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Adherence to Ethical Guidelines
CEMS requires that its students familiarise themselves with the codes of ethical behaviour outlined by member universities prior to the start of the MIM programme.
Students must not only familiarise themselves with their own university’s definition of fraud and disciplinary procedures for infraction, but must also be familiar with the ethical guidelines and procedures outlined by their host university.
Students who are uncertain where to find this information for either school should refer to their Programme Manager(s) for guidance.
Students must read and follow the ethical guidelines outlined by member institutions and all infractions concerning the Master’s programme of member schools are handled solely by the member universities. However, if a CEMS student commits an ethical misconduct in relation to the CEMS MIM programme the CEMS Graduation Committee has the right to inquire further into the case and eventually deem whether the student should be allowed to graduate from the MIM programme.
All students may follow the process of appeals designated by CEMS. For further information regarding CEMS handling ethical misconduct, please see the CEMS Ethical Guidelines.