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For Her
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MECO6936 ASSESSMENT 02 Social Media Project #Here
Social media project #Here For Her
#Here For Her is a social media campaign aims to raise awareness of mental health issues among young women and encourage them to deal positively and adequately with the distress and damage caused by mental health issues. Here For Her will launch on Instagram and Twitter.
Engagement Strategy The social Issue
Women's mental health is a social issue that needs to be taken seriously. Since most women are the primary carers of children, partners and parents, this may be the factor that affects their physical and mental health. And because of physiological factors, anxiety and depression will affect women at any time in their lives.
In Australia, about one in six women will experience depression, and one in three will experience anxiety during their lifetime. According to the latest summary statistics from the Australian Bureau of Statistics National study of mental health and wellbeing 2022. Between 2020 and 2021, one in four women (24.6%) had a 12-month mental disorder. It is two times more than the same age group of men (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2022).
Several media and brands have noticed this social issue and have launched social media campaigns to address the impact of psychological problems on people.
Maybelline New York - #BraveTogether
Maybelline invites people who are or have been affected by the mental issue to raise their hands on social media to show others that they are not alone. And tag @maybelline, #bravetogether.
This social media campaign aims to advocate for Z Generation to be brave, face their negative emotion, and eliminate the stigma and prejudice from discussions about mental health issues. They also provide professional services to help people worldwide who struggle with mental health issues.
Why it worked:
- This campaign leads the User-generated content with iconic communication methods “rise your hand” on social media.
- Mental health issues are defined as a significant struggle for the younger generation, while the brand's Maybelline audience is mainly aged between 14 and 24. So for the #BraveTogether social media campaign, there is a high consistency with Maybelline's audience.
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Audience Overview
In Australia, between 2020 to 2021, 46.6% of women from 16 to 24 years old experienced a 12-month psychiatric disorder, and 41.3% of women in the same age group experienced a 12-month anxiety disorder. It is significantly higher than all other genders and age groups.
Women during this age may be affected by various reproductive cycle stages, such as puberty, menstrual cycles, and pregnancy.
So that the target audience for this social media campaign is mainly women aged 16 to 24 in Australia. Especially women who are experiencing or have experienced mental health issues.
Audience persona card
Name:Emily Age:18
Gender:Female Location: Australia
Name:Lindy Age:23
Location: Australia
(Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2022)
Location: Australia
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Automated Management and Analytics
The social media management platforms Buffer will be used to assist in running this campaign.
Buffer has three main functions, publishing, analytics, and engagement. Buffer Publish allows planning and posting content to social media platforms in advance. Buffer Publish Analytics subsequently tracks trends in published content and hashtags. Buffer Reply will enable users to directly reply to comments from all connected social media accounts through the dashboard.
This will allow for a visualisation of the campaign process so that we can observe which posts are receiving good feedback and which are attracting more audiences, and which types of posts are more popular. Then we can adjust the content of the later posts according to the trends at any time.
The final goal set for the campaign is to reach over 10,000 total likes and over 100,000 views on Instagram. And Twitter is purposed to get 10,000 total retweets. Audience feedback and data reports generated by Buffer will measure the success of this campaign.
Community Manager Approaches
The Community Manager is responsible for building, developing and managing social media communities online and interacting with audiences and fans.
In this campaign, the community manager will be responsible for responding to comments on Instagram and Twitter through Buffer Replay, filtering quality user-generated content, and evaluating the requirements and preferences of audiences. Then repost their content to the homepage. It will motivate the audience and increase user engagement to create a positive and active social media space.
According to the Instagram and Twitter Community Guidelines, the community manager will monitor to ensure that the content on social media is inclusive, positive and appropriate and shared experiences from audiences are hundred per cent voluntary. Content must not violate privacy or ethics, and don’t post spam or nudity (Instagram, n.d.). If violated, the community manager will delete it immediately.
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(Buffer Analyse Post and Hashtag Performance Summary. Carver, 2019)
The campaign #Here For Her will launch on Instagram and Twitter.
Instagram and Twitter are popular platforms for young people with active streams (Alhabash & Ma, 2017) and will reach the target audience of the campaign #Here For Her, aged 16 to 24.
For this campaign, Instagram will be mainly used as a platform for producing image and video content, including campaign goals, concepts, influencers and knowledge spread, and collecting relevant data from the audience. Twitter is mainly used to export expertise, interact with the audience, reply to their questions and lead them to retweet their generated context.
Both platforms will use #hereforher as a hashtag for content and audience following.
Instagram is a platform for sharing photos and videos. The policies it uses are the Data Use Policy and the Privacy Policy (Instagram, n.d.). Instagram collects and uses information about its users to personalise their experiences and services. Instagram fosters a positive, inclusive and safe social media environment.
This campaign will mainly use Instagram stories that can be viewed within 24 hours to engage audiences. It can quickly gather information and preferences from viewers to adjust subsequent content to meet their requirements.
Twitter is a platform categorised as a microblogging site (Alhabash & Ma, 2017). It is rewarded the freedom and safety of all people to participate in public conversations. It also uses policies based on security, privacy and authenticity (Twitter Help Center, 2019).
Twitter has an accessible Retweet and Reply function, allowing for great real-time interaction with audiences. This campaign encourages audiences to retweet the content to reach more people in need and respond to audiences in the comments to make them feel valued. This will achieve the goals of the campaign.
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Audience Engagement strategy
1. The campaign #Here For Her will be launched on social media for the first time on International Women's Day. This day will bring more attention to the topic of women and the issue of women's mental health.
2. The campaign will start by categorising and identifying the women's mental health issues, using a questionnaire or quiz to provide the audience with an initial self-test.
3. All the content is divided into three modules, DO YOU KNOW, HOW YOU FEEL and LET'S DO THIS. It is completely focused on providing support to the audience. Awareness, communication and improvement will significantly help audiences to overcome their mental health difficulties.
4. All posting times will be based on the statistics of the best time to post on social media in 2022. Some content that needs to post at specific times, such as the relaxation exercises before bedtime, will also try to post at the most engaging time in the evening—allowing the content to reach the broadest range of audiences.
5. Concept - UGC
Responding to user-generated content will engage the audience and make them feel involved.
Everyday morning, an anxiety management strategy will be posted on Instagram. And the audience will be encouraged to follow and try and then post it as a photo with the hashtag #hereforher. High-quality photos will be reposted on the homepage.
Posts on Twitter will be replied to the comments as much as possible to make the audience feel they are seen.
6. Concept - Influencers
During the campaign, In this campaign, the audiences need the support from experienced experts and celebrities in order to reach their goals.
Sharon Sherwood will be invited to collaborate with live streaming on Instagram.
Cabrini Health is Australia's first women-only mental health hospital, and Sharon Sherwood is Cabrini's Head of Mental Health. In the live streaming, Sharon Sherwood will present specialist knowledge about women's mental health and improvement methods. She will also answer some questions from the comments in real-time. This will attract people in need to watch.
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The textile artist Janine McCrum will be invited to share her experiences about struggling with mental health issues and her unique insights on Twitter.
Janine McCrum is known for prompting discussions in regional communities on complex topics such as domestic violence and mental health, which are often difficult to reach. And she believes that artists can address issues that people don't necessarily want to talk about in a less threatening way. She will also reply personally to some people's questions in the comment.
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Content Calendar
Content Calendar
10:00am (Post) Image + Text Release the project, Introduction of the campaign #Here for her https://www.instagram.com/p/CkLm0lwBFv9/? utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
Women’s Day 10:00am (Reel) Video Release the project, Introduction of the campaign #Here for her https://www.instagram.com/reel/CkNBuFohZYt/? igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= 11:00am (Post) Image + Text Celebrate International Women's Day https://www.instagram.com/p/CkLnnaHh_fn/? utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Weekend
Twitter 9:00am (Tweet) Image + Text Release the project, Introduction of the campaign #Here for her https://twitter.com/celiachen9490/status/1585345474068099072? s=46&t=aqTKuJTDJkuFd_LPVYNuQw
9:00am (Tweet) Image + Text Celebrate International Women's Day https://twitter.com/celiachen9490/status/1585346465639305216? s=46&t=aqTKuJTDJkuFd_LPVYNuQw
DAY 2 09/03/2023 Thursday
Instagram 10:00am (Post) Image + Text What is anxiety and depression? (Do you know)
10:20am (Story) Vote Have you ever felt anxiety and depression? (How you feel)
10:30am (Post) Image + Text
The management strategy 01 Relaxation Exercises (Let’s do this)
Twitter 9:30am (Tweet) Questionnaire Anxiety and depression checklist.
10:00am (Tweet) Poster Statistics of women's experiences of mental health issues in Australia during 2020-2021.
DAY 3 10/03/2023 Friday
Instagram 10:30am (Post) Image + Text
The anxiety management strategy 02 Adjust Your Lifestyle (Let’s do this)
11:00am (Post) Image + Text Why do women suffer from anxiety and depression? (Do you know)
9:00am (Tweet) Poster Crisis support number for someone in need.
DAY 4 11/03/2023 Saturday
Instagram 9:00am (Post) Image + Text
The anxiety management strategy 03 Slow Breathing (Let’s do this)
9:10am (Story) Questionnaire What do you want to know about women's mental health (How you feel)
https://www.instagram.com/p/CkLp7YQB5Q4/? utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
https://www.instagram.com/s/ aGlnaGxpZ2h0OjE3OTk2NTQ0OTUyNTU3MTI2? story_media_id=2957737765367998220&igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
https://www.instagram.com/p/CkLq1_fhEYo/? utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
https://twitter.com/celiachen9490/status/1585640602720690178? s=46&t=8ym78csSS_B9D9cT1bhTzg
https://twitter.com/celiachen9490/status/1585641568354336769? s=46&t=8ym78csSS_B9D9cT1bhTzg
https://www.instagram.com/p/CkLrbX-hJXk/? utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
https://www.instagram.com/p/CkMEqhrBBtl/? utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
https://twitter.com/celiachen9490/status/1585641900144726017? s=46&t=8ym78csSS_B9D9cT1bhTzg
https://www.instagram.com/p/CkME5RkBwCJ/? utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
https://www.instagram.com/s/ aGlnaGxpZ2h0OjE3OTk2NTQ0OTUyNTU3MTI2? story_media_id=2957740896122497866&igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
9:00am (Tweet) Poster How can anxiety affect women? Female anxiety signs and symptoms. https://twitter.com/celiachen9490/status/1585642299991953409? s=46&t=8ym78csSS_B9D9cT1bhTzg
DAY 5 12/03/2023 Sunday
Instagram 9:00am (Post) Image + Text
The anxiety management strategy 04 Learn From Others (Let’s do this)
https://www.instagram.com/p/CkMFK-QB8hV/? utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
7:00pm (Post) Image + Text Live streaming preview for next Saturday https://www.instagram.com/p/CkMFyr-BnDH/? utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
9:00am (Tweet) Questionnaire Whether the women you know / in your family experiencing anxiety and depression?
DAY 6 13/03/2023 Monday
Instagram 11:00am (Post) Image + Text
The management strategy 05 Be Kind to Yourself (Let’s do this)
11:00pm (Reel) Video Difficult to fall asleep? Breathing exercise video guide audiences to relaxation. (Let’s do this)
Twitter 9:00am (Tweet) Poster What we can do if women in our family have mental health issues?
9:30am (Tweet) Poster Be brave and ask for help, mental health issues don't need to be hidden.
DAY 7 14/03/2023 Tuesday
Instagram 10:00am (Post) Image + Text
https://twitter.com/celiachen9490/status/1585643385180024833? s=46&t=8ym78csSS_B9D9cT1bhTzg
https://www.instagram.com/p/CkMGLK7h73-/? utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
https://www.instagram.com/reel/CkMGRMrBKAn/? utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
https://twitter.com/celiachen9490/status/1585644158173466626? s=46&t=8ym78csSS_B9D9cT1bhTzg
https://twitter.com/celiachen9490/status/1585645980296556547? s=46&t=8ym78csSS_B9D9cT1bhTzg
https://www.instagram.com/p/CkMHBXgBYd0/? utm_source=ig_web_copy_link 10:30am (Story) Image Conclude and share the audience-generated post which follows the management strategy
The management strategy 06 Make Brave Little Actions (Let’s do this)
Twitter 9:00am (Tweet) Poster Invite artists Janine McCrum to give some suggestions to women who struggling with mental health issue
DAY 8 15/03/2023 Wednesday
Instagram 10:00am (Post) Image + Text The management strategy 07 (Let’s do this)
12:00pm (Post) Image + Text Invite influencer to share their experience (How you feel)
Twitter 9:00am (Tweet) Poster Do you want to share your experience about anxiety or depression?
9:10am (Reply ) Text Reply comments with support information
https://www.instagram.com/s/ aGlnaGxpZ2h0OjE4MzI5NjQ3MzM5MDQ4MTQy? igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=
https://www.instagram.com/s/ aGlnaGxpZ2h0OjE4MzI5NjQ3MzM5MDQ4MTQy? igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=
https://twitter.com/celiachen9490/status/1585646216834322432? s=46&t=8ym78csSS_B9D9cT1bhTzg
08/03/2023 Wednesday (International Women’s Day)
(Let’s do this)
10:30am (Story) Image Conclude and share the audience-generated post which follows the management strategy
Twitter 9:00am (Tweet) Poster Invite artists Janine McCrum to give some suggestions to women who struggling with mental health issue
DAY 8 15/03/2023 Wednesday
Instagram 10:00am (Post) Image + Text The management strategy 07 (Let’s do this)
12:00pm (Post) Image + Text Invite influencer to share their experience (How you feel)
Twitter 9:00am (Tweet) Poster Do you want to share your experience about anxiety or depression?
9:10am (Reply ) Text Reply comments with support information
DAY 9 16/03/2023 Thursday
Instagram 10:00am (Post) Image + Text The management strategy 08 (Let’s do this)
12:00pm (Post) Image + Text
Twitter 9:00am (Tweet) Poster
DAY 10 17/03/2023 Friday
Invite artists to give some advice to women who struggling with anxiety and depression (How you feel)
Find stories of women who have successfully navigated depression from the last post comments and share them as posters
Instagram 10:00am (Post) Image + Text The management strategy 09 (Let’s do this)
11:00pm (Reel) Video Difficult to fall asleep? Muscle relaxation video guide audiences to relaxation. (Let’s do this)
Twitter 9:00am (Tweet) Q&A Quiz about mental health. Audiences are encouraged to reply with retweet.
DAY 11 18/03/2023 Saturday
Instagram 9:00am (Post) Image + Text The management strategy 10 (Let’s do this)
From 7:30pm to 9:00pm Live streaming Invite expert (Sharon Sherwood) to talk about women’s mental health service and support (How you feel)
Twitter 11:00pm (Tweet) Video Breathing exercise video guide audiences to relaxation.
DAY 12 19/03/2023 Sunday
Instagram 9:00am (Post) Image + Text The management strategy 11 (Let’s do this)
7:00pm (Story) Image Conclude and share the audience-generated post which follows the management strategy
Twitter 11:00pm (Tweet) Video Muscle relaxation video guide audiences to relaxation.
DAY 13 20/03/2023 Monday
Instagram 11:00am (Post) Image + Text The management strategy 12 (Let’s do this)
12:00pm (Story) Vote Do you think #Here for Her has helped you? (How you feel)
Twitter 11:00pm (Tweet) Video Guided imagery video guide audiences to relaxation
DAY 14 19/03/2023 Tuesday
Instagram 10:00am (Post) Image + Text The management strategy 13 (Let’s do this)
1:00pm (Story) Image Conclude and share the audience-generated post which follows the management strategy
Twitter 9:00am (Tweet) Q&A Do you think #Here For Her helped you?
12:00pm (Tweet) Poster Conclude the overall concept of this project. And share the website, organisation list for women who need help
https://www.instagram.com/s/ aGlnaGxpZ2h0OjE4MzI5NjQ3MzM5MDQ4MTQy? igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=
https://www.instagram.com/s/ aGlnaGxpZ2h0OjE4MzI5NjQ3MzM5MDQ4MTQy? igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=
https://twitter.com/celiachen9490/status/1585646216834322432? s=46&t=8ym78csSS_B9D9cT1bhTzg
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QIYA CHEN 520064883 10/18 Content Creation Home page of each platform https://twitter.com/Celiachen9490 https://www.instagram.com/hereforher__/
Day 01 08/03/2023 Wednesday (International Women’s Day)
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Twitter Instagram 10:00am 10:00am 11:00am 9:00am 9:00am
QIYA CHEN 520064883 12/18 Day 02 09/03/2023 Thursday Twitter Instagram 9:30am 10:00am 10:00am 10:20am 10:30am
QIYA CHEN 520064883 13/18 Day 03 10/03/2023 Friday Twitter Instagram 10:30am 11:00am 9:00am
QIYA CHEN 520064883 14/18 Twitter Instagram Day 04 11/03/2023 Saturday 9:00am 9:10am 9:00am
QIYA CHEN 520064883 15/18 Twitter Instagram Day 05 12/03/2023 Sunday 9:00am 7:00pm 9:00am
11:00am 11:00pm 9:00am 9:30am
Day 06 13/03/2023 Monday Twitter Instagram
QIYA CHEN 520064883 17/18 Day 07 14/03/2023 Tuesday Twitter Instagram 10:00am 12:00pm 12:00pm 9:00am
Alhabash, S., & Ma, M. (2017). A Tale of Four Platforms: Motivations and Uses of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat Among College Students? Social Media + Society, 3(1), 205630511769154. https://doi.org/ 10.1177/2056305117691544
Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2022, July 22). National survey of mental health and wellbeing. Australian Bureau of Statistics. https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/health/mental-health/national-study-mental-health-and-wellbeing/ latest-release
Australian Government National Mental Health Commission. (2022, March 8). International Women’s DaySnapshot of women’s mental health and wellbeing in Australia. National Mental Health Commission. https:// www.mentalhealthcommission.gov.au/news-and-media/media-releases/2022/march/international-women-s-daysnapshot-of-women-s-ment
Beyond Blue. (2022). Statistics. Beyondblue.org.au; Beyond Blue. https://www.beyondblue.org.au/media/statistics
Carver, R. (2019, April 19). First Look at Buffer Analyze - Buffer’s New Advanced Analytics and Reporting Tool. Fulcrum Forge. https://www.fulcrumforge.com/blog/2019/4/19/first-look-at-buffer-analyze-buffers-new-advancedanalytics-and-reporting-tool
Emplifi. (2022, April 18). Social Media Analytics: The Complete Guide | Emplifi. Emplifi.io. https://emplifi.io/ resources/blog/social-media-analytics-the-complete-guide
Fiore, B. (2022, September 21). Domestic violence, suicide and climate change are hard to speak about — so Janine uses art. ABC News. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-09-21/artist-makes-climate-change-domesticviolence-statement-denmark/101458452
Instagram. (n.d.). Help Center. Help.instagram.com. Retrieved October 28, 2022, from https:// help.instagram.com/477434105621119/?
Keutelian, M. (2021, July 29). Best Times to Post on Social Media: 2018 Industry Research. Sprout Social. https:// sproutsocial.com/insights/best-times-to-post-on-social-media/
Maybelline. (2020, September 25). Maybelline New York Launches Brave Together: A Long-Term Program to Support Anxiety and Depression Worldwide. Www.prnewswire.com. https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/ maybelline-new-york-launches-brave-together-a-long-term-program-to-support-anxiety-and-depressionworldwide-301138201.html
Mitchell, S. (2022, May 12). Social Media Statistics for Australia [2021 & 2022]. Meltwater. https:// www.meltwater.com/en/blog/social-media-statistics-australia
The National Institute of Mental Health. (2020). NIMH» Depression in Women: 5 Things You Should Know Www.nimh.nih.gov. https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/depression-in-women
Twitter Help Center. (2019, February 12). The Twitter Rules. Twitter.com; Twitter Help Center. https:// help.twitter.com/en/rules-and-policies/twitter-rules
Willis, O. (2018, November 2). Anxiety: Why the gender gap in Australia’s most common mental illness? - ABC News. Www.abc.net.au. https://www.abc.net.au/news/health/2018-11-03/anxiety-more-common-in-women/ 10454582
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