16 minute read

Appendix 3: Summary of Policies and Survey Responses for Top 20 Restaurants Serving Beef

Appendix 3: Summary of Policies and Survey Responses for Top 20 Restaurants Serving Beef [Updated 7/5/21]

Information in this Appendix concerning company ownership, number of restaurant locations and sales of fast food restaurant companies comes from Restaurant Business “2020 Top 500 Chains”96 and/or company websites. Companies are listed in order of total 2019 sales, in dollars. Information concerning companies’ antibiotics policies and other policies comes from companies’ responses to the survey, follow up emails, public statements made by the companies, and/or efforts by the report’s authors to locate such policies online. The report’s authors encourage restaurant chains to contact them directly with additional information concerning antibiotics and/or meat sourcing policies, and to make such information publicly available.


1. McDonald’s

Owned by: McDonald’s Corporation (NYSE: MCD) Corporate headquarters: 110 N Carpenter St, Chicago, IL 60607 CEO: Chris Kempczinski

Number of U.S. Locations: 13,846 2019 U.S. Sales: $40.41 billion Returned the Survey: Yes Information concerning beef sourcing as reported in disclosed policies, public statements, publicly available information or correspondence with the authors:

Antibiotics Policies: Overall policy: https://corporate.mcdonalds.com/corpmcd/our-purpose-and-impact/food-quality-and-sourcing/ responsible-antibiotic-use.html

Beef Specific Policy:


“Routine use of medically important antibiotics for prevention of disease is not permitted. Medically important antibiotics for human medicine are not permitted for the prevention of infectious diseases in food-producing animals in McDonald’s Supply Chain except in the following narrowly-defined non-routine situation: Based upon the determination of a qualified veterinarian familiar with the disease history in the herd, non-routine prevention uses may be permitted if there is a high risk of contraction of a particular infectious disease...

Implementation Strategy and Timeline:

By the end of 2020, we will establish market-specific reduction targets for medically important antibiotics, based

on our pilot findings.

Starting in 2022 – we will be reporting progress against antibiotic reduction targets across our top 10 beef

sourcing markets.”

McDonald’s failed to meet the goal to set market-specific reductions by the end of 2020. Antibiotic use monitoring in beef:

McDonalds “partnered with FAI Farms in Oxford, UK, which collects and checks data independent of McDonald’s in relation to antibiotic use within our beef supply chain during our pilot test.”97

Third Party Antibiotics Audits for Beef:

Not reported beyond data sharing as part of pilots described above.

2. Starbucks

Owned by: Starbucks Corporation (NASDAQ: SBUX) Corporate headquarters: 2401 Utah Ave S, Suite 800, Seattle, WA 98134 CEO: Kevin Johnson

Number of U.S. Locations: 15,049 2019 U.S. Sales: $21.38 billion Returned the Survey: No Information concerning meat sourcing as reported in disclosed policies, public statements, publicly available information or correspondence with the authors:

Antibiotics Policy: https://stories.starbucks.com/press/2018/animal-welfare-friendly-practices/ Mentions serving only poultry that was raised without the eliminating routine use of medically important antibiotics but has no similar policy for beef. The welfare policy states the following is a focus but does not indicate any related action: “Supporting the responsible use of antibiotics to promote animal health, including the elimination of routine uses, such as growth promotion and routine disease prevention, of medically important antibiotics.”98

Monitoring for Antibiotic Use and Third-Party Antibiotics Audits:

None found


3. Taco Bell

Owned by: Yum! Brands, Inc. (NYSE: YUM) Corporate headquarters: 1 Glen Bell Way, Irvine, CA 92618 CEO: Mark King

Number of U.S. Locations: 6,766 2019 U.S. Sales: $11.29 billion Returned the Survey: Yes Information concerning meat sourcing as reported in disclosed policies, public statements, publicly available information or correspondence with the authors:

Antibiotics Policies: Overall policy: Https://www.yum.com/wps/wcm/connect/yumbrands/2db663b1-31c9-4637-96d7-7fbc72cb9d94/GoodAntimicrobial-Stewardship.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CVID=n8OZWde Beef Specific Policy: https://www.tacobell.com/faq/our-purpose-food

“Building upon its commitment to making its beef more sustainable from January 2019, Taco Bell has committed to reduce antibiotics important to human health* in its U.S. and Canada beef supply chain by 25% by 2025.”

Monitoring for Antibiotic Use and Third-Party Antibiotics Audits:

None reported in survey response.

4. Subway

Owned by: Doctor’s Associates Inc. Corporate headquarters: 325 Sub Way, Millford, CT 06461 CEO: John Chidsey.

Number of U.S. Locations: 23,801 2019 U.S. Sales: $10.20 billion Returned the Survey: Yes Information concerning meat sourcing as reported in disclosed policies, public statements, publicly available information or correspondence with the authors: Antibiotics Policy:

Overall Policy: https://www.subway.com/-/media/_SubwayV2/ResponsibilityPage/Docs/Subway-Global-AntibioticsPolicy.pdf “Suppliers will be required to eliminate the use of all classes of “medically important antimicrobials” as defined by the WHO for preventative purposes when disease has not yet been clinically diagnosed.” Subway has committed to transition all meats to this policy by 2025 with poultry already compliant.99 Beef specific policy: Subway has no beef specific policy but beef is covered by the general policy.

Monitoring for Antibiotic Use and Third-Party Antibiotics Audits:

None reported in survey response


5. Burger King

Owned by: Restaurant Brands International (NYSE: QSR) Corporate headquarters: 5505 Blue Lagoon Drive, Miami, FL 33126 CEO: José Cil

Number of U.S. Locations: 7,346 2019 U.S. Sales: $10.20 billion Returned the Survey: No Information concerning meat sourcing as reported in disclosed policies, public statements, publicly available information or correspondence with the authors:

Antibiotics Policy: https://www.rbi.com/sustainability/responsible-sourcing/animal-welfares/ Beef specific policy: Restaurant Brands International (parent company of Burger King, Popeyes and Tim Hortons) states on its website: “In 2020 we engaged industry experts and suppliers to expand our policy related to antibiotics use in beef cattle and dairy cows. Our next step is to develop a strategy and timeline for implementation. By expanding this policy, our goal is to measure and understand the current use of antibiotics in the beef supply chain of each brand, and implement targets to reduce the use of antibiotics important to human medicine* in our supply chain and to end animal care practises that lead to their overuse.”

Monitoring for Antibiotic Use and Third-Party Antibiotics Audits:

None found for Beef.

6. Wendy’s

Owned by: The Wendy’s Company (NASDAQ: WEN) Corporate headquarters: 1 Dave Thomas Blvd, Dublin, OH 43017 CEO: Todd A. Penegor

Number of U.S. Locations: 5,852 2019 U.S. Sales: $9.76 billion Returned the Survey: Yes Information concerning meat sourcing as reported in disclosed policies, public statements, publicly available information or correspondence with the authors: Antibiotics Policy:

https://www.wendys.com/csr-what-we-value/food/responsible-sourcing/animal-welfare/antibiotic-use-policy “In 2016, Wendy’s set a long-term goal to phase out the routine use of medically important antibiotics within our protein supply chain. Since then, we have been actively working alongside our Wendy’s Animal Welfare Council and supplier partners to find ways to meaningfully reduce antibiotic use while still allowing for the treatment of animals when they get sick.”

Beef Specific Policy: “By the end of 2030 100% of our U.S. and Canadian beef, chicken and pork will be sourced from suppliers that prohibit the routine use of medically important antibiotics”100

Monitoring for Antibiotic Use and Third-Party Antibiotics Audits:

“By the end of 2024 Through the Wendy’s Animal Care Standards Program, we will map and report on the use of medically important antibiotics and will set targets and strategies to reduce the use of those antibiotics over time within our beef and pork supply chains in the U.S. and Canada.”101


7. Domino’s

Owned by: Domino’s Pizza, Inc. (NASDAQ: DPZ) Corporate headquarters: 30 Frank Lloyd Wright Dr, Ann Arbor, MI 48105 CEO: Richard E. Allison Jr.

Number of U.S. Locations: 6,126 2019 U.S. Sales: $7.04 billion Returned the Survey: No Information concerning meat sourcing as reported in disclosed policies, public statements, publicly available information or correspondence with the authors: Antibiotics Policy:


Beef and Pork: “We intend to transition to pork and beef sourced from animals raised without the routine use of medically-important antibiotics for disease prevention purposes once a sufficient supply of such pork and beef is available in the U.S. market from suppliers who satisfy our food safety, quality, cost and other product standards, and who can demonstrate their ability to reliably source and distribute these products with appropriate business continuity measures.”102

Monitoring for Antibiotic Use and Third-Party Antibiotics Audits:

None found for Beef.

8. Panera Bread

Owned by: JAB Holding Company Corporate headquarters: 3630 S Geyer Rd Ste #100, St Louis, MO 63127 CEO: Niren Chaudhary

Number of U.S. Locations: 2,160 2019 U.S. Sales: $5.89 billion Returned the Survey: Yes Information concerning meat sourcing as reported in disclosed policies, public statements, publicly available information or correspondence with the authors: Antibiotics Policy:

https://www-beta.panerabread.com/content/dam/panerabread/integrated-web-content/documents/animal-welfare-ourbeliefs-12-20-2016.pdf “We only allow use of non-medically important antibiotics only for disease treatment under the care of a veterinarian.”103

Beef Specific Policy: “Panera’s 2019 Animal Welfare Progress Update 99% of our beef 3.9M pounds grass-fed andfinished beef”104

Monitoring for Antibiotic Use: “While our supplier of fully cooked beef does not report these to us, their raw material supplier does track doses and dates given for every animal. This is reported for each animal through the AU National Vendor Declaration as our product currently is all from Australia.”105

Third Party Antibiotics Audits:

None reported for Beef


9. Pizza Hut

Owned by: Yum! Brands (NYSE: YUM) Corporate headquarters: 7100 Corporate Dr, Plano, TX CEO: Interim President Kevin Hochman

Number of U.S. Locations: 7,306 2019 U.S. Sales: $5.56 billion Returned the Survey: No Information concerning meat sourcing as reported in disclosed policies, public statements, publicly available information or correspondence with the authors: Antibiotics Policy:

Overall Policy: “Currently, all of our U.S. brands follow U.S. Food and Drug Administration guidelines for antibiotic use in food animals and none of our U.S. brands source from suppliers who use antibiotics to promote growth. Taco Bell U.S. and Pizza Hut U.S. (on chicken for its pizza) have met public commitments to remove antibiotics important to human medicine from our U.S. poultry supply chain.”106 Beef Specific Policy: None found

Monitoring for Antibiotic Use and Third-Party Antibiotics Audits:

None found for beef.

10. Chipotle

Owned by: Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. (NYSE: CMG) Corporate headquarters: 610 Newport Center Drive, Suite 1300, Newport Beach, CA 926601401 Wynkoop St #500 Denver, CO 80202 CEO: Brian Niccol

Number of U.S. Locations: 2,584 2019 U.S. Sales: $5.51 billion Returned the Survey: Yes Information concerning meat sourcing as reported in disclosed policies, public statements, publicly available information or correspondence with the authors: Antibiotics Policy:

Overall policy: “Chipotle is dedicated to the avoidance of antibiotics for prophylactic, or preventative, use. We do not allow subtherapeutic antibiotic use for any animals in our meat supply chain.”107 Beef specific policy: “In 2020, 100% of our chicken and beef came from suppliers meeting the No Antibiotics Ever standard.”108

Monitoring for Antibiotic Use and Third-Party Antibiotics Audits:

Chipotle conducts a combination of internal and third-party audits to confirm compliance with No Antibiotics Ever policy. For beef, this requires suppliers to monitor antibiotic use to ensure that meat from treated animals is not supplied to Chipotle. 109


11. Sonic

Owned by: Inspire Brands (NASDAQ: SONC) Corporate headquarters: 300 Johnny Bench Dr, Oklahoma City, OK 73104 CEO: J. Clifford Hudson

Number of U.S. Locations: 3,526 2019 U.S. Sales: $4.69 billion Returned the Survey: No Information concerning meat sourcing as reported in disclosed policies, public statements, publicly available information or correspondence with the authors:

Antibiotics Policy: https://corporate.sonicdrivein.com/animal-welfare/. Overall Policy: “Effective January 2017, poultry suppliers should only administer antimicrobial drugs to animals for the prevention, control and treatment of disease. Animals will be treated when necessary for animal welfare. Use of antibiotics that are medically important to humans, for the sole purpose of growth promotion is strictly prohibited.”110 Author’s note: Sonic’s current antibiotic use standard essentially reiterates current FDA guidelines, and is not considered to be a meaningful antibiotic use policy. Beef specific policy: None found

Monitoring for Antibiotic Use and Third-Party Antibiotics Audits:

None found.

12. Olive Garden

Owned by: Darden Restaurants, Inc. (NASDAQ: DRI) Corporate headquarters: 1000 Darden Center Dr, Orlando, FL 32837 CEO: Dan Kiernan

Number of U.S. Locations: 866 2018 U.S. Sales: $4.29 billion Returned the Survey: No Information concerning meat sourcing as reported in disclosed policies, public statements, publicly available information or correspondence with the authors:

Antibiotics Policy: https://darden.com/citizenship/plate/sourcing Overall Policy: “Darden requires its suppliers to comply with the FDA guidelines which recommend that antibiotics that are important in human medicine no longer be used with farm animals for growth purposes, and shared-class antibiotics (i.e., those used both humans and animals) only be used to treat, prevent and control disease in farm animals under the supervision of a veterinarian.”111 Author’s note: Olive Garden’s current antibiotic use standard essentially reiterates current FDA guidelines, and is not considered to be a meaningful antibiotic use policy. Beef specific policy: None found

Monitoring for Antibiotic Use and Third-Party Antibiotics Audits:

None found


13. Applebee’s

Owned by: Dine Brands Global (NYSE: DIN) Corporate headquarters: 450 N Brand Blvd, Glendale, CA 91203 CEO: John Peyton

Number of U.S. Locations: 1,665 2019 U.S. Sales: $4.09 billion Returned the Survey: Yes

Author’s note: Dine Brand Global responded jointly for both of its brands Applebee’s and IHOP so antibiotic information for each chain is the same.

Information concerning meat sourcing as reported in disclosed policies, public statements, publicly available information or correspondence with the authors:

Antibiotics Policy: https://www.dinebrands.com/en/social-responsibility/animal-welfare Overall Policy: “We support animal production practices that reduce, and, where possible, eliminate the need for antibiotic therapies in food animals by adoption of best practices and /or new practices. Treating sick and injured animals and controlling an identified disease outbreak under veterinary supervision is important and are the only reasons for use of medically important antibiotics. We continue to work with our suppliers so that antibiotics are used judiciously, and their effectiveness maintained.”112

Beef specific policy: “Supplier progress of the percentage of animals raised without use of medically important antibiotics except for treatment of sick and injured animals or controlling an identified disease outbreak under veterinary supervision: 7% Beef” Monitoring for Antibiotic Use: “As part of our policy our goal is to develop a tracking tool to more accurately measure supplier antibiotic reduction progress by the end of 2021.”113 Third Party Antibiotics Audits: “We will require annual third-party auditing and ask our chicken, pork and beef suppliers to track and report to us their antibiotic use for meat supplied to us. We have begun reporting progress as noted below and will continue to do so.”114

14. Panda Express

Owned by: Panda Restaurant Group Corporate headquarters: 1683 Walnut Grove Avenue, Rosemead, CA 91770 CEO: Andrew Cherng

Number of U.S. Locations: 2,209 2019 U.S. Sales: $3.95 billion Returned the Survey: No Information concerning meat sourcing as reported in disclosed policies, public statements, publicly available information or correspondence with the authors: Antibiotics Policy:

No published policy available. Panda Express serves “chicken raised without antibiotics for select items.”115

Monitoring for Antibiotic Use and Third-Party Antibiotics Audits: Third Party Antibiotics Audits:

None found


15. Arby’s

Owned by: Inspire Brands Corporate headquarters: 1155 Perimeter Center West, 12th Floor, Atlanta, GA 30338 CEO: Jim Taylor

Number of U.S. Locations: 3,359 2019 U.S. Sales: $3.88 billion Returned the Survey: No Information concerning meat sourcing as reported in disclosed policies, public statements, publicly available information or correspondence with the authors:

Antibiotics Policy: https://impact.inspirebrands.com/sustainability/ Overall Policy: “Our brands also follow all applicable FDA guidelines related to antibiotic use. This includes the judicious use of antibiotics, under the supervision of a veterinarian, to prevent or treat illness in the animals.”116 Author’s note: Arby’s current antibiotic use standard essentially reiterates current FDA guidelines, and is not considered to be a meaningful antibiotic use policy. Beef specific policy: None found.

Monitoring for Antibiotic Use and Third-Party Antibiotics Audits:

None found.

16. Little Caesars Pizza

Owned by: Ilitch Holdings, Inc. Corporate headquarters: 2211 Woodward Ave, Detroit, MI 48201 CEO: David Scrivano

Number of U.S. Locations: 4,237 2019 U.S. Sales: $3.81 billion Returned the Survey: No Information concerning meat sourcing as reported in disclosed policies, public statements, publicly available information or correspondence with the authors: Antibiotics Policy:

No published policy available. Monitoring for Antibiotic Use and Third-Party Antibiotics Audits: None found


17. Dairy Queen

Owned by: International Dairy Queen, Inc. (owned by Berkshire Hathaway, Inc., NYSE: BRK) Corporate headquarters: 8000 Tower, Suite 700, 8331 Norman Center Drive, Bloomington, MN 55437 CEO: Troy Bader

Number of U.S. Locations: 4,381 2019 U.S. Sales: $3.76 billion Returned the Survey: No Information concerning meat sourcing as reported in disclosed policies, public statements, publicly available information or correspondence with the authors: Antibiotics Policy:

Dairy Queen refers to antibiotic use on a specific page on Chicken Welfare117 but has no general policy. Beef Specific policy: None found.

Monitoring for Antibiotic Use and Third-Party Antibiotics Audits:

None found.

18. Buffalo Wild Wings

Owned by: Inspire Brands Corporate headquarters: 5500 Wayzata Blvd #1600, Minneapolis, MN 55416 CEO: Lyle Tick

Number of U.S. Locations: 1,206 2019 U.S. Sales: $3.67 billion Returned the Survey: No Information concerning meat sourcing as reported in disclosed policies, public statements, publicly available information or correspondence with the authors:

Antibiotics Policy: https://impact.inspirebrands.com/sustainability/ Overall Policy: “Our brands also follow all applicable FDA guidelines related to antibiotic use. This includes the judicious use of antibiotics, under the supervision of a veterinarian, to prevent or treat illness in the animals.”118 Author’s note: Buffalo Wild Wings current antibiotic use standard essentially reiterates current FDA guidelines, and is not considered to be a meaningful antibiotic use policy. Beef specific policy: None found.

Monitoring for Antibiotic Use and Third-Party Antibiotics Audits:

None found.


19. Jack in the Box

Owned by: Jack in the Box Inc. (NASDAQ: JACK) Corporate headquarters: 9330 Balboa Ave, San Diego, CA 92123 CEO: Darin Harris

Number of U.S. Locations: 2,243 2019 U.S. Sales: $3.50 billion Returned the Survey: No Information concerning meat sourcing as reported in disclosed policies, public statements, publicly available information or correspondence with the authors:

Antibiotics Policy: https://s25.q4cdn.com/507451327/files/doc_downloads/safety/AW-03.15.2021.pdf Overall Policy: “We encourage continued research into the development of safe and ethical alternatives for the treatment of sick and injured animals, and we look forward to a time when antibiotics important to human medicine can be phased out of the food-supply chain.”119

Monitoring for Antibiotic Use and Third-Party Antibiotics Audits:

None found.

20. IHOP

Owned by: Dine Brands Global, Inc (NYSE: DIN) Corporate headquarters: 450 N Brand Blvd, 7th Floor, Glendale, CA 91203 CEO: John Peyton

Number of U.S. Locations: 1,710 2019 U.S. Sales: $3.27 billion Returned the Survey: Yes Information concerning meat sourcing as reported in disclosed policies, public statements, publicly available information or correspondence with the authors:

Antibiotics Policy: https://www.dinebrands.com/en/social-responsibility/animal-welfare Author’s note: Dine Brand Global responded jointly for both of its brands Applebee’s and IHOP so antibiotic information for each chain is the same. Overall Policy: “We support animal production practices that reduce, and, where possible, eliminate the need for antibiotic therapies in food animals by adoption of best practices and /or new practices. Treating sick and injured animals and controlling an identified disease outbreak under veterinary supervision is important and are the only reasons for use of medically important antibiotics. We continue to work with our suppliers so that antibiotics are used judiciously, and their effectiveness maintained.”120

Beef specific policy: “Supplier progress of the percentage of animals raised without use of medically important antibiotics except for treatment of sick and injured animals or controlling an identified disease outbreak under veterinary supervision: 7% Beef” Monitoring for Antibiotic Use: “As part of our policy our goal is to develop a tracking tool to more accurately measure supplier antibiotic reduction progress by the end of 2021.”121 Third Party Antibiotics Audits: “We will require annual third-party auditing and ask our chicken, pork and beef suppliers to track and report to us their antibiotic use for meat supplied to us. We have begun reporting progress as noted below and will continue to do so.”122

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