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Six Suggestions to Spark a Spectacular School Year


Originally published by The lnternational Educator (TIE) on September 13, 2023. https://www.tieonline.com/article/3559/six-suggestions-to-spark-a-spectacular-school-year

After several stormy seasons of unsettled school life, the task of establishing a halcyon educational haven and removing the mask of scholastic uncertainty continues. Accessing tailor-made technology, tapping into technological know-how, and curating current, forward-thinking curricula, which includes considering innovative approaches to infusing artificial intelligence (AI), has become paramount. How can educators continue to whet students’ appetites for standards-based educational sustenance? Perhaps equally important, which prudent path should school leaders pursue to perennially reimagine learning? Here are six methods to motivate students and spark a spectacular start to the de novo school year.

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