Local Committee
Application Booklet
Dear applicant, Congratulations! You made the first big step to become the next Local Committee President of AIESEC Delft for the 2017/2018 term. The following booklet will explain how the application procedure for the LCP 2017/2018 will take place. Being the LCP of AIESEC Delft is the most exciting, fulfilling and unforgettable experience that anyone can take upon. You will go through a journey of being challenged on a daily basis, develop yourself professionally as well as personally, become a leader and gain an extensive international network that last for a lifetime. Being part of the largest non-for-profit international student organization AIESEC is already an amazing experience: you learn to work in teams, discover your passion and personally develop yourself. However imagine being the president of that organization. You can actually shape your own vision into the next path of this organization. You will get the opportunity to lead a group of 20 ambitious individuals and inspire them to follow your vision. What is your next step in life? Will you step out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself? What is AIESEC to you and how will you take that in your year as LCP? Instead of thinking of all the reasons why not to apply, think of why you should. Because your next step in life should scare you a little but excite you a lot. In this application package you will find all info on becoming the next Local Committee President of AIESEC Delft. I wish you all the best of luck with your application. Celiia de Vries Local Committee President 2016 - 2017
AIESEC in General AIESEC is a global, non-political, independent, not-for profit organization run by students and recent graduates of institutions of higher education. AIESEC has envisioned peace and fulfilment of humankind’s potential. The way we create impact is by developing leadership. Our international platform enables young people to discover and develop their potential to provide leadership experiences for a positive impact on society. Its members are interested in world issues, leadership and management. AIESEC does not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, creed, religion, national, ethnic or social origin.
Job description As president you are the one with the final responsibility for AIESEC in Delft. This means that you are the face of AIESEC Delft, both internally and externally. Your job description is very broad, and involves many supporting tasks to make sure that the three teams can operate. As president you have a very versatile role including many different responsibilities. Furthermore, you are making sure that all stakeholders are satisfied with our services. In short: you monitor that AIESEC does what we strive for: developing leadership in students. The following points are all aspects that are part of the job of an LCP. However, a lot of it you can do in your own way, and there is a lot of opportunity to develop your own style. The president is the person with the final responsibility for the performance of the entire LC. This doesn’t imply that you will have to do everything on your own: it implies that it is your job to ensure that everyone else takes their responsibility.
Main final responsibilities Everything the LCP is supposed to do can be tracked down to the final responsibility for two key factors in AIESEC Delft: the performance of AIESEC Delft and the development of the committee. ◊ Creating a vision for AIESEC Delft and year ’16-’17 ◊ Translating this into a strategy: how are you going to achieve this vision this year? What projects need to be taken on to make this vision come true? ◊ Year planning ◊ Forming the head office together with the VP Finance: external relations, office management, financially responsible, head office projects. ◊ Leading the Executive Board: EB meetings Forming a team vision Tracking Maintaining motivation, team spirit, giving rewards & recognition Coaching ◊ Leading the LC: LC meetings Setting the atmosphere and an LC culture Maintaining motivation and commitment, giving recognition Coaching ◊ Keeping external relations involved (alumni, advisory boards, university, etc.) ◊ Member development: Personal goal setting Organising training opportunities (skills, attitude, knowledge) ◊ Transition & Take Over ◊ Performance tracking: Target tracking Personal goals tracking Financial performance tracking ◊ Recruitment: marketing & selection to find suitable new members for AIESEC Delft
Application procedure The application procedure for LCP is different from the procedure of the other fulltime functions. This is to test whether you can develop your own vision for AIESEC Delft and to assess your competencies thoroughly.
The manifest is a statement in which you present yourself, your motivation and your future plans for AIESEC Delft. The structure is up to you, the manifest does not necessarily have to be a report, it could also be a movie for example. I invite you to do it your own style. Consider the following questions as a guideline:
Who are you? What is AIESEC for you? Why is AIESEC relevant in today’s world? Why do you want to become a leader? Which characteristics do you have so that you will become successful? What areas of improvement (weaker points) at a personal level will you likely encounter in your year and how will you deal with that? What experiences from your past will be very beneficial in your LCP year? When is your LCP year a success? Why should you become the next LCP? What makes you unique?
What are your ideas of leading a team? How would you set up and coach an effective team?
Internal organisation
How will people perform under your leadership and what can they expect from you? How would you motivate your members to see AIESEC as a priority compared to other social activities they are involved in?
Long term vision
Where do you see AIESEC in 5 years? What will be your first step to reach these goals?
Vote of Confidence
During the Vote of Confidence every applicant will present his/her manifest (max. 15 min) to all members of AIESEC Delft and the local Board of Advisors. After the presentation, there is room to ask questions to the candidate for 30 min. At the end of the Vote of Confidence every candidate is voted upon to continue to the next round. Every member has one vote to give per LCP candidate, to show whether he/she has the confidence that this person could be the next LCP of AIESEC Delft.
Every candidate with more than two third of the votes will proceed to the next phase of the application: interviews.
The Vote of Confidence will take place on the 20th of March at 17.00.
In the weeks after the Vote of Confidence (week 11 & 12) the candidate will pass through 2 interviews of 2 hours each. During these interviews your motivation and 10 different competencies are tested. This will be done following the CORE method.
Send your CV and manifest to celia.devries@aiesec.net before the 12th of March 2017, 23.59.
Important dates 12 March 23:59h
Deadline manifest and CV (8 page max.) to celia.devries@aiesec.net
20 March
Vote of Confidence
Week 12 & 13
3 April
Announcement LCP-elect 2017/2018!
Week 14, 15 & 16
Interviews Executive Board 2017/2018 candidates (LCP-elect supposed to be present as much as possible) and Local Committee member 2017/2018 candidates (optional for LCP-elect)
19 or 26 May (unconfirmed) National Take Over Start (national event with all the newies of AIESEC The Netherlands: mandatory!) 22 – 24 May
EB Boarders (national conference with all the old and new Executive Boards of AIESEC The Netherlands: mandatory!)
16 June (unconfirmed)
National Training Day (national event with trainings and awards for best Local Committee in several categories)
1 – 4 June
LC Take Over Weekend (transition weekend with the Local Committee and Local Committee-elect of AIESEC Delft: mandatory!)
23 June (unconfirmed)
LCP Wisselconvent (first national meeting with all the LCPs and LCP-elects: mandatory!)
30 June
Transition Dinner (mandatory!)
1 July
Start of term 2017 – 2018