Why CakePHP Development is Important for Your Development Project? Recently we have seen a host of PHP based development frameworks hitting the market. While these frameworks have certain pre defined directories and provisions, they allow the developers to expedite the entire tasks and offer highly secure and substantial web applications. Amidst the given platforms and frameworks, Cake PHP has earned a reputation for itself, and is counted one amongst the best PHP frameworks, along with the likes of Yii, Code Igniter, Symfony etc. In this article, we plan on to discuss the features of Cake PHP and how your business will be benefited significantly, should you opt for this framework. Please read ahead to discover the very many features and attributes of this framework and in what all ways it can help you. * It follows the MVC development pattern – The entire world of PHP development has been smitten with the MVC model. The Model View Controller model allows the developers to separate the presentation layer from the logic behind it. The model calls for easy connection between databases and queries and save the same under databases. The view allows for the users to view the content they have worked on so far. The control layer finally processes the data before it gets to interact with the other layers. Long story cut short, the model provides a rather secure and reliable platform for the developers to develop their applications on. Also, it eliminates the possibilities of errors and faults up to the extent possible. * Cake PHP completely support Object relational mapping – this framework allows the developers to save the data in the form of tables, which can be modified or arranged further to be represented in terms of classes. Besides, one can define further relationships between these tables and classes. Moving on, one can also define the callbacks and validations easily. Hence, the point is since Cake PHP completely supports the ORM technique, it brings in the elements of object oriented programming into the development scene and allows the developers to profit from the same, and enhance their application owing to the same. * It allows the users to reuse the existing codes – and since we are talking about object oriented programming, we would speak about the feature similar to feature of data abstraction and hereditary. Cake PHP allows the developers from a CakePHP Development Company to recall and reuse an already existing code. This allows the developers to work on the logics and creativity of the application, instead of worrying about the code. Also, it reduces the total amount of codes required for developing the applications, and hence it makes up for rather light weighing and active web applications. * No configurations required – Developers get to make the best of this framework without the need of any configuration. Most of its settings work on an auto pilot mode, thus it is not required of the developers to configure or transform any settings, other than perhaps the setting pertaining to database connections. The framework has various other benefits as well, discussing all of which is beyond the scope of this write up. Do get in touch with a Cake PHP development company, and Hire CakePHP Developers to work on your project and provide you with the best set of features and capabilities possible.