
I am 19 years old and I come from a small island near Singapore called Batam. I started learning visual communication design for creative advertisement to fulfill my passion in graphic design and curiosity in advertisement. I always find myself feeling pumped to do edits for poster. For me, editing is no other like programming for a computer programmer. It brings the same exhilaration for the person but also requires analytical thinking to solve a particular problem to create a successful output. Throughout my study, I learned that designthinkingisthekeytocreateasuccessfuldesign.Withtherightresearch andvaliddata,problemsareeasilydetectedandtherestistofindtherightway to communicate the solutions to audiences. Hence, advertisements becomes the solution for many aspiring and professional brands.
Ihavelearnedandworkedondesigncasesthroughoutmytimeatuniversity,I finallylearnedhowtobecomeaproblemsolverandtherightwaytocommuni cate through visuals to the world.
Premiere Pro
Indonesia Native
Social Media Manager SWANARAPALA (Mahasiswa 2020-present of Public Relation Bina Nusantara Pencinta Division Alam)
Mondial High School Batam Social Studies 2015-2018
University Visual Communication Design 2018-present
Email celinefransisca6@gmail.com
Instagram celine_fransisca
LinkedIn linkedin.com/in/celinefransisca
Illustrator CSS Wordpress Elementor Kemanggisan Jakarta Barat, IndonesiaExperential
Ideation & Art Direction
Project Assignments - Team Work
8 weeks, April - July 2020
Darlie is a well-known toohpaste brand since 1933 and based in Taiwan and Hong Kong. One of the main product is Darlie Double Action Toothpaste. It has a combination of spearmint and peppermint that gives a cooling sensation and freshened breath.
In this project, we are trained to make an experential ad campaign about the brand product that we choose. Starting from researching the 4P’s of our product and our competitors, to find the USP and generate ideas for the campaign, to final draft execu tion of the campaign through print ad, ambient ad, and activation ad.
A strong fresh aroma of mint leaves
1 2 3 4 5
Eat petai or durian, not brushing your teeth, smoking
How do you make someone feel confident to talk to someone else? (by having a fresh aroma breath that comes from your mouth)
How do you make someone feel not confident to talk to someone else?
Smoker can feel confident to talk to someone else after smoking because Darlie makes their mouth breath smells fresh
Print Ad
Darlie ‘Taste the Paper’ gives you a first-hand experience to feel freshness in your mouth. This print ad in the form of poster can be eaten so as the audience sees this, they can tear and eat it to feel the sense of fresh breath from Darlie.
The purpose of this poster is especially for smokers whos mouth is bitter or sour after smoking can return to their workplace looking ready again by visiting this poster in the smoking toom, tear and eat it to feel the sense of fresh breath from Darlie.
Ambient Ad
Darlie ‘More Darlie More Freshness’ gives you the feeling of Darlie’s fresh sensation through an ambient ad on KRL or commuterline train AC Central. This ambient ad is a sticker of a person’s open mouth sticked to the AC Central on the com muterline ceiling. This shows how Darlie can make some one’s breath feel fresh again.
The purpose of this ambient ad is especially for smokers who often use public transportation can feel a direct sensation of Darlie’s freshness for breath so they can be persuaded to buy this product.
AC Central KRL
Darlieʼs Fresh Chamber is an activation ad that works with a screen that will play a tongue twister game (how to play: the word appear on screen have to be mentioned 10 times in 8 seconds. After the player has successfully played a tongue twister, the door to enter this chamber will open and the player can brush his teeth for free in this chamber.
The purpose of this activation ad is specifically for smokers to feel fresh and confident again to continue their daily activities after coming out of the smoking room by brushing their teeth using Darlie that give a fresh aroma of mint leaves. The tongue twister game is created to be hard so this facility is not easily used by ev eryone.
On Progress, September - present (January 2021)
ServiceJNE is a well-known Indonesian delivery service brand established in 1990. One of the main service is JNE Reguler, JNE OKE, JNE YES. Today, JNE has reached over 6,000 service locations and still count ing, with more than 40,000 employees. JNE contrib uted in the increasing time-sensitive import delivery demand such as small package and document scope, but also in handling transportation, logistics, and distribution.
In this project, we are trained to make an integrated ad campaign about the brand product that we choose. Starting from researching the 7P’s of our product and our competitors to find each of the USP, implement consumer analysis(target audience), planning media strategy, and generate the big idea.
Dengan jumlah wilayah dan daerah yang dimiliki negara ini, sulit untuk bisa menjangkau semua wilayah terutama wilayah yang terpencil untuk meratakan pendistribusian barang atau jasa. Ini menjadi kendala bagi masyarakat diluar kota karena mereka juga mempunyai kebutuhan yang perlu dipenuhi. Banyak jasa pengiriman barang yang belum bisa menjangkau daerah-daer ah tertentu ataupun pelosok.
Untuk menyampaikan ke konsumen bahwa JNE adalah jasa pengiriman yang dapat menjangkau wilayah yang luas hingga kebagian-bagian pelosok indonesia.
JNE hadir dengan keunggulannya sebagai penyedia layanan jasa pengiriman yang memiliki banyak cabang yang tersebar di seluruh wilayah indonesia, bahkan hingga bagian pelosok indo nesia sekalipun.
Mereka membutuhkan jasa logistik yang bisa mencapai tempat tinggalnya yang terpencil ketika berbelanja online.
JNE menjawab keresahan konsumen asal daerah mengenai keterbatasan wilayah jangkauan layanan pengiriman.
JNE hadir sebagai solusi untuk jasa layanan logistik ke berbagai daerah dengan memiliki gerai yang tersebar di berbagai daerah Key Message
JNE membantu kaum muda asal daerah untuk bisa memenuhi kebutuhan ekspedisi yang bisa menjangkau daerah hingga kabupaten
Jasa layanan logistik dengan jumlah gerai cabang terbanyak di Indonesia
Insight Orang-orang daerah yang suka belanja online membutuhkan kebutuhan ekpedisi yang dapat menjangkau rumahnya tapi layanan yang ada terbatas
Confictionery, E-Commerce, Personal CareRelaxa, Traveloka, Gillette
Print Ad
Digital Imaging
Project Assignments - Personal 1 Week, 2019
This includes a few assignments from different subject courses to make a print advertisement featuring brand Gillette Mach 3 Turbo, Relaxa, Traveloka.
Relaxa Freezy Blue is one of Relaxa Freezy variant flavor in mint. It is a sugar-free mint compressed tablet candy with mini beads (fragrant granules).
The main goal is reflect the freshness and cold-sensation from this mint candy. The visual is created by picturing a Relaxa Freezy Blue candy (with mint leaves surrounding the candy) that comes from an underwater glacier in Alaska to indicate the freshness and cold-sensation of the mint candy.
Traveloka is an Indonesian unicorn company that provides airline ticketing and hotel booking services online expand ing rapidly into Southeast Asia and Australia.
The main goal is create a visual advertisement for the brand using photography-only digital imaging technique.
The visual tells that by using traveloka application (on mobile) you can make your dream vacation to a beautiful island beach happen.
Gillette Mach 3 Turbo razors for men feature stronger -than-steel blades that stay sharp for a long period.
The main goal is to create an advertisement using one of the methods to make an advertisement. For this ad, I choose the method, exaggeration, to show how sharp the Gillette Mach 3 Turbo is by visualizing a tree skin structure that is shaved clean by using the razor.
Project Assignments - Personal
Oppo is a Chinese consumer electronics and mobile communications company headquartered in Dong guan, Guangdong. Its major product lines include smartphones, audio devices, power banks, Blu-ray players, and other electronic products.
In this project, we are assigned to make a fake festi val music concert with a specific music genre that is held by a specific famous brand. The purpose of this project is to practice our layout skill and art direction. Oppo is the brand that was assigned for me. Pop was also my choosen music genre for this festival because I want to bring new color and vibrance to this festival along with modern and techno vibes from Oppo. This festival is called O-Pop ! Festival.
Project Assignments - Personal 1 Week, October 2019
Verde Two is a vertical luxury residence in Indonesia consisting of two state-of-the-art high-rise towers in Kuningan CBD. It offers clear views of the city skyline with unparalleled amenities surrounded by lush pri vate gardens.
In this project, we are assigned to layouting Verde Two’s advertisement into several mediums. The pur pose of this assignment is to practice our layout skill and art direction.
InstagramSocial Media Content Design
Photo-Illustration, Graphic Design
Freelance 3 Days, 2019
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
This includes my social media content design for my student organization, SWANARAPALA (Mahasiswa Bina Nusantara Pencinta Alam), and my freelance work for Zed Store.
Project Assignments - Personal 1 Week, 2019
Museum Salihara is an art & cultural space with class es, a gallery, an auditorium, a coffee shop & a garden located in Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia. In this project, we are assigned to make a creative folded brochure about one of the art museum in Indonesia. For this assignment, I choose Museum Salihara as my subject.
T-Shirt Design Competition - Personal 1 Week, 2019
This is my t-shirt design for my student organization, SWANARAPALA on SWANARAPALA T-Shirt Design Competition that is held during the pandemic of 2020. The design for this shirt that I made explains about the activities of SWANARAPALA as an organization. SWANARAPALA has 4 divisions namely mountaineer ing, rock climbing, caving, and rafting. At the bottom of the shirt, there is information about the date of birth and a brief explanation of the activities in SWANARAPALA.
Project Assignment - Personal 2 days, 2019
‘Juang Dulu’, translated from Bahasa Indonesia means ‘fight first’, meaning we have to fight for life first before we give up. ‘Juang Dulu’ is a written works containing quotes to encourage life and not take it too seriously.
berusaha dulu, baru berpasrah
yakini aja, emangnya ada pilihan yang lebih baik ?
dunia bukan sedang tidak adil, kamunya saja yang sedang marah
Ayo, kemaren bilangnya hari ini mau ngapain ?
Ayo, kemaren bilangnya hari ini mau ngapain ?
tapi sebelum itu, kamu sudah sampai sejauh ini.
tunggu, tapi apa kata hatimu?
g a t i mu ?
sekarang aja, jangannanti
Personal Project 1 Week, 2019
Adobe Lightroom Canon 80D
This personal photography project I run has a modern -country and cultural theme. The reason why I chose the theme was because of my curiosity and wanted to be challenged by a different location and atmosphere than the usual. This photoshoot was taken in a tourist attraction forest at Tebing Langit Sekupang, Batam.
The images and the artwork in this portfolio are copyrightedbytheirrespectiveowner.Andmaynot be distributed, modified, and or reproduced/copied without prior permission of the respective owner.
All Rights Reserved.