Aiesec Delft Board Positions July 2017

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AIESEC Delft Board

July 2017

Posi tions

Dear reader, Great that you are considering a board position within AIESEC! We are now recruiting for board positions that start July 2017. This booklet contains all necessary information regarding the available job profiles and the application procedure. An AIESEC board year provides you with great opportunities and challenges. During your year as a board member, you will develop yourself personally and professionally; expand your national and international network; develop a global mind-set, and have a lot of fun. And the good thing is: you can combine your studies with a part-time board year! It is AIESEC’s mission to develop young people into responsible leaders who have the capacity to shape the world around them. Many great leaders of today joined AIESEC when they were young. For example; Kofi Annan, Bill Clinton, and queen Maxima. Our team consists of 25 enthusiastic and ambitious people, who are working together in three teams. Will you be the next one to join the AIESEC team? We are looking forward to seeing you during the application period and are eager to learn more about you and your ambitions. Good luck and enjoy the process! On behalf of AIESEC, Celia de Vries Local Committee President AIESEC Delft 2016/2017


Content What is AIESEC? 4 What does AIESEC have to offer?


Structure AIESEC Delft 2017 6 Executive Board Full Time Positions 7 Local Committee Member Part time positions


Available Board Positions - Incoming Global Talent


Available Board Positions - Marketing 12 Available Board Positions - Outgoing Global Exchange


Application procedure 14


What is AIESEC? AIESEC is a global platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential. We are a non-political, independent, not-for-profit organisation run by students and recent graduates of institutions of higher education. Its members are interested in world issues, leadership and management. AIESEC does not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion or national / social origin. Since we were founded in 1948, we have engaged and developed over 1,000,000 young people who have been through an AIESEC experience. The impact of our organisation can be seen through our alumni who represent business, NGO and world leaders, including one Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Martti Atisaari of Finland.


What does AIESEC have to offer? Personal Leadership Development

Proffesional Development

Team Experience

and a whole lot of fun!

The leadership development model that you see here was developed by AIESEC. It shows the qualities that we want every person that engages with AIESEC to develop within themselves. Thus allowing you to be prepared for the challenges of the future.

On the picture here you can see a training we had during this year. During the year you’ll get various trainings both from external partners and from AIESEC’ers

As part of one of the three teams you’ll have a whole lot of good times. You work together on a functional level, you’ll have weekly team dinners and twice a year you’ll go on a team weekend.

During your year we’ll go on a weekends with the entire LC twice, we’ll also have two national conferences, and you can go abroad to an international AIESEC conference. Next to that; we have the weekly drinks, the possibility to join for lunch every day, national events, and dinner with the entire group!


Structure AIESEC Delft 2017


Executive Board - Full time positions

As an EB’er, you will officially start your term at the 1st of July 2017. However, once you are selected you will already have a number of responsibilities as EB-elect. This mainly involves the transition to becoming an EB’er on a parttime basis. AIESEC members are only in a position for one year. Because of that, it is vital that we try to ensure a minimal loss of knowledge and experience. We try to make sure you are prepared to the fullest, in order to provide you with an optimal starting period. During this preparation period we will do our best to operate within the possibilities of your schedule. During the summer, AIESEC’s processes and operations diminish in intensity. There are no meetings, and most part-timers are on vacation. You are not expected to work full-time, but we do recommend you to spend some time working during the summer. It’s perfectly possible to go on a holiday, but take the time to get to know your team, try to familiarise yourself with your responsibilities and make sure you are well prepared for the big start in September. We maintain a regular schedule of 9:30h to 17:00h. This does not include the meetings and drinks on monday evening, and the regular weekends conferences and trips. Expect an AIESEC event during the weekend per six weeks. They sometimes include international travelling and always include parties and fun. From the 1st of July 2017 you will be expected to be full-time available for AIESEC. You will officially end your term on the 1st of July 2018.


Local Committee President

Vice President Finance & ER

Vice President Incoming Global Talent

As LCP you are the final responsible for the Local Committee in your city. This means that you are the face of AIESEC, both internally and externally. Your job description is very broad, and involves many supporting tasks to make sure that the teams can operate. It is your responsibility to lead the LC, the EB and ensuring a good team atmosphere. You lead your entity according to the strategy for 2017 and 2018, while ensuring member development. The LCP tracks and coaches the VP’s and members on all processes, targets and personal goals and wellbeing.

As VP Finance and ER, it is your role to ensure financial sustainability and management of external relations in the Local Committee. Your responsibility is to maintain AIESEC in terms of financial management and bookkeeping. This includes creating and tracking budgets and financial forecasts to ensure sustainability. You guide and track business units/teams on both financial and non-financial performance. You establish new partnerships and evaluate current ones. or strategic opportunities companies can bring us.

The VP IGT is responsible for the incoming exchange team. You enable foreign students to come to the Netherlands for a professional internship. Your team consists of acquisition managers and account managers. The acquisition managers create internship availabilities at various companies. The account managers maintain contact with these companies and match their job description to students from our database. You are responsible for the performance of your team, and the personal and professional development of your team members.

Vice President Marketing

The VP Marketing is responsible for the team that has as mission to reach as many students as possible to help provide more leadership experiences. Your team works on online and offline marketing. The lead managers in this team are responsible for finding the people interested and helping them find their projects. The external relations managers maintain contact with all student associations for workshops and marketing opportunities. You are responsible for the performance of your team, and the personal and professional development of your team members.

Vice President

Outgoing Global Exchange

The VP oGX is responsible for the team that facilitates voluntary projects abroad and internships for Dutch students. Your team consists of Exchange Participant Managers for either the voluntary projects or the internships. The EP-managers maintain contact with these students once they are abroad. They help these students solving problems and make sure they have a valuable leadership experience. You are responsible for the performance of your team, and the personal and professional development of your team members.


Local Committee member - Part time positions At our local office we work with motivated and ambitious students in three different teams. Each of the teams has a different focus, but we are all working together towards the same goals. On a daily basis, we run our processes, we talk to students, to companies, we write strategy, we talk to the network, we send and receive students to and from all around the world, we organize events and of course, we have a lot of fun. In AIESEC, we work hard and we play hard! As a part time board member, you will spend an average of 15 hours a week on AIESEC from July 1st, 2017, both on working in your team or function and on working with AIESEC in general and the other teams.

Outgoing Global Exchange


Incoming Global Talent

As a member of the OGX team you are responsible for the Outgoing Exchange program. Together with both your VP and the other OGX team members you select, support, prepare and coach students who wish to go abroad with AIESEC.

Your team works on online and offline marketing. The lead managers in this team are responsible for finding the people interested and helping them find their projects. The external relations manager maintains contact with all student associations for workshops and marketing opportunities

As a member of the IGT team you are responsible for the Incoming Exchange program. Together with both your coordinator and the other IGT team members it is your responsibility to create as many quality traineeship opportunities as possible and to give the trainees a leadership experience by coaching them during their time in the Netherlands.


Available Board Positions


Available positions - Incoming Global Talent 1 x Account Manager As an accountmanager you are part of the Incoming Global Talent team. The goal of this team is to get international students to Delft to do a professional traineeship in the region. The main responsibility of the account manager is to ensure a good match between trainee and company. You are the one who will select suitable candidates from our database for the company, as well as the one taking care of all the formalities (housing, visa, work permit) for the trainee. You will also take care of organizing integration activities for the trainee. Do you like this profile? Scroll down and see how you can apply!

2 x Acquisition Manager As an acquisition manager you are part of the Incoming Global Talent team. The goal of this team is to get international students to Delft to do a proffessional traineeship in the region.The main responsibility of an acquisition manager is acquiring quality traineeship opportunities at companies in a designated region. This includes sales, cold calling and networking. Do you feel like you fit this profile? Scroll down to see how you can apply!


Available positions - Marketing 2 x Marketing Manager As a marketing manager you are part of the marketing team. The goal of this team is to get as many interested to go abroad with AIESEC Delft as well as to expand the brand awareness amongst the city. As a marketing manager you will be responsible for every marketing stunt/moment, content, & online marketing. Think of an awesome marketing stunt for example, creating the scenario, setting, and the idea is your responsibility. Are you creative enough and ready to reach a lot of people with your idea? Scroll down to see how you can apply!

1 x Lead Manager As a Lead Manager you are part of the Marketing team. Interested people are called ‘leads’ and you will be the first contact between these leads and AIESEC. The main responsibility of the Lead Manager is to make sure all interested people are contacted and informed about the possibilities of AIESEC. Next to this, the Lead Manager is also responsible for organising information lunches or evenings to get more people interested. Can you connect people to an organization? Scroll down to see how you can apply!

2 x External Relations As a External Relations Manager you are part of the Marketing team. AIESEC Delft is young, and is rapidly growing. It is very important to reach the right people and to create a broad external network. Stakeholders like the TU Delft are very important for AIESEC Delft to be able to operate. As an external relations manager you will have contact with external stakeholders and you will try to find ways to extend our network. Sounds appealing? Scroll down to see how you can apply!


Available positions - Outgoing Global Exchange 2 x EP manager for Outgoing Global Volunteer As an Exchange Participant Manager you are part of the Outgoing Exchange team. Whenever people are interested in going abroad for a volunteering project you step in. You will be their personal coach until they get back on the plain having had an amazing adventure. You will search for projects, match the customer to the best suitable project and prepare them doing a couple of session before they depart. Do you have affinity in customer relations? Do you like to be in close contact with the customer and to learn how to be a coach? Scroll down to see how you can apply!

1 x EP manager for Outgoing Global Talent As an EP manager for Outgoing Global Talent you are part of the Outgoing Exchange team. As for now, AIESEC Delft has only send people abroad on volunteering projects (Outgoing Global Volunteer). From January 2017 on, we are going to expand this with proffessional internships as well (Outgoing Global Talent). As EP manager you are responsible for matching students from Delft to internships abroad. You will be the coach of these people and will help them find the perfect internship abroad! You will search for projects, match the customer to the best suitable project and prepare them doing a couple of session before they depart. Are you up for this challenge? Scroll down to see how you can apply!


Application Procedure Within AIESEC, we put a lot of effort in selecting our applicants and making sure our members are employed in a position that fits their personality, interests and talents. Therefore, our application procedure has three stages.

Timeline: 15th February

Applications open LCP

17th March

Deadline Application LCP (Manifest + CV)

20th March

Vote of Confidence LCP

21 - 28th March

Interviews LCP

31 March

Deadline full time & part time applications

3 - 18th April

Interviews full time and part time

1) The Application Form In this stage, we are interested in you, your experience and your motivation. Before April 9th 23.59, make sure you take the following steps: Fill out the form at and please make sure to include your resume. The 11th of April we will call you to let you know if you’re invited to the assessments. If so, we’ll schedule anassessment moment and an option for an interview slot.


Application Procedure 2) The Assessment: In the assessment round, we hope to see more of your skills and personality. Together with other applicants, you’ll work on a case. Count on approximately 45 minutes, the assessment is planned in week 14 of 2017.

3) The Interview Interviews will be held from the 3rd of April. We take this time to ask you some questions about yourself, your motivation, skills and preferences. The interview will take about half an hour for part-time positions and an hour for full time positions. All applicants have the opportunity to receive feedback per email. On behalf of AIESEC I wish you the best of luck during your application process! If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us on or on my personal email celia. With kind regards, Celia de Vries Local Committee President 2016/17 AIESEC Delft


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