2022 CFCC Donor Report

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Donor Report



The past year has been unprecedented. The escalating youth mental health crisis has created turmoil for our families, schools, and community.

New data shows that in 2021, 20.7% of Palm Beach County high school youth seriously contemplated suicide in the past year. Over 40% are struggling with a mental health concern. And for those living in foster care, the statistics are even more alarming.

With your support, we have increased our capacity to provide more trauma care so the most vulnerable children get the support they need, faster. We are confronting this crisis head on, reimagining and expanding our services so more children get the support they need - right now.

Some of the initiatives we have expanded to meet this crisis head on include:

Small group play therapy for young children to build developmental and socialization skills, keeping them on track for proper growth and mental wellness.

Personal therapy kits for children victimized by escalating family and community stress focused on building coping skills at home.

Individual and group therapy, including group art therapy, to build confidence, connection, and community for tweens and teens.

Training the next generation of therapists, bringing more professionals and expertise into the field to serve more children through our clinical internship program.

Families and communities should be a safe place for children to grow free of fear and harm. Without a sense of security, children can’t develop properly, sometimes leading to a lifetime of adversity. Our merger with KidSafe in October highlights our commitment to our donors and the children in Palm Beach County. We are stronger together in the fight against child sexual abuse, trafficking, and violence.

It’s up to all of us to keep our children safe and prevent them from harm. We are deeply grateful that you are partners in this important work. We could not do it without you. Thank you.

Dear Donors,

Current Children's Mental Health Crisis

The data below shows the urgency of the current children's mental health crisis Referrals to Center for Child Counseling for mental health treatment more than tripled in 2022 the need continues to grow

According to the CDC, 61% of adults had at least one ACE and 16% had 4 or more types of ACEs or trauma.

Pre-Covid 1 in 5 Children Suffer from a Mental Health Concern. Current estimates is 1 in 4. 75% don't get help.

Youth anxiety, depression, and suicide rates were at an all time high BEFORE Covid - now up over 150%

Heterosexual 347

Other/Questioning 641

Gay,Lesbian,orBisexual 675

25.2% of Middle School Students have had serious thoughts about committing suicide Of those students, 32 5% were Asian, 25 9% Hispanic/Latino, 24 5% Black, and 23 7% White

41.5% of High School Students reported they felt sad or hopeless Of the 41 5% of High School Students that reported they felt sad or hopeless, the majority identify as Gay, Lesbian, or Bisexual Asian 32.5 Hispanic/Latino 259 Black 245

White 23.7 *Student data from the Palm Beach Youth Risk Survey conducted by the School District of Palm Beach County

in 2021

Our Impact

In 2021 Center for Child Counseling served over 7,000 children and families - connecting them to healing and resilience to build a more hopeful future. In 2022, we continued to focus on restoring children's health and hope by providing an array of prevention, early intervention, and treatment services to support children, caregivers, and our community:

25 schools were trained in Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) and effective strategies for building child resilience and well-being.

Over 3,500 Parents and Caregivers engaged in workshops on PACEs (Positive and Adverse Childhood Experiences) 98% showed strategies gained to promote child wellness and resilience.

More than 3,500 Professionals received training (attorneys, police, childcare, juvenile justice and educators) on a variety of topics so they can support children effectively.

We merged with KidSafe to enhance our efforts to build community awareness and prevent child sexual abuse, trafficking, and exploitation.

We reimagined our approach to care through expansion of our public health approach throughout all programming, providing education to mitigate the impact of ACEs, early intervention to support families, and treatment to help children in crisis and experiencing trauma.



In 2022, Center for Child Counseling merged with KidSafe to tackle sexual abuse, trafficking and exploitation. Since 2009, KidSafe has empowered over 60,000 children with personal safety education, focusing on sexual abuse prevention and awareness. The program teaches safety skills that help children make safe and smart choices in all areas of their lives as they become healthy, powerful adults! Looking to the future, "we are excited about this merger. It allows for us to work together to increase funding, education, and prevention around child sexual abuse. Through an array of prevention, early intervention, and treatment we aim to not only provide healing after sexual abuse but also create schools and a community equipped to keep children safe” , states Renée Layman, CEO of Center for Child Counseling. Learn more: www.centerforchildcounseling.org/programs/kidsafe

Boys & Girls Club

As part of Center for Child Counseling’s mission to build trauma-informed communities, we launched a training series with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Palm Beach County (BGCPBC) in their effort to become a trauma-informed organization. Through CFCC's PACEs (Positive and Adverse Childhood Experiences) and Trauma-Informed Care Training, our CEO and designated leaders are providing a customized training for BGCPBC, from the Board and leadership team, to all club staff. We expect to train 400+ Boys & Girls Club staff members!

The Boys & Girls Clubs throughout Palm Beach County serve more than 10,000 children ages 6-18this training will build their capacity to support children's mental health and resilience.

Hope for the Future

Center for Child Counseling is committed to advocating to change the systems that keep problems and community trauma in place. With the support of generous donors, we work to increase capacity to build the foundation for playful, healthful, and hopeful living for Palm Beach County children and families.

Your Support Changed Lives

We're so grateful to have your unwavering care and support, because kids are depending on all of us for a future full of hope, health, and happiness Lily and Steffie are just two examples of how your support has created a lasting impact in the lives of children Read their stories of hope below

5-year-old Lily lives with her paternal grandparents. Lily's Grandma sought services for her due to challenges with following directions, paying attention to tasks, speaking back to her grandparents, and behavioral concerns at school. Grandma reported that she received daily calls from Lily’s childcare center because of tantrums. Grandma shared that the situation had become very stressful.

Grandma began working with her CFCC therapist, practicing and becoming proficient in PCIT (Parent-Child Interaction Therapy) skills. After 10 months, Lily no longer has tantrums every day, is doing well in school, follows directions at home, can focus and sustain her attention to tasks.

At the end of therapy, Grandma said, "This program is one of the best programs for a child or me. It has helped me so much handle situations with my child. It has made me much calmer."

Steffie, age 12, is receiving trauma therapy with a CFCC therapist for repeated incidents of sexual abuse by a friend’s stepfather. Prior to therapy, she was experiencing high levels of anxiety and was often quite guarded and reserved in sessions at the beginning.

With the support of her therapist and in the safe environment of Center for Child Counseling, she began working on her trauma narrative - with excellent results Although the narrative is not complete yet, she reports feeling as though a weight has been lifted off her shoulders. She also felt empowered to write a letter to her abuser where she was expressive, stood up for herself, and stood up for others going through the same type of abuse.

She reports that this process, although uncomfortable and difficult, is helping her overcome the adversity she has faced.


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