Aspire Upper-Intermediate - Student Book

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ASPIRE With Aspire students will Discover the world through fascinating content from National Geographic Learn the language they need to communicate within the classroom and in the real world Engage with the world through real-life Case Study sections which take students beyond the classroom

For Teachers Teacher’s Book  Comprehensive teacher’s notes which are suitable for both new and experienced teachers  Numerous extension exercises  Placement tests, Unit tests, End of term tests and End of year tests

Workbook  Extensive further practice of Grammar, Reading, Listening, Everyday English and Writing  Audio CD CEFR correlation: Upper Intermediate For students who are around level B1+ and want to progress to B2










Upper Intermediate



ExamView CD-ROM  Make paper and online tests in minutes Interactive Whiteboard CD-ROM  Contains all the pages of the Student’s Book  Answer key and audio included  Use with an interactive whiteboard or computer with projector

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Discover Learn Engage

Upper Intermediate Student’s Book

For Students Student’s Book  Everyday English sections prepare students for the way English is used in the real world  Case Study sections encourage students to learn beyond the classroom  Communication activities promote a realistic exchange of language  Grammar reference section provides a fully comprehensive approach to learning grammar  Video worksheets  DVD with video content from National Geographic

Upper Intermediate Student’s Book


Aspire is an exciting new upper secondary course packed full of National Geographic content including images and video.

Paul Dummett, Rebecca Robb Benne and Robert Crossley

Upper Intermediate Student’s Book

Paul Dummett, Rebecca Robb Benne and Robert Crossley 28/11/2011 12:32

Upper Intermediate Student’s Book


Discover Learn Engage

Paul Dummett, Rebecca Robb Benne and Robert Crossley

Australia • Brazil • Japan • Korea • Mexico • Singapore • Spain • United Kingdom • United States


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Artists page 5




Reading and Listening

Speaking and Writing


Present perfect simple and present perfect continuous; Present simple, present continuous and will; Articles

Art; theatre

Reading: Putting on a play; Yann Arthus-Bertrand’s photography; A youth orchestra Listening: Radio programme about music piracy; Talking about going to a concert

Speaking: Conversation between a musician and music fan about music piracy; Talking about tastes in music; Survey on the arts Writing: A review of a concert

The graffiti artist Banksy; The arts in Britain

The environment; Discourse markers; Compound adjectives; Compound nouns

Speaking: Describing an Reading: Médecins Sans experience Frontières (Doctors Without Writing: A description of a place Borders); Earth Hour; Ellis Island and emigrating to the USA Listening: MSF volunteers; History of immigration to the UK after WWII

Determiners; Narrative tenses: past simple, past Crossing borders continuous, past perfect simple page 17 and past perfect continuous; used to and would Unit 1 Review page 29

Everyday English:  Phoning the box office (making a booking)

Unit 2 Review page 30

Case Study:  Artists for the planet


Living in a changing world page 31


The future (will, be going to, present continuous, present simple); future perfect simple, future continuous and future perfect continuous

Time conjunctions; Modals of Reaching for the speculation stars page 43

Reading: Facts about ageing; Nanotechnology; UK chef Jamie Oliver Listening: Radio programme about the future of Bhutan

Speaking: Talking about getting older; Discussing population tables; Speculating about the future; Expressing opinions Writing: An opinion essay

Changing food culture

Synonyms; Verbs of achievement; The universe

Reading: Science-fiction films and books; The history of human space travel; Professor Brian Cox Listening: The merits of reading science fiction; The effects of a long stay in space; SETI

Speaking: Speculating about the past; Talking about space tourism; Talking about unexplained events; Talking about the importance of space and physics Writing: A story

The Big Bang Theory

Everyday English:  Making arrangements

Unit 4 Review page 56

Case Study:  The end of the world?


Higher education page 57

Video: A Chinese artist in Harlem

Ageing; Prefixes of measurement; Types of meal

Unit 3 Review page 55

Question tags; Conditionals (zero, first, second, third, mixed)

Being born into a different culture to your parents’; Extract from West is West

University; Specialists; Life experiences

Video: Mysterious crop circles Reading: University prospectus; A herpetologist and explorer; Erasmus exchange students Listening: Comparing British and American universities; Unusual career paths; Students giving advice to new students

Speaking: Talking about the merits of vocational degrees; Talking about obligations and requirements Writing: A personal statement

University life



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Learning from the past page 69



Reading and Listening

Speaking and Writing


Gender-neutral pronouns; Verb patterns with gerund and infinitive; have/get something done; Comparatives

Prehistory and ancient civilisations; Word building (prefixes)

Reading: Early humans; Tracing ancestry through DNA; Ancient civilisations and archaeology Listening: The formation of the Earth; The teaching of history; Personal history

Speaking: Planning and agreeing on a course of study; Comparing the past with the present Writing: A book / TV programme review; A short report

Social history

Unit 5 Review page 81

Everyday English:  Applying for a student loan

Unit 6 Review page 82

Case Study:  Putting the world on the map


Important events page 83


Get to work page 95

Passive gerund and infinitive; Passive reporting verbs

Festivals; Stages of life; Relationships

Relative clauses; Jobs; Personality Double the + traits comparative; Participle clauses; Inversion

Reading: Different approaches to marriage; Large families; National Days Listening: Coming of age celebrations; Describing significant moments in growing up; Important birthdays in the UK; Dragon Boat festival

Speaking: Talking about important How people celebrate personal events; Talking about wedding traditions; Talking about the significance of festivals; Presenting a proposal Writing: A description of an event

Reading: Extract from The Horse Boy; Fishermen in Bangladesh; Working conditions in the UK Listening: Interview about animalassisted therapy; Talking about problems at work

Speaking: Talking about a problem at work; Clarifying meaning Writing: A CV; An information sheet for people going to work in another country

Work culture

Unit 7 Review page 107

Everyday English:  Choosing a present

Video: The great kite fight

Unit 8 Review page 108

Case Study:  Celebrations and customs

Video: The Gauchos of Argentina


The economy page 109


Doing the right thing page 121

(a) few and (a) little; Reporting verbs; Reported speech; Indirect questions

Collocations; Types of organisation

Past ability (could Workplace crimes; / was able to, Personality; etc.); Future in Holidays the past; better, should and ought to

Reading: Changemakers (social entrepreneurs) Listening: The original affluent society; Freeconomics; Negotiation with a sales person

The third sector Speaking: Presenting a community project; Negotiating a house share; Talking about the results of a survey and carrying out a similar survey Writing: A report of a meeting

Reading: Don’t stop snitching; The Stanford marshmallow experiment; Intelligent travel (ethical travel); Fooling the public Listening: Interview about unethical practices in the workplace; People talking about giving advice

Speaking: Discussing workplace crimes; Presenting alternative plans to those of a developer; Giving advice; Discussing moral dilemmas Writing: A review of a TV documentary

Unit 9 Review page 133

Everyday English:  Starting your own business (asking for and giving advice)

Unit 10 Review page 134

Case Study:  The rise of China

Irregular Verbs page 135 Grammar Reference pages 145–155

Video Worksheets pages 136–140 Pronunciation Guide page 156

Sense of humour

Video: Saving the Amazon together Communication Activities pages 141–144



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In this unit you will learn • Communication: talking about tastes, phoning the box office • Vocabulary: art, theatre • Reading and Listening: music piracy, Yann Arthus-Bertrand’s photography, Banksy • Writing: a review of a concert • Grammar: present perfect simple and present perfect continuous, present simple, present continuous and will, articles

Let’s get started 1 Look at the picture and read what two artists said about their work. What do you think the artists mean? Do you agree? ‘Music is your own experience, your own thoughts, your wisdom. … They teach you there’s a boundary line to music. But, man, there’s no boundary line to art.’ Charlie Parker, jazz musician (1920–1955)

‘Art is the only way to run away without leaving home.’ Twyla Tharp, dancer and choreographer (1941–)

UsefUl expressions use your imagination lose yourself in something express yourself escape from reality be creative

Vocabulary 2 Brainstorm words associated with each type of art, e.g. the artist and the piece of art produced. music fashion design sculpture photography ballet theatre graphic design film architecture comedy painting opera

3 How do you express yourself or your creativity? Why do you enjoy this activity? Example: I do a modern dance class every week. I enjoy it because we learn to interpret the music in different ways and we develop our own dance routines.



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1A Making music Reading 1 Read about Remmy Ongala. What does he use his

Listening 3 One of the topics Remmy Ongala is concerned

reputation as a famous musician to do?

about is music piracy. What exactly is music piracy? Write a short definition, then compare with a partner.


1.02 Listen to a radio programme about downloading music. Choose the statement 1–4 which best summarises the interview. 1 Illegal copying of music is a new and widespread problem. 2 Artists are protesting about giving their music away for free. 3 Illegal downloading is widespread but many songs are also downloaded legally. 4 Music sales are hurt by free music online.


1.02 Listen again and decide which statements are true and which are false. True

Music with a message Remmy Ongala is one of East Africa’s true superstars. A band leader, guitarist, singer and songwriter of immense talent, Ongala and his band, Super Matimila, blend elements of different African music styles. They’ve been doing it for decades and Ongala uses his music and international reputation to broadcast positive social messages. Ongala wasn’t always able to make a living from music alone, and for years he worked hard as a labourer by day, and a musician by night. But by the early 80s Super Matimila was the hottest sound in Dar Es Salaam (Tanzania), and Ongala began recording profusely (and getting pirated even more profusely). Singing in Swahili and other languages, Ongala has spoken out against poverty, economic exploitation and music piracy. These days Ongala continues to live and work in Dar Es Salaam.


Many people pay for the music they download.


Artists offer free downloads to help young people who have little money.


Nearly half of the songs on a young person’s mp3 player have been copied illegally.


People have been copying music illegally for years.


Artists have the right to money from downloads of their music.


6 Discuss the questions with a partner. 1 How important is music to you? 2 How do you listen to music? (radio, music TV, CDs, music DVDs, online, internet downloads) 3 Do you share music or music files with friends? 4 How has listening to music changed over the last few decades? How did your parents listen to music when they were young?

2 Discuss the questions. 1 How do you feel about musicians and other artists getting involved in social and political issues? 2 What famous artists in your country use their art to make people aware of important issues? Give some examples.



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Grammar: present perfect simple and continuous 9 Look at sentences 1–4 from the radio programme in Exercise 4. Then complete the information about the present perfect simple and continuous with the words in the box. 1 The music industry has known about the problem for a long time. 2 The problem has become more widespread. 3 People have been copying music illegally for years. 4 An increasing number of artists have been offering music for free on their websites.

Pronunciation: linking sounds 7 1.03 Listen to the sentences a–c and join the sounds that are linked together with . Then look at the linked words and answer questions 1–3. a I went to a great concert in August at a student club. b I often listen to my favourite songs over and over again. c It’s illegal to copy a music file without paying for it. 1 What happens when a consonant links with a vowel?


Listen again and repeat. Speaking 8 Do this role play with a partner. note down your arguments and ideas before you start. Pay attention to linking when you speak. Student A: You are a member of a young band. Some of the songs on your first CD are available for free on several internet websites. Explain to a fan why you are unhappy about this. Student B: You are a music fan. You regularly download free music from the Internet illegally. Put your side of the story to a member of a band.

UsefUl expressions make a living lose out on sales break copyright laws be overpriced meet customers’ needs promote music on websites

isn’t used


Present perfect simple Form: have + past participle

• •

Emphasises the (1) the present.

of an activity in

(2) with state verbs to talk about a state up to the present.

Present perfect continuous Form: have + been + -ing

2 What happens when an ‘r’ links to a vowel? 3 When a vowel links to another vowel, the words are linked with an extra sound. What extra sound do you hear after ‘o’? What extra sound do you hear after ‘y’?

is used

Emphasises the (3) of an activity which lasts up to the present or the recent past. (4)

with state verbs.

See Grammar Reference, page 145

10 Choose the correct forms. Then make the sentences true for you. 1 I’ve downloaded / been downloading four songs from the Internet this month. 2 I’ve been / been going to two concerts this year. 3 I’ve had / been having piano lessons for nine years. 4 I’ve liked / been liking classical music for a long time. 5 I’ve followed / been following Ellie Goulding’s musical career since she became famous. 6 I’ve never bought / never been buying a music DVD. 7 I’ve started / been starting to write my own songs. 8 I’ve wondered / been wondering about a career as a musician.

11 Compare your sentences with a partner. Are any of your sentences the same or similar?




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1B On stage Reading and vocabulary 1 Work with a partner and answer the questions. 1 Is there a particular place in your country that is famous for its theatres? 2 What sort of theatre is most popular in your country: musicals, opera, classical plays, modern plays, mime, pantomime, sound and light, …?

2 Read the text about putting on a play. Choose the correct word for each gap. Circle A, B, C or D. 1 A in

C behind

B on

D in front of

2 A looking at

C looking after

B looking for

D looking up

3 A borrow

C repair

B destroy

D construct

4 A are designed

C are being designed

B have been designed D were designed 5 A while B during 6 A very B extremely

C since D after C strongly D mostly

3 Match the words from the text 1–8 to the definitions a–h. 2 audition

a creation of fires, particular sounds, etc.

3 script

b a test to get a part in a play

4 set

c the clothes that actors wear on stage

1 cast

5 props 6 costumes 7 run 8 special effects

d the lines and the actions in the play e how the stage looks f all the actors in a play g how long a play is open to audiences h the objects used on stage

4 Have you ever been involved in a school play or amateur dramatics? What aspect of producing the play were you involved in? Which area of theatremaking do you find most interesting?

Making theatre Actors are the artists that immediately spring to mind when talking about the theatre. But the success of a play or musical also depends on the work done the scenes. by an army of staff (1)


Once a play has been chosen or written, the casting director works with the director of the play to find the actors who they think will be best for a part. both experienced Theatres are always (2) actors and new talent, and casting staff will watch hundreds of plays every year to identify possible actors. A director will often invite actors for two auditions and look at their ability to interpret the script and develop a character.

Set and props

The director and designers decide together on the scenery look of the stage. Craftsmen then (3) from a wide range of materials and scenic artists paint the sets. It is also vital that the objects in a play recreate an authentic feel and look. Props include furniture, food and drink, and even body parts such as severed heads. An in-house team makes many of the objects for a particular production.

Costumes and wigs

Usually the actors’ clothes (4) by freelancers for individual shows and then the theatre’s costume department is responsible for making or buying the clothes and accessories. While the play is running, a large team of maintenance staff will wash and look after the costumes. Actors are always damaging performances (for example in costumes (5) fighting or dancing scenes) and so maintenance staff will also carry out repairs. A team of dressers helps the actors get dressed for the shows. Wigs are made for individual actors and will be used when there is insufficient time to style hair between scenes.

Lighting and special effects

The way the stage is lit (6) influences the mood of a play. Technicians set up and programme lights to change direction, colour and focus. Specialised technicians are also responsible for the use of weapons on stage, fires, explosions and other sound effects.



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Grammar: present tenses 5 Underline examples of the present simple, the present continuous and will in the text. Then complete the rules. Regular actions and habits We use (1) to talk about regular habits or actions, permanent states or things that are always true. We can use (2) actions.

to talk about repeated

We can also use (3) to talk about repeated actions. We often use it with always to complain about irritating habits. Actions in progress and temporary actions We use (4) to talk about actions happening now, or around now, and for temporary actions.

See Grammar Reference, page 145


1.04 A journalist asked five people what habits they found the most irritating at the theatre or cinema. Decide which of these things you think they mentioned. Then listen and check. talking

6 Complete the sentences with the present simple,

chewing gum

present continuous or will form of the verbs.

unwrapping sweets

1 We (always / pick up) the actors’ clothes off the floor. Most of them (not do) it themselves.

eating crisps and popcorn

2 I (do) drawings of the clothes and find fabrics that I would like to use. Then the tailors (make) the clothes.

arriving late

3 We (act) in a musical on Broadway at the moment so we (live) in a hotel.

slurping drinks biting nails leaving early forgetting to switch off mobile phones texting

4 My job is about pulling the whole production together. I (really / enjoy) it.

Which of the things in the list do you find the

5 I (always / visit) hundreds of shows each year in order to see different actors perform.

10 What habits do friends and family have that

6 Occasionally one of the explosions (not work) but luckily that happen) very often.


7 Look at the sentences in Exercise 6 again. Which theatre job does each person have?

8 Imagine you are one of the people in Exercise 6. Tell a partner about your daily routine using will and won’t. Example: I’m an actor. Every day I’ll get up at nine o’clock. I won’t have any breakfast but I’ll have several cups of coffee. I’ll spend some time reading my fan letters, and then I’ll meet the rest of the cast to go through our lines.

most irritating? irritate you? What nice habits do they have? Tell your partner.

UsefUl expressions Irritating habits He/She is always + -ing It drives me crazy when … I can’t stand it when …

nice habits He/She always … I love it when … I think it’s nice when …

Example: It drives me crazy when my sister borrows my shoes. Her feet are bigger than mine so she stretches them! My dad always makes me a cup of tea in the morning. I really appreciate that.




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1c Photographic art Vocabulary 1 Complete the definitions of different types of

5 Discuss the questions. 1 Do you think that photographs are a good way to convey a political or social message? What other effective ways are there?

picture or art with the words in the box. landscape




2 Can you think of any photographs in magazines or newspapers that made a strong impression on you?

1 A drawing is composed of lines made with pencil or ink. 2 A

is a view of the countryside.

3 A is a picture of a person, especially of their face only.

Grammar: articles 6 Work with a partner. Study the articles a, the or Ø (no article) in this extract from Exercise 4. Match each one to the correct rule A–C.

4 A still life is a picture of inanimate, everyday objects (e.g. fruit, flowers).

It was (1) a trip with his wife to Africa, where he filmed (2) Ø lions in (3) the Maasai Mara Reserve from (4) a hot air balloon, that inspired his most famous work, Earth from the Air. (5) The work is (6) a photographic collection of (7) Ø aerial photographs, which has been exhibited around (8) the world.

5 A street scene is a picture of activity in a street in a town or city. 6 A

is quick drawing.

7 A

is a view of the sea.

Speaking 2 Read the quotation about the art of photography.

a, the or no article

Do you agree with it?

A For the first mention of something, we use a. For something already mentioned, we use the. We used to live in a house on Regent Street. The house belonged to my grandmother.

‘It takes a lot of imagination to be a good photographer. You

need less imagination to be a painter because you can invent things. But in photography everything is so ordinary; it takes a lot of looking before you learn to see the extraordinary.’

B When we generalise about things (in the plural), we use no article. When we talk about specific things (singular or plural), we use the. Cats are popular pets in the UK. Can you feed the cats later?

David Bailey, photographer (1938–)

Reading 3 Look at photographs A–C on page 11 taken by Yann Arthus-Bertrand. Can you tell what each one depicts? Check your ideas on page 143.

C We use a to refer to ’one of many’ and the to refer to a unique thing. Joe’s a doctor. Kirsty’s the Chief Medical Officer.

4 Read the article on page 11. Match sentences A–F to gaps 1–4. There are two extra sentences. A This is what is so special about Yann’s work: you can be at the same time uplifted by its art and disheartened by its underlying message. B His aim has always been to spread his ecological message all over the world. C The organisation provides environmental news through its website. D And this, of course, is the essence of art: to share with others your own personal vision of the world. E Yann’s answer is the philosophical response of a Frenchman. F He works with his team of aerial photographers.

See Grammar Reference, page 146


1.05 Choose the correct articles to complete the text about another famous photographer. Then listen and check. David Doubilet is one of (1) a / the / Ø world’s leading underwater photographers. He has travelled to the Red Sea, (2) a / the / Ø South Pacific and beyond, capturing (3) a / the / Ø groundbreaking images of great white sharks, fluorescent coral, some World War II wrecks, and more. Born in New York City in 1946, Doubilet began snorkelling off (4) a / the / Ø New Jersey coast when he was eight years old. By the time he was twelve, he was scuba diving and taking (5) a / the / Ø pictures using (6) a / the / Ø Brownie Hawkeye in (7) a / the / Ø rubber bag as his first underwater camera. He spent his summers diving, taking pictures and working as (8) a / the / Ø dive guide.



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A witness with a unique perspective At 53 years old, Yann Arthus-Bertrand can look back on an eclectic career that has mixed art, business, journalism and environmental campaigning. It was a trip with his wife to Africa, where he filmed lions in the Maasai Mara Reserve from a hot air balloon, that inspired* his most famous work, Earth from the Air. The work is a photographic collection of aerial photographs, which has been exhibited around the world. In a project that spanned 15 years and 76 countries, he and his team compiled* thousands of fabulous shots, 160 of which formed the exhibition and have been included in books, calendars, diaries and DVDs. Is it Art? (1) ‘The Earth is Art, the photographer is only a witness.’ But the photographs also carry a strong message: ‘Here is nature at its most beautiful; please do not allow its destruction at the hands of man’. Finding the artist inside him has been a journey of discovery. At first photography was simply a means to observe and record animal behaviour, but once in the air, he realised that aerial photography could discover things that are not apparent from the ground and tell a story about life that hasn’t yet been told. (2) Inevitably, this unique perspective* became bound up in politics as the questions of climate change and diminishing global resources have increased both in A

importance and urgency. In 2005, Yann founded the international ecologists association, GoodPlanet. (3) It also sets up education programmes to help children become more aware of environmental issues. Educating the next generation is very important to him and his dream is one day for photography to be taught in schools alongside maths and spelling because ‘There is nothing more universal than photography’. Most recently, he has directed a film called Home (produced by Luc Besson) which uses aerial images to show the disastrous effects that unbridled consumerism is having on the planet. Devastated rainforests make way for soy bean crops and industrial-scale cattle ranches in order to meet the developed world’s demand for beef. Major rivers that once raged in full flow are reduced to a trickle which never makes it to the sea.

The Earth is Art, the photographer is only a witness.

Screened on World Environment Day in June 2009, Home was met with both gasps of amazement at its beauty and of horror at its revelations. (4)

On the Sunday following its premiere in France, where eight million people watched it, the Ecologist party scored a record result in the elections for the European Parliament. This perhaps was no coincidence. Yann Arthus-Bertrand has done more than share his perspective on the endless variety and magnificence of nature. He has opened the world’s eyes to how we humans are squandering that gift. inspire to motivate or move you to do something compile put together a collection perspective the point from which you look at things






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1d Taste in music Reading 1 Work with a partner. Look at the two pictures and discuss what you think the connection between them could be.

Listening: expressing likes and dislikes 4

1.06 Listen to two friends talking about going to a concert given by the Venezuelan Youth Orchestra. Decide which statements are true and which are false. True

From rags to musical riches The Venezuelan Youth Orchestra is on tour celebrating its 30th anniversary. It is composed of young people from the slums* of Caracas and other underprivileged* backgrounds, many of whom were at risk of getting involved in a life of crime. It trains them and gets them performing at the earliest opportunity. The result is a group of highly motivated performers who play with enormous feeling and conviction. It is said that the opera singer Placido Domingo cried when he saw them play. As well as helping to give youngsters with limited prospects a new chance in life, the aim of the orchestra is also to help make classical music more a part of popular culture. The programme is seen as the most exciting thing happening in the world of classical music and has inspired many similar projects in countries across the globe.



Sarah doesn’t really like classical music.


Nathan generally prefers recorded music to live music.


Sarah used to listen to Beethoven when she was studying.


The Venezuelan Youth Orchestra will definitely play some Beethoven in their concert.


1.06 Listen again. Complete the sentences that describe the speakers’ feelings about music. 1 Classical isn’t really my

, I’m afraid.

2 I didn’t use to be a big really on it now.

either, but I’m

3 Well, I do I’m in the right

some classical music, when , that is.

4 My Dad it. He always used to listen to it when he was working. 5 It’s very soothing and . It me of sitting quietly in the evening. 6 When Placido Domingo saw them, he found it so that he cried.

Speaking: talking about tastes 6 Think of two pieces of music that are, or have been, special to you. Look at the questions and make notes about each piece. Then describe your feelings about them to your partner. slum an area of very poor housing underprivileged coming from a poor background and with few opportunities

1 Why is it so special? 2 What do you like about it? 3 Where do you listen to it and what mood are you in?

2 Read the text and see if you were correct. 3 What are the two aims of the Venezuelan Youth Orchestra? What are its main achievements?



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Vocabulary 7 Look at the words related to music. Explain the difference in meaning between the words in each group. Use a dictionary to help you. 1 a gig

a concert

2 an orchestra 3 a venue 4 a song

a concert hall

5 a support act

a musician an arena


a guest appearance

an encore

8 What was the last concert you went to? Did you enjoy it? Describe the experience to your partner.

Writing: a review of a concert 9 Read the review of a concert given by the young pianist Rafał Blechacz. What is it that makes his playing of Chopin so special?

10 Read the review again and make notes under the headings.

• • • • • •

Rafał Blechacz’s debut at the Kennedy Center

a tour

a group

a piece


Introduction – the artist’s background The occasion of the concert (when, where) The details (what he played) Overall impression The audience’s reaction Conclusion and recommendation

11 Write your own review of a concert. Use the headings in Exercise 10 to plan your writing. You can describe the same concert as in Exercise 8 or choose a different one if you prefer (pop, classical, jazz etc.). Write 200–250 words.

UsefUl expressions reviewing a concert X formed the group in ‌ For the last ten years, X has been ‌ The concert took place at ‌ The venue was ‌ X opened with ‌ and ended with ‌ Each song / piece was played with great ‌ It was an amazing night. It was a disappointing performance. The audience was made up of ‌ I would advise you not to miss / to stay away ‌




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Rafał Blechacz won the International Frederic Chopin Piano Competition in 2005 when he was only 20 years old. Last Saturday, he played his first concert at the Kennedy Center. It was a very special evening. Blechacz still looks rather young and awkward. He wore a formal black suit and smiled a little self-consciously. His programme – a Bach partita, a Mozart sonata and three pieces by Chopin – was similar to the kind presented at a piano recital, designed to show off his technical ability and range. However, it was clear from the moment he opened with the Bach Partita No. 1 that, as a performer, Blechacz has now grown up. He wants to share with us his understanding of the music he plays and so delivers it gently and with great clarity. As much as the audience enjoyed the Bach and Mozart, the auditorium was waiting to hear Blechacz’s performance of Chopin. And it was with three difficult Chopin pieces that he took the concert to a higher level. What makes Chopin’s music difficult is the contrast between darker, more technical passages and an often simple melody. The change from one to the other seems to confuse many pianists; but not Rafał Blechacz. He has mastered Chopin’s moods and can make sense of the music’s emotional difficulties. He played only one encore, the Mazurka, Op. 17, No. 4. but the audience was anxious to hear more, applauding long after he had left the stage. Typical of his natural modesty, he did not return to take a bow, instead leaving us with just the echo of the final notes. If you have a chance to see Rafał Blechacz perform, it is definitely worth it. There are few pianists alive who understand Chopin so well.




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1E Art for the public Reading 1 Look at the different examples of graffiti. Then discuss the questions with your partner. 1 Which have defaced the building? Which have improved its appearance? 2 What messages are being communicated by each? 3 Can you see similar graffiti in your town? Where? What do people think of it?

2 Read the article about Banksy and answer the questions. 1 Who is Banksy? 2 What do the public think of him? 3 What do the critics think of him?

The people’s artist Disguised in a thick beard, wire-frame glasses and a rather crumpled* hat, Banksy, the anonymous* graffiti artist, sneaked into four of New York’s most prestigious museums in March 2005. He (1) work on their walls without permission – including a Warholesque painting of Tesco Value cream of tomato soup cans in the Museum of Modern Art. Afterwards, the street artist explained himself on a graffiti website: ‘I’ve wandered around a lot of art galleries thinking “I could have done that” so it seemed only right that I should try. These galleries are just trophy cabinets* for a handful of millionaires. The public never has any real say in what art they see.’ true. This month, London’s This statement is no (2) Tate Modern – the world’s most popular modern art gallery – hosts Street Art, a group exhibition which will turn the I’ve wandered building’s riverside façade over to be used as a canvas by the artists. The show features work by around a lot European street artists Blu, JR and Sixeart, São of art galleries Paulo’s Nunca and Os Gêmeos and American thinking collective Faile. If recent events are anything to go “I could have by, the show will be popular. Last weekend’s Cans done that” Festival, held in a London railway tunnel, was a so it seemed huge bank holiday hit. The event featured work by only right that 40 artists and was organised by Banksy.

I should try.

The public may still not have much say over what art they see in galleries, but they’re certainly getting better at expressing their opinions. Banksy was voted one of the nation’s top last year, providing, as he does, a three art heroes in (3) voice for important social and political messages. In Bristol, the artist’s hometown, the city council held a public vote in 2006 on whether Banksy’s graffiti on the wall of a local health clinic (4) be removed. The public decided to let it stay. Network Rail has since given its cleaners art lessons to ensure they don’t erase any of Banksy’s work. Millionaires are now buying the sort of art that Banksy used to smuggle into museums, displaying it alongside other contemporary artworks. the universally negative (5) reviews by British art critics, who have called street art ‘a joke’ or simply refused to discuss it, auction houses regularly feature street art in contemporary sales, and serious collectors buy it. At a recent auction, Banksy’s monkey stencil Laugh Now fetched the highest price (£228,000). crumpled  as if it has been sat on anonymous  no one knows their name trophy cabinet  glass cupboard for displaying prizes



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3 Choose the correct word for each gap in the article.

7 Complete the statistics 1–6 with one

Circle A, B, C or D. 1 A hanged

B hung

C had hung

D had hanged

2 A more

B further

C still

D longer

word in each gap. Look back at the text in Exercise 5 to help you. 1 One eight people play a musical instrument.

3 A a survey B an enquiry C an investigation D a review 4 A ought

B would

5 A Despite B Although

C should

D can

C Nevertheless

D In spite

2 4% the population has tried writing a book or a play. 3 A surprising number of people in the 65–80 age attend dancing lessons.

4 Look back at the text. Decide which statements are true and which are false. True 1

Banksy defaced pictures in the Museum of Modern Art.


He wanted to show that ordinary people could decide what to see in galleries.


At Tate Modern, street artists will draw pictures on the outside of the building.


The Cans Festival was a moderate success.


People don’t like art to carry a political message.


British art critics don’t take the work of street artists seriously, but collectors do.

4 About a of the population (23%) have never read a book.



6 Six times the number of people go to the cinema to the theatre.

Speaking 8 You are going to do a survey on

Listening 5 Look at the statistics for the arts in Britain below. Try to complete the sentences with the figures in the box. 26%


half the population (54%) is interested in photography.

90% biggest five once quarter second biggest ten twice two

1.07 Listen and check your ideas. What do the statistics tell you about British people’s relationship with the arts? Does this surprise you?

the arts for your class. Follow the instructions.

Work in four groups: 1 musical concerts, 2 dance and theatre performances, 3 art exhibitions, 4 cinema.

Write five to ten questions for your survey.

Interview the other members of the class and note their answers.

In your group, compile your results and prepare a list of statistics.

Present your statistics to the class. Watch a video about a Chinese artist in Harlem. Turn to page 136.

The arts in Britain

Opera attracts (6) the percentage of the population as in the USA.

(1) of the British population visit an art-related venue each year. (2) million people in Britain are involved in amateur dramatics each year, the largest percentage of these are in the 16–19 age group. (3) of people over 16 go to the theatre at least (4) a year – a (5) of these go to a musical.

Over (7) million people visited Tate Modern in London in 2007, making it the most visited modern art gallery in the world. One in five people go to a pop or rock concert each year and one in (8) to a classical concert. The (9) group of cinema goers are the top socio-economic group; the (10) group are the unemployed.

Tate Modern




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Everyday English

Phoning the box office

Listening and speaking


1 Look at the two posters and answer the questions with a partner. 1 What do the posters show? 2 What impression of the two events do you get from the posters? 3 Which event would you prefer to attend and why?

1.08 Listen again. Then work with a partner and take it in turns to explain the meaning of the words in the box. sold out matinee student discount

circle stalls group rate

4 Look at the example sentences from the recording. Then complete the rules with the correct tense. The evening performance starts at half past seven. We’re leaving on Sunday.

Remember! We use the for events in schedules or timetables. We use the for fixed arrangements in the future.

See Grammar Reference, page 146

5 Work with a partner. Student A: You are a ticket agent. Look at page 141.


1.08 Listen to a conversation with a ticket agent about one of the events in Exercise 1. Complete the booking form.


conversation. Start like this: A Hello, Box Office. How can I help you? B Hello, …

6 Work with the same partner. MATINEE


Student A: You want to book tickets for the concert in the poster in Exercise 1. Student B: You are a ticket agent.


Role play the

A unique mix of theatre, dance, music and comedy


Student B: You want to book tickets for Stomp. Look at page 143.





28/11/2011 12:13

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Upper Intermediate Student’s Book


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Paul Dummett, Rebecca Robb Benne and Robert Crossley

Upper Intermediate Student’s Book

Paul Dummett, Rebecca Robb Benne and Robert Crossley 28/11/2011 12:32

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