2 minute read
Dragon Gold Cup 2021
from IDA Yearbook 2020-21
by CEMark

Marstrand poised to welcome the Dragon Gold Cup 2021

Marstrand, the wonderful island on the Swedish west coast, which has been the scene for many famous regattas over the years, is eagerly poised to welcome Dragon sailors from across the globe from 12 to 20 August for the 2021 Dragon Gold Cup. This will be the 10th time this magical event has been hosted in Sweden and the organising team is pulling out all the stops to make it another truly memorable regatta.
Despite the dark and difficult times of 2020, the Swedish Dragon Fleet, the Royal Gothenburg Yacht Club and the Marstrand Sailing Society are looking forward to the bright times of August when the sun shines and the warm wind blows. More than ever before we need to close our eyes and imagine ourselves on the water sailing one of the world’s most beautiful boats in one of the world’s most beautiful and welcoming sailing venues.
Marstrand not only offers superb sailing and shoreside facilities but is also a wonderful holiday destination with a host of bars, cafes and restaurants, art galleries and craft shops, beautiful walks and even a historic castle to explore. There is plentiful accommodation ranging from camping to five-star luxury and including self-catering, plus a marina for those who want to bring a mothership.

The official charity of the Dragon Gold Cup 2021 will be the World Childhood Foundation. The Swedish Dragon Association is a long standing supporter of this global charity, which was founded in 1999 by Her Majesty Queen Silvia of Sweden to safeguard the right of the child to a safe and loving childhood, and to work in particular to improve the living conditions for children at risk of becoming victims of violence or sexual abuse.
The entry limit has been set at 100 boats lying in the harbour and pre-registration is now open at the event website www.goldcup21.com where further information and news will be posted regularly. Also follow the event on Instagram at www.instagram.com/dragongoldcup21
The programme for the event will be:
August 12 Craning and registration August 13 Craning and registration August 14 Practice Race – After Sail at Strandverket August 15 Race #1 – Welcoming party at Carlstens Fästning August 16 Race #2 – After Sail at Strandverket August 17 Race #3 – Regatta Dinner August 18 Race #4 – After Sail at Strandverket August 19 Race #5 – After Sail ‘Stavros Style’ with mandatory Hawaiian flower shirt at Strandverket August 20 Race #6 – Prize Giving Ceremony