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School support:
The CEMS Office at the University Adolfo Ibañez Santiago can provide support with looking for internships in the following ways: - By liaising with appropriate university departments who may have access to internship opportunities. Many of these opportunities are advertised by companies on University Adolfo
Ibañez websites, student portals and through e-newsletters, which are accessible to all students; - By providing contact details as appropriate, in assistance to individual student requests for
CEMS Corporate Partners with internship opportunities available; - By providing links to online university publications relating to CV building skills, interview techniques etc.; - By referring students to the Business School Careers and Employer Relations Office for CV assistance, careers counselling and career advice.
Camila Garrido, Program Manager MIM-CEMS, University Adolfo Ibañez Business School –camila.garrido@uai.cl, +56223311461
Student Visa: Generally, foreigners who hold a student visa may not work. Exception may be granted this authorization, in order that they can perform their internship, or in exceptional cases in order that COAST their studies.
Further information:
Chilean Government, Departamento de Extranjeria (here)
Requested documents:
All internationals wishing to work in Chile must have a valid visa (permitting them to work).