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Fritz Sails

o F Sailin G F rom 2021 onward S

(with some well-known exceptions) between rules of exoneration had been dispersed in boats that are required to leave a mark on the former rule books, now they have been the same side and at least one of them is in gathered into one rule, which is Rule 43. the 3-length-zone. This part of the rule did not change. However, the whole mark-room rule does not apply any longer between boats ‘when mark room has been given’. So, if you are the outside boat, and you gave the inside boat(s) enough space to sail to the mark and round it as necessary to sail the course without touching the mark, then ‘mark-room was given’. If, for whatever reason, the inside boat stays near the mark, she is not entitled Even more importantly, according to the previous rules it was the jury which ‘exonerated’ boats, as part of its decision. Now, the new rule 43 exonerates boats that are entitled to exoneration at the time of the incident! It means that the boats are exonerated promptly, so they do not have to take a penalty and protest afterwards – which was not clear up until now. to mark-room any more, and only the ‘normal’ Let us have a look at the exoneration cases. right-of-way rules apply. • You may be exonerated if another exoneraTion boat breaks a rule, thus compelling you A fundamental principle of sportsmanship to break a rule. Example: if you are to in sailing is that when a boat breaks a rule, windward and the leeward boat is luffing she shall promptly take an appropriate so quickly that you cannot keep clear. penalty which may be to retire – unless she • You may be exonerated if you sail is exonerated. Exoneration is used by the within the room or mark-room to which 17_Drachen_Fritz_Adv_Yearbook.qxp_1 09.10.18 09:49 Seite 1 Racing Rules of Sailing for the cases when a boat is not penalised for breaking a rule. The you are entitled, and as a consequence of an incident with a boat required to give you that room or mark-room, you break a right-of way rule (rules 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 or 16) or you touch a mark. Example: if you are the inside boat at the mark, and you are not given mark-room and you touch the mark, you may choose not to sail a one-turn-penalty. (However, if you want to be on the safe side, you may choose to sail a one-turn-penalty and protest the other boat.)


• As a general principle, boats shall avoid contact (Rule 14). However, a right-ofway boat or one sailing within the room or mark-room to which she is entitled, is exonerated for this breach, under the precondition that the contact did not cause damage or injury.

Vilmos Náray

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