment. (Robert Simmons, The Pocket Book of Stones, pg. 260) Amethyst (Spiritual-Earth Description 1) (silicon dioxide): Bestower of the life sense. (note – we will go into the intimate relation of stones and the 12 senses later – the life sense is the sensing, the actual sensing of being alive, well, or ill, and the balance.) The influence of
amethyst originates in Aquarius. The stone of Saint Christopher, who carries the life forces in order to open them unto the light of the spirit. Leads the human being into life, strengthens the liver and the powers of the metabolism. (From: Siegfried Heinz-Jurgen Ahlborn; Stars, the Human Being and Precious Stones, pg. 57) Amethyst (Spiritual-Earth Description 2 ) Soul virtue: The purple of amethyst is of a unique quality. The two components of magenta and blue are in a very sensitive, hovering mutual balance with each other, one marked by restraint. Each component selflessly withdraws in order that the other may manifest. In this delicate interaction there lives on the one hand the highest sensitivity in a mutual sensing one of the other, and on the other hand the highest considerateness. In this sensitivity and considerateness, the virtue of reverence, veneration, and humility is revealed in a sense-perceptible manner. Spiritual future: Through inner connection with the spiritual-earth presences of amethyst, “the human being is capable of sacrificing his thoughts to the divine thought-essence of the world and thus of having the world think within himself.�(from: Friedrich Benesch: Apocalypse. The Transformation of the Earth: An Occult Mineralogy, pg. 173).
All the amethysts pictured in this article are offered for purchase in the Shop. Each stone is pictured with a complete description of size, quality, location where found, price, and what comes with the purchase of the stone – the spiritual-earth description, instructions on contemplative practices with the stone, and an earth-healing essence.